A message about the flag, coat of arms, anthem of Mexico, symbolism. The coat of arms of Mexico and its relationship with the word "chinampas"

The flag of Mexico is a rectangular panel with an aspect ratio of 4:7, consisting of three equal vertical stripes - green, white and red. In the center of the white stripe is the image of the coat of arms of Mexico. The green color of the flag represents hope as well as the abundance of good soil in Mexico. White symbolizes purity, red - the blood shed for the independence of the country. According to Aztec legend, the god Huitzilopochtli predicted to the Aztecs, who were looking for land to live, that they should find an eagle sitting on a rocky spot on top of a nopal cactus, devouring a snake. And when they found this eagle, they settled there, and erected the first temple there in honor of their patron god Huitzilopochtli. And it is this eagle that is depicted in the middle of the flag. The flag was adopted on September 16, 1968.

One of the national symbols of Mexico, in addition to the coat of arms, is the flag. It appeared after the victory in the Revolutionary War. Until this time, standards were used that represented not only different cultures, but also individual troops, regions, etc.

These colored emblems were crafted with great care and care, and were decorated with gold and the feathers of beautiful birds, such as the quetzal (the sacred bird of the Aztecs).

After the conquest, the Spaniards brought their banners and standards to the New World, most of which depicted religious images.

Don Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, having begun the struggle for independence on September 16, 1810, chose a canvas depicting the Holy Virgin of Guadalupe as the banner of the rebels. A little later, in 1815, the Supreme Congress, held in Michiokan, issued a decree according to which three banners were adopted: military, parliamentary and commercial.

The rebel war banner had white and blue squares, arranged like a chessboard, and was bordered in red. In the center of the banner was an eagle sitting on a prickly pear. This was the sign most often used by Don José Maria Morelos and Pavon in the battles for the country's independence.

Other rebel leaders used their own banners. Thus, between 1812 and 1817, the troops of Nicolas Bravo and Guadalupe Victoria used a banner of three colors: green, white and red. Later, on February 24, 1821, the first national flag was created with the following characteristics: three diagonal stripes, one of which is red with a white star; the other is green with a red star; the third is white with a green star.

On the central stripe there was a gilded imperial crown and the words: "Religion, Independence and Unity." White symbolized religion, green symbolized independence and red symbolized the unity of all Mexicans. This banner was called the "banner of three guarantees."

Until November 2, 1821, the colors of the flag were used in different orders, until the Provisional Government fixed their final arrangement: three vertical stripes of green, white and red, on the central stripe - an eagle perched on a prickly pear, whose head is decorated with a crown.

After the establishment of a republican regime in Mexico, on April 14, 1823, the Constitutional Congress decreed that the official flag should have three vertical stripes: green, white and red, an image of an eagle without a crown, as well as laurel and oak branches at the bottom.

These elements have been preserved since then, although the eagle was depicted in different positions: in profile, in front. One such change occurred on April 10, 1865, when Emperor Maximilian moved the eagle to a front view and the symbol of the imperial crown was reintroduced into use.

Later, in 1880, President Porfirio Diaz decided that the eagle should have open wings in the French style and the crown disappeared again.

When Don Venustiano Carranza took over the reins of government of the country after the defeat of the usurper Victoriano Huerta, he decided to use the Indian elements that made up the national coat of arms and, on this occasion, issued a decree on September 20, 1916, according to which the eagle was to be depicted in profile (view left), located on a prickly pear, which grows from a stone surrounded by water, and decorated with oak and laurel branches below.

Currently, the national flag of Mexico is rectangular in shape and divided vertically into three equal parts of green, white and red with the national coat of arms in the middle.

Most of the symbols of the Mexican coat of arms are associated with an ancient legend. In search of the most suitable land for habitation, the Aztec tribes, led by four high priests, wandered through the territory that is part of modern Mexico. And then, one day, they went out to the shores of a large lake and saw in front of them an island where an eagle sat on a prickly pear (a plant of the cactus family) and pecked at a caught snake. This was a sign from Huitzilopochtli, one of the supreme gods of the Aztecs, which meant that from that moment on, wanderings should stop and one should finally settle in this place. So in 1325 the city of Tenochtitlan was founded, which later became the center of the Aztec empire.

Eagle: symbolized the sun, to which the Aztecs attached great importance and believed that it gave light and life. It was considered a magical bird whose flight is close to the sun.

The snake: like the eagle, was considered a magical animal by the Indians and has been worshiped since ancient times throughout Mesoamerica. In Aztec mythology it had a double meaning: creation and destruction, it could kill, but it could also cure.

"El nopal" (a type of prickly pear, cactus family) is a sacred plant for the Indians. The Aztecs associated the red flowers of this plant with the human heart, which was intended for the sun (the eagle was considered the symbol of the sun). The human heart contains blood, which according to Aztec beliefs is the only thing that keeps the sun alive and keeps it moving, giving life.

Island - The symbolic image on the coat of arms of Mexico refers to the island on Lake Texcoco, also called "lake of the moon", where the Aztecs saw an eagle devouring a snake.

Oak branch - in European culture represents power, physical and spiritual strength and was placed on the coat of arms under the influence of European culture.

The laurel branch - in ancient culture symbolized victory, achieved triumph. Just like an oak branch is a sign of European culture.

Mexican national anthem

Mexicans at the Roar of War
Prepare the steel, the horse and the road, and
Let the earth tremble all the way to the center,
In the echoing roar of guns.

1. Ciña O Motherland! Your whiskey is olive
Peace divine archangel,
Whose eternal path is destiny in the sky
inscribed with the Finger of God.
But if the enemy dares a stranger
To defile your lands with my invasion,
He will understand, oh dear, he is like heaven
He gives you a soldier in every son.

2. In bloody battles you find them
Feeling your love with all my heart,
Face the shrapnel calmly,
To seek glorious death or immortality.
After all, the memory of the deeds of brave ancestors
Your children's minds are on fire,
Their victories make up your appearance,
Immortal in your adornment.

3. A sword of lightning destroys an oak tree, even if it is made of stone.
And the power perishes in the depths of the stream,
The impotence of disagreement has been defeated,
It will fall to dust under the feet of an angel.
There will be no more blood of brave children,
Henceforth it will be fought in internecine fights between brothers;
Let him alone meet steel in the hands of the mighty
Who will insult the holy name of the Motherland?

4. Immortal formidable warrior Zempoala
What protects us with a terrible sword,
Holding him with an invincible hand,
And your sacred, your tricolor banner.
Fortunately, he is your forever Mexican
In both peace and war he is the leader.
After all, his weapon gained shine
Soaring, circling in the fields of courage and honor.

5. War, war, no peace for those who dare
The honor of the Motherland, the honor of an angel to stain
War, war, fatherland banners
In their waves, soak in our blood.
War, war. In the mountains, in the valleys,
The trunks roar through kilometers, years,
And the echo resonates with the cry
Their formidable voices are the Union! Freedom!

6. Of old, Motherland, whose children are unarmed,
Your yoke is merciless, their necks are bent,
Your fields are soaked in their blood,
And the blood bears the stamp of the enemy's feet.
And your temples, and palaces, and towers
They were demolished everywhere with a terrible roar,
So that only the ruins of power repeat:
That you were heroes in your homeland.

7. When going to battle with enemy troops,
Military trumpets are calling us,
And Iturbide the sacred banner is with us
O Mexicans, brave ones arise.
And saddle your faithful horses
Let the banners defeated by the carpet fall;
Let the laurel of triumph decorate with shadow
The beautiful face of a brave leader.

8. Return proudly to your father’s hearths,
Warriors with songs of victory,
And overshadowed by the palm of glory
Skillfully won in battle.
Let your bloody laurels
They will enter into wreaths, garlands of roses and myrtle,
Those who love us with their daughters and wives,
They know how to reward the feat of the brave.

9. And who, with the blow of fiery shrapnel,
He will die on the altar for his homeland,
Will receive both a reward and a grave
Where sparkling, eternal glory light,
And, equally, teaching sacred love
His bloody sword will bind them together
With an immortal laurel crown.
The sword of light and love is a grave cross.

10. Fatherland, Motherland! Your children swear
Give you my last breath
If the battle horn strikes with a sound,
Calling brave men to fight.
Olive garlands for you!
Glory to them!
Laurel of victory for you!
A grave of honor for them!

The modern flag and coat of arms of Mexico were adopted in the second half of the 20th century, but they appeared as symbols of this region much earlier. For Mexicans, they carry enormous cultural and even religious significance, and also characterize the natural features of the country.

Mexican United States

The state is located on the continent of North America and shares borders with the United States, Guatemala and Belize. Its western coast is washed by the Pacific Ocean, the Gulf of California, and its eastern coast is washed by the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico.

In the past, it was the land of the Aztecs, Mayans, Zapotecs and other civilizations that left a huge cultural mark on world history. In the 4th-9th centuries, powerful and rich cities were built on the territory of the country, science, agriculture, medicine, etc. developed. A large place was given to religious traditions and mythology, which were partly reflected in the modern national symbols of the state.

Today Mexico is an industrial-agrarian country. It produces oil, natural gas, sulfur, iron ore, antimony, mercury, and grows fruits, soybeans, beans, wheat, coffee and corn.

The population speaks Spanish, which came here with European colonists. About 30% of local residents are descendants of Indians, 9% are white, and the mixed population or mestizos make up more than 60%.

Mexico's landscapes include highlands, volcanoes, mountain ranges and deserts. It combines hot and dry areas with zones of lagoons and tropical thickets. In the south of the country, vast areas are occupied by thorny bushes and agaves, cacti and succulents grow in the deserts of the northeast, and evergreen moist forests cover the western coast.

Description of the coat of arms of Mexico

The state emblem was adopted and approved on September 16, 1968. The author of its latest version was the famous Mexican artist and sculptor Francisco Eppens Helguera.

The coat of arms of Mexico depicts the caracara bird, or carancha, as the locals call it. She stands on a prickly pear plant, a Mexican cactus, with one foot and holds a rattlesnake with the other. The bird's wings are raised up, and its beak holds the snake near its neck.

The cactus grows on a small platform located in the middle of a blue patch of water, which apparently symbolizes an island in the middle of a salt lake. The coat of arms of Mexico is framed by green branches on the right with laurel leaves, and on the left with oak leaves. At the bottom they are tied with a ribbon in the colors of the national flag. In some versions, the top of the coat of arms is framed by the inscription in Spanish: Estados Unidos Mexicanos, which translates as “United Mexican States.”

The symbols on the coat of arms of Mexico are, of course, not accidental. They have enormous cultural significance for the local population and are also associated with the legends of the country’s indigenous inhabitants, the Aztecs. Currently, the head of the caracara is turned to the left. This has been the case since the 14th century. However, for several years the bird turned its head to the right.

Aztec legend

Seeing the coat of arms of the Indian tribes, Europeans immediately associated it with the typical plot of the victory of good over evil. But for the Aztecs themselves, it meant much more and told about the founding of the great and prosperous city of Tenochtitlan.

According to local myths, the sun god Huitzilopochtli once appeared to the Indians and ordered them to look for a new place to live. They were supposed to establish a settlement where they saw an eagle with a snake in its beak, sitting on a cactus. Before finding it, the Aztecs walked around South America for more than two hundred years.

They saw an eagle, a cactus and a snake in 1325 on the shore of an island in the middle of the salt lake Texcoco. Here the Aztecs founded a city that grew over time by 14 square meters. km. Now in its place is the capital of the state, Mexico City, which is the largest Spanish-speaking city in the world.

The bird on the coat of arms of Mexico is often called the golden eagle, but in fact it is an ordinary caracara from the falcon family. It has a red beak with a gray spot at the end, its face and chest are red or yellowish, and the top of its head is black.

Mexico flag

The national flag was adopted on the same day as the coat of arms. Over the long history of the country, it has changed about ten times. The very first flag lasted about 250 years. This was the colonial banner of New Spain.

The modern flag of Mexico is a tricolor with the coat of arms in the middle. Its sides are related to each other as 4:7. It is divided into three equal vertical stripes: green, white and red.

According to general heraldic traditions, green means hope. Mexico is an agricultural country, so green on its flag also symbolizes rich and fertile lands. The white stripe is a sign of purity and nobility. The color red is a sign of struggle and a symbol of the blood that local residents shed to defend their independence.

The flag of Mexico is a rectangular panel with an aspect ratio of 4:7, consisting of three equal vertical stripes - green, white and red. In the center of the white stripe is the image of the coat of arms of Mexico. The green color of the flag represents hope as well as the abundance of good soil in Mexico. White symbolizes purity, red - the blood shed for the independence of the country. According to Aztec legend, the god Huitzilopochtli predicted to the Aztecs, who were looking for land to live, that they should find an eagle sitting on a rocky spot on top of a nopal cactus, devouring a snake. And when they found this eagle, they settled there, and erected the first temple there in honor of their patron god Huitzilopochtli. And it is this eagle that is depicted in the middle of the flag. The flag was adopted on September 16, 1968.

One of the national symbols of Mexico, in addition to the coat of arms, is the flag. It appeared after the victory in the Revolutionary War. Until this time, standards were used that represented not only different cultures, but also individual troops, regions, etc.

These colored emblems were crafted with great care and care, and were decorated with gold and the feathers of beautiful birds, such as the quetzal (the sacred bird of the Aztecs).

After the conquest, the Spaniards brought their banners and standards to the New World, most of which depicted religious images.

Don Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, having begun the struggle for independence on September 16, 1810, chose a canvas depicting the Holy Virgin of Guadalupe as the banner of the rebels. A little later, in 1815, the Supreme Congress, held in Michiokan, issued a decree according to which three banners were adopted: military, parliamentary and commercial.

The rebel war banner had white and blue squares, arranged like a chessboard, and was bordered in red. In the center of the banner was an eagle sitting on a prickly pear. This was the sign most often used by Don José Maria Morelos and Pavon in the battles for the country's independence.

Other rebel leaders used their own banners. Thus, between 1812 and 1817, the troops of Nicolas Bravo and Guadalupe Victoria used a banner of three colors: green, white and red. Later, on February 24, 1821, the first national flag was created with the following characteristics: three diagonal stripes, one of which is red with a white star; the other is green with a red star; the third is white with a green star.

On the central stripe there was a gilded imperial crown and the words: "Religion, Independence and Unity." White symbolized religion, green symbolized independence and red symbolized the unity of all Mexicans. This banner was called the "banner of three guarantees."

Until November 2, 1821, the colors of the flag were used in different orders, until the Provisional Government fixed their final arrangement: three vertical stripes of green, white and red, on the central stripe - an eagle perched on a prickly pear, whose head is decorated with a crown.

After the establishment of a republican regime in Mexico, on April 14, 1823, the Constitutional Congress decreed that the official flag should have three vertical stripes: green, white and red, an image of an eagle without a crown, as well as laurel and oak branches at the bottom.

These elements have been preserved since then, although the eagle was depicted in different positions: in profile, in front. One such change occurred on April 10, 1865, when Emperor Maximilian moved the eagle to a front view and the symbol of the imperial crown was reintroduced into use.

Later, in 1880, President Porfirio Diaz decided that the eagle should have open wings in the French style and the crown disappeared again.

When Don Venustiano Carranza took over the reins of government of the country after the defeat of the usurper Victoriano Huerta, he decided to use the Indian elements that made up the national coat of arms and, on this occasion, issued a decree on September 20, 1916, according to which the eagle was to be depicted in profile (view left), located on a prickly pear, which grows from a stone surrounded by water, and decorated with oak and laurel branches below.

Currently, the national flag of Mexico is rectangular in shape and divided vertically into three equal parts of green, white and red with the national coat of arms in the middle.

Most of the symbols of the Mexican coat of arms are associated with an ancient legend. In search of the most suitable land for habitation, the Aztec tribes, led by four high priests, wandered through the territory that is part of modern Mexico. And then, one day, they went out to the shores of a large lake and saw in front of them an island where an eagle sat on a prickly pear (a plant of the cactus family) and pecked at a caught snake. This was a sign from Huitzilopochtli, one of the supreme gods of the Aztecs, which meant that from that moment on, wanderings should stop and one should finally settle in this place. So in 1325 the city of Tenochtitlan was founded, which later became the center of the Aztec empire.

Eagle: symbolized the sun, to which the Aztecs attached great importance and believed that it gave light and life. It was considered a magical bird whose flight is close to the sun.

The snake: like the eagle, was considered a magical animal by the Indians and has been worshiped since ancient times throughout Mesoamerica. In Aztec mythology it had a double meaning: creation and destruction, it could kill, but it could also cure.

"El nopal" (a type of prickly pear, cactus family) is a sacred plant for the Indians. The Aztecs associated the red flowers of this plant with the human heart, which was intended for the sun (the eagle was considered the symbol of the sun). The human heart contains blood, which according to Aztec beliefs is the only thing that keeps the sun alive and keeps it moving, giving life.

Island - The symbolic image on the coat of arms of Mexico refers to the island on Lake Texcoco, also called "lake of the moon", where the Aztecs saw an eagle devouring a snake.

Oak branch - in European culture represents power, physical and spiritual strength and was placed on the coat of arms under the influence of European culture.

The laurel branch - in ancient culture symbolized victory, achieved triumph. Just like an oak branch is a sign of European culture.

Mexican national anthem

Mexicans at the Roar of War
Prepare the steel, the horse and the road, and
Let the earth tremble all the way to the center,
In the echoing roar of guns.

1. Ciña O Motherland! Your whiskey is olive
Peace divine archangel,
Whose eternal path is destiny in the sky
inscribed with the Finger of God.
But if the enemy dares a stranger
To defile your lands with my invasion,
He will understand, oh dear, he is like heaven
He gives you a soldier in every son.

2. In bloody battles you find them
Feeling your love with all my heart,
Face the shrapnel calmly,
To seek glorious death or immortality.
After all, the memory of the deeds of brave ancestors
Your children's minds are on fire,
Their victories make up your appearance,
Immortal in your adornment.

3. A sword of lightning destroys an oak tree, even if it is made of stone.
And the power perishes in the depths of the stream,
The impotence of disagreement has been defeated,
It will fall to dust under the feet of an angel.
There will be no more blood of brave children,
Henceforth it will be fought in internecine fights between brothers;
Let him alone meet steel in the hands of the mighty
Who will insult the holy name of the Motherland?

4. Immortal formidable warrior Zempoala
What protects us with a terrible sword,
Holding him with an invincible hand,
And your sacred, your tricolor banner.
Fortunately, he is your forever Mexican
In both peace and war he is the leader.
After all, his weapon gained shine
Soaring, circling in the fields of courage and honor.

5. War, war, no peace for those who dare
The honor of the Motherland, the honor of an angel to stain
War, war, fatherland banners
In their waves, soak in our blood.
War, war. In the mountains, in the valleys,
The trunks roar through kilometers, years,
And the echo resonates with the cry
Their formidable voices are the Union! Freedom!

6. Of old, Motherland, whose children are unarmed,
Your yoke is merciless, their necks are bent,
Your fields are soaked in their blood,
And the blood bears the stamp of the enemy's feet.
And your temples, and palaces, and towers
They were demolished everywhere with a terrible roar,
So that only the ruins of power repeat:
That you were heroes in your homeland.

7. When going to battle with enemy troops,
Military trumpets are calling us,
And Iturbide the sacred banner is with us
O Mexicans, brave ones arise.
And saddle your faithful horses
Let the banners defeated by the carpet fall;
Let the laurel of triumph decorate with shadow
The beautiful face of a brave leader.

8. Return proudly to your father’s hearths,
Warriors with songs of victory,
And overshadowed by the palm of glory
Skillfully won in battle.
Let your bloody laurels
They will enter into wreaths, garlands of roses and myrtle,
Those who love us with their daughters and wives,
They know how to reward the feat of the brave.

9. And who, with the blow of fiery shrapnel,
He will die on the altar for his homeland,
Will receive both a reward and a grave
Where sparkling, eternal glory light,
And, equally, teaching sacred love
His bloody sword will bind them together
With an immortal laurel crown.
The sword of light and love is a grave cross.

10. Fatherland, Motherland! Your children swear
Give you my last breath
If the battle horn strikes with a sound,
Calling brave men to fight.
Olive garlands for you!
Glory to them!
Laurel of victory for you!
A grave of honor for them!

Freedom Bird
It is not known what is more in the life of this bird - luck or, conversely, misfortune. Indeed, throughout Latin America it is considered a sacred bird, with which many legends and beliefs are associated. This fact simultaneously saved and almost destroyed the bright bird. Both the Mayans and Aztecs considered the quetzal the patron of the air, a symbol of goodness, light, spring and plants, and depicted him next to the gods. To harm this bird was a terrible sin. Having seen the quetzal, they tried to please it - bring food, decorate the tree on which the nest is located. But pulling a few bright feathers from the tail was not considered harmful, and only the “highest ranks” of the tribe could decorate themselves with these feathers. But the Indians considered the quetzal a bird of freedom that wasted away in captivity, and they always released it. There is one beautiful legend associated with the quetzal. The Indian leader Tekut Uman fought with the conquistadors, and his patron, the quetzal, hovered above him. During the decisive battle, Tekut Uman was killed. And the quetzal fell dead on his bloody body. Since then, the Indians believe that the quetzal has a red breast. But when the conquistadors realized what this bird meant to the Indians, they began to hunt it. In addition, over the next few centuries, the territories in which the quetzal lived - tropical and mountain forests - continued to be developed. As a result, the bird almost disappeared, and today it is included in the Red Book of Central America. Finding a quetzal is not easy, despite its size (including its tail, it can reach 80 cm). However, this does not stop curious tourists who travel tens of kilometers along mountain paths to see the sacred bird. The quetzal lives in the territory from southern Mexico to Panama, usually high in the mountains, on the tops of trees. And his quiet chirping, as the Mayans say, still brings to us the speeches of the gods.

Mexican sombrero

The Mexican sombrero is Mexico's most recognizable piece of clothing. A sombrero is a colorful, wide-brimmed hat that combines many colors and shades. A real sombrero hat is made from straw, but in tourist areas you can find options made from velvet, fabric or wool. A sombrero is excellent protection from the scorching sun.


In childhood, almost everyone had these prickly hedgehogs growing on their windowsill, and many still have them growing now. Millions of crazy cactus collectors around the world grow them at home. Peter I brought cacti to Russia from Europe at the beginning of the 18th century. And a century later, the collection of the St. Petersburg Botanical Garden already numbered more than 1000 species. Their homeland, of course, is Mexico; scientists believe that it was from here that they spread throughout the American continent. About 1,000 species of cacti grow here, out of more than two thousand species found on the planet. The harsh conditions of the deserts and semi-deserts of northern Mexico and the southern United States forced the ancestors of these plants to lose their leaves, turning them into thorns, and they began to accumulate precious moisture in a thick, massive stem; for example, giant carnegias can hold up to two tons of water. In the Chihuahuan Desert, for example, only 300 mm of precipitation falls per year, which is half as much as in Moscow, and even then, most of it falls on the ground in the winter in the form of random snow. Cacti and succulents have many uses. The most obvious is decorative; unpretentious cacti will decorate any interior, and their flowers are considered one of the most beautiful. In addition to their decorative function, tall types of cacti are used as hedges. But perhaps the most widely used succulent plant in Mexico is various types of agave; entire fields are sown with it throughout the country. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, blue agave is used as a raw material for the production of tequila, and secondly, “sisal” is made from other types of agave - a fiber from which clothing and traditional Mexican blankets “tapetas” are made. Among other things, several species of cacti grow in Mexico, the fruits and stems of which are eaten. There is nothing exotic about it here; the spade-shaped stems of “nopales” are sold in bags in the markets and cost pennies. They have been eaten fresh, boiled, fried and pickled since humans appeared in Mexico. It is believed that nopal normalizes blood sugar levels and removes many toxins from the body. It is used in medicine to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The sweetish fruit of the same cactus “tuna” is also eaten - a juicy fruit of red, orange or yellowish color. Nopal and tuna are loved not only by Mexicans; they are also grown outside of Mexico, mostly in Italy and Israel, as well as in China. Nopal was even honored to be depicted on the national emblem of Mexico. In Mexico, not only edible cacti grow, but also hallucinogenic ones. In total, the Indians used about a dozen species of cacti for shamanic rituals, but the most famous of them is Lophophora Williamsi - “peyote”, also known as “peyote” in Indian dialects. This inconspicuous, thornless cactus grows in northern Mexico and Arizona and has been used for centuries by Native Americans not only to reach the world of spirits and ancestors, but also for healing. An interesting fact is that, according to Indian beliefs, such medicine can be taken by both the patient and the healer himself.

Tequila and Mezcal
Technically speaking, tequila is an alcoholic drink produced from various types of agave. But the Mexicans say that tequila is Mexico, because no other attribute embodies the essence of Mexican culture as much as this drink. Contrary to popular belief, agave is a succulent plant that, although it lives in the same conditions as cacti, is not one. Mezcal is also produced from agave, and it is in it that gusano is sometimes put, which, contrary to another popular belief, is not a worm, but a butterfly caterpillar that lives in the thickness and leaves of the agave. Before the appearance of the Spanish conquistadors on the American continent, the Indians had a tradition of making and drinking pulque, a drink made from fermented agave juice. In terms of alcohol content, pulque resembles beer, and the Indians used it during ritual ceremonies and holidays dedicated to the god Ometochtli. This sweetish, pulpy drink is still consumed today in some areas of Mexico, where there are special pulquería bars. The Spaniards, who mastered the technology of distillation, but were deprived of the usual vineyards, quickly adapted pulque to produce a stronger drink from it, which was initially called mezcal wine. The word tequila comes from the name of the locality of the same name in the state of Jalisco, where its production is still concentrated. Until the 19th century, all spirits made from agave were called mezcal or mescal wine, and the technology for their preparation differed little depending on the area. Today, genuine tequila is only a drink made 100% from agave exclusively in the state of Jalisco, just as not every brandy can be called cognac, since historically Cognac is a province in France. However, like the French, the Mexicans squandered the brand names and now tequila can be called any liquid that is obtained somewhere in Texas from imported agave distillate, which is diluted with anything. Having learned from bitter experience, the Mexican government patented the name “mezcal” internationally in 1994, so when you buy mexal, you can be sure that it is produced exclusively in the state of Oaxaca. So, from a historical point of view, tequila is a type of mezcal. Although they are similar in many ways, there are still some differences between them:
1. No artificial ingredients are used to produce mezcal; it is produced using only agave as a raw material. For the production of tequila, a standard of at least 60% agave raw materials is established.
2. Mezcal is produced mainly from the species Agava Angustifilia, Agava Potatorum and Agava Esperrima, while tequila is obtained from the blue agave - Agava Tequiliana.
3. Mezcal is produced in the state of Oaxaca, and tequila in the state of Jalisco.
4. Mezcal is more aromatic, tequila is more neutral in taste, with some exceptions.
5. Some varieties of mezcal contain a larva that lives in the plant. They don't exist in tequila.
Another difference between tequila and mezcal is double purification; there is even a law stating that only a product that has gone through two stages of distillation can be called tequila. Some tequilas are refined three times, but this process is thought to make the flavor too neutral. Mezcal, on the contrary, used to be traditionally obtained in one distillation, but recently many varieties of mezcal also undergo two stages of purification.

From time immemorial, different states carry some meaning, reflect the culture of the country and are rooted in its history. The anthem, flag and coat of arms of Mexico are no exception, the description and meaning of which we will analyze in this article. The symbols of this country at first glance may seem meaningless or at least incomprehensible, but they truly reflect the cultural and historical development of the state, personifying the aspirations and way of life of the Mexican people.

Coat of arms

The coat of arms of Mexico contains quite a lot of symbolism, the meaning of which is associated with one legend of the country. It says that once the god Huitzilopochtli showed a sign to the Aztecs, according to which they would have to settle on the land where they happened to see a snake sitting on a cactus, and in whose paws a snake would wriggle. And so it happened. Now in that very place is

When considering the coat of arms of Mexico, first of all you should pay attention to the absence of a heraldic shield - a detail inherent in most coats of arms of the world. The bird depicted in the central part of the Mexican coat of arms is not an eagle, as many people think, but a crested caracara, which the inhabitants of the country call “corancho”. In the beak and right paw of the corancho, a snake wriggles, which among the Aztecs symbolized some kind of mystical evil.

Today it no longer carries the religious or mystical overtones that the distant ancestors of the Mexicans endowed it with; it is rather interpreted as the victory of good over evil. But the coat of arms of Mexico contains a drawing of Lake Texcoco and an island in the middle of it, which are depicted in the traditional Aztec style. With the claws of its free paw, the crested caracara rests on a cactus growing on the island of Texcoco. The oak branch located at the bottom left represents the republican structure of Mexico, and the laurel branch at the right is a symbol of the glory and immortality of the Mexican warriors. Two branches are tied together with a ribbon with the colors of the national flag.


As for the Mexican banner, it is a rectangular panel with an aspect ratio of 4:7. This state symbol was approved in 1968. There are three vertical stripes, the width of which is the same. The first stripe on the left is green and it represents hope, independence and fertility of the earth; the white stripe in the middle represents the peace and spiritual purity of the people of Mexico; The red stripe on the right commemorates the blood shed for independence and is also a symbol of the unity and integrity of the Mexican people.

A special feature of the Mexican flag is the country's coat of arms, placed in the center of the flag on top of a white stripe. Mexico has such interesting state symbols. The flag and coat of arms of this state are unique for the reason that they are, as it were, inseparable, and each of these symbols refers to the other.

History of the flag

The flag of Mexico has a rather unique history. Even in the battles for the country's independence, individual rebel leaders used different standards, among which, for example, was the image of the Holy Virgin of Guadalupe. In 1815, the Supreme Congress approved three flags at once: parliamentary, military and commercial.

The prototype of today's Mexican flag was created only in 1821, but then it did not have the corancho bird, and instead there was a star in each of the three stripes. In addition, the banner contained the inscription “Religion, independence, unity.” Later, the banner depicted the coat of arms of Mexico in the form in which we can see it today.

Mexican national anthem

The Mexican anthem was created in the middle of the 19th century, but it was approved as a state symbol only almost a century later - in 1943. The music of the anthem was written by composer Jaime Nuna in 1853, and the words to it were composed the following year by Francisco-Gonzalez Bocanegra.

The Mexican anthem is one of the longest national anthems in the entire world, and it tells the story of the courageous Latin American people who fight for their freedom and defeat their enemies. It uses a lot of floral metaphors, such as rose, olive, laurel or oak, which in poetry denote love, valor, glory, victory and the like. The anthem also glorifies the country’s flag and praises the ancestors, but its main idea is the theme of freedom and independence of the Mexican state. Perhaps the anthem carries no less symbolism than the coat of arms of Mexico.


Typically, a country's state symbols can tell a lot about its history, as well as about the people who inhabit it, their aspirations and hopes. Mexico is no exception - the flag and coat of arms of this country capture the history of many generations, they complement each other, and the anthem glorifies not only glorious ancestors, but also these symbols themselves.