Drawing of a car in volume. How to draw a car with a pencil: a step-by-step process

Many children and adults want to know how to draw cars simply and realistically. With the help of step-by-step lessons, even a preschooler can cope with this task.

How to draw cars with children

Let's draw a simple and bright car.

"Mercedes Benz"

Let's move on to more advanced lessons and learn how to draw cars with a pencil. There are several ways to start working on a picture: repeating the main outlines, using line markings on the sheet, or starting with the wheels. This lesson will focus on the first method.

Let's learn to draw cars step by step:

Fast and crazy "BMW"

Now let's look at another way to draw cars with a pencil. The operating procedure is as follows:

How to Draw Racing Cars

Boys of all ages are delighted with the cars. How to draw them? Quite simple actually.

Now you know how to draw Formula 1 racing cars. Take a photo of your favorite car and use these instructions to draw it.

You can easily draw a car. After all, it has simple shapes that can be indicated by simple lines. The first step is to create the “outer box” of the machine, or its overall silhouette. From the next stage, the main components of any passenger car are added - wheels, windows, doors. You can also supplement the step-by-step drawing of the car with colored pencils with small details that will only embellish it. And only then you can outline the image with a marker and apply color to it. The end result is a beautiful car. The lesson has an average level of difficulty.

Necessary materials:

  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • eraser;
  • marker;
  • colour pencils.

Drawing steps:

1. Using a simple pencil, outline the shape of a passenger car. For beauty and accuracy, you can use a ruler.

2. Despite the fact that a passenger car has 4 wheels, we will draw only two. Why two? Because in profile only one pair of front ones is visible.

3. Draw arcs around the wheels.

4. Now let's draw the windows. They depend on the brand and type of car. We will also draw a small detail near the front window, with the help of which the driver will be able to see the transport behind his car. We will make a small partition between the windows.

5. Draw small details: headlights in the background and in the foreground, doors, partitions in the form of simple lines.

6. We outline the drawing with a marker. Can be used with thick or thin rod. Let's not forget about the small details located in the middle of the picture.

7. Use a light green pencil to decorate the entire car, except for the windows, wheels and headlights. Using a darker pencil color will give the drawing a three-dimensional look.

8. Using a blue pencil, we will create reflections on the glass of the car windows, reflecting the clouds in the sky and good weather.

9. Using the gray pencil that was used to sketch the drawing, we decorate the wheels. But let's make the headlights red.

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This is an average difficulty lesson. It can be difficult for adults to repeat this lesson, so I don’t recommend drawing a car using this lesson for young children, but if you really want to, you can try. I also want to note the lesson “” - be sure to try it again if you still have time and desire to draw today.

What you will need

In order to draw a car we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take medium-grain special paper: beginning artists will find it much more pleasant to draw on this kind of paper.
  • Sharpened pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each should be used for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Stick for rubbing hatching. You can use plain paper rolled into a cone. It will be easy for her to rub the shading, turning it into a monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

Drawing a car is difficult, just like any complex vehicle must be designed in a certain way to function. In order not to violate the design features, it is better to see live what it looks like. If this is not possible, look at available photographs on the Internet.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to pay attention to the lesson “”. It will help improve your skill or just give you a little fun.

Please note that every object, every living creature, every phenomenon on paper can be depicted using simple geometric objects: circles, squares and triangles. They are the ones who create the form; they are the ones the artist needs to see in the surrounding objects. There is no house, there are several large rectangles and a triangle. This makes building complex objects much easier.

Tip: create a sketch with as thin strokes as possible. The thicker the sketch strokes are, the more difficult it will be to erase them later.

The first step, or rather the zero step, is always to mark a sheet of paper. This will let you know where exactly the drawing will be located. If you place the drawing on half of the sheet, you can use the other half for another drawing. Here is an example of marking a sheet in the center:

STEP 1. The first step is quite easy. All you need to do is make an elongated shape for the future car. It should look like an oblong box. It even somewhat resembles a guitar or violin. Try to repeat exactly as shown in Figure 1.

STEP 2. Using this form, we will gradually add details and draw out the real body of the car. It's best to start with the roof and then move on to the wheels and rear end. Do not use rulers or tools as the car has round shapes. And here everything is much simpler than, for example, drawing a helicopter.

But if you want, you can use a ruler to draw the car windows, and later round them off manually.

STEP 3. Start drawing the glass. The windshield comes first, the passenger side window later. Some Barbie or famous singer Debby Ryan could be sitting there. Next we draw the headlights.

STEP 4. In the pencil drawing of the car, we see the car only from one side, so we draw only one door and the steps under the door. Add window frames. Don't forget to make a handle and a keyhole.

STEP 5. Move on to the hood. Draw two lines on the hood and a grille below. Next, outline the lining for the spoiler and the bumper.

STEP 6. We are all ready to go. All that remains is to draw the wheels of the car. Please note that the wheels are not round! Under the weight of the machine, they become a little flat at the bottom. It will look more realistic. Well, of course, the tires are not perfectly round.

STEP 7. And finally, we carefully draw the rims. Try to repeat it as in the picture, or you can draw your own version, so they can be of different types and shapes, for every taste and color.

STEP 8. Remove unnecessary auxiliary lines using an eraser and trace the contours. This is how it should turn out:

STEP 9. Coloring.

I sincerely hope that you enjoyed the lesson on how to draw a race car. If you put in the effort, I believe you will achieve everything you set your mind to. Now you can pay attention to the lesson “” - it is just as interesting and exciting. Share this lesson with your friends on social media. networks.

So, now I’ll tell you and show you everything I know about how to draw a car with a pencil step by step!

Scheme 1

This scheme is suitable for the little ones. Let's start drawing with the wheels. Try to keep them more or less the same.

Now connect the wheels with a horizontal line. But what is a car without headlights? This is a mandatory element that should not be forgotten. I propose to depict the headlights in the form of two ovals, as shown in the figure below.

Add a semicircle above the wheels. Connect it to your car's headlights.

But how to drive this car? A steering wheel is a must! Two parallel lines, an oval - and it’s ready. In general, the whole car is now ready! Paint it well and you're ready to go! =)

There are other diagrams that explain how to draw a car step by step. They may be a little more difficult, but I am sure that you will certainly cope with them. Try!

Scheme 2

When drawing a car on paper, identify those details that you simply cannot do without. This is the body, cabin, wheels, bumper, headlights, steering wheel, doors.

Scheme 3

Oh, would you like to try drawing a race car? I have an easy and clear diagram, but the car turns out simply amazing.

Scheme 4

Here are a few more diagrams that will tell you how to draw a car beautifully.

Scheme 5

Draw a convertible with a simple pencil.

How to draw a truck step by step.

What boy doesn't sooner or later stare at cars? My son is no exception. Dad told him everything about our car. And now our child will give a lecture to anyone about the Toyota car. But every time he meets a new model or brand of car unknown to him, he freezes in a state of “what is this?” And, of course, you have to answer. So I improved my knowledge about automobile syndicates and their products. But the next stage of my son’s passion forced us to figure out how to draw a car so that it would be as similar to the real thing as possible. I will tell you about the results of our research work.

How to choose the right model

First of all, we became better acquainted with the mechanical engineering industry, learned what the main parts and components of a car are made of. We looked at pictures and many photographs before choosing a suitable model, which we decided to sketch.

And this is where the fun began. To draw someone alive, we always study his character, characteristics and habits. But the car is not alive. Does he have something that makes him different? And as it turned out, there is! And features, and even character. These two points can easily include the capabilities that the designers have endowed their equipment with. Namely, speed, technical issues, appearance and interior comfort.

We learned that the cars themselves are different:

  • Passenger cars, such as sports cars, limousines, family cars, sedans, minivans, coupes, station wagons, hatchbacks, etc.;
  • Freight vehicles (refrigerators, trucks, dump trucks);
  • Buses;
  • Special. For example, truck cranes or firefighters.
And since we decided to draw a cool car, we researched different models, taking into account that its speed and maneuverability were at their best, and that it looked decent. And our choice fell on a sports car.

How to draw a car

Having chosen a Maserati sports convertible as a model, we’ll talk about how to draw a car with a pencil step by step. What we use for this, and not only pencils and paper, but also a little imagination, making the drawing in a simpler and more convenient style for beginners.

It’s not easy to copy all the details, and it’s not necessary, especially for children. Having simplified the picture, we see that drawing gives us more pleasure. After all, to draw correctly means to convey not only the accuracy of the details, but a little of yourself and your vision of the object.

Stages of work

We will divide the drawing of the car in pencil into several stages.

Stage 1

Let's draw the body. The lower part consists of straight lines, which we make using a ruler, placing them at an angle of 170°. The upper one is arched.

Stage 2

On the lines drawn in pencil, carefully mark the places for the wheels, the right front fender and the bumper.

Stage 3

How to learn to draw car headlights? To do this, it is necessary to accurately determine their location. Between them is the radiator grille. In our drawing, the car will be slightly different from the photo at this very moment. My child simply could not follow all the lines accurately. But this is not critical and we continue to model our picture.

Let's move on to the image of the windshield, interior and mirror of the car on the right side.

Stage 4

Learn to draw a car hood and fog lights.

Stage 5

Our work is almost finished, we understand the principle, a sports car. Some details remain. For example, we finish the interior, bumper, and depict the doors.

Stage 6

We make car wheels: rims, spokes.

Stage 7

We remove all unnecessary auxiliary lines. The work done in pencil is ready.

Stage 8

How to draw a racing car without showing how beautiful it is in color? Usually, it is a bright color, like the convertible itself.

We like what happened with my son. And we decided not to stop there, but over time to try to expand our collection of pictures with transport.

Below you can see a few more options for car images: