Ghosts can take revenge. When Ghosts Revenge The Fire Spirit of Caledonia Mills

Numerous eyewitness accounts and studies conducted by parapsychologists prove that ghosts are not a figment of the imagination or ordinary hallucinations, they really exist. And not all of them are safe for people. According to experts, in the 20th century alone, spirits were responsible for the deaths of several hundred people.

Ghosts send people to another world in different ways. Most often, weak-hearted and overly impressionable people become victims of spirits. Seeing in front of them or feeling the “touch” of an eerie-looking ghost, some poor fellows die of a broken heart.
But in the arsenal of ghosts there are also more sophisticated and dangerous methods, from which even people with nerves of steel are not immune. This is a regular and purposeful induction of mental insanity and death, provoking accidents, as well as temporary materialization and murder on the physical level.

Ghosts usually resort to the second of the methods listed above when mass grave sites are destroyed through the fault of people. So, in the north-east of Moscow, near one of the metro stations, several new houses were built on the site of an old cemetery. The life of most of the residents who moved into them turned into a living hell.

At first, the houses were completely covered with cracks. Seismologists and geologists just threw up their hands, unable to give this strange phenomenon a clear explanation. The builders somehow patched up and strengthened the walls, filling up the cracks. However, this did not make it any easier for the residents.

In almost every apartment, from time to time, devilish things happened: for no apparent reason, dishes were broken into pieces, things fell, creaks, rustling and howls were heard at night, ghosts appeared.

Natalia Smirnova, who was “lucky” to settle in this ill-fated place, shared her most interesting observations with us: “One night I woke up and was horrified to see, right next to my bed, a translucent whitish man with empty eye sockets. My son came running into the room in response to my screams. He also saw this strange creature and reached for the switch to turn on the light.

And then the ghost almost instantly lost its shape, turning into a white cloud, and when the light was turned on, it completely disappeared. A week later, the same uninvited guest almost killed me. I woke up from a terrible feeling. It seemed as if there was some kind of heavy and nasty gas in my lungs instead of air. A little more and I would have suffocated.

I crossed myself, mentally asking: “Lord! Save me!" And at the same moment something like smoke came out of my mouth, it hovered under the ceiling and began to take the form of a person. I crossed myself again and crossed the ghost, after which it disappeared.

On the advice of the priest, I then consecrated the apartment, placed icons in each room and several times a day, especially before going to bed, fumigated the room with incense. The ghost did not appear again. But for the neighbors on the landing, this same or another ghost caused a lot of trouble: their sixty-year-old grandmother, who never complained about her health, suddenly died, and their seventeen-year-old son ended up in a mental hospital, according to them, not without the help of a ghost who visited the house.

I later found out that some of the other residents had various problems with ghosts. Someone thought that these were brownies or drummers, but it seems to me that this is not the case, very evil spirits visited us, downright devilish messengers. Over time, all the residents of our building consecrated their apartments, and the house itself was consecrated. After that everything returned to normal...”


The desecration of cemeteries can lead to other, no less terrible consequences. There are areas on Russian roads where accidents regularly occur. These places seem to be enchanted - one disaster follows another, the number of victims is growing, and no one can explain why this is happening. On the site of many of these “deadly sectors” in the past there were graveyards, forgotten and abandoned.

Motorists have to pay for the carelessness and careless attitude of road builders.
Alexander Pestrukhin had a terrible accident on the “road of death” located in the Rostov region, and reported the details of the emergency that happened to him: “It was a late summer evening. It's already dark. My friend Sergei and I were driving along the highway at a speed of about 80 km per hour. I drove the car. The weather was warm, dry, the road was in good condition... For no apparent reason, the headlights suddenly went out, and a smoky object hovered in front of the windshield. He passed through the glass and ended up between me and my friend.

I managed to see that he had something like a head with holes instead of eyes and a mouth. There was a terrible laugh. I pressed the brake, but it was too late: the car flew into a ditch and crashed into a tree. What was left of my “Muscovite” was a pile of twisted metal. My friend died: he flew through the broken front window, and the rearing hood cut off his head like a knife.

Luckily for me, people passing by saved me. I was unconscious. Then I had to spend several months in the hospital... I will never forget this ghost. The place where we crashed is notorious - there have been many accidents there. Apparently, this is all because once upon a time people were buried there..."


It happens that ghosts appear on highways and in places where cemeteries as such have never existed. For example, a car enthusiast or motorcyclist crashed to death. And after a while, his restless spirit appears in front of some unfortunate driver and provokes a new accident. As a result, a kind of chain reaction may occur, accidents will become a regular occurrence in this place, and thus a new deadly section will appear - the “road of death.”

About a dozen such places are known in the Moscow region alone. For example, on the highway near the village of Pekhorka on the Lyubertsy - Lytkarino highway... Every year more and more dangerous areas appear. But this can be avoided. Almost always, relatives of the deceased erect all kinds of monuments near highways in places where people died - this attracts new misfortunes. At the site of the tragedy, you can read prayers and light church candles so that the soul of the deceased can quickly find peace. Then no ghosts will appear.


And finally, some ghosts have the ability to materialize for a while in someone else's body. This leads to terrifying consequences. Having taken possession of a person’s body, an ominous ghost turns off the human mind and commits atrocities. A similar incident occurred not so long ago in the Leningrad region.
Two friends, Andrei Dorokhov and Pavel Voloshin, were returning to their village from a neighboring village at midnight. Were a little tipsy.

On the way, we decided to go to the cemetery on a dare in order to test ourselves. Suddenly, near one of the graves, Andrei noticed an incomprehensible creature that did not look like a ghost. The friends froze in horror, and the ghost began to quickly approach them. Pavel ran away, and Andrei lost consciousness. The next morning he woke up in a ditch about four hundred meters from the cemetery and saw with horror that his hands, face and clothes were covered in blood. The lifeless body of his comrade lay nearby: Pavel’s head had been torn off.

It turned out that at the moment when Dorokhov was unconscious, he caught up with Voloshin and brutally killed him. All the evidence pointed to him, but Andrei himself remembered absolutely nothing. Naturally, he was arrested that same day and charged with murder. The poor fellow’s explanations that Pavel was killed by a ghost that possessed Andrei, and that he himself could not, under any circumstances, raise a hand against his friend, seemed unconvincing to criminologists.

True, they were struck by the method of murder itself - Voloshin’s throat was first gnawed out, and then his head was torn off with brutal force. As a result, forensic doctors declared Dorokhov insane, and instead of prison, he will have to spend several years in a psychiatric clinic. He had never had any mental problems before.

According to parapsychologists, the stronger the degree of intoxication of a person at the time of meeting a ghost, the more likely he is to fall under its influence. This is confirmed by numerous examples when drunk people turned into notorious villains, committed terrible crimes and at the same time did not remember anything about what happened. True, in the case of Dorokhov and Voloshin, as the examination showed, the degree of intoxication of the killer was mild. Unfortunately, this did not save him from the evil spirit.


10. The Ghost in the Colosimo Family

In the summer of 1986, the Colosimo family moved to a house located in Spotsylvania County, Virginia (USA). Soon after moving in, they noticed that there was a constant cold draft in their youngest daughter's bedroom, and no matter how they fought it, nothing helped. A neighbor suggested that the house might be haunted and advised him to hang a rosary in the room. Being devout Catholics, they listened to the advice, and after that they even invited a priest to bless the house.

However, after about a week, things in the house went much worse: books were flying off the shelves, the door was torn off its hinges, the rosary was thrown across the room, and the part where the crucifix was located was sealed into the wall. After violent disturbances manifested themselves, the family invited a psychic to the house, but he was unable to drive away the spirit. Two weeks later, they invited a witch who reported that the spirit was the ghost of a 16-year-old Confederate soldier. According to her, a child living in the house previously invited the ghost. She said that trying to drive the ghost away actually only scared it, and that was what was causing all the problems in the house. After the witch communicated with the spirit of the teenage soldier, the strange incidents ended.

9. The Great Amherst Mystery

In 1879, Daniel Teed lived in a large house in Amherst, Nova Scotia, Canada. He lived there with his family, two daughters-in-law, son-in-law and brother. One of the daughters-in-law - a young girl named Esther - was haunted by a seemingly violent ghost. The story began one night when the girl’s body swelled unnaturally, and the sheet from the bed flew to the side. When one of the family members tried to put the sheet back on, it flew off again. The next night they asked a doctor to observe Esther. He sat in the room and waited for her to fall asleep. After a while, when the doctor realized that Esther was sleeping, he saw her pillow begin to move.

He tried to hold the pillow, but an invisible force pulled it out of his hands. Then the doctor heard a strange scratching noise, and when he looked at the wall, an invisible hand had already engraved the words: “ Esther Cox, you are mine to kill!" After this incident, small fires constantly broke out throughout the house. In addition, somehow the spirit communicated with the family, threatening to burn down the house if Esther did not leave it. For the safety of the whole family, Esther had to check into a local hotel, but apparently the ghost followed her there. While she was at the hotel, a knife flew out of the hand of the cleaner's son and ended up in her back. An infection that entered the body from a puncture wound almost killed the girl.

After recovering from the infection, Esther met a man who created a small play with her participation, playing up paranormal problems, but, as one might expect, while Esther was sitting on stage, nothing happened and the play failed. The next job she got was freight forwarding. Unfortunately, a few months later, the girl was arrested for arson - a barn caught fire on the estate where she lived. She was found guilty and sentenced to four months in prison. After leaving prison, Esther married, started a family, and died in 1912.

8. The Phantom of the Red Palace

In May 1908, a French diplomat living in Constantinople, Turkey, known as M. Constance, asked to be transferred back to France. The reason for this, according to sources, was that the diplomat and his wife in their summer residence called Red Palace terrorized by a ghost. Apparently, it was the ghost of Prince Ypsilanti, who hanged himself in Red Palace many years before.

Constance, who was described as a very large man, said that one night he was thrown out of bed while no one was around. Another time, something lifted his bed to the point where it was almost perpendicular to the floor. Constance's wife also became a victim of the ghost, but to a much more cruel extent.. One day, an invisible force pushed her down the stairs. Another time, while she was in the garden, she was attacked by a creature that looked like a black goat.

Having rammed her, it knocked the woman off her feet and seriously injured her. Even people from the embassy where the diplomat worked did not escape the ghost of the cursed palace - four mysterious deaths were recorded among them within a month. Ambassador Constance claimed that he was not superstitious, but simply tired of Turkey and fighting ghosts.

7. The Ghost of Flat Rock Town

In November 1954, the Parson family from the city of Flat Rock (Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada) began to notice that some objects on the farm began to suddenly ignite. The first was a dictionary, lying in a wooden box, where there were other flammable things, but the only thing that burned was the dictionary. A few days later, all the family members smelled smoke and, upon inspecting the house, discovered that a bag of sugar was on fire. When Mike Parson touched the bag, the fire immediately went out.

Among the burning objects were a doll and a Bible, and in a room where there was neither electricity nor a fireplace, the ignition began in the corners. Parson invited the press to the house, and they took photographs of arson scenes scattered throughout the house. Some time later, the family asked the priest to bless the house, and this seemed to calm whatever was causing the fires - after which they stopped.

Skeptics believed that the Parsons set the fires themselves, but the Royal Canadian Police did not believe this could be true. Their farm was not insured, and it is highly doubtful that they would have started a fire that could have destroyed their livelihood. As a result, the cause of the fires on the Parson farm is still officially a mystery.

6. The Phantom of Oldnall Road

In the West Midlands region of England there is a short country road called " Oldnall road" At first, the small stretch of road seems inconspicuous, but at the same time, an unnaturally large number of car accidents occur on it. One would assume that the road was simply dangerous in itself, if not for some strange sightings showing the possibility of it being haunted. For years, drivers have claimed that the reason they swerved was because of a young girl in Victorian-era clothing standing in the middle of the road.

After they got out of the car, the girl disappeared. The authorities were confused by the girl's appearance and believed that all the accidents were caused by slippery roads. However, drivers each time claimed that the road was dry in those days.

5. Fire Spirit from Caledonia Mills

Caledonia Mills is a rural community in Nova Scotia, Canada that was haunted by a strange, violent ghost that took up residence on a farm around 1900. One night in January, Janet McDonald screamed to her elderly mother that she hoped the devil would come and get her before 9:00 the next morning. Unfortunately, by morning the mother was dead, and that's when strange things began to happen in the house. Items disappeared from the house and were found at the property line. In other cases, farm equipment was somehow moved, and sometimes even the tails of horses were intertwined.

The worst thing happened at night in January 1922. During a snowstorm, 16-year-old Mary Ellen McDonald went to a nearby house for help. When she and her neighbors returned to the house, traces of fire were visible everywhere, various objects were burning with a blue flame. There were a total of 38 fires in the home. That terrible night led to the family leaving the house, never to return.

Some believed that the poltergeist's target was Mary Ellen, but others believed that Janet's late mother had cursed the house. In May 1971, the house mysteriously burned to the ground.

4. The Ghost of Witch Bell

John Bell, his wife, their 12 children and servants had been living near Adams, Tennessee (USA) for about 13 years when unusual things began to happen in the family. It all started with a strange noise and the faint sound of an old woman singing, which was not loud enough to make out the words. After this, while hunting in the forest, John Bell came across a strange animal with the head of a dog and the body of a rabbit. John continued to go on hunting expeditions in search of the animal, but was never able to find it.

Over time, the atmosphere in the house only became worse. At times, loud knocking sounds could be heard outside. John's daughter Betsy, the spirit's favorite target, was attacked in her sleep, leaving the girl covered in bruises and bites. When a neighbor came to the family to become the first outside witness to strange incidents, he saw various objects flying around the house. The voice was louder that time, and everyone could hear it clearly. It was the voice of a woman whom John Bell called Kate, and she quoted Scripture, and she also began to address all family members by name. One of her messages was that she was going to kill John Bell.

Besides the Bell family, many other people also witnessed the strange phenomenon. One of the prominent figures to visit the estate was General Andrew Jackson, who visited the Bell family in 1819. The three eldest sons waited on Jackson, who came because of rumors of a ghost. On the way to the house, his horses suddenly stopped and could not go further. At that moment, the ghost woman turned to Jackson and ordered him to leave the horses behind. Jackson and his entourage entered the house, planning to stay for a week, but, fearful, they all left the house the next day.

In 1820, John died at the age of 70. When family members inspected his room, a small vial containing an unknown liquid was discovered. Deciding to experiment, they gave some of the liquid to the cat, who died immediately. After the cat's death, Kate stated that she had finally killed John. During his funeral she laughed and sang. A year after her death, Kate approached John's widow and said that she would pursue her for another seven years. True to her word, Kate was last seen in 1828, speaking to John Jr. and predicting a civil war. Today, Bella Farm and the nearby caves provide entertainment for local tourists.

3. Poltergeist from Jabotikabal

Since 1965, the Ferreira family from Jaboticabal, Brazil, have apparently been victims of an incredibly cruel spirit. It all started with bricks in their house falling seemingly out of nowhere. After some time, it became obvious that the spirit was focusing its attention on 11-year-old Maria Jose. In order to drive the spirit away from the girl, the family invited a priest to perform an exorcism ceremony, but, as it turned out, this only made the situation worse. More bricks started flying around the house, then eggs started flying.

and even furniture. But this story of the herd is truly scary from the moment the ghost began to show cruelty to Mary. She was often attacked by an unknown force, which left bruises and bite marks on the girl's body. One day, while she was at school, her clothes began to smolder and then caught fire while she was with a group of other students. Eventually, needles mysteriously pierced her skin. There was an incident where 55 pins were removed from her ankle.

The persecution continued for a year, and then the family decided to contact a medium. The medium said that Mary was being haunted by a vengeful ghost. Apparently, in a past life, Maria was a witch and killed a man who became a spirit. The medium said that the ghost would never have mercy on the girl. Unfortunately, five years after the haunting began, Maria took her own life by taking poison, and there have been no further reports of a ghost in the house since her death.

2. Carl Pruitt's Cursed Grave

The story of the curse of Carl Pruitt's grave dates back to lunchtime one day in 1938 in Pulaski County, Kentucky (USA). Pruitt returned home after a day of work and expected to find his wife in the kitchen, but found her in the bedroom with another man. Becoming enraged, Pruitt grabbed the chain and began to choke her, and her lover took the opportunity to flee the scene. After she died, Pruitt took his own life.

Pruitt's wife's family refused to forgive him, so he was buried in a separate cemetery in another city. Cemetery visitors passing by Pruitt's grave noticed something strange going on there. They saw strange spots that looked like circles and then began to connect, and the image on the gravestone became like a chain. The strange image attracted the attention of some people, including a group of boys who rode bicycles to the grave about a month after the chain appeared on the headstone. To impress his friends, one boy threw a stone at the tombstone, which cracked it. On the way home, the boy had an accident; a bicycle chain jumped off and wrapped around his neck, strangling him.

The boy's mother was heartbroken and decided " get even"on the gravestone. She took an ax and hit the slab several times. The next day, when she was hanging the clothes on the line after washing, it mystically got tangled around her neck and killed the woman. During the investigation of the death, an ax was found with stone chips on it, it was also dented, but Pruitt's tombstone remained untouched. After some time, a farmer and his family were driving past the cemetery in a cart. For some stupid reason, he decided to shoot his gun at Pruitt's tombstone. The shooting frightened the horses, and they sharply quickened their pace. The farmer's family managed to jump out of the cart, but he himself remained inside until he was thrown out of there and the leash was wrapped around his neck, leading to strangulation.

Next came a couple of policemen, convinced that the curse was a hoax. They went to the cemetery and took photos near Pruitt's grave. On their way back, a bright light began to follow them and they tried to speed up, but this led to them leaving the road and crashing into a fence. A man sitting in the passenger seat was thrown from the car, but survived. His colleague, however, was nearly decapitated by a chain between two fence posts.

By the time the 1940s rolled around, most people stayed away from the cemetery for fear of losing their own lives. But not everyone did this. One man went to the cemetery and began to crush the gravestone with a hammer. People heard the hammer hitting the gravestone, but suddenly they were replaced by blood-curdling screams. The townspeople explored the cemetery and found a man at the gate. He was dead. Apparently he got scared of something and ran away. At the exit from the cemetery, the chain with which the gate was closed strangely wrapped around his neck and strangled him to death. Following the incident, the bodies were exhumed and all markers, including Pruitt's angry headstone, were removed.

1. Death of Elisa Lam

On January 26, 2013, 21-year-old university student Elisa Lam was driving alone from her native British Columbia to California. After spending some time in San Diego, on January 28, for unknown reasons, she checked into a historic hotel Cecil Hotel, located in a disadvantaged area of ​​​​Los Angeles. On February 1, she was supposed to leave. She was last seen alive three days after checking in in the hotel lobby.

While in California, Lam kept in contact with her parents every day, and after they were unable to contact her, they called the police. The police investigated the girl's disappearance and a few days later found CCTV footage from the hotel elevator, which showed Lam behaving very strangely: pressing buttons and sticking her head out of the elevator several times, as if looking for someone. She also periodically enters and exits the elevator, and even appears to talk to herself.

Two weeks passed, but no trace of Lam was found until hotel residents began complaining about black water from the taps and lack of pressure. Climbing to the roof, a hotel employee found Lam's naked body in one of the closed water tanks. Unfortunately, people were showering and drinking water from this tank. An autopsy was performed which showed that the girl had drowned. No drugs or alcohol were found in her blood. The death was determined to be an accident.

Ghost fans believe that Lam was actually possessed by some kind of evil spirit or was under the influence of a ghost. They point to the fact that there are many tragedies associated with this hotel. Two active serial killers stayed at the hotel: Richard " Night Stalker"Ramirez and the Austrian prostitute killer Jack Unterweger. Elizabeth Short, victim of the infamous case " Black Dahlia" was also seen at the hotel on the night of her death. And these are just some of the sensational deaths linked to the budget hotel - there have been many other murders and suicides committed there.

As evidence that Lam was possessed, people point to the fact that it is still unclear how she managed to get to the roof. There are two accesses to it: the fire escape or the door, which was always locked. Additionally, the locked door was in a location that only long-term guests (such as the ghost) or hotel staff knew about. Then, while on the roof, Lam, who was a frail girl, somehow managed to open the heavy door and close it behind her. Skeptics do not believe that Lam spoke to a ghost or was possessed, but believe that her death was due to bipolar illness.

More scary videos with the creepiest ghost videos. Yes Yes. It's not just people who love to make faces on camera.

Have time to reach the grave

Thus, the Romans not only believed that the spirit of the murdered man appears and takes revenge on the murderer. They also avoided lemurs in every possible way, which they considered the ghosts of people who had committed many bad deeds during their earthly life and were now disturbing poor mortals.

To scare away the monkeys, special holidays were held, at which the inhabitants of Rome beat huge drums, trying to scare the lemurs and drive them away from their homes. And if they were not afraid of noise, bonfires were lit at the graves of those who rose from oblivion and ritual black beans were burned in them, the smell of which the evil spirits really did not like and were forced to move away.

Similarly, the Indians of South America believed that the rhea ostriches they hunted would pursue their killers after death. They believed that only a special ritual could scare away bird ghosts. Immediately after the hunt, they plucked feathers from the rhea carcass and laid them out in small piles along the entire road to the village.

The Indians believed that the spirit of the ostrich stops at each pile and counts whether all the feathers are there or just some, since it wants to regain its body. In the meantime, the bird ghost was counting feathers, the hunters managed to return home.

According to Eastern legend, an evil ghost - an ifrit - is born from the blood of an innocently murdered Arab. And if a murder occurs, you urgently need to drive a new nail in the place where his blood dripped. Even if it is land. In this case, the ifrit will not be able to be born and take revenge on the killer.

In Malaysia, there is still a belief that if a woman dies in childbirth, she turns into a hideous spirit known as "pe-nangal", which translates to "that which is removed."

According to tradition, the Malays believe that in the dead of night the head of a dead woman and some part of her entrails rises from the grave and flies over the ground, and the open mouth sucks the blood and life from every man who loses strength in the face of this spirit.

This ghost exists only at night and returns to its grave before dawn. If it gets lost and loses its bearings or is delayed on the way, it ceases to exist immediately, at the first rays of the sun.

Malay legends often say that sometimes people found the remains of the Penangal spirit, which, before reaching the grave, got stuck in the bushes or in the tall grass.

Universal Evil

In Rus', the bird-shaped souls of people who died in a foreign land or, more simply, people of other faiths or foreigners, in the old days were called navya-mi - from the ancient Russian word nav - spirits of death.

The malevolence of the Navi was universal: they sent various ailments and diseases to people and livestock, and also caused numerous natural disasters. At the same time, the Navyas themselves were invisible.

At night, in rain or storm caused by themselves, the Navyas flew over the ground or rode on ghostly horses and screamed like hungry hawks. Their scream always foreshadowed only death. Sometimes they sucked blood from sleeping pregnant women and children, and milk from cows and goats.

This is how the Navi invasion of Polotsk is described in the ancient chronicle of 1092: “A wonderful miracle took place in Polotsk. At night, stomping was heard; demons, like people, were scouring the streets, groaning. If anyone left the house, wanting to see, he was immediately invisibly wounded by demons with a wound and died from this, and no one dared to leave the house. Then the demons began to appear on horses during the day, but they themselves were not visible, only their hooves were visible. And so they wounded people in Polotsk and its region. That’s why people said that it was the Navy who beat Polotsk residents.”

The chronicler also points out a sure way to protect yourself from navi - under no circumstances leave the house when ghost birds are rampaging on the street. The house, in turn, was protected from evil spirits by various enchanted objects that ward off evil spirits.

While remaining outside the confines of their homes, our ancestors, in order to protect themselves from the influence of evil navias, wore various amulets, used spells, and decorated their clothes in those places where navias could penetrate the body (collar, clasp, sleeve cuffs, hem) with special embroidery , consisting of protective magical signs.

It was believed that navyas, if you accidentally forget to close the windows in the house at night, could determine the fate of an unborn child. They say they gather at the bedside of the woman in labor and decide whether the child will live or die. A navya doomed to death was given a special “sign” on his body.

You can't climb over the fence on the rainbow

There was only one way to see the invisible Navii: to contrive and sprinkle them with ash from the stove. And then a person imagined a natural miracle with feathers, or rather, without feathers at all: a huge naked bird with chicken paws and the head of a hawk or kite!

Navii could have been appeased. On a special “navi day” - Radunitsa, which is still celebrated a week after Easter and is considered the day of remembrance of the dead, a special ritual treat was prepared for them, which was placed on the table in the room and then the windows were opened. On this day they were invited to wash themselves in the bathhouse, laying out food for them under a canopy or on the roof. And in the bathhouse itself, you should definitely leave at least some soap, at least a little water at the bottom of the gang.

At the same time, it was strictly forbidden to wash yourself in the bathhouse on Radunitsa. Even if Navii were not invited to take a steam bath, they could come on “their” day without asking. And God forbid we met them! If a bather suddenly heard a quiet whisper behind him and saw chicken tracks appearing in the ashes near the stove, the only thing that could save him from inevitable death was to quickly cross himself and run from the bathhouse in the clothes his mother gave birth to! According to legend, you should also not climb over fences in Radunitsa, otherwise the so-called navya bone will begin to grow in your foot. It appears at the butt of the finger and sometimes protrudes somewhat under the skin. Her appearance indicates imminent death.

By the way, if any of the navias caused particular harm, it was necessary to dig up the grave of the deceased foreigner, remove from the corpse under no circumstances a rotting “navia bone”, burn it, and throw the ashes on the grave. After this ritual, the evil spirit stopped bothering the living.

Over time, the Navi's tricks began to wane and soon stopped completely. Apparently, Satan called them to permanent residence in the underworld - to perform other tasks.

Photo: A strange legend surrounds a railroad crossing in south San Antonio, Texas. They say that there was an accident in which several schoolchildren died, whose ghosts remain in this area and from time to time they push stationary cars to cross, although the road goes up. Andy and Debi Chesney's daughter and several friends recently went on a moving trip to check out the legend. The girl took several pictures - in one of them you can see a transparent figure.

Experts say that ghosts are not vengeful, but there are exceptions. For example, a series of suicides of young people on Palm Island, 60 kilometers north of Australia, is explained by the revenge of the black spirit.

Revenge of the giant spirit.

The Aborigines lived and lived on Palm Island, big and kind people, but sailors from an American ship arrived, captured a group of savages, took them home and sold the unfortunate Australians to the circus. Tambo, the tallest but also the most vulnerable of all, could not bear the shame and died. The giant's body was embalmed and exhibited in one of the museums in New York. A century later, an Australian millionaire, obsessed with the idea of ​​atonement for the sins of white people before the Aborigines, bought the museum exhibit, transported it to the island and buried it. After some time, real panic began among the white population of the island. The young men began to complain to their parents that a scary, huge aborigine with burning eyes came to them at night. In one hand he holds a spear, in the other a rope loop. These stories were not given much importance until young people, one after another, began to voluntarily take their own lives, choosing death by hanging. Rumors began to spread that Tambo's spirit was taking revenge for the humiliation and forced separation from his homeland. Families with boys growing up are leaving the island en masse...

Avenged the torment.

St. Petersburg schoolboy Vasily B., together with his friend, decided “for the sake of experiment” to throw a stray cat that caught their eye into the stairwell from the twelfth floor. They threw it down and slowly finished off the dying animal with a stick. Two weeks later, both friends stood on a half-empty suburban platform, towards which a train was approaching. Suddenly, a cat appeared on the platform about ten meters from them - an exact copy of the murdered one. The schoolchildren had not yet had time to realize this fact, but the cat was already heading straight towards them, increasing in size with each step. The guys couldn't move. Having approached them three meters, the cat-monster with fiery burning eyes fell to the ground and jumped forward. Vasily B., standing on the edge of the platform, fell directly under the wheels of an approaching train.

Threw stones.

“A special place in American folklore is occupied by legends about “demons of darkness” attacking people and destroying homes. In Gloucester, Massachusetts, these invisible aggressors held an entire military garrison at bay until they were put to flight by silvered bullets and the prayers of chaplains. The Salem witches also sometimes liked to throw “rocks out of nowhere.” So the “devil” stone thrower from Portsmouth is part of a tradition whose history lasts more than two centuries. Since this kind of phenomenon most often turns out to be an act of revenge carried out by an angry spirit, it would be unfair to put all the responsibility on the “main” Devil.

But first things first. In a small house on a piece of land not far from the New Hampshire port there lived a certain widow. John Walton liked the site because of its convenient location; since the woman had neither money nor influential friends, he accused her of witchcraft and, either with the help of judicial tricks or brute force, took possession of someone else’s property. Having received what he wanted, he dropped all charges against the widow, but she cursed her former home, promising that the new owner would not know happiness in it and would not acquire wealth.

Walton laughed, advised the old woman to get out and moved to a new house with the whole family. One Sunday, at one o'clock in the morning, when the household was sleeping peacefully, a terrifying roar was heard: the roof and doors cracked under a hail of stones. The Waltons immediately woke up.
At first, everyone decided that the house had been attacked by Indians, but when the owner looked outside, he did not see a soul in the deserted fields. The only thing that seemed strange to him was that the gate seemed to be lifted from its hinges.

Walton stepped over the threshold, but was immediately forced to retreat: a real barrage of stones fell on his head. The family rushed to board up the doors and windows, but this did not help. Hot cobblestones began to roll down the pipe, which were impossible to even touch. Moreover, stones began to somehow fly into the house through the windows without breaking the glass. All the candles in the house immediately went out. One by one, various objects began to fly into the air and fly out. A “disembodied” hand appeared behind the glass and began knocking on the window. Locks, keys and bolts began to bend and flatten as if under the blows of an invisible hammer. The cheese press hit the wall, and the cheese disappeared without a trace. The haystacks in the field scattered, and the hay hung on the bushes and trees. For a long time Walton could not leave the house: the invisible man immediately began to fire stones at him. A bell, a candle, a witch’s brew - nothing helped.”

Ghost of Kuznetsky Bridge.

Charming Zhuzhu worked as a fashion model in one of the fashion houses on Kuznetsky Most. She was the mistress of the famous entrepreneur and philanthropist Savva Morozov. One morning in 1905, Zhuzhu was riding in a carriage along the Kuznetsky Most when she suddenly heard the cries of a newsboy: “Savva Morozov committed suicide in Nice!” Zhuzhu jumped out of the carriage to buy a newspaper and fell under the wheels of a carriage passing in the oncoming lane. The girl was taken to the hospital, but despite the efforts of doctors, she died. After dark, the body of a young newspaperman was found in a gateway on Kuznetsky Most, strangled with a woman's stocking. As the examination established, the stocking belonged to Zhuzhu, although her body was already stored in the morgue. Since then, newspaper delivery men have never appeared on this street again. And the cab drivers, fearing the fashion model’s revenge, reluctantly agreed to drive onto the Kuznetsky Most after dark. Now Juju can be seen on warm spring and summer nights. A tall, slender girl in white seems to be gliding down the street without her feet touching the pavement.

Experts say that ghosts are not vengeful, but there are exceptions. For example, a series of suicides of young people on Palm Island, 60 kilometers north of Australia, is explained by the revenge of the black spirit.

Photo: A strange legend surrounds a railroad crossing in south San Antonio, Texas. They say that there was an accident in which several schoolchildren died, whose ghosts remain in this area and from time to time they push stationary cars to cross, although the road goes up. Andy and Debi Chesney's daughter and several friends recently went on a moving trip to check out the legend. The girl took several pictures - in one of them you can see a transparent figure.

Revenge of the giant spirit.

The Aborigines lived and lived on Palm Island, big and kind people, but sailors from an American ship arrived, captured a group of savages, took them home and sold the unfortunate Australians to the circus. Tambo, the tallest but also the most vulnerable of all, could not bear the shame and died. The giant's body was embalmed and exhibited in one of the museums in New York. A century later, an Australian millionaire, obsessed with the idea of ​​atonement for the sins of white people before the Aborigines, bought the museum exhibit, transported it to the island and buried it. After some time, real panic began among the white population of the island. The young men began to complain to their parents that a scary, huge aborigine with burning eyes came to them at night. In one hand he holds a spear, in the other a rope loop. These stories were not given much importance until young people, one after another, began to voluntarily take their own lives, choosing death by hanging. Rumors began to spread that Tambo's spirit was taking revenge for the humiliation and forced separation from his homeland. Families with boys growing up are leaving the island en masse...

Avenged the torment.

St. Petersburg schoolboy Vasily B., together with his friend, decided “for the sake of experiment” to throw a stray cat that caught their eye into the stairwell from the twelfth floor. They threw it down and slowly finished off the dying animal with a stick. Two weeks later, both friends stood on a half-empty suburban platform, towards which a train was approaching. Suddenly, a cat appeared on the platform about ten meters from them - an exact copy of the murdered one. The schoolchildren had not yet had time to realize this fact, but the cat was already heading straight towards them, increasing in size with each step. The guys couldn't move. Having approached them three meters, the cat-monster with fiery burning eyes fell to the ground and jumped forward. Vasily B., standing on the edge of the platform, fell directly under the wheels of an approaching train.

Threw stones.

“A special place in American folklore is occupied by legends about “demons of darkness” attacking people and destroying homes. In Gloucester, Massachusetts, these invisible aggressors held an entire military garrison at bay until they were put to flight by silvered bullets and the prayers of chaplains. The Salem witches also sometimes liked to throw “rocks out of nowhere.” So the “devil” stone thrower from Portsmouth is part of a tradition whose history lasts more than two centuries. Since this kind of phenomenon most often turns out to be an act of revenge carried out by an angry spirit, it would be unfair to put all the responsibility on the “main” Devil.

But first things first. In a small house on a piece of land not far from the New Hampshire port there lived a certain widow. John Walton liked the site because of its convenient location; since the woman had neither money nor influential friends, he accused her of witchcraft and, either with the help of judicial tricks or brute force, took possession of someone else’s property. Having received what he wanted, he dropped all charges against the widow, but she cursed her former home, promising that the new owner would not know happiness in it and would not acquire wealth.

Walton laughed, advised the old woman to get out and moved to a new house with the whole family. One Sunday, at one o'clock in the morning, when the household was sleeping peacefully, a terrifying roar was heard: the roof and doors cracked under a hail of stones. The Waltons immediately woke up.
At first, everyone decided that the house had been attacked by Indians, but when the owner looked outside, he did not see a soul in the deserted fields. The only thing that seemed strange to him was that the gate seemed to be lifted from its hinges.

Walton stepped over the threshold, but was immediately forced to retreat: a real barrage of stones fell on his head. The family rushed to board up the doors and windows, but this did not help. Hot cobblestones began to roll down the pipe, which were impossible to even touch. Moreover, stones began to somehow fly into the house through the windows without breaking the glass. All the candles in the house immediately went out. One by one, various objects began to fly into the air and fly out. A “disembodied” hand appeared behind the glass and began knocking on the window. Locks, keys and bolts began to bend and flatten as if under the blows of an invisible hammer. The cheese press hit the wall, and the cheese disappeared without a trace. The haystacks in the field scattered, and the hay hung on the bushes and trees. For a long time Walton could not leave the house: the invisible man immediately began to fire stones at him. A bell, a candle, a witch’s brew - nothing helped.”

Ghost of Kuznetsky Bridge.

Charming Zhuzhu worked as a fashion model in one of the fashion houses on Kuznetsky Most. She was the mistress of the famous entrepreneur and philanthropist Savva Morozov. One morning in 1905, Zhuzhu was riding in a carriage along the Kuznetsky Most when she suddenly heard the cries of a newsboy: “Savva Morozov committed suicide in Nice!” Zhuzhu jumped out of the carriage to buy a newspaper and fell under the wheels of a carriage passing in the oncoming lane. The girl was taken to the hospital, but despite the efforts of doctors, she died. After dark, the body of a young newspaperman was found in a gateway on Kuznetsky Most, strangled with a woman's stocking. As the examination established, the stocking belonged to Zhuzhu, although her body was already stored in the morgue. Since then, newspaper delivery men have never appeared on this street again. And the cab drivers, fearing the fashion model’s revenge, reluctantly agreed to drive onto the Kuznetsky Most after dark. Now Juju can be seen on warm spring and summer nights. A tall, slender girl in white seems to be gliding down the street without her feet touching the pavement.