Oshtbana is a Japanese art made from dry leaves. DIY landscape from leaves and plants Painting of a girl from autumn leaves

With my own hands. The technology is simple, and the result can be very effective. This decor is suitable simply as an interior decoration. Making is easy to turn into a creative activity with children.

Panel made from natural material

It is very possible to create by gluing dried leaves and flowers, individual petals onto a base, for example, made of cardboard. This technique has its own name - oshibana (or oshibana). Quite often acts as a hobby for adults. Oshibana is the ancient Japanese art of painting with dried leaves and flowers.

This option is also suitable for children's creativity. In the process of completing crafts and preparing materials, the child will learn new information about the world around him and learn to compare colors and shapes. He will develop fine motor skills and perseverance. It is very good to combine leaves and flowers with twigs, seeds, and grains. This way you can get a relief surface and even three-dimensional details.

DIY panel of autumn leaves

So, what does it take to build such beauty? A panel of autumn leaves (photo below) can be made only from flat elements, using both natural forms of objects and complex configurations of artificial origin created on a paper backing.

You can choose the following stories:

  • bouquets;
  • landscapes;
  • still lifes;
  • portrait or complex thematic ideas.

In a word, this technique is very interesting and unusual. The result depends on your imagination, perseverance and the preparations you have.

Materials and tools

To make a panel of autumn leaves with your own hands, you will need the following:

  • base (cardboard, fiberboard, paper, for example, colored);
  • dried leaves, flower petals;
  • glue;
  • brush for applying glue (optional);
  • glass and frame for decorating the work.

So, nothing special is required. The main thing is patience and the desire to do something special.

Leaf preparation technology

To make a beautiful panel from natural material, it is important to properly prepare the source materials. You will need:

  • freshly picked leaves, flowers, petals;
  • unnecessary thick books;
  • cardboard;
  • cotton wool;
  • scissors;
  • threads or large rubber bands (not erasers, but those used for banknotes);
  • a flat surface that is free for several days (table, shelf).

Drying the material is a slow process, but you definitely shouldn’t rush to get high-quality workpieces for work.

The sequence of drying leaves is as follows:

  1. Place the leaves evenly and neatly between the pages of the unwanted book (the paper may get dirty). Do not lay out the leaves one after another, it is better to do this over several pages (they will dry faster and better and will not stick together).
  2. Place a book under a press (a box, drawer, or several large books).
  3. Wait a few days.
  4. Check if the workpieces are dry. If you are satisfied with the quality, take out the leaves and get to work. If the material is not dry, leave it for another couple of days.

How to dry flowers

Flower petals or small (not thick) flowers are dried in the same way as leaves. So, you can prepare flowers of daffodils, phlox, bindweed, viola (pansies), and bells. But asters, roses and other flowers, which have a dense, fleshy base, are best dried as follows:

  1. Prepare a sheet of cardboard or thick paper slightly larger than the flower itself.
  2. Fold the blank in half like a postcard.
  3. Cut a hole of any shape in the center of each side (this is a kind of ventilation so that the flower does not rot).
  4. Unfold the cardboard and put a layer of cotton wool inside.
  5. Place the flower on the cotton wool.
  6. Add another layer of cotton wool on top.
  7. Cover with cardboard (fold the flaps).
  8. Secure the “card” with rubber bands or tie with thread.
  9. It is advisable to put it under a press.
  10. Check the result after a few days. If the cotton wool is very wet and the flower is not dry, change the cotton wool and dry it completely.

As you can see, the technology for harvesting leaves and flowers is simple, but if you don’t follow it, you won’t get high-quality material. Leaves that are not dried enough may become deformed, and flowers may lose their petals.

Panel technology

To make a beautiful panel of leaves (photo above), you need to work like this:

  1. Use a cardboard base or colored paper if part of the background remains uncovered by the dried material.
  2. To make objects of complex unnatural shapes (vases, houses), cut out substrates (blank parts) from thin paper.
  3. Apply glue to one side of the paper backing and place dry leaves on top.
  4. Wait for the element to dry and trim along the edge contour. Throw away small leaf scraps and use large ones for other parts.
  5. When all the components are ready, apply glue to the base and glue the blanks. If necessary, lay out a background of leaves or petals first.
  6. After the painting has dried, frame it under glass. This way the panel will be better preserved.

Panels of dry leaves can be made in the form of relief using twigs, spikelets, cones, grains and seeds. This option is perfect for children's creativity.

So, making a panel of autumn leaves with your own hands is not difficult. This creative activity can be a fun and rewarding way to spend time with your child. Prepare quality material and explain the technology. Even small children can make a simple composition of leaves and flowers.

If you like to craft and use natural materials, then a picture of autumn leaves is something you can do very quickly and easily. And you don’t have to buy expensive material or put in any effort to make a real masterpiece that can decorate your home.

Why should you engage in such creativity?

First of all, it should be noted the advantages that a picture of autumn leaves has. This:

  • — environmental cleanliness;
  • — naturalness;
  • - economy;
  • - decorativeness;
  • — exclusivity;
  • - ease of manufacture.

With just a little effort and imagination, you can create paintings to suit your taste, and each of them will be different from the other. The process of such creativity is very exciting for children, especially if you first go for a walk with them and collect beautiful leaves, herbs and flowers.

Having dried the material with an iron (express drying) or between the pages of an unnecessary thick book and having prepared glue, a brush and cardboard, you can begin the creative process, which will certainly give you and your children joy and pleasure, and will also contribute to the aesthetic development of your child.

Applications made from autumn leaves are a very effective way to decorate your home in a short time. At the same time, you do not have to pay a lot of money for the materials from which your masterpieces will be made.

How to collect and prepare the necessary material?

Applications from autumn leaves should be made only after the necessary material has been collected. It is better to collect material in the fall, when the leaves acquire delightful bright colors, and you can make paintings all year round. Well, flowers and herbs can be dried throughout the entire period of their growth and flowering.

It is better not to collect dry elements, because they may crumble. When collecting, pay attention to the size, shape and beauty of the leaves.

In addition to leaves, flowers and herbs, you can also use fluff, cone scales, seeds, as well as ordinary decorative materials (feathers, ribbons, etc.), creating a variety of combinations.

You need to work with dried material very carefully, as it becomes very fragile even after gentle drying in a book. Make sure that the plants are completely dry, otherwise the finished work may be ruined.

Make sure that during storage of the material it does not begin to rot due to poor drying or moisture ingress.

How to quickly dry leaves for crafts

Wipe the leaves with a damp cloth or cotton pad to remove dirt and dust. There is no need to wet or rub too much so as not to damage the fragile surface.

Line your ironing board with clean paper and place the leaves on it.

If you use newspapers, be careful, as printing ink can print on both the leaves and the surface of the ironing board.

Cover the top with another sheet of paper.

Switch the iron to the minimum temperature and check that there is no water in it. If your iron does not have very high power, then you can set the temperature closer to average, but not maximum, because an iron that is too hot will ruin the leaves.

Iron the leaves several times, then remove the paper and turn them over to the other side. Cover with paper again and iron.

Repeat the procedure until the leaves are completely dry.

Materials you will need:

  • - dried natural material:
  • - PVA glue, as well as a regular brush, which will be used to apply it to the base;
  • - sharp scissors for cutting out the necessary elements;
  • - thick cardboard or regular landscape paper (but cardboard is undoubtedly better), for use as a base;
  • - plasticine, which can be used to secure three-dimensional elements;
  • - You should also prepare some kind of weight so that you can press down the future painting.

Features of making paintings, paintings from flowers and leaves

First, come up with a plot for your future painting and choose the type of appliqué you are going to make. Here you can rely on your imagination, take a certain image (painting, photo, etc.) as a basis, or create images based on the capabilities of the material - when it prompts ideas.

If you have come up with a plot, make a simple pencil sketch on the base, marking where each detail will be located. Then think about the sequence of gluing leaves and herbs (especially for multi-layer complex appliqué). Well, then you can start gluing.

If you don’t have enough leaves, or you don’t have something specific, you can simply draw on the missing details or make them from other materials (for example, a flower vase or a head for a man).

If you are going to start creating a painting from leaves for the first time, then first try to depict something simple in order to understand how the material behaves, how it should be handled and what nuances may arise.

Having mastered the process, you can move on to more complex images and increase the quantity and variety of natural material.

The construction of the picture is quite simple: first, larger parts are usually glued to the base, and then smaller ones. If the leaves have extra parts, they can be carefully trimmed.

Naturally, you should select elements according to color so that the picture turns out to be as natural and harmonious as possible.
And of course, you need to work carefully and with soul so that your little masterpiece will adequately decorate your home interior.

Print painting

You can not only make appliqués from leaves, but also paintings and prints. To do this, apply paint to a beautifully shaped sheet with a brush and make an imprint.

The second option is made using watercolor paper. In this case, fallen leaves are placed between watercolor paper and a napkin and carefully tapped over the entire surface with a hammer so that the coloring pigment remains on the paper.

Landscape “House in the Village”

Let's figure out how to properly assemble a landscape from leaves and herbs.

Any floral landscape is glued from top to bottom.

Glue the sky and the river (to imitate the sky, place the sheet at an angle, for a river - horizontally. Thus, thanks to one material, you will achieve a double effect - the movement of air and the smooth flow of the river).

Proceed to distant shores. Choose soft pastel colors. Raspberry leaves (from the reverse side), peony and rose petals are suitable.

Glue green leaf onto the hills of the near bank.

Making the house: first glue the walls, then the roof and windows.

Plant trees around. Create a crown from all kinds of herbs (lungwort, knotweed, fern), cut trunks from birch bark and banana skins.

The last “strokes” are small bushes, a fence, sheaves.

Frame the picture in any framing workshop (passports, glass, frame).

Do not hang the painting in direct sunlight to prevent it from deteriorating.

Multicolored collages

Autumn leaves are so beautiful on their own that they look great framed and without any plot. Look how beautiful it is! The first layer is dark leaves, then put the contrasting and most beautiful ones, so you will feel the volume. Everything is framed.

Another idea: on a collage of leaves we place a sheet of thick cardboard, in which a letter or a simple figure is cut out with a stationery knife.

Photo frame

For the autumn exhibition, you can make frames for photographs and for the design of essays and poems on the theme of autumn. Here are the options for such work - very simple and effective.

Good afternoon, today we will talk about autumn crafts. And we will make these crafts from natural materials with our own hands. Autumn is rich in a variety of materials. And so we will do with A variety of crafts on the theme of Autumn- from leaves, branches, acorns, chestnuts, straw, moss, dried flowers and other natural materials. I will show you interesting ways to create autumn crafts with your own hands using ordinary natural materials. in an unusual design way. In this article you will find fresh ideas, that will inspire you to get creative this fall. So, we go on a quiet hunt for ideas for the best crafts for the fall 2017 season.

Autumn natural material is rich in ideas for a variety of crafts for children. Let's see what ideas you can implement this fall.

Leaf compositions

and natural material.

Who said that autumn crafts from natural materials should be done while sitting indoors? Golden autumn beckons with warm sunshine and the smell of rotten leaves - and we don’t want to sit within four walls. We go outside with the children to catch a little more warmth and warm our eyes with the yellow fire of autumn leaves.

Crafts on the AUTUMN theme can be made from natural materials right outside. In my yard, next to the entrance. All you need to do is find a quiet, windless place. Instruct the children to collect a stack of bright leaves and a bucket of dry pebbles.

And now an interesting game begins - laying out crafts from autumn natural material. For novice craftsmen, this can be a simple tree. Heavy pebbles press down the yellow leaves and prevent them from flying away from the wind. The craft can be saved as a keepsake in the form of a photograph.

If there is a whole pile of pebbles near the place where you walk, then you can make a craft from natural material on a larger scale (as in the photo below).

If you are observant, you may notice that different trees have different colored foliage. If we collect yellow leaves from an ash or birch tree in a separate bag, red leaves from an aspen or Canadian maple in another bag, and a little more brown, blackened leaves, then we can make this Winnie the Bear on our porch.

Any silhouette picture can be laid out from a colored mosaic of nature itself. The main thing is to find a place without strong wind. And have time to photograph this beauty before it flutters from the wind and flies away like a bird.

The natural materials of autumn themselves will give you ideas for collages - gray branches (like the gray plumage of a wing and tail), yellow leaves (like yellow fluff on a chest). And here you are, the tit bird.

You don't have to be an artist, you don't have to have a lot of leaves. Even the smallest piles of leaves can be used to create beautiful autumn crafts. The simplest DIY craft, arranging foliage according to the colors of the spectrum, looks like real magic.

You become little wizards. Secret gnomes-assistants of Queen Autumn. You misbehave secretly, leaving good signs, funny symbols of the autumn season.

And some crafts can be made using a tree trunk as a base. Make the tree smile. The nose is a bump, two eyes are cut from a wood log, and a smile is made from physalis fruits strung on a thread.

Do you know what mandalas are? In the east, mandalas are sacred patterns closed in a circle. A harmonious pattern repeating in a circle is like a map of the universe. Mandalas are painted or laid out from mosaics, colored sand, and flower petals. Mandalas are a spiritual practice that allows you to touch the divine principle within yourself. You need to make mandalas in a special state of mind - pure, serene, enlightened.

We can also make beautiful harmonious mandala patterns with our own hands in the form of crafts from natural material – bright, beautiful autumn material.

Your autumn mandala craft can be very small (as in the photo below).

Or a very large one, consisting of many circles in a cyclic pattern.

Mosaic applications

on the theme AUTUMN.

All children love mosaics. Why don't we make it from autumn natural material.

Since the leaves are too large for mosaics (and suitable for laying out large paintings in the yard), for small indoor works we can cut an ordinary succulent maple leaf into small squares. Place them in bowls - yellow, green, red separately. And let the children themselves lay out a bright mosaic craft from such a pleasant-to-touch natural material.

You can use cereals or seeds as an ornamental material. A very good natural material for autumn children's crafts is yellow corn kernels or large pumpkin seeds painted with gouache.

And a mosaic of whole leaves can become a tree crown - a simple and quick craft made from natural material, which is suitable for kindergarten children. You can stick the leaves on paper, or on a transparent office file - and then such a craft can be mounted on a window, the leaves will shine in the sun. A beautiful children's craft for younger children.

Crafts on the theme AUTUMN.

Natural material STONE.

Here’s another wonderful idea for crafts made from natural materials in an autumn theme. Ordinary flat river stones can become a canvas for autumn paintings. You can paint stones with a brush, but it is better to apply the design using dotting technology - round wooden sticks or special dotting sticks (metal devices with a round ball at the end) are suitable for this. They are sold in the manicure department as they are intended for painting on nails. The ball tips on the dots sticks have different sizes, which allows you to draw even dots of any size.

You can also draw owls on stones - this is the simplest drawing - the main thing here is expressive eyes, a pointed beak, and oval wings with even rows of feathers. First we draw with paints, then we outline each painted element with a contour (white, as in the left photo or black, as in the right photo below). And a thin contour outline of the elements will make the craft-drawings clearer and more expressive.

Such owl crafts made from natural material will look good on driftwood with scraps of moss, inside a wooden frame, glued to a cut of a log.

And it’s even cooler to put such an owl inside a hole cut in a thick round cut of a tree trunk.

Autumn crafts

with tree branches.

Ordinary tree branches can also become the source of an interesting DIY autumn collage. This natural material is lying around completely unused. You can give children the task of collecting beautiful, non-dirty twigs in a bag while on a walk, disassembling them at home, clearing them of debris and breaking them into small pieces.

Next, on a sheet of paper, draw the outlines of a basket with handles. And either we give the child plasticine, or we arm ourselves with a glue gun and begin to assemble our basket from sticks. Then all that remains is to put the fruit in it (cut it out of cardboard, draw it and then cut it out, or use the cut-out applique technique).

And if you collected beautiful leaves along with sticks, then you can make a children’s craft tree from natural materials.

Long sticks found in the park can not be broken, but put aside to make them a new craft-panel made from natural materials(as in the photo below). The principle is simple. The sticks are laid in the shape of the sides of a square - we tie the junction of the sticks with twine (wire, thread). And then we decorate such a frame using natural materials and colored paper.

You can place a canvas inside a frame of branches - we tint a sheet of cardboard with paints, make holes on its sides with a hole punch - and tie the sheet with threads to the branch frame, pulling the thread through the holes and around the branch (as was done in the left photo below). And then on this canvas we make an application from natural material on the theme of autumn.

Or you can simply decorate the frame along its perimeter - at the bottom of the square we attach a bush, mushrooms, pieces of moss, bark, and a cardboard hedgehog to the plasticine. On the top of our panel made of natural material we hang a garland of autumn leaves cut out of colored paper, a sun, clouds, and a kite.

From the branches you can lay out large applique in the shape of an owl , a children's craft, which is entirely made from natural materials that autumn is rich in. Branches, dry and fresh pine needles, withered fir legs. You can lay out the applique on a sheet of plywood and secure everything with glue - or make a temporary mosaic on a walk right on the ground or stump.

Looks very nice DIY HEDGEHOG made from natural material . This fall craft is my favorite in this post. Let me even tell you in detail how to simply and easily make such a hedgehog with your own hands. It's really very easy. Now you will see this.

First, we find beautiful thick twigs from a bush or birch branches - we cut them with scissors or a knife into segments with long oblique cuts (as in the photo of the hedgehog below).

For this autumn craft you will need plasticine - a large piece. Where can I get it? I never throw away used plasticine from children's crafts, I put it in one common pile - then I soak this multi-colored pile in hot water - it becomes soft like fresh dough, and easily and simply I knead this whole lump into a homogeneous mass with my hands - I get a large piece of fresh brown plasticine of excellent quality. You can make a variety of crafts from it for a long time

We form the body of a hedgehog from plasticine- drop-shaped. And row by row we stick pieces of branches into the thick part of the hedgehog - the oblique cuts should all point in one direction.

2 ways to design a hedgehog's face.

1 way. I wrap the hedgehog’s plasticine nose with a piece of burlap or a piece of gauze (bandage) soaked in a solution of iodine and water.

Method 2. The hedgehog's face can be coated with PVA glue, covered with pieces of paper napkins, coated with glue again, another layer of napkins, glue on top and allowed to dry - you will get a layer of papier-mâché. We cover it with paint - draw eyes and a nose on it

Craft-web from branches and leaves.

You can also make beautiful decorative pendants on the AUTUMN theme from natural materials. We will need straight, even branches - like willow. Let's look at the photo, and below I give a detailed step-by-step description of this children's craft.

A detailed master class on this craft made from natural materials.

Take a lump of plasticine and divide it into 2 small pellets. On the first cake we place the branches in a circle (that is, radially from this plasticine center) - so that the tips of the branches meet in the middle of the plasticine cake. Lightly press each branch so that it sinks into the plasticine. Cover the top with a second piece of plasticine, also pressing it onto the branches. It turns out to be a splay with rays of branches.

Now we need coarse threads - the ones that are used in the store to tie up packages with purchases. Such canvas-paper thick gray threads. With them we begin to weave a web between the branches - starting from the plasticine center and gradually moving towards the outer edge, until our web rests against the edge of the maple leaf.

Craft autumn kaleidoscope.

Also you can do colored kaleido made from natural material – from branches and leaves (as in the photo below).

For this craft we will need hot glue (or the ability to weave threads between crossed branches). Now I will give a detailed master class on how to create this craft with your own hands.

Step 1 Cut 4 rods of equal size. Two of them we cross cross over cross - fasten with glue or thread. Two others we cross in the same way. We now have two crosses made of branches.

Step 2 We place these 2 crosses on top of each other diagonally - so that they form snowflake figure. We fasten the middle of this clutch with glue (or fix it with threads).

Step 3 We make a round ring from a flexible willow rod (fresh or soaked in water). We attach this ring to our “snowflake” made of twigs - so that the edges of the ring are at the same distance from the center - along each rod(we measure with a tape measure). If the distances are the same, then the ring will be even and not crooked.

Step 4 As a result, we got a circle from the branches, divided into triangular sectors. And all that remains is to find large maple leaves of different colors - pure yellow, pure red, pure green, pure orange. From them you need to cut out triangles that are suitable in size to the hole sector on the future kaleidoscope. Cut out the triangle like this: so that the central vein on the maple leaf passes through the middle of such a triangle– divided it in half like a bisector from geometry. And we attach all these multi-colored triangles made of maple leaves with a glue gun to the sectors of our structure made of natural material.

Autumn applications

Made from natural material.

And of course, all children love to make appliques from autumn natural materials. Small and large paintings of leaves and dried flowers. The most favorite children's crafts on the theme of autumn.

The symbol of autumn made from natural material is, of course, a hedgehog. What can it be made from, from leaves, from flowers, from twigs, from maple or ash seeds.

The simplest hedgehog is made like this. Cut out the silhouette of a hedgehog from cardboard. We give children plasticine and maple seeds. We begin to attach rows of seeds to cardboard with plasticine - you need to start from the back of the hedgehog. Children are eager to start with the muzzle - explain to them that this is not correct, that then it is not convenient to do the back rows of needles, when the front needles stick out back and get in the way.

Using the same principle, a hedgehog is made from flat natural material - leaves and dried flowers. Also starting from the butt, we attach it to plasticine or glue. This is the most common children's craft on the theme of Autumn.

Children also love making fall turkeys. This is also a simple bird craft that doesn’t require much natural material. The body and head of the bird can be cut out of cardboard. Or the head and body can be cut out with scissors from the same maple leaf (as in the photo of the craft below).

YOU can make crafts without using colored paper, but by cutting out all the parts necessary for the picture from natural material, if you do not find a leaf of a suitable shape.

Here's a great idea. Large craft LION. It can be made from real natural leaves. Or you can design it as a collective paper craft. In the kindergarten group, we distribute sheets of paper with a maple leaf drawn on it. The children's task is to cut out the contour of this sheet. At the end of the lesson, all children attach their leaves to the lion's mane. A good idea for a craft on the theme “autumn” is for the middle group of kindergarten, when children are in their first year of learning to cut out contours with scissors - they will cut out a maple leaf for about 10 minutes, and puff with zeal like steam locomotives.

If you work in a large group of children (as a kindergarten teacher or a teacher, or a circle leader), then you can make one large collective craft. For example, this bird is made from natural material. We cut out parts of the bird from cardboard - the left wing separately, the right wing separately, the body separately and the tail separately. Divide the team into 4 creative groups. Each group of children receives their own piece and begins to place leaves on glue or plasticine. After completing the work of each team - we combine the details into one common bird craft made from a natural material as bright as autumn itself.

Autumn crafts-paintings

Made from natural material.

And of course, autumn material makes beautiful, bright collage crafts in the form of natural landscapes. In the photo below we see how a picture-panel was made from different materials - paper, leaves, herbs.

You can dry many flower petals. And make a big collage with the children with a blue sky and a blue river. Stretch a bridge across the river, cut out of a blackened autumn leaf (in order for the leaf to turn black, it must be ironed with a hot iron through a newspaper).

And if you don’t have enough dry natural material, then you can paint a picture in gouache or watercolor and lay out only individual elements of the landscape from leaves and herbs (as in this craft below).

Autumn crafts

from natural material.

Autumn nature is rich in a wide variety of ornamental materials - hawthorn berries, rose hips, pine cones, fluffy moss. After a walk in the forest, you can make an elegant autumn composition with a candle. And have a romantic candlelit dinner with an autumn theme.

Thick cut logs, round birch logs and walnut shells - this poor natural material can become a source of inspiration for such a craft in the form of a mushroom clearing.

From the found cones you can make a variety of characters with your own hands. And place them in the form of a single autumn composition, made with your own hands from natural materials (wood, leaves, moss, wood chips, etc.).

Fresh oak branches plucked by a hurricane can be dried in the shade of a shed, under the roof. Oak leaves do not lose their rich green color when dried. And then they will be able to take part in interesting crafts made with their own hands from autumn natural materials.

A wreath - a symbol of autumn - made from natural material in all shades of bright foliage will delight your whole family. It is so interesting to collect leaves - to select only the most beautiful ones. You need to weave a wreath with your own hands from willow twigs and weave autumn leaves into it with threads, plant pine cones on wire or glue. On our website we have a special educational article on weaving wreaths from twigs and branches -

The bright fruit boxes of physalis, twigs with hawthorn fruits, and immemorial flowers look beautiful in autumn wreaths.

But even if you don't have bright natural material to make an autumn wreath, don't worry. You can do bright wreath of gray pine cones. You just need to take more gouache. Paint each pine cone in shades of fall foliage. Spray with hairspray (to make the color richer and not stain your hands). And then collect all this colorful splendor of autumn into a rich wreath with your own hands.

The cones in the wreath can be placed with their butts forward (as in the photo above), or with their noses forward (as in the craft below).

You can make decorative autumn wreaths from one natural material. Only from rose hips - string the red fruits onto copper wire and bend it into a heart shape.

Or your fall wreath can be made from a log of wood found in a woodpile.

In the same woodshed you can find natural material suitable for making a composition with owls.

Your autumn compositions can look like cheerful people made from birch cuts, decorated with various natural materials that autumn is rich in.

And tufts of mown grass can turn into a hedgehog if you (or good neighbors) have physalis blooming profusely. Its boxes can be sewn with thread to a straw bale. Wrap the sharp edge of the bale with twine and glue on the nose and eyes.

You can also make it from natural autumn material beautiful candlestick . We will need the bottom part of any white bottle of household liquid (washing balm, etc.).

We unroll transparent wide tape on the table. On its sticky surface we place beautiful small leaves, seeds and other flat natural material, wrong side up. We place it so that there are empty spaces of adhesive tape between the elements (so that there is adhesive space).

These are the new ideas for this fall - made from natural materials. You've found inspiration here. You fell in love with some crafts. And that means this fall will not pass by your skillful hands. All that remains is to collect natural material, of which there is plenty everywhere, and, fortunately, it is free. Like in that poem...

Autumn is coming in our park,
Autumn gives gifts to everyone.

And we give you even more other articles on the topic of autumn crafts.

Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site.

1. On paper, draw a sketch of the printed landscape with a pencil (photo 1). We outline the light on the trees and bushes, as well as their reflection in the water. When drawing a sketch, it is necessary to take into account that objects located close to the shore and their reflection in the water are equal in size.

2. Using the back side of poplar and silver maple leaves, we depict the sky and its reflection (photo 2). To do this, carefully coat the inside of the sheet with glue and glue it to the base according to the sketch.

3. To depict trees and bushes, in the foreground we glue different leaves torn off piece by piece according to the shape of the objects. We start with the shadow part, using dark and cool colors, and gradually move on to light ones, where the main shades will be ocher, grass, terracotta and yellow. You can improvise a little by adding openwork tree crowns among the greenery. Taking into account the aerial perspective, we paste out the background of the forest in purple and blue-blue tones.

4. When reflecting objects in the water, we select and glue leaves of different trees three shades darker than on land (photo 3). Lungwort leaves are suitable for transmitting water ripples. To ensure that the finished painting is preserved for a long time, we frame it.

After each stage of the work completed, the painting must be placed under a press for some time so that the plant material sticks well, straightens out and becomes smooth.

Pressed floristry originated in Japan about 6 centuries ago. This art was exclusively mastered by samurai. They believed that creating paintings from dried plants helps to gain confidence, achieve peace of mind and learn to comprehend harmony in everything. She helped develop concentration, perseverance, patience and observation.

Leaves, flowers, poplar fluff, seeds, grass, tree bark, etc. are usually used as natural materials.

First, this natural material of plant origin is dried under pressure. At the same time, it becomes flat and sometimes changes color.

Sometimes, before applying the material to a paper base, the paper is treated with watercolor paints.

Despite the apparent simplicity of execution, oshibana is not just appliqués made of dried leaves and flowers. oshibana is a real art, deeper and more meaningful than just a children's craft.

The master created a picture from pressed flowers in a state of total presence - “satori”. Later, the compiled image could serve as a key, a kind of guide for those who were ready to silently experience the very sensations of the author. Therefore, we can say that for samurai who learned the path of a warrior, oshibana was an integral part of life, just like writing hieroglyphs.

The fragility of dried flowers required the development of certain techniques for preserving the unusual natural material. To prevent the works of this original oriental art from fading in the sun and darkening, Japanese masters began to “pump out” the air between the glass and the painting, creating a vacuum that prevents the plants from deteriorating.

Dried flowers for miniatures using the oshibana technique can be selected and purchased in special dried flower stores. But needless to say, for a true master it is much more pleasant to compose pictures from herbs and flowers prepared independently.

To prepare natural material, only fully blossomed flowers that have gained color and shape are collected. It is important to remember that the plants must be dry. If the flowers are nevertheless collected in rainy weather or early in the morning, when the dew has not yet dried, they must certainly be laid out on a flat surface and dried for several hours.

Under the press, the flowers are laid out on newspapers with good porosity of the paper sheet so that natural moisture escapes well during the drying process. That is, glossy magazine pages are unlikely to be suitable for these purposes.

Wildflowers and roses dry faster than other plants - only 2-3 days. However, their color can be preserved under the right storage conditions for decades.

In addition to dried flowers, the master of oshibana art uses thick paper, a stationery knife and a mock-up mat.

Flower petals and various blades of grass are laid out on paper. Using a special pattern, birch bark is cut and a composition is drawn up, then the intended image is cut out. When the drawing is drawn up, it is fixed using a special film.