Navka on Channel One performed a dance about love in a Nazi concentration camp. Tatyana Navka: The Holocaust needs to be remembered Tatyana Navka and Andrey Burkovsky - “Beautiful That Way” video

Navka and Burkovsky's dance about the Holocaust caused criticism in Western media.

The dance, which was performed by Tatyana Navka and Andrei Burkovsky in the Ice Age program, caused a lot of criticism and misunderstanding. After the release of the next program, in which Navka and Burkovsky performed a number on the theme of the Holocaust, unflattering reviews about the theme and nature of the performance appeared on the Internet and in the Western press.

The main reason that some users and journalists began to write negative and sometimes even offensive reviews about the Ice Age participants was simple ignorance and inattention. What is striking about this dance is that the dancers, dressed in the uniforms of concentration camp prisoners with the Star of David on their chests, smile, have fun and seem to be fooling around. This may seem like a mockery of the Holocaust theme only to those who did not know that Navka and Burkovsky took the famous film, the tragicomedy by Roberto Benigni, as the basis for their speech. Life is Beautiful", which received three Oscars at once. According to the plot of the film, father and son end up in a Nazi concentration camp, where children and old people are killed in gas chambers. To save his son and protect him from all the horrors that are happening around him, the father convinces the child that everything around him is just a funny game. To become the winner of this game, you need to follow certain rules - don’t cry, don’t complain, don’t ask for food, don’t show yourself to the soldiers.

However, despite the fact that the film was identified in the speech as the main plot, some foreign media, including CNN, BBC, The New York Times, The Guardian, published unflattering comments about the speech, without failing to say that Tatyana Navka is the wife of the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov.

Tatiana Navka and Andrey Burkovsky dance “Life is Beautiful” video

Published 11/28/16 09:23

The performance that caused fierce controversy took place as part of the Ice Age show on Channel One.

A real political scandal on a global scale flared up in the media and blogosphere after Channel One aired the program “Ice Age,” where figure skater Tatyana Navka and her partner Andrei Burkovsky showed a number about concentration camp prisoners.

In the release of the project on November 26, Navka and Burkovsky showed the number Beautiful That Way based on the film “Life is Beautiful,” which takes place during the Second World War. The film tells the story of an Italian woman who voluntarily went after her husband. idhumkz and son to a concentration camp.

During their performance, Navka and Burkovsky were dressed in prison uniforms with yellow Stars of David on the chest.

The performance on “The Ice Age” with the participation of the wife of the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov was assessed very ambiguously by the world media.

For example, the American online publication The Huffington Post simply noted that the Olympic champion in ice dancing and actor Andrei Burkovsky took to the ice in the guise of prisoners of Auschwitz, and the song Beautiful That Way by Nicola Piovani from a film about persecution was chosen as the musical accompaniment for the performance Jews during World War II "Life is Beautiful."

In turn, the Israeli publication Haaretz stated that this is not the first time on Russian television that the theme of the Holocaust is used in an entertainment project. Journalists recalled that in April 2016, Russian state television already apologized for the number in the project “Dancing with the Stars” to the composition of Frank Sinatra Fly Me to the Moon, which told about the romance of a German soldier of World War II and a Russian girl who were awaiting execution in end of the number.

The performance of Navka and Burkovsky caused a strong reaction on social networks. Thus, blogger @Lndcalling said that Channel One has gone crazy.

His post received over 500 retweets and many replies. Most users condemned the artists and the editors of Channel One.

However, there were also those who stood up for the number.

In turn, the members of the Ice Age jury assessed the performance positively, giving the artistry and technique of the performance a maximum of six points.

On the “Ice Age” program on Channel One, Tatyana Navka and Andrei Burkovsky showed the number “Beautiful That Way” about concentration camp prisoners.

In the release of the project on November 26, Navka and Burkovsky showed a number based on the film “Life is Beautiful,” which takes place during the Second World War.

During their performance, Navka and Burkovsky were dressed in prison uniforms with yellow Stars of David on the chest.

Video: Navka and Burkovsky portrayed concentration camp prisoners

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The performance of the artists caused a mixed reaction from users of social networks: some were outraged by it, while others did not see anything offensive in it.

on the 1st they fucked up

— enemies over the hill (@Lndcalling) November 26, 2016

Navka showed everyone how much fun the prisoners in the Nazi concentration camps had. And whoever disagrees with this is a falsifier of history.

— Time of Troubles (@Durevestnik) November 27, 2016

The wife of Putin's press secretary Dmitry Peskov, Tatyana Navka, skated the Kremlin's obligatory program: a pinch of racism, a little anti-Semitism.

— Taras Berezovets (@TarasBerezovets) November 28, 2016

If Navka had not danced on the bones of Holocaust victims, NATO tanks would have been skating on the ice in Moscow!

Apparently I was one of the last to watch "Holocaust on Ice"
I always knew that Navka... was more cultured... not very far-sighted, but THAT much?!

— YAGOZA (@Yagozarussia) November 28, 2016

Many world media outlets wrote about the incident, and residents of different countries expressed their bewilderment about what happened on social networks.

There's mental. There's batshit mental. Then there's a holocaust themed skating performance mental.

— Matt Adams (@Maverick_Adams) November 27, 2016

“They're crazy. These are fucking psychos. These are crazy people in a Holocaust-themed room."

When brainstorming ideas for an ice skating routine how, the fuck, do you get to "the holocaust"? Wrong doesn't even begin to cover this.

— Sarah Dimond (@SarahDimond) November 27, 2016

“While brainstorming an idea for an issue, how the f*** did the Holocaust come to your mind?”

As reported by Rosbalt news agency, President of the Holocaust Foundation Alla Gerber, who commented on the number on the radio “Moscow Speaks”, urged not to perceive the situation so unambiguously. “The topic is so painful, so bloody, how should we address it, what are the criteria? “This, first of all, it seems to me, should not be mockery, it should not be irony, there should not be a wry smile,” Gerber said. At the same time, she emphasized that “even in the most terrible conditions, people continued to live until the last minute... they wrote, they sang, they loved.”

Navka herself called this number one of her favorites.

The Israeli publication Haaretz noted that this is not the first time that the Holocaust theme is used in entertainment programs on Russian television. In April of this year, Russian state television already apologized after Dancing with the Stars aired a number to Frank Sinatra's "Fly Me to the Moon" in which a German soldier during World War II began an affair with a Russian woman. The apotheosis of the act was the execution of the lovers.

“Life is Beautiful” to the song “Beautiful That Way” by Israeli singer Ahinoam Nini (Noah), included in the soundtrack to the film.

Dressed in striped pajamas with yellow stars of David, the “parents”, who according to the authors’ idea ended up in a concentration camp, are trying to convince the “child” that everything that is happening around is a game. During the performance, the skaters pretended to shoot at each other. As noted, “their beaming smiles are typical of figure skating, but did not fit well with the monstrous theme” of the number. In turn, the authors explained that the smiles, antics and what seemed to others to be an inappropriate joyful atmosphere were part of the script, repeating the plot of the film “Life is Beautiful.”

After the performance, Navka posted a collage of photos on her Instagram with the caption: “Be sure to look! One of my favorite numbers! Based on one of my favorite movies, Life is Beautiful! Show this film to your children, definitely. PS: Our children should know and remember that terrible time, which I hope, God willing, they will never know!”

A photo posted by Tatiana Navka (@tatiana_navka) on Nov 26, 2016 at 11:22am PST

However, not everyone understood and appreciated the allusions. Immediately after New York Magazine and Daily Beast author Yashar Ali retweeted the recording of the speech, a hurricane of criticism hit Navka and Burkovsky. Opinions on social networks were divided: from “I just can’t believe such insensitivity and tactlessness” to calls for Putin to force Navka to make a public apology.

Published 11/29/16 10:29

The performance of Tatyana Navka and Andrei Burkovsky in the show “Ice Age” with a number about the Holocaust caused a mixed reaction in society and the media. Peskov expressed pride in his wife who danced in the clothes of a concentration camp prisoner. And Averbukh accused the Western media of inciting hysteria around Navka’s dance.

Navka was surprised by the media reaction to the dance about the Holocaust

Olympic champion Tatyana Navka commented on the controversial reaction to her ice dance performance with actor Andrei Burkovsky, writes MK.

Earlier, as Topnews wrote, Western media criticized Navka and Burkovsky, who danced in prison clothes. However, the dance was based on Roberto Benigni’s tragicomedy “Life is Beautiful” about the Holocaust.

Navka said she was surprised by the strange reaction of the media. She suggested that the critics did not see the picture, the music from which was used in the issue idhumkz about prisoners of Auschwitz.

Navka and Burkovsky. Speech on the Holocaust. VIDEO

Figure skater Tatyana Navka and actor Andrei Burkovsky performed an ice dance dedicated to the Holocaust in the Ice Age show on Channel One. The athletes took to the ice dressed as Jewish prisoners of a concentration camp during World War II and danced to the song “Beautiful That Way” from the famous Italian film “Life is Beautiful.”
“Be sure to check it out! Based on one of my favorite films, Life is Beautiful! — Tatyana Navka wrote on on your Instagram page. “Show this film to your children, for sure. Our children must know and remember that terrible time, which I hope, God willing, they will never know!” - she emphasized.

Peskov commented on the performance of Navka and Burkovsky

Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov commented on the performance of his wife Tatyana Navka and Andrei Burkovsky in the image of Auschwitz prisoners, RT reports.

“I don’t think this is an issue that somehow concerns the Kremlin. Due to my work, I am significantly limited in my ability to comment on this. I’m proud of my wife, that’s what I can say,” Peskov said in response to a request to comment on the reaction of the world media to the speech of Navka and Burkovsky.

The Jewish community approved Navka's scandalous dance about the Holocaust, but the chief rabbi of Moscow expressed doubts

There is nothing offensive in the performance of Tatyana Navka and Andrei Burkovsky with a number about the Holocaust on the television show “Ice Age,” Mark Grubarg, chairman of the Jewish community of St. Petersburg, told Baltika FM.

According to him, some bloggers and journalists artificially “inflated the story” on the topic of insulting feelings after watching the ice show. The speech of Navka and Burkovsky gave another reason to remember the Holocaust and comprehend the lessons of the past, the head of the community is sure.

“Many people are outraged that they are trying to talk about the Holocaust in the language of the show. But many wonderful films are devoted to the topic of the Holocaust. Why is a film possible, but a show is not? Is it worth labeling any genre?” Grubarg was indignant.

All works of art, without mockery and deliberate humiliation of a particular community, have the right to exist, says the chairman of the Jewish community. In his opinion, whether Navka and Burkovsky’s show meets the criteria of good taste will become clear after some time.

As the organization explained, the scandalous dance was conceived as a work about love, faith and victory over difficult reality. “And I advise everyone who is concerned about insulting Jews to come to the synagogue to engage in a serious study of Judaism and the history of the Holocaust,” Grubarg added.

In turn, the Chief Rabbi of Moscow, President of the Council of Rabbis of Europe Pinchas Goldschmidt did not approve of the performance of the wife of press secretary Dmitry Peskov in the show “Ice Age” in the image of an Auschwitz prisoner.

In his opinion, Tatyana Navka and her dance partner Andrei Burkovsky should have consulted with the relatives of Nazi concentration camp prisoners before staging a dance about the Holocaust.

“Many people liked it, but many were offended by the dance. The Holocaust and everything connected with it is too big a wound. She won't live for a long time. There are almost no Jewish families in which none of the ancestors suffered from Nazism or wore yellow stars, like on the costumes of figure skaters,” TASS quotes the rabbi.

According to Goldschmidt, the creators of the dance number needed to take care of the feelings of the victims' family members and consult with them in advance. The Chief Rabbi of Moscow expressed the hope that the directors wanted to convey the will to live and the best hopes of the concentration camp prisoners.

“Probably, the intentions were good, but every nation has its own pain, and we must try not to touch a nerve. I wouldn’t like to see anti-Semitism here,” Goldschmidt said.

Ilya Averbukh accused Western media of inciting hysteria: they confused Navka with Tatmyanina

Meanwhile, figure skater and producer Ilya Averbukh called it savagery how foreign media reported news about the dance of Tatyana Navka and actor Andrei Burkovsky in the images of Auschwitz prisoners in the show “Ice Age,” writes

“It’s crazy that this can be discussed at all. The savagery is in everything - in the presentation, in the hysteria, in the lack of professionalism that can be seen in the articles of foreign media,” says Averbukh.

As an example, he cited an article in the British Daily Mail, which confused Navka with another Olympic figure skating champion, Tatyana Totmyanina. In the published photo, Totmyanina stands next to Russian President Vladimir Putin, and the caption to the photo talks about Navka. Averbukh called it a “big blunder.”