Nastya Kamenskikh left the group: Potap said goodbye to the singer, the latest news. Anastasia Petrik, biography, news, photos Why Potap and Nastya don’t perform together

A well-known company wanted to book the duet of Potap and Nastya for its event, but the production center MOZGI Entertainment replied: “They do not perform together.” The owner of one serious event company confirmed this information to KP in Ukraine, saying that the duo had not given concerts for two months. Only at the end of September the couple worked at a private party in Turkey, but here they could not refuse - the performance was booked and paid in advance.

Recently, Potap himself let slip in an interview with Katya Osadchaya that changes were coming in the duet. But he didn’t really explain anything.

It is only clear that one of the most popular teams in our showbiz, having worked together for 11 years, has retired. At least temporarily. What is the reason for the collapse of a successful project that always brought good money?

Version 1. Love has passed - the office romance has faded

About a year ago, as their friends told us, . All this time, although they did not officially confirm their office romance, they did not particularly hide it either. Did they really quarrel and decide to break up?

If you look at their Instagrams, you can definitely say that these two artists train every day in the same gym and run with their coach in the autumn park. And their friends also say that the artists now live in the same house, which they built for themselves.

Version 2. Nastya is pregnant

If this is so, then the 30-year-old artist found out about her pregnancy sometime in the summer. That is, now she is approximately three or four months old. But, looking at the latest photo, where Nastya is posing in sports tights, there are no hints of a tummy. Although she may well “tweak” photos on social networks.

Version 3. Kamenskikh is eager to go solo swimming

They say that Nastya has long asked Potap to do a solo project for her. Perhaps she put pressure on the man she lives with: they say, take care of your band MOZGI and at the same time produce me.

Version 4. They are tired of working hard

But this begs the question: “What do artists need to live on?” But we were convinced that Potap would never die of hunger; everything in his production center was set up too cleverly.

Today, for example, the project “Time and Glass” brings in much more income than the duet “Potap and Nastya,” so they have enough for everyone, a producer friend assured us. – It seems to me that the guys are tired of toiling on tours, from which they have not been back for 11 years. So we took a vacation.

Don’t worry about Potap and Gorovaya (the artist’s ex-wife and director), they know what they are doing: they have brains,” joked another showbiz representative, hinting at the production center MOZGI Entertainment.

We want to believe in the validity of the second version. After all, Nastya is already 30, and Potap is a very good dad, as practice has proven.

Today, one piece of news is being actively discussed in show business: Nastya Kamenskikh left the duet “Potap and Nastya”. In May 2017, the couple celebrated 10 years of working together. Now it has become known that fans will no longer hear new songs from this duo. Some listeners were upset, some held back their comments, waiting to see how the artists would perform separately from each other.

Many fans were looking forward to such an event, because they had long ago determined that the duet “Potap and Nastya” had already grown out of the created image, and it was time to build a solo career.

Among the most popular songs of Potap and Nastya are:

  • "Mom".
  • "I...I..."
  • “On the Paradise” and many others.

Potap was the first to put an end to the duet. Everyone knows that the singer has been engaged not only in his vocal career for a long time, but also acts as a producer and author of his own projects.

Duet "Potap and Nastya Kamensky"

According to Nastya Kamenskikh, she is not afraid to go on a solo swim, because she has long dreamed of starting a solo career. It must be remembered that the duet “Potap and Nastya Kamenskikh” previously also wanted to cease to exist, but nothing worked out for them. Fans believe that the previous pause was untimely; the duo had something else to show.

Despite the fact that she left the duet, she speaks of Potap with great warmth and respect. Previously, the singer often complained that Potap was very harsh and could be rude at work, but recently nothing negative has been said about his colleague.

Nastya and Potap spend a lot of time outside of work, they are connected by sports, and not only. Recently, more and more information has appeared on the Internet that Potap and Nastya are having an affair, which is developing into a serious relationship.

The beginning of Nastya Kamenskikh's solo career

Last week it was officially confirmed that the singer left the duet with Potap. The couple came to this decision together, so no one abandoned anyone. Nastya says that her career age is quite advanced, so there is no need for a duet. Now Kamenskikh has no doubt that he is able to cope with his vocal activities on his own. Potap only supports her in this.

Nastya Kamenskikh presented her new solo video “This is my night”

On November 2, Nastya Kamenskikh presents her first solo video, “This is my night.” Viewers will see the artist in a completely new role, which fully reflects the singer’s inner state. Nastya said that she really loves the night time, when you can think about everything, make new plans and decide on the way to implement them.

In her video, which was directed by Alan Badoev, Nastya will perform in the image of a Cuban beauty, which completely describes her. This role demonstrates modern trends, charges with energy, gives music to listeners, and also fully reflects the principles of Nastya Kamensky.

It is worth recalling that Nastya Kamenskikh recently presented sportswear of her own production with the NK logo. By doing this, she not only shows her love for sports, but also encourages her fans to play sports together, take care of their figure and always remain beautiful and slim.

Nastya Kamenskikh's video was recorded in the Future Por style; it will allow the star to fully reveal herself, show her energy, beauty and mood. Despite the fact that unpleasant situations happen in Nastya’s life, the singer never gives up and fights against them without losing heart.

Let us remind you that Nastya was recently treated for a serious leg injury. Her first parachute jump was unsuccessful for the girl - the main canopy did not open.

Kamenskikh and his instructor landed on a spare plane, which did not save the singer from serious injuries. As we can see, the rehabilitation was successful, now Nastya continues to actively engage in sports, and subscribers to her Instagram page are convinced of this every day.

On the jury of the show "X Factor"

Nastya Kamenskikh left the duet, but not from concert activities, because she is a very talented singer who tries to show the audience her best sides. According to her, the image in the new video was not invented just like that. The appearance of Nastya Kamensky is often compared to the appearance of foreign girls.

The singer says that from time to time she herself feels like a cosmopolitan woman, because she managed to live in Italy and the States, in addition to this, she traveled practically the whole world on tours. “NK” is music that has no boundaries, and in the process of performing, Nastya gained good life experience.

Now Nastya Kamenskikh is actively interested in filling her channel on YouTube; the singer launched NKblog, in which she records various stories from her life, talks about successes, and shares new events. The singer knows that her personal life interests many fans, so she decided to create a personal channel.

Nastya and Potap's relationship outside of work

Recently, you can notice on the Internet not only news that Nastya Kamenskikh left the duet, but also about her personal life with Potap. Lately, Nastya and Potap have been spending a lot of time together, going for runs early in the morning, and great tenderness is noticeable in their relationship.

Literally 2 years ago, Nastya Kamenskikh constantly complained that Potap has a complex character, he is very demanding and sets a high standard in his work. Now, on the contrary, Nastya will not miss a moment without once again complimenting her colleague and producer. Potap also began to show great attention to Nastya Kamenskikh; he does not hide his care and respect.

It is worth noting that just recently Potap officially announced his divorce from his ex-wife. The couple has a son, with whom the man now spends all his free time from work. Such great fatherly love for his son can be judged by the photo on Potap’s Instagram.

Nastya shared that her personal life is now settled, she no longer has the status of an enviable bride. Recently, Kamenskikh showed off a diamond ring on her ring finger, which indicates that Nastya’s personal life is reaching a new level.

In turn, Potap does not hide the new tattoo on his hand, which has the logo of their group “Potap and Nastya”. With this, Alexey Potapenko wanted to show that their duet will forever remain in his heart, and that such changes in his creative career are only for the better.

All these events in the lives of the stars confirm that their relationship has moved to a new stage. They began to show each other not only respect, but also considered their other halves. Potap and Nastya themselves do not officially confirm anything. Many fans believe that after a while the couple will simply shock everyone with their wedding photos and starting a family.

Returning to the topic of Nastya Kamenskikh’s solo career, it should be noted that at the moment the name of her new producer is still unknown. The public will find out a little later whether Alexey Potapenko will take on a new job with his beautiful colleague.

Nastya Kamenskikh is a famous Ukrainian pop singer. Her popularity was brought by her performances in the duet “Potap and Nastya”, which attracted the attention of the public with cheerful and hooligan songs, phrases from which quickly became catchphrases.

Soon after this, new independent songs by the duo were released; the public’s attention was captured by the lyrical and romantic composition “Fingertips,” which showed the other side of the hooligan duet.

TV projects and radio

In 2008, Nastya Kamenskikh and Alexey Potapenko made their debut as actors. They starred in the leading roles of the musical "Little Red Riding Hood". The duo connected the soundtrack “Freaks” for the comedy blockbuster of the same name with the world of cinema.

In the same year, Nastya appeared in the Channel One music television show “Two Stars”. In the project, Nastya’s partner was not her permanent performance partner Potap, but a famous comedian.

Garik Kharlamov and Nastya Kamenskikh on the project “Two Stars”

Nastya Kamenskikh managed to try herself in the modeling business. But his “kitchen” shocked the singer, and she quickly quit the “cruel” business. But the Kiev beauty loves to pose for cameras. She is recognized as one of the most beautiful women in Ukraine according to the magazine “Viva!” Nastya's photographs, including those in a swimsuit or underwear, often appear on the covers of glossy magazines. Kamenskikh starred for MAXIM, Playboy and XXL magazines.

In 2010, Nastya Kamenskikh participated in the show project “Star+Star” with. In 2009-2010, together with Potapenko, she hosted the show “Guten Morgen!” on channel "M1".

Soon news appeared that the popular duo had broken up, and the musicians had taken up solo careers. Nastya told the press that her and Potap’s creative visions and plans began to differ too much. But soon Potap and Nastya overcame all differences and began working together again on future hits.

Potap and Nastya - “Udi Udi”

The team regularly surprises and delights its fans with new products that immediately become hits. In 2013, their third album “Everything in a Bunch” appeared. The single with the same name and the new song “Udi Udi” topped the music charts for a long time.

In 2014, Nastya made her debut as a radio host of an author’s show called “On the way home with Nastya Kamenskikh” on the Ukrainian “Russian Radio”.

In the same year, Potap and Nastya voiced Tusk and Spring, the heroes of the German cartoon “The Seventh Dwarf,” and recorded two soundtracks for the cartoon. One of these songs – the surprisingly inspiring and positive “Believe in Your Strength” – was very popular both with viewers of the cartoon and with ordinary radio listeners, and for a long time it could be heard on many radio stations in Russia.

In 2016, Nastya again acted as a TV presenter. Kamenskikh worked on the “1+1” channel and hosted the children’s version of the humorous show “Make the Comedian Laugh” - “Make the Comedian Laugh.” Children".

In December 2016, Nastya Kamenskikh shocked the audience with her performance at the M1 Music Awards. The motto of the award was the concept of yin-yang and the idea of ​​compatibility of incompatible things. Nastya performed in a duet with the lead singer of the group.

The girls took the stage in revealing costumes with very short shorts and performed the song “Nichese” (another name for the composition “Abnimos/Dosvidos”), but this was not what surprised the audience. At the end of the performance, the performers kissed live. This end of the number was clearly not planned; when the girls left the stage, the presenters of the concert did not know what to say about what had happened.

Nastya Kamenskikh and Nadya Dorofeeva - “Abnimos/Dosvidos”

At the beginning of 2017, a video clip of the duo was released after a break of almost 9 months from Potap and Nastya’s latest video works “Golden Whales” and “At Mama’s,” which were a success with fans. The new video was shot for a fresh track with the laconic title “I... I”, which did not catch on among fans and in everyday life was often replaced by the name “Poisonous Love”, which better reflects the essence of the song. The composition was loved by fans, but not everyone liked the long-awaited video. Some fans of Potap and Nastya found their new video work too simple and discreet.

Nastya Kamenskikh - “Salute, Vera”

In the same year, Nastya Kamenskikh managed to take part in a creative evening, where she performed one of the composer’s hits “Salute, Vera”.

Personal life

The personal life of Nastya Kamenskikh is of interest to her large army of fans and journalists, because she is a famous singer who claims to be the first beauty of Ukraine.

For many years, the singer did not deny only one relationship. Nastya and Vladimir Dyatlov met when they were students. A feeling arose and they started dating. But soon Vladimir Dyatlov was forced to transfer from Kyiv to one of the universities in Nikolaev.

Now the couple maintains a warm relationship. Later they even baptized the daughter of close friends.

Anastasia was constantly credited with having a relationship with Potap. Not only do the musicians perform regularly, they often work together as hosts of various events. Every appearance of the duo is accompanied by a new wave of rumors about the musicians' imminent wedding. Outside of work, Potap and Nastya communicate really well; they constantly post photos together on "Instagram", where they hug, fool around, make faces and generally have a good time.

In 2014, the media began to write about Kamensky’s pregnancy. Journalists, for the most part, predicted Potap to be the father of the child. Nastya took these rumors with humor and told reporters that she had been continuously “pregnant” for more than seven years, since she started performing.

The singer commented on compromising photos with a looming belly without embarrassment, openly saying that she had really gained weight due to an irregular work schedule. Nastya admitted that she weighed 80 kg and did not experience any particular discomfort, but planned to lose weight and get rid of at least a dozen extra pounds. The performer also freely shared with journalists a recipe for a diet that will help implement these plans.

Nastya’s secret is to drink freshly squeezed juices for 10 days, eat oranges and drink one tablespoon of olive oil a day. After 10 days of such cleansing, up to 5 kg of weight is lost, the diet does not lead to a quick return of weight gain - after it it only becomes easier to control your diet. The singer also advises walking a lot and eating often, but in small portions.

Soon Nastya finally fulfilled her plans, but not alone, but together with her performance partner. The musicians went on a diet together. With the support of Potap, Nastya lost a lot of weight. Her partner also lost significant weight. Fans of the couple approved of the change in the image of their idols.

Today Nastya and Potap look even better than at the beginning of their careers. Nastya’s weight is 60 kg with her model height of 175 (according to some information 173) cm. However, the singer looks miniature next to Potap, whose height is 195 cm. This makes the couple even more harmonious.

Fans confirm the theory about the musicians’ romantic relationship with the words of Potap’s mother, who once called Nastya Kamenskikh her son’s creative muse. The public was also agitated by Potap’s divorce from his wife. The musician said that he had not lived with his wife for a long time, and now he had found a new lover. The main candidate for the place of the mysterious chosen one was Nastya. The musicians did not comment on the rumors.

Nastya Kamenskikh broke her leg while jumping from a parachute

Nastya’s daring trick at the M1 Music Awards at the end of 2016 - a kiss with Dorofeeva - provoked rumors about a romance between Anastasia and Nadezhda. But most music critics and the press called the singers’ act a way to attract attention and note that the technique was somewhat hackneyed: back in 2003, she kissed right on stage, which caused a furore and a wave of repetitions.

On May 23, 2019, Potap and Nastya officially announced their relationship, admitting that their wedding date was set for this day. On such an exciting day, Nastya confessed her feelings, and Potap presented a new video for the song “Constant”, in which for the first time he sincerely spoke about his love for Anastasia.

PTP - Constant

Nastya Kamenskikh now

In mid-autumn 2017, the duet of Potap and Nastya announced another pause. Since that time, Kamenskikh has taken up the solo project NK. For fans of the singer, this abbreviation is not news. Previously, Nastya had already recorded solo compositions under this nickname, and also registered an NKblog, in which she talks about the principles of a healthy lifestyle and playing sports.

In addition, the girl launched a line of sportswear NKsport.

Under a new name, the singer released the lyrical composition “You haven’t forgotten,” which she performed in a duet with. The author of the hit was Alexey Potapenko. The solo tracks of the project were the songs “Trimai”, “Lomala”, “This is my night”. With the new program, Nastya has already gone on tour in major cities of Ukraine.

Nastya Kamenskikh and Lyubov Uspenskaya - “You haven’t forgotten”

In 2018, the artist presented the song “Peligroso” in Spanish, the video for which “blew up” the domestic and European Internet. Potap himself could not resist complimenting his colleague, noting on Instagram that the “Ukrainian girl” managed to master a foreign language in 4 months and make a brilliant debut in the Latin American world.

Anastasia periodically travels to Europe, where she promotes the song by visiting TV shows and speaking on the radio. At the same time, the girl does not hide her seductive forms, but demonstrates her advantages in every possible way with revealing outfits.

Nastya Kamenskikh - "Peligroso" (premiere 2018)

In addition to the rapid development of her solo career, Nastya Kamenskikh participates in the highly rated television project “X-Factor” as a judge. The mentors of the 8th and 9th seasons of the show also included Dmitry Shurov.

In view of recent creative successes and changes in her personal life, the singer said that she was experiencing the happiest period of her life and more pleasant events awaited ahead. Subscribers were divided in their opinions: some suggested that Nastya was pregnant, others suggested a new stage of creativity.


In a duet

  • 2008 - “Not a couple”
  • 2009 - “Don’t love my brains”
  • 2013 - “All in a Bunch”
  • 2015 - “Shield and Ball”
  • 2005 - “What's the difference”
  • 2016 - “Abnimos/Dosvidos” (feat. Nadya Dorofeeva)
  • 2017 - “#this is my night”
  • 2018 - “Give it to me”
  • 2018 - “Tremay”
  • 2018 - “LOMALA”
  • 2018 - “Peligroso”


People first started talking about Nastya Petrik after the show “Ukraine May Got Talent!” Then she spoke before a professional jury with her sister Vika. The girls were included in the list of the fifty most talented artists in the country. The TV show "Ukraine's Got Talent" is an analogue of the Russian "Minute of Fame" and the American "America's Got Talent". Thanks to the latter project, such a performer as Jackie Ivanko became known. At the age of 10, the girl already has the voice of a real opera singer. But later it turned out , that in the territory of the former Soviet Union, talent lives no worse.

"New wave"

In August 2010, in Artek, Nastya Petrik and her sister Victoria performed in the finals of the international children's competition “Children's New Wave”. Before the final concert, she was included in the list of fifteen talented performers from nine countries.

Nastya Petrik became the best in her age group, from 8 to 12 years old, and her sister Vika took first place in the older age group (13-15 years old), but shared it with the team from Armenia “Razmik and Friends”. By the way, Victoria’s talent has already been recognized by many famous artists. The girl performed songs in a duet with Tina Karol and Valery Meladze, and also performed at the anniversary of singer Joseph Kobzon. In addition, she participated in a project called “95th Quarter”.

For participating in the show, Nastya Petrik and her sister received a commemorative statuette and a home piano, and the main prize was their own mini-studio for recording and vocal lessons from Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. There girls will be able to hone their vocal skills.

By the way, the sisters performed together in one song competition for the first time. The costumes for Vika and Nastya were made by designer Diana Dorozhkina, who admires Petrik’s voices and sews outfits for them for each competition.

“This time we were so busy with preparations that we couldn’t even come to try it on. We had to send all measurements by email. However, the girls’ outfits fit perfectly!” said the girls’ mother Tatyana.

“When I found out the results of the competition, I was so happy and squealed so much that my voice died,” said Tatyana Petrik. Afterwards, Igor Krutoy told her that her daughters are very talented and she needs to work with them and support this divine spark.

A year later, Nastya Petrik returned to Artek again, but not as a participant, but as an honored guest.

Nine-year-old Anastasia Petrik literally blew everyone away with her duet on the song “Snow.” The number with the King of Pop was, of course, the most memorable and vibrant.

Anastasia Petrik on video

At this time, the song “Snow” had already become a hit. Sing in a duet, admitted Philip Kirkorov.

The jury and spectators noticed that the girl was able to accurately and expressively convey the difficult mood of the composition “Snow.” Nastya sang “If you want to go, go, if you want to forget, forget.” Just know that at the end of the journey, nothing can be returned,” and then she ran headlong to Kirkorov, who, in turn, covered the baby with his palm.

As soon as the couple performed, there was silence in the hall for a minute, and then there was a flurry of applause.

The star audience immediately fell in love with Nastya. Even Alla Pugacheva said kind parting words to her. The young artist met the Prima Donna in Jurmala at the adult “New Wave”, where she was invited as the winner of the children’s equivalent of a song competition. The singer called the girl into her dressing room and talked with her for a long time.

By the way, after her performance at Artek, Nastya became in great demand. Celebrities began to write about her on their pages on social networks and in their blogs. For example, on her Twitter, TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva, who hosted “Children’s New Wave,” wrote: ““Snow” performed by Nastya Petrik and Philip Kirkorov sounded incredibly cool. Brilliant! Be sure to listen!”

“These girls are real professionals! - Petrik Kirkorov admired the sisters, - Great respect to their parents, because they were able to raise such talented children. And they sing no worse than adult, experienced artists! Besides, they have good taste and understand high-quality music.”

Other victories

However, “Children's New Wave” is not the first thematic competition where the young singer won. Before that, she won the “Young Galicia” competition and took silver at the “Black Sea Games”. Next, the girl plans to go to Eurovision.

At her young age, Anastasia looks two years younger, and even experienced singers can envy her voice. At “New Wave” Nastya Petrik was appreciated; the full jury gave her the highest marks. One of the judges, Ukrainian diva Ani Lorak, named the girl with the legendary jazz performer Ella Fitzgerald. Philip Kirkorov assessed the vocal abilities and artistry of the singer at the same level.

He said that Nastya can be trusted with the interests of the country at the international Eurovision competition. The pop king of the Russian stage hinted that he himself would not mind helping the girl with this. By the way, Lorak and Kirkorov were not the only ones who were impressed by Petrik’s singing. Dima Bilan, Alsou, Vera Brezhneva, Sergey Lazarev, Irina Dubtsova and Timati listened to the baby with their mouths open and sang along. Well, the main judge was the recognized master of his craft, composer Igor Krutoy. She masterfully performs the song “Iloverock&roll”, as well as “Oh Darling”. In addition, in her performance you can hear the compositions “Green Maple”, “Merry Little Toads”, “Doschik”, “My Land”, “Quietly-Nishkom”.

Meanwhile, Anastasia Petrik continues to practice her vocals professionally and is preparing for new victories.

It is worth noting that despite their popularity, the Petrik sisters do not leave their native village. They still live near Odessa.


Having not even had time to really start her career, Nastya Petrik is already giving charity concerts with all her might. So, at the end of 2011, she staged a show in an underground passage in Kyiv to help the pupils of an orphanage.

Duet with Philip Kirkorov

Together with another “Ukraine’s Got Talent” participant David Antonyat, Nastya sang and danced for passers-by. As a result, a good amount of money from caring Kiev residents went to the orphans of the Vorzel orphanage.

It is worth noting that the young singer is already taking her first steps as an actress. Nastya will star in a feature film called “Ptashinka”. The girl got the main role, an orphan girl who makes her way in life thanks to her own talent.