Master class “Drawing technique - scratching. “Developing children's creative abilities through non-traditional drawing techniques How to make scratch paper on paper

“Scratching” is an unusual drawing technique. Not even drawing, but scratching elements of the drawing. As a rule, “drawing” is done in black and white, but you can also experiment with the color of the picture or background!

To make a drawing using the grattage technique you will need:
White cardboard,
Oil pastel white,
Black gouache,
Wide brush
Liquid soap,
Carbon paper,
Pointed skewer.

So, using white oil pastels, cover a sheet of cardboard with a thick layer of wax. You can replace oil pastels with wax crayons or a candle. I tried using glossy and matte cardboard. I liked the result better on the glossy one.

We mix black gouache with a small amount of liquid soap, since you actually have to paint on the wax layer. Soap can be replaced with dishwashing detergent, shower gel or shampoo. Only one drop is required. Water is only needed to wet the brush before starting work.

We cover the cardboard with a layer of gouache so that there are no gaps. If you added soap, they shouldn't be there.

Make sure that the paint layer is distributed evenly. Gouache undiluted with water dries quickly.

We continue to work only with completely dry cardboard. We transfer a suitable drawing onto a dark background using carbon paper, or simply draw with a non-sharp pencil over dried gouache. Neither in the first nor in the second case should you put too much pressure on the pencil, otherwise scratching will begin already at the drawing stage.

Master Class

"Drawing technique - scratching"


    Introduce master class participants to the scratch technique;

    develop imagination, fantasy, artistic taste;

    evoke positive emotions from artistic activity, interest in fine arts.

Exercise: Be able to prime a base for a drawing and create a drawing by scratching with a pointed object.

Equipment: white sheets of thick paper or white non-glossy cardboard, wax pencils, gouache of any color (preferably dark tones), a wide brush,Children's works made using the scratch technique.

Progress of the lesson:

Slide No. 1

Dear teachers, today I will introduce you to one of the simplest types of graphics.

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My master class is dedicated to this amazing grattage technique.This technique became one of my favorites, I became so interested in it that I had a desire to get others interested in it too!

Scratching is an original technique of creating an image on a black surface by scratching it with a sharp object. Since the name of the method comes from the French word “gutter”, which means “scratch” or “scrape”. Scratching is also very often called the scratching technique.

In Russia, this method was first used by the artist Mstislav Dubozhinsky at the beginning of the 20th century.

Slide No. 3

For work we will need the following materials:

    regular cardboard (not glossy) or watercolor rough paper;

    wax crayons (preferably those that leave a rich, greasy mark);

    gouache, preferably dark colors;

    wide brush;

    tools for scratching (sharp stick, toothpick, knitting needle or scissors).

Despite the complex name, this technique is easy to perform and lends itself to creative thinking.

The scratch paper is usually used when working with wood, plastic or metal.

Consider the students' work done using this technique. Pay attention to what means of expression are most often used in this technique.This is a line, a stroke, a contrast.

Display of works made using the grattage technique.

And so, let's get to work.

Slide No. 4

Step 1.

First you need to paint over a sheet of thin cardboard with wax crayons. You can paint in any order - the main thing is that the entire surface is shaded without gaps.

You can replace the wax crayons with a regular paraffin candle, and rub it on a sheet of colored cardboard with a rough surface.

Slide No. 5

Step 2.

After the surface of the sheet is completely painted over with crayons, you need to cover it with a layer of gouache.

Take a large brush and apply a thick layer of paint to the sheet.

Leave the picture primer alone until completely dry.

Slide No. 6

Step 3.

After the gouache is completely dry, you can start drawing.

You need to scratch it with the pointed end of a wooden stick or any sharp object.

Carefully scratch all the outlines of your design.

When teaching children grattazhu need to remember technology safety! It is better to give younger children not too sharp objects, wooden or plastic, as tools.

Slide No. 7 - 10

Works performed using the grattage technique.

Paintings using the grattage technique are amazing works of art. Thanks to the combination of a black background, white and multi-colored strokes, they are highly expressive and expressive.

Subject: "Fairy tale"

Target: Introduce children to a new drawing technique.

Application: the work is designed for children of the preparatory group for school, for educators.

Equipment: brush, wax candle, white cardboard, mat, water, black gouache, stack, cloth.

Work process:

Scratch(from the French gratter - scrape, scratch) - a method of making a drawing by scratching paper or cardboard covered in ink with a pen or a sharp instrument. Another name for the technique is waxography. Works made using the grattage technique are distinguished by the contrast of the white lines of the design and the black background. The difficulty is that it is difficult to correct what has already been scribbled.

Rub a wax candle (not a paraffin candle - there will be no effect) on the white side of the cardboard, so that there are no glimpses of paper left.

Then with a brush (I used a bristle brush) we apply black gouache. It will spread, so it should be applied without gaps.

Let it dry

We choose any fairy tale, picture, fairy-tale character (I took a picture from the fairy tale “Turnip”).

Start scratching from top to bottom so that your hand touches less of what you have drawn; thin lines, which are then drawn more clearly. I started with the sun, then the turnip.

Then she started scratching her grandfather.

The remains of the scratched wax are either shaken off or gently (without pressing) swept away with a cloth.

We insert the finished picture into a photo frame, because... with any touch with a sharp object (a fingernail, for example), the picture may change.

But the picture is a rebus (my creation). This painting (A3 format), made using the grattage technique, depicts 10 heroes and objects from different fairy tales. Have you guessed what fairy tales these are??? (photo 11).

Krokhina Oksana Alexandrovna

Today I introduced my children to unconventional drawing technique. Compound word GRATTAGE, they haven’t remembered yet, but it’s a matter of time. After all, today we only had our first lesson. So what is it GRATTAGE?

Scratch(from French - scrape, scratch)- a method of making a drawing by scratching paper or cardboard filled with gouache with a pen or sharp instrument. Other name techniques - waxography. Works made in grattage technique, differ in the contrast of the white lines of the pattern (or colored if you previously applied watercolor paint) and black background. I present to you my option drawing using scratch technique.

For work I prepared white cardboard, a paraffin candle, a wooden stick, watercolor paints, black gouache, a glass of water, brushes and wax crayons.

We paint white cardboard in random order with watercolors or wax pencils.

Rub the sheet with a paraffin candle. If the sheet is painted with watercolors, wait until it dries completely.

Then we cover the sheet with a thick layer of black gouache paint

The sheet is ready for use only when the paint has dried. Using an example, I showed the children how to scratch and what could happen.

And this is what happened to my students.

The first lesson went great. We will improve.

Publications on the topic:

Master class for teachers “Unconventional drawing technique “scratch” The purpose of the master class: to increase the desire of teachers to master the new non-traditional drawing technique “scratch”. Objectives of the master class: 1. Introduction.

"BOUQUET OF LILAC" Dear colleagues, I would like to present to your attention a master class on unconventional drawing techniques. In my work I.

It is in creativity that you can give your child room for self-expression: help him choose what to draw, what to draw on and how to draw. Nothing.

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Drawing using non-traditional painting techniques fascinates, calms and captivates children. This is a free creative process.

Goal: to introduce children to an unconventional drawing technique: drawing with crumpled paper. Objectives: develop creativity and interest.

Master class on group work “Non-traditional drawing techniques” Master class on group work “Non-traditional drawing techniques” I, Tatyana Leonidovna Parnacheva, teacher of Kindergarten No. 1, attended.


The date of the: 02/19/2015

Teacher - master:teacher Babushkina Maria Petrovna

Duration of the master class: 15 minutes

Purpose of the master class:increase the motivation of teachers to master non-traditional drawing techniques.


To introduce the non-traditional scratch-drawing technique for subsequent use of this technique in your work with children;

- teach the technology of priming sheets for drawings;

- promote the development of imagination and fantasy of master class participants;

Promote the formation of emotional, positive feelings and mood.

Methods: verbal, visual, practical.

Forms of work : individual, collective.

Handout:cardboard sheets (tinted, covered with a layer of candles) for work, stacks, toothpicks, skewers, stationery knives, small sheets for experimenting, napkins.

Visual aids:presentation "Scratch"; works, musical works.

Demo material:exhibition of drawings using non-traditional techniques.

Master class structure:

1. Introductory part. 3 min.Announcement of the topic and purpose of the master class.

2. Main part. 10 min.

Explanation of the main stages of drawing using the Scratch technique

Choosing material for future creative work

The importance of non-traditional drawing for the development of a child.

Practical part. Mastering techniques for performing unconventional drawing using the “Scratching” technique

3. Reflection of the master class participants. Summarizing. 2 minutes.

Progress of the master class.

1. Introductory part.

Each person is looking for his own path, including me, and I am also looking for paths.

Paths to the hearts of children, to new facets of mastery, to various types of art.

One of these paths led me to unconventional drawing techniques.

There are many different techniques in fine arts,

As a teacher, I know them.

And the goal in front of me is this:

I teach others what I know.

I invite teachers to a master class.

(7 teachers occupy places)

I will introduce you to drawing techniques grattage.

The word “Scratching” comes from the French word - scrape, scratch, so another name for the technique is the scratching technique. Another name for this technique is waxography..

Scratch is a graphic design made by scratching wax with a sharp instrument.

This technique is often used in art schools and children's drawing studios. Many have heard about it, but not everyone has tried it, and in vain. Because work done using this technique looks very good. They have some kind of mystery, volume, each one turns out to be unique.

The scratch technique uses the following:materials and tools: cardboard, preferably white, wax crayons, candle, gouache, sponge, wide brush, crochet hook, toothpicks.

Look at the works done using this technique. Various means of expression are used here -line, stroke, spot, contrast.

Stages of work:

Complete sheet of thick paper or cardboardpaint over with wax crayons, wax pastel, gouache or watercolor.The color scheme depends on the intended design. It is also possible to use plain white or colored paper.

Next stage: we are completely cover our sheet with wax. To do this, we use an ordinary wax candle.

Then we take black mascara or black gouache, add a little liquid soap or shampoo so that the sheet does not stick to your hands.Covering the painted sheetwith a wide brush or sponge. We wait until the sheet dries -it turned out to be a blank.

Next, take any sharp object : a toothpick or feather, a crochet hook or knitting needle, a pen with a used rod and scratch the design on a black background.

Since preparing sheets for scratch paper is not a quick process, my guys and I prepared them for you.(I show the scratching technique)

And that's the magic! A pattern of thin colored or white strokes appears on a black background.

And so do it!

Pick up a skewer and toothpick

And the sheet of paper is not easy,

And like a magician - scratching

Create your own drawing.

There is no smell of indifference here,

There is such room for creativity

That sometimes you don’t even believe

That this was done by you.

If a child finds it difficult to choose a plot, then I offer templates. For example, I drew a fish according to a template, and then the children begin to finish drawing, scratching algae and pitfalls.

So, our master class has come to an end.


I tried to talk about all the stages of teaching preschoolers the non-traditional drawing technique “Scratching”.

Summarize . Dear Colleagues,Please tell me if you were interested and would you like to apply the knowledge you have gained?

Showcase your work.

Thank you for your interest in unconventional drawing techniques and for your active participation in the master class. It was a pleasure to work with you. Wonderful pictures will remain as a keepsake for you.

Dear jury!

So that we don’t forget the “Grattazh” technique

I will give the paintings to you now.

Self-analysis master class


Conducted by: Babushkina M.P.

Purpose of this master class was to increase the motivation of teachers to use non-traditional drawing techniques in working with preschoolers. The assigned tasks were completed in full. The stages of learning a new drawing technique were considered. The teachers got acquainted with the “scratch” technique, with the stages of children’s learning, and created creative works using a new technique. Conditions were created for the participants of the master class to develop imagination, creative thinking, and master the “grattage” technique.

The master class was held in the form of practical work. Works made using the grattage technique were presented. Participants were provided with materials to perform creative work.

The introductory part consisted of announcing the topic of the master class and its content.

The main part discussed the stages of the work.

The final part summarized the results.


All assigned tasks were achieved. The theme of the master class gave teachers the opportunity to learn new things, feel new sensations, and do good work. The stages of the master class had a logical sequence. The psychological atmosphere was friendly. Everyone did an excellent job with the practical part. Overall, I liked the master class and am pleased with the result.