Leather products in Vietnam. What and where to buy in Vietnam

It just so happens that when our people enter any new country, they massively buy various unusual (for us) goods there. In this regard, Vietnam is simply a storehouse of everything new and unusual. In this article we will provide a list of goods that you can and even need to buy in this country.

Edible souvenirs.

Tea, coffee and related products.

A distinctive feature of edible souvenirs (and not only) of Vietnam is that they are actually made from natural products. If the label says “with pineapple pieces,” then that’s what it will actually contain. If dyes are present, then only natural ones.

Vietnamese tea quite high quality, since the country is located in the “correct” climatic zone for the growth of tea bushes. The most popular green tea in the country, especially the Thai Nguyen and Blao varieties, costs about $7 per kilogram.

Pure green or black tea is not particularly popular in Vietnam; it is often sold with various additives: lotus petals, artichokes, chrysanthemum, jasmine, ginger and more.

Also popular in the country are medicinal teas made from various herbs. Here, it is customary to drink such teas for almost any disease, from a simple cold to pyelonephritis or sexual dysfunction.

It is preferable to buy teas in specialized shops or stores. There you will be given the opportunity to taste different types of teas and choose the one you like.

It is better to buy medicinal teas in pharmacies.

Along with tea, you can buy an unusual teapot for it, as well as chips made from dried fruits and local sweets made from coconut milk.

Vietnamese coffee is the second highest quality in the world and therefore a must buy. Buy the best quality and cheapest coffee in shops near coffee plantations.

More than thirty varieties of coffee are grown in Vietnam. However, the most popular are Robusta, Arabica, Excelsa, and Cooley. The most popular is Robusta. The most delicious coffee is Trung Nguyên, Me Trang. The elite and most expensive variety is called luwak (about $35 per kilogram). The high cost of this variety is due to a special method of processing - the beans of this coffee are eaten by mustangs. And after the grain of the future drink is processed manually. Luwak plantations are located in the Dak Lak area. You can taste this coffee there. Another elite variety of coffee is Chon.

In general, the Vietnamese often drink coffee with various additives and spices. These are the sets they sell. Depending on the components, the price may vary.
Along with your coffee beans, purchase an unusual local coffee maker. More precisely, it is not a coffee maker, but a design made from a set of different filters.


In addition to the traditional well-known alcoholic drinks (cognac, wine, rice vodka. By the way, everything is of quite good quality, since good varieties of grapes are grown in the country and they are processed right there in local wineries.) in Vietnam you can buy an interesting souvenir - alcohol tincture on the snake. The locals classify such tinctures as medicinal preparations, but having assessed the great demand for them from tourists, they offer it (tincture) as an alcoholic drink.

Depending on the “little animal” inside, according to the Vietnamese, the tincture has different medicinal benefits. The main areas of usefulness of these tinctures are increasingly for men: it increases male strength, endurance, and so on.

Tinctures are sold in different sizes: from extremely small souvenir options to bottles of several liters in volume. You just need to know that small bottles often contain an incomprehensible surrogate and unnatural “little animals” instead of alcohol. So such a bottle can only be placed on a shelf at home as a pleasant memory of Vietnam. Bottles from 0.5 liters contain good quality alcohol and natural "little animal". They can be snakes, scorpions, spiders (often some poisonous version of them), salamanders. Sometimes they even trap turtles in alcohol.

The approximate cost of 0.5 liters of the most expensive version of this tincture – Scorpio and Cobra – is about $20. Please note that the alcohol in this bottle is 45 degrees! Check in advance with the customs office of your country how many bottles of this tincture can be brought home, so that later there are no problems crossing the border.

Such tinctures can be purchased both in specialized alcohol stores and in local pharmacies.

In addition to such exotic tinctures, you can also buy alcoholic tinctures in Vietnam. tinctures of medicinal herbs. We repeat, the ingredients are natural.

Inedible souvenirs.

Cosmetics from Vietnam.

On the topic of natural ingredients, cosmetics from Vietnam are of high quality and contain natural ingredients. This applies to body lotions, belongings, various tonics and masks. However, local manufacturers often add whitening agents to the product (after all, local girls are pursuing precisely this goal - to make their skin lighter). Before purchasing, try to carefully read the ingredients of the cosmetics you are purchasing.

Note: there are quite a few local decorative cosmetics and they are not of high quality.

As in any eastern country, the ability to bargain is only welcomed in the markets in Vietnam. With a successful combination of circumstances, the product you like can be purchased with a 40% discount from the initial price.

Silk and silk products.

You definitely need to bring something made of silk from the Republic! The country is a major exporter of this type of fabric. Its quality is excellent, and the price in local markets and stores will only add to its advantages.

You can simply buy pieces of fabric and silk paintings (a small painting like this can
cost about $60), umbrellas, men's ties, women's and men's scarves, robes and silk clothing. By the way, regarding clothes, experienced tourists recommend buying such clothes one or two sizes larger, because the fabric may shrink when washed.

If you want to buy a really good product, then buy in stores at factories. For example, the cost of a silk robe can be about $15.

Since the local population is quite small (in our European standards) sizes, it is almost impossible to find clothes in size 44, and even more so 46. The largest running size is 40. For larger sizes you should go to Ho Chi Minh City or the capital.

Crocodile leather products.

Fans of real crocodile leather in the form of shoes, bags or purses should visit specialized stores on the main street in Nha Trang. The quality of the products is excellent, and the prices are only encouraging.


There, in Nha Trang, almost any jewelry store sells a great variety of pearl jewelry at prices much cheaper than ours. Sometimes the difference in price (from ours) reaches 50%.

Here you can buy bracelets, beads, brooches, earrings. Even clothes embroidered with natural pearls at very interesting prices.

Most of the pearl farms are located in the south of the country. That’s why the selection of pearl products here is huge. Buy the product only in jewelry stores. Under the guise of pearls and precious stones, cheap fakes are often sold on the street or beach.

Medicines from Vietnam.

This is a country with a rich history that has shaped a special eastern wisdom. Eastern medicine is known all over the world; local residents in everyday life prefer to be treated with just such folk remedies. All of them consist of natural ingredients and are often sold in the form of alcohol tinctures, balms, and herbal teas.

We told you about tinctures above.

One of the most famous balms in Vietnam is the “Star” balm. It is still sold here in any medicinal shop.

The second most popular is the “White Tiger” balm - for pain in the joints or spine. A stronger version of "White" is "Red Tiger". To the main components of which red hot pepper is added.

In the Republic, in markets and pharmacies you can find almost any remedy for any
illnesses: cleanse the liver and kidneys, for problems with the musculoskeletal system, for problems with women's or men's health, for dermatitis and eczema. They may even offer a cure for cancer. The main thing is to set the goal of finding the right medicine.

It would be better to buy medicines in pharmacies. And best of all: keep the receipt after purchase.

It is impossible to buy warm clothes in the south of the country. Because there is no need for it there. And if you want to buy some jackets or tracksuits, you should go to the north of Vietnam.

In this article we tried to list the products that are most interesting and attractive to us. But they didn’t even mention a hundredth part of what can be purchased in markets or shops in Vietnam. You can buy the same flip flops for $1 a pair; traditional Vietnamese hats made from palm leaves; clothing from Nike or Adidas, which have their own facilities here and therefore their products are cheaper here; products made from bamboo or mahogany...

When you go to a market or a store, your eyes are simply wide open from the wealth of choice, and therefore, before you start buying souvenirs for home, you should wander around the city in which you are vacationing and ask the price. Or maybe go to another city to a special farm or warehouse, where the products you like will be more affordable.

It is advisable to buy gifts for home in advance, so that you don’t forget anything in a hurry.

Have a good holiday and shopping.

Vietnam is a country rich not only in its historical culture, unique customs and traditions, but also in an endless number of souvenir shops, shops, boutiques, markets and supermarkets. Tourists leaving Vietnam after a wonderful beach holiday, unusual excursions and numerous entertainments are sure to buy original souvenirs for themselves and as gifts for loved ones.

What can you bring from Vietnam to your relatives, colleagues and yourself and your loved ones? What gift would be a beautiful reminder of a great time spent at the seaside?

Souvenirs from Vietnam

Silk from Vietnam is an excellent choice for a gift.

Tourists who travel a lot and always bring a lot of gifts and souvenirs with them from vacation are advised not to run shopping on the first day of their vacation. As a rule, the first thing purchased often turns out to be expensive, and on another street, for example, you can buy exactly the same thing, but much cheaper. Also, do not forget that you should bargain with sellers and not be shy about it - a smart trader will always lower the price, as long as the goods are not left behind.

What is most often brought from Vietnam? The most popular and popular gifts among travelers include:

  • silk;
  • decorations;
  • clothes;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • fruits;
  • Coffee and tea;
  • hats;
  • Leather Products;
  • pearl;
  • trinkets made of stone, wood, silver;
  • musical instruments;
  • medications;
  • aromatic oils and candles;
  • seashells;
  • paintings, etc.

Is it possible to bring silk from Vietnam?

Vietnamese silk is one of the most popular goods purchased by tourists. For a low cost you can purchase high-quality items made from this fabric: bed linen, stoles, scarves, bathrobes, dresses, blouses, pajamas, etc.

XQ Nha Trang Traditional Art & Craft Gallery is the center of handicrafts in Nha Trang.

For example, you can buy a silk robe for just $10. Silk goods should be purchased in branded stores, which are usually located next to clothing factories, but not in the market.

Near Hanoi, just 10 km away, is the Silk Village, where you can buy silk products at a very affordable price. And in the handicraft center in Nha Trang, called XQ Nha Trang Traditional Art & Craft Gallery, tourists will not only be sold the item they are interested in, but will also be shown the process of its step-by-step production. Many stores that sell silk products provide the service of customizing the purchased item to individual sizes.

Jewelry you can bring from Vietnam

What jewelry can you bring from Vietnam? These can be products made of pearls, ivory, silver, etc. If travelers are interested in inexpensive jewelry made from such materials, then they will be able to find it in the market. If tourists are determined to buy high-quality, expensive jewelry, then in this case it is best to go to a special store.

Markets can often sell fake pearl and silver jewelry, and stores, as a rule, provide certificates for their products. By the way, products made from sea pearls will cost much more than jewelry made from river pearls. However, even this price for sea pearls will be almost 3 times cheaper than identical Russian jewelry.

The cheapest pearl items can be purchased in the town of Mui Ne, while higher quality and more expensive ones can be purchased in specialized stores in Nha Trang, on Cat Ba Island and Phu Quoc.

Clothes brought from Vietnam

What to bring from Nha Trang and other Vietnamese resort cities? How to surprise your friends and relatives? Of course, national clothes, which are most often made of natural silk. However, such things even today look very attractive, modern and fashionable. Vietnamese clothes can be worn not as a whole suit, but separately. It can be combined with tops, trousers and other suitable elements of regular clothing.

How and what kind of alcohol to bring from Vietnam?

Tourists buying souvenirs for themselves and their relatives in Vietnam quite often take alcoholic beverages home with them. One of the most popular is vodka with snake. This drink attracts travelers not only with its original appearance, but also with many useful qualities.

What souvenirs should you bring from Vietnam, besides vodka with a snake? For example, vodka with frogs, seahorses, lizards, scorpions and other crawling creatures. A bottle with such contents does not always look appetizing, but everyone who sees such a souvenir will be very surprised.

The cost of such an extravagant gift varies depending on what kind of animal is in the bottle, what size it is, and also on the tourist’s ability to bargain with the seller. Tourists often buy rum, wine, and various liqueurs for the trip.

Fruits that can be brought from Vietnam

Many people have heard that Vietnam is the birthplace of all kinds of exotic fruits, but only those who come to this wonderful country on vacation can verify this personally. They are exported both fresh and candied - in the form of candied fruits or chips.

How to bring fruits from Vietnam fresh and not crushed? To do this, you don’t need to wash the fruit before traveling - it’s better to do it after arriving home. It is also necessary to carefully pack delicious delicacies - line them with paper, wrap them in breathable fabric. Bananas and mangoes are the worst fruits to travel with, so it is better to take lychee, mangosteen, pineapple, rambutan, etc. with you.

Medicines that can be exported from Vietnam

Cobratoxan cream from Vietnam based on snake venom.

The Vietnamese are specialists in the production of a variety of ointments, tinctures, creams and balms. All these drugs are made exclusively from natural ingredients, therefore they have truly enormous healing power and are deservedly in demand among tourists and guests of the country.

What medicines should I bring from Vietnam? All drugs produced in Vietnam have a high therapeutic effect and cure many diseases in a short time. Most often, travelers take with them from Vietnam the “Star” balm, various balms based on python, cobra, tiger fat, etc. Some of them, the most popular, are balms against radiculitis “Red Games” and “White Tiger”. You can also buy them in Russia, but they are five times more expensive than in Vietnam.

Very common drugs among tourists include the dermatitis cream “Silkeron creme”, the “Cobratoxan” cream containing snake venom, and the dietary supplement “Glucosamin”, which supports the normal condition of the joints.

Coffee and tea from Vietnam

What to bring from Vietnam, from Nha Trang? Perhaps 99% of all tourists do not leave Vietnam without a package of aromatic coffee or delicious local tea. Vietnamese people usually drink green tea, both hot and cold. They often add chrysanthemum, jasmine or lotus petals to the drink, and “snack” the tea with candies made from nougat, coconut milk, peanuts and lotus seeds, and various candied pieces of fruit.

It is best to buy tea in large supermarkets - sellers at the market can also sell low-quality goods. The same goes for Vietnamese coffee, which has an incomparable taste and, when cold, perfectly quenches your thirst in the heat. It is better to drink hot coffee in the morning, welcoming a new day, or in the evenings, admiring the beautiful sunset. It is best to export coffee beans from Vietnam, since ground coffee may lose its aromatic properties along the way.

Other gifts and souvenirs from Vietnam

Vietnam - what to bring from Vietnam, besides clothes, drinks and jewelry? Products made from bamboo, leather, and mahogany will be an excellent gift and reminder of your vacation in Vietnam. All kinds of wooden boxes, trays, figurines, photo frames, etc. A huge selection of such products can be found in the town of Hoi An - there are numerous shops with wooden and leather products at low prices.

Products made from crocodile leather are several times cheaper here than in Russia. In the shops you can buy key holders, wallets, business card holders, belts, bags, purses, document covers and other leather products.

So, Vietnam: what to bring as a souvenir? For example, a pointed Vietnamese hat. This is an original and at the same time useful souvenir made from simple straw. This headdress may seem uncomfortable to wear, but you just need to get used to it.

You can take out many other, no less interesting and original souvenirs and gifts from Vietnam, such as:

  • porcelain dishes;
  • toys made from scraps of fabric;
  • incense burners and sticks;
  • keychains made of crocodile legs;
  • wooden dolls, etc.

Many tourists bring coconut oil from Vietnam; it has nutritional properties and is used, for example, as a softening and soothing agent after hair removal, as a hair mask, nourishes and restores hair, and many others.

The main thing is not to violate the laws of the country and export only what is permitted by the Vietnamese authorities.

When shopping in Vietnam, pay special attention to silk, which in this country is distinguished by its quality and relatively low cost. Dresses, scarves, textiles, ties, robes made of silk in different colors are pleasant to the body and create a unique charm.

Prices for silk products start from 100 thousand dong. Buy them a size larger: clothes may shrink when washed.

Embroidery on silk looks elegant and original. Don't skimp on beauty: clothes and accessories with hand embroidery will cause a sensation wherever you appear in them.

7. Fruit

Being in such an exotic country as Vietnam, it would be a big mistake not to try local fruits. It is also possible to bring several copies home. To avoid problems at customs, take care in advance about documents confirming the quarantine safety of fruits.

And one more tip: always bargain with sellers. You can often save a decent amount on the price of plant products.

So, what can you buy from fruits as a food gift? Rambutan - looks like a grape, choose one with green hairs. Noina, or sugar apple, take soft fruits. Star apple, or starapple - many people like this fruit, just try to make sure it is also soft.

In general, you can see pink, green, and white Vietnamese apples at the market and in stores. Longan, or dragon's eye, has a taste between melon and grape; choose a fruit that is slightly springy. Sapodilla (tree potato) - similar in appearance to potatoes, tastes like persimmon. Take soft and undamaged fruit.

And also carambola, lychee, mangosteen, citron (Buddha's hand), avocado, pineapple, coconut, breadfruit, papaya, etc. The list goes on. Take home with you those fruits that you will not find in other countries.

Buy unripe fruits: by the time you get home, they will be ready to eat. Plastic containers for packaging fruit are also sold. The sellers themselves will pack your purchase for the trip.

8. Exotic spirits

Tourists bring alcohol from Vietnam to their home bar for subsequent tastings: rum, wine, liqueurs. You should buy alcoholic drinks in large supermarkets or specialized stores.

The most notable are the Vietnamese winery in Dalat and Ninh Thuan province, where the best grape varieties are grown. The companies “Vang Dalat”, “Dalat Superior” and “Vang Phan Rang” have proven themselves well.

An unusual gift would be a tincture of snake venom: a snake or scorpion is placed inside the bottle with the drink. By purchasing such a vessel you will definitely surprise the guests who come to you.

Tourists are happy to go to Vietnam not only to get to know this amazing country, but also to indulge in profitable shopping. This country is known to shopaholics for its low prices and high quality of popular goods. This rare combination attracts numerous flows of shopping tourists to Vietnam. They experience certain difficulties in choosing: there are a lot of goods and they are so good that you are simply at a loss: to buy this time or leave for the next. And you can buy so much that you won’t be able to take it away later.

In Vietnam, people usually buy jewelry, including with precious stones, as well as silk, shoes and clothes, ceramics, coffee and tea, dwarf bonsai trees, elaborate stone and wood products, balms based on snake venom and medicinal herbs, including including “Zvezdochka”, which was brought from here back in Soviet times.

In order not to spend extra money on purchases, you need to know how to bargain. Sellers usually ask for an inflated price, hoping that during the bargaining process it can be reduced somewhat. This method of trading allows you to get mutual pleasure: the seller is happy that he got what he got, and the buyer is happy that he lowered the price.


It is necessary to bring gifts for friends and acquaintances. It’s better to think about this at the beginning, when not all the money has been spent and there is time to choose inexpensive and original items. There are many such things everywhere you go. They differ only in price: in places where tourists gather they are more expensive, but as they move away they become cheaper.

A very good gift is hand-embroidered paintings and tapestries. Old hand-made technologies are used here, and we must hurry to acquire such things before talented human hands have not yet replaced impersonal sewing machines.

Handmade items made from bamboo, mahogany, ivory, silver or ceramics are beautiful. They also buy vodka with cobra in it, and other exotic things. Tourists wear opium pipes, characteristic Vietnamese non hats, items made from natural silk, traditional T-shirts and caps with a local interpretation.

Digital technology

Various electronic products are sold inexpensively here, as in many countries located closer to China. The problem is that it is almost impossible to find a Russian keyboard. Also with a license for the Kaspersky anti-virus product - it is five times cheaper here than in Russia, but there is no Russified version.

Specialized stores have a large selection of laptops and smartphones of all types. DVDs with movies, games and music are sold for $1 per disc.

Many people buy the iPhone 5. If you buy it in Ho Chi Minh City, you will have to pay about 29 thousand in rubles for the iPhone 5 32GB. In dollars it is $950, and in dong – 16-19 thousand. In Nha Trang, the same purchase will cost 50-100 dollars more.

Clothes and shoes - cheap and high quality

In Vietnam there are production facilities of such well-known companies as Adidas and Nike, as well as other companies that are no less famous. This suggests that the country is slowly but surely taking a leading role in the list of countries - the world's sewing workshops. Vietnam has already risen to second place after China on this list. Here they sew clothes, make shoes and bags, and produce other goods, and the materials are natural and the work is first-class. Therefore, shopping tourists from Western Europe come here for the best combination of price and quality.

Vietnamese goods are exported to Europe, Japan, Russia and America. These are, first of all, clothes made of natural silk and linen, leather goods (often under popular brands).

Pearls of Vietnam

In Vietnam, pearls are both mined and grown. The best is on the island of Phu Quoc, on a farm there, but there are many farms that deal with pearls. Interested parties travel to the coast, closer to the producers. It’s bad that only those who understand pearls can afford such purchases. In Vietnam, there is no guarantee for sold pearls; they don’t give it in stores, much less in the market. Therefore, everyone either buys at random or turns to a local expert; in Ho Chi Minh City there is such a service. At the same time, Vietnamese pearls are approximately 20-30% cheaper than in other countries.

Precious stones and metals

In Vietnam, it is worth buying precious items, especially inexpensive ones made of silver and gold. They are decorated with sapphires, pearls, or ivory. These are, for example, various beads, earrings and pendants, silver rings with ivory.


The furniture itself is of good quality, with hand-made elements, forging and inlay, and wood carvings. It costs much less here than in other countries, but the problem is the delivery of such bulky and heavy items.

However, if you travel by sea, this is quite doable. Many Russian tourists who bought furniture in Vietnam send the purchase on some cargo ship, and then return home lightly and wait for its arrival.

You can also make useful and interesting purchases for your home in Vietnam. These are, first of all, reed mats, household items made from fabric or bamboo. For example, different types of kitchen utensils.

HAI DUONG, VIETNAM, SEPTEMBER, 8: people at Market selling bed mats on September, 8, 2014 in Hai Duong, Vietnam

Ceramic objects

In the Hanoi suburb of Bat Trang, there are many enterprises that produce porcelain and ceramic products. These include large factories and small workshops. Here they produce tableware and decorative items, both useful and amazing.

If you are driving from Hanoi to Halong, it is worth stopping along the way for a small market. He specializes in ceramics. There is a very large selection of similar products here, and the price is much lower than in other places.

What not to buy

Plant products purchased here may be confiscated by Russian customs if the cargo is not accompanied by permits. Alas, if products are bought on the market, no one, including the buyer himself, thinks about such documents. Risky categories include indoor flowers, vegetables, fruits, seeds, sweet potatoes and ginger, palm and lotus leaves, and greens.

Places for profitable shopping

There are many such places in the country. True, if you want to buy cheaper goods, you should not go to shopping areas intended for tourist business, but to those stores where the local population prefers to shop. There prices are significantly lower, and the quality is excellent. You can contact your guide with such a request, he will not refuse you. There are, however, cases when the guide has an agreement with a certain store owner he knows and takes clients to him. Here, depending on your luck, you can make a successful purchase from such a seller. Here are some favorite shopping areas among tourists:

  • The old town in Hanoi is good for buying all the souvenirs at one time and forgetting about this problem for the rest of the trip. There is a huge selection and good prices. At the same time, you can look into modern shopping centers, of which there are also plenty. So a trip through this area will be extremely productive.
  • The Diamond shopping mall will provide an opportunity to have a pleasant rest between purchases. There is a large selection of fashion products for wealthy clients.
  • Tax Trade Centre, on the contrary, offers inexpensive goods, imported and local. The quality of the products is excellent, so there are a lot of tourists here who want to buy good things inexpensively.
  • Mong Khai and Lang Son, towns on the Chinese border, also attract seasoned shopaholics. Here, at the border crossings, there are markets that are interesting and profitable to walk through. The goods are mostly local, inexpensive and of high quality.
  • The small town of Hoi An, with narrow streets and small shops, is very attractive to tourists. It is famous for its sewing machines designed for express sewing. They are inexpensive, work like a clock, so people come for them from everywhere. Here, on the spot, you can order custom tailoring. 4-6 hours after taking measurements, you will receive an almost finished product that needs minor modifications.
  • Ben Thanh market, in Ho Chi Minh City, formerly Saigon. The shopping areas here are vast and expensive, but the goods are extremely cheap. In essence, this is a huge bazaar, a great place for shopping. Tourists do not deprive it of their attention.

Tax free in Vietnamese

If you want to receive a tax free refund, your purchase must be a check for at least VND 2 million and be brand new. Refunds are made when flying home from Ho Chi Minh City or Hanoi, but 15% of the amount to be refunded will be withdrawn as a service fee.

You must also remember that a tax free check is valid for 30 days, after which the right to a refund is lost. And not all products purchased in Vietnam are eligible for return. In particular, there is a list of names of goods that are prohibited for export or withdrawn from circulation. Here the matter already smells not only of the loss of VAT refund, but also of direct losses. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with this list in advance.

It will be more pleasant to communicate with market traders and shop assistants if you learn at least a few words in Vietnamese. This:

  • "muah" means "purchase";
  • “deputy for” – “discount”.

If you know at least these 2 words, you can let the seller know that you think his price is unreasonably high. True, sellers, as a rule, speak English, and some have not forgotten Russian. Interest in the language was born during the war with America, when the Russians fought on the side of the Vietnamese, and therefore the attitude towards Russian tourists is still colored with sympathy.

Bonus for the curious. What to try from local cuisine

The dishes are local cuisine, which is unique, although it borrows a lot from Indian, Thai and Chinese.

Vietnamese dishes are not too greasy or spicy. They will not create any particular heaviness for the stomach. Rice is one of the main products for many dishes. The cuisine also includes a lot of seafood, and fruits are actively involved. There are also exotic dishes, for example, from cobra, other snakes and lizards. This dish is considered a delicacy and is served in famous restaurants in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Phan Thiet and other cities.

Delicacies are offered in expensive establishments, but the country has a wide class of trade and catering establishments that are designed for poor clients.

There are many such establishments among cafes and restaurants, and among hotels. Here you can get dinner for a couple of dollars per client. Small restaurants that are not particularly popular serve deliciously prepared food. Lunch for four can cost 10-15 dollars. Coffee in Vietnam is very popular, it is drunk always and everywhere, hot and cold, in its pure form or adding milk and spices.

The famous Dalat wine is produced in Vietnam using Italian technology and is of excellent quality. Connoisseurs rate it higher than many French brands, despite the fact that the Vietnamese version is much cheaper.

In addition, supermarkets and street shops offer for sale a large assortment of alcoholic beverages, liqueurs, beer, and soft drinks, locally produced and imported from other countries.

In this article we will talk about what can be brought from Nha Trang and what tourists from Vietnam usually bring. In the article you will find useful information about the places in Nha Trang where an unforgettable shopping experience awaits you - shops, markets, shopping centers and supermarkets Nha Trang.

What to bring from Vietnam
Standard souvenirs of Vietnam

Hat "Non"- this is exactly the hat that everyone remembers when it comes to Vietnam. Typically, hats are made from dried palm leaves. It can be bought absolutely everywhere from ordinary street vendors to large shopping centers. (Price from 35,000 VND - from 100 rub.)
Magnets and keychains- wooden keychains in the shape of a map of Nha Trang, with a girl in national costume. There are also keychains and magnets in the shape of the national currency - dong. (Price from 15,000 VND - from 45 rub.)
T-shirt with the inscriptions “I pho you”, “Vietnam”, “Coffee Vietnam” etc. (from 100,000 VND - 300 rub.)
Postcards- a regular postcard with images of famous landscapes or attractions (from 10,000 VND - 30 rubles), a postcard with a pattern made of fabric (from 15,000 VND - 45 rubles), voluminous postcards (from 40,000 VND - 120 rubles)

Medicines (creams, ointments, tinctures)

Vietnam is famous for its traditional balms and tinctures, which are made with herbs, with natural ingredients and with the participation of various living creatures (snakes, scorpions, various roots, etc.). Such Vietnamese medicines are valued for their high quality not only in the country, but also abroad.
Here is a small list of medicines, ointments and much more that you should pay attention to when Shopping in Nha Trang:
Cobra ointment- a warming agent, helps with bruises, back pain and joint pain. (approx. 20-25,000 VND - 60-75 rub.);
Ointment “Tiger” / “White Tiger”- helps with colds. (approx. 20-30,000 VND - 60-90 rub.);
Ointment "Star"- helps with headaches and colds. It also saves you from annoying insects. The product is actively sold in Russia. (approx. 8-10,000 VND - 24-30 rub.);
Preparations based on Ling zhi mushrooms- It is believed that mushrooms can rejuvenate the body. Improve memory, attention, hearing, vision, smell. (approx. 110,000 VND - 330 rubles);


Tinctures with scorpions, snakes, turtles and other living creatures - are of a general strengthening nature, strengthens potency. Consume no more than 30-50 grams per day. In general, it can be used as a souvenir, as it looks quite specific.
Tincture "Cobra and Scorpio"(0.5 liters) - a strong aphrodisiac that strengthens potency. The price of one bottle is about 1000 rubles, and you can export no more than two bottles. (from 600,000 VND - 1200 rub.);
Meringa capsules- increase immunity. (approx. 323,000 VND - 975 rub.);
Mulberry tincture (500 mg)- a remedy for insomnia (approx. 65,000 VND - 200 rubles).
You can buy it almost everywhere: in pharmacies, shopping centers, small shops.

Tea and coffee

Vietnam today is one of the largest exporters Coffee in the world, so there is no doubt about the quality. It is quite logical to bring delicious coffee from Vietnam as a gift to friends or yourself.
In Vietnam you will find 3 main types of coffee: Arabica, Robusta and Luwak(obtained by a specific processing method).
The Vietnamese only recognize green tea in all its variations (with lotus, jasmine, lemon balm, etc.). As we found out, black tea is considered dirty tea by the Vietnamese, so they don’t drink it, but black tea is sold.
Prices for tea and coffee largely depends on what variety you buy and where you buy, the approximate price for 100 grams of tea is from 25,000 VND (75 rubles), coffee from 50,000 VND (150 rubles).

Where to buy coffee and tea in Nha Trang:

actually everywhere, as it is a very popular product in Vietnam. They are most often purchased in Nha Trang markets, since prices there are lower than in stores and supermarkets.


Vietnamese pearls g is one of the popular souvenirs brought from Vietnam. In Vietnam, the price of pearls is 30-40% lower than in Russia and Europe. The most popular pearls are freshwater pearls; they are easily recognized by their imperfect shapes and minimal price.
Places where you can buy pearls in Nha Trang: the most flattering reviews from tourists about the gemological center “Treasures of Angkor” (Opposite the Galina Hotel, at 24B Hung Vuong.) with Russian-speaking specialists, about “Princess Jewelry” (Addresses: 46 Nguyen Thien Thuat; 30B Nguyen Thien Thuat; 86 Tran Phu; 03 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai.)


Be careful when purchasing pearls in Nha Trang- They like to sell fakes to tourists. There are various ways to test pearls, for example, rubbing two pearls and if it is fake, the enamel will wear off, leaving marks. If you decide to buy pearl beads separately, then throw them on the floor from a height of a meter and a half, natural pearls will bounce well, but artificial pearls will not be able to do this and will roll. For a full guarantee, large stores provide appropriate quality certificates.

Leather Products

Another worthwhile gift that you can bring from Vietnam for friends and family is Leather Products(belts, wallets, shoes, bags, paw keychains and much more). The skins of crocodile, python and ostrich are mainly used.
Many stores can give a long guarantee (1-2 years). So, if you don’t want the item you bought, you can safely send it back by mail and demand a replacement for the defective item.
Price examples: leather wallets from 800-1000.000 VND (2400-3000 rub.), leather belts from 1000-1300.000 VND (3000-3900 rub.)…
Where to buy leather items in Nha Trang: We have selected 3 of the most popular stores with positive reviews: Kchatoco (address: 70 Tran Phu, Nha Trang, Vietnam), Tonphat (address: 607A Le Hong Phong Street, Phuoc Long Ward, Nha Trang City), Anh Thu (address: 96 Tran Phu, Nha Trang).

Paintings (silk, sand, popular print and varnish)

Silk paintings can be called amazing works of art. Each painting can take months to complete. Sometimes one painting takes several years.
Cost of silk paintings: from $40 - $20,000 (price mainly depends on the size of the canvas, pattern, and the number of threads used).

Where to buy silk paintings in Nha Trang:

Where to buy paintings from silk in Nha Trang: very flattering reviews from tourists about the Silk Factory - XQ HandEmbroidery (address: 64 Tran Phu, Nha Trang Vietnam, Nha Trang, Vietnam).
Paintings made of colorful sand- another talent of the Vietnamese people. The paintings are created from different shades of sand or from colored sand. The technology of creation is that sand of one color or another is poured into the gap between two small squares of glass.
Cost of a sand painting: from 150-250.000 VND (450–750 rub.)

Where to buy sand paintings in Nha Trang:

often sold near various attractions in Nha Trang, for example, a large selection near Cham towers (Tyamkikh).
You can also buy in Nha Trang Popular prints and varnish paintings. Lubok paintings are considered national works of art. Such paintings are painted with natural colors and usually depict a simple plot. To create varnish paintings, special paints are used that change their shade under the influence of varnish.

Silk clothes

You have the opportunity to bring silk clothes from Vietnam as a souvenir. Choice products are huge: You can find traditional clothes of Vietnam (“Ao baba” - traditional Vietnamese pajamas, “Ao dai” - a silk tunic with slits on the sides), or you can find more modern options. There are a large number of different sewing studios in Nha Trang, so you can place an order for individual tailoring.
Where to buy silk clothes in Nha Trang: Silk Factory - XQ Hand Embroidery (address: 64 Tran Phu, Nha Trang Vietnam, Nha Trang, Vietnam), Silk & Silver (address: Tran Quang Khai, building 6), Nha Trang Shopping Center

Markets of Nha Trang

Night market

Schedule: from 18:00 to 11:00
In Vietnam it gets dark quite early; at six o’clock in the evening the sun disappears below the horizon. Actually, it is for this reason that this market is called a night market.
Here you can find clothes, shoes, bags, jewelry, various accessories and, of course, souvenirs. Prices here are initially high, as it is calculated that buyers will bargain. Personally, we don’t like to haggle, so we simply turned around immediately; the traders reacted to this behavior by reducing the price by 2 times.
Concerning edible shopping, then here you can experience the national cuisine. Local cafes offer a wide selection of seafood, snake and frog dishes, as well as many other exotic dishes.

Cho Dam Market (Chợ Đầm)

Considered quite large city market com, you can even find it on excursion routes. Most often it appears on tourist maps as a local attraction.
At the market you can find clothes, shoes, dishes, household items, you can also buy a lot of bright fabrics, the choice here is very large. Among all this splendor, connoisseurs of exotic fruits and seafood will be able to successfully do edible shopping and leave the market with full bags of various goodies.
Prices here are low but some are also a little overpriced, so decide for yourself how much you are willing to spend.

Cho Xom Moy (Chợ Xóm Mới)

Schedule: from early morning to 20:00.
This market is popular primarily with local residents; tourists also come here, but there are much fewer of them here. Prices here are low, some of the lowest in the city, but not for all goods. You can mainly buy seafood here, meat, fruits, vegetables, greens. Shoes and clothes here Hardly ever.

Shopping centers and supermarkets in Nha Trang

Nha Trang Center

Schedule: from 9:00 to 22:00
Nha Trang Center is the most famous shopping center in the city, it is located on the first line within walking distance from all hotels.
Represents a large shopping mall, where you can buy clothes and shoes of famous brands, cosmetics of European brands, jewelry, various accessories, children's toys, books, furniture, in general, everything your heart desires.

Prices are mostly high.

On the ground floor you can find ATMs several banks, where you will also find a small information corner. On the top floor there is an entertainment area with billiards, bowling, 4D cinema and slot machines, there you can also find a small corner with souvenirs for a reasonable price. We bought a T-shirt and a couple of souvenirs there, we wear them with pleasure, we were especially pleased with the quality.
On the third floor you will find a supermarket AEON Citymart. There is an extensive selection of products, both personal care items and food products; we especially liked the section with fruits and drinks. We were quite regular customers here. The prices for the products are very good. You can also find inexpensive souvenirs here, from key chains and magnets to paintings, dishes and famous Vietnamese hats.


Schedule: from 8:00 to 20:00.
Large supermarket, which offers a large selection of food, household goods, and clothing at a relatively low price. There are also a couple of boutiques in the building with children's and adult clothing, bags and various accessories.


Schedule: from 6:00 to 21:00.
This is a truly impressive hypermarket with a large selection of different goods; here you can buy to your heart’s content. First of all, here you will find clothes both locally produced and foreign, a large assortment of food products, in particular fresh seafood, household chemicals and much more.
The main disadvantage of the store is its remoteness from city ​​center, you'll have to drive a bit to get to the store.

Big C

Schedule: from 8:00 to 22:00
Big C is a large shopping center with many shops, boutiques, here you can find souvenirs, equipment, clothes, cosmetics - in general, anything you want. The Big C supermarket has its own small bakery, where you can buy various delicacies for ridiculous money. We also note that on the territory of the shopping center there are entertainment places, including bowling, which will cost amateurs a small amount, and for hungry clients there is an impressive food court, but the prices here are slightly higher than in street cafes.
The shopping center was open in November 2014, the Big C brand itself is quite popular in Asia. More details about the Big C shopping center can be seen in the video below.
You can get to Big C by bus No. 1; 2; 7 and also No. 6.