Kare biography nationality. Ban on performing forces Turkmen singers to leave their homeland

Ka-Re (Ka-Re) who is this?

Real name— Kakajan Rejepov

Hometown– Turkmenistan, Ashgabat – Mary

Nickname- Ka-Re (Ka-Re)

Activity— Singer, composer, arranger

Family status— Married


Kakajan Rejepov, better known under the pseudonym Ka-Re, is a singer, author and arranger of his own songs. He gained great popularity thanks to his song “Half”.


Kakajan grew up in a low-income family of the Turkmen nation. While still at school, he understood that he could only provide for his life himself and his parents would not help him much. From a young age, he differed from his classmates and peers in his artistry, creativity, and poetry. During his studies, the boy could not even imagine that he would perform on the best stages of the country.

Carier start

It was not a problem for the young man to make new friends, as he was sociable. Started working as a singer in his native Ashgabat. For some time he performed as a duet with his friend Nazir Khabibov. In 2016, Nazir was arrested, and Rejepov decided to sell his property and move to Moscow.

Before moving, he performed at various events in his city. At that time, many people already knew him in Ashgabat as a singer. And in 2015, he and Vitaly Romanov performed a duet " Nari" Then a video for this song was released.

Ka-Re feat. Vitaly Romanov - NARI

Turkmenistan has its own laws that limit the activities of singers. Permission from the Ministry of Security may be required to perform at certain events. Kakajan wanted to develop as a singer, so he left his native country.


Until 2017, ( KA-RE) Rejepov had little popularity. But, after moving to Moscow, he wrote several songs in Russian, which determined his future fate. An album was created called " Here she is"in 2017. It included the following songs: a track of the same name, “ Hey Hey», « You are mine», « Gonna fly Now», « Brother», « In abad», « Friend», « Bike», « Star», « Turkmenistan», « Way home», « The Bird of Happiness», « Sea», « Autumn», « After the bites», « Kitty Kitty», « Only forward»,

Ka-Re Half

In the same year the song “ Half», became a famous hit. And in 2018 a video was recorded for it. It became the debut in Kakajan's career.

Ka-Re is the author and performer of lyrical, romantic and poignant songs. His work in the genre of pop music is liked by many women. The songs he performs are available for listening on social networks, and clips are available on YouTube and Deezer. Kakajan is the owner of the record company KaRe Production.

Further creativity

Kakajan recorded several more songs in 2017 that were not included in the album: “ In your footsteps», « Don't stop me», « The girl doesn't cry», « I'm not alone», « Bye bye», « Go crazy», « Adam & Eva», « Geç Kaldin», « DildaryŇ», « BepBele" Many of Kakajan's songs have been recorded clips.

Ka-Re now

Now Ka-Re continues to develop as singer. He gives concerts. Is very popular on social networks, where among the listeners of his work there are fans from different countries.

In March 2018, he performed in Dagestan, Berkarar. And on May 12, Ka-Re will perform and perform her hits at the Robinson Crusoe restaurant in Krasnodar.

Personal life of Ka-Re

Kakajan doesn't like giving interviews about his personal life. It is known that he did not have many relationships with women, since family values ​​are a priority for him. He devotes most of his free time to family.

Ka-Re and his wife

Ka-Re (Kakadzhan Rejepov) and his wife

Kakajan Rejepov and Nazir Khabibov

Crooner Kakajan Rejepov hastily sold all his property and left Turkmenistan for another country. However, his fans know where their idol is now.

The creative biography of K. Rejepov was cut short in connection with, with whom, as you know, they sang a duet. An ANT source close to the security forces claims that Rejepov was repeatedly warned by employees of the Ministry of National Security not to wear a beard, but he did not react; this is what allegedly constituted the ban on his profession.

According to other information, Rejepov has fallen out of favor, which controls the activities of all pop performers in Turkmenistan and decides where and when to serve them.

It seems that a similar outcome awaits other popular performers in Turkmenistan. So, since March of this year, the brothers have been banned from singing Alexandru And Arsen Shahunts. These are well-known performers throughout the former Soviet Union and beyond; there are many of their recordings on YouTube, which, judging by the numerous views and comments, are popular among listeners. The brothers were summoned to the MNS and given an order without explanation.

The answer was short: “It’s impossible, that’s all!”

The Ministry of National Security and the Ministry of Internal Affairs crack down on musicians for the slightest disobedience. Yes, popular Begmurad Annamuradova, whom young people know better as DJ Begu, was expelled from the capital to where he is from. Reason: Annamuradov worked the evening at the wedding of some disgraced head of the Ministry of National Security.

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The famous pop singer in Turkmenistan experienced similar pressure Lachin Mamedova, whose work the deceased loved very much Turkmenbashi. According to informed people, Lachin also disobeyed a certain MNS employee and, contrary to the ban, performed in the hall for high-ranking persons in the Altyn Yildyz restaurant, for which she was deported to, where she got married and has been staying with her family to this day for the last 7 years. L. Mamedova is deprived of the right not only to a profession, but also to.

The list of taboos for musicians in Turkmenistan does not end there. At the end of spring and beginning of summer, a number of performers were called to the Ministry of National Security and “popularly” explained that they all had to sell their black cars and switch to white cars. The reasons for such a decision, as usual, were not voiced.

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Real name: Kakajan Rejepov, he comes from Turkmenistan. But at the moment he lives in Moscow. From a young age, he set a goal for himself and went towards it for a single year until he reached the big stage. From an early age, Kakajan was distinguished by his artistry, but his family had little faith that he would perform on the best stages of the country. But when the still very young boy announced that he was going to Moscow to conquer the stage, his relatives had no time for jokes. They even tried to somehow dissuade the ambitious young man, but in vain. He is a completely new singer and is still little known, although people listen to him not only in Russia, but also in other countries, even some of them speak English.

He did not grow up in the wealthiest family, so he understood that no one but himself would help him. The singer knew what it was like to earn money through hard work. But with all this, he felt at ease on stage. He was distinguished by his artistry, poetry and creativity from his classmates. Although from the very years he was the soul of the company. He understood people very well and subtly, so he got along well with them. There is no problem for a man to make friends in a new city, which is why he stayed in the city for a long time and most likely forever.

Now he shares the stage with the best pop stars. But he still considers himself a vital person, helping his family, and not only his closest relatives, but also quite distant ones. He never goes to extremes, because life has taught him to fight for his place in the sun.


Although the singer does not make his relationships public, we can say with confidence that he had few of them, because he still has principles and opinions about girls as faithful, thrifty, beautiful, intelligent and submissive fair sex.
The man also gives the news that he takes into account with great respect the opinion of his family, which plays a very important role in the singer’s life directly.

What is known, type of activity

Kakajan is a new singer who most often sings lyrics, romantic, poignant songs that touch the heartstrings. For women, his songs will be a real find. In life, the man is cheerful and cheerful, focused with a strong spirit. His songs captivate and do not leave his listeners indifferent. The singer is very popular on social networks. There we can follow his life, entertainment, work and family.


Recently, the star of Turkmenistan performed on the stage of her homeland and captivated the audience with such tracks as “Here she is,” “Opa opa,” and “Star.”

The man’s last concert took place in March in the city of the sun, Berkarar. It was the man’s first time in Dagestan, but the audience knew his songs by heart, which greatly surprised the singer. He was infinitely pleased that his work was loved and listened to.


Kakajan devotes a lot of time to his family. He has great respect for its traditions as well as its language. Therefore, Kakajan will choose a wife who is respectful of one faith or another.
And you can follow this person’s creativity, life, family, entertainment and work through links to various social networks. He is an affable, friendly person, open to communication and will only welcome new fans or simply admirers of his work.

This man treats everyone very respectfully, be it a critic or a fan. A kind, sympathetic person who lives by creativity and music, loves self-development and is simply a happy person. So welcome!

  • vk.com/kako6
  • instagram.com/kare.prod