How to manage emotions? This will help you make your life happier! Emotional intelligence, or how to learn to manage your emotions.

Greetings readers. In this article I will tell you. We will talk about how not to give in to your feelings, your mood and state of mind, maintain a sober mind and make the right decisions, and not act “on emotions.” The article is quite large, since the topic requires it, this is even, in my opinion, the smallest thing that can be written on this topic, so you can read the article in several approaches. Here you will also find many links to other materials on my blog, and before you start studying them, I advise you to read this page to the end, and then delve into reading other articles via the links, since in this article I still skimmed the top "(You can open the materials via links in other tabs of your browser and then start reading).

So, before we talk about practice, let us talk about why we need to control emotions at all and whether it can be done at all. Are our feelings something beyond our control, something we can never cope with? Let's try to find out.

Feelings and emotions in culture

Western mass culture is thoroughly saturated with an atmosphere of emotional dictatorship, the power of feelings over the human will. In films, we constantly see how heroes, driven by passionate impulses, commit some crazy actions, and sometimes the entire plot is built on this. Movie characters quarrel, lose their tempers, get angry, shout at each other, sometimes even for no particular reason. Some uncontrollable whim often leads them to their goal, to their dream: be it a thirst for revenge, envy or a desire to have power. Of course, films are not entirely made up of this, I am not at all going to criticize them for this, because it is simply an echo of the culture, which is that emotions are often placed at the forefront.

This is especially evident in classical literature (and even classical music, not to mention the theater): past centuries were much more romantic than our era. The heroes of classical works were distinguished by their great emotional character: they fell in love, then they stopped loving, then they hated, then they wanted to rule.

And so, between these emotional extremes, the stage of the hero’s life described in the novels passed. I will also not criticize the great classic books for this, they are wonderful works from the point of view of artistic value and they simply reflect the culture from which they were born.

But, nevertheless, this view of things, which we see in many works of world culture, is not only a consequence of the social worldview, but also indicates the further path of cultural movement. Such an exalted, obsequious attitude towards human emotions in books, music and films creates the belief that our feelings are not controlled, they are something that is beyond our control, they determine our behavior and our character, they are given to us by nature and we do not we can change nothing.

We believe that the entire individuality of a person comes down to just a set of passions, quirks, vices, complexes, fears and emotional impulses. We are used to thinking about ourselves in this manner: “I’m hot-tempered, I’m greedy, I’m shy, I’m nervous and I can’t help it.”

We constantly look for justification for our actions in our feelings, abdicating all responsibility: “well, I acted on emotions; when I am irritated, I become uncontrollable; Well, that’s the kind of person I am, I can’t do anything about it, it’s in my blood, etc.” We treat our emotional world as an element beyond our control, a seething ocean of passions in which a storm will begin as soon as a slight breeze blows (after all, the same thing happens in the case of heroes of books and films). We easily follow the lead of our feelings, because we are who we are and it cannot be any other way.

Of course, we began to see this as the norm, even, moreover, as dignity and virtue! We call excessive sensitivity and think of it almost as a personal merit of the bearer of such a “spiritual type”! We reduce the entire concept of great artistic skill to the level of depicting the movement of emotions, which is expressed in theatrical poses, elaborate gestures and demonstrations of mental torment.

We no longer believe that it is possible to gain control over ourselves, make conscious decisions, and not be a puppet of our desires and passions. Is there any serious basis for such a belief?

I think not. The inability to control feelings is a common myth generated by our culture and our psychology. It is possible to control emotions, and the experience of many people who have learned to be in harmony with their inner world speaks in favor of this; they managed to make feelings their allies, and not overlords.

This article will talk about managing emotions. But I will talk not only about the control of emotions, such as anger, irritation, but also about the control of states (laziness, boredom) and uncontrollable physical needs (lust, gluttony). Because it all has a common basis. Therefore, if I further talk about emotions or feelings, by this I immediately mean all irrational human impulses, and not just the emotions themselves in the strict sense of the word.

Why do you need to control your emotions?

Of course, feelings can and should be managed. But why do this? It's very simple to become freer and happier. Emotions, if you don’t take control over them, take control, which is fraught with all sorts of rash actions that you later regret. They prevent you from acting wisely and correctly. Also, knowing about your emotional habits, it is easier for other people to control you: play on your pride, if you are vain, take advantage of your insecurities to impose your will.

Emotions are spontaneous and unpredictable; they can take you by surprise at the most crucial moment and interfere with your intentions. Imagine a faulty car that is still driving, but you know that at any moment something can break at high speed and this will lead to an inevitable accident. Will you feel confident driving such a car? Also, uncontrollable feelings can strike at any time and cause the most unpleasant consequences. Remember how much trouble you experienced due to the fact that you could not stop the excitement, calm the anger, overcome timidity and uncertainty.

The spontaneous nature of emotions makes it difficult to move towards long-term goals, since sudden impulses of the sensory world constantly introduce deviations into your life course, forcing you to turn in one direction or the other at the first call of passions. How can you realize your true purpose when you are constantly distracted by emotions?

In such a continuous rotation of sensory streams, it is difficult to find yourself, to realize your deepest desires and needs, which will lead you to happiness and harmony, since these streams constantly pull you in different directions, away from the center of your nature!

Strong, uncontrollable emotions are like a drug that paralyzes the will and enslaves you.

The ability to control your emotions and states will make you independent (from your experiences and from the people around you), free and confident, will help you achieve your goals and achieve your goals, since feelings will no longer completely control your mind and determine your behavior.

In fact, it is sometimes very difficult to fully appreciate the negative impact of emotions on our lives, since we are under their power every day and it seems quite difficult to look through the veil of piled-up desires and passions. Even our most ordinary actions carry an emotional imprint, and you yourself may not be aware of it. It can be very difficult to abstract from this state, but anyway, perhaps I will talk about this later.

What is the difference between managing emotions and suppressing emotions?


Meditation is a very valuable exercise for controlling emotions, developing willpower and awareness. Those who have been reading my blog for a long time may miss this, since I have already written about meditation in many articles, and here I will not write anything fundamentally new about it, but if you are new to my materials, then I strongly advise you to pay attention to this .

Of all that I have listed, meditation, in my opinion, is the most effective tool for controlling your state, both emotional and physical. Remember the equanimity of yogis and eastern sages who spent many hours in meditation. Well, since we are not yogis, it’s not worth meditating all day long, but you need to spend 40 minutes a day on it.

Meditation is not magic, not magic, not religion, it is the same proven exercise for your mind as physical exercise is for the body. Only meditation, unfortunately, is not so popular in our culture, which is a pity...

Managing emotions isn't just about stopping them. It is also necessary to maintain a state in which strong negative emotions simply do not arise or, if they do appear, they can be controlled by the mind. This is the state of calm, sober mind and peace that meditation gives you.

2 meditation sessions a day, over time, will teach you to manage your feelings much better, not to give in to passions and not to fall in love with vices. Try it and you will understand what I'm talking about. And most importantly, meditation will help you disengage from the constant emotional veil that envelops your mind and prevents you from taking a sober look at yourself and your life. This is the difficulty that I spoke about at the beginning. Regular meditation practice will help you cope with this task.

There is a whole article about this on my website and you can read it by following the link. I highly recommend doing this! This will make it much easier for you to achieve the task of finding harmony and balance with your inner world. Without this it will be very difficult!

What to do when emotions overcome?

Let's assume that you are overtaken by violent emotions that are difficult to cope with. What to do in such situations?

  1. Realize that you are under the pressure of emotions, so you need to take action and not mess things up.
  2. Calm down, relax (relaxing will help), remember that your actions now may be irrational due to the feelings overwhelming you, so postpone making decisions and conversations for another time. Calm down first. Try to soberly analyze the situation. Take responsibility for your feelings. Define this emotion within a general class (Ego, weakness, thirst for pleasure) or in a more specific form (pride, laziness, shyness, etc.).
  3. Depending on the situation, either do the opposite of what your current state forces you to do. Or just ignore him, act as if he doesn't exist. Or simply take proactive measures so as not to do unnecessary nonsense (regarding this, I gave an example about the feeling of falling in love, at the beginning of the article: let it become a pleasant emotion, and not turn into an uncontrollable state that will push you to make decisions that you will later regret ).
  4. Drive away all thoughts born of this emotion, do not bury your head in them. Even if you have successfully dealt with the initial emotional outburst, that is not all: you will still continue to be overcome by thoughts that bring your mind back to this experience. Forbid yourself to think about it: every time thoughts about a feeling come, drive them away. (for example, you were rude in a traffic jam, you don’t need to ruin your mood because of random rudeness, forbid yourself to think about all the injustice of this situation (stop the mental flow “he’s so and so to me, because he’s wrong...”), because this is stupid. Take a break to music or other thoughts)

Try to analyze your emotions. What caused them? Do you really need these experiences or are they just getting in the way? Is it so smart to get angry over trifles, envy, gloat, be lazy and be despondent? Do you really need to constantly prove something to someone, try to be the best everywhere (which is impossible), strive to get as much pleasure as possible, be lazy and grieve? What will your life be like in the absence of these passions?

How will the lives of those close to you change when they stop being the target of your negative feelings? What will happen to your life if no one has malicious intentions towards you? Well, the latter is no longer entirely in your control (but only “not entirely”, I’m writing this article, which will be read by many people, which means I can do something about it ;-)), but you can still train yourself not to react to the surrounding negativity, let people who are filled with it keep it to themselves, instead of won't give it to you.

Don't put off this analysis until later. Train yourself to think and talk about your experiences from a position of reason and common sense. Every time, after a strong experience, think about whether you need it, what it gave you and what it took away, who it harmed, how it made you behave. Realize how much your emotions limit you, how they control you and force you to do things that you would never do in your right mind.

This is where I will end this long article about how to control your emotions. I wish you success in this matter. I hope all the material on my site will help you with this.

Do you often lose your temper in difficult situations? Agree, the inability to control your emotions often interferes with life. Therefore, managing them is very important. Don't know how? We'll tell you!

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

What are emotions?

There are several definitions of the concept “emotions”. Some call this concept the expression of emotional experiences using voice and facial movements. Others are situational manifestations of feelings (short and quick). Still others are feelings that are expressed specifically for others. In other words, to summarize all the definitions, emotions are expressive movements that carry information about a person’s state and convey his attitude to a particular action or event.

There are several types of emotions:

  • positive - forgiveness, joy, admiration, pleasure, etc.;
  • negative - envy, hatred, anger, anger, irritation, etc.;
  • neutral - acquiring different shades in different situations (for example, surprise).

Why do you need to control your emotions?

The ability to manage your emotions is very important for any person. First, emotions often arise in the wrong place and at the wrong time. Secondly, our emotions can hurt people around us. Thirdly, if we are overwhelmed with emotions, it will be much more difficult for us to concentrate on anything. Excessive emotions make it difficult to relax and unwind. The ability to manage emotions is a sign of a developed personality and an educated person who is able to control his feelings even in situations where it is very difficult. The ability to manage emotions needs to be developed. You can do this yourself or with the help of specialists who will give you practical advice.

How to learn to manage your emotions?

More than one book is devoted to acquiring the skills to manage emotions. This question is studied by such a science as psychology. We will try to briefly summarize the most basic tips on how you can gain control over yourself.

1. Watch your face.Before the emotion gains strength, remove it by changing your facial expression to a more neutral one. If you can do this, the intensity of passions will immediately subside. If this causes you difficulty, then you need to resort to training the skill of calm presence. This skill is one of the most effective and simple ways to manage your own feelings. Its essence is as follows: create a list of situations in which your face expresses emotions (curves, wrinkles, twitches, etc.). This often happens in situations where you have to do something unpleasant. Take control of this everyday situation (for example, washing dishes) and practice a calm face. In a couple of weeks you will start to succeed, and in six months you will have developed a corresponding habit. Your face will remain calm in any situation, and at the same time your character will become balanced and calm. A greater effect can be achieved by filming yourself. This way you can see how you have learned to control yourself, and this will inspire you to continue training. If you want to teach your child to gain control over himself, it will be enough to give him the command every time: “Stop, stand still for a minute with a smile!”, and in a minute you will see the result.

2. Watch your breathing.Your emotional state will immediately change if you change the rhythm and frequency of your breathing. If you need to raise your energy, it is enough to do exercises accompanied by sharp and strong exhalations. If you need to calm down, start taking calm breaths in and out.

3. Learn to control your thoughts, as they tend to control our attention. If you think about the positive aspects of life, you trigger positive emotions (negative thoughts create negative emotions). Your job is to avoid negative thoughts. This can be done by switching to other, more positive thoughts. To do this, you need to either say positive phrases out loud, or imagine bright positive pictures (for example, beautiful flowers, a rainbow, etc.).

4. Learn to manage your mood.The emotions you experience depend on your mood. Therefore, your task is to constantly improve your mood. The easiest way is to choose an action that improves your mood and do it every time. For example, you improve your mood by walking in the park, then every time your mood deteriorates, go for a walk in the park.

If you approach the issue from the perspective of mental hygiene, then the following exercises will help you find lasting joy:

  • start taking pictures of your unhappy face. You won’t like it, and you will subconsciously look for an option on how to make your face happy;
  • standing near the mirror, repeat the phrase ten times: “What a bad mood I’m in.” As a rule, after the fifth repetition a smile appears and the mood becomes much better;
  • If you are overcome by negative emotions and are in the grip of a bad mood, smile as widely as possible and maintain this smile for a while. You will immediately feel the negative emotions recede;
  • laugh sharply - your mood will immediately improve;
  • distract yourself from negative thoughts by turning your attention to positive aspects;
  • mentally talk to yourself, asking questions: “Why do I need this emotion? What are the benefits of this emotion? Is there a different way to respond to the situation?” In dialogue with yourself, negative emotions will leave you;
  • recharge yourself with the emotions of other people - a smile will cause a return smile;
  • use chromotherapy and aromatherapy. Surround yourself with bright color pictures that improve your mood, your favorite smells;
  • know yourself. The more you know yourself, the better you will learn to control your emotions and your mood. Try to talk more with friends and relatives about your feelings, then over time you will learn to accurately determine which emotion is possessing you at a given moment in time, and you will control it;
  • use self-motivation. Determine those goals that will move you forward, give you the strength to overcome negative emotions, control your emotions;
  • be positive. Treat any life situation more simply and try to see something good in each, even the most difficult one;
  • avoid negativity. Choose your emotions yourself and don’t let anyone influence them;
  • learn to let go of the situation. There are enough events in every person’s life that leave an unpleasant aftertaste. Let go of these situations, get rid of the burden that prevents you from moving forward;
  • read books. Reading books gives you a lot of impressions and positive emotions. The book helps fight bad mood and depression, helps achieve inner harmony;
  • Choose a hobby or hobby you like. Then you will have no time left for negativity, all your free time will be devoted to what you love;
  • change the situation. Take a break from events and people that cause you negative emotions and recharge yourself with positive impressions.

Why is it important to know how to manage your emotions and feelings?

Strong emotions can add bright colors to your life, but at the same time they can destroy your health and psyche. Negative emotions dull your sensitivity to other people and contribute to the destruction of relationships with others. All your energy resources are spent on experiences, which means that you no longer have enough of them to achieve anything significant. For example, negative emotions can hinder your career if you fail to control them in the negotiation process.

As for health, negative emotions are the cause of many diseases, both psychological and physical. Therefore, it is very important to prevent neurological reactions by controlling negative emotions in order to avoid sad consequences. People who remain in a state of stress for a long time put their health at great risk (psychosomatics). This is especially important for students and schoolchildren during exams. Is a person able to cope with this on his own? Yes, definitely. By taking control of your emotions, you will become the master of your life and make it happy and harmonious.

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Overcoming barriers to mutual understanding that arise in various communication situations is not easy. To do this, you need to have a good understanding of the nuances of human psychology, including your own. Another thing that is much simpler is not to create these barriers yourself. In order not to be the main obstacle to mutual understanding with others, a person needs to know the psychological rules of communication, and above all, learn to manage his emotions, which most often become a source of interpersonal conflicts.

The importance of emotions in human life

For every person, mutual understanding with family, friends, colleagues, and in general with the outside world is important. However, even the closest people have their own special beliefs, character, and mood. These differences create barriers to mutual understanding and provoke conflicts in various communication situations.

Anger, resentment, quarrel - these negative manifestations steal positive investments from the emotional trust account and can completely devastate it. Uncontrolled emotions can prompt a person in the heat of the moment to say unnecessary things and make a mess. Having come to his senses, he realizes that he was in vain to get excited, he should have weighed everything first. Therefore, it is necessary to study the psychological rules of communication, and above all, learn to manage your emotions, which most often become a source of interpersonal conflicts.

Managing emotions is not about suppressing them. A person needs an outlet for emotions. It has been proven that the inability to express feelings negatively affects mental and physical health. Old grievances, hidden anger, unshed tears are the psychosomatic causes of many diseases. If a person strives to maintain external calm at any cost, he risks becoming seriously ill.

Emotions are an essential mechanism for the body’s immediate response to stress. Fear gives energy to flee from danger; rage activates muscles and turns off fear; anger sweeps away all obstacles on the way. Under the influence of emotions, an instant mobilization of forces occurs, while the mind cannot influence physiological processes to such an extent.

Emotions must be wisely managed when it is not about survival, but about everyday communication, when violent emotions or apathy interfere with mutual understanding. If from time to time you experience uncontrollable feelings: anger, irritation, resentment, guilt, anxiety, and you would like to get rid of these destructive emotions, learn to manage your emotional state, master practical skills for quick recovery and maintaining inner peace of mind in any life situations.

It should be noted that a common character trait of long-livers is the ability to find joy in the little things in life. This psychological type is characterized by benevolence and lack of hostility towards the surrounding world. Also, a significant advantage of the ability to manage emotions is success in life. Psychologists call a person’s ability to understand and control their emotions, as well as the emotions of others, emotional intelligence (EI). A person with a high level of EI has a greater chance of becoming a major businessman, top manager, or effective politician, since his behavior is more adaptive, which means he can more easily achieve his goals in interaction with others.

Types of emotions

Depending on the intensity, the following types of emotions are distinguished:

  • sthenic(from Greek - strength): excite, motivate to active activity (joy, enthusiasm, passion, anger...). They are accompanied by intense actions, rapid changes in state and a large waste of personal resources.
  • asthenic(from Greek - powerlessness): slow down, relax, calm or paralyze activity (pain, melancholy, sadness...). They lead to a decrease in activity, reduce the waste of resources and transfer to a state of rest and balance.

Depending on the content, emotions can be of the following types:

  • negative(negative): occur when the condition worsens (sadness, anger...). Motivate the system to perform actions to restore the original state;
  • neutral: occur with a prolonged absence of change in state (boredom, apathy...);
  • positive(positive): occur when the condition improves (joy, happiness...). They are a supporting factor that motivates the system all the way to the goal until it is achieved.

Depending on the change in state, there are the following types of emotions:

  • useful: lead to an improvement in the state of the system. In some situations these can be positive emotions (for example, when you achieve a goal), while in others they can be negative (when an obstacle or danger arises).
  • harmful: lead to worsening of the condition.

Depending on the degree of influence on activity, the following types of emotions are distinguished:

  • simple (basic): are based on one experience (hunger, thirst, danger...). Associated with lower needs (physiological, safety...).
  • complex (complex): involve multiple (possibly conflicting) emotions when interacting with a complex system. Associated with higher needs (for communication, self-realization, respect, recognition...).

Depending on the value of the experience, emotions can be of the following types (according to B.I. Dodonova):

  • altruistic: arise when assisting other systems, supporting them, assisting them in solving problems and achieving goals;
  • communicative: during communication, interaction, exchange of resources;
  • gloric: when gaining fame, recognition, fame;
  • practical: when achieving success, solving a problem, satisfying a need;
  • romantic: when perceiving something unknown, unusual, secret, secret;
  • glostic: when understanding the meaning of something, learning something new, truth, clarifying knowledge, thoughts, ideas, their systematization;
  • aesthetic: when perceiving something beautiful, majestic, sublime, elegant;
  • hedonic: when perceiving comfort, coziness, peace, a reliable, stable, safe environment;
  • active: when collecting something, adding to a collection, contemplating it;
  • mobilization: when overcoming danger, struggle, risk, excitement, in extreme situations when the active use of physical and intellectual abilities is required.

Do you need to control your emotions?

You probably know that all people are divided into psychotypes. And, if, for example, extroverts instantly unleash their emotions on another person, acting absolutely thoughtlessly and often to their detriment, then introverts remain a closed book, hiding all their feelings inside. Often people don’t even want to learn how to manage anger or pacify envy, or control anger, or extinguish anxiety, chalking it all up to: “Suck it up! That’s my character!” Naturally, it is much easier to blame innate data for your problems and difficulties. But don't underestimate the destructive power of negative feelings.

Psychologists have long described their danger to humans:

  1. From simple excitement to a state of passion, the path is not as long as it might seem to you at first glance. Just think, you were angry with your husband, who once again threw his socks not into the laundry basket, but under the bed. They screwed themselves up and ran to sort things out. And the husband, instead of the standard: “Sorry!” muttered something like: “Take it and put it away yourself, they don’t bother me.” It’s good if everything turns into a banal quarrel and does not end in crime. Most domestic crimes happen over small things.
  2. Failure to control emotions will lead to problems with others. Even if your parents, friends, husband/wife, colleagues love you very much, sooner or later they will get tired of your instability, which means you risk being left alone.
  3. If you were unable to immediately cope with a negative emotion and carried it within yourself for some time, then it has left its mark. With each new negative, the trace will begin to increase, and soon you will be surrounded by negative energy, and this muck, as you know, has never brought anything good to anyone.
  4. The inability to control emotions is one of the signs of human mental disorders. Yes, yes, no matter how scary it may sound. It’s one thing if you just lost your temper, but quite another if every little thing provokes you into an outburst. In this case, it is better to see a specialist.
  5. Bosses are wary of people who express their feelings too violently, not only negative, but also positive. No one will entrust the management of a company or the management of an important contract to an unbalanced type, which means you can forget about a good career.

How to control emotions?

Watch your face. Keep a calm face.

The most important “recipe” is so simple that it even irritates many: “To remove an unnecessary emotion, just remove the wrong face. Correct your eyes and lips. The main thing is to do it right away, while the emotion has not yet developed.” If you know how to do this, the intensity of the emotion will immediately subside. If this is difficult for you, practice the skill of calm presence.

Developing the skill of calm presence is one of the simplest and most effective ways to manage emotions. Indians know how to control their emotions because they know how to keep a calm face. The training of new recruits in the army begins with the “Attention!” and other numerous procedures and rituals, including those aimed at mastering a calm presence. Recruits are ordinary children, it is natural for them to grimace and rattle, so they tend to be afraid, offended and upset. The army teaches them to keep a calm face and through this to manage their emotions, to be able to maintain self-control and fortitude in the most difficult and responsible situations.

Watch your breath

Changing the strength and rhythm of breathing almost instantly changes the emotional state. If you need to calm down, begin to breathe in and out calmly. When you need to boost your energy, it’s enough to do energizing exercises. Some people do a mini-karate workout, others use special yoga exercises - the essence is the same everywhere: these exercises are accompanied by strong, sharp exhalations.

Control your thoughts

Our thoughts direct our attention. If we pay attention to the bright sides of life, we trigger positive states. If attention with the help of thoughts is focused on real or possible troubles, negativity often arises. At the same time, wisdom does not consist in not seeing the difficulties of life, but in treating them constructively: removing the position of the victim and turning problems into tasks.

If negative thoughts are going around in circles, they need to be stopped. How? It is best to switch to other, more positive thoughts, and it is better to do this out loud for reliability. Talk to yourself out loud - yes, it can be necessary. Other options are to switch yourself to bright, positive pictures - imagine a rainbow, beautiful flowers... As a rule, this helps women and children well.

Manage your emotions with your imagination

The possibilities of our imagination open up a truly large field for action in the area of ​​living emotions. There are many techniques for working with images, such as:

Arrow catcher technique

Imagine that catchy remarks and phrases addressed to you are arrows that come from your interlocutor. But you have the advantage of having an invisible shirt that tends to delay them and let through only those data that are important for controlling the situation. However, be careful not to omit information that is critical to making a decision on the issue.

“Second pair of eyes” technique

Using this technique, it is as if you are divided in two and begin to see yourself from the outside. Let the events developing around you take their course. At the same time, direct part of your attention to observing yourself. Try to understand your reactions, watch what causes them and how they develop. Your inner observer must be impartial and critical. Remember that you need to notice your current actions, states, and correct them in the process. For example: “The conversation with an employee is difficult. I feel myself starting to raise my voice and my breathing becomes rapid. So, you need to reduce the speed and bring your breathing back to normal. Okay, everything is fine now."

Manage your emotions on an external level

Sometimes feelings are so strong that a person needs not only an internal resource, but also an external one to experience them. In this case, you can crumple or cut sheets of paper into small pieces. If this is not possible due to certain circumstances, start drawing doodles in a notebook, pressing firmly on the rod or stylus. It can also be effective if you do something pleasant for yourself: drink a cup of delicious coffee/tea, look at pictures of your loved ones, turn on a pleasant melody.

The following measures can be used as preventative work at the level of managing emotions:

  • exercise regularly, visit a massage therapist, do yoga, breathing practices or any other activity that will meet your needs in the emotional sphere;
  • before the start of each working day or upcoming difficult conversation, draw an ideal picture of this in your head, setting yourself up in a positive way;
  • create comfortable working conditions for yourself. Even if you don’t have a personal office, you can create coziness on your desktop: frame a photo of a loved one or your favorite pet, select stationery that will make working with you more enjoyable, choose a mug from which you will enjoy drinking tea/coffee , attach a sticker with an encouraging message to your monitor.

So, here are the basic skills that will help you better manage your condition and emotions:

  • the ability to distract attention from unnecessary things and direct it to what you want at the moment. This skill will help you switch from negative emotions to positive ones;
  • training your facial expressions and facial expressions. As well as tracking your body position, your gestures and the sound of your voice;
  • correct breathing. Ability to establish calm and even breathing. Deep breathing relieves irritation and tension throughout the body;
  • control your imagination. Learn to immerse yourself in the fantasies and images that you create at a particular moment. This will give you the ability to easily adapt or disconnect from circumstances or situations.

You can also turn to professionals who will teach you special techniques and methods for managing emotions. This will be more effective and will give results faster than self-study. If this is not possible, read books on this topic or watch video lessons on the Internet. Remember, the one who can control his emotions is the master of the situation.

Incredible facts

It’s normal to experience emotions, the problem is that often we don’t know what to do with them.

Therefore, in most cases we resort to familiar methods. For men, the most common outlets are video games, alcohol and smoking. Women cope with their emotions through food or shopping.

It's good if this happens from time to time. However, most often we use such unhealthy methods regularly. Ultimately, our relationships, work and health suffer.

How can you learn to manage your emotions effectively?

There are a few rules to remember.

How to learn to control your emotions

1. You don't choose your emotions because they arise in a part of the brain that we have no control over.

2. Emotions are not subject to moral rules. They are not good or bad, right or wrong. It's just emotions.

3. You are in charge of your emotions.

4. You can suppress emotions, but you cannot get rid of them.

5. Emotions can lead you astray or lead you down the right path. It all depends on your actions.

6. The more you ignore them, the stronger they become.

7. The only way to deal with emotions is to allow yourself to feel them.

8. Emotions fuel your thoughts. You can use your thoughts to manage your emotions.

9. You need to understand your emotions and what they want to tell you so that you can cope with stress. In other words, you need to process your emotions.

10. Every emotion carries an important message. This message helps you understand yourself better, even if you try to hide it. Do yourself a favor and accept whatever emotions you have by feeling them.

11. How your parents responded to your emotions determines how you feel about your emotions now. As you matured, your emotions matured along with you. They developed, became deeper and more influential.

How to manage emotions

Your emotions have been trying to come to the surface for a long time. They do not disappear, but go deep, and these roots have meaning.

If you want to become more aware of your emotions, start acknowledging them to avoid misunderstandings with others.

There are a few simple steps to learn to cope with your emotions.

1. What emotion are you experiencing?

The first thing you need to do is identify what you are feeling. Psychologists highlight 4 main emotions: anxiety, sadness, anger, joy.

When you are anxious, thoughts come to you: " What if I don't find a job?", "What if I stay single?", "What if I fail the exam?"You worry about the future and what could go wrong. Physically, you may feel an increased heart rate, muscle tension, and clenching of your jaw.

When you are sad, you have negative thoughts about the past. You feel tired and heavy, may cry, and have difficulty concentrating.

Anger is expressed through thoughts focused on how someone has violated your values. Physical symptoms are similar to those of anxiety: rapid heartbeat, a feeling of tightness in the chest.

When you are happy, your thoughts are focused on your achievements. For example, you got the job you wanted, bought an apartment, or received a compliment. Physically you feel lightness and calmness, smile and laugh.

2. Determine the message of your emotions

Ask yourself a question to understand why you have this or that emotion:

Anxiety: What am I afraid of?

Sadness: What have I lost?

Anger: What values ​​of mine were hurt by the other person?

Happiness: What did I gain?

Managing Emotions

Once you have identified the emotion and its message, you need to take action. Ask yourself if there is anything that can solve the situation. If possible, do it.

For example, if you are sad and cannot find a job, you can turn to friends and acquaintances for help.

If you can't do anything, think about how you can cope with the emotion. Try meditation, talk to a friend, write down your thoughts on paper, engage in physical activity, seek professional help. Choose what's right for you.

A person’s mood contains enormous potential with which he can control his life! We reveal secrets on how to manage emotions!

The importance of emotions in human life!

Movement at all levels of the Universe is carried out using energy. This is the engine of evolution, due to it new galaxies and stars are born, due to it life arises.

A person’s energy is the emotions¹ that he experiences. The power of emotions is enormous. It was the inspiration and desire for development that allowed human civilization to develop; Every person acts based on their emotional state.

Emotions are the keys to managing life. If you do not know how to manage emotions, a person becomes a slave to them, in which case emotions become a source of negativity.

You need to be able to control any instrument, and the situation with emotions confirms this.

Moreover, emotions are what controls reality. Experiments with intention, concentration of attention in the field of quantum physics confirm the texts of the ancient sages, when energy quanta moved where a person’s attention was directed!

By consciously using your emotions and thoughts², you can radically improve your life!

Simple techniques that will allow you to manage your emotions!

This article describes several simple techniques, using which you will learn to manage your emotions (internal energies).

Thanks to them, you can become a balanced and confident person. Thanks to these useful tips, you will be able to manage life and circumstances; you will not be a slave to your mood.

1. Development of awareness

Many have heard about situations where, because of some seemingly trivial matter, a small problem, a person began to behave inappropriately, and this led to serious complications: the loss of a significant amount of money, damage to property, murder or other crimes.

When a person is upset and angry, his thoughts and actions become uncontrollable, which leads to bad consequences.

How to reverse this process? It turns out that you just need to learn to control them. Before making an uncontrolled jerk in a potentially dangerous situation, you need to think about whether it’s worth doing it: how justified are such actions? Will it be even worse later?

Usually, such thoughts immediately cool a hot head, calm and stop the flow of negative emotions, which gives time to make a more adequate decision.

2. Calculation of the situation

It is useful to try to understand the course of the situation in advance. Why make these mistakes and aggravate events if it could ultimately backfire?

It is much more profitable to take a sober look at what is happening and look for the answer to the question: “Which action will be more beneficial for me now and in the long term?”

People feel great when someone knows how to control himself: it means he is confident and in control of the situation. People are drawn to such people!

3. Choosing your social circle

This makes a big difference. From the point of view of energy exchange, a person exchanges energies with close people and friends most closely, because he trusts them. Very often people from the same social circle are somewhat similar for this reason.

This means you need to pay close attention to who you communicate with: if your friends are bad, do bad things, drink, smoke or even take drugs, then it’s better to get rid of them: you can’t expect anything good from them in the future.

You need to choose friends consciously, so that they are people who can make a person more perfect.

4. “Good, bad” thinking

Thinking “Good, bad” helps to manage emotions very well. It is based on anticipation of subsequent events. Without a doubt, every person has this, it’s just that in most cases people prefer not to listen to internal clues. Thanks to this ability, you can avoid many problems!

The essence of this thinking:

  • if there is a feeling inside that further action is beneficial, then you can safely continue;
  • if the feeling inside is “bad,” then you need to tell yourself “no” and not do something that you might regret later.

Usually people prefer to act “at random”: they say, what if everything will be fine! Experience shows that in most situations, ignoring internal cues leads to the worst. You need to pay attention to this.