Eva Smirnova. Who is she? Where does such a charmer come from? Parents? The best girl is Eva

    This beauty has a great acting future, I think if she decides to continue it when she grows up. Now she is only four years old, but she has managed to captivate many television viewers as a co-host of comedian Maxim Galkin on the children's television show from Channel One, Best of All. Eva Smirnova is the name of this baby. She is a natural blonde, very beautiful, cheerful and spontaneous, like all children. Looks nice in the frame. Just a doll, see for yourself. Eva’s mom is a hairdresser, but she didn’t really say anything about her dad.

    Eva Smirnova is a little girl, 4 years old. A spontaneous girl who speaks just like Zhirinovsky: Mom works as a hairdresser, and dad works in St. Petersburg. Eva made the audience laugh a lot with her spontaneity. The show was fun and funny. Eva is blonde, in the truest sense of the word. Eva likes to watch the news, and apparently also TV series about the police (since she wants to catch criminals). In general, he and Maxim Galkin turned out to be a good duet. Maxim sometimes laughed himself.

    I couldn't resist writing more. I decided to add a video with Eva, where she is visiting Ivan Urgant. I think the girl will make a good artist in the future.


    Eva Smirnova is a 4-year-old little girl who has already appeared in the role of a TV presenter with Maxim Galkin. It all started with the project Best of All. Then she was even invited to Evening Urgant.

    The girl studies at the Moscow branch of the Ryazan pop dance studio.

    Parents invest a lot of effort in the development of their child. Mom diligently creates her image and does her hair. Dad, as the little girl put it, works in St. Petersburg.

    This young lady is only 4 years old and has already managed to charm so many people.

    She is a wonderful co-host of Maxim Galkin. The first time she appeared on television was on the program Best of All, and then in Evening Urgant and let them talk.

    Here you can see about it

    There are a lot of beautiful and smart children on the new show. And Galkin treats them with tenderness and love - well done, it suits him very well.

    Eva Smirnova- a little girl of 4 years old who tried herself as a presenter on the Best of All program. The newscast they did with Max is very funny.

    Her mother Valentina was sitting here in the hall.

    And the teacher - apparently, the girl is being intensively prepared for such events.

    The child is, of course, wonderful.

    Mom is a hairdresser, it’s clear that the child’s hairstyle is her doing. I’m not sure if the hair color is natural, and it’s annoying.

    About her father, Eva said that he was from St. Petersburg and very handsome.

    Perhaps the family moved from St. Petersburg to Moscow. And the child’s promotion as a model and on TV began earlier. Here is the profile of a girl who looks like Eve. It may not be her, but she looks similar.

    Personally, I don’t know how to feel about such promotion of a small child. I have two feelings. Of course, it’s nice to look at such children. But won't this harm them?

    Eva Smirnova is a little Muscovite who is only 4 years old, but she has already won the hearts of many TV viewers. Eva is Maxim Galkin’s co-host on the program Best of All. Her parents seemed to have come from the northern capital to conquer Moscow and they succeeded with the help of their charming daughter. Now Eva is recognized, she is invited to various popular television programs, such as Evening Urgant, Let Them Talk, etc.

    Eva herself is a very active, charismatic girl, but in addition to this, she also studies with a teacher who teaches her the intricacies of the profession of a TV presenter, which the girl dreams of becoming.

    Eva is also a fashion model - she found Eva Smirnova’s profile on the Internet, and from the photo she looks like her:

    Eva Smirnova is Maxim Galkin’s co-host in Channel One’s project Best of All. She is four years old, she is from Moscow, and is being raised by her mother, Valentina Nikishina. My mother is a stylist and hairdresser by profession.

    The audience liked this charming girl. Her spontaneity touches and brings a kind smile. Eva dances and dreams of becoming a TV presenter.

    Most likely, her dream will come true, as it has aroused great interest among the most venerable and popular TV presenters of Channel One. Together with her mother and dance teacher, Eva Smirnova has already been a guest on Malakhov’s programs in Let Them Talk and Ivan Urgant’s in Evening Urgant.

    Eva Smirnova is a new television star and a young presenter from Maxim Galkin’s show. She charmed all the spectators, and the entire elite could not help but look at her calmly. She has big plans for her life, but for now she is trying to become a good presenter. According to the star, her parents are a hairdresser, and her father works in St. Petersburg.

    A sweet girl - Eva Smirnova - who became a participant in Maxim Galkin's show Best of All, was born in Moscow, her mother, according to the little girl herself, works as a hairdresser, and her father simply works in St. Petersburg. At this point in time, Eva is four years old. She told Galkin that she dreams of becoming a TV presenter, and she wants to host news programs.

    I just adore Eva, the first time I saw her was in the program Best of All, she’s such a charmer and a beauty who wants to be a TV announcer and rehearsed it with Galkin.

    The other day she was on the Let Them Talk program, which lasted two evenings in a row. There they did her hair; her mother works as a hairdresser. She was also on Ivan Urgant’s program. Everyone likes her, she is 4 years old, but she is not afraid of cameras. The girl is studying in a variety studio. From childhood, her mother accustoms her to beauty.

    She is from the city of St. Petersburg, these girls become models in the future life and they become famous.

    A natural blonde, Basque (also a natural blonde) can only envy Galkin that he has such a co-host.

    At the same time, she’s a metropolitan little thing, a Muscovite, that is.

    This beauty is four years old.

    I owe my beauty to my mother, including my hairstyle - my mother works as a hairdresser.

    Excellent (for such a young age, of course) Evochka understands politics, because she prefers news to all other TV programs.

    Eva Smirnova is a charismatic child who already knows how to behave on stage. She is a Muscovite and dreams of working on television. She studies at the Moscow branch of the Ryazan pop dance studio. She loves to dance and read poetry, loves to watch the news and be the center of attention. Thanks to her, her choreographer, who for some reason accompanies her everywhere along with her mother, has gotten some good publicity. After the release of Best of All with her participation, she was invited to the Evening Urgant program with Malakhov.

    They don’t write anything about this girl’s parents; her dad is not visible at all. And as I wrote earlier, her mother and her choreographer are with her everywhere.

    Yes! Charming, so charming. Eva Smirnova from Moscow, only 4 years old. And Eva came to the show Best of All to Maxim Galkin as a TV presenter (co-TV presenter) of Channel 1.

    A natural blonde with a beautiful haircut, more than 100 percent confident in herself, and demanding seriousness from her listeners, because she herself is very serious, and knows the answer to any question (the answer sounds in its own way, and Maxim had to translate the answers into the language of everyday life). Eva also understands politics, and her answer to the question: how did you react to Hilary Clinton’s loss in the elections is sharp, but accurate: Chicken lipstick, that’s what you want! Eyes looking straight into the audience, not a shadow of doubt, and a clear appeal to the audience, demanding SILENCE! And a finger pointing, be silent when I speak.

    Eva’s mom is a hairdresser, and Eva said that her hair was done by her mother. Well, for some reason, dad is in St. Petersburg, without specifying, and that’s enough.

Children are the most beautiful thing in every person's life. For everyone, their child is the best. How often do you meet unusual children? Eva Smirnova is a little girl with a high level of intellectual development and big plans for the future.

Biography of Eva

Eva Smirnova is a little girl with a charming smile. She has an expressive appearance - natural white hair and mesmerizing eyes. Eva was born on August 24, 2012. The girl is a native Muscovite. From an early age, she enjoys dancing, reading poetry and dreams of being a person in several different professions at once. Eva studies dancing at the Moscow branch of the Ryazan pop dance studio.

Now the girl has a large audience of fans and, by the way, she holds herself well on stage in front of people. Watching news on television and being the center of attention are the main interests of a little girl. Nothing much is known about the girl’s parents; she is often seen with her mother and choreographer. Eva's mother is a hairdresser, she creates images for her daughter and monitors her image.

Eva Smirnova in the show "Best of All"

From early childhood, the girl began her career as an actress and TV presenter. For the first time they invited Eva Smirnova to “Best of All”. Then she was the co-host of Maxim Galkin. The girl immediately liked and fell in love with the audience because of her spontaneity, charisma and attractiveness. Eva is well versed in many areas: politics, television, and so on. She has her own special opinion, loves to talk about absolutely any topic, and also has her own judgment.

The main memorable words of Eva were the words that she would like to punish criminals and put them in a cage. After the baby’s participation in the “Best of All” program, the girl was invited to the TV shows “Let Them Talk” and “Evening Urgant”. The girl’s popularity is gaining momentum; at five years old, the girl already has her own channels and official pages with a large number of photographs and videos. All this suggests that the girl’s special appearance and behavior find their fans among people.

Eva Smirnova about plans for the future

There is no clear answer to the TV presenter’s question about what the girl wants to become in the future. Considering Eva’s interest in television, and in particular in watching news and various shows, perhaps the girl will really become a TV presenter. At her early age, the girl already knows many of the presenters and can freely talk with them about issues of varying complexity. Eva has excellent stage presence, in front of a lot of cameras and people.

In addition, Eva Smirnova talks about her desire to “be the police.” She sees the main task in this profession as imprisoning criminals. She is very reasonable and fairly assesses the crime situation.

Her other desire is to be a dancer. Now this is her hobby, she is engaged in choreography professionally. Of course, Eva can be a person of any profession, based on her hobbies, skills and knowledge.

As they say, we will find out in the future, but based on the girl’s parental care and preparation we can conclude that she is being prepared for public life. It’s not for nothing that Eva holds herself freely on stage and has so many admiring glances in her wake.


It is not entirely true to say that only when we reach a certain age we are literally “covered by a wave of nostalgia” when we hear the melody of our youth or see some attributes of that time. Even a very small child begins to yearn for his favorite toy if someone took it away or hid it. We are all, to some extent, in love with old things, because they contain the spirit of an entire era. It is not enough for us to read about this in books or on the Internet. We want to have a real antique thing that we can touch and smell. Just remember your feelings when you picked up a Soviet-era book with slightly yellowed pages that emitted a sweetish aroma, especially when flipping through them, or when you looked at black and white photographs of your parents or grandparents, the same ones with an uneven white border. By the way, for many, such shots remain the most beloved to this day, despite the low quality of such images. The point here is not in the image, but in the feeling of spiritual warmth that fills us when they catch our eye.

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