Lara Fabian's daughter. Biography of Lara Fabian

22 chord selections


Lara Fabian (French: Lara Fabian) is a French-speaking singer of Belgian-Italian origin, known for her strong vocals and good technique. Performs songs in French, English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and other languages.
Date of birth - January 9, 1970(1970-01-09)
Place of birth - Etterbeek, Belgium
Country - Belgium
Singing range - 4.1 octaves, lyric soprano

Lara Fabian was born on January 9, 1970 in Etterbeek, a suburb of Brussels. Her mother Louise is from Sicily, her father Pierre is Belgian. Lara lived in Sicily for the first five years, and only in 1975 did her parents settle in Belgium. Lara was 5 years old when her father noticed her vocal abilities. At the age of 8, her parents bought her her first piano, on which she composed her first melodies. At the same time, she studied singing and solfeggio at the Conservatory.

Lara began her career at the age of 14. Her father was a guitarist and performed with her in music clubs. At the same time, Lara continued her musical studies at the Conservatory. She took part in competitions. For example, the “Springboard” competition (“Tremplin de la chanson”) in 1986, which she won. The main prize was a record. In 1987, Lara recorded “L’Aziza est en pleurs,” a tribute to Daniel Balavoine, of whom she said: “Balavoine is a role model. A real man who lived without compromise, always making his choice based on his ideas of honor and not looking at the opinions of others. A man admired by a whole generation." “L’Aziza est en pleurs” is now a real rarity. In 2003, a copy of it was sold for 3,000 euros.

Lara's international career began in 1988 when she represented Luxembourg at the Eurovision Song Contest with the song "Croire", where she finished fourth. "Croire" sold 600 thousand copies in Europe and was translated into German (Glaub) and English (Trust).

After her first European success, Lara recorded her second album, “Je Sais”.

The turning point in her career is without a doubt May 28, 1990, when Lara meets Rick Allison in Brussels. A few months later they decide to try their luck in Quebec and leave for another continent.

Meanwhile, Pierre Crockaert, Lara's father, finances her first album, which was released in August 1991. The singles “Le jour ou tu partiras” and “Qui pense a l’amour” sold out instantly. She received a warm welcome at every concert, and in 1991 she was nominated for the Felix (equivalent to the Victoires de la Musique).

1994 was marked by the release of the second album “Carpe Diem” in Canada, which went gold two weeks after its release. At the same time, Lara presented her play “Sentiments acoustiques” in 25 cities in Quebec.

In 1995, at the ADISQ awards (Canadian Recording Association), Lara Fabian received the award for “Best Performer of the Year” and “Best Performance”. At this time, Lara Fabian begins to take an active part in charity events. For example, for many years Lara has been helping the association of children with heart defects. She also takes an active part in the Arc-en-Ciel (Rainbow) Association, whose goal is to make the dreams of sick children come true.

And on July 1, 1995, Canada's National Day, a young Belgian woman received Canadian citizenship. In 1996, Lara voiced Esmeralda in Walt Disney Studios' The Hunchback of Notre Dame and sang the theme song.

Her third album, Pure, was released in Canada in September 1996 and went platinum in less than two weeks. When asked why she named her latest album “Pure”, Lara replied: “This word best describes the way I express myself with complete honesty. Pure... like water, like air, it’s inseparable from my creativity.” For this album in 1997, Lara received the Felix in the Album of the Year category. 1997 is the year of return to the European continent. Lara participates in "Emilie Jolie" written by Philippe Chatel, singing the song "La Petite fleur triste".

The album "Pure" was released in France on June 19, 1997. Success was not long in coming and on September 18, Lara received her first European gold disc. Since the summer of 1997, she has appeared in all television programs and on the covers of the largest French magazines. That same year, Lara Fabian signed a contract with Sony Music to record her English albums.

On November 3, 1998, a large tour began, which included concerts in France, Monaco and Switzerland. It was a triumph. In February 1999, Lara released the double Live. It should be noted that less than 24 hours after its release, this album rose to the top of the French charts, eclipsing even the musical “Notre-Dame de Paris”. At the same time, she was nominated as “Singer of the Year” in the Victoires de la musique. On May 5, 1999, at the World Music Awards in Monaco, Lara Fabian won in the category “Best Benelux Artist”.

On November 30, 1999, the singer released her first English-language album. While working on this album, she collaborated with the most famous composers who wrote for Barbra Streisand, Mariah Carey, Madonna and Cher. At the same time, Lara records several songs in Spanish. Explaining her affinity for Romance languages, she said that the rhythm of these languages ​​suits her character. In general, Lara speaks 4 languages ​​– Italian, French, Spanish and English.

Lara ended 1999 with an appearance on TF1 on December 31, where she performed several songs, notably the duet with Patrick Fiori "L'hymne a l'amour".

Throughout 2000, Lara was promoting her album in the United States. On January 29, 2001, Lara participated in the recording of the play Enfoires. On May 2, the World Music Awards 2001 took place in Monte Carlo, where Lara Fabian received a prize for her sales in the Benelux countries.

In the summer of 2001, Lara participated in the recording of two songs for American films. One of them is a duet with Josh Groban "For Always", which is the title theme to the Steven Spielberg film "Artificial Intelligence" ("A.I."). The second is the animated film “Final Fantasy: The Dreams within.”

On May 28, 2001, the official release of the album “Nue” took place in Montreal. In connection with the release of the album in Europe on September 5, Lara organized several meetings with fans at the Virgin Megastore in 3 cities in France - Marseille (from 12 to 13 hours), Lyon (from 16 to 17 hours) and Paris (from 21 to 22 hours ). On September 28, 2001, on the Molson stage in Montreal, Lara and many other artists participated in a charity concert, the proceeds of which went to the needs of the victims of the September 11 terrorist attack in the United States.

At the end of 2002, fans were able to see Lara Fabian again on stage in the acoustic performance “En Toute Intimite”, which was released on CD and DVD on October 14, 2003. With this performance, Lara toured the cities of France, Switzerland and Belgium. On April 27 and 28, 2004, Lara performed in Moscow, on the stage of the Moscow International House of Music. On February 27 and 28, 2004, Lara performed at the Wilfrid-Pelletier with the Montreal Symphony Orchestra. In 2004, Lara Fabian made her film debut in the film De-lovely, a musical drama about the life of composer Cole Porter.

On June 1, 2004, a new English-language album, “A Wonderful Life,” was released. On November 18-20, Lara takes part in the play Autour de la guitare and on the last evening she sings “J’ai mal a ca”, written by Jean-Felix Lalanne.

On February 25, 2005, Lara Fabian's new album entitled “9” was released with the first single “La Lettre”, written by J-F Lalanne.

From September 2005 to June 2006, Lara toured France. Her show Un Regard 9 was a huge success. Soon a CD with recordings of the show and a DVD with a video version of the concert were released.

In June 2007, in a message to fans on her official website, Lara announced that she was pregnant. “This is the most wonderful news I could tell you,” she writes. Indeed, the singer has repeatedly said in interviews that she will not feel completely happy if she does not become a mother. But despite her pregnancy, Lara took part in various concerts and TV shows until the birth of her daughter (in particular, a September performance at the Casino de Paris).

On November 20, 2007, baby Lou was born, named after Lara Louise’s mother. The girl's father is the famous French director Gerard Pullicino.

The next few months for Lara were filled with family concerns. But already in the spring of 2008 she is ready to give several big concerts around the world. Lara Fabian's mini-tour began in Greece, where she performed with Mario Frangoulis (famous Greek singer), continued in Russia, where Lara traditionally comes every spring, and ended in Ukraine, which the singer visited for the first time. The concert took place in the Kiev Palace Ukraine, brought together a full hall and received a very warm welcome from the Kyiv public.

In the summer of 2008, Lara begins preparing a new album. She decides to dedicate it to women who have influenced her life and work. The release date was set for October, but was postponed several times. As a result, the world saw the long-awaited “TLFM” (“Toutes Les Femmes En Moi” or “All the Women in Me”) only on May 26, 2009. Sunny and bright, it became a good gift for music lovers on the eve of summer. Read more about the album and its creation in the TLFM section and the Press section.

At the beginning of June 2009, Lara comes to Moscow again. She gives 5! concerts in the capital's Operetta. (Video of the concert on June 1st - in the Concerts section). The singer will present a new album, as well as a new duet. Famous Russian composer Igor Krutoy performed on stage with Lara. Together they performed two songs: “Lou” (which Lara dedicated to her daughter) and “Demain n’existe pas” (translated as “Tomorrow does not exist”).

On October 7, the album “Ewery Woman in Me” was released. Its content continues the idea of ​​the “TLFM” disc: Lara performed songs of her favorite singers, whose work influenced her career. The album contains songs in English and they are performed exclusively with piano accompaniment. The disc is released in limited edition and is distributed in Lara Fabian's online store.

In February 2010, Lara visited St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg for the first time, after which she gave her first concert in Odessa (February 21) and performed for the second time in the capital of Ukraine, Kiev (February 23).

From September 2009 to March 2010, Lara’s big tour “Toutes les femmes en moi font leur show” took place, during which Lara performed songs from the albums “TLFM” and “EWIM”, as well as her hits from different years. The show will be released on DVD in the fall of 2010.

From May to July 2010, filming of the musical film “Mademoiselle Zhivago” took place in Ukraine, which is based on 12 short stories based on songs by Lara Fabian. The author of the music and producer of the film is Russian composer Igor Krutoy. The director was the popular Ukrainian music video director Alan Badoev.

Today there is no music lover who would not be familiar with the main hits of the cult Belgian singer named Lara Fabian. Few people know that her real name is Crocker. Lara is half Belgian and Italian, although she is considered a Canadian citizen. Her repertoire includes songs in English, French, Spanish, Russian and other languages.

Biography of Lara Fabian

The future star of the big stage was born in 1970 in the suburbs of Brussels, in the family of a Belgian musician. The girl lived for the first few years in her mother’s homeland in Sicily. And only in 1975 she moved to her father in Belgium. Lara Fabian's life at that time was calm, like all children in poor families. However, even then she showed great promise in singing. By the age of 8, her parents gave her a piano. At this moment, the biography of Lara Fabian underwent dramatic changes.

The girl began to spend all her free time at the piano, playing her own melodies and composing words to them. Sometimes parents could not hold back their tears looking at their talented daughter. From the age of 14, her father began taking Lara with him to performances in clubs. The tender and at the same time powerful vocals of the young singer so struck the hearts of the listeners that they applauded for hours on end.

Fabian did not forget about her studies at the conservatory. At the age of 16, she won her first award, the Springboard competition. The prize was the opportunity to record a full-length album in the studio for free. In 1987, Lara, with the assistance of the competition organizers, released a 45-minute album dedicated to the French musician Daniel Balavoine. The listeners liked the record. In 1988, Fabian began her professional career, and with it came her debut tour. Soon she released a second album called “Je sais”.

Moving to Canada

In May 1990, Lara met respected producer Rick Ellison. The young people began a relationship so quickly that at the end of summer Fabian decides to follow his beloved to another continent. At that time, a well-known Canadian studio really wanted Rika, so the couple took the risk of leaving everything in Brussels and trying their luck in the city of Quebec.

Unfortunately, after the move, Lara's loved one Fabian began to move away from her. At that time, a young singer in a foreign country especially needed support, but there was no one to expect it from. Nevertheless, Lara still had one person who was ready to help her - her father. It was he who began to finance her Canadian album in 1991. It is worth noting that several singles immediately became international hits, and the singer herself was nominated for the Felix award.

The second album, entitled “Carpe Diem,” which was also released in Canada, became gold for Lara. Fame came to the aspiring star after performing the soundtrack to the cult TV series “Clone”. In 1995, Fabian was recognized as the best singer in Canada. By this time, she had already begun to actively engage in charity work and received citizenship of the country of the maple leaf.

New stage: European music

Lara Fabian always considered herself Belgian at heart, but she herself admitted that Canada was her second homeland. In the fall of 1996, the singer released the album “Pure,” which immediately went platinum. With this album, Lara decided to conquer Europe, so she left her friends in Canada and moved to France.

In the summer of 1997, the album “Pure” went double platinum. The main European critics could not resist it, giving the album the highest score. From that moment on, Lara Fabian could be seen in all top-rated television shows, on the covers of magazines and at closed social meetings. At the end of 1997, the Sony Music studio was ahead of its competitors and signed a lucrative contract with the Belgian singer to record albums in English.

Following the success, Lara's promoters organized a grand tour of central Europe for their ward. Each concert ended in triumph. The next record, “Live,” went gold within 24 hours of going on sale. So it came as no surprise that Fabian won WMA Female Singer of the Year.

World recognition

Many critics believe that Lara Fabian's musical biography began only in November 1999, with the release of her debut English-language release. The best producers and musicians in the world, collaborating with such famous personalities as Madonna, Barbara Streisend and Cher, were invited to record the compositions. By that time, Lara could speak 4 languages ​​fluently, including English. Therefore, the recording of the album “Lara Fabian” went without problems. The album received high marks even from sophisticated American listeners.

Two years later, the singer’s first release in French was born. The “Nue” album included a number of well-known soundtracks, but was mainly devoted to love themes. The next successful album was “9”. Its lead single, “La Lettre,” written by Lalanne himself, allowed the singer to make perhaps the most high-profile world tour of her life.

The 2008 album “Every Woman in Me” was a real gift for all music lovers. The release was dedicated to the women who played a decisive role in Fabion’s life.

"Russian" French music

Lara Fabian has always loved to read, and the works of Pasternak were especially close to her soul. It was to one of his heroes that the singer dedicated her 2010 release entitled “Mademoiselle Zhivago.” The ideologist of the record was Igor Krutoy. With his direct help, Lara recorded a unique album that her fans could not even dream of. The release included compositions in several languages, including Russian. Immediately after the release of the album, the singer, on the advice of Igor Krutoy, went on a tour of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

In 2013, the Belgian’s latest album, “Le Secret,” was released. According to unofficial information, Lara wanted the release to also include one song in Russian, but in the end this idea had to be abandoned.

Personal life

The biography of Lara Fabian, from the point of view of love relationships, is filled with disappointments. The singer's first boyfriend was the well-known musician Patrick Fiori, but their romance lasted just over a year. A similar fate befell the stormy relationship with Rick Ellison, who did not allow Lara passage due to jealousy. By the age of 20, the girl had already managed to completely disappoint in love.

But after meeting with the famous director Gerard Pullicino, Lara’s heart melted again. Despite the fact that the singer’s lover is 11 years older, they began a very serious relationship. In 2007, the couple had a daughter, Louise, but by that time Lara’s common-law husband Fabian was already planning a separation. The reason for the separation was rumors about his companion's betrayal.

At the moment, the singer’s chosen one is the Sicilian Gabriel Di Giorgio. Lara's legal husband Fabian is considered a fairly successful illusionist.


Je time, je time
Comme un fou comme un soldat
Comme une star de cinema
Je taime, je taime...

Almost everyone has heard this piece from the famous song “Je taime” (“The Same Thing”) and, I think, it left no one indifferent. No matter how modest Lara Fabian may be, refusing to recognize herself as a singer, her songs show that the person who created them is endowed with enormous talent, which was realized 100%. Her melodic voice and unimaginable charm make Lara’s songs even more brilliant...

Lara Krokar (Fabian, this is a pseudonym) was born in Belgium, in a small town called Etterbeek. This joyful event occurred on January 9, 1970, in the family of the former guitarist. From childhood, Lara's father Fabian instilled in his daughter a love of music, so it is not surprising that at the age of 8 Lara already attended the Royal Observatory of Brussels, where she studied vocals, music theory and playing the piano. Lara Fabian completed her studies 10 years later.

In 1984, Lara began performing in Brussels clubs, it should be noted that her father helped her - he accompanied her on the guitar. Despite quite successful performances. Lara doubted whether she had chosen the right vocation for herself; therefore, despite her long preparation for a musical career, she entered the Faculty of Law. Fortunately, in 1988 the Eurovision Song Contest 1988 took place, in which Lara Fabian took 4th place, singing the song “ Croire" This gave the singer confidence in her abilities, and besides, the French labels noticed her, and this already said a lot. This was the beginning of the legend's rise.

After releasing several singles, which were not unsuccessful. Lara Fabian decided to leave Europe and went to Canada, to Montreal. I fell head over heels in love with the new place. Immediately, world recognition came... but first things first.

Arriving in Canada, Lara set about creating a record label and publishing company, Productions Clandestines. In this difficult matter, she was helped by Rick Allison, her good old friend. In 1991, Lara Crocard released her first album, entitled "Lara Fabian", which mainly consisted of previously written songs in French. The album immediately fell in love with Canadians, thanks to which the album's circulation amounted to more than 100 thousand copies. Lara’s next album was released three whole years later, it was called “Carpe Diem”, its circulation was 800 thousand copies, progress was obvious. But real international fame came to Lara Fabian after the release of her third album, “Pure,” released in 1997. - The French alone bought more than 2 million copies of the disc. After this album, the singer received an offer from Disney to sing Esmeralda's song in the film The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

In 1999, in Monaco, at the World Music Awards, Lara was awarded the title of “Best Selling Actress.”

In 2001, the album “Nue” was released, which became a real gift for French fans of Lara Fabian. The song “Immortelle” once again proved that Fabian is one of the best singers. After this album, Lara began creating a soundtrack called “Dream Within” for the film “Final Fantasy”.

In 2003, Lara tried herself in a new role - she recorded the album “En Toute Intimite”, in which the world saw her as a performer of sincere and intimate works. A year later, Lara Fabian selected songs that raised topics such as the contradiction of emotions, the paradoxes of love, the inner world of every person, and released the album “A Wonderful Life,” the name of which spoke for itself.

Discography of Lara Fabian

"Lara Fabian" (1991)

"Carpe diem" (1995)

"Pure" (1997)

"Lara Fabian Live 1998" (1998)

"Eponyme" (version anglaise) (1999)

"Nue" (2001)

"Lara Fabian Live 2002" (2002)

"En toule intimate" (2003)

"A Wonderful Life" (2004)

"9" (Neuf) (2005)

"Un Regard 9" (Live) (2006)

"Toutes les femmesen moi" (2009)

"Every woman in me" (2009)

"Mademoiselle Zhivago" (2010)

After her first steps in Belgium, Lara Fabian, already a Canadian, becomes one of the pop divas of the 90s. A powerful voice, a popular romantic repertoire, the singer conquers the top of the charts with her hits.

Lara Fabian was born on January 9, 1970 in Etterbeg, Belgium, to a Belgian father and a Sicilian mother. Before moving to Belgium, Lara lived in Sicily. From the age of 14 she performed with her guitarist father and her voice became famous. The solid stage experience thus obtained gives Lara all the advantages for a successful performance at the competition in Tremelin. This talent discovery competition has been held in Brussels for many years. Participation in it brings her success: Lara receives three main prizes at once. Two years later, she takes 4th place in the Eurovision Song Contest with the song Croire, which sells about 600,000 copies in Europe.

While promoting the single "Je sais" in Canada, Lara falls in love with this country. In 1991, she settled in Montreal, thereby repeating, only in reverse, the fate of her grandfather, who was born in New York, but eventually returned to Europe. Canadians immediately embrace Lara. In the same year, her first album “Lara Fabian” was released. Success is not long in coming; the singles “Le jour ou tu partiras” and “Qui pense a lamour” sell out instantly. Her powerful voice and romantic repertoire attract large audiences, who give the singer a warm welcome at every concert. As a result, in 1991, Lara was nominated for Felix.

In 1993-1994, the singer took part in various festivals, performances followed one after another. The end of 1993 was marked by the receipt of a gold disc (50,000 copies) and a new nomination for Felix. With the receipt of a gold disc, Lara's commercial success continues to gain momentum. Soon the album sales reach 100,000. Performing in the style of Celine Dion, with a repertoire similar to hers, Lara fills halls in Canada and her popularity is growing. This is confirmed by her “Sentiments Acoustiques” tour, which covered 25 cities.

According to the poll, Lara was named "Most Promising Performer of the Year", which is an exception to the rule for a non-Canadian performer.

In 1994, she released her second album, Carpe Diem, which was certified gold within two weeks. And a few months later, the circulation of discs sold exceeded 300,000 copies. At the Gala de lADISQ 95 ceremony, famous for the distribution of Felixes, Lara received the prestigious award as “Best Performer of the Year” and for “Best Concert”. At the same time, she is also awarded in Toronto at the Juno ceremony.

With the release of her third album “Pure” in October 1996 (in Canada), Lara turns into a star of the first magnitude. Produced by Rick Allison, who produced both previous albums, "Pure" allows Lara to write most of the songs herself, unlike her previous efforts. She also collaborates with authors such as Daniel Seff (“Ici”) and Daniel Lavoie (“Urgent desir”).

In the same 1996, Walt Disney invited Lara to voice the role of Esmeralda in the animated film “Le Bossu de Notre Dame”.

Riding on a wave of popularity, Lara finally decides to join the life and culture of Canada and on the first of June, Canada Day, the young Belgian becomes a Canadian.

The fall of 1996 represents the album's promotion period. 1997 becomes Lara's European year, because her album is a resounding success on the old continent. Pure is released in Europe on June 19 and the first single from this album sells more than 1,500,000 copies. On September 18, Lara receives her first European gold disc (Polygram Belgique). On October 26, 1997, Lara was nominated for Felix in five categories and received a statuette for “Most Popular Album of the Year.” Lara spends January 1998 on a tour of France, which ends with concerts in Olympia Paris. A few days later, Lara receives the award as “Discovery of 1997,” which is quite strange for a singer so famous in her country. On April 25 and 26, Lara returns to the Palais des Sports stage, which is filled to capacity on these 2 evenings.

After participating in the concert "Les Enfoires", organized by Resros du coeur, Lara begins a wonderful love story with Patrick Fiori, the beautiful Phoebus from the musical Notre-Dame de Paris.

After Michel Sardou, who invited Lara to sing a duet with him at Molson de Montréal, another star of the French stage, Johnny Halliday, invites her to sing a duet. Johnny and Lara absolutely rock the crowd with their impressive version of "Requiem pour un fou" performed at Halliday's mega show at the Stade de France on September 5th, 6th and 11th.

Over the summer, Lara continues to work on her first English-language album, which is released in Europe and Canada in November 1999. A European tour of 24 concerts once again confirms Lara's star status.

The album "Adagio" (better known as "Lara Fabian") was recorded in the USA, London and Montreal. It is the result of collaboration between the best producers in the USA and took two years to create.

Among the big names of producers is the same Rick Allison, as well as Walter Afanassieff (Barbra Streisand), Patrick Leonard (Madonna) and Brian Rawling (Cher).

With this disc, Lara tried to conquer the world pop scene, in particular the American market.

In the spring of 2000, Lara has not left the TV screens of France; she takes part in various television programs. Her album sells more than 5 million copies in a few months (it’s unclear which one). The single “I will love again” takes first place on the Billboard Club Play Chart.

On May 30, 2000, the album was released in America. The results are positive, but Lara fails to make people forget about Celine Dion. Thanks to promotions and participation in numerous television shows watched throughout America (Tonight Show with Jay Leno), Lara manages to reach number 6 on the Billboard-Heatseeker chart.

In July and August 2000, Lara went on a triumphal tour consisting of 24 concerts in France, Belgium, and Switzerland. On November 5, she receives Felix as the best Canadian performer singing in a language other than French.

The same year is marked, unfortunately, by the separation from Patrick Fiori.

In January 2001, Lara takes part in the annual charity concert “Les Enfoires”. It is already becoming obvious that Lara is a fiasco in the American market. There is no place for two French-speaking divas on the same stage; Celine remains the queen.

On March 2, Lara sings “I will love again” at the Miss USA competition, but the record company’s strength is already running out.

From March 18 to March 31, Lara is promoting her album in Brazil, where one of her songs, Love by Grace, is constantly featured in a very popular Brazilian TV series, which immediately brings her fame in this country. Lara meets with her fans in Rio, Sao Paulo and the capital Brasilia.

June 2001 marks a new stage in the conquest of the American star system. Lara records the song "For Always", the soundtrack to the Spielberg film "AI".

The album “Lara Fabian”, which in France is regarded as a semi-failure (comparisons with Celine haunt Lara all her life), sells 2,000,000 copies all over the world.

In July 2001, Lara's new single Jy crois encore appears, which anticipates the release in a few weeks of her new album, simply titled Nue. Lara writes all her texts in French, she wants to re-win the French-speaking public. The recipe for success seems classic: a powerful voice, simple and effective melodies, good arrangements.

In addition to promoting the new album, which Lara is actively involved in, in October she is recording a song for the Brazilian TV Globo series “Meu grand amor”, the series is shown on screens in Portugal, the USA and Latin America. A few weeks later, Lara records a duet with Florent Pani on the song Et maintenant, which was included in Pani's album "2".

Lara kicks off her Nue tour on December 14th in Brussels, before playing shows at the Paris Zenith on December 17th and 19th. She tours throughout France until March 2002.

In conjunction with the FIFA World Cup, which is taking place in Corsica and Japan, FIFA is releasing an album that also includes Lara's song "World At Your Feet". This song represents Belgium.

Following the Nue tour, Lara releases a double CD live and DVD "Lara fabian Live". Soon she will go on tour again, this time acoustically. From November 2002 to February 2003, Lara performed on stage both songs from her repertoire and remakes of other people's songs, “Mistral gagnant” by Reno, “Caruso”. The disc, which shares the same title as the tour, “En toute intimate,” and was recorded in Olympia on February 2 and 3, features the song “Tu es mon autre,” which Lara sings in a duet with Moran. A fragment of this album that got into radio rotation was the song Bambina, which Lara performed together with Jean-Felix Lalanne, her life partner.

In 2004, Lara gives a series of concerts outside Europe - in Moscow, Beirut, and Tahiti.

Inspired by new success, Lara is again trying to establish herself in the world market. In May 2004 (correct, actually in June) she released her second English-language album “A wonderful life”, the first single from which was “No big deal” (only for France, in other countries the first single was “The last goodbye” translator's note). The album is not successful. Lara immediately begins creating a new studio album in French. Revival.

In February 2005, her new album “9” was released. On its cover, Lara appears to us in the fetal position. Can we conclude that with this album we are talking about her revival? Perhaps due to the fact that Lara has undergone many changes in her creative and personal life? She left Canada to settle again in Belgium. She changed the composition of her team. She invited Jean-Felix Lalanne to take part in the creation of the album. Her voice is more articulate, she no longer screams. Almost all the lyrics she wrote for this album are about love and finding happiness. It seems that a new life has unfolded before her.

She has huge popularity in Europe and Canada. But at the same time, her image cannot be called completely positive, her style of singing thoughtlessly using her voice, and her ambitions to become a successful singer, which she did not hide and defended, were always not to the taste of critics.

He passed away so early... He had a very rare and incurable lung disease. He knew that he would die soon. The doctors did not allow him to sing... But he sang and how...

It is impossible to listen to this song of his without tears... He should live and live more. He wanted to fly like a bird - to become free...

Words are unnecessary... Feel...

Lara Fabian loved him

Lara Fabian's first concert after the death of her beloved friend Gregory Lemorchal. She came out, but could not sing. And then, standing, the whole hall began to sing... the whole hall in Nimes will sing this song to her, replacing the words in it, “Je t”aime” (I love you) for the first time will turn into “On t”aime” (We love you).. Then her producer Rick Alisson, who accompanies him on the piano, will come up and say: “See... and you said that you have nothing to live for... Live for them, for the people.

So many feelings...

Her beloved was 13 years younger than her. But he died of a rare lung disease

So much suffering and pain can be felt in her performance...

Watch this concert!!! As the whole auditorium sang...

This song is performed by Lara, accompanied by Igor Krutoy.

There is a Russian translation.

Stunning performance by Lara Fabian and Gregory Lemorchal -

so tender, touching... As if angels were flying around them..

Interview with Lara Fabian:

“I learned to live more calmly. Now I am able to be alone for many days without pain, sadness, or longing. Of course I miss those I love, but before I couldn't be alone with myself for a long time. Now I like to be alone without this feeling that the earth has opened up in front of me,” says the singer.

She returned from afar, beautiful Lara. There was, of course, this disease that affected vital organs, which she overcame and which she absolutely does not want to talk about anymore - this is in the past. She is more talkative when it comes to healing deep heartache. A pain that made her write words like: “everything is meaningless, when there is nothing left to fear, all the reasons to stay are theirs.” This was in 2001 on the Nue album. The song is called "Because you are leaving" ("Parce que tu pars").

“Everyone thought I wrote it for someone else. But it was about me…” she says.
Lara removes the veil from the secret, not fully realizing who today inspired her trust so that she could do this.

“We are not forgiven for feeling like this... It’s as if it’s forbidden for someone who has what I have to have problems... I’ve always avoided the role of the “yearning star”, but perhaps me talking about this will help others who also go through this...”, she thinks quietly.
There were moments in Lara's career that brought her contempt and hatred. Within a few years, Quebec radio stations stopped playing her songs, which she couldn't explain. But there was an even worse situation in France, where at one time she experienced constant insults from the press.
“Sometimes people asked me what I did... Nothing! The situation kept getting worse, and I often asked myself why they didn’t like me. Now I am glad that I am loved. Others don’t, and that’s their right, it’s not scary at all.”

At 37 years old, the singer was definitely left alone (12 million records sold, that’s still reassuring...) but in her youth she did not maintain this distance in relation to life. She came to France at 27, after 10 years in Quebec, where the press is generally more tolerant of artists. When the wave of hatred towards her gained height, Lara had a desire to end it.
“I wanted to leave. Not just from show business. Leave this life. It was a combination of things and this is in the past, but the press was particularly brutal. They completely destroy a person, there is no compassion…”, she recalls with excitement.
Today Lara enjoys life and develops her plans. She has found love, her life partner is the French director Gerard Pullicino and in the spring she will move with him to Montreal. In September she will appear on the stage in Paris, she is also considering several film scripts, and, of course, dreams of the day when she becomes a mother. What brought her back to life when everything was seen in black? Her best friend, Natalie.
“I told myself that there is someone who really loves me. There was one clear moment that I remembered like a photograph. It was very revealing. One person, three phrases... I believe that one phrase, one word can really bring someone back to life...” she states with great gratitude in her eyes.
Having overcome depression, then illness, Lara completely changed her value system. Now every morning she asks herself why she does something. And if he doesn’t find the right answer, he stops.
“You notice that for a long time life has passed you by. Reality returns there, and priorities change. I'm sorry, but I will never again spend 17 months without visiting home. 17 days at most!”
She says this with great conviction and it becomes clear that her alienation has caused her to lose her bearings. Now she has found them again and it is no coincidence that she chose white and a “new look” to illustrate her latest album.

“This is my search for light. When I was little, I was like that. I took black sheets of paper to draw white stars... There is a lot of hope in this vision of life and a way of refusing to be constantly tested.”