What does Nastya's death mean in the story "pit". The image of the pit in the story and the meaning of the title of the story by A.P.

Only Nastya, whom Zhachev recalled, played not the last role. The child is unintelligent, but already at the first meeting with Safronov he clearly understands his historical destiny. The main thing for her and the people are Lenin and Budyonny. When they were not in the world, and there were only bourgeois, then she did not want to be born, but appeared in the world only thanks to the activities of Lenin. That is, Nastya is a brainchild born of the October Revolution of 1917, who immediately appeared “with a revolutionary mind.” How can this be, the reader may be surprised, because she has her own, real mother. There is, of course, a mother, but she is a “potbelly stove”, in the opinion of the daughter herself, an obsolete class. Rejection of the past means the loss of historical ties, cultural traditions and their replacement by ideological parents - Marx and Lenin. People who deny the past cannot have a future.

The destructive attitude towards people on the part of the authorities concerned not only the bourgeois class, which was fading into history, but also the entire working people, including children. The image of the girl in the story is very peculiar: “Instead of toys, she has an iron crowbar, the girl sleeps in one coffin, and uses the second as a red corner.” For Platonov’s artistic aesthetics, as before for F.M. Dostoevsky, a child is the highest human criterion on which the humanism of an individual and the state as a whole is verified.

Nastya is sincerely surprised by the coffins hidden by the peasants: “Why do they need coffins then? Only the bourgeoisie should die, but the poor should not!” The diggers could not answer this naive question with any intelligible answer. Seeing one naked among the men, she immediately thinks in bewilderment, “clothes are always taken away when people don’t feel sorry for...”. Not everyone could answer all these questions correctly and without fear, even among those who guessed the reasons. The answer is, in essence, simple. The new authorities are completely indifferent to whom to shoot and who to starve. It is difficult now to name the exact millions of people who died during the period of collectivization in the famine (lean) years. Moreover, it was not the bourgeois who died.

Here Safronov explains to the “future joyful subject,” as Nastya Zhachev calls it, the irreconcilability of class relations, that the communists and the activists who support them, according to the decisions of the party plenum, are obliged to eliminate the wealthy “no less than a class, so that the entire proletariat and the farm laborer class are orphaned from their enemies!” After such comments, the girl not only asks, “Who will you stay with?”, but also tries to figure out what was said: “This means killing all the bad people, otherwise there are very few good ones.” Nastya thinks correctly, and this is what they decided to do with the people in government circles. The fruits of the teachings of Chiklin and Safronov, as we see, did not pass without a trace. Attending kindergarten every day, she grows up to be a fully conscious citizen of the new society. This opinion is confirmed by the firm style of the letter to Chiklin, not childishly confident in his convictions: “Eliminate the kulaks as a class. Long live Lenin, Kozlov and Safronov! Greetings to the poor collective farm, but no to the kulaks.” Thus, “in the everyday life of great construction projects,” a new young generation of Soviet people was born, ready to take any decisive steps in the name of a great idea. Andrei Platonov was alien to such optimism; he did not believe in the justice of power based on violence and deception. Zhachev’s last menacing words refer specifically to those who deceive the people, because of whom children die: “I’ll go and kill Comrade Pashkin now to say goodbye.” However, the proletarian still fails to deal with this “class traitor.” Oh, the Lions and Ilyich Pashkins turned out to be tenacious! The bacilli of their activity infected a seemingly steadfast brigadier like Chiklin. As if consoling the deceased Kozlov and Safronov, he vows to continue their work, to be the same as Safronov: “I will become wiser, I will begin to come out with a point of view, I will see your whole tendency, you may well not exist.”

Nastya, a symbol of future socialism, dies from a lack of spiritual kindness towards her and, oddly enough, “from understanding the world.” Perhaps the second fact will be more significant, because she receives enough attention from her elders (after the death of her mother). Let us remember that she is dying, although on the last night Elisha and Chiklin warmed her with their warmth. They well understood the significance of her life, they were well aware that “the world around her must be so gentle and quiet for her to be alive.”

Nevertheless, Nastya died, and along with her, according to the author’s plan, faith in a bright future disappeared. No, it is impossible to build a happy common proletarian home on a slavish attitude to work and humiliation of human dignity. When Voshchev comes to the excavation brigade, instead of the healthy happiness of people satisfied with physical work, he notices only mortal fatigue and melancholy on the faces of those sleeping. Their boring faces did not express any semblance of thought. The idea of ​​public benefit completely enslaved personal feelings. At the same time, Platonov does not simplify the problem. Downtrodden and depersonalized people, turned into a mass, have their own innermost. So, Chiklin and Prushinsky remember their love, which warms their souls with warmth; Voshchev is trying to comprehend his purpose in life; Zhachev - to achieve justice; Kozlov - to get into the leadership cadres. Yet in a country where there is one main person, there is no place for other persons. A process of depersonalization occurs. That’s why Chiklin replies: “What kind of face am I to you? I’m nobody.” Young Nastya characterizes herself in the same way: “I’m nobody.” But the girl knows the leader of the world proletariat very well. Let us remember: the novel “Chevengur” ends just as pessimistically, with the death of a child. Such disbelief in the victory of socialist management hides a certain position of the author. Platonov in his conclusions is far from the insane optimism of Pashkin, who loved to repeat in difficult moments: “... happiness will come historically anyway.” No, such happiness may not exist, because you need to fight for it, bring it closer through work, and, finally, you need objective conditions for its implementation. The writer, based on his life experience, has not seen such conditions.

Nastya is one of the main characters of Andrei Platonov’s story “The Pit”. This is an orphan whose mother was the daughter of the owner of a tile factory and, accordingly, a “potbelly stove,” but then died, leaving the girl alone.

The child is taken in by Chiklin, the foreman of an artel of artisans digging a pit. He knew Nastya's mother in his youth. The girl is raised by a hero in a revolutionary spirit and has a “revolutionary mind.”

Nastya actually renounces her past and her “potbelly stove” mother and says that she was specially born only when Lenin and Budyonny came to power. The girl is a true child of the revolution, and she symbolizes everything for which the heroes of the story live and work.

In the barracks, Nastya sleeps in a wooden coffin (instead of a bed), and in another similar coffin she keeps her toys. Thus, the girl’s very life is already connected with death.

This is how Platonov shows the initial failure of revolutionary ideas. That is why, when Nastya dies at the end of the work, the future that the representatives of the proletariat hoped to build dies with her.

In his book “Magic Days,” V. Likhonosov speaks about A. Platonov like this: “He is truly a deeply intimate writer.” And indeed, no matter what work of A. Platonov we read, be it the novel “Chevengur” or the story “The Juvenile Sea”, the story “Fro” or an article about Korolenko, we feel a master who knows how and makes us think.
With his work, Platonov looked into the very core of the establishing totalitarian era, in particular, with the story “The Pit.” About this work, critic V. Malukhin says: “The Pit” can be read not just as an eerie dream about a utopian ideal, but also as a real chronicle of its historical impoverishment and collapse. In the crucible of the Pit, utopia melts into dystopia.”
“The Pit” is a story by A. Platonov, dedicated to the beginning of the construction of a new, unprecedented House of bright and high human relations. This House is “that single building where the entire local class of the proletariat will go to settle.”
A. Platonov dwells on the very beginning of construction - on the earthworks that ensure the success of the building: for the house to be strong, the foundation pit must be reliable.
The heroes of the story want to build not a simple, but a “common proletarian house.”
The foundation pit plays the role of a connecting link in the story between human destinies and the fate of the Fatherland. The foundation pit appears before us as a means that helps reveal the essence of each individual builder. During this process (digging a pit), each of those taking part in it thinks about the meaning of life, hopes that he did not live his life in vain, but gave it all for a common cause - the construction of a “common proletarian house.”
But, on the other hand, a pit is a grave that everyone, without knowing it, digs for himself and for everyone. The pit is a mass grave. An example of this is the death of Nastya and her final refuge. You can give more names for whom the foundation pit became a grave: Safronov and Kozlov, an activist.
The image of Nastya carries a huge semantic load. With her death, the Future, its young particle, dies. And this is a catastrophe on a universal scale, since many of the builders, when building the house, never thought about themselves - the house was built “for the masses,” but not for themselves, and with the death of Nastya, all these masses were suddenly left without a future...
Only a few characters in the story have names: Nastya, Elisha, Nikita, Chiklin, hammerman Mikhail. The rest go without names. So will these people, mostly nameless, be able to complete the construction of the foundation pit and build a bright House? Do they have enough strength not only for the external, but also for the internal Structure, for the “spiritual equipment” of the future? I believe that the meaning of the title of the story lies in these questions, where the author reflects that everything good, kind, bright - everything that was achieved and accumulated by the best people of the Russian state - was thrown into a dirty pit and trampled into the mud by people who Most of them do not understand anything about what is called “bright and high human relations.”
A. Platonov perspicaciously saw that only one main person will have the right to exist, and if there is only one main person, then all the others will inevitably become depersonalized. That is why the heroes of the story have almost no names.
Conceived as a building for an eternal happy population, as a building for a person, it crushed a person under itself, turning him into a means, a material.
And “Pit” today sounds not only as a reminder of the past, but also as a warning about the future. He poses questions that now take on special meaning for us.
Andrei Platonov makes you remember the most important, original, fundamental.

Faithful with “the tear of a tortured child at the foundation of world harmony”

Task No. 241 A. Akhmatova belonged to the literary movement

True Acmeism

Task No. 242 A. Akhmatova is a pseudonym. Last name of the poetess

Verny A. Gorenko

Task No. 243 A. Akhmatova sees the purpose of the poet

Task No. 244 Lyrical heroine by A. Akhmatova

Faithful woman immersed in feelings, intimate experiences of personal destiny

Task No. 245 M.A. Sholokhov was born

Faithful on the Kruzhilino farm

Task No. 246 The main theme of the collection “Don Stories” by M.A. Sholokhov

Faithfulcivil war on the Don

Task No. 247 The collection “Don Stories” opens with a story

Faithful Mole

Task No. 248 “Quiet Don” has its own pictorial and epic center

Faithful Melekhov family

Task No. 249 The central problem of “Quiet Don”

Faithful fate of the Cossacks in the revolution

Task No. 250 The central character of “Quiet Don”

Faithful Grigory Melekhov

Task No. 251 In “Quiet Flows the Don” by M.A. Sholokhov follows traditions

Faithful to L. Tolstoy

Task No. 252 Story by M.A. Sholokhov's "The Fate of Man" appeared in

Faithful 1956

Task No. 253 A work dedicated to the theme of the Second World War

Faithful "Vasily Terkin" by A. Tvardovsky

Task No. 254 A work that touched on the theme of betrayal and cowardice during the Second World War

Faithful "Live and Remember"

Task No. 255

Faithful patriotic poems and songs

Task No. 256 Played an important role in the literature of the Second World War

Faithful journalism

Task No. 257 On the third day of the war, the Izvestia newspaper publishes a poem

Faithful V. Lebedev-Kumach “Holy War”

Task No. 258 A popular song during the war was

Faithful "Dugout" by A. Surikov

Task No. 259 The poem by K. Simonov was extremely popular at the front and in the rear.

Faithful "Wait for me"

Task No. 260 Peru M. Aliger belongs to

Faithful poem "Zoya"

Task No. 261 The best wartime plays were published on the pages of the newspaper

Faithful "Truth"

Task No. 262 A notable phenomenon in the dramaturgy of the war years were plays

Faithful “Russian People” by K. Simonov.

Task No. 263 The struggle of the Soviet people against the fascist invaders is told in a socio-psychological play...

Faithful L. Leonova “Invasion”

Task No. 264 “Front” by A. Korneychuk...

Faithful satirist - a heroic play

Verny A. Tvardovsky

Task No. 266 The main character of the poem “Vasily Terkin” is characterized by the following trait

Faithful love for the Motherland

Task No. 267 Travel poem by A. Tvardovsky

Faithful "Beyond the distance - the distance"

Task No. 268 Tvardovsky’s post-war poems are collected in a book

Faithful "From the lyrics of these years"

Task No. 269 Note the main idea of ​​“Sevastopol stories” by L. N. Tolstoy

Faithful Celebrating the patriotism of ordinary soldiers

Task No. 270 Name the Russian writer who was both a film director and actor

Verny V. Shukshin

Task No. 271 Andrei Sokolov is the hero of the work

Faithful “The Fate of Man” by M. Sholokhov

Task No. 272 ​​The encyclopedia of a soldier’s elegy is considered a work of the Second World War period

Faithful "Vasily Terkin" by Tvardovsky

Verny Vasiliev

Task No. 274 The heroine sheltered her husband who had fled after being in the hospital in Rasputin’s work

Faithful "Live and Remember"

Task No. 275 The theme of memory is revealed in Tvardovsky’s poem

Faithful "By right of memory"

Task No. 276 The idea of ​​​​the unity of the front and rear was heard in the story

Faithful V. Ovechkina “With greetings from the front”

Task No. 277 Name the “returned work”

Faithful "Gulag Archipelago"

Task No. 278 Name the years of life of Yu. Dombrovsky

Faithful 1909-1978

Task No. 279 The theme of trial and investigation, condemnation and execution constitutes the pathos of Dombrovsky’s novel

Faithful "Faculty of unnecessary things"

Task No. 280 Rybakov’s creative success is the creation of a story

Faithful "Unknown Soldier"

Task No. 281 Anatoly Rybakov

Faithful child of the Arbat

Task No. 282 V. Shalamov was first arrested in

Faithful 1929

Task No. 283 Autobiographical story by V. Shalamov...

Faithful "Fourth Vologda"

Task No. 284 The main victory of V. Shalamov

Faithful fearlessness of thought

Task No. 285 A work that raised an environmental problem on its pages

Faithful "Farewell to Mother"

Task No. 286 The poet in his work, who was vividly embodied in the artistic dual world...

Verny O. Suleimenov

Task No. 287 Protection of the environment sounded powerfully in

Verny 70-80g 20v

Task No. 288 Raised your voice against the “transformation” of nature

Verny V. Astafiev

Task No. 289 In V. Rasputin’s story “Farewell to Matera” it is shown

Faithful to the suffering of people


Faithful "Scaffold"

Task No. 291 The novel “The Scaffold” is

True call

Task No. 292 V. Astafiev devoted 10 years of his life to creating

Faithful "Last Bow"

Task No. 293 Name the poet - Bard of the 60-80s of the 20th century

Verny Yu. V. Vysotsky

Task No. 294 A poet whose work contains ancient and biblical motifs

Verny I. Brodsky

Task No. 295 The first collection of poems by E. A. Evtushenko

Faithful "Scouts of the Future"


Faithful "Fiery love and burning hatred"

Task No. 297 The purpose of studying “History of Kazakh literature”

True understanding of the literary process in Kazakhstan

Assignment No. 298 The “History of Kazakh Literature” program involves

True use of the educational potential of the works of Kazakh authors

Task No. 299 The first attempt to recreate the ethnic history of the formation of the Kazakh people was made by

Verny Sh. Kudaiberdiev

Faithful 15th century

Task No. 300 The Kazakh epic appeared long before

Faithful 15th century

Task No. 301 Problems of Kazakh statehood are posed throughout

Faithful 19th-20th centuries

Task No. 302 A feature of the Kazakh statehood was unity

Faithful of the Three Zhuzes

Task No. 303 Ancient Turkic mythology

Faithful Set of mythological systems of peoples speaking Turkic languages

Task No. 304 Tradition in folk poetry

True Tales containing information about real persons and events of the past

Task No. 305According to folk legend, Korkut created

Faithful Kobyz

Task No. 306 Korkut is a philosopher who is occupied

Faithful Eternal questions of life

Task No. 307 Used the legend of Alexander the Great

Faithful Abai

Task No. 308 Writers and poets of Kazakh literature used myths and legends in their work to

True Solutions to social and moral problems

Task No. 309 The Kirghiz (Kazakhs) were convinced that they influence people’s lives

Faithful of the Stars

Task No. 310 People turned into aruakhs after death if

Faithful Did not sow evil

Task No. 311 The Koran - a religious, literary, historical monument of the ancients

Faithful Arabov

Task No. 312 From the Koran you can use

Faithful Morally - ethical values

Task No. 313 Kazakh ritual and everyday poetry is

Faithful Lyrical songs associated with certain rituals, customs, traditions of the people

Task No. 314 Toy - bastar - song

Faithful Beginner opening wedding

Task No. 315 Sheshendik - created - this

Faithful Aphorisms and winged words

Task No. 316 Terme is

Faithful Edifying Recitatives

Task No. 317 A fairy tale is

Verny Narodny oral - poetic story about extraordinary, fictitious events

Task No. 318 The theme of fairy tales is

Faithful The hero's overcoming of numerous obstacles using miraculous means.

Task No. 319 Epic is

Faithful Folk narrative about events of the distant past, about heroes, heroes

Task No. 320 At the heart of the heroic epic

Faithful Duel with the enemy, battle

Task No. 321 The social and everyday epic talks about

Faithful to the peaceful life of the Kazakh people, their daily life

Task No. 322 A. S. Pushkin, while in Uralsk, wrote down the plot of the epic “Goats Korpesh and Bayan-Sulu” in

Faithful 1833

Task No. 323 The main theme of aitys was glorification

Faithful Akynami of his peoples and tribes

Task No. 324 The classic example of aitys in Kazakhstan is the aitys between

Faithful Birzhan and Sarah

Task No. 325 In Turkestan in the 10th-12th centuries it was used

True Turkic language

Task No. 326 Kurkut in Kazakh mythology

Faithful Holy Man

Task No. 327 The 10th-12th century is the heyday of the Turkic culture

Faithful to the "Golden Age"

Task No. 328 Al-Farabi owns a treatise

Verny "On the origin of the sciences"

Task No. 329 Years of life of Ahmed Yassawi

Faithful 1103-1166

Faithful "Sofa - and - Hitmet"

True to the Turkic language

Faithful Utility and Labor

Loyal to the Golden Horde

Faithful Shalkiiz – zhyrau

Faithful Kadyrali Zhalairi

Faithful "Collection of Chronicles"

Faithful to Akyn poetry

Faithful Kara - deer

Task No. 331 “Blessed knowledge” - a poem by Y. Balasaguni - the first work written in

True to the Turkic language

Task No. 332 A large place in “Blessed Knowledge” is occupied by reflections on

Faithful Utility and Labor

Task No. 333 Mahmud Kashgari was considered one of the outstanding

Faithful to Central Asian philologists of the 11th century

Task No. 334 The accumulated experience and observation of M. Kashgari were generalized in a scientific work

Faithful "Dictionary of Turkic dialects"

Task No. 335 Talgau tolgau is

Faithful Poems - reflections

Task No. 336 Asan - Kaigy was the pre-court poet of Uluk - Muhammad Khan

Loyal to the Golden Horde

Task No. 337 Theme of Tolgau Kaztugan - Zhyrau

Faithful Celebrating the beauty of our native land

Task No. 338 Native of Western Kazakhstan

Faithful Shalkiiz – zhyrau

Task No. 339 Medieval Kazakh scientist and famous biy of the 16th-17th centuries

Task No. 340 K. Zhalairi wrote in 1602

Faithful "Collection of Chronicles"

Task No. 341 Shal - Akyn - representative

Faithful to Akyn poetry

Task No. 342 Shal - Akyn preferred his usual form

Faithful Kara - deer

Task No. 365 Sh. Kudaiberdiev translated works into Kazakh language

Faithful A. S. Pushkina

Task No. 366 In the poem “Kalkaman - Mamyr”, “Enlik - Kebek” Sh. Kudaiberdiev touches on the topic of

Faithful to the Fate of young people, love and friendship

Task No. 367 Founder of Kazakh linguistics and literary criticism

Verny A. Baitursynov

Task No. 368 A. Baitursynov created the first

Faithful Kazakh primer

Task No. 369 M. Dulatov wrote a collection of poems

Faithful “Wake up, Kazakh!”

Faithful "Unfortunate Zhamal"

Task No. 371 Creativity p. Donentaev is in tune with social satire

Verny M.E. Saltykova – Shchedrin

Task No. 372 The first collection of poems by S. Donentaev is called

Faithful "Life's little things"

Task No. 373 M. Zhumabaev experienced a spiritual kinship with

Verny A. Blok

Task No. 374 The main idea of ​​M. Zhumabaev’s poem “Chase the horse, Sarsenbay” is consonant with the theme of the poem

Verny S. Yesenina

Task No. 375 In Kazakh literature. Aimautov is known as the author of novels

Faithful "Kartkhozha" "Akbilek"

Task No. 376 Critical article g. Aymautova about the work of M. Zhumabaev is

Verny "On the poetic work of Magzhan"

Task No. 377 Zh. Aymautov is an employee of the newspaper

Faithful "Cossack Tili"

Task No. 378 Zh. Aimautov was rehabilitated in...

True to 1988

Task No. 379 Saken Seifulin is the founder of the Kazakh

Faithful to Soviet literature

Task No. 380 Revolutionary play written by S. Seifulin

Faithful "Red Falcons"

Task No. 381 Particularly popular with B. Mailin were

Faithful Plays

Task No. 382 The works of B. Mailin had a strong influence

Faithful by A.P. Chekhov

Task No. 383 The first collection of lyrical poems by I. Zhansugurov was published under the title

Faithful "Acquaintance"

Task No. 384 I. Zhansygurov did a lot for propaganda

Faithful to Russian classics among Kazakh readers

Task No. 385 During the Great Patriotic War, the voice of the great

Faithful Zhambyl

Task No. 386 Zh. Zhabaev reached the pinnacle of improvisational art in... Zh. Zhabaev reached the pinnacle of improvisational art in...

Faithful Aitysakh

Task No. 387 The basis of G. Musrepov’s novel “Soldier from Kazakhstan” is

Faithful Fraternal unity of peoples in the defense of the Motherland

Task No. 388 G. Musrepova calls the heroine of the novel “Ulpan Her Name” Kazakh

Faithful to the Mona Lisa

Task No. 389 M. Auezov - creator of the first Kazakh

Faithful Roman - epic

Task No. 390 The first major work by M. Auezov was the play

Faithful "Epnlik-Kebek"

Task No. 391 The central character of the novel - the epic “Abai’s Path” is the image

Faithful Abaya

Task No. 392 The central theme of the novel is the epic “Abai’s Path”

The True Path of the Kazakh people from the darkness of the Middle Ages

Task No. 393 Loyal

S. Mukanova

Task No. 394 S. Mukanov’s greatest achievement is the novel

Faithful "Botagoz"

Task No. 395 Historicism in art and literature presupposes...

Faithful Artistic development of the specific historical content of an era

Assignment No. 396 They wrote on a historical topic in Kazakh literature in the 20th century

Verny I. Yesenberlin, A. Kekilbayev, A. ZhNurpeisov

Assignment No. 397 The themes of ecology and morality in modern society in Kazakh prose are touched upon by the writer...

Verny A. Nurpieisov, R. Seisenbaev, D. Doszhan

Task No. 398 The theme of the death of the Aral Sea is reflected in the novel “The Last Duty”

Verny A. Nurpieisova

Task No. 399 Modern Kazakh poets reflect

Faithful Traditional themes

Verny O. Suleimenova

Task No. 400 Citizenship, patriotic pathos, active attitude towards the world are the characteristic features of poetry...

Verny O. Suleimenova

Task No. 401 The Russian language is recognized in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Faithful to the Official

Task No. 402 Determine the style of the text: Not a step back! Let a coward or a coward, for whom his own life is more valuable than his Motherland, perish without glory, he has no place and never will have a place on our land

Faithful Conversational Journalistic

Task No. 403 Indicate the word in which the letter o is missing

Faithful Kryzh... got into it

Task No. 404 Specify the word with the letter E after C

Faithful Follower...in

Task No. 405 Indicate the word in which O is written

Kumach...vy Verny

Task No. 406 Orthoepy studies

True Norms of modern literary pronunciation.

Task No. 407 Indicate the word with stress on the first syllable.

Faithful Endpaper Sweater

Task No. 408 Section of linguistics that studies the rules of spelling words.

True Spelling

Task No. 409 Graphics is a branch of the science of language in which they study

True Correspondence between sounds and letters

Task No. 410 Indicate a phraseological unit that means “far”

Faithful Far Far Away

Task No. 411 Indicate a phraseological unit similar in meaning to the expression “tail to neck”

The faithful Mosquito will not undermine your nose

Task No. 412 phraseology is -

True Doctrine of phraseological units, i.e. about stable combinations of words

Task No. 413 Indicate a number of homonyms

Verny Forest cutting, radio operator cutting

Task No. 414 Words that sound the same but have completely different meanings are called:

Faithful Homonyms;

Task No. 415 Antonyms are words

True to the same part of speech with opposite meaning

Task No. 416 Synonyms are words

True to the same part of speech, identical or similar in lexical meaning

Task No. 417 Determine the antonym for the phraseological unit “doting your soul”:

Faithful Like a cat and a dog

Task No. 418 Define a number of synonyms:

Faithful Motherland, fatherland, fatherland

Task No. 419 Indicate a number of foreign words

Faithful Vitamin, watercolor, marine painter

Task No. 420 Specify the original Russian word

True Gift

Task No. 421 Specify a sentence with a foreign language word

Faithful With every step, fountains of warm water came out from under my feet.

Task No. 422 Slang and argotic vocabulary is used...

True For speech characteristics of representatives of certain social groups.

Task No. 423 Indicate slang vocabulary

Faithful Lafa

Task No. 424 The basis for creating argotisms

Faithful The desire to hide one's speech from others

Task No. 425 Jargons are created

Faithful In social groups

Task No. 426 Special words, terms are characteristic...

True Scientific styleScientific style

Task No. 427 Professional words are…..

Faithful Words used in the speech of people united in any profession

Task No. 428 Indicate in which case you should refer to the dictionary of synonyms. Indicate the synonyms ...

True Promise - Vow

Task No. 429 Indicate a word that does not belong to linguistics

Faithful Metaphor

Task No. 430 Indicate a word that does not belong to the science of mathematics

True Sodium Chlorine

Task No. 431 Indicate the words the word does not belong to the science of medicine

True Modernism

Task No. 432 Lexicography studies….

True Rule for compiling dictionaries

Verny V.I.Dal

Task No. 434 Mark the incorrect statement.

The True Explanatory Dictionary explains the meaning of words.

Task No. 435 In the “Phraseological Dictionary” you can clarify such phrases as

Faithful White Crow

Task No. 436 Studying the etymological dictionary

True Origin and history of words

Task No. 437 Indicate which interpretation of phraseological units is

correct “Bring out into people”

Faithful To take part in the fate of someone, to help

achieve him a strong or high position in


Task No. 438 Indicate which interpretation of phraseological units is

correct “Like the back of your hand”

True To know something well.

Task No. 439 Indicate which interpretation of phraseological units is

correct "Disservice"

Faithful About a situation when they wanted to do good, but

turned evil.

Task No. 440 phraseological conjunctions are

True Semantic indivisible phraseological phrase.

Task No. 441 Phraseological combination is

True Phraseological turn in which there are words with free meaning.

Task No. 442 Indicate the original Russian phraseological phrase

Faithful A stable combination of words that arose in the Russian language from the ancient language of the source. An eye for an eye

Task No. 443 Book phraseological phrase is...

True Stable combinations of words exclusively used in written speech.

Task No. 444 B. Pasternak was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in

Task No. 445 B. Pasternak’s nature is endowed with properties

Faithful Equal in rights with the poet subject

Task No. 446 The most important way of word formation

True Morphological

Task No. 447 Determine the name of a word formed from another word

True Derivative

Task No. 448 Indicate the morphemic composition of the word

True Ending, stem, root, prefix, suffix

Task No. 449 Indicate the method of forming words - the oldest, the strongest:

True Suffixal

Task No. 450 A significant part of a word that comes after the root and usually serves to form new words

Suffix True

Task No. 451 Indicate the word consisting of a root.

Faithful to the jelly beans

Task No. 452 Determine how the word abyss is formed

Faithful prefix

Task No. 453 Define a word formed in a prefix-suffix way

Faithful legitimize

Task No. 454 Find the form of the word dreamer

Faithful dreamers

Task No. 455 Indicate the word in which the letter “a” is missing

Faithful promise

Task No. 456 Indicate in which adverb the mistake was made

Faithful unbearable

Task No. 457 In which word the prefix at - has the meaning of incomplete action

Faithful Pr...slidesPr...sit down

Task No. 458 Indicate how the word wise is formed

Faithful Prefix

Task No. 459 One of the statements is incorrect. Find him

Faithful The basis of a word is a root, a prefix, an ending

Task No. 460 Indicate related words

Faithful White, whiteness, turn white

Task No. 461 Words without endings in

Faithful Having grown stronger, slowly, in a friendly way, thinking

Task No. 462 Part of a word without ending

True Foundation

Task No. 463 Mark the word with one –n- in the adjective suffix

Faithful Silver

Task No. 464 Mark the word with Y at the root after the prefix

Faithful Pre...history

Task No. 465 Indicate a word with a non-derivative base

Faithful Water

Task No. 466 Mark the word whose spelling is based on the morphological principle

Faithful Home

Task No. 467 This word is formed using the suffix

Faithful Footballer

Task No. 468 Specify the word with the suffix –chik-:

Faithful Pilot

Task No. 469 A noun in the nominative plural has the ending I

Faithful Road

Task No. 470 Indicate the word formed according to the model: root - suffix - suffix - ending

Faithful Silence

Task No. 471 Indicate the word formed analytically

Faithful High – higher

Task No. 472 Indicate the name of a set of homogeneous grammatical meanings

True Grammatical categories

Task No. 473 Indicate the name of individual objects isolated from a mass of matter or a collection of homogeneous objects

Faithful Single

Task No. 474 Determine the names of forms of the same word formed from different roots or stems

True Suppletivism

Task No. 475 Determine the gender of indeclinable nouns: tulle, piano, password

Faithful Male

Task No. 476 Indicate what is called declination

True Change in cases and numbers.

Task No. 477 Indicate a noun that does not have a plural form:

Faithful Lingerie

Task No. 478 Indicate a number of nouns with the letter E in the suffix

Faithful Denech...k, ogonech...k, broom...k

Task No. 479 Indicate a number of nouns with the letter I in the suffix

Faithful Pugov...chka, name...tse, dress...tse

Task No. 480 Indicate the noun used in the singular

Faithful Relatives

Task No. 481 Indicate the correct answer: noun

True Denotes an object and answers the question who? What? In a sentence, nouns are most often subjects, objects and adverbials

Task No. 482 Indicate a number of nouns that have a plural form:

Faithful Gate, ink

Task No. 483 Noun used only in the plural

Faithful Whitewash

Task No. 484 Indicate the correct spelling of the ending of the nouns:

Faithful Write in a notebook, on a museum excursion, languish in anticipation

Task No. 485 Indicate the incorrect form of using a noun with a preposition:

True According to the decision

Task No. 486 Select a number of nouns that have only the singular form

Faithful Childhood, darkness

Task No. 487 In phrases, the application is a common noun

Faithful Lake Balkhash teenage girls

Task No. 488 Select the line with second declension nouns:

Faithful Polesie, link

Task No. 489 Indicate the noun ending E in the prepositional case:

Faithful On the roof..., in the den...

Task No. 490 Indicate an adjective that does not have a full form

Verny Rad

Task No. 491 Adjectives are used in their literal meaning in the phrase:

Faithful Sunbeam, wolf's trail

Task No. 492 Determine what is characteristic of relative adjectives

True Absence of grammatical and lexical-word-like features Absence of degree of comparison, short form

Task No. 493 Find the correct definition: An adjective is

True An adjective is a part of speech that denotes an attribute of an object and answers the questions what? Whose?