Tickets for the ballet “Don Quixote. Tickets for the ballet “Don Quixote Libretto and production N


Don Quixote is reading another book about the adventures of a medieval knight. The fantastic images of the novel gradually become real in his imagination. He is immersed in thoughts about the beautiful Dulcinea. Screams and noise awaken him from his dreams. It turned out that it was Sancho Panza who was seeking salvation in his cell from the peasant women. Don Quixote initiates Sancho Panza as his squire and invites him to go wandering in the name of the beautiful Lady Belle.


Scene one

The city square in Barcelona is full of festive activity, people are dancing and having fun. The innkeeper's daughter, Kitri, is kind to the barber Basil, who is in love with her. Kitri's father, the innkeeper Lorenzo, drives away the beggar Basil, because he wants to marry his daughter to the rich nobleman Gamache. The people laugh at the old-fashioned and clumsy Gamache. The matchmaking turns out to be unsuccessful. Kitri flatly refuses to obey her father's will. Lorenzo takes the disgraced nobleman away with him, promising that he will still force his daughter to marry him.

Everyone's favorite street dancer and the famous bullfighter Espada appear on the square. The dancing and fun in the square continues. In the midst of the fun, Don Quixote and Sancho Panza appear. The people are surprised by Don Quixote's old-fashioned appearance and his strange behavior. Sancho blows the horn to summon the hesitant innkeeper, whom Don Quixote takes for the owner of the castle, and respectfully greets him.

The girls recognized Sancho as a thief and decided to laugh at the fat man. The men are also not averse to teaching the fat man a lesson; they throw Sancho, floundering and crying for help, high into the air. Don Quixote, hearing the cries of his squire, boldly rushes to his aid. Sancho is freed, he thanks his master for the feat performed for him.

The dancing resumes, and lovers Kitri and Basil are together again. Don Quixote is amazed by Kitri's beauty; Wasn’t she the one who appeared to him in his dreams, she looked so much like the beautiful Dulcinea. He pushes away Gamache, who is engaged to Kitri, and kneels before her, inviting her to an ancient minuet dance. Captivated by the dance, Don Quixote is carried away in his dreams, not noticing that Kitri is already dancing with Basil again.

The fun and dancing in the square continues. They are disrupted by Sancho Panza, who, taking advantage of the turmoil, stole a large fish “in reserve.” Lorenzo pursues him. Basil and Kitri run away from Lorenzo and Gamache, who give chase.

Scene two

Don Quixote stands with a book in his cell. Next to him is his faithful squire Sancho Panza. Were these adventures in a book, or did it all happen in reality... Don Quixote is sure that he met Dulcinea and will definitely find her.


Scene one

Tavern. Holiday party participants gather here. There are former pirates, bullfighters and other regulars here. Kitri's friends, Mercedes and the bullfighter Espada come here. They all dance, causing wild delight among those gathered. Kitri and Basil appear and join in the general fun.

Friends are worried, Father Kitri and Gamache come here, followed by Don Quixote and Sancho. They are looking for the innkeeper's daughter. Her friends hide Kitri, but she is noticed. Lorenzo draws his daughter to Gamache and tries to bless her for marriage with a rich man.

Pushing the crowd aside, Basil runs in and, by agreement with Kitri, acts out a suicide scene. Kitri “cries” over the body of her lover. Don Quixote, in noble indignation, expels Gamache and, at gunpoint, forces Lorenzo to bless Kitri and the “dead” barber for the marriage.

The lovers are happy: the suicide was a cunning ruse. The holiday resumes. Kitri and Basil, taking advantage of the festive bustle, disappear from the tavern and retire.

Scene two

Wandering gypsies find lovers hugging and invite them to the camp where the holiday is taking place. Don Quixote and Sancho Panza appear, looking for the missing “lady of the heart” of the errant knight. Don Quixote wants to take Kitri with him, whom he mistakes for Dulcinea, but Basil prevents him. Basil and Kitri run away from the crazy knight.

The old gypsy invites Don Quixote to take the beautiful gypsy with him instead of Kitri. Don Quixote, in a fit of anger, throws away the “annoying” gypsy woman and the old gypsy, he tries to go through all the torment for the sake of Dulcinea. A fantastic Monster appears in his mind, standing in the way and captivating the Lady of his heart. He fearlessly rushes into battle, but is defeated.

Scene three

The exhausted Don Quixote, having lost his faithful squire and weapons “in battle,” is left alone. All visions and fears disappeared, all around were the familiar walls of his cell. He calms down and falls asleep. In a dream, Cupid appears to him, who opens the Kingdom of the Dryads to him.


Scene one

Cupid leads Don Quixote to the Kingdom of the Dryads, where the Lady of the Dryads shows him the beautiful Dulcinea. Struck by Cupid's arrow, Don Quixote shows his love and admiration for the Lady of his heart.

Scene two

Don Quixote wakes up - the beautiful visions have disappeared. Sancho Panza brought with him the Duke and Duchess, who graciously invite Don Quixote to a holiday in their Palace.


Duke's Palace. One after another, guests arrive at the palace, among them the familiar nobleman Gamache, Don Quixote and Sancho Panza. The celebration begins, at which the invitees dance Bolero and Fandango, and Kitri and Basil dance their wedding dance.


Don Quixote, who until now did not believe in the reality of what was happening, now knows for sure that it is possible to realize your dreams in life. The heroes who appeared before him probably really exist. If you believe in kindness, nobility and be selfless, then in life you can realize the most incredibly daring fairytale……… idea.

Ballet in three acts, six scenes, with a prologue.
Libretto and production N. Kasatkina and V. Vasilyov.
Choreography M. Petipa, A. Gorsky, N. Kasatkina, V. Vasilyov.
Artists: L. Solodovnikov, E. Dvorkina.
The premiere took place in 1990.

Probably, Don Quixote is the most joyful and vibrant classical ballet in the world! And certainly one of the most popular. This is a real symbol of Russian classical ballet, although the music was written by the Czech Ludwig Minkus, who was at that time a professor at the Moscow Conservatory, the original choreographic version was proposed by the Frenchman Marius Petipa - however, the chief choreographer of the Russian Imperial Theaters. Well, the plot - everyone knows - is borrowed from the novel by the Spaniard Miguel Cervantes. Do not expect from this performance the true story of the famous Knight of the Sorrowful Countenance. Only a couple of episodes from the great novel formed the basis of the ballet plot, giving rise to an endless series of temperamental and beautiful dances. Exciting festive dance elements - that’s what this ballet is, which cannot leave anyone indifferent.

Don Quixote, having read chivalric novels, sets off on a journey of exploits. The innkeeper's daughter Kitri seems to him the beautiful Dulcinea. But Kitri loves the barber Basil. A series of fun adventures ends with the wedding of Kitri and Basil. Natalia Kasatkina and Vladimir Vasilyev created an original version of the famous ballet, inventing new comic characters (Bachelor Carrasco, Don Quixote's niece Antonina), who play the role of Rocinante instead of the usual live horse and composing the virtuoso role of Kitri's unlucky groom, the nobleman Gamache. All this made the ballet even more lively and effective, enriching its dramaturgy.

Don Quixote - Libretto

Don Quixote is immersed in reading romances of chivalry. Sancho Panza appears, accompanied by Antonina, Don Quixote's niece, and Bachelor Carrasco, who reproach Sancho for eating Don Quixote's lunch. Don Quixote initiates Sancho as a squire. In vain Antonina and Carrasco try to persuade Don Quixote to abandon the idea of ​​going on a journey. Then they decide not to leave the dreamer on the journey: they throw Don Quixote’s old blanket over themselves, and...

52 Amurchika

When Marius Petipa composed “The Dream of Don Quixote” for the St. Petersburg version of the ballet, the number of cupids he had reached fifty-two! It’s interesting how they all fit even on a very large stage - after all, in addition to cupids, there should also be dryads!


Don Quixote is immersed in reading romances of chivalry. Sancho Panza appears, accompanied by Antonina, Don Quixote's niece, and Bachelor Carrasco, who reproach Sancho for eating Don Quixote's lunch. Don Quixote initiates Sancho as a squire. In vain Antonina and Carrasco try to persuade Don Quixote to abandon the idea of ​​going on a journey. Then they decide not to leave the dreamer on the journey: they throw Don Quixote’s old blanket over themselves, and... they get a cute, obedient horse. The journey begins.

Act one

Picture one. A folk festival in one of the squares in Barcelona. Kitri and the barber Basil are also here. Kitri's father, innkeeper Lorenzo, dreams of marrying his daughter to the wealthy nobleman Gamache. But Kitri flatly refuses. The dancing is interrupted by the appearance of Don Quixote. Don Quixote mistakes Lorenzo for the owner of the castle. Seeing Kitri, he recognizes his lady Dulcinea in her. But Kitri manages to escape with Basil. Kitri's father, Gamache and Don Quixote with their squire Sancho Panza go to look for them.

Act two

Picture two. Kitri and Basil run through the clearing near the mills, where the gypsy camp is located, fleeing the pursuit of Lorenzo and Gamache. Don Quixote mistakes the windmills for evil wizards and seeks to fight them. Clinging to the mill wing, Don Quixote soars up, falls heavily to the ground and falls into sleep.

Picture three. It seems to the sleeping Don Quixote that the forest is full of magical creatures. He sees his Dulcinea, surrounded by dryads and cupids.

Scene four. The sound of a hunting horn is heard in the forest. This is the Duke hunting with his retinue. Sancho begs Don Quixote for help.

Scene five. Kitri and Basil took refuge in a tavern - a favorite gathering place for sailors and their girlfriends. The general fun is interrupted by the appearance of Don Quixote, Kitri's father Lorenzo and Gamache. The innkeeper wants to immediately announce his daughter's engagement to a nobleman. By agreement with Kitri, Basil acts out a suicide scene. Don Quixote, at gunpoint, forces Lorenzo to agree to his daughter's marriage to the barber. Basil jumps up quickly. The lovers thank Don Quixote for his help. The Duke invites everyone to the palace.

Act three

Scene six. Duke's Palace. Antonina should play the role of Dulcinea, and Carrasco - the role of an unknown knight, Don Quixote's rival. Kitri and Basil are dancing - today is their wedding! Don Quixote's duel with the “unknown knight” ends badly - Don Quixote, entangled in his spurs, falls. The "Unknown Knight" takes "Dulcinea" away. There is no longer a place for Don Quixote in the ongoing festival.

from 3000 to 28000 rub.

Ballet "Don Quixote"

Ballet in three acts 6+, in the evening 10+

Ticket price: from 2000 rub.

Parterre: from 5500 rubles to 9000 rubles.

The manager will tell you the exact price and availability of tickets. 8-495-411-18-90

To order tickets online for the ballet Don Quixote, you need to click on the date from the poster.

Libretto by Marius Petipa based on the novel of the same name by Miguel de Cervantes

Choreography — Marius Petipa, Alexander Gorsky

“The cunning hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha” has been walking with great success on the most famous ballet stages around the world for almost a century and a half. The ballet was, of course, based on the famous novel by Miguel Cervantes. But the storyline of the original source was significantly changed - as a result, the figure of Don Quixote himself was relegated to the background, and the love story between Kitri and Basil came to the fore. Don Quixote is a magnificent classical ballet that showcases the very best that one can imagine in this magical art. There is an ingenious dance design, stunning scenography, and stunning scenery. Everything merges together into an organic performance, which gives the audience the effect of immersing themselves in the atmosphere of sultry Spain of past centuries - these are the red cloaks of bullfighters, and the black fans of languid ladies, and the cornflower blue sky, and the coolness of the forests, and the intensity of passions that simmers in the ballet room all evening stage.

The ballet “Don Quixote” is the most famous creation of Ludwig Minkus; The production was first presented to the public at the Bolshoi Theater by Marius Petipa in 1869. Since then, the history of this ballet performance is replete with the names of the best Russian and foreign theaters. The performance was staged on many domestic stages, and it was always sold out. But the Bolshoi Theater production is still iconic. Perhaps “Don Quixote” is the only ancient ballet of the classical repertoire that was born at the Bolshoi Theater! In 1869, the ballet was presented as a benefit performance for Anna Sobeschanskaya, the famous prima.

In 1900, choreographer Alexander Gorsky's version breathed new life into the performance. Since then, the production has been repeatedly restored, modified and updated. Stars such as Maya Plisetskaya and Gennady Ledyakh, Natalia Bessmertnova and Mikhail Lavrovsky, Lyudmila Semenyaka and Alexander Godunova, Olga Lepeshinskaya and Asaf Messerer - and many other primas and premieres danced in the roles of the ballet Don Quixote. Today the ballet “Don Quixote” continues its triumphant history on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater. You have the opportunity to join the world of beauty - just choose a convenient date and book your tickets! You will hear the music of Ludwig Minkus, sparkling and ringing like a stream, so beautiful and pleasing to the ear that it is impossible not to rush after it. You will see a breathtaking love story embodied in bright and passionate gypsy and Spanish dances, skillfully stylized by Alexander Gorsky for the ballet stage.