Babich, Mikhail Viktorovich. Babich Mikhail Viktorovich Babich Mikhail

Representative of the Volga Federal District Mikhail Babich has made a good political career by today's standards. However, judging by media reports, he is not very happy with his position and would like to take a higher position. So they had already predicted the position of ambassador to Ukraine instead of Mikhail Zurabov, who was relieved of his post by Vladimir Putin. But the Ukrainian side opposed this appointment, taking into account some details from the politician’s biography.

It also didn’t work out to become an ambassador from Russia to warm Turkey, but Mikhail Babich was named one of the candidates for this position. However, the Kremlin categorically denied this information. Now, according to new information, Mikhail Babich may leave the post of presidential envoy in the Volga Federal District and head the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP). However, there is constant talk about various possible government “relocations” of Babich.

Biography of Mikhail Babich

The future politician was born on May 28, 1969 in Ryazan. His father was a paratrooper officer, and little Misha dreamed of following in his parent’s footsteps, but after school he was not accepted into the Ryazan Airborne School for health reasons. The young man applied to the communications school and successfully graduated, after which he nevertheless joined the ranks of the Airborne Forces.

According to the official version of the biography, Mikhail Viktorovich Babich took part in the fighting in Chechnya. He served in the army until 1994 and retired with the rank of colonel. Later, already a statesman, Babich received a legal education in Moscow and studied at the State Academy of Management.

Returning to civilian life, the former colonel went into business. After 4 years, he already managed three companies, among which was the famous Rosmyasomoltorg, which supplied food to the Russian army. The name of this company is associated with a scandal that led to the initiation of a criminal case.

The company's management was accused of embezzling 2 billion rubles, proceeds from a program for the sale of humanitarian aid from the United States. Mikhail Babich, who received the nickname “Butcher” from the media during the proceedings, denied guilt and claimed that the case was fabricated by competitors. As a result, the head of one of the intermediary firms, Dmitry Ilyasov, was found guilty.

Politician Mikhail Babich

In the late 90s, Mikhail Viktorovich Babich joined the ranks of government officials, receiving the position of deputy unitary enterprise for regulating food markets in Moscow. He worked there until 2000, after which he became part of Boris Gromov’s election headquarters, where he resolved financial issues.

When Gromov won the elections, Mikhail Babich became deputy chairman of the Moscow region government. Six months later, he was accused of gross violation of labor standards and fired. Babich had to be reinstated in his position through the court, but having proven he was right, he immediately wrote a letter of resignation.

After his dismissal, Mikhail Viktorovich Babich moved to the Ivanovo region, where he received the post of vice-governor in the local administration. The head of the region, Vladimir Tikhonov, reacted favorably to the new Moscow specialist, noting Babich’s excellent economic thinking and his ability to attract money, but there were also those who did not like this appointment: they accused the vice-governor of pursuing personal interests and being overly harsh in his treatment of opponents.

The two-year stay in the new position was also not without scandals. The first of them flared up when Mikhail Babich supported the purchase of shares in a local distillery by a large alcohol company, and the second when it became clear how much money was being spent on maintaining the residence of the Ivanovo region in Moscow (the amount of 5 million rubles was huge for the local budget).

If in the first case the prosecutor's office did not find anything illegal in the actions of the official, then the second case almost ended in arrest. The governor stood up for his subordinate and filed a complaint with Vladimir Putin, after which Babich was excluded from the list of suspects.


In November 2002, Mikhail Viktorovich moved to Chechnya and headed the new government there. The appointment of a Russian official to this post was explained by the need to soften contradictions within the republic. He stayed in this position for just over a year and wrote a letter of resignation. According to the Izvestia portal, the reason was a conflict with Akhmat Kadyrov. After this, Babich took the post of assistant to German Gref and was elected to the State Duma under the United Russia quota.

In 2011, Vladimir Putin appointed him as his representative in the Volga Federal District. Mikhail Babich served as plenipotentiary representative for 7 years. It was the solid political weight of the former colonel that ultimately helped resolve internal conflicts in the leadership of the Nizhny Novgorod region, which ended with the resignation of Governor Oleg Sorokin.

General's Sponsor

But Babich’s irrepressible character did not allow him to calmly enjoy his deputy mandate. As soon as it was announced that instead of direct elections in the regions, a scheme would be introduced in which the President would propose gubernatorial candidates to legislative assemblies, Mikhail Viktorovich decided to take advantage of the moment. It was only necessary to find a suitable subject.

And the deputy’s choice fell on his native Ryazan region. Only one thing stopped him: a year before the announcement of the new procedure for appointing regional heads, elections were held in the Ryazan region, in which a candidate close to the “Babichev clan” won, namely Airborne Forces General Georgy Shpak. At the same time, Babich himself openly supported him in those elections.

And then, unexpectedly, an entrepreneur from Kasimov, Natalya Suchkova, showed up and said that she sponsored the general’s election campaign in the amount of 48 million rubles. In return, she expected to receive the position of vice-governor, but Shpak “dumped” her sponsor.

Babich did not react in any way to the brewing scandal, but his friend, also a State Duma deputy from United Russia, Igor Morozov, demanded that the election results in the Ryazan region be canceled.

He motivated this by the fact that the amount named by the entrepreneur was eight times higher than the amount of financing of election campaigns allowed by law. But in the end, Morozov withdrew his claim, publicly acknowledging the election results.

Public reception

Despite the fact that the name of such a young politician had already been involved in many scandals, thanks to his demonstrative loyalty to the authorities, he continued to remain in the political scene. In December 2007, Babich was again elected to the State Duma. And already in 2008 he headed the public reception of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. In this position, he was remembered for the fact that he saw elements of a crime in one of the news stories of the TV-6 Vladimir channel.

According to the lists of the Vladimir region, Babich entered the Duma of the fifth convocation. For the next elections in 2011, he again decided to go from the list of the Vladimir region, which he himself headed. It should be noted that by this time he began to lose ground. At the beginning of the year, despite rumors, he did not join the presidium of the General Council of United Russia. He was also called the successor of Andrei Vorobyov as head of the party’s executive committee, but this appointment also did not take place. And yet he made it into the new State Duma. True, United Russia was then mercilessly criticized by the Vladimir communists, accusing the party in power of all kinds of falsifications.

But Mikhail Babich did not remain as a deputy of the sixth convocation for long, since on December 15 he was appointed plenipotentiary representative of the President in the Volga Federal District. At the same time, Mikhail Viktorovich was appointed chairman of the State Commission for Chemical Disarmament. However, he did not particularly show himself in this post.

After the coup d'etat in Ukraine in 2014, the Russian ambassador to Kyiv, Mikhail Zurabov, decided that it was time to leave his “execution” post. After he resigned, a message appeared that Babich was being prepared to replace Zurabov. According to some reports, Mikhail Babich had connections in the security bloc in Ukraine, on which they were going to rely. But under Ukrainian President Poroshenko, all these connections were, to put it mildly, pushed away from power, therefore, when a request came to Ukraine to obtain an agreman for Babich, the Kremlin received a refusal in response.


Judging by the election declaration to the State Duma of the Russian Federation for 2010, Mikhail Babich and his wife Galina are large landowners. Then he indicated four land plots in the Ryazan region with a total area of ​​1.5 million square meters (159.7 hectares). However, already in the declaration for 2011, when the official took the post of plenipotentiary representative, all this wealth disappeared from his life and information about his income. However, according to the Unified State Register, from 2008 to 2011, the official’s wife, Galina Babich, was still the owner of these plots; in 2011, she still owned part of these lands, and their second owner was the Ryazan company Investgroup LLC. This company now owns all the hectares once declared by Babich.

It is interesting that Investgroup LLC belongs to Vadim Novozhilov, the husband of Babich’s sister Alla Polyakova.

It is also interesting that in 2016 Polyakova became a deputy of the Moscow Region of the VI convocation and headed the Committee on Ecology and Natural Resources. The website of the regional Duma reports that in 1994 she managed the Antey Group of Companies LLC, whose employees beat up the managers of the Ivshveya company. Since 2014, the same Vadim Novozhilov, presumably her husband, has become the owner of this company.

He is also listed as the founder and director of a number of companies of the same name, including the Moscow LLC Private Security Company Antey. Until 2009, this company was called CJSC Private Security Company Antey, and its owners were CJSC Antey Corporation and Vadim Novozhilov. This is exactly the security structure whose employees beat up the managers of the Ivanovo garment factory “Ivshveya” in the late nineties. Mikhail Babich himself headed the Antey Corporation CJSC from 1995 to 1998.

Mikhail Viktorovich Babich(born May 28, 1969, Ryazan, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian statesman. Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District since December 15, 2011.

Acting State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 1st class (2012). Candidate of Economic Sciences, member of the United Russia party.


  • In 1990 he graduated from the Ryazan Higher Military Command School of Communications;
  • In 1998 he graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Moscow Institute of Economics, Management and Law;
  • In 2000, he graduated from the State Academy of Management with a degree in financial management;
  • In 2005, he graduated from the faculty of retraining and advanced training of the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.


From 1990 to 1994 he served in the Airborne Forces. Since 1995, he has been an entrepreneur and until 1998 he headed the Antey Corporation CJSC in Moscow.

From 1998 to 1999, he was the first vice-president of the Rosmyasomoltorg company, and at the same time was the chairman of the supervisory board of Shuya Calico OJSC. In 1999 he entered the civil service. From 1999 to January 2000, he was First Deputy General Director of the State Unitary Enterprise “Federal Agency for Regulation of the Food Market” under the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation.

From 2000 to 2001 - First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region (for the financial and economic block).

Since 2001 - first deputy head of the administration of the Ivanovo region and head of the regional representative office in Moscow and worked in this position until 2002.

From November 2002 to February 2003 - Chairman of the Government of the Chechen Republic.

In July 2003, he was appointed Assistant Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation.

On December 7, 2003, he was elected as a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the fourth convocation in the Kineshma single-mandate electoral district No. 81 (Ivanovo region).

On December 2, 2007, he was again elected as a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the fifth convocation on the list of the United Russia party (Vladimir regional group). In the State Duma, he was Deputy Chairman of the Defense Committee and a member of the Commission for the consideration of federal budget expenditures aimed at ensuring the defense and state security of the Russian Federation.

On December 4, 2011, he was elected as a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the sixth convocation on the list of the United Russia party (Vladimir regional group).

On December 15, 2011, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1626, he was appointed Plenipotentiary Representative of the President in the Volga Federal District.

On December 29, 2011, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1709, he was appointed Chairman of the State Commission for Chemical Disarmament.

Since January 19, 2012, he has been an active state adviser of the Russian Federation, 1st class.

After the dismissal of Russian Ambassador to Ukraine Mikhail Zurabov on July 28, 2016, the Russian press named Mikhail Babich as a contender for this position, which was publicly confirmed by the press secretary of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Peskov. A day later, his candidacy was proposed for consideration by the State Duma along with a request to receive an agrement from Ukraine.

The Ukrainian expert community has expressed a number of reasons why Mikhail Babich may be denied by the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry to receive an agrement:

  • Candidate biography, lack of any diplomatic experience.
  • The public announcement of an unconfirmed and unapproved ambassadorial candidacy is a violation of diplomatic rules.
  • As a member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Mikhail Babich in 2014 took part in the decision to support Crimea, its decision to secede from Ukraine and the deployment of Russian peacekeepers there.

On August 4, Deputy Foreign Minister of Ukraine Elena Zerkal announced that the issue of approving Mikhail Babich as ambassador was withdrawn at the initiative of her country. On August 5, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry announced its decision: the Russian Federation in this country will be represented by the current Charge d'Affaires Sergei Toropov. A similar situation has occurred at the Ukrainian Embassy in the Russian Federation since December 2015.


  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (August 12, 2011)
  • Order of Honor
  • Order of Friendship (July 25, 2006) - for active participation in legislative activities and many years of conscientious work
  • Medal of Honor"
  • medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow"
  • Medal "For Strengthening the Military Commonwealth"
  • Medal "For Distinction in Military Service"
  • Certificate of Honor from the President of the Russian Federation (January 9, 2010) - for services to lawmaking and the development of Russian parliamentarism
  • Certificate of Honor from the Government of the Russian Federation
  • Personalized weapon
  • Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow, III degree (August 28, 2014) - in consideration of the assistance of the Nizhny Novgorod diocese and in connection with the 45th anniversary of his birth

Mikhail Viktorovich Babich(born May 28, 1969, Ryazan, USSR) - Russian statesman. Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District since December 15, 2011.

Photo: Press service of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation (

Since January 19, 2012, Mikhail Viktorovich Babich has been an active state adviser of the Russian Federation, 1st class.

Member of the United Russia party.


In 1990 he graduated from the Ryazan Higher Military Command School of Communications named after Marshal of the Soviet Union M.V. Zakharov;

In 1998 he graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Moscow Institute of Economics, Management and Law;

In 2000, he graduated from the State Academy of Management with a degree in financial management;

In 2005, he graduated from the faculty of retraining and advanced training of the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Candidate of Economic Sciences.


From 1986 to 1995 he served in the Airborne Forces and the KGB troops of the USSR. Since 1995, he has been an entrepreneur and until 1998 he headed the Antey Corporation CJSC in Moscow.

From 1998 to 1999 - first vice president of the Rosmyasomoltorg company. In 1999 he entered the civil service. From 1999 to January 2000, he was First Deputy General Director of the State Unitary Enterprise “Federal Agency for Regulation of the Food Market” under the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation.

From 2000 to 2001 - First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region.

Since 2001 - first deputy head of the administration of the Ivanovo region and head of the regional representative office in Moscow and worked in this position until 2002.

From November 2002 to February 2003 - Chairman of the Government of the Chechen Republic.

In 2003, he was appointed Assistant Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation.

On December 7, 2003, he was elected as a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the fourth convocation in the Kineshma single-mandate electoral district No. 81 (Ivanovo region).

On December 2, 2007, he was again elected as a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the fifth convocation on the list of the United Russia party (Vladimir regional group). In the State Duma, he was Deputy Chairman of the Defense Committee and a member of the Commission for the consideration of federal budget expenditures aimed at ensuring the defense and state security of the Russian Federation.

On December 4, 2011, he was elected as a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the sixth convocation on the list of the United Russia party (Vladimir regional group).

On December 15, 2011, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1626, he was appointed Plenipotentiary Representative of the President in the Volga Federal District.

On December 29, 2011, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1709, he was appointed Chairman of the State Commission for Chemical Disarmament.


Mikhail Viktorovich Babich was awarded:

  • Orders “For Services to the Fatherland” III degree (2017), “For Services to the Fatherland” IV degrees (August 12, 2011), Order of Honor, Order of Friendship (July 25, 2006), Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel Moscow" III degree (August 28, 2014).
  • medals: “For courage”, “In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow”, “For strengthening the military community”, “For distinction in military service”.
  • Certificate of Honor from the President of the Russian Federation (January 9, 2010) - “For services to lawmaking and the development of Russian parliamentarism.”
  • Certificate of Honor from the Government of the Russian Federation.
  • Named weapon.
  • Honorary badge of the Federal Office for the Safe Storage and Destruction of Chemical Weapons “For outstanding achievements and personal contribution in the field of chemical disarmament” (2017).
Member of the United Russia party. Candidate of Economic Sciences.
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia to Belarus 2018-2019.
Acting State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 1st class.

Mikhail Babich was born on May 28, 1969 in the city of Ryazan. After school in 1990 he graduated from the Ryazan Higher Military Command School of Communications named after Marshal of the Soviet Union Matvey Zakharov. For the next four years, he served in the Airborne Forces and the troops of the State Security Committee of the USSR.

From 1995 to 1998 he headed the Antey Corporation CJSC in Moscow. In 1998 he graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Moscow Institute of Economics, Management and Law. He also has diplomas from the State Academy of Management and the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia. Candidate of Economic Sciences.

In 1998, Babich was appointed first vice-president of the Rosmyasomoltorg company, and at the same time was chairman of the supervisory board of Shuya Calico OJSC. A year later he entered the civil service. From 1999 to January 2000, he was First Deputy General Director of the state unitary enterprise “Federal Agency for Regulation of the Food Market” under the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation.

Then, for a year, he acted as First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region for the financial and economic block. Since 2001, he became the first deputy head of the administration of the Ivanovo region and the head of the regional representative office in Moscow. From November 2002 to February 2003, he was Chairman of the Government of the Chechen Republic. In July 2003, he was appointed Assistant Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Russia.

From 2003 to 2011, Mikhail Viktorovich was elected as a deputy of the State Duma of the IV, V and VI convocations. First, according to the Kineshma single-mandate electoral district No. 81 - Ivanovo region, and then according to the list of the United Russia party. He was Deputy Chairman of the Defense Committee and a member of the Commission for the review of budget expenditures aimed at ensuring the defense and state security of the Russian Federation.

On December 15, 2011, Mikhail Babich was appointed Plenipotentiary Representative of the President in the Volga Federal District, and on December 29 of the same year, by Decree of the President of Russia, he was appointed Chairman of the State Commission for Chemical Disarmament.

In mid-January 2012, Mikhail Viktorovich was awarded the class rank of Active State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 1st class.

On August 24, 2018, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin appointed Mikhail Babich Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Belarus. At the same time, he received the position of special representative of the President of Russia for the development of trade and economic cooperation with the Republic of Belarus.

By the Decree of the President of Russia dated April 30, 2019, Mikhail Babich was relieved of his duties as the Russian Ambassador to Belarus, as well as from the post of Special Representative of the President of Russia for the development of trade and economic cooperation with the Republic of Belarus.

Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev by Order No. 1300-r, published June 17, 2019, appointed former Russian Ambassador to Minsk Mikhail Babich as Deputy Minister of Economic Development of Russia.

Mikhail Babich Awards

Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree (2017)
Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (August 12, 2011)
Order of Honor
Order of Friendship (July 25, 2006) - for active participation in legislative activities and many years of conscientious work
Medal of Honor"
Medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow"
Certificate of Honor from the President of the Russian Federation (January 9, 2010) - for services to lawmaking and the development of Russian parliamentarism
Certificate of Honor from the Government of the Russian Federation
Medal "For Strengthening the Military Commonwealth"
Medal "For Distinction in Military Service" 1st class
personalized weapon
Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow, III degree (August 28, 2014) - in consideration of the assistance of the Nizhny Novgorod diocese and in connection with the 45th anniversary of his birth

Mikhail Viktorovich Babich is an employee, a member of the United Russia party.


Little is known about Babich's early years. The future employee was born in the city of Ryazan in one thousand nine hundred and sixty-nine on May twenty-eighth.


At Babich's 4 formations, while 2 of them are military, in addition, he received qualifications as an economist and lawyer.

  1. His initial education was graduation from RVVKUS, a higher military school, which he graduated from in nineteen ninety.
  2. In nineteen ninety-eight he graduated from MIEMP, where he received a lawyer’s education.
  3. Afterwards he entered the State Agrarian University, an academy where he successfully completed his studies in the year 2000.
  4. The fourth education was retraining at the Military Academy, where he acquired a qualification as an economist.


The politician’s work life has been more than successful throughout his life.

  1. The first five years after college he served in the KGB troops.
  2. While studying at the Faculty of Law until 1998, he headed CJSC "Corporation "Antey"", located in the capital of the Motherland.
  3. After another year he worked as vice president of a large company involved in the sale of food products.
  4. Babich’s political path began in nineteen ninety-nine. This year he becomes deputy director general at the Ministry of Agriculture.
  5. In 2000 he was appointed to a high position in Moscow.
  6. After this, he transferred to Ivanovo, where in 2003 he became a deputy.
  7. Joined the party in two thousand and seven "United Russia" and is elected again, and then appointed as an adviser.
  8. In two thousand sixteen they tried to appoint him ambassador to Ukraine. The candidacy was approved and publicly confirmed by Dmitry Peskov, but the Ukrainian side, citing Mikhail Viktorovich’s active actions and support for the decision to secede Crimea, did not approve the candidacy.

In addition, Ukrainian politicians were confused by Babich’s biography, especially the fact that they served in the FSB and took part during the Chechen War, considering him a “harbinger of war.”

Mikhail Babich received several confirmations of successful work, and in general was awarded more than ten significant awards.

Compromising evidence

At the same time, in the politician’s biography there are also not very attractive stories that can negatively characterize Babich as a person:

  1. First a loud scandalous case, where Babich became a defendant, there was the misappropriation of 2 billion rubles received from the sale of aid to a Russian pensioner and the United States and European countries during the leadership of Rosmyasomoltorg. The products were sold to front companies, and the money disappeared in an unknown direction. Mikhail himself denied his guilt, as a result of which another person suffered the punishment.
  2. Political activity was also not cloudless. Thus, the transfer of the deputy chairman from the Moscow region to the Ivanovo region is associated with a scandal and the conviction of the politician “for gross violation of labor duties.” Later, the charges were dropped in court, however, Babich no longer remained in Moscow.
  3. During 2 years of work in the Ivanovo region, Babich was accused of economic fraud, a warrant was even issued for his arrest. However, at the request of the governor of the Ivanovo region, he managed to avoid imprisonment and Mikhail Viktorovich was transferred to Chechnya.
  4. But even in the Chechen Republic, leaving the post is associated with a scandal due to Babich’s loud statements, in connection with the resignation of Abramov, the Minister of Finance of the Chechen Republic, which was not agreed with him.
  5. The high-profile case was also connected with an attempt to run for office deputy in the Ryazan region. However, he was stopped from participating in the elections by a high-profile trial in connection with Mikhail Viktorovich’s support a year before the elections of Georgy Shpak, who was later accused of “dumping” his sponsor, Natalya Suchkova.

Due to the uproar, there was an attempt to annul the election results. After the loud scandal, Babich, who fully supported Shpak, did not dare to nominate his candidacy.

And, despite the loud scandals associated with the name of Mikhail Viktorovich Babich, he still remains in the political circle and is being offered new appointments.