Architectural buildings pencil drawings for beginners step by step. Master class on drawing for junior schoolchildren

A junior architect can easily and freely express his ideas on paper only if he knows how to draw without directly turning to nature. Completing some tasks and exercises to develop creative thinking and imagination is not enough. Only in synthesis with other educational disciplines of a special architectural and graphic direction, where the student becomes acquainted with orthogonal projection, design features of buildings, with the quests of architects in different historical eras, with the main functions of architecture, etc., will he be able to comprehend the music of frozen stone. But the main thing in this process of shaping a future specialist is the accumulation of visual impressions. A supply of vivid artistic images arises only through drawing from life. It is necessary to achieve a creatively active vision of nature, to cultivate one’s worldview and attitude towards the surrounding reality and architecture.

The initial stage of this process is through the study of architectural detail. It is known that an architectural structure has the strongest emotional and aesthetic impact on a person only in synthesis with painting and sculpture, gardening and decorative arts. By drawing plaster casts of the decorative decoration of architectural buildings, the student masters the laws of perspective construction of complex shapes, studies the plastic fundamentals and proportions of their artistic expression, constructive logic, and also improves his graphic skills. Familiarity with an architectural detail is the starting basis for drawing the entire structure during summer plein air practice - the main stage of working on an architectural drawing.

Architecture, being a human habitat, has an informational impact on his feelings. By studying the logic of the patterns of an architectural organism, the student should see a holistic image of the architectural composition in the combination of various structures, shapes and details. The ability to see not only geometric shapes and proportions, but also the position of the building in space, the general masses of architectural forms, the texture of the material, color and light and shade, connection with the environment in combination with knowledge of the principles and methods of constructive and structural drawing, skills in working with various graphic materials create fertile ground for the formation of professional qualities of a future specialist.

It is advisable to support long-term drawings of architectural and spatial forms with quick sketches and sketches. The laconicism of the sketch, the bold use of various materials and execution techniques develop the efficiency of the graphic language. When translating his creative ideas into subsequent professional activities, the student will constantly turn to quick drawing.

Execution of architectural sketches- this is the first and most important part in the drawing of the exterior of an architectural structure. The sketch is the basis for the future composition. During sketching, work is carried out on individual details of the architectural structure, its proportions, the choice of the most successful point of view and horizon line, which solves many compositional issues: a low horizon can emphasize the monumentality of the form, a high horizon is used when drawing a small structure (see Appendix 4). The distance of the point of view from the subject also greatly affects the image. The further the point of view is from the object, the calmer the perspective will be; the closer, the more distortion. The sketch also determines the scale of the structure, helps to find the correct proportions of the whole and parts, as well as environmental elements. The more carefully the sketch is made, the more accurately and better the final version of the drawing is subsequently completed.

After choosing the angle and horizon line in the sketch, you can begin lengthy work, which includes the following steps:

  1. arrangement of images, main volumes and shapes on a sheet of paper, reduction of complex architectural forms to corresponding simple geometric ones, marking the horizon line and main perspective directions;
  2. identifying the main parts of the building, divisions of facades, checking the correctness of the taken proportions, outlining the elements of the environment;
  3. drawing and construction of construction details;
  4. cut-off solution for work.

When working on a drawing of an architectural structure, a variety of graphic materials are used: graphite pencil, charcoal, sauce, sanguine, watercolor, ink and other art materials.

Drawing architecture using given orthogonal projections

The ability to depict an architectural structure (building exterior or interior) is necessary for an architect not only in the process of creative search, but also to explain his plan to customers.

The student must be able to use drawings of orthogonal projections (plans, facades, sections) to imagine the entire spatial composition and depict it in a perspective drawing.

As one of the exercises, students are asked to depict a building based on its plan and facade (sheets 92). The goal of the task is to teach the student how to construct a perspective drawing from an idea, and then from imagination. In the drawing you need to correctly convey the relationship and location of the forms indicated in the plan and other projections, their relationships.

The architecture drawing is performed in the following stages:

  1. the point of view and the horizon line, the picture plane are selected;
  2. on the sketches, the angle that is most advantageous for a given architectural structure is worked out;
  3. the main volumes and composition are transferred to a large sheet, the main promising directions and the horizon line are outlined;
  4. details of the architectural structure and the environment are being worked out;
  5. a light-and-shadow solution is performed, shadows are constructed, volume and foreground are revealed.

Drawing tutorial architectural details is a continuation of mastering drawing and a transition to the study of more complex forms - the human body, head and its details. Drawing exercises architectural details pursue not only specific educational objectives, but also educational goals. So, for example, by studying and drawing elements of architectural plastic forms, you acquire a whole range of necessary qualities for improvement in the field of drawing. You will learn the logic of the constructive and artistic essence of these forms, acquire and improve technical and visual skills, develop spatial imagination and artistic taste.

Drawing plaster ornaments and capitals from life not only introduces you to the variety of forms and purity of architectural style, but also poses more complex visual tasks and requires further improvement of the drawing.

Drawing shapes architectural details is an important and necessary educational and methodological material, where the main task is the need to master and consolidate the basic principles and methods of constructive and structural drawing. You need to fully master all the tasks of the educational drawing, starting from the constructive logic of construction, then methodically, consistently work on the drawing until it reaches a certain completeness with the help of chiaroscuro, taking into account the transfer of the character of the depicted model, proportions, perspective, three-dimensional form. Without this, it is impossible to sufficiently understand the compositional and artistic patterns, the constructive and artistic logic of constructing parts, details and the entire architectural unity.

Drawing architectural elements and their details allows students to gradually, as they acquire certain knowledge and skills, move on to depicting from life small architectural forms, individual fragments and structures and entire architectural complexes, including interiors, exteriors and the architectural environment. In this regard, it is necessary to move on to the consideration of the forms of architectural elements, namely capitals and plaster ornaments.

In the educational task on drawing ornaments, various elements of architectural ornamentation are widely used, which are found on capitals, cornices, friezes, entablatures, and bases. Ornaments are intended to decorate architectural structures, applied arts, and household items. Nowadays, ornaments are intended, as a rule, for decoration in applied art: on household items, furniture, in weapons art, and sometimes for restoration work to restore architectural monuments. The basis of the ornament is a straight flat or curved volumetric slab, onto which an ornamental pattern of geometric shapes or elements of the plant world is applied. Ornaments typically consist of the same rhythmically repeating elements, which may resemble teeth, beads, leaves, flowers, or other objects. In other words, the ornament is a system of individual elements connected to each other in a certain order. All elements of the ornament, the shapes of leaves and flowers, are in one way or another subject to stylization, thanks to which its structure is clearly visible. Along with simple ones, rhythmically complex patterns are used, in which wave-like movements with spiral curls can be traced. Such ornaments are often found on capitals, entablatures, bases and plaster rosettes.

Drawing ornaments from life not only gives you the opportunity to get acquainted with the variety of their forms, but also poses more and more complex tasks for you, requiring further improvement of your drawing skills.

Thanks to the stylization, clear structure and relief of the shapes of the leaves and flowers of the ornament, the gypsum rosettes of the capitals and various details of architectural fragments represent a good educational model for studying and drawing from life.

For the initial exercises, it is necessary to reproduce the simplest and clearest patterns. This makes it easier to understand their structure. You should remember that any ornament in a gypsum rosette or its placement on any object (furniture, dishes, weapons) determines its overall composition, size and relationship of elements. Therefore, before moving on to the image of the rosette, you need to study it from all sides, analyzing the height of the relief in individual areas. Particular attention should be paid to the illumination of the ornament. The surface should be illuminated in such a way that the main structure is most clearly revealed.

When choosing a drawing location (point of view) for a long drawing, it is not necessary to start from a frontal position, as is usually customary. It is enough to first make a linear-constructive sketch from life in such a position in order to understand the main divisions and nodal points of the image, or during the construction process, from time to time study the full-scale model from a frontal position. It is impossible to give an unambiguous recommendation here, since everything will depend on the level of ability of the draftsman himself. It is best to sit in a three-quarter position on the right or left, a little closer to the front, depending on the nature of the ornament and its illumination. This choice of location allows you to more expressively convey the form as a whole.

Drawing an ornament requires precise drawing of the axes of symmetry, which are the most important part of the construction, since the basis of any ornament or groups of its elements are axial symmetries. This can be easily seen in the examples of a simple ornament, where the same elements are located symmetrically with respect to the axis at an equal distance, that is, they are repeated.

Drawing a capital. The most valuable educational models for drawing are details of architecture - classical orders. An “order” is an architectural element of a post-and-beam system, brought into a certain structural and artistic order. Literally translated, this term means “order.”

Order systems, which arose in ancient times and were widely developed throughout world architectural practice, still attract the close attention of contemporaries to this day. Thanks to their proportionality, artistic and constructive perfection, richness and variety of architectural forms, classical orders are the best models for studying and drawing, which allow you to study the logic of the constructive and artistic essence of these forms and improve your visual skills.

Measure in the drawing

Pencil metering

Hold the pencil vertically at arm's length (left) with your thumb at the top of the pencil. Align the tip of the pencil with the top edge of the item you want to measure, and move your thumbnail to its bottom edge. Without lifting your thumb, place the pencil on the paper and transfer the measured length onto it.

To accurately convey on paper what you see in front of you is one of the most difficult tasks. A few simple techniques will help you make this task easier.

Try to correctly estimate the size of distant objects. Check the accuracy of your measurements. This is easy to do from where you stand using your hand, a ruler or a pencil.

The width of objects can be measured by holding a pencil horizontally; tilt the pencil when you need to check the angle of the slanted lines.

Verticals and horizontals

To achieve drawing accuracy and correct proportions, you can draw a grid, on which you will then place all the elements included in the subject of the image.

First measure the top and bottom of the object and both sides, and then add other verticals and horizontals.

Start with a thin horizontal line drawn through the middle of a piece of paper at eye level. Then draw a vertical line. These lines will become the focal points of your grid; use them as reference points when you begin to draw the object itself.

Gradually make your drawing more complex. First add other important verticals and horizontals, such as doors and windows; then move on to smaller details.

The role of shape in drawing

A beginning draftsman can be confused and intimidated by the complexity of a building. You may find that the finished drawing is inaccurate and that the building it depicts does not look like itself. In this case, it is useful to remember that every building consists of different geometric shapes, and there are different spatial relationships between them. And when you learn to see these shapes and their relationships, your powers of observation will improve, and with it your success in drawing.

By reducing the building to a silhouette, you can avoid being distracted by surface details. This silhouette (on the right) can be decomposed into a large square and two rectangles. Now compare it with the completed building below. Here are other sketches to help you understand how to work with the details. Compare each of them with the finished drawing.

“Dissect” as many different buildings as possible. Try to use shapes such as circles and triangles, squares and rectangles. You can draw from life or from a photograph. After some time, your eye will train and you will be able to accurately depict a building without breaking it down into basic shapes.

So, you already know how to “dissect” the silhouette of a house into flat shapes. Now take it a step further and learn how to break down any building into simple, easy-to-depict geometric shapes.

Learn to draw basic geometric shapes. The ones that will be most useful to you are cubes, cuboids (cubes with unequal faces), tubes or cylinders, prisms and pyramids. The next section on perspective tells you how to draw them from different angles. Once you've learned how to sketch a building using simple shapes, move on to drawing a hemisphere as the basis for drawing the cathedral dome.

Depicting architecture requires a lot of effort. For beginners, this is not as difficult as portraits, for example. This is because painted buildings are perceived differently from people we know, and here mistakes are less visible. I will show you how to draw the Assumption Cathedral step by step. I prohibit using a ruler or any other tools that make it easier to draw straight lines! Learn to draw by hand. When your hand gains experience and confidence, you can use any techniques. Now draw the cathedral on your own!

Step one. We will show on paper the place where the cathedral and trees will be located.
Step two. We draw the main components of the building.
Step three. Let's detail each of these parts. Take your time, carefully work out every detail: crosses, domes, windows and even trees.
Step four. To make the landscape realistic, we will add a background and shadows.
Check out my other tutorials on drawing buildings, they are even better:

Learn to draw your dream home with step-by-step instructions.

Every person has his dream home - that ideal place where he and his family would feel warm and comfortable. Many people try for many years to find one. They say that a wish will come true faster if you put it in some kind of material form. Draw the house of your dreams and, perhaps, very soon you will actually live in it.

How to draw a beautiful house of your dreams with a pencil step by step?

Your dream home can be completely different:

  • like a castle
  • small and cozy, in a rustic or Provencal style
  • high-tech, “stuffed” with modern smart technology
  • futuristic

But, definitely, he must be beautiful and well-groomed.

To begin with, let's try to draw a small and cozy one-story house. Like actual architectural construction, it must begin with planning.

The construction plan is drawn up carefully, using a ruler, so before starting the sketch, you need to stock up on:

  • ruler
  • pencil
  • rubber band
  • compass (possibly)
  • any other drawing supplies
  1. Make an initial sketch - an ordinary rectangle, to which you can then add what you need - another floor, or several floors, a veranda, exterior details, etc.
  2. A house must have a foundation!
  3. Using straight lines, you can plan where there will be walls for rooms, attic spaces, doors, windows, fireplace or chimney.
  4. When it comes to drawing the roof, make the rectangle into some other shape, such as making the roof lines slightly trimmed. A beautifully designed roof will give almost 50% of the success to the beauty of your dream home.
    When you design the roof, draw it as if it were covered with tiles. Tile roofs look very, very beautiful. And how many songs and romantic stories are associated with the roofs of houses!!! The attic or attic of a house can be highlighted by drawing it as if it were made of boards.
  5. The next stage is the details of the house elements. You will need to draw windows, doors, door handles.
  6. Design the foundation as if it were laid with good masonry. Such houses look very attractive.
  7. Now move on to drawing the finer details of the house, shading, shading, etc.
  8. Place trees, flowers, shrubs around the house, let the cat rest in the sun, and let the dog live in the kennel; if anyone loves animals, he will not refuse such an idyll near his dream house.

Dream house in pencil: step 1

Dream house in pencil: step 2.

Dream house in pencil: step 3.

Dream house in pencil: step 4.

Dream house in pencil: step 5.

Striving for more? Draw a two-story house - a townhouse, in which your large family can live under one roof!

  1. The house is built, and built, and painted from the bottom up. Sketch the first floor. Think about what the roof will be like. In this case, it is gable.
  2. Next, sketch out the second floor. For beauty, it should not completely duplicate the first one.
  3. Draw the architectural elements - cornices and columns, a canopy over the porch, as well as windows.
  4. Detail the drawing - draw window frames, shutters on the windows. Add volume to the roof with several smooth, symmetrical lines.
    Draw the front door. Don't forget the door handle.
  5. To the right of the porch, draw a veranda with columns.
  6. Design a “garden plot” - draw several neat bushes and trees near the house.

Two-story house in pencil: step 1.

Two-story house in pencil: step 2.

Two-story house in pencil: step 3.

Two-story house in pencil: step 4.

Two-story house in pencil: step 5.

Two-story house in pencil.

VIDEO: How to draw a house?

My dream house, the house of the future: drawing

If you decide to draw a futuristic house, you can forget about symmetry. The most daring ideas are welcome:

  • multi-level
  • windows of different shapes
  • unusual roofs

Dream house from the future pencil drawing.

Futuristic house.

Modern dream house.

Pencil drawings of beautiful houses VIDEO: Drawing lessons. Learn to draw a House