Anton Agafonov network. Anton Agafonov

b_picture They proved: talent show stars that even the judges laughed at at first

The first impression is deceptive, and the heroes of our selection prove this. Amateur artists have faced misunderstanding and humiliation for their appearance all their lives. Therefore, the ridicule of the judges and spectators did not come as a surprise to them. But as soon as the music began to sound... You will not be able to hold back your tears when watching the first appearances of these artists on the stages of various shows talents.

Paul Potts

Everyone has had a moment of glory in their life. Or there definitely will be. Even if you are already 37, you are an overweight outsider, you work in a cell phone store, you live in your parents’ attic, and all you want is to sing on the opera stage.

On March 17, 2007, the unknown amateur singer Paul Potts became one of the most prominent performers in the history of the British show Britain's Got Talent. But on the way to his dream, Paul literally went through pain and humiliation. For his love of opera, Paul was bullied all his life not only by his peers (hence his knocked out front tooth), but even by his own father. Therefore, the ridicule of the judges on the show became a drop in the ocean of ridicule for the shot Paul.

The recording of his first performance collected almost 150 million views on YouTube, and his debut album One Chance went double platinum in his homeland. In 2013, James Corden played Paul in the biopic Dreams Come True.

Susan Boyle

Britain's Got Talent also changed the life of Scottish housewife Susan Boyle. Throughout her life, Susan never ventured outside of Scotland, after school she worked for six months as a cook and nothing else, she was never married or even kissed! Boyle's only talent is singing. In her youth, she participated in a couple of competitions and attended auditions, but this did not bring her any success. But in 2009, when 48-year-old Susan became a participant in Britain's Got Talent and sang I Dreamed a Dream from the musical Les Misérables, the woman hit the jackpot.

As soon as a disheveled Susan appeared on stage in a simple dress, there were chuckles and whistles in the audience, and judge Simon Cowell familiarly addressed the participant: “So where are you from, darling?” When Susan said that she dreams of becoming a professional singer, the audience laughed again, and the jury raised their eyebrows in disbelief. And then the music started...

The recording of Susan Boyle's first audition for Britain's Got Talent has received more than 200 million views - and this is the main version. The full and short versions were watched by 20 and 10 million people, respectively. And these videos continue to be watched 8 years later, because you rarely see such a tsunami of positive emotions. The judges couldn't hide the mixture of admiration and shame on their faces for their first reaction, including skeptic Simon Cowell.

Susan Boyle reached the final and took second place, recorded her debut album The Gift, which sold 15 million copies and was nominated for a Grammy. In 2012, Susan's story became the basis for the musical I Dreamed A Dream.

Mikhail Rudakov

The bearded farmer, who admitted that his goat asked him to start singing, conquered the Ukrainian show “X Factor” in 2011. The judges of the project Seryoga, Elka, music critic Sergei Sosedov and TV presenter Igor Kondratyuk were embarrassed by the appearance of the participant - Mikhail looked like a hero from a fairy tale. Kondratyuk did not forget to make fun of Mikhail’s habit of washing his hair with yolk instead of shampoo, but after the song “Hang Glider” was performed, the jury forgot about the jokes.

Inspired by success at home, Mikhail shaved off his beard and set off to conquer the Russian “Minute of Glory” with the same composition. But, unfortunately, in Moscow the aspiring artist again had to face ridicule. An unfamiliar city, excitement in front of new judges or the lack of a beard - it is not clear what exactly unsettled Mikhail, but the voice of the charming farmer trembled. The guy was finished off by presenters Dmitry Shepelev and Alexander Oleshko, who found ordinary singing boring, and they promoted Rudakov to ridiculous parodies of stars.

Jonathan Antoine

The duo of Jonathan and Charlotte immediately raised many questions with their appearance at the talent show. What connects a young beauty and a freaky fat man? What act could such a strange couple prepare? Who are they anyway? On stage, it turned out that Jonathan Antoine and Charlotte Jaconelli are high school students who are performing a classical opera as a duet. And they perform until you get goosebumps - see for yourself.

Immediately after the completion of the project, where the duo took second place, the young musicians recorded the album Together. Unfortunately, Jonathan and Charlotte stopped singing together soon after.

Anton Agafonov

The character with the perfect smoky eye makeup is Ukrainian Anton, a pupil of an orphanage. As Anton says, at the age of 12, he himself decided to go to a boarding school from his parents, who did not accept their unusual son. But even in the orphanage, the strange boy faced humiliation, bullying and beatings. The teenager found solace in music.

Despite the makeup and hairstyle, Anton did not hide his gender on the show. According to him, he is comfortable in his own body, but he considered his bright appearance successful for the stage. In addition, the feminine image is ideal for Anton’s voice. You won't believe your ears when you hear this.

Although two of the three judges said “yes” to the artist, Anton failed to reach the final. But he didn't give up. Many years later, in February of this year, Agafonov came to the Ukrainian version of the show “The Voice” - already completely in a female form and under the pseudonym Tony. At first, the artist spoke about himself in the feminine gender, but on stage, communicating with the judges, he again showed his cards. True, this time there were no crooked smiles. Anton-Tony received a standing ovation from the audience and received the support of the jury.

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Anton Agafonov. Success story of MLM winner - Oscar "Networker of the Decade"

Anton Agafonov is a highly successful networker with 20 years of experience in network marketing, information businessman, and MLM blogger.

Anton Agafonov, host of the MLM Time program on YouTube, dollar millionaire, author of educational courses and trainings. Anton Agafonov is the winner of the MLM Oscar “Networker of the Decade”, the top leader of the Russian MLM company “Spring of Health”.

I can’t help but tell you, the readers of the blog site, about this person with an unusual path for a networker from the first check of 20 dollars in a year to millions of dollars.

So, Anton Agafonov and his success story.

Biography of Anton Agafonov

Anton Agafonov is 36 years old and lives in Moscow. Anton is married and has two children. He has been in the network business since he was 17 years old; he came here looking at his father, who was a successful networker at Herbalife.

Anton Agafonov graduated from a secondary music special school at the Kazan State Conservatory, and then from the Kazan State Conservatory named after N.G. Zhiganov in 2001.

He can play the piano, violin and viola. Anton Agafonov even performed at concerts and keeps posters from that time. Anton Agafonov loves to play chess and even wrote a book on chess, and once tried to study in graduate school, specializing in the sociology of management.

However, all these activities did not bring the desired satisfaction and stable income.

The first years in network marketing were unsuccessful, one might say even a failure. His friends laughed at Anton and persuaded him to give up this idea and rather give concerts at some private parties.

Anton Agafonov spent his first year in the network business attending various trainings. Anton Agafonov sold his first jar of the product after six months, and he got his first distributor only nine months later. For his first year in the network business in 1995, Anton Agafonov received $20.

But when those around him laughed at this check, Anton believed that someday he would be able to earn $20,000, and this faith helped him not to give up, but to move forward. After all, success, as one of the famous people said, is not the ability to simply go forward, but the ability to get up after falling and move on.

And so it happened, gradually Anton came to understand how to work in order to start. In particular, his trip to present the company’s products to a completely different city helped him a lot. From this moment, Anton Agafonov’s success in the MLM business begins.

Since the beginning of 2000, Anton Agafonov begins to use the Internet in his business. At that time, only 1% of users in Russia were on the Internet; there were no social networks as such, but Anton saw the future in the Internet.

Here he then met those starting their own business on the Internet and.

Initially, Anton sat in all kinds of chats available at that time and invited strangers to join his business, but the effectiveness of such actions was very low. Gradually, an understanding of how to work on the Internet comes.

Today, among the three main mistakes that novice networkers make, Anton Agafonov names neglect of working online, insufficient use, and lack of their own website.

Anton Agafonov pays great attention to video marketing and creating his own channel on YouTube to attract new clients and conduct training courses. YouTube channel of Anton Agafonov - .

And two more mistakes - after making a sale, you cannot refuse a client, you must ensure that he becomes your regular customer, and you cannot sell your products at a distributor price, this is your business, and if a person is interested in this product, he will buy it at the price you offer him.

Anton Agafonov hosts a program on the YouTube channel “MLM Time”, where famous MLM businessmen share their secrets of success. There are interviews with, Sergei Savich and many others.

Internet service by Anton Agafonov

Anton Agafonov is co-owner of the LPTrend service. This service offers you to buy templates for sales and subscription pages of various designs, which you can make changes to suit your taste. Address of this service

Anton Agafonov is the author of several books dedicated to MLM marketing and information business. Anton Agafonov’s book “Notes of a Networker,” which is easy to find on the Internet, contains information on how to build a network business offline and on the Internet.

One of Anton Agafonov’s latest books is “10 Rules for a Successful Networker on the Internet.” It can be found on Anton Agafonov’s website .

Anton Agafonov's blog contains a large number of articles in which Anton shares his experience of building a network business and gives the secrets of building a successful business from other successful businessmen.

Here is Anton Agafonov’s interesting path to success. From the first jar of a weight loss product sold to a familiar cook, Aunt Valya, to the sale of one million rubles worth of products to a client in the mid-2000s, which she bought for herself and for gifts.

Now Anton Agafonov has a network of 130,000 distributors and the highest qualifications in his MLM company, conducts trainings, webinars, is engaged in coaching and producing.

Video with Anton Agafonov

Watch a short interview between Alexander Smirnov and Anton Agafonov, in which Anton talks about the possibilities of MLM business.

P.S. I am attaching a screenshot. And I remind you that everyone can do it, even a beginner! The main thing is to do it correctly, which means learning from those who are already making money, that is, from Internet business professionals.

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In show business, you can attract attention in different ways. Many young people with strong voices remained unknown due to their inability to present themselves. From his very first performances, Anton Agafonov attracted attention thanks to his unusual image. He performs in the genre of travesty under the name of diva Malika. Over the years, he has thought out this image to the smallest detail.

Anton Agafonov: biography

The singer was born in 1994 in Zhitomir. Anton does not distribute information about himself on the Internet, so all that is known is that he grew up in an orphanage. There they noticed his talent and helped him develop a unique voice. This is extremely rare, but a singer can perform songs in both a male and female voice. Now the singer lives in Kyiv, where he actively performs in clubs and works on himself.
For the first time, people started talking about the boy with a strong voice in 2000, when he won first place at the Starfall festival, but since the competition was not shown on television, he did not bring much fame. 12 years later, at the “Ukraine Has Talent” competition, he managed to win the audience’s attention by appearing on stage in a girl’s image, but what surprised him most was the young man’s voice. He performed Alena Vysotskaya’s song “I See You,” which captivated audiences from Ukraine and neighboring countries.

Why did he choose a female character?

In 2012, going on stage wearing makeup was not an unusual occurrence. At this time, many other artists were also popular, for example Verka Serduchka. But despite this, Anton Agafonov caused a mixed reaction. On the one hand, he gained fans literally all over the world, and on the other, he aroused the anger of viewers who did not understand why the young man needed to wear makeup.

Fans defend their idol, trying to explain that the travesty genre is not a fact of belonging to the LGBT community. Many artists perform there. Anton Agafonov, whose biography is not very detailed, chose to be a travesty because of his unique voice. More songs are written for women to show its capabilities. In addition, the compositions of pop singers are closer in spirit to him.

What has changed over the past 5 years

After performing at “Ukraine Has Talent,” Anton Agafonov woke up famous, but he did not qualify for the main part of the competition. For the singer, this became a sign that he needed to work on his vocals. All 5 years that have passed since the performance that was memorable to the audience, the Young Man has been working on himself. He previously studied with vocal teachers.

In addition, he is working on his image. Now and in everyday life he looks more like a girl. Anton Agafonov posts photos without makeup on his page on social networks. If you don't look at the name on the page, you might confuse him with a very attractive girl. Fans notice that sometimes the singer himself refers to himself in the feminine gender. Many people refer to him as a girl, because they know him not from his participation in numerous competitions, but from his travesty role as the diva Malika.

Unusual rumors

Unusual rumors are also associated with Anton's name. In 2014, when the country was shaken by the events on the Maidan, rumors spread across Ukrainian news portals that Anton Agafonov, a singer performing under the name Malik, was going to shoot his first video. He chose an unusual place for his filming - the estate of former President Yanukovych in Mezhgorye.

This information was confirmed by activists guarding the residence. According to them, journalists from the STB channel and the director of the future video came to Mezhgorye. They had official permission to film in their hands. When reporters from Ukrainian publications decided to clarify the situation, representatives of the STB channel and Anton Agafonov himself (you see the photo in the article) refused to comment. Filming was planned for mid-2014, but apparently never took place.

At the same time, speculation emerged from representatives of various media outlets that the young man was a producer project for the TV channel. In fact, he is achieving success himself and has been a welcome guest at various parties and corporate events for several years now, which he hosts under the name Malik.

Participation in competitions

In 2012, the young man participated in competitions not for the last time. Now he tries to attend numerous television castings, because this is how he can attract the attention of producers to his talent. First, he tried his luck in the Russian “Star Factory”, which was recruited by Konstantin Meladze. Unfortunately, he failed to pass the last casting. Although representatives of Channel One noted that the young man is very talented and could have achieved success if there were no stronger candidates in the selection.

After this event, he visited several more Ukrainian competitions, which were held by different channels. In 2017, on the “1+1” channel, he tried his luck on the “Voice of Ukraine”, but could not pass the blind audition. Despite this, the young man was not upset. He concluded that he had not worked hard on himself and that he needed to grow further in his profession.

What is the artist doing now?

Now Anton is actively pursuing his own career. Many believe that he has sunk into obscurity, but this is not so. In fact, he actively performs in theme clubs under the name Malik. You can also meet him at various events and invite him to host a festive evening. Several booking agencies have Anton's coordinates.

In addition, the singer regularly records songs in the studio and posts videos of their performances on his YouTube channel and social networks. Today the singer’s repertoire includes about 200 songs. He is usually taciturn with fans, as he is used to not letting strangers into his personal life. It is much easier for him to communicate with them through creativity.