“Alley of Leaders” is an amazing underwater museum on Tarkhankut. Tarkhankut underwater museum: leaders of the USSR hidden in the water off the coast of Crimea Tarkhankut underwater museum

There is a place on the western coast of Crimea, familiar to every person who considers himself a diving enthusiast. Of course it is. It is considered almost the best Crimean dive site. The water area of ​​Tarkhankut itself is very clean and attractive with its flora and fauna, but the underwater museum, the so-called “Alley of Leaders,” is especially interesting. It is located one hundred meters from the shoreline of Bolshoy Atlesh at a depth of about twelve meters.

GPS coordinates of the Tarkhankut underwater museum in Crimea (more precisely, the nearest access by car) are N 45 204.62 E 32 34.134.

The Tarkhankut Underwater Museum was founded on August 25, 1992. This unusual idea came from a submariner from Donetsk, Vladimir Borumensky, who was an instructor at the Neptune diving club.
A year before the creation of the underwater museum, V. Borumensky delivered and installed a monument to V.I. at Cape Tarkhankut. Lenin, which was dismantled in Donetsk. But a year later the barbarians destroyed it, beheading the monument. It was then that the decision was made to move the monument to the bottom of the Black Sea. Thus, this monument became the first museum exhibit of the “Alley of Leaders.”
Then every year the exhibition of the Tarkhankut underwater museum expanded. In addition to the Lenin monument, there are busts of Karl Marx, Kirov, Zinoviev, Dzerzhinsky, Stalin, Voroshilov and other leaders of the Soviet party elite. And one day Borumensky saw a bust of the composer Ludwig Van Beethoven on the market square and decided to buy it for the underwater museum.

Thus arose a new trend in the development of this museum - to erect monuments not only to leaders, but also to representatives of art. Now on the seabed there are busts of Vladimir Mayakovsky, Sergei Yesenin, Vasily Shukshin, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Vladimir Vysotsky, Alexander Blok and others. In general, the underwater museum of Tarkhankut contains more than fifty exhibits and this is far from the limit. By the way, a separate place has been allocated for the statue of Adolf Hitler, which should be brought by divers from Germany.
Every summer, submariners clean the museum “halls.” They clean the monuments of algae and sea life and put them in order. Many diving tourists come to Cape Tarkhankut with pleasure to visit the underwater museum. Excursions are regularly held at the cape, which include the provision of the necessary equipment for diving or fishing.
A documentary film was even made about the “Alley of Leaders”, which took part in an international festival. Also, after the release of this film, Italian newspapers wrote about it. Underwater Museum of Tarkhankut on the map of Crimea View on map


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Not all tourists coming to Crimea know about the Tarkhankut underwater museum, although it may well become one of the most vivid impressions from visiting the peninsula. This museum is more than 15 years old, and at the moment only one “alley of leaders” has more than 50 exhibits, although there are other exhibitions. The only “but” is that in order to visit this museum, you need to dive under water with scuba diving.

Tarkhankut Museum found in the bay of the same name at a depth of about 12 meters. Organized this unusual attraction Vladimir Broumensky, originally from Donetsk. Once, on a local initiative, a new monument to Lenin was erected on the coast, but the statue’s head was quickly torn off. And then Broumensky thought that somewhere, under water, monuments need not be afraid of vandals. This is how the collection of busts for the exhibition of the “leaders of the October Revolution” began to be replenished. Later, another exhibition of “classics of cinema and literature” appeared. And also, not yet very numerous, but still attracting attention, an exhibition of famous buildings of the world.

Since the museum was organized just after the collapse of the Soviet Union, many busts of Lenin, Marx, and Brezhnev were no longer needed by enterprises, and they were often in a hurry to get rid of them. Broumensky, together with the initiative group, bought or simply took away the exhibits and lowered them to the seabed. The underwater museum Tarkhankut has become quite popular among those who are interested in scuba diving, but the organizers hope that ordinary tourists (provided, of course, that they know how to swim) will also want to get acquainted with such an outlandish attraction.

There are several dozen museums. Most of them are dedicated to certain areas of activity, famous people and events. Some objects stand out for their uniqueness and originality. Thus, on the peninsula there is the world’s only brownie museum and an unusual alley of sculptures created at the bottom of the sea, an underground museum complex for submarines and much more.

About unusual Crimean museums - in the TOP 7, compiled by.

Underground museum complex in Balaklava

The underground museum is one of the most visited attractions in Sevastopol. In addition to walking through the labyrinths of fortifications, tourists are invited to view exhibitions dedicated to the history of the construction of the complex and the submarine forces of the Black Sea Fleet, as well as an exhibition of posters “The History of the Formation and Creation of the USSR Nuclear Submarine Fleet.”

Museum "House of Brownies"

The only museum in the world dedicated to brownies is located in the village of Zaprudnoye near Alushta. He started working in 2009.

The museum contains about 100 figures of this mythological master of the hearth. Their sizes range from 20 to 50 centimeters. All sculptures are made from different types of wood (cypress, walnut, cedar, juniper, etc.).

Each figure exhibited here is unique. Its character depends on the purpose of the brownie. So, some have a serious expression on their faces, others smile, and others are frozen in a dance.

Museum "Alley of Leaders"

The creation of a unique alley of leaders began in 1992 at the bottom of the sea near the village of Olenevka, Black Sea region, on Cape Tarkhankut. It was first named a museum four years later.

Today there are about 50 exhibits. However, due to the depth (more than 10 meters), getting here is not so easy - you will need a diving mask and fins.

Despite the name, on the underwater alley you can see sculptures of not only Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin and other Soviet leaders, but also Sergei Yesenin, Leo Tolstoy, Alexander Blok, Yuri Gagarin, Nicholas II and other famous people.

In addition, there are mini-copies of the Statue of Liberty, the Eiffel Tower and the London Bridge, structures in the shape of a dinosaur and Poseidon, models of sunken ships and an old payphone, a sculpture of a diver and many other interesting exhibits.

Museum of World Sculpture and Applied Arts

The Museum of World Sculpture and Applied Art is located in the open air in the Shelkovichny Park of Evpatoria. The first exhibits appeared here in 2007. Today there are more than 300 of them. These are monumental sculptures, busts, portraits and stone compositions. Their themes are different: Ancient Greece, legends of the Crimea, copies of world masterpieces, great people, fairy-tale characters, etc.

In particular, the museum presents a copy of the famous statue of Christ the Redeemer, sculptures of Aphrodite, Achilles, Poseidon, other mythological and heroic characters, portraits of Yuri Nikulin, Vladimir Vysotsky, Lev Yashin, William Shakespeare, Walt Disney and other famous people of different eras and professions.

Also among the exhibits are busts of Russian rulers (Peter I, Catherine II), generals (Alexander Suvorov, Mikhail Kutuzov), writers (Alexander Pushkin, Mikhail Lermontov) and other famous people.

© Photo by the Department of Public Relations and Media of the Evpatoria Administration

Museum of World Sculpture and Applied Art in Yevpatoria

Museum "Pirates of the Black Sea"

The Pirates of the Black Sea museum has been operating in Yevpatoria since 2013. It is dedicated to sea robbers who appeared on the Black Sea coast in ancient times, their customs, life on sea and land. Here you can also find out interesting facts about navigation, trade and shipbuilding in the Black Sea.

In total, the museum houses more than 600 exhibits. Among them are fragments of sunken ships, sailors' belongings, weapons, dishes, jewelry, ancient coins and maps. In addition, a letter of marque, pirate flags, and the Code of Laws and Rules by which the pirates lived are on display.

Moreover, one of the museum rooms is decorated in the style of a captain’s cabin, and the other is a treasury. There are also figures of pirates going on board. All this makes visiting the museum more fun.

Smiley Museum

The Smiley Museum is located on the Simferopol-Alushta road, directly next to the highway in the village of Zarechnoye, Simferopol district. The original object is the youngest museum in Crimea. It opened in June of this year.

So, here you can see cannons, anchors, remains of boats, wrecks of dead ships and other artifacts, and from the stands you can learn about the wreck of the Titanic liner, the motor ship Armenia and other ships. Videos also talk about maritime tragedies.

In addition to the museum itself, tourists will be interested in visiting the 65-meter lighthouse temple, the design of which uses anchors and anchor chains, and visiting the gazebo equipped in the shape of the Flying Dutchman.


What associations do you have when you hear the word “museum”? A huge building with many rooms in which a variety of objects of historical and cultural heritage of people are exhibited, and to get here you just need to buy an entrance ticket. You can only speak in a whisper and you cannot touch the exhibits with your hands. What all other similar establishments have in common with the Tarkhankut underwater museum is that you can’t talk “on an excursion” - it’s simply impossible. For the rest, underwater museum Tarkhankut is unlike any other museum in the world.

This museum appeared quite recently - in the early 90s of the last century, and its founding father is Vladimir Borumensky. What can you see here? The museum exhibits also include busts of world political figures and cultural and artistic figures. The territory of the “underwater hall” itself is, as it were, divided into two parts - in one there are politicians, in the other there are prominent personalities from the cultural field.

In a sense, this underwater museum was founded by accident. No one needed the discarded busts of political figures of past years, and in order to preserve them, Vladimir Borumensky decided to relocate them to the seabed. Subsequently, the museum expanded, and busts of politicians were supplemented by writers, musicians, etc. Now you can see more than fifty “exhibits” underwater, and their number increases every year - many divers have joined the process of expanding the museum, and bring new busts and sculptures.

As in any museum, there are also gates and guards (sculptures of a sailor and a miner) - through them scuba divers enter the exhibition area. Knowing the love of our tourists to “take something as a souvenir,” all the figures and busts are firmly built into the bottom. This measure simultaneously protects exhibits from movement during disturbances.

To see this museum, it is enough to dive under water to a depth of about 12 meters. For professional divers this is a trifle, but for beginners it is a serious test. Therefore, the “entrance ticket” to the world of this museum is good physical preparation, which will allow you to spend unforgettable minutes under water.

In addition, here you can see a lot of beautiful fish and algae - the water in the area of ​​​​Cape Tarkhankut is clean and transparent, so this water area is considered an ideal place for diving.

Ilyich, covered with shells, next door is the author of “Capital” with a green beard; opposite, in the ripples of water, Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, and Blok can be discerned. The Statue of Liberty and the Eiffel Tower, the Malaysian Twin Towers and something completely indistinguishable among the sand and silt...

Incredibly eclectic, and also underwater. The sculptural Atlantis is located relatively close - in Crimea and is a collection of a wide variety of artifacts, the oldest of which have been resting at the bottom for more than 20 years. And you can watch them all. The museum is open 24 hours a day and all year round, free, publicly accessible and free from censorship, just like Wikipedia.

The underwater museum on Tarkhankut (village Olenevka, Crimea) is located 100 m from the shore at a depth of 12 m, so to visit it you must have at least basic diving skills. In the world it was called “Alley of Leaders”. Everything is explained simply: the first exhibits were the leaders of the world proletariat, saved (or overthrown?) by Donetsk scuba diver Vladimir Borumensky from the wrath of the people in the depths of the sea. The beginning was made in 1992. And then the eclecticism began. (Admit it, did you have Gogol on your shelf at home as a child? Or Pushkin? Yesenin?) In general, at the bottom, writers, musicians and politicians of all sizes and shapes look shocking and at the same time mysterious. Divers flock from all over the world to watch. And some who are especially inspired consider it their duty to replenish the collection. This strange collection received the status of a museum exclusively among the people, but in fact it doesn’t even have its own website, only a sign on a coastal rock: “Underwater Museum - 100 m.”

ADVICE: You can get from Yevpatoria to the village of Olenevka by bus or taxi. The next task: find some diving center (it could very well be a tent-trailer) somewhere on the coast and arrange an excursion.

Glushchenko Sergey The Tarkhankut Museum is now, perhaps, the most visited place on the Crimean peninsula. Dozens of divers descend on it every day. Recently, numerous freedivers, that is, breath-hold divers, have also settled here. The depth is quite accessible for them, and you can view the entire exhibition, which now consists of almost a hundred exhibits, in an hour and a half of continuous diving. So much for load training.

liana The owner of the diving business, Alexey, was not enthusiastic at first. “I know,” he says, “Muscovites. Now,” he says, “you will tell me about your exploits in Egypt and your beautiful, expensive equipment.” And then I’ll have to drag you around the museum by the collar.” “Lesha,” I say, “there’s no equipment, just a camera and a mask, and please drag me by the collar through all the beauty!..”

No matter how much Alexey was in a hurry, we were not the first to enter the museum. A fancy, beautiful boat was already standing above the Alley of Leaders. Four skilled dives with extensive experience dived. One of them returned a minute later. “It’s very cold there,” he says. 12 C ° at 13 m.
This is what I was completely unprepared for in my shorts! Suddenly this kind of fear came over me! Panic! It's so cold there! A certified man in an expensive warm suit has returned, of all places! Besides, I ran away from everyone in Moscow, not a single living soul knows where I am, and if something happened...

...In complete stupor, I flopped overboard. Under Lesha’s strict guidance, the second time, I still made it to the museum. Don't care about cold water! I don't care if the suit doesn't fit! I've been dreaming about this moment for three years!

RELATED: Underwater Museum "Silent Evolution" (Cancun, Mexico). It has existed since 2010 and has more than 500 statues in its collection. There are underwater and above-water parts (the latter stores copies of exhibits of the underwater world).