Animal-headed news. Introduction of the game moment

- Guess the riddle:

Swims bravely through the waves,

Without slowing down,

Only the hum of the car is important.

What's happened? (Steamboat.)

- Let's go on a boat trip. Who is in command on the ship? (Captain.)

– Tell me, what should the captain and sailors on a ship be like? (Strong, brave, honest.)

- Let's read Leo Tolstoy's story and decide whether the boy - the hero of the story - can be a captain or a sailor on a steamship.

2. Reading the story “Bone” by L. Tolstoy.

– Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy lived a very long time ago, at the time when your great-great-grandmothers and great-great-grandfathers lived, almost 200 years ago. Tolstoy devoted his entire life, 82 years old, to literature. He loved to study and independently studied history and medicine, studied music and drawing. Tolstoy opened a school for peasant children in Yasnaya Polyana and taught them himself. The works of L. Tolstoy are loved by adults and children. The books of the great Russian writer have been translated into various languages ​​and are read by people all over the world.

– How many characters are there in the story?

– Who is the main character?

– How long did Vanya prepare to eat the plum? Why?

– Did Vanya like the plum?

– Are you laughing at Vanya or do you feel sorry for him?

– Do you think the plot of this story is made up? Why do you think so?

– L. Tolstoy wrote only about what actually happened. He didn’t come up with anything in this case with Vanya either.

– Think about what genre did L. N. Tolstoy classify his story “The Bone” into? (True.)

– Nowadays we call a work about something that happened in the distant past a true story. Our lives change, many objects appear (for example, computers), while others leave our lives. And along with them, the words that called them go away.

– What can you say about Van?

- Why did Vanya cry? Choose the correct answer:

He became afraid that he would die.

He wanted more plums.

He felt ashamed that he had told a lie.

He ate the bone.

He didn't like the plums.

- What bad did Vanya do?

– Why did L. Tolstoy call the story “The Pit” and not “The Plum”?

3. Outdoor game “The sea is agitated.”

Any number of players can take part. The presenter turns away from the rest of the participants and says: “The sea is worried - one, the sea is worried - two, the sea is worried - three, sea figure, freeze in place!” At this moment, players must freeze in the position in which they find themselves. Whoever moves first takes the place of the leader or gives away a forfeit.

4. Application “Steamboat”.

- Let's build our own steamship for the boy from the story of Leo Tolstoy. What weather do ships sail in?

– What background should you choose for work if the ship is sailing in a storm or at night? (Dark blue.)

– What if the ship sails during the day and the weather is calm? (Light blue.)

– How can you carve a steamboat?

– First we cut out the hull of the steamer. It has the shape of a trapezoid. This figure has two straight sides and two oblique sides. What other objects come in this shape?

– Then we cut out pipes of different sizes. They have the shape of a rectangle.

– To depict portholes, cut out light circles. We will glue them onto the hull of the ship.

Children paste all the details onto a sheet of paper.

Game "Riddles Rebuses Charades": answer to the section "RIDDLES" Level 31 and 32
● A white blanket lay on the ground, summer came - it was all gone.
● Cold peas fly from the sky unbidden.
Level 33 and 34
● A mole has climbed into our yard and is digging at the gate. A ton of earth will enter the mouth if the mole opens its mouth.
● Small, edible butter wheel. I won’t eat you alone, I’ll share it with all the guys.
Game "Riddles Rebuses Charades": answer to the section "RIDDLES" Level 35 and 36
● The black horse gallops into the fire.
● Not water, not land - you can’t sail away on a boat, and you can’t walk with your feet.
Game "Riddles Rebuses Charades": answer to the section "RIDDLES" Level 37 and 38
● The giant stands in the port, illuminating the darkness, and they signal to the ships: “Come and visit us!”
● I twist it with my hand, and around my neck, and with my leg, and around my waist, and I don’t want to drop it.
Game "Riddles Rebuses Charades": answer to the section "RIDDLES" Level 39 and 40
● I am relatives of Moydodyr, turn away from me, and I will wash you quickly with cold water.
● I crawl on my way, carrying the house on myself. I need very little - to live quietly and in the forest.
Game "Riddles Rebuses Charades": answer to the section "RIDDLES" Level 41 and 42
● One fire warms the whole world.
● Striped balls came to us from melons.
Game "Riddles Rebuses Charades": answer to the section "RIDDLES" Level 43 and 44
● We hang on thin branches, with berets on our heads.
As soon as the time is right, the boar will immediately find us.
● The fidgety motley bird is long-tailed, the most talkative bird is the talkative one, the white-sided heather, and its name is..
Game "Riddles Rebuses Charades": answer to the section "RIDDLES" Level 45 and 46
● What kind of helicopter is this that takes off? Over lakes, meadows, over flowering fields.
● He who does not touch clings to him. Attractive and prickly, needles stick out all around.
Game "Riddles Rebuses Charades": answer to the section "RIDDLES" Level 47 and 48
● They rarely eat without me, and never eat me alone.
● Laughing Egorka started cleaning, danced around the room, looked around - the floor was clean.
Game "Riddles Rebuses Charades": answer to the section "RIDDLES" Level 49 and 50
● He doesn’t like daylight, he lives underground, he digs, digs, digs, every day he builds a subway.
● In a new wall, in a round window, the glass was broken during the day, but replaced during the night.
Game "Riddles Rebuses Charades": answer to the section "RIDDLES" Level 51 and 52
● A business-like Egyptian rolls a ball in front of him.
● Jumps across the field and hides its ears. It will stand up like a pillar with its ears sticking out.
Game "Riddles Rebuses Charades": answer to the section "RIDDLES" Level 53 and 54
● There is skin on top, the same on the bottom, and the middle is empty.
● Legend, folk tale, the guys adore her. Parents, if you are free, read it to you at night

There is a lot of different talk about the spring flood this year..... It seems that they expected there to be water, but that everything will be like this...! However, nature does not ask us whether we are ready or not for a flood. Are we ready?

Big water came and flooded the road from the bridge to the forest beyond the river near the village of Zverinogolovskoye. For some time, cars drove through the flooded section of the road, then only GAZelles and UAZs, and then they completely blocked the road with slabs. That's it, there is no more way! But what about the residents of our area who remained on the other side of the river? How do they get to the regional center in case of emergency? According to the leading specialist of the Civil Defense Emergency Situations A.V. Sychev, as of 05.05.14, a boat crossing of the search and rescue service of the Kurgan region operates across the Tobol River with a work schedule: from 8 to 10 in the morning and from 16.00 to 18.00 in the evening.

Everything is fine, but what should people do if, for various reasons, they cannot cross at the specified time? Some residents walked and crossed the water in the swamps...

On May 5, we visited the flood to see firsthand how the services resist the elements, organizing work to ferry people to the left bank. It must be said that the transportation of citizens was organized by regional services using a motorized vehicle, which turned out to be truly “suffering” - it was not easy to find a water transport port. However, in reality, it turned out that all the “suffering” was still ahead - often the boat broke down even in the middle of the crossing, and then rescuers rushed to help people, organizing duty on the boat of their department. In fact, the latter should only work in emergency cases. Therefore, there was such a picture: people were standing near the water, and representatives of the Ministry of Emergency Situations were leaving. But in most cases, understanding the current situation, they meet people halfway, carrying passengers on their vehicles.

But what about our, so to speak, “regional” boat? People have their own opinion on this matter: “It’s broken... Or maybe it’s for the best? How to swim on something like that?” Or a completely emotional story: “WELL..WELL...YESTERDAY


WATER... WE'RE GREATLY PREPARED...", one of the women who recently crossed over to our village commented on the situation. It may, of course, be slightly exaggerated about the time spent in the boat, but the essence is true.

But how do those who crossed to the other side get to their place of residence? Director of PATP-8 LLC Kuvykin V.V. explained: “I don’t mind a bus running on the other side, but the problem is that there is no gas station there, and filling a bus with gasoline is not even profitable, it’s 2 times more expensive than gas! There are no subsidies for us, neither the region, neither the region directs. And in order to maintain the work of our enterprise, we cannot afford to work at a loss."

Private entrepreneurs transport products to the other side on their boats. According to Iskra residents, the stores have everything they need, the only thing missing is milk, but residents from nearby villages bring it.

Students from schools in the flooded zone cannot yet come to regional competitions. However, considering that the problem is still temporary, the guys hope that they will make up for lost victories!

But in general, at the crossing, as always in such situations, our fighting national spirit is felt. We are not used to this, we will find a way out of any circumstances! Let's think of something... And while we're thinking, the water will subside... Let's live again little by little! Work in the gardens and fields awaits!

Our correspondent