Yuri Butusov Facebook. Yuri Butusov on Facebook

Another exacerbation of Geletey's paranoia. Now Butusov is to blame for everything. In general, Geletey’s nonsense and Yuri’s answer:

Defense Minister Valery Geletey: “Butusov is deceiving society.”

“Just as from the first sickle we sensed the presence of Russia, then from the 20th sickle battles began near Luhansk, near the airport, Georgiyivka, which few people felt, because those fighters who fought there stinked without Facebook. People have been at the airport this past month. , starting from Kramatorsk. People from Kramatorsk stayed for 47 days, who felt the panic? There was no panic there, everything was working there because there were professional military people. And at what stage, if the Russian Federation is aware la, she lost this war - no there were more donors who were obliged to come to fight for Russia, the “Kadirovtsy” ended, the Cossacks, as they appeared - these are important, as there is little evidence in Afghanistan, Abkhazia, and at the first stage and were heroes, and then realized that this is not a war Yes, because the “cargo 200” was also heading to Russia in trains. And if political scientists, great specialists are in charge, I will not name names, such as Butusov, as to give people an understanding that they are writing the truth about the war, not the mind Oh, why do we stink ourselves? to introduce matrimony into oman."

Hmmm... It turns out that I am “deceiving society” with my articles. Moreover, it’s funny that only the minister himself speaks about this deception, but in the ATO zone there has never been any criticism from any participant in the operation near Ilovaisk - on the contrary, officers and soldiers are grateful. It’s also strange that when I met Valery Viktorovich in person, for some reason he told me something completely different. Mr. Minister, by the way, said that he would call me back to discuss some specific issues of army reform that we discussed at the meeting. But I decided to continue communication at the press conference.

Cynicism is unpleasant. I think this public statement is directly related to my testimony, which on Tuesday I officially gave as a witness to the military prosecutor’s office investigating the tragedy in Ilovaisk. I said that an attempt to explain the tragedy by some special cases - failure to follow orders by the 51st Mechanized Brigade and the abandonment of positions by the 5th Territorial Defense Battalion - is an attempt to evade responsibility for the true culprits in the encirclement of our troops and the subsequent defeat. He said that if we disband the culprits, we should start in Kyiv, and not in the brigade. That the 51st fought no better and no worse than other trained brigades.

On Thursday I will testify at the Verkhovna Rada investigative commission for Ilovaisk.

And on Saturday I will publish a new investigation with new facts that relate to the actions and reactions of the General Staff and the Ministry of Defense to the offensive of Russian troops. These facts, based on documents actually existing in the prosecutor's office and attached to the case, on the testimony of military personnel who directly took part in the hostilities, I think, clearly show the names, surnames and positions of the main culprits of the defeat.

Instead of an afterword:

“I have never focused on any strategies for the struggle that is being waged in Donetsk and Lugansk. In any case, no one will take any hasty (actions) on the occasion of the holiday. Everything is done according to the plan approved by the president, the plan that performed".

The artistic director of the Lensoveta Theater and multiple winner of the Golden Mask, Yuri Butusov, left his post in early March. In an open letter, he spoke about disagreements with the director of the theater, as well as with the cultural committee. The department stated that they wanted to see a “classical theater” on the basis of the institution, and this did not coincide with Butusov’s vision.

tells how the conflict between the famous director and the management developed, why Butusov’s powers were not expanded, and how actors and spectators are fighting for the return of the artistic director.

Yuri Butusov left the post of artistic director of the Lensoveta Theater in early March. He stated that the director of the theater and the cultural committee “blocked his initiatives”

Butusov announced his resignation from the post of artistic director of the Lensovet Theater on March 7, and wrote a letter of resignation the day before. His letter to journalists published theater critic Zhanna Zaretskaya is on Facebook.

In the letter, the director explained that since the end of 2017 there have been two top people in the theater: he and director Valery Gradkovsky. According to Butusov, as artistic director, he hoped to develop the theater both creatively and organizationally, but Gradkovsky, together with the cultural committee, “blocked all his initiatives, demands and rights.”

Yuri Butusov, director:

In these circumstances, my continued tenure as artistic director seems to me not only inappropriate, but impossible and pointless. Because it looks like a deception of actors and like-minded people working in the theater, and, of course, those deeply respected people and artistic leaders of the city who supported me: Valery Fokin, Lev Dodin, Rudolf Furmanov, Andrei Moguchy, Alisa Freundlich.

The head of the culture committee wants to see more classical productions in the theater

The head of the St. Petersburg Committee for Culture, Konstantin Sukhenko, said that after Yuri Butusov leaves the post of artistic director, he expects to see a “classical theater” on the basis of the Lensovet Theater.

The repertoire should consist of 80% classical productions,” said Sukhenko and cited the example of the Russian Entreprise Theater named after Andrei Mironov and Grigory Kozlov’s “Workshop”.

Konstantin Sukhenko, Head of the Culture Committee:

For me, the Lensovet Theater is a Russian drama theater. Some may say that this is not modern, but I think so. The theater has more opportunities in this niche than in competition with modern theater. The latter has its own laws and its own aesthetics.

According to the head of the committee, Butusov’s return to the post of artistic director of the theater is not being considered.

Butusov made modern performances and aimed at a young audience

Butusov himself stated that his productions were noticeably different from the repertoire under previous leaders. He considered his achievement that more young people began to go to the theater. However, his position did not coincide with the “cultural policy” of the city, which was not aimed at a young audience, Butusov believes.

Butusov's performance “LIEBE. Schiller." Photo: Theater named after. Lensovet

Yuri Butusov, director (quote from Rossiyskaya Gazeta):

I wanted to change the theater. I never said that I would mothball the Lensovet Theater and protect the specks of dust that have been lying there for many years. I wanted to take the furniture out of there and clean it. I wanted to change it. This didn't work out. This means the theater is not ready for this. So it's not necessary.

The founders simply didn't like what I was doing. They wanted "classical theatre". At some point I realized that this was an ethical conflict. That the resistance to my proposals is due to the fact that officials do not like my theater. I can't become different. I am who I am. We are simply incompatible.

The management of the theater and the cultural committee was dissatisfied with Butusov’s frequent business trips

Sukhenko said that the committee was worried about Butusov’s frequent creative trips. “A normal artistic director, like [Boris] Eifman, for example, is at work day and night,” Sukhenko said. As an example, he cited Butusov’s departure to Denmark (where he staged the play Cyrano).

Like Sukhenko, theater director Valery Gradkovsky paid attention to Butusov’s frequent, lengthy business trips. In an interview with Fontanka, he mentioned the director’s two two-month business trips.

Valery Gradkovsky, director of the Lensoveta Theater:

- <…>It seems to me that an artistic director should devote most of his time to his theater. But Yuri Nikolaevich spends most of his time not at the Lensovet Theater. You understand, an artistic director is a guru to whom creative people go for advice. He must watch what is happening in the theater.

Butusov asked to expand his powers. The director of the theater stated that he did not receive such proposals from the director, but the artistic director left for personal reasons

Butusov, in an interview with Fontanka, said that he approached Sukhenko and the director of the Lensovet Theater Valery Gradkovsky with a proposal to expand his powers. In particular, the director wanted to gain the right to appoint a director and be responsible for administrative matters.

Yuri Butusov, director:

We had to rewrite the charter, shifting responsibility to me, and I was ready to accept it. I should have received the right to convene an artistic council, I should have had an assistant on artistic issues. The artistic and production part had to be under my control. This is a whole complex of issues that I have not been able to resolve.

"Macbeth. Movie". Photo: Theater named after. Lensovet

According to Butusov, Sukhenko and Gradkovsky ignored his proposals. Gradkovsky stated that he had not received any proposals, and Butusov’s words “sometimes are completely untrue.”

Gradkovsky added that Butusov’s departure was “inconvenient and unexpected” for the theater and was most likely related to the director’s personal circumstances, as well as offers from other theaters. He was skeptical about the idea of ​​adding administrative issues to the artistic director's powers.

Valery Gradkovsky, director of the Lensoveta Theater (quote from Fontanka):

Our theater charter has been in effect for many years, since the time of Igor Petrovich Vladimirov. The artistic director is responsible for the artistic content of the theater, and the director is responsible for the administrative and economic part. Our competencies were strictly delimited. I have never interfered in the artistic policy of Yuri Nikolaevich, but there must be professionals in every matter. There are specifics of working with budgetary funds, and with property, and with security, and with other completely uncreative issues - today great attention is paid to this. The artistic director cannot be held accountable for this.

Unlike film directors, theater directors are less known and popular among the masses. However, the name of Yuri Butusov is the chief director of the St. Petersburg Academic Theater. Lensovet is known to many theatergoers. And with each new production, interest in both Butusov’s person and his Facebook page is fueled.

About life and creativity

Yuri Butusov can safely be called a natural talent. He began his active exploration of the theater at a fairly mature age - about 30 years old. Yuri received his first education at the shipbuilding institute, but the desire to work in the theater led him to the directing department. At the same time, success came to Butusov - his diploma work “Waiting for Godot” was awarded prizes at the prestigious Golden Mask festival.

Today Yuri Butusov stages plays at the Lensovet Theater and teaches at GITIS. The director's new works are always received with a bang by the theater public, so he can rightfully be called one of the most successful theater directors of our time. As for Butusov’s personal life, everything is shrouded in mystery. Yuri is a rather secretive person, and his biographical facts are kept secret. Nevertheless, the director decided to create a page on the social network Facebook, although he updates it very, very rarely.

Butusov's Facebook profile

Indeed, Yuri Butusov’s Facebook page is not replete with bright posts, advertisements for new productions and behind-the-scenes photographs. Here is her address - https://www.facebook.com/pages/Yuri-Butusov/184455478270767

Everything is very laconic and even somewhat boring. Butusov's profile information is not complete, and the posts have not been updated since 2013. It seems that the page is abandoned and does not arouse any interest from its owner. Apparently, Yuri is so busy with his directorial activities that there is simply no time left to communicate with fans on social networks.

And yet, more than 300 Facebook users marked Butusov’s page as liked. Unfortunately, subscribers are not very active, just like the director himself. Old publications received several dozen “likes”, but there were no comments or discussions.

As for the content of the posts, these are mainly links to interviews with Butusov, articles about his productions and theatrical achievements. Unfortunately, visitors to the page will not see photographs from the theater’s backstage either.

Perhaps in the near future, Yuri Butusov will begin to become more active on his Facebook page. But today his profile is more reminiscent of an archive, which, nevertheless, may be of interest to fans of the director’s work.

Yesterday's meeting of the Council of NATO Foreign Ministers was a strategic breakthrough in relations between the US, EU, Canada, Ukraine and Russia. The game is done - Ukraine won a crucial victory. Yes, victory! April 1, 2014 became the day Ukraine achieved true independence from Russia.
The goals of the parties were as follows: Putin tried to convince Western leaders that violation of international law by Russia is just an internal political problem of the Russian Federation and its border territories, associated with the lack of firm power in Ukraine and the inability of the new authorities in Kiev to ensure control over the country without the assistance of Russia. In order for the West to accept this alignment, Putin turned on all the levers in the West. An information war of unprecedented scale is being waged in all EU countries and America - Russian agents are trying to reflect a view of the situation that is favorable to the Kremlin. All Western companies associated with the Russian market act as lobbyists for Russian interests.

Today we can tell: the Russian leadership has repeatedly proposed to the Chairman of the Supreme Leadership of Ukraine, Alexander Turchynov, to hold an informal meeting with Putin in order to adopt a package of decisions on the federalization of Ukraine and the appointment by the Kremlin of its essentially puppet regime in the south-eastern regions. It was proposed to destroy Ukraine as a single independent state. For this, Putin offered not only recognition of the new authorities in Kyiv, but also the immediate resumption of the credit program.

However, the Ukrainian leadership categorically rejected all separate negotiations with Putin. The goal of this risky game was to gain the independent political subjectivity of Ukraine in the eyes of our Western partners. Negotiations could only take place with the participation of the EU and the USA. Which essentially meant international guarantees of a peaceful settlement, and completely contradicted Putin’s plans. But in order to receive the support of America and the EU, Ukraine had to survive. And not just to survive.

The most difficult thing was that the West was not going to stand up for Ukraine without guarantees that the authorities in Kyiv would be able to keep the situation in the regions stable. An integral part of stabilization should have been the holding of early presidential elections, and they could not be disrupted by war and the introduction of a state of emergency. The West would not be able to take tough measures if an armed conflict broke out in Ukraine between separatist troops - the “little green men” and Ukrainian forces. Then the West would be forced to play the role of a peacemaker-mediator. Since February 21, there has been a struggle - will Ukrainian leaders be able to keep the country from direct clashes and armed conflict? The absence of a conflict meant that Ukraine could survive as an independent subject of world politics. It was not easy to stay away from the conflict, because not only Russia provoked the war - many radically minded patriots demanded the introduction of troops, the order to open fire, and psychologically they could be understood. Here you just had to believe, you couldn’t talk about it on television. It was difficult to make decisions on Crimea. Yes, it was possible to fight. But no one knew what resources Russia would use for provocations and sabotage in other regions. Small reserves had to be kept in order to prevent a collapse of power in mainland Ukraine.

The meeting of the NATO Council of Ministers showed that Ukraine won the diplomatic war for the trust of the West. This means that the strategic line of the Ukrainian leadership in Crimea and throughout the conflict with Russia was competent and effective. The Ukrainian leadership began to win the trust of our Western allies and acquired political agency in the international arena. The West has imposed sanctions against Russia and they are getting stronger. We will return Crimea. We still have a lot to do, but we have already received a base of international support.
Now everything will start differently, now the independence of Ukraine will receive a new countdown. Here's what happened immediately after the historic NATO meeting: 1. The West began an economic blockade of Crimea: http://censor.net.ua/news/278933/polety_v_krym_zaprescheny_evropeyiskaya_organizatsiya_po_bezopasnosti_aeronavigatsii
2. The US Congress voted for sanctions against the Russian Federation and for assistance to Ukraine: http://censor.net.ua/news/278910/kongress_ssha_progolosoval_za_vydelenie_1_mlrd_ukraine_i_vvedenie_sanktsiyi_protiv_rossii
3. US banks began blockade of Russian money: http://censor.net.ua/news/278905/amerikanskiyi_bank_zablokiroval_transfer_rossiyiskogo_posolstva
4. Ukraine received guarantees of US military assistance in the event of direct aggression: http://censor.net.ua/news/278900/rossiya_zapugivaet_kiev_no_es_i_severnaya_amerika_stoyat_na_zaschite_prav_ukrainy_kerri
5. Russia is losing the ability to use energy blackmail.

In “peacetime,” the materials of the journalist and editor-in-chief of “Censor.NET” Yuri Butusov made many people in power of various calibers worry, make excuses, get angry and sue. Butusov’s brainchild, the website “Censor.NET,” has taken the leading position in existing ratings among Ukrainian online news resources.

The current situation in the country - Russian aggression and military operations in the Donbass - has become the main topic of the author’s latest publications.

Private bussiness

Higher education - studied international law at the Institute of International Relations of the Kyiv National University. Taras Shevchenko.

  • 2003 - start of work in ZN.
  • 2005 - writing the script for the film "Orange Sky" about the events in Ukraine during the Orange Revolution.
  • 2008 - producing the film "The Illusion of Fear" based on the story by Alexander Turchinov.

Operational case

Yuri Butusov is a journalist who writes highly social materials and investigative journalism. He became the author of many high-profile materials about corruption and other crimes in the highest echelons of power.

“We have three lawsuits against Ukrspirt. Now Soyuz Bank has filed a lawsuit against us for my article about the bank and the owner (this is the person who was the organizer of Rodovid Bank). There were a lot - six or seven - lawsuits from EDAPS, we won all the courts, - Butusov himself said in an interview with Telekritika. - I have not lost a single lawsuit related to my publications. Although both EDAPS and Ukrspirt staged a frantic campaign on the Internet in their favor. You can - to influence the judge of the first instance. But they lost in all other instances."

Editor-in-Chief "Censor.NET"

“I chose the genre of emotional news,” said Yuri Butusov, editor-in-chief of the online publication Censor.NET. And this is exactly how, in his opinion, readers want to see news: far from balance and with value judgments. This is what distinguishes Censor.NET from official publications and news agencies. “It seems to me that making correct news in our conditions is illogical,” he insists and convinces that Ukrainians live in undemocratic conditions, so we cannot be compared with the countries of the Western world. (Interview with Yuri Butusov to Telekritika, April 2013)

The Censor.NET audience is a unique source of information for the site. A message on a forum, even an anonymous one (including a “leak”), can almost always become news on Censor.NET. “We now live in a country where people are afraid of any personalization of information,” Yuri Butusov explains the popularity of anonymous sources. “I look for news on the forum, on social networks, from people who are interesting to me - blog authors who have a high rating and many subscribers - they are a more authoritative source of information for me. I’m not interested in official agencies,” he notes.

“The site was launched in September 2004. I created it. I was interested in making my own project... For some time I did it myself. Then, thanks to the Orange Revolution, the project was promoted,” admits Butusov.

The editor-in-chief notes: “Our main difference from other sites of that time is the forum and political folklore... We are a site of emotional information. That is, I was initially not interested in making a second Interfax, UNIAN, I did not have enough funds for it, and There has never been an investor who could help organize such an agency." According to him, it took him about $300 to launch the site.

“In December, our editorial office was simply captured by the special unit “Sokol” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. It was, in fact, destroyed. Our servers were stolen from us and they actually tried to physically destroy us several times in December... Liquidate. Simply steal our information, our accesses , our DNS zone, the location of our hosting in space, all the site information, the site database. That is, we were opened through communication channels... We had an unauthorized penetration of some super-skilled hacker group, which broke the codes of four of our servers , and our database was erased from the inside,” the chief editor of Censor.NET also said in an interview with TV channel 112. “First, the databases were erased. We restored them. In the second stage, on December 9... This was before the first dispersal of the Maidan, November 28. The second was the chord... The site was physically seized, employees were put against the wall at gunpoint, they broke into the office and physically stole these servers..."

"A person can get used to anything. I experienced a state of war for the last four years under Yanukovych. Long before the Maidan. Therefore, the war of terror that happened did not shock me as much as the whole society. I got used to this state, because the war with funds mass media started much earlier." (Interview with Yuri Butusov to TV channel "112", May 2014)

Judge against "Censor.NET"

Because of its publications, Censor.NET was repeatedly subjected to lawsuits. On March 22, representatives of the capital’s police tried to gain access to the server of the Internet publication Censor.NET. The police explained that permission to access the server was given by the judge of the Goloseevsky district. According to the editor-in-chief, law enforcement officers demanded from them the IP addresses of those who left comments in the forum topic “Judge of the Economic Court Zhanna Aleksandrovna Bernatska, with her Porsche Cayenne jeep, defiantly and brazenly does not allow anyone to leave the yard. How to deal with such monsters? (Interview with Yuri Butusov to Telekritika, April 2013)

Against EDAPS

Reporters not only recorded what was happening on camera, but also tried to prevent bloodshed. One of these activists was Kiev journalist Yuri Butusov. Colleagues unanimously call him a hero. Risking his life, he held back the attacks of provocateurs on soldiers of the internal troops for three hours. After that, he ended up in the neurosurgery department of the Kyiv City Clinical Emergency Hospital with an open craniocerebral injury: a depressed comminuted fracture of the frontal bone.

“Never before have I seen police officers behave like bandits who have lost all fear. Neither MPs nor celebrities could stop them. That day it became clear to me that the situation would only escalate. On Sunday, December 1, expecting a repeat of the clashes police and protesters, I went out onto the Maidan. And headed to Bankovaya Street, where there was a police cordon. The first thing I saw: a grader, around which people were crowded. Everyone was discussing: “Where did the tractor come from here?” Someone noticed a key in the empty cab in the ignition switch. This immediately alerted me. I went further and stood next to a human chain of soldiers of the internal troops,” Butusov noted in an interview with Fakty. “Looking at the military, I noticed that they looked confused and even frightened. Moreover, they had no standard protective equipment. The soldiers were wearing only light body armor and helmets. But for some reason there were no shields, gas masks or elbow pads. I also thought: “Something is wrong here. In such a situation, the guys should be dressed like yesterday's Berkut soldiers.

“It’s a paradox: I defended law enforcement officers from attacks by provocateurs for three hours, took a huge dose of gas, and was severely beaten by thugs. But it was the security forces who “finished off” me.” (Interview with Yuri Butusov, FACTS, 12/10/2013)

"Don't look for my name on the lists"

“No, don’t look for my name in the lists. Yes, I was also offered places on the lists, in the aisle, and not even in one party. But in my opinion, in the conditions of reforms and war in Ukraine, I should focus on strengthening the institutions of civil society ", and journalism is the basis of civil society, and on the construction of defense structures of the executive branch. In our country, the problem of civil public control is no less, and perhaps more acute, than the organization of the work of power."