Yura Muzychenko Thomas biography. In the bag

At the table at the entrance to the bar everything was as always. Several people came in, hurrying to work. Outside, people walked around behind the glass doors, sometimes stopping to read signs taped to them. But then, the crowd near the glass began to grow, they looked inside, their eyes ran around in search of the main character of the evening. For the first time in all my work as an interviewer, the “Behind the Glass” project was real. Silent observation increased.

And the musicians perform on stage. The sounds and rhythms are so unusual that they don’t even bother you. Sound players rush around the hall, waitresses scurry about. But the soloists are still on the radio - they are burning on the air.

Well, it seems we have arrived. Noisy, cheerful. The director of the group, Daniil, brought Yuri Muzychenko to us. We introduce ourselves and take our seats. Polite questions not for publication: how did you get there, weren’t you tired, how can you stay warm? Yuri ordered a bottle of “local”.

- Do people differ in different cities?

- Not much. We mostly communicate with people close to us in age. Well, “give or take” ten years. We were brought up approximately the same way, watched the same films, cartoons, and were taught the same at school. There are all sorts of people, but even if someone is rude somewhere, it doesn’t mean anything specific. For the most part, these are well-mannered, polite, sympathetic people.

- Do they give any unusual gifts after concerts?

- They give. So far all the gifts are to our taste.

- Gold and diamonds?

- No. Alcohol (Laughs. At this time, Yuri was brought a drink according to his taste, he politely hid the container under the table so as not to get into the frame). We are still waiting for people to start giving away hats, because this pleasure is expensive, as it turns out.

- You said that on the way to Izhevsk you watched Soviet cartoons. What hero did you want to be like as a child?

- Well, of course, to the Troubadour from The Bremen Town Musicians. So handsome. By the way, we rewatched it today - all the films have just ended. We started watching cartoons.

- I read that Anna Sergovna, your wife, goes to museums in cities. Like local art?

- We filmed such a small project. She went to all sorts of, mostly stupid, events that were not particularly advertised. For example, there was a gathering of Harry Potter lovers at the local library. We specifically looked for places that are not talked about much, but where people who are deep in some topic gather. Specific. Well, they were trolled a little there with stupid questions. It didn’t sound offensive, because my wife has the image of Anna Sergovna. She is such a cheerful librarian in her forties. When she jokes, she does it without malice.

- The main part of your group has a theater education. Don't you miss the theater?

- And we returned to the theater. Anna Sergovna and I work at the Lycedei Theater.

- How long did they leave?

- We left for about a year and a half before the changes happened. The theater was ruined for a long time by one bad person. As a result, he was kicked out of there, and we returned. And now the troupe there is only nine people. Four “old founders” and five of us young people.

- Do you have enough time for concerts and work in the theater?

- Oh! You see, just this year, when we left the theater, we began to actively engage in this musical project, the group The Hatters. (Accordionist Pavel began testing the sound on stage. It became very loud. Yuri directly joined the recorder). And somehow everything went wrong. And we missed the theater madly, because it has a completely different energy. As a result, we returned to the theater and now it’s more difficult to combine, of course. Now we're off on tour for a whole month. Naturally, we are not there in the performances now.

- Why did you choose such a complex genre – clownery?

- And it turned out to be quite funny. As they say: “Accidents are not accidental.” Apparently, this is what everything was leading to. Everything turned out very simple. When I entered the theater, I didn’t want to brag (straightens his hair theatrically), but that year there were five masters and I went to all of them. By the third round, or by the second, I don’t remember. Doesn't matter. In general, you need to decide who exactly you will go to.

I didn’t want to go to the “Litsedey” at all, because I saw myself at the Youth Theater on Fontanka near Spivak or at the Comedy Theater. And when I came to the second round, to the audition, there was a Harley-Davidson standing in the yard. I go there, and there’s a guy in a T-shirt sitting in the admissions office. He, apparently, has a hangover and is sleeping. And he's so cool! Well, cool man! Nightingale is his last name, cool guy!

They ask me: “Sing something.” I start singing: “I’ll go out into the field with my horse at night.” I close my eyes. And he, you know, opens his eye and looks at me: “Wait, wait, when you play the violin, do you also close your eyes?” - “No” - “Well, there’s no need. You look like an idiot." And continue to sleep. And I liked this impudence so much that I chose them. And, in the end, not in vain. They are real rock and rollers.

- Is it difficult to maintain the role of a clown on stage?

- You see, this is the social circle around me. All are quite self-critical, open people. Cheerful, for the most part. Therefore, it is already like a way of life. I can’t imagine it any other way.

- Is there any teacher or mentor to whom you are grateful for “making” you?

- First of all, these are the actors of the Lycedei Theater. These are some of the most wonderful teachers from the theater academy. The person I admire is Elena Igorevna Chernaya, a teacher in her speech, simply an incredibly professional person. And Ilya Prusikin, my friend, vocalist of the band Little Big, is a couple of years older than me. He is such a leader in our company. Alpha Fool (laughs).

- In your company - is it in the St. Petersburg crowd?

- Yes, precisely in the St. Petersburg crowd. Everyone listens to him, and he always tries to help and support. When I was just starting the “Hatters” project, he supported me and said: “Be sure to do it!” And now we work together. Thanks to him, we are trying to create a kind of Little Big Family, where there will be such groups in the Little Big style: original, something about Russia, for Russia.

- What attracted you to the profession of an actor?

- After ninth grade, I wanted to go to a music school and took courses. I understood that they wouldn’t take me to the tenth grade. (Laughs). Well, he was such a C student. I am the youngest in the family, the favorite. I got away with everything. Yes, and I was a fool, a concrete gouge.

Sorry, I'll digress from the question. We already made a rock band in the sixth grade. Moreover, it turned out funny. They came up with a group and called it “Phobos”. Let's write "Phobos" on all the fences and walls with chalk. The next day we decided to call ourselves “Deimos”. Let's go, they wrote everywhere: “Phobos are freaks!” We started writing "Deimos". We believed in all the stupid things we do.

Let me return to the question. I went to music school after ninth grade to take courses. And I didn't like the atmosphere. They are all a little aloof. Closed people are musicians. And I'm different. And my mother and I decided to go to theater school. My mother arranged for me to be accepted into tenth grade. That's how I got into theater. Well, they wouldn’t take me anywhere else.

- Are there any failed roles that you remember?

- Oh, yes! (sighs). Right now in my first year. We immediately went to “get up” to the actor’s accounting database at Lenfilm - that’s what it sounds like, I don’t even remember. And in the second month of training, I was already approved for a secondary role - the best friend of the main character. I was just so happy. And the film had to be interesting. But they changed the main character, and I was not the right age. And I took off. This is what makes it most offensive. But in the end, I saw the film - complete garbage.

- Does competition in your profession bother you?

- You know, it so happened that we have no competition. I don’t know about dramatic theatrical clownery in Russia. At least the one who needed to know. Musically, we can, of course, be compared with Leningrad, but this is the same as saying: “Oh, they play guitars - this is Metallica.” Maybe the songs are similar in spirit because we also like to drink. But there is practically no competition as such.

- Then, who do you consider yourself to be: a higher level of artists or the St. Petersburg top of the underground bottom?

- It’s difficult to talk about this now, because we “shot out” too quickly. This year is the most terrible for us. To be honest, this year we will find out: it was just an unexpected shot, or people liked us for our creativity. Therefore, if we see you in a year (laughs), I can probably answer this question.

- What irritates you most in modern show business?

- It's annoying that people always try to go down too-trodden roads. And jump out on the hype, on the trend. Well, you understand - shoot on a sharp wave. This is what Ilya Prusikin always told me: “Never try to follow trends.” I’ll give you a very rough example – Shurygina. Now a lot of people are jumping on it, but it’s not clear what will happen next. This is what's annoying.

- Like clowns, you can talk more, more honestly. You even look very different: tattoos, bright appearance. Don't you think people are a little afraid of you?

- Well, I got tattoos to be cool - that's a fact. And basically, everything I do is to please girls, to be cool. Everyone has always done this. The most annoying thing is that this causes exhaust when it is no longer needed. (Laughs). Those. I have opportunities, but I have a wife and child, and I don’t need it. (I point to the girls who are crowded behind the glass of the bar to watch us record the interview). Yes, the girls are good in the cities, they smile all the time (Waves to the girls, they squeal).

If this was a question that was asked on behalf of the audience, do not be afraid. I am a very kind, friendly person.

- You recently started writing a vlog (video blog - Ed.) about behind-the-scenes life. After all, ordinary viewers, without access to behind the scenes, always invent more than what actually is. How would you describe the scene's relationship with the press today?

- Yes, good. When they ask normal questions that are pleasant to answer, I work with pleasure. When there are stupid standard questions, you know what I'm talking about (winks), we discussed them at the beginning of the interview. (Laughing).

I blog because we really have a lot of fun. There is such a theme when you make a joke, everyone in the company laughs, and you try to tell it to someone - and it is not clear. Because this joke is prepared by the contingent of people who are there, the atmosphere, the place, the intonation. Sometimes it's fun to film. Plus, we have a lot of stupid ideas. And, again, this is a good way to attract attention to the group’s work.

- You shot a video for your song “Winter”. We meet the main characters of the video when they are going through a serious crisis. Have there been crises in your life? How did you deal with them?

- Well, Anna Sergovna and I fight very often. Straight up, let's shout. (At this time, the accordionist begins not only to play, but also to sing. Yuri almost lies down on the table next to the recorder). We are emotional people! Therefore, we can shout ten times in an hour, make peace ten times and not notice that someone was shouting! (Wow! Aw! - the chant is in full swing). But lately this has become much less common, because if we suddenly start raising our voices... (Uuuuuuuuuuu!). Pasha, let me talk to people!!! (It became a little quieter. Not for long.)

- Can you be called a classic family?

- Yes, absolutely classic, canonical, anecdotal. I love, let’s be honest, to come late, tipsy, because my friends asked: “Sit and chat.” We are composing songs – we’ll build it up a little for the atmosphere.

The wife always keeps all the money. All property belongs to the wife. If I have pocket money, it's change. We are a very canonical Russian family from anecdotes. And that’s all about the clip, right? Have you talked?

- No, we just got a little distracted. How was it filmed? There are so many emotions there.

- The song was generally written about complete emotional devastation. About complete apathy. My dad died while writing the song. It was very difficult for me. And my friends …(smirks) Again Ilya Prusikin and Alina Pyazok - we always do everything together. Ilya knows about this situation. And we specifically decided to move away from the story with dad and move on to the initial stage of writing the song. These are the emotions of a man and a woman. Complete devastation. When a woman tries to pull a man out. This is the worst thing in a relationship, when a man has complete apathy, depression, when that’s all. It's very scary.

A large team of serious professionals worked on the video. The funny thing is that we filmed it outside the city in an eco-hotel. There's no electricity there. We took a lot of generators, a lot of light. And they filmed on Red, that’s the kind of camera. And it costs six or seven million. We rented it. After filming, we all left, and the guys with the equipment were the last to leave. They loaded the whole car, drove away and something flashed under the hood. And the car immediately burned out.

The only thing they managed to pull out was a hard drive with the material we filmed and a camera. Can you imagine? Some kind of magic. Everyone is alive and well. Everything was insured. The main thing is that the material and the camera are saved.

- How did you create the video “Briefly about love”? Is this for Valentine's Day?

- This is from our “Click-Clack” brigade, an online blogging party. This is an old idea, also by Ilya Prusikin (laughs, speaks into the recorder). Ilya, I’m tired of you, let me talk to people without your participation. What a nightmare! Yes, this is Ilya's old idea. He has several scripts for these little sketches. There is “A Brief About Love”, there is “A Brief About Courage” and there will be a couple more to come.

- I want to ask about sounds and silence in general: how sensitive are you to them? Do you like to be in silence and what sounds do you like more than others?

- Well, here, like all people, when you’ve been busy all day, working, your head gets tired - of course, sometimes the noise is annoying. But no. The sounds piss me off. I don't like to rest in silence.

- How is it at home with your daughter when she hangs on you after work?

- Oh, it's impossible with her. She's such a twit. It's all about me and mom. Took away all the worst antics from the two of us. The two of us can’t talk normally at all. I Lizuuun to her, she Papuuun to me. And we distort all the words.

We now face our most difficult test. We haven't been home for about a week and a half now. And this little one learned to use WhatsApp. A nightmare. It's heartbreaking, but she does it all so funny. Sends photos and stupid messages.

- How does your mother react to your creativity?

- Mom doesn't like swear songs. Mom, naturally, doesn’t like tattoos. And so all is well. My mother is also a creative person with humor.

-Are you an early bird?

- (Looks at me like... well, you get the idea) In no case. For me, every day begins with a tragedy. The first minutes are terrible. If I'm sober. It’s just that there are times when you wake up and realize that you haven’t completely sobered up yet. This is the state I really love. So stupid - wow! (grimaces). I want to tell stupid jokes and make everyone laugh. In short, I'm not an early bird.

- With the advent of your daughter, did you have to change anything in your schedule?

- No, we are a canonical family. My wife is great at taking her to kindergarten. But, if I’ve done something wrong, she knows for sure that she can sleep.

-What do you want to become when you grow up?

- Complex issue. I noticed this a long time ago: when you go to school, you dream of going to college. And then the credits roll and that’s it, happy ending. Everything is fine, I have come to my dream. You start going to college - damn, I want to live in St. Petersburg. If you live in St. Petersburg, you need a car. That's why I still don't feel like an adult.

If now, of course, you sit down, sit with alcohol, think, then, it seems, almost everything is already there. Wonderful friends, wife, daughter, doing a great job and getting paid. I can often not deny myself something. Well, when there is more change left. (Laughing).

I'm not exactly a perfectionist, but everything is not finished yet. I want to be a useful person. Don't be a jerk. A little bit of a bastard, perhaps.

Yuri Muzychenko, or simply Thomas, - theater artist " Actors", creator of the group " BKMSB", series " clogged", tattoo studio Backstage Tattoo and vocalist of the group The HattersHatters"), as well as a participant in the show HYPE MEISTERS on MTV.

Biography of Yuri Muzychenko

Yura born July 8, 1987 in St. Petersburg. In the family, the boy was the youngest, his parents' favorite. As I said myself Muzychenko, he got away with everything, so he was a “gouge.” Already in sixth grade Yura I created a rock band with my friends.

Yuri Muzychenko about his first group: “We came up with a group and called it “Phobos.” Let's write "Phobos" on all the fences and walls with chalk. The next day they decided to call themselves “Deimos”. Let's go, they wrote everywhere: “Phobos are freaks!” We started writing "Deimos". We believed in all the stupid things we do.”

After ninth grade, the young man wanted to enter a music school. He understood that he would not be accepted into the tenth grade because his academic performance was not very good. The guy didn’t like the atmosphere during the courses at the music school, because the musicians turned out to be reserved people. But he himself was completely different.

Then Yura decided to enter theater school, and his mother agreed that he would be accepted into the tenth grade for further admission. After school Muzychenko entered the St. Petersburg State Academy of Theater Arts at the acting department. Upon admission, a rather funny situation happened to him, which led him to “ Actors“, although the young man imagined himself on completely different stages and in other roles.

Yura Muzychenko about his admission: “I didn’t want to go to the Lyceums at all, because I saw myself at the Youth Theater on Fontanka near Spivak or at the Comedy Theater. And when I came to the second round, to the audition, there was a Harley-Davidson standing in the yard. I go there, and there’s a guy in a T-shirt sitting in the admissions office. He, apparently, has a hangover and is sleeping. And he's so cool! Well, cool man! Nightingale is his last name, cool guy! They ask me: “Sing something.” I start singing: “I’ll go out into the field with my horse at night.” I close my eyes. And he, you know, opens his eye and looks at me: “Wait, wait, when you play the violin, do you also close your eyes?” - "No". - “Well, there’s no need. You look like an idiot." And continue to sleep. And I liked this impudence so much that I chose them. And, in the end, not in vain. They are real rock 'n' rollers."

After graduating from the academy, Muzychenko got on the stage of the theater " Actors", where he met the future members of his group.

Career of Yuri Muzychenko

Despite the intense work in the theater, Yura never forgot about music. No wonder he can play the violin, guitar, keyboards and drums.

In 2011, his group “ BKMSB" The name of the group means absolutely nothing; the musicians chose it as a symbol of freedom, the absence of any boundaries in creativity. The music changes along with the guys, so it’s difficult to name any specific genres that define the group’s work, but the musicians define their music as a mixture of alternative rock and pop rock.

"BCMSB" became the winner URBAN SOUND, festival SNICKERS URBANIA, held in St. Petersburg, and also participated in the festival “ World against drugs», « Windows Open», « Swing"and in many other major festivals.

In 2013, an internet series about tattoos appeared online. clogged" The creators of the series and its “ideological brain” were Yuri Muzychenko And Alexander Anisimov (Kikir). They also played not the last roles in the series.

Yuri about the creation of the series: “The idea is almost general... you know, when several people come up with something all the time, then in general it’s not clear who came up with what. We tried in every possible way to pump up our group “BKMSB”, we decided to shoot video diaries, and it seems that the third episode was about getting a tattoo... Well, it somehow seemed to fail, views and all that. Well, this is where the idea came up to experiment and film a program about tattoos, but so that we and our music would be there. That’s how it all happened, but it dragged on so long that they opened their own tattoo studio, “The Downtrodden.”

Having filmed 11 episodes of the first season, the creators, concluding that they were on the right track, began working on the second season. And it was decided to film the third season in Europe.

The series was designed for viewers interested in tattoos, for those who were interested in tattoo production, from application, sterility, safety to healing and other nuances of the process. Therefore, the authors, diligently approaching the narration of each serial episode, discovered something interesting, focusing on the history of tattoos, style and choice of design.

Also in 2013, a new channel appeared on the Youtube website “ Klikklak", which airs comic series and programs. Yura Muzychenko is one of the participants in this channel, the so-called “video blogger party”.

In 2015, Yura had to leave the theater because the team was literally “falling apart” by one of the workers. However, his career as a musician did not prevent Muzychenko from returning to the theater stage after a year and a half. Then, in 2015, the group was formed The HattersHatters»).

Yuri Muzychenko and The Hatters

The Hatters is a musical and theatrical group from St. Petersburg, which includes musicians, actors, physicists, tattooists, auto mechanics, clowns, photographers and cameramen. The guys defined their genre as “Russian-Gypsy alcoholic hardcore with soulful instruments.” Their work is a combination of romance, punk and folk rock.

Yuri Muzychenko says: “We met at the Litsedei theater, and it turned out that everyone was a fan of Balkan music, Kusturica, Bregovich and trash in the style of Guy Ritchie. So we realized that we would play exactly, but soulfully and more folkwise, especially since the leading instruments - the violin and accordion - dictate certain conditions.”

Since its appearance in February 2016, “ Hatters" are gaining popularity at breakneck speed: they became the "Legendary Discovery of the Year" at the festival " Wild mint", were invited to all major festivals in the country, appeared on the waves of " Our radio", as well as other radio stations in the country, received the " Chart's dozen" in the category "Hack", performed on the main stage of "Invasion" and made their mark with performances at the Olympic Stadium and at the opening of the St. Petersburg Arena stadium. Magazine Kommersant-Lifestyle included them in the list of the most promising musicians to watch in 2017. The Hatters- “theirs are on the board,” and each of their songs touches the soul.

The group released their debut folk-punk album “Full Hat” on April 21, 2017. In early December of the same year, The Hatters presented their second album, Forever Young, Forever Drunk.

The Muzychenko team performed twice on the Channel One show “Evening Urgant”: in April 2017 with the song “Yes, it’s not easy with me,” and in November 2018 they presented the track “I didn’t hear.”

Yuri Muzychenko in HYPE MEISTERS

In July 2017 Yura became a participant in a new show on the MTV channel HYPE MEISTERS, where he and Kolya Serga find out what is cooler - TV or the Internet. Musicians travel to different festivals, perform numerous tasks to get points and become a “Hype Master”.

Personal life of Yuri Muzychenko

Still on the theater stage " Actors"Yura met his love Anna Nikitina which he calls Anna Sergovna. She always supports the young man in all his endeavors. Spouses Muzychenko- people are creative, therefore, according to Yuri, in an hour they can yell at each other thirty times and make peace thirty times.

Anna about her marriage to Yuri: “The fact that both are artists, clowns, brings us closer together, we are together at work and at home, but we don’t get tired of each other at all. It just happens that we are sitting at home, drinking tea, and one of us suddenly starts talking about how best to do something in the play, what kind of props to come up with. Our profession does not allow us to forget about it even at home. We are proud that we are clowns and work in such a theater.”

In 2011, the couple had a daughter. Lisa. Already at an early age, the girl began to show creative abilities, imitating her parents. Yura And Anya they say that she surpassed both of them in charisma and acting abilities.

Discography of Yuri Muzychenko


2012 - Check
2011 - The whole truth about you
2009 - For hearts... For minds

The Hatters

2018 - “No Comments” (Instrumental)
2017 - “Forever Young, Forever Drunk”
2017 - “Full Hat”

2018 - “Three Inside”
2016 - “Stay True”

Yuri Muzychenko lives a relaxed and cheerful life. Brave and unlike anyone else, he makes the same music - fresh, soulful, with a sparkle. Yuri is an actor by profession and is part of the troupe of the St. Petersburg theater “Litsedei”.

Yuri Muzychenko

Since his musical project gained popularity, Muzychenko has had to combine performances, tours and work on new songs and videos. Not to mention running a tattoo parlor, vlogging and being an exemplary father and husband.

Childhood and youth

Yura was born in 1987 in Gatchina, a suburb of St. Petersburg. The singer admits that since childhood he was uncontrollable and spoiled. He studied poorly at school, but attended a violin class in music school. At the age of 13, the guy came up with the idea to organize a musical group “Phobos”, to which he invited his friends. The first experiments were crazy and inept, but the children took them seriously.

The parents were afraid that with bad grades their son would not make it to the 11th grade, so after the 9th grade the boy decided to enter a music school. But the academic atmosphere of the institution seemed too boring to Yura, and he changed his mind. As a result, after graduating from Gatchina secondary school No. 9 in 2004, Muzychenko decided to go into acting.

“Well, they wouldn’t take me anywhere else,” the artist jokes in an interview, where he shares the details of his biography.

The guy easily entered the St. Petersburg Academy of Theater Arts. By the time of the third round of entrance examinations, when it was necessary to decide which teacher to go to, it turned out that Yuri passed to everyone. The musician says that he chose someone who seemed to him just a cool guy, arrogant and cool. So he blindly entered the workshop, where the main genre turned out to be clownery.

Music and creativity

In 2009, Muzychenko graduated from high school and got a job in the “Litsedeev” team. Yuri notes the family atmosphere of the theater, in which one wants to live and work. He considers his senior comrades from the troupe to be his main mentors. The actor's role is a dramatic clown.

While playing in plays, the guy did not give up his music studies. Since 2011, he founded the “BKMSB” team. It is useless to decipher the abbreviation, since the guys did not put any meaning into the name: only freedom without borders and creative chaos. They worked in the alternative rock space, striving to appear fresh and high quality, and paid a lot of attention to sound clarity and mixing.

The group joined the St. Petersburg creative community, participated in festivals, winning at Snickers Urbania in the Urban sound category.

Yuri Muzychenko and the group "BKMSB"

Trying to reach a wider audience, Muzychenko and his fellow BKMSB member Alexander Anisimov are launching the Internet project “Downtrodden.” Initially, it was planned to film diaries about the life of the team, but gradually they transformed into a series dedicated to tattoos.

In 2015, during a period of conflict in the troupe, Yuri left the theater for a while. Just then the moment arose to take music seriously. The artist decides to form a new group. All participants in the new team were selected from “Litsedeev”. They went to their first performance wearing hats, and thus the name The Hatters (“hatters” translated into Russian) was born.

Muzychenko himself defines the style of the ensemble as follows:

“We have our own direction, one might say, a new one - Russian-Gypsy street alcohol-hardcore on soulful instruments.”

Yuri sings and plays the violin, Pavel Lichadeev – the accordion, Alexander Anisimov – the bass guitar, Vadim Rulev – the trombone, Dmitry Vecherinin – the drums. The wives of Yuri and Pavel perform backing vocals.

Since 2016, The Hatters have blown up the Internet with their first video, and after that they broke through to radio stations. They began to be invited to the main festivals of the country, including “Invasion” and “Wild Mint”. The pleasure of being unlike anyone else and doing what you love and know how to do - Yuri and his colleagues succeeded in this. They are full of energy and generously share it with the public, turning their performances into vibrant performances.

The team manages to combine recklessness and high professionalism; their music is both dashing and soulful. It is not easy for Western viewers to determine the nationality of the musicians, since they play melodies with a pronounced Balkan flavor and often sing in English. In 2017, the group was invited to perform on Channel One in the show “Evening Urgant”.

Song "Winter" by The Hatters

Over the course of a couple of years of existence, The Hatters released 5 albums and dozens of videos. The official video for the track “Winter” has received more than 3 million views on YouTube, and “Outside from the Inside” is approaching 1.5 million.

In January 2018, Yuri Muzychenko becomes the hero of a special edition of the show “vDud”. It is called “New Russia” and is dedicated to individuals who, from the point of view of a popular interviewer, are creating the cultural history of the country today.

Yuri tries himself as a blogger on YouTube. He often appears in “Zashkvarny Stories” on the humorous entertainment channel “Klikklak”, where he works with (aka Ilyich) from and.

Personal life

Yuri and his family live in St. Petersburg. An extraordinary personality is manifested in a bright image: the musician constantly experiments with hairstyle and tattoos. The man's height is 181 cm and his weight is 60 kg.

The guy met Anya, his future wife, during his student years. The guys studied at the same university. Anna Muzychenko (Nikitina) was born on March 15, 1987 in the northern city of Tynda. She came to St. Petersburg to become an actress. In 2009 she graduated from the acting and directing department of the St. Petersburg Academy of Theater Arts.

Their union is not only family, but also creative. The couple does a lot together: plays in the Lycedei theater, runs the Backstage tattoo studio, sings in The Hatters. And both consider themselves clowns and informals. Yura calls his wife in a special way - Anna Sergovna.

On November 26, 2010, the couple had a daughter, Lisa, who, according to her parents, will already give them a head start in artistry and charisma.

Yuri Muzychenko now

The Hatters are currently at the peak of their popularity. Yuri and his musicians give concerts all over Russia, and they turn into festivals of unbridled fun.

A major performance took place on December 15, 2018 in St. Petersburg, at the Yubileiny Sports Complex. After this, the band took a break from touring to focus on recording a new album.

The “Hatters” fulfilled their long-time dream: in January 2019, they left St. Petersburg and went as a group to a house located in the middle of a winter forest. There, with family and friends, they are writing music for a future record, which promises to be soulful.

The musicians are simultaneously filming documentaries about the creative process, and fans can follow the birth of fresh songs on Muzychenko’s YouTube channel and using the hashtag #thehattershome.

Yuri Muzychenko was born on July 8, 1987. in St. Petersburg, in the family of a talented actor.

Yuri's father, Yuri Vasilyevich, was a talented artist of Soviet times, graduated from the Omsk Academic Drama Theater and Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. His acting skills were inherited by his son.

Thomas, the nickname Yura chose for himself, is special by nature and very talented: he plays the violin, guitar, keyboards and drums. He is the main presenter and member of the acting group, as well as the musical group “BKMSB”.

Yuri's acting abilities were evident from childhood. Being the smallest child in the family, he was a favorite and got away with many pranks, which subsequently affected his uncontrollable character.

The beginning of Yuri Muzychenko's acting career

His acting career began at the Lycedei theater studio. Yura showed his artistic abilities quite successfully and quickly began to gain fame:

  • he became the founder of the musical group “BKMSB”;
  • the famous television series “Downtrodden”;
  • founder of a tattoo studio;
  • Yuri is a popular vocalist of the Shlyapniki group;
  • participant of the Mtv channel show - Hype Meisters.

As we can see, Yuri Muzychenko is truly a naturally talented person. While working in the theater, he always thought about music.

So in 2011 he created the BKMSB group. And it would seem that this abbreviation carries some kind of meaning or decoding, but for Thomas it’s not like everyone else’s. This name does not mean anything at all and does not carry a specific meaning.

He came up with it just like that, symbolizing that he is a free person in creativity and does not want to have any restrictions in his imagination and activity.

Yura's popularity

As we ourselves already know from life experience, such people do not always have an easy life in society, since social life often forces this or that person to bend to the will of others. But this is not for Yuri Muzychenko.

His talent bubbles inside and longs to come out, longs for constant change. Thomas's musical works change with him. And it is impossible to attribute his activities to any specific genre. He can play both rock and pop music or a mixture of both.

In 2013, Yuri released the series “Downtrodden,” where the main roles were played by Yuri and Alexander Anisimov. This series brought him great fame.

A little later they began filming their video diaries, where their music was also posted. And so they moved further up the steps of fame.

“Downtrodden” gained wide popularity. Especially among viewers who were interested in tattoo production (correct application, sterility of the procedure, safety, as well as the healing process).

Working as a blogger on YouTube

Soon in 2013, “Klikklak” appeared on Youtube. Here Thomas is one of the main participants in the video blogger crowd. And it is gaining high popularity in its activities. But in 2015 Yura leaves the theater, which collapsed due to the negligence of one of the workers.

But our hero did not give up, and after a year and a half, Yuri Muzychenko was again on stage in the theater and formed the group “Hatters”. The group has become very popular, an announcement of our time. Who didn’t take part here: famous musicians, actors, even physicists, tattooists, auto mechanics, clowns, photographers and cameramen.

It was not immediately possible to determine their genre, but Yuri himself called it the genre of Russian-Gypsy alcoholic hardcore on soulful instruments that he knew well. Muzychenko’s creative activity combines romance, punk and folk rock.

Family of actor Yuri Muzychenko

Yuri married Anna Nikitina. They met when they studied together at the St. Petersburg State Academy of Theater Arts at the acting department.

It is impossible not to say at least a little about Yuri’s wife Anna Nikitina. They both simply complement each other, especially in theatrical activities.

Anya always supported him in everything. She is also a talented actor. She says: “I’m glad that we are both clowns and work together in the theater, we don’t get tired of each other. Sometimes, while we are drinking tea, some idea suddenly arises and we discuss it, and then put it into practice.”

Although it would seem that being constantly together people get tired of each other, but not in the case of Anya and Yura! Their acting abilities only bring each other closer and complement each other, helping both of them to develop creatively.

But they have another wonderful actor in the family, their daughter Lisa, who was born in 2011. The mother says that Lisa took over the charisma and acting abilities of both parents and even “stepped over” them further.

She loves it when her parents do her makeup and sometimes paints herself. An extraordinary case! A family gifted by God himself!

By typing blogger Yuri Muzychenko on Youtube, you can enjoy his talent and acting abilities, as well as a kind and sincere person.

How and how much does Muzychenko earn?

For those who are more curious, how much Yura earns and from what, we will tell you the following.

Take, for example, “Klikklak” - four people work on it together with Yuri. They remove Trash - content - this means garbage from the translation. That is, the channel was created for laughter; its participants play with mousetraps and cacti - flowerpots. And their suffering is obvious.

The Google program thus pays them to display video advertisements. Socialblade can earn from 4 thousand to 65 thousand dollars in one month.

For a more realistic price, take the minimum and divide it by two. It turns out that they earn from 2 thousand dollars a month or 120 thousand rubles. This is just the bare minimum.

Well, if there is more than one blog, then you can imagine how much the amount increases. So Yuri earns more than just good money. And his talented data justifies itself. There is something to see and listen to and laugh.

The Hatters group already at the very beginning of their career had a large audience thanks to the popularity of the group leader Yuri Muzychenko on Youtube. The old-timers of the rock scene could only dream of such growth rates as theirs. We talked to Yuri about how supernovas are born, working four jobs, and how to write songs during sound checks before concerts.

I recently thought that The Hatters are only a little over two years old, but it feels like you’ve been on stage for at least five years. Before launching the project, how seriously was the development strategy thought through?

All this happened completely by accident. It’s just that we’ve each been doing our own thing for a long time, and when the team formed, we were already quite professional people as musicians and as artists. Plus, there were many friends nearby who also achieved something. This is how the factors came together.

- How much do you think your media popularity influenced your successful start?

That's how it all went from there. Only due to the fact that I was already quite famous on Youtube. That's why we paid attention. Here's something new from Yurts. So far, Youtube still gives more than The Hatters.

- So initially it was the YouTube audience?

Certainly. Naturally, new listeners have now begun to appear. But the main part is from there.

With this approach, where personality comes first and creativity comes second, were you not afraid that the music itself would go unnoticed?

Of course not. Why should I be afraid of this? This is a conversation about me.

- People will say “Yura Muzychenko’s group” and it doesn’t matter what this group plays.

This will not happen. I am, of course, the frontman. But both the listeners and we ourselves realize that without all these people in the group there will be no The Hatters. Nothing will work out. I can’t race alone with a violin. These are special people. Today we were on the radio and accidentally came to the conclusion that there is not a single person in the group who would not want to study the instrument he is currently playing as a child. And it all coincided that we met.

- This is really rare. Often music school forever discourages people from learning music.

Often. Maybe it's for the better. We have more space.

- How do you feel about the fact that bloggers have taken to music en masse? Those who can't sing rap.

Completely normal. All bloggers are very brave, creative people. No matter how much they are scolded. Yes, not everyone is good. But there are very talented guys. Anyone can take a camera and walk around and film themselves. But not any of these people will win such an audience. And he will hold her. And if a person has achieved this through charisma and talent, then he is no longer mediocre and has the right to self-expression. That's the beauty of the Internet. Anyone can do anything. Therefore, all these statements like Youtube is interfering with rap, and rap is interfering with Youtube - this is complete nonsense. Rap is for everyone, music is for everyone, the Internet is for everyone. That's the point. But who turns out to be worthy is a matter of taste. It's like discussing humor.

- How closely are you currently involved in the productions of the Lycedei Theater?

Now there are fewer, but the plays in which I played are now being performed in the theater. And when I have the opportunity, I participate in them.

- Doesn’t this interfere with group work?

No, it doesn't interfere. Just less time to rest.

- And if it turns out that there is not enough time, then what direction could you put aside?

If we talk about theater, now the group is more important. Well, you can’t throw “Klik-Klak” anymore. Everything has gone too far. We all understand why this is all being done.

- For the sake of the audience?

Certainly. You can make very cool songs, but there will be no one to listen to them.

- But will it be possible to give up the theater?

For a while, yes. Still, this is a more elitist art.

- How do they manage without you in productions? There aren't many people there either.

- “Litsedei” is not the kind of theater where you play a play that someone wrote. In this theater we cook it ourselves, we spread it ourselves. What you come up with is what you do.

- But if you participated in the development of the production, then it couldn’t be done without you?

Either this can be safely removed from the plot, or someone else can play this role.

You have a tattoo studio, you do the show “Klik-Klak”, you play in Hatters and in “Litsedei”. Usually four jobs are worked by people who really need money. Do you have a different case?

No. Am I a fool to do this just like that?

- But the first motivation is not about money?

I was chasing everything just to make money somewhere. And for some reason it went everywhere.

- Do you have moments in communication with people for which you were ashamed?


- Can you give an example?

I wouldn't like examples. Then you'll have to get personal. But in general, this is normal practice. We are all human.

- The fuck did you send someone?

Certainly. And this happened.

This is what I mean. Now YouTube stars are more popular than television stars. For young people, at least. Do you have your own recipe for how to preserve a person within yourself when you are so recognizable that you can’t calmly walk down the street without someone taking a selfie on you?

I don't have such a recipe. Because it's just begun. So it became difficult to walk down the street. As long as I have enough patience.

- Do you have enough patience for selfies and sweet smiles?


-Are you generally a closed person?

I’m not reserved, but I won’t be particularly frank with strangers. Why is this necessary? It’s like in the movie “Brother 2”: “Why do they all ask how I’m doing. Are they really interested?” I try to avoid common courtesy. Just good manners is enough. There is absolutely no need to be with all your friends.

Here the question immediately arises about communication with the press. Many new modern stars refuse to communicate with the press. Starting from “Vulgar Molly” and ending with Oksimiron.

This is a fairly popular strategy.

- Don’t you get tired of the media yourself? The questions are still the same.

So now I try to communicate less. When a journalist asks why the group is called that, I immediately tune out. I just answer yes or no. It is immediately clear that the conversation is pointless.

In one of the interviews, you said that you were wildly compared to the group Gogol Bordello, and in order not to be like them, you deliberately refused to play guitar in the group. Two points arise here. Firstly, they still compare with them. And secondly, is this really so important that you limit yourself in creativity because of this?

So this was done on purpose. This is our specialty. It’s just that people are already accustomed to guitar riffs, some moves that have developed in their minds due to the “golden hits” of the mastodons of rock, metal and blues. The very principle of how a work is constructed. And we started playing it on other instruments. We learned how to use the trombone and accordion to make it sound heavy.

- Is it important to you what style the Hatters’ music belongs to?

It doesn't matter at all.

- But the main thing is not Gogol Bordello.

It is unpleasant. I only like one song by them. This is a shame. When compared to Leningrad, it’s not offensive. I love them very much. I’m surprised why no one compares us to “Brigade S”? We are certainly more like them. To group "Zero". Probably no one remembers them anymore.

- Is your mustache part of the gypsy style of the group?

Without them, my muzzle immediately becomes round.

- But nevertheless, you sometimes have them, sometimes you don’t. What determines their presence and fluffiness?

From how long ago I played a child in the theater. There is no way to cover it up. They're too thick, bitch. That's why sometimes you have to shave it off.

- Little Big Family. As I understand it, this is just a get-together of friends who are not united by any stylistic boundaries.

That's right.

- And to get into the Little Big Family you must first be a friend or are there other ways?

That's the only way for now. You need to be a friend. If this topic grows and everything becomes more official and correct, then maybe this will change.

- Will it become a label?

No, it’s unlikely to become a label. We are not the right people to do this. There just won't be enough time. We are taking care of ourselves. And to engage with other people means to rob yourself. Therefore, we can only exist due to the fact that we help each other. It's just mafia.

- How then to get out of the mafia?

There is no way out of the mafia. But they will look after my family if anything happens.

- As I understand it, mom and dad are always at work instead. (Anna Muzychenko, Yuri’s wife, is a backing vocalist for The Hatters. Ed.)

And at all four jobs. But I have fun with her.

- And your daughter?

It helps that my mother lives nearby.

- Is it only during rehearsals that you can go separately?

Yes, Anya only comes to the final rehearsals.

- How do you compose new songs?

We start together with Pasha, the accordionist. Let's sit, jam, something is born. Then we send the results to the chat. We rehearse in a tattoo studio without drums, in acoustics. And once every one or two months we do one large rehearsal in full force at the rehearsal point. In fact, we only need such a rehearsal to check how everything sounds with the drums. And when we’re on tour, we do new songs at sound checks.

- Original.

It's comfortable. It's enough to play the same thing. We first play one proven composition so that the sound engineer understands the sound production, and then we play whatever comes to mind.

So you come up with the outline of a song with an accordion, then you and the guys put together an arrangement. At what stage do words appear?

Differently. There are no rules. It happens that when composing you hum a fish, and then select the text for it. For example, the song “Strong Woman”. There was no plan to make a track about a strong woman. These syllables just lay on this reef, and then the whole train began to cling. And sometimes you play music and images immediately appear.

Do you have an inner feeling from the lyrics about what should be in The Hatters and what should not? Topics that you definitely won’t touch.

There will never be any politics.

- What about domestic protest?

Cheap. For our music, certainly. The only such song is Stay True, and even then it is more diffuse. Well, Fuck You. But this is also more of a joke. Basically, everything we have is more generalized. Or vice versa, too personal stories.

- Is there something that makes you cry?

At almost every concert from the song “Winter”. It so happened that while writing the song, my father died. Always associated. There is also a song “Mom”, which is also purely personal. Well, I really don't have time to call. Although it exists, of course. At least pick up the phone and dial now. But no.