The randomness of numbers falling out in keno. Secrets of a successful game of keno

Keno is becoming an increasingly popular game all over the world. And the secret to success lies in incredibly simple rules. People join the game wanting to understand how lucky they are. Indeed, luck decides everything here. There are a lot of possible outcomes, so it is very difficult to get a big win, but small wins are available to many. It is these small winnings that allow you to treat the game more favorably than the same slot machines.

Is it possible to win at keno?

There are many opinions about this. Some people, considering Keno to be a simple lottery, are confident in the likelihood of positive success and place bets to win the jackpot. Others believe that everything is known in advance and the maximum that can be received is a double bet. However, both categories of people play and will play Keno.

There are a large number of different game strategies, some of which are really effective. It is very important to choose the right strategy. Since trust gambling establishments claim that the winning percentage here is 66%, which is quite high.

Thus, by adding a little math to luck, you can significantly increase the likelihood of success. It is worth considering the game strategies in more detail.

Keno Strategies and Secrets

The essence of the game is to guess a series of numbers, if they match, you can get a multi-million dollar win. Of course, the prospect is tempting, but the likelihood of a positive outcome is negligible. It is worth using some tricks to increase the likelihood of winning.

There are more and less effective ways to increase your winnings, but there is no universal advice. So, for example, based on statistical data, it is possible to make a calculation of which numbers are more likely to appear. So, if you bet on just 2 numbers, the probability of success will be 38%, and if you decide to guess all the numbers, you are almost guaranteed to lose. The bottom line is this: the more numbers we bet, the less likely it is to guess a specific one.

Based on this data, it is possible to develop a strategy yourself. If you decide to follow one of those suggested on the Internet, you should pass it through the filter of your own understanding. The fact is that there are several outright fraudulent and losing technologies that were written by casino employees or other specialists interested in losing users. If the goal is to beat back and slightly increase your funds, then it is better to bet on a small number of numbers. In case of failure, the loss will be small, and in case of success, a minimum win is guaranteed.

By choosing 4 numbers out of 10, you have a better chance of winning than by choosing 6 numbers out of 10. However, constantly change your game tactics. Bet on new numbers, increase and decrease their number. This will allow you to place combined bets and understand which techniques are more effective. When playing Keno, it doesn't matter what numbers you choose. Quantity is important. Remember that one number is enough to get the minimum, but to become a millionaire, bet the maximum.

Many people say that winning at keno is impossible. I fundamentally disagree with this opinion. , like any other lottery, is designed for luck. This is true, but even casino games sometimes bring in big money. Then why is it impossible to win at keno? It is possible to win at keno if you follow a few simple rules. So, keno how to guess the winning numbers.

Rule 1: look at the results of the latest draws

This rule is the most important: you need to look at at least 20-30 recent draws. Carefully study all the details: what numbers were drawn, what were the winning amounts, how many people played, etc. Write down all the most important things in a notebook.

Rule 2: choose numbers that haven’t been drawn for a long time

Why should you choose this option? It's very simple: if a certain number hasn't been drawn for a long time, most likely it will appear soon. This rule works almost always. But here you need to choose numbers that have not appeared in draws for at least the last 25 draws.

Rule 3: don’t expect to win, but expect good emotions

Those players who won the main prize - the jackpot - assure: the less serious you are about the game, the faster you win. Don't expect to win your first million today. Choose numbers and just start the game. The main thing is to be in a good mood.

Rule 4: Energy is important, even if you don’t believe in the power of magic

This rule is extremely simple: you need to choose a place to play that evokes only positive emotions. For example, you should not play away, in a noisy room, while standing in line or in public transport. Your thoughts should only be about the game, only then will you be able to create the necessary and most importantly positive energy.

Rule 5: connect your intuition

Keno how to guess the winning numbers if the previous 4 methods did not work? Try to understand what your intuition advises you. Sometimes we completely ignore our inner voice. Namely, he can tell us when we should play and when not. + we can feel which numbers are better to choose and which ones to refuse.

Keno: how to guess the winning numbers: let's summarize

So, here's what you need for a good game: archives, the rarest numbers, intuition, good energy and an easy attitude to the draw. If you follow these simple tips, you can win some serious money.

"Sportloto" is a popular lottery brand that combines a package of several gambling games, such as "Sportloto 6 out of 49", "Keno", "SportTOTO", as well as a number of instant lotteries. This brand is widely popular in the CIS countries, so probably every third resident knows how to play Sportloto. And daily, local news channels broadcast cash prize drawings, as well as numerous interviews with the lucky winners of winning tickets.

In this article you can learn not only how to play Sportloto, but most importantly, how to win.

Game categories "Sportloto"

As mentioned above, one brand includes a whole range of all kinds of games. Therefore, there is simply no clear answer to the question of how to play Sportloto. The rules and mechanisms depend on which game category you have chosen. Thus, “Sportloto” includes the following games:

  1. "Sportloto 6 out of 49".
  2. "Keno".
  3. "Sports forecast".
  4. "Blitz".
  5. "Sportloto 5 out of 36".
  6. "SportTOTO".
  7. "Tails."

Acceptance of applications for participation in the gaming tour is carried out at the operator’s workplace, through a special terminal. It is very easy to recognize the operator of the Sport-Pari company. Gaming terminals are installed in crowded places, such as shopping, entertainment and gaming centers. The terminal is equipped with a stand with the symbols of the Sport-Pari company and a monitor on which winning combinations in the Blitz game are broadcast.

Lottery system equipment

In its activities, the company uses a specially developed Sport-pari computer system. As mentioned earlier, player registration is carried out through a special terminal, from which information is transmitted to the central computer system. The connection between the terminal and the central computer is carried out in “real time” mode, so failures in accepting applications for the game are excluded.

All gaming equipment of the Sport-Pari company fully complies with international standards, and it also has a powerful security system, which ensures the protection of all data from unauthorized intervention.

The drawing of cash prizes is completely computerized, therefore, the factor of human intervention is completely reduced to zero. The presence of operators at gaming terminals is largely due to the need to provide reliable information to the player on how to play Sportloto.

"Sportloto 6 out of 49": rules of the game

“Sportloto 6 out of 49” is an open electronic drawing for cash prizes, which is carried out by the lottery organizers three times a week. You can follow them during live broadcast on local TV channels or online on the website of the Sport-Pari company. You can place a bet through a specially equipped terminal, online on the Sport-Pari company website, or through a special mobile application. The latter is available for Android and iOS operating systems.

How to place a bet?

Persons over 18 years of age can place a bet. A bet is an arbitrary game combination of 6 numbers in the range from 1 to 49 inclusive. Before placing a bet, be sure to familiarize yourself with how to play Sportloto correctly - this will help you increase your chances of winning. To participate in the drawing you need:

  1. Fill out the game coupon (if the bet is made through the terminal). The coupon is free and can be obtained at any point of sale.
  2. Place a bet. To do this, you will need to fill out two playing fields. In the first, you indicate the number of game drawings in which you would like to take part, in the second, a game combination of 6 numbers in the range from 1 to 49.
  3. Give the coupon to the operator and pay your bet according to the specified rates.
  4. Pick up and save the forecast check. After you have made the payment, the operator is obliged to give you a receipt for payment and a check forecast. The latter is a kind of lottery ticket in the game “Sportloto 6 out of 49”. You are not allowed to play with only a payment receipt. The forecast check is the only proof of your participation in the game.

Raffle prizes

Prize drawings for the game “Sportloto 6 of 49” are held three times a week. They are played using a lottery machine, which contains numbered balls with numerical values ​​from 1 to 49 inclusive.

The winning combination consists of a sequential random drop of balls from the lottery drum. The extraction of balls occurs automatically, i.e. without human intervention. The drawing process is monitored by the drawing commission, which at the end of the drawing gives an expert opinion on compliance with the rules of the game, and also records the sequence of winning balls in the drawing protocol.

Rules of the game "Keno"

Draws of the electronic interactive game “Keno” are held every day. It has some advantages compared to the game “Sportloto 6 out of 49”. These include:

  • Fixed winnings. That is, the winnings are not divided among all winners, but go to each player separately.
  • Independent choice of game. The Keno game itself contains 9 games. The player chooses the category, bet size, number of draws and game combination independently.
  • High chances of winning. Using the 10/20/60 matrix of the Keno game, you can calculate that every 6(!) bet will be a winning one.

It is worth mentioning that if the total winning fund is exceeded, the prize money is divided proportionally between the players who guessed the winning combination.

How to take part in the game

The mechanism for accepting bets in the Keno game is similar to the mechanism in the Sportloto 6 out of 49 game, which was given above. The only difference is that instead of filling out two fields on the game coupon, you will need to fill out four. In this case you will see:

  1. Game Category field. It is filled in depending on how many numbers you plan to guess; its value should be from 2 to 20 - this is what the Sportloto rules say. How to play - guessing 5 numbers or 10 is up to you.
  2. Field "Game combination". Here you need to mark the combination of numbers you have chosen, in accordance with the “Game Category” field. That is, if you noted that you are going to guess 7 numbers, then, accordingly, the number of marks in the “Game combination” field should match this value. You can also use the “AUTO” mark, this means that the computer will independently generate a combination of random numbers for you.
  3. "Bid price" field. The mechanism is simple; by choosing the maximum bet, you also get the opportunity to win the maximum.
  4. Field "Number of draws". It is necessary to indicate in it how many draws your gaming combination will participate in.

How to play Sportloto 5 out of 36?

The game “Sportloto 5 out of 36”, unlike the similar game “Sportloto 6 out of 49”, is a “pool game”. This means that the amount of winnings directly depends on the number of bets made at the time of the draw. That is, the more bets, the larger the prize fund. This game also has a number of unique advantages:

  • The size of the jackpot increases every minute and directly depends on the number of bets made.
  • Even two numbers guessed will be a winning combination.
  • Low cost per bet.

Also, due to the bonus ball, this game can rightfully be called “Sportloto 6 out of 36”. How to play Sportloto 6 out of 36? It's simple. If you have 2, 3, 4 numbers matched, the bonus ball gives you the opportunity to increase your winnings. That is, after the lottery machine issues five mandatory balls, you must definitely wait for the sixth, additional one, which can significantly increase the total amount of your winnings.

Cash prize drawings are held live on a local TV channel three times a week. In addition, you can find out the results of the draw online or through the mobile application. Matching even two game balls guarantees you a win in this draw. If all five numbers match, you become the lucky winner of the jackpot.


All of the above points are key knowledge that you can now use before taking part in the game. If you still have questions that were not addressed in this article and which relate to how to play Sportloto, an extensive network of sales points has been developed in Belarus and Russia, where you can find answers to them from gaming terminal operators.

Winnings in all categories of games from the Sport-Pari company up to 300 rubles are awarded at the company’s branded outlets, and from 300 rubles - at the offices of the Sport-Pari company, no later than two working days after the winner’s application. A large amount of winnings can be paid either in cash or by transferring this amount to the winner’s bank card.

By choosing a lottery from the Sport-Betting company, you independently influence your victory, without relying on faceless numbers on a piece of paper.

Many bookmakers play the Keno lottery among their clients. At first glance, this is empty fun that only benefits its organizer, in this case the bookmaker. However, some players manage to make good profits from participating in Keno draws.

The game itself is very simple. It is based on a random number generator. The program works according to a clear algorithm and throws out numbers each time with a certain probability. We emphasize that the chances of getting any number are always the same and do not depend on previous drops.

There are a lot of combinations of numbers falling out. The participant in the drawing bets on the cells in quantities from 2 to 10 pieces. His task is to guess as many drawn numbers as possible. The size of his winnings directly depends on this.

Experienced Keno players know well that it is better to hunt for small wins than to wait for a long time for a big one. A chain of small prizes encourages further bets and does not lead to depression after many defeats.

Ways to win at Keno

It is quite logical to assume that there is no single answer to the question of how to win at Keno at a bookmaker. Some players do not use any strategy, but rely entirely on luck. The second category adheres to the tactic that you need to place as many bets as possible in order to get a tangible profit.

A very interesting method of betting on Keno at a bookmaker is the method of fewer numbers. Simple mathematics shows that the probability of winning by betting on 4 out of 10 numbers is higher than betting on 6 out of 10.

If we talk about more complex methods of winning, some Keno experts claim that this is the most effective one. What is its essence? The logic of this method becomes clear if you catch one important point. If you bet on one number, your chances of guessing will be 25%. When betting on 2 numbers, the probability of guessing at least one will increase to 38.5%. For 3 numbers, the chances of guessing one number will be 43%. By increasing the number of numbers, the chances of guessing one of them improve.

With this information, you can try to develop your strategy. It is important to consider how bookmakers pay for number matches in Keno. Some pay for winnings for matching 1-2 numbers, while others pay for 2-4. There are options when the range of numbers from 5 to 10 is taken into account. This means that you need to guess at least 5 numbers.

Among the most effective methods of playing Keno is the one where you bet on 1-2 numbers. In this case, you can count on small but reliable winnings. It’s like betting on sports using small quotes. Some bettors try to find the right events and get maximum profit by betting large amounts. The second category of players uses this approach: it is better to lose several times, but wait for a big win.

Important nuances

It is more profitable to play Keno than in real gambling establishments. Bookmakers are forced to take into account competition, and as a result, reduce margins to minimum values. Lottery organizers do not yet feel such competition. That's why they take the maximum. As a result, it turns out that the generation of random numbers, which is used in online betting, gives players more chances than when playing in the KENO lottery machine.

Keno is a world-famous game that year after year fulfills the dreams of acquiring wealth for ordinary people. Even though the rules of playing keno are extremely simple and you do not need any special skills or experience, a very large number of casino fans do not lose interest in keno, continuing to fight and try their luck in this, let’s not be afraid of the word, lottery.

The essence of keno is incredibly simple - like most other gambling games, it is based on random numbers. If you prefer to play keno online, then there will be a special program for you to generate such numbers. All the player needs to do is bet on several numbers on the playing field, and the final outcome of the game will depend on whether the cells on which bets were previously placed with the thrown numbers coincide.

A huge number of combinations that may appear on the playing field play their role - the probability of a positive outcome of the game becomes very small. So, a player can bet on 2-10 cells, and, accordingly, the more cells are winning, the greater the winnings can be received in the end. And if you have ever thought about playing keno and even tried your hand at it, then it will definitely not be news to you that winnings here can actually be repeated endlessly.

Large prizes are won very rarely, however, all the players’ hopes lie primarily in small amounts, which brings a fundamentally new sensation to the game.

How to win at keno?

Surprisingly, however, people who play keno regularly are truly convinced that there is a complete system for winning in keno and, despite its simplicity, its effectiveness has been proven by players in many countries.

In practice, understanding such a winning system is not very difficult, and it doesn’t hurt to test it. There are several rules of the so-called “club of successful players” - we will tell you about them below as part of this material.

To be absolutely sure of a positive outcome of the game, you will need to learn as much information as possible about keno. Someone acts on their own, using the same trial and error method. There is a category of players who take advantage of other people's experience and even create their own individual strategies. Note that professional keno players use effective strategies that have been honed to the point of automaticity.

All sorts of little things matter - what types of bets will be offered to players, what is the percentage of return on winnings, is there a progressive jackpot and what bonuses does the gambling establishment offer? It is precisely these little things that make up an effective keno playing system.

A few secrets

A game where the player bets on a smaller number of numbers has a better chance of winning than, for example, a game on large numbers. This is an insignificant detail, but at the same time, it can be decisive, especially when it comes to the first steps, the initial stages of the game. Simple mathematics shows that the chances of betting 4 out of 10 are much greater than those of betting 6 out of 10. Note to all beginners - start playing only with small numbers.

Players must make 100% use of the betting variety. Thus, when you have already tried your hand at one type of bet, you can absolutely safely switch to bets of a different kind - they can be either combined or separate. As you gain experience, you will be able to analyze the game situation on your own and see when and what is the best bet to make at one time or another. And even if the game does not bring you winnings for some time, this is a signal that you need to change your strategy as soon as possible, using not only single, but also combined bets.

In any area of ​​human activity, self-improvement plays a very important role. To win consistently, you must systematically discover new horizons, practice more, and use different strategies. Everything is in the hands of the player.

Keno playing systems

As practice shows, the overwhelming majority of players view gambling as nothing other than a way to test their luck. Will that very wheel of Fortune turn in their favor this time, will luck be favorable to them? Yes, of course, if you just want to have fun, this is a great strategy. But there is another category of players who make every effort to calculate any patterns. Alan Kriegman, the author of many keno betting systems, actually falls into the second category.

The mathematician was guided by a simple thought - since the percentage of return in the game is minimal, for this reason it is necessary to develop a strategy that, if not even the chances, will significantly increase the player’s chances of winning.

There are rumors that due to fierce competition, the return on virtual casinos that offer keno games ranges from 80 to 95%. But in fact, all this is quite exaggerated.

Keno playing system

Let's move on to the details, touching directly on the game system. It is well known that the biggest win in keno can only be achieved when all the numbers without exception have been guessed. But in practice, the chance of winning such a brilliant victory is incredibly small - according to analysts’ calculations, it is 1 in 3.5 trillion. Let's give a simple example: if the entire population of the planet played keno, then in this case there would be no more than 20 jackpots on the planet per day.

Let's give a specific example. Let's say you are playing keno and you need to determine from 1 to 20 numbers. If bets are placed on 1 number, then in this case the probability of guessing it will not exceed 25%. In turn, 2 numbers give a 38% chance of guessing one of the numbers. As the number of numbers increases, the probability of guessing a specific number only increases.

Thus, using the information provided, you can build your keno strategy. It is also necessary to take into account the policy of the institution in which you play the game, since the rules and, accordingly, the amounts of payment for combinations may undergo serious changes over time.

Often, some casinos offer payouts for winnings in strictly defined ranges. In some cases, they pay for ranges from 1 to 2 matches, less often - from 2 to 4. There are also casinos that count a player’s victory only if 5 or more numbers match.

The safest style of play is to bet on a small number of numbers. Yes, of course, the winnings will be very modest, but, on the other hand, the losses will not hurt your pocket. But if, as the old saying goes, “a steal makes a million,” choose to play at places that use progressive jackpots.

A few more important tips. It doesn’t matter what specific numbers will be chosen - what matters is what quantity you choose. It’s simple – the more numbers you bet on, the more you can win in the end. If the strategy has justified itself, change it immediately, since the likelihood of it “shooting” again is incredibly low.

And if you play in a TV quiz, then you can't do without attentiveness. Often, lottery organizers simply had no one to give the prize to, since the lucky winners did not show up for payment, having forgotten about the ticket. By the way, playing keno on the Internet is about 50 times faster and here you can get good practice.