How many languages ​​does Nastya Kamensky know? Personal life of Nastya Kamensky

Personal life, sports, diets, difficult periods in life. Nastya admitted that for a long time she was unsure of herself and even turned to a psychologist for help, because she “ate” her worries with food. The singer managed to overcome her complexes - the artist pulled herself together, took up sports, changed her lifestyle and changed both externally and internally. So, from 78 kilograms, Nastya managed to lose weight to 62.

The artist does not hide that she is a very gentle, kind and reliable person. And the most important thing in life for her is love.

“The most important thing for me is love. She conquers everything. And I will endure, suffer, suffer, but for the sake of love I am ready to do anything. A million percent. This is stupid, perhaps, but for some reason it seems to me that this is such a cool feeling that, in principle, you can do anything for it. I'm for love. And ready to go to the end. “I’m crazy in this regard,” Nastya admitted.

The artist also spoke about her personal life. The singer admits that she does not like to talk about her relationship, because she had bad experiences in the past. However, at the meeting, Nastya still said that now her heart is not free and she is happy in her relationship.

“When I had an accident, I was dating a guy named Vova. Now I adore him, I love him, he is my friend. Then I made my relationship public. She showed and told everything. And we parted with him. There were, of course, different reasons, but then one person told me that happiness loves silence. When you have a family and want children, it’s better that no one knows this. Now I advise everyone that not only publicly, but even girlfriends and friends do not need to tell. Now I am a very loving person, very happy. I'm fine with this. I think that over time you will learn everything about my personal life, but for now I want to protect it and get away from it myself,” admits the artist.

Nastya also spoke about the duet with Potap. The singer noted that at the beginning of their career they often quarreled, but over 10 years they learned to accept each other as they are.

“The duet was created by the universe. By chance we started singing a song and everyone really liked it. But we had confrontations at the very beginning. We are both very similar: we are both Taurus, both very creative. It happened that for two months we went on tour every day and didn’t talk to each other, we lived in different hotels so as not to catch each other’s eyes. Behind the scenes, we literally sent each other on our way. But at some point we realized that people really like our work. And we must do this for the sake of people, not for ourselves. And we started working. And the most important thing is that we still talk about it, we are proud of our achievements. Everyone has their place: Potap is smart, Nastya is beautiful. We sing funny, cheerful songs. Now this is truly our pride,” said the singer.

Potap (real name - Alexey Andreevich Potapenko) was born on May 8, 1981 in the city of Kyiv, Ukraine. His mother is a world champion in relay diving and is now a children's swimming coach. Father - Andrey Alekseevich, military man. Since childhood, Potap has led a very active and hectic life. He took up swimming, then water polo, and achieved the title of master of sports. This took up all his free time from studying, but despite this, Alyosha was a good student, during all the years of study he had only 3 C grades.

Potap in childhood.

Nastya Kamenskikh (Anastasia Alekseevna Kamenskikh) was born on May 4, 1987 in Kyiv, Ukraine. At the age of 5, she went to France under a child exchange program, but she stayed there only for a short time and soon returned to her homeland. Then she lived and studied in Italy for seven years, also under a child exchange program.

Nastya Kamenskikh in childhood.

In 2006 he created the duet “Potap and Nastya”, in which Alexey acts as a producer, performer, author of lyrics and music, director and screenwriter of videos. A year later he became a laureate of the festival “New Songs about the Main Thing” as the author of the hit “Not a Couple”.

Potap and Nastya Kamenskih.

At the III All-Russian competition “5 Stars” in 2007, the duet became the winner and was awarded the opportunity to perform the anthem of the 2014 Olympics, which will be held in Sochi. “Potap and Nastya” are prize-winners of various music festivals and winners of numerous awards, including “Song of the Year”, “Golden Gramophone”, “Muz-TV Award”, “Sharmanka”, “RU.TV”; participants of the festival "Tavria Games", the International music festival in Yalta "Crimea Music Fest".

Potap and Nastya received the Golden Gramophone.

In 2011, Potap wrote the song “Freaks” specifically for the official soundtrack of the comedy blockbuster of the same name. The composition performed by the duet “Potap and Nastya” and the video for the song “Freaks” became the flagship of the film’s promotional campaign.

Nastya Kamenskikh is the most beautiful girl in Ukraine. It is not at all surprising that so many people are interested in her personal life, but the singer herself does not consider it necessary to dwell on this topic.

Nastya’s parents instilled in their daughter a love of discipline from childhood. Already at the age of 5, they sent the girl on an exchange to study in France. But either Nastya didn’t like France, or her parents were not yet ready to let their daughter go for a longer period, she soon returned home. A year later, Nastya was sent abroad again, this time to Italy. Nastya spent a lot of time in this country; she constantly went there on exchange. The love for Italy is still alive in Anastasia.

Nastya Kamenskikh met Potap by a happy accident. Potap was looking for a singer to record one song as a duet. But he liked working with Nastya so much that he offered to continue singing together. He is also the group's producer.

Personal life of Nastya Kamenskikh

Not much is known about Nastya’s personal life. While still at school, Nastya met Vladimir Dyatlov. During their university years, their love was tested by distance. At first they steadfastly withstood this test, but over time the love relationship grew into friendship. Together, Nastya and Vladimir experienced a terrible tragedy - Vladimir’s entire family died in a car accident. This fact prevents the former couple from losing sight of each other; they are still close friends.

Nastya is credited with many novels; rumors constantly arise that Nastya Kamenskikh is pregnant. But every time the girl and her producer deny all the rumors. The phrase “Nastya Kamenskaya’s husband is Chistyakov” is often found on the Internet, and many may confuse the heroine of the detective novel and TV series Kamenskaya with the singer Nastya Kamenskikh. We will find out who Nastya Kamenskikh’s husband is when she finally has a husband. And now Nastya prefers to throw herself into her work and keep silent about her private life.

Nastya Kamenskikh is a talented Ukrainian singer, whose popularity came with her participation in the group “Potap and Nastya”. All the songs performed by this group were incredibly successful and were very much loved by the Ukrainian and Russian audience of listeners. Among other things, Nastya Kamenskikh is one of the most attractive and sexy women in the country. The singer is not just a “decoration” of the group, she has a good voice and excellent hearing. Fans of the song group idolize Nastya Kamenskikh, admiring not only her vocals, but also her charisma.

Height, weight, age. How old is Nastya Kamenskikh

As soon as the first rays of fame fell on the singer, all fans rushed to find out details from her life, such as height, weight, age. How old is Nastya Kamenskikh? There is great interest in the girl’s parameters due to the fact that she periodically gains weight. True, recently the singer has been actively working on her body and visiting the gym. She has lost a lot of weight and looks great. Today her height is 174 cm and her weight is 64 kg. She celebrated her 31st birthday in May. Nastya Kamenskikh looks great, and therefore she is often invited to shoot various glossy magazines.

Biography of Nastya Kamensky

The biography of Nastya Kamenskikh dates back to 1987, from the day of her birth. The singer is a native of Kiev, her mother was a singer (place of work is the National Academic Choir), and her father is a football player. The singer’s current surname is her mother’s maiden name, which Nastya took for herself, but was forced to abandon her father’s surname, which was not in tune with the stage.

Nastya Kamenskikh’s mother insisted on studying music, and at the age of 6 she sent her daughter to a music school. In addition, she received individual vocal lessons. Most likely, the mother recognized her daughter’s talent and decided to develop it.

Nastya Kamenskikh was involved in an exchange program for preschoolers, and then, while still very young, she visited France, Italy and other countries. The parents lived modestly, but they really wanted their daughter to live differently. True, Nastya did not like it in France, from where she quickly returned home. But Italy left an indelible impression on Nastya Kamenskikh, where she will return more than once.

In addition to music, the future celebrity studied ballet for a long time and also plays tennis well. Then she had a rather busy schedule, because she still had to be on time for classes at the gymnasium. The singer remembers these times with nostalgia and thanks her mother, who made her childhood bright and colorful.

When Nastya Kamenskikh received her certificate, she decided to enter the Ukrainian-American Humanitarian Institute, the Faculty of Economics. Education here was conducted entirely in English.

Nastya Kamenskikh’s career began in 2004, when she managed to take the grand prix at the Black Sea Games. The following year, the Ukrainian singer wins the prestigious song competition “UBN Awords”. Then Nastya was named the discovery of the year. This was a valuable and significant victory at the start of the young singer’s song career.

Nastya Kamenskikh at the 'Black Sea Games 2004'

After some two years, Nastya Kamenskikh was invited to Potap’s group, who was just looking for an interesting and talented singer. Potap, or Alexey Potapenko, was not only a vocalist, but also wrote songs himself and directed videos. Although, at first, Nastya Kamenskikh did not impress Potap, with whom they had frequent quarrels, but, over time, they not only became an excellent team, but also good friends. Moreover, due to the singer’s difficult character, the couple quarreled almost every day for at least the first couple of years of cooperation. Nevertheless, this did not become an obstacle to the creation of masterpiece songs and their incredible popularity.

Nastya Kamensky also had several tragic episodes. One of these was a terrible accident, in which the Ukrainian singer was also a participant. Then the relatives of her lover died.

One day, Nastya Kamenskikh wanted extreme sports and decided to go parachute jumping. Due to inexplicable circumstances, during the singer’s jump, her parachute did not open. She survived, but suffered a compound fracture of her leg.

The first song, “Without Love,” was warmly received by domestic listeners, and also occupied the first lines of the country’s charts for a long time. The following songs “Not a Couple” and “Khutorok” simply blew up the Ukrainian public and made Potap and Nastya popular.

Each subsequent composition of the duet instantly became a hit and was heard from all radio stations not only in Ukraine, but also in Russia. The special manner of performance and humor of the songs allowed Potap and Nastya to stand out from the mass of other song groups, falling in love with millions of music lovers.

One of the couple’s brightest works is the composition “In our area”; soon, not a single disco or party was complete without these incendiary songs.

All the hits of Potap and Nastya Kamensky broke sales records and were very popular far beyond the borders of Ukraine. This was facilitated not only by the talent of the singers, but also by a special manner of performance with inherent humor and ridicule of the most diverse and stupid antics of modern society.

In addition to her singing career, Nastya Kamenskikh successfully developed as a TV star. After the group’s first popular songs, the singer began to be invited to star in a musical, as well as to record the soundtrack for the film “Freaks.” Nastya Kamenskikh also very successfully participated in several Ukrainian television projects.

Last year, the duo announced the suspension of their singing activities. At the same time, Potap and Nastya promised their fans a surprise, which they would all see soon.

According to some reports, the reason for the demise of the group is Nastya Kamenskikh’s desire to develop in a solo direction. Another version is the creation of a family and the singer’s pregnancy.

Over the course of 11 years, the duo released five albums, each of which contained over 15 songs.

Today, Nastya Kamenskikh continues to participate in various television shows, and has also released her own line of clothing.

Although the duo broke up for an indefinite period of time, Potap and Nastya often see each other and maintain friendly relations.

Personal life of Nastya Kamensky and Potap

The personal life of Nastya Kamensky and Potap is often discussed in the press. Despite the fact that the duo denies the relationship in every possible way, nevertheless, loud statements about their romance are heard in the press every now and then.

Yes, indeed, Potap and Nastya often spend time together, go on tour, and constantly attend all social events and parties together. But this is rather part of their work, and not their own initiative. Despite this, fans of the song group see them not just as a duet, but as a couple. Even when Potap was married, and Nastya Kamensky had a long-term and serious relationship, the media and public were circulating rumors about an affair.

After several years of heated quarrels, Potap and Nastya began to work as a single whole, complementing each other, and therefore, it is not surprising that everyone considers them a couple. Moreover, Nastya Kamenskikh is a very spectacular and beautiful woman who drives millions of men crazy.

Although the singer is popular with men, she lacks variety in her personal life. The press knows only one serious relationship between Nastya Kamensky. For a long time she met with a certain Vladimir Dyatlov, who had to leave Kyiv. This was the reason for the breakup of the couple, who now only maintain friendly relations at a distance.

As for the singer’s partner Potap, he has been married to Irina Gorovaya for a long time, they are raising two children. Potap, aka Alexey Potapenko, currently continues to work on his own production center and is actively promoting the famous Ukrainian group “Time and Glass”. Also, Potap is in demand on Ukrainian television as a showman and host of major musical projects.

As follows from the latest news, rumors that the Potap-Nastya Kamensky couple have only a working relationship turned out to be premature. From the posts on the singer’s Instagram account, we can conclude that the couple spends a lot of time together.

The lovers stopped hiding their relationship only on their wedding day, May 23, 2019, on the same day a video for the song “Constant” appeared online, the theme of which was dedicated to the wedding celebration.

Wedding of Nastya Kamensky and Alexey Potapenko

The media, and the fans themselves, have been claiming for a long time that Potap and Nastya got married in secret from everyone. There was a lot of gossip surrounding their romance, but the performers themselves denied it in every possible way until the day of the official wedding. Of course, the basis for conversation is not only the beautiful and sexy Nastya Kamenskikh, but also Potap’s frequent flattering reviews of his work partner. On the Internet, he often warmly comments on Nastya Kamensky’s photos. And finally, the wildest guesses of the fans came true - their idols played a magnificent wedding.

The newlyweds celebrated at the Fabius restaurant, located in a picturesque suburb of Kyiv in a pine forest. About 250 guests were invited to the epoch-making event, including stars of Ukrainian show business and Potap’s wards - the group “Time and Glass”. One could also notice Alexei’s now ex-wife, Irina Gorovaya.

The couple approached the organization of the main event in their lives more than responsibly - the images of both “heroes” of the occasion were thought out to the smallest detail - Nastya appeared in a luxurious lace dress with a deep neckline to the waist, while the groom remained true to his stage style and wore a beige-colored suit with sneakers.

The celebration site was also carefully decorated in a romantic style - fringed chandeliers hung from the ceiling, candles and white roses adorned the tables, and the newlyweds gave preference to natural motifs and natural materials in the design of the exit registration arch and photo zone.

Kamenskikh Anastasia Alekseevna is a Ukrainian singer, sexy soloist of the popular duet “Potap and Nastya”.

In addition to her vocal abilities, she has a bright appearance, impulsiveness and a difficult character.

Recognized as the most beautiful and sexy woman in Ukraine.

Childhood and youth

Nastya Kamenskikh is a native of Ukraine. Born in Kyiv, 05/04/1987. She came into a family of professional musicians.

Mom - Lidia Petrovna sang in the national academic choir. G. Ropes.

Father, Alexey Iosifovich, served as concert director in the same choir.

Nastya in childhood

He also led the Dynamo volleyball team. From an early age, the girl was instilled with an interest in music.

In addition, the mother tried to raise her daughter in many ways and give her as much knowledge as possible.

From the age of 5, the little girl began to participate in the international child exchange program in Ukraine.

First, mom sends Nastya to France, but the girl didn’t like it there.

She begins to ask to return and soon returns to her native Kyiv. At the age of 6, the girl went to music school.

I started learning to play the piano. Nastya also attends tennis classes and ballet class.

The girl also managed to study in a regular school thanks to strict discipline and control from her parents.

At school age, the future singer is sent to Italy. There she began to spend 6 months annually over the next 7 years.

Nastya lived with an Italian family and attended a local school in Naples. The singer remembers this period as very important and exciting.

Then she acquired not only Italian “brothers” and “sisters”, but also second parents.

In Naples, a black-haired girl with curly hair was often mistaken for a local beauty.

By the end of high school, Nastya, thanks to the child exchange program, spoke several languages ​​perfectly.

However, she decides to master another language. She enters the American-Ukrainian Institute, where all training took place in English.

The girl chooses a serious profession - a specialist in foreign economic activity.

Along with serious lectures on economics and finance, Nastya Kamenskikh manages to pay attention to her vocals.

In 2004 he took part in the Black Sea Games competition and won the main prize.

A year later, she became the winner of the English UBN Awards “Discovery of the Year”.

Creative career

The first step towards Nastya Kamenskikh’s musical future was the recording of a video for the song “What’s the Difference” in 2006.

It was filmed with the support of the production company Music-Motors. It was at this time that fate pitted Nastya against Alexey Potapenko (Potap).

As a test, they decided to sing a duet. Their collaboration resulted in the professional duet “Potap and Nastya”.

With Alexey Potapenko

In 2007, they became the undisputed winners of the Five Stars competition in sunny Sochi.

However, as soon as they started recording other songs in the studio, Potap was faced with the girl’s tough and difficult temperament.

During the first years, Nastya and Potap had to get used to and adapt to each other. Initially, not a day passed without the duo quarreling to smithereens.

But personal relationships had no effect on creativity. The duo consistently produced hit after hit.

Having conquered the Ukrainian public, Nastya and Potap decide to expand the territory of their popularity.

Soon, throughout Russia, their dance songs “Not a Couple” and “On the Area” were heard in every club and from every window.

In just a couple of years of joint work, they received many music awards. They were recognized as the most touring musical duo.

In 2008, their first album “Not a Couple” was released. A year later, the public was presented with the next collection of hits, “Don’t Love My Brains.”

Fans had to wait 4 years for the next album. “Everything in a Bunch” goes on sale in 2013.

After 2 years, the duo, preparing the next album, recorded a joint song with “Dog Style”. A video for this song will be shot soon.

For this filming, the singer lost extra pounds by doing individual training with a choreographer.

In addition to music, Nastya Kamenskikh actively participates in various television projects.

She tries herself as an actress and TV presenter. She plays the main role in the musical film “Little Red Riding Hood”.

The singer also has experience in professional photo shoots for glossy magazines. Her candid photos can be seen on the pages of “XXL”, “MAXIM” and “Playboy”.

Working on television

In 2008, together with Garik Kharlamov, she participated in the central channel show “Two Stars”. She dropped out of it based on the results of the audience vote.

She also tried her hand at the Ukrainian dance project “I Dance for You.”

Nastya had to leave the project ahead of time due to the tour of the duet “Potap and Nastya”.

In 2010, N. Kamenskikh appeared on the show “Zirka+Zirka” on channel 1+1. Maria Berseneva kept her company. The girl only reached the 10th broadcast.

She was the presenter of the morning entertainment program “Guten Morgen!” on channel M1. In 2014, she tried herself as a radio presenter.

In 2016, Nastya came to channel 1+1 as the host of the children's version of the program “Make the Comedian Laugh.”

Personal life

Nastya Kamensky's first serious relationship arose during her student years. Her classmate, Volodya Dyatlov, became her lover.

At first they were just friends, and later platonic feelings grew into something more. However, their love was overshadowed by a terrible car tragedy.

Nastya was going to celebrate the birthday of Volodya’s younger sister, Marusya.

With friend Volodya

In the car were the young man himself, his parents and 2 sisters, including the birthday girl.

Their car was thrown into a ditch. Nastya woke up next to a mangled car with a mutilated and torn leg.

The doctors who arrived at the scene of the accident were unable to save the parents of Volodya Dyatlov and Marusya. Nastya has a long scar all over her leg from this trip.

Because of the tragedy, the young man had to transfer to study in another city.

However, Nastya’s career has taken off and she is gaining popularity. And Volodya begins to be jealous, which leads to constant conflicts and quarrels.

Nastya and Volodya make a joint decision to part ways as friends. Since 2009, the girl, who was having a hard time with the breakup, has gone completely into creativity.

However, the young people did not stop communicating completely. They meet once a year on the day of the June 8 tragedy to remember the victims.

Since then, Nastya has been trying not to talk about her relationship. Often in the media you can read information about the singer’s love relationship with her duet partner, Potap.