Sean Penn personal life. Sean Penn - biography, information, personal life

Sean Penn is a fighter for life. The actor, by his own admission, fights either for or against. The “pro” category includes frank interpersonal relationships, high aspirations in the film industry, “and not the s*** in which the majority are now engaged, when films are not made, but advertised.” The movie star is disliked for his political views:

“The ideal society is socialism with a human face.”
Embed from Getty Images Actor Sean Penn

He, in turn, is not going to adapt to what is commonly called the market and the American market, and has earned the title of Hollywood's chief complainant. And, according to rumors, he extorted money to help the people of Haiti from the powers that be, threatening to expose the skeletons in their closets to public display. And with such roughness, Penn is one of the most titled actors of the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries.

Childhood and youth

Sean Justin Penn was born in August 1960 in the Californian town of Santa Monica. His parents, Leo Penn and Eileen Ryan, had multinational blood in their veins. My paternal grandmother was a Lithuanian Jew, my grandfather was also a Jew, but from Russia. But relatives on my mother’s side turned out to come from Ireland and Italy. Such an explosive mixture manifested itself quite clearly in Sean’s character: from a young age, the guy was famous for his expressive character and loved to misbehave.

This was followed by successful roles in the melodramatic film “Race with the Moon” and the crime-comedy film “Burglars”. The main success awaited the actor after the release of the thriller “Agents Falcon and the Snowman” directed by John Schlesinger, released in 1985. After this film, actor Penn was noticed by many famous directors, and tempting offers literally rained down on him.

Sean played a criminal in the crime drama Point Blank. The film turned out to be a failure, and the critics were ruthless. The artist managed to regain his somewhat faded authority in 1988, when the crime drama “Colors” appeared on the screens. Here, as in “Agents Falcon and Snowman,” the plot centers on acute socio-political problems.

The end of the 80s turned out to be quite successful for the artist. In 1989, Sean Penn and Robert De Niro appeared together in the crime-comedy project We Are No Angels. The actors brilliantly played two escaped convicts. Soon, the duo of colleagues met again on the set of the gangster drama Carlito’s Way. For this work, Penn was nominated for the first time at the Golden Globe.

The 90s also turned out to be generous with bright roles. The films “State of Frenzy”, “Turn”, “Game” were very warmly received by both viewers and critics. The projects “Trouble” and “The Thin Red Line” brought together a real cluster of Hollywood stars. And the first Oscar nomination went to Sean Penn for his work in the film “Dead Man Walking.” He appeared in the guise of a criminal sentenced to death and awaiting execution.

Sean Penn received two more nominations for the statuette for his work in the films “Sweet and Ugly” and “I Am Sam.” To better get used to the role for the last picture, Penn had a chance to spend a lot of time in a center for the mentally retarded. But the nominations for the main film award remained nominations. The Oscar was slipping from Sean's hands.

However, in 2003, the artist still received the statuette. This happened after the release of the drama “Mystic River,” which competed for prizes in 6 categories. Two were awarded, one of which was awarded to Sean Penn. The second Oscar came 5 years later. Sean Penn appeared in an unexpected role as a gay man in the drama film Harvey Milk, directed by Gus Van Sant.

The most striking points in Sean’s filmography at the beginning of the new century are considered “21 Grams” and “The Translator”. The first film by Alejandro González Iñárritu is a poignant drama about three people who are strangers to each other, but whose destinies are intertwined after a tragic incident. The work received positive reviews and was awarded 3 prizes at the Venice Festival, received 2 Oscar nominations, 4 Sputnik nominations (winning one) and 5 BAFTA nominations.

Sydney Pollack's detective thriller "The Translator" was also enthusiastically received by audiences and critics. Sean stars as a secret service agent who investigates a UN conspiracy and falls in love with the suspect.

“When I go to the cinema, it is difficult for me not to succumb to uncontrollable anger. Everything is so untrue. And the media deliberately poisons our minds. Every day,” is Sean’s opinion of what he sees in cinemas as a viewer.

Director Penn presented his own vision of the public reaction to the attack on the Twin Towers in New York in the novella for the drama “September 11.” The hero of the film perceives the destruction of buildings as getting rid of a barrier that was blocking sunlight.

When the actor was filming the film “Into the Wild,” based on the biography of a rich man who voluntarily turned into a hermit and died of exhaustion, Hurricane Katrina hit America. Sean openly criticized the president for his failure to provide timely and effective assistance to the victims, and ferried 40 people to safety on his personal yacht. The road movie received a total of 14 nominations and prizes.

Personal life

In 1985, Penn married the Queen of Pop for the first time, with whom he later starred in the least successful of his films, Shanghai Surprise. Their life together was short-lived: over the course of 4 years, the couple argued, separated and got back together. In 1989, the marriage finally broke up.

Embed from Getty Images Sean Penn and Madonna

Sean walked down the aisle for the second time in 1996, and the actress again became his wife. Penn met on the set of the film State of Frenzy and lived together until 2010. This marriage produced a daughter, Dylan, and a son, Hopper. After his divorce from Robin, Sean continues to communicate with his children.

At the beginning of 2014, Penn began dating, who was 15 years younger and taller (Sean himself is 173 cm tall). Previously, the couple had been connected only by friendship for 18 years. The actor was so infatuated with the beauty that he was going to get married and even called his feeling his first true love.

Embed from Getty Images Sean Penn and Charlize Theron

In January 2015, Sean adopted Jackson, Charlize's adopted son, but the relationship ended in the summer. According to Theron, due to unresolved contradictions and constant criticism of her film projects, according to other sources, due to betrayal by a man.

Sean later admitted: recalling his personal life, he does not remember that he felt loved by someone. But if such a situation makes someone angrier, he does not lose hope. The actor was soon spotted in Hawaii with his new beloved Leila George, daughter of Vincent D’Onofrio. Photos of them together spread across the tabloids. The girl is a year younger than Penn's daughter. In 2017, paparazzi caught Sean in the company of Robin and suggested that old feelings had flared up again.

Sean Penn now

At the premiere of the series “The First,” about colonists exploring Mars, which took place in the fall of 2018, Sean Penn was again in the crosshairs of journalists. The actor criticized the #MeToo movement against violence and harassment. It is not known what is truth and what is fiction, and if we were talking about really serious things, “it would be useful to slow down” and not inflate the story to gigantic proportions, Penn is sure.

That same year, the Oscar-winning screenwriter released the full-length novel Bob Honey Who Just Does Stuff. The main character has a lot of activities and talents, including murders ordered by some secret organization. And the epilogue of the book is made in the form of a poem dedicated to the aforementioned #MeToo movement.

Embed from Getty Images Sean Penn in 2019

Sean's attempt to make a name for himself in the literary field divided the public into two camps. For the first, the novel of the actor and director, considered almost a genius in Hollywood, is quite comparable to the work of. The second part is sure that it turned out to be “banal.”

In 2019, the biopic “The Professor and the Madman,” dedicated to the creator of the Oxford English Dictionary, was presented to viewers. He played this role. Sean Penn appeared as his co-author, a military doctor and a patient in a mental hospital at the same time.


  • 1983 - “Bad Boys”
  • 1986 - “Shanghai Surprise”
  • 1989 - “We are not angels”
  • 1993 - “Carlito’s Way”
  • 1997 - “Game”
  • 2001 - “I Am Sam”
  • 2003 - “21 grams”
  • 2005 - “Translator”
  • 2008 - “Harvey Milk”
  • 2010 - “Game without rules”
  • 2013 - “Gangster Hunters”
  • 2015 - “Gangman”
  • 2018 - “First”
  • 2019 - “The Professor and the Madman”

Hooligan and rebel

Sean was born into a family of a Jew with Lithuanian-Russian roots and a Catholic woman with Italian-Irish blood. This alone suggested the birth of children with an expressive character, which, in general, is what happened. Sean Pen's rebellious character is already legendary. The actor himself and his brothers spent their childhood in Santa Monica, where they were friends with boys who also became famous - Charlie Sheen, Rob Lowe and Emilio Estevez.

Sean didn’t immediately become interested in acting; he simply never thought about it as a child. In a city near the ocean, the boy was fond of surfing, became a hooligan and even thought about becoming a policeman. But while still in school, Sean joined a Los Angeles theater troupe and fell ill with the stage.

However, things were not sweet in the theater. The aspiring actor was often entrusted with technical work rather than roles. He remained faithful to the stage, although he ended up in the series “Little House on the Prairie.” In addition, he made several short films with his school friends. And after school, instead of going to college, he went on a 2-year tour with the theater.

Towards the dream

For a long time, they did not want to recognize Sean Penn in the acting community, which embarrassed him very much, but did not force him to deviate from his path. The future celebrity still gravitated towards her dream and Broadway. That is why in 1980, Sean and his friends went to New York in search of leading roles. However, here he ended up in the cinema, and not in the theater. While auditioning, Penn caught the eye of a film producer and a year later he was offered a small role in the drama Lights Out, which also starred Tom Cruise and Timothy Hutton. This was the beginning of a long journey.

Then the aspiring but capable actor was invited to play the lead role of a perpetually drunk surfer in the comedy Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Sean coped with his first big job successfully, immediately gained fame and secured himself roles for the future.

No one doubted the talent of the young actor after the release of the crime drama “Bad Boys” by Rick Rosenthal. Sean Penn played an antisocial and cruel hero and the entire film was drawn out by the actor's performance. Then critics compared Sean to Robert De Niro. Then the actor allowed himself to relax and starred in the crime comedy “Burglars” by Louis Mal and the melodrama “Race with the Moon.”

And Sean Penn became perhaps the most promising actor after working in 1985 with Timothy Hutton in the political thriller Agents Falcon and Snowman by John Schlesinger. Next, the actor plunged headlong into the role of the son of a criminal in the drama Point Blank. This time was significant for Sean, as he first met Madonna, whose song was used as the soundtrack in the film. In 1986, Sean began an affair with the pop diva, and with her he played in the rather unsuccessful film “Shanghai Surprise.” Critics were not inspired after viewing the film. They argued that the actors in love, because of their feelings, had absolutely no time for real acting.

Two years later, the actor returned to the path of great acting, playing in the crime drama Colors directed by Dennis Hopper. It became clear that Sean prefers to star in films with pressing political and social issues. And in 1989, Penn, in a duet with Robert De Niro, successfully played in the crime comedy We Are No Angels by Neil Jordan about two escaped convicts.

Brian De Palma

Sean Penn met the famous Brian De Palma twice on the set. The first time was in 1989 while working on the war film “List of the Dead.” There the actor played one of his hottest roles. The second meeting took place four years later, when work was in full swing on the gangster drama Carlito’s Way. Sean played the lawyer of the main character, played by Al Pacino. Penn even received a Golden Globe nomination.

Sean Penn had quite a few great roles in the 90s. First, he starred in the thriller “State of Frenzy” by Phil Joanu. This is a story about a guy who returned home after a long absence and found out that his friend had become a mafioso, and his beloved had become a real lady. By the way, she was played by Robin Wright, who in reality became the actor’s wife. Next came the film “The Turning,” the melodrama “She’s Beautiful” and the thriller “The Game.” Two more films followed in 1998, then the actor played in the conversational drama “Trouble” and “The Thin Red Line,” which attracted a bunch of celebrities and won a huge number of awards.

Victories and defeats

Sean Penn was first nominated for an Oscar for his role in the 1995 crime drama Dead Man Walking. The actor played a criminal sentenced to death and awaiting execution. For the role, Sean used the experience of a three-month prison sentence. This happened after a fight with journalists.

Sean Penn haven't seen

The second Oscar followed in 1999 for the leading role of a 1930s jazz guitarist in the film Sweet and Nasty. And the third award came 2 years later for the film “I Am Sam”. For his last job, by the way, Sean specially visited a center for the mentally retarded. However, these were only nominations; the actor did not receive the actual award for these works.

But Sean’s performance in Clint Eastwood’s drama “Mystic River” in 2003 was recognized and worthy of an Oscar. In total, the film received six nominations for the prestigious award, of which it received only two. Penn received the second Oscar in his career five years later. He played a pomaded gay man in Gus Van Sant's drama Milk.

On Olympus

In 2000, the actor could be seen in a couple of films – the thriller “The Weight of Water” and the drama “In the Villa”. But in the wake of the fame of the film “I Am Sam,” these roles went virtually unnoticed. Two years later followed the poignant drama “21 Grams” by Alejandro González Iñárritu. Sean Penn's performance is so great that the viewer is left with a feeling of hopelessness throughout the film. For his work, the actor received a prize at the Venice Festival.

In the new century, Sean began to appear more often in studio films. For example, he starred in the film “Kill the President” by Niels Müller. This film is about the attempted assassination of the 37th President of America. In 2005, the actor starred in the commercial thriller “The Translator” by Sydney Pollack, which was successful at the worldwide box office.

Tree of life. Trailer

But the next role was unsuccessful. Sean Penn played the main role in the film “All the King's Men.” This is a disastrous remake of the 1949 drama about government corruption. The actor’s latest works are in the films “The Tree of Life”, “The Crossing”, “In Search of the Captain”. In all of them, Sean's performance was nervous and flawless. This once again proved that Sean Penn is one of the most unsurpassed actors of our time.

Among other things, Sean Penn directed five films, including the multi-award winning film “The Promise” and the scandalous “9/11.”

Personal life

Sean Penn's first Hollywood girlfriend was actress Elizabeth McGovert, with whom he played in the melodrama Race the Moon. The relationship was short-lived, as was the fleeting romance with Susan Sarandon. But later a stunning and emotional romance with Madonna followed. It ended with a wedding in 1985. The marriage lasted only four years, all this time the spouses either ran away, then made up, or beat each other up. The most humiliating thing, apparently, was that Penn was called Mr. Madonna.

In 1996, Penn married Robin Wright, whom he had met six years earlier on the set of State of Frenzy. Here relations were calm and even. Before their official marriage, the couple had two children - daughter Dylan and son Hopper.

Sean Justin Penn is a famous actor, Oscar winner for his roles in the films “Mystic River” and “Milk”, successful film director, ex-husband of Madonna.

Hooligan and rebel

Sean was born into a family of a Jew with Lithuanian-Russian roots and a Catholic woman with Italian-Irish blood. This alone suggested the birth of children with an expressive character, which, in general, is what happened. Sean Pen's rebellious character is already legendary. The actor himself and his brothers spent their childhood in Santa Monica, where they were friends with boys who also became famous - Charlie Sheen, Rob Lowe and Emilio Estevez.

Sean didn’t immediately become interested in acting; he simply never thought about it as a child. In a city near the ocean, the boy was fond of surfing, became a hooligan and even thought about becoming a policeman. But while still in school, Sean joined a Los Angeles theater troupe and fell ill with the stage.

However, things were not sweet in the theater. The aspiring actor was often entrusted with technical work rather than roles. He remained faithful to the stage, although he ended up in the series “Little House on the Prairie.” In addition, he made several short films with his school friends. And after school, instead of going to college, he went on a 2-year tour with the theater.

Towards the dream

For a long time, they did not want to recognize Sean Penn in the acting community, which embarrassed him very much, but did not force him to deviate from his path. The future celebrity still gravitated towards her dream and Broadway. That is why in 1980, Sean and his friends went to New York in search of leading roles. However, here he ended up in the cinema, and not in the theater. While auditioning, Penn caught the eye of a film producer and a year later he was offered a small role in the drama Lights Out, which also starred Tom Cruise and Timothy Hutton. This was the beginning of a long journey.

Then the aspiring but capable actor was invited to play the lead role of a perpetually drunk surfer in the comedy Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Sean coped with his first big job successfully, immediately gained fame and secured himself roles for the future.

No one doubted the talent of the young actor after the release of the crime drama “Bad Boys” by Rick Rosenthal. Sean Penn played an antisocial and cruel hero and the entire film was drawn out by the actor's performance. Then critics compared Sean to Robert De Niro. Then the actor allowed himself to relax and starred in the crime comedy “Burglars” by Louis Mal and the melodrama “Race with the Moon.”

And Sean Penn became perhaps the most promising actor after working in 1985 with Timothy Hutton in the political thriller Agents Falcon and Snowman by John Schlesinger. Next, the actor plunged headlong into the role of the son of a criminal in the drama Point Blank. This time was significant for Sean, as he first met Madonna, whose song was taken as the soundtrack in the film.

In 1986, Sean began an affair with the pop diva, and with her he played in the rather unsuccessful film “Shanghai Surprise.” Critics were not inspired after viewing the film. They argued that the actors in love, because of their feelings, had absolutely no time for real acting.

Two years later, the actor returned to the path of great acting, playing in the crime drama Colors directed by Dennis Hopper. It became clear that Sean prefers to star in films with pressing political and social issues. And in 1989, Penn, in a duet with Robert De Niro, successfully played in the crime comedy We Are No Angels by Neil Jordan about two escaped convicts.

Brian De Palma

Sean Penn met the famous Brian De Palma twice on the set. The first time was in 1989 while working on the war film “List of the Dead.” There the actor played one of his hottest roles. The second meeting took place four years later, when work was in full swing on the gangster drama Carlito’s Way. Sean played the lawyer of the title character, played by Al Pacino. Penn even received a Golden Globe nomination.

Sean Penn had a lot of great roles in the 90s. First, he starred in the thriller “State of Frenzy” by Phil Joanu. This is a story about a guy who returned home after a long absence and found out that his friend had become a mafioso, and his beloved had become a real lady. She was played by Robin Wright, who in reality became the actor's wife. Next came the film “The Turning,” the melodrama “She’s Beautiful” and the thriller “The Game.” Two more films followed in 1998, then the actor played in the conversational drama “Trouble” and “The Thin Red Line,” which attracted a bunch of celebrities and won a huge number of awards.

Victories and defeats

Sean Penn was first nominated for an Oscar for his role in the 1995 crime drama Dead Man Walking. The actor played a criminal sentenced to death and awaiting execution. For the role, Sean used the experience of a three-month prison sentence. This happened after a fight with journalists.

"Dead Man Walking" Trailer

The second Oscar followed in 1999 for the lead role of a 1930s jazz guitarist in the film Sweet and Nasty. And the third award came 2 years later for the film “I Am Sam” with young Dakota Fanning. For his last job, by the way, Sean specially visited a center for the mentally retarded. However, these were only nominations; the actor did not receive the actual award for these works.

But Sean’s performance in Clint Eastwood’s drama “Mystic River” in 2003 was recognized and worthy of an Oscar. In total, the film received six nominations for the prestigious award, of which it received only two. Penn received the second Oscar in his career five years later. He played a gay man in Gus Van Sant's drama Milk.

On Olympus

In 2000, the actor could be seen in a couple of films – the thriller “The Weight of Water” and the drama “In the Villa”. But in the wake of the fame of the film “I Am Sam,” these roles went virtually unnoticed. Two years later followed the poignant drama “21 Grams” by Alejandro González Iñárritu. Sean Penn's performance is so great that the viewer is left with a feeling of hopelessness throughout the film. For his work, the actor received a prize at the Venice Festival.

In the new century, Sean began to appear more often in studio films. For example, he starred in the film “Kill the President” by Niels Müller. This film is about the attempted assassination of the 37th President of America. In 2005, the actor starred in the commercial thriller “The Translator” by Sydney Pollack, which was successful at the worldwide box office.

But the next role was unsuccessful. Sean Penn played the main role in the film “All the King's Men.” This is a disastrous remake of the 1949 drama about government corruption. However, his work in the films “The Tree of Life”, “The Crossing”, “In Search of the Captain” once again proved that Sean Penn is one of the most interesting actors of our time. The role brought him the Volpi Cup at the Venice Film Festival.

Monologue by Sean Penn ("All the King's Men")

Among other things, Sean Penn directed five films, including the multi-award winning film “The Promise” and the scandalous “9/11.”

Sean Penn's personal life

Sean Penn's first Hollywood girlfriend was actress Elizabeth McGovert, with whom he played in the melodrama Race the Moon. The relationship was short-lived, as was a fleeting romance with Susan Sarandon. But later a stunning and emotional romance with Madonna followed. It ended with a wedding in 1985.

The marriage lasted only four years, during which time the couple separated and then reconciled. Penn acquired the nickname “Mr. Madonna,” which drove him crazy. The marriage to the pop star ended in a major scandal. A drunk Sean broke into her house, tied her to a chair and beat her for several hours. Finally, the singer broke free and ran away. She later hushed up the incident, which threatened her husband with jail time, saying that Sean had always had problems controlling his emotions.

In 1996, Penn married Robin Wright, whom he had met six years earlier on the set of State of Frenzy. Their relationship was calm and even, the wife was able to temporarily curb the actor’s violent temper. Before their official marriage, the couple had two children - daughter Dylan and son Hopper. However, this marriage was like a roller coaster, and in 2010 the couple called it quits.

For a year and a half (from the beginning of 2014 to June 2015), Penn dated Charlize Theron, but their relationship, according to the actress, quickly exhausted itself.

Sean Penn now

In 2016, his name, Sean Penn, appeared in the press next to the name of drug lord Joaquin Lorena, nicknamed Shorty. Penn interviewed the criminal while Interpol was looking for him, and later called him several times. It was his interview that helped the intelligence services find Shorty.

Recently, the scandalous actor practically does not appear on the big screens. The last major project with his participation was Ben Stiller’s adventure film “The Incredible Life of Walter Mitty.” The actor doesn't have a lot of time, but he played the same photographer whom Stiller's character chased across the world in search of a photograph for the cover of the latest issue of Life magazine. He also played a key role in the fantasy series “The First” (2018) from Hulu, which, however, did not receive enthusiastic reviews, but Penn was paid $500 thousand for each episode.

Celebrity biographies


17.08.14 10:16

He imitates his favorite artist, Marlon Brando, a little. He is as rebellious as his idol, both in life and on the screen.

Biography of Sean Penn

From an acting family

He has a quarter of Russian blood (the actor’s father, Leo, is half Russian, half Lithuanian), and on his mother’s side, Sean is Italian-Irish. It was this “hodgepodge” that probably contributed to the stormy temperament that manifests itself in work and in everyday life.

Californian Sean Justin Penn was born on August 17, 1960. He was the second child of director Leo and actress Eileen (Sean has an older brother, Michael). Five years later, in 1965, Eileen gave birth to another son, Chris. Sean and Christopher were very similar, but the younger one, also an actor, died at 40 from heart disease.

In their youth, the Penn trio (they then lived in Santa Monica) were friends with the Estevez brothers - the sons of Martin Sheen, Emilio and Charlie Sheen.

Sean did not receive any special education - he learned everything in practice on the theater stage in Los Angeles. And after several episodes in TV series, he played in the film “Lights Out.”

Disagreeing with authority

His special energy that permeates the viewer is mesmerizing. Whether he played a mentally handicapped cafeteria worker (I Am Sam) or a convicted murderer (Dead Man Walking), his impact on audiences was astounding.

He does not recognize authorities (for example, he considers the masterpiece of all times “Gone with the Wind” to be a second-rate tearful melodrama), and is a fan of Kafka. He also became infamous as Hollywood’s leading rowdy.

The period of his marriage to Madonna was the most “tidbit” for the tabloids - after all, they were constantly filled with new messages about how the actor was “punishing a blow” on his obstinate wife.

The genius rebel

Despite his disdain for commercial cinema and Hollywood in general, Penn earned several Oscar nominations and won the award twice. No wonder Time dubbed the rebel star “the best actor in America.” This title is confirmed by other regalia: prizes from the most prestigious festivals: Cannes, Berlin, and twice (for work in the films “Trouble” and “21 Grams”) Venice (Volpi Cup).

In 1991, Penn himself directed a film, it was the drama “The Fugitive Indian.” The unsuccessful debut did not stop the novice director, several more films were born, the most famous being the adventure film “Into the Wild”, released in 2007.

He protested against the US military action in Iraq and even wrote an open letter to President Bush (published it as an advertisement for $56,000). His foundation helped victims of the New Orleans hurricane and the Haiti earthquake.

Sean Penn's personal life

Two marriages, two children

Sean Penn even got married to the actress who starred in the leading female role in the Once Upon a Time in America saga, the charming Elizabeth McGovern, but they never registered their relationship, breaking up in 1984.

The marriage with Madonna lasted 4 years: Sean abused alcohol and became disillusioned. Already on the wedding day, he could not calm his violent temperament and fired at a helicopter with nosy journalists.

The actor met his second wife, star of the legendary “Santa Barbara” Robin Wright, in 1987. Their romance also did not develop easily: joint work on the film “State of Frenzy” threw them into each other’s arms. Their daughter Dylan was born in 1991, and their son Hopper Jack (named after Hollywood legends Dennis Hopper and Jack Nicholson) in 1993. In 1995, the couple separated to get married a year later.

At the end of 2007, Penn and his wife filed for divorce, and reconciled in April of the following year. Sean himself initiated a new breakup - exactly 12 months later. A month later they were reunited again. Robin and Sean finally separated in 2010. And at the beginning of 2014, the media reported about the actor’s new passion - Oscar-winner Charlize Theron. The stars' wedding was scheduled for August 2015, but the bride left Penn shortly before this date.

Now the actor is increasingly seen with Madonna. Have the ex-spouses really decided to take a second chance?

Nature has endowed Sean Penn with a memorable appearance, but far from embodying the role of a Hollywood handsome man. This did not stop him from surrounding himself throughout his life with the most beautiful and talented women, who are considered icons of style and standards of sexuality.


He has an explosive, quarrelsome character, but this did not become an obstacle to productive collaboration with famous directors and screenwriters of our time. He is a true Leo: he will not leave the offended and disadvantaged unattended, he will defend his own “pride” with bestial aggression, but he can also “whack” his lioness by the ear.

Unclear? Surprising facts about Sean Penn behind the headlines reveal a side of his controversial personality that the press notices but chooses not to highlight. Winner of two status film awards from the American Academy, he manages to try on the roles of a creator of films and an outstanding public figure, an ardent champion of justice.


Sean Penn was born into a family where his father and mother were directly involved in the world of cinema. Mother is an actress, father is in leadership positions, director. On the paternal side, the grandfather, who lived on the territory of the Russian Empire, and grandmother belonged to the Jewish diaspora. At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, they finally settled in the United States. On his mother's side, Sean inherited an Italian temperament and an Irish penchant for drinking and fighting.

2. "Star School"

The school that Penn attended became the place where the future Oscar-winning star met many of his “colleagues.” Among them are Robert Lowe, brothers Emilio and Carlos Estevez (the latter known as Charlie Sheen). The boys often spent time in the same company.

3. Character and aspirations

Sean has been cocky and hooligan since childhood. He dreamed of working in the police. Providence decreed differently, the dynasty dictated the obvious choice of profession, but the young man confirmed it independently and consciously when he became seriously interested in theater while still living in Los Angeles.

4. Passion for the stage

Interestingly, in his youth, Sean did not consider cinema as a field for realizing his acting ambitions; only the theatrical stage attracted him to a greater extent. He dreamed of this kind of fame and tried in every possible way to prove to theater gurus that he had the ability to transform.

However, we had to be content with an exclusively short-term appearance on stage with the most laconic set of lines. In most cases, Penn found himself among the maintenance personnel, but he did not lose hope and believed in success. After finishing school, Sean went on his first tour as part of an acting troupe.


5. New York is a city of opportunity

Soon the time came when Sean Penn became disillusioned with the prospects that work in the theater promised him and turned to the possibilities of cinema. Decision, where a career that began with participation in the filming of TV series took on the shape of rapid development.

6. First steps

In the early 80s, the film “Cadets” was released, on the set of which he was a partner. This was Penn's debut work. After 2 years, the manner of playing the roles began to be compared with, the reason was Penn’s appearance in the film “Bad Boys”. The actors managed to work together in 1989 on the set of the comedy “We Are Not Angels.” The experience became a landmark, the starting point of dizzying success, the path to worldwide recognition.

7. Directorial debut

In 1991, Sean wrote a script based on... a song by the famous artist Bruce Springsteen. The composition was called “Traffic Policeman”. Penn took over as director and presented the world with a work called “The Running Indian.” The film was not successful at the box office, but the stubborn Penn did not give up and 4 years later he directed the film “The Guard at the Crossroads,” where in.

8. First awards

1996 turned out to be a successful year professionally. Sean was awarded the Silver Bear Award and the chance to compete for the coveted statuette of the American Film Academy. Critics praised his role in the film “Dead Man Walking,” where Penn appeared as a prisoner sentenced to death.

9. Working with masters

Penn had the opportunity to work with eminent directing professionals David Fincher (the thriller “The Game”) and Oliver Stone (the film “U-Turn”). The works received critical acclaim and positive audience reviews.

10. Sean is wonderful

In 1997, the Cannes Film Festival awarded Penn the title of best actor for the film She's Beautiful. The creator was Nick Cassavetes, who “built” the acting trio, Penn and Robin Wright, in the form of a love triangle.

11. Collaboration with Woody Allen

In 1999, Sean learned to play the guitar masterfully: his skills were required by working under the direction of Woody Allen in the film “Sweet and Nasty,” where Sean turned into a talented musician. The second attempt to win an Oscar again brought only a nomination.

12. Rehearsal for triumph

2002 brought a third Oscar nomination. In the social drama “I Am Sam,” Sean created the image of a man who defended parental rights, despite a medical diagnosis. In preparation for the role, Penn spent a lot of time in a specialized center where patients with a disease similar to the one from which his character suffered were kept. A year later, the Venice Festival awarded an award for his role in the film “21 Grams” from Mexican director Alejandro Inarritu.

13. Oscar - wrap two!

2004 and 2009 - the time when, at the ceremony of presenting the main prize of the Academy of Cinema Art, Penn took the stage to receive a status award. In the first case, work in the detective drama “Mystic River” was noted, in the second - “Harvey Milk”.

Personal life

14. Marriage to Madonna

Penn decided to tie the knot for the first time in 1985. The chosen one was Louise Ciccone, who was all. Family life was not characterized by calm and regularity. Penn drank and often let loose. Madonna's marriage cost her a lot of health and torn hair. The family boat finally ran aground after 4 years.

15. Married a second time

Robin Wright became the next companion of Sean Penn's passionate life. The actor lived with a girl known for her role as Forrest Gump's lover Jenny for 14 years as her legal husband (1996-2010). Even before the official formalization of the relationship, two children were born in the couple. The girl Dylan was born in 1991, the boy Hopper - 2 years later. After the divorce, Sean communicates with them freely.

16. Scarlett's Passion

Sean Penn's romance with the recognized turned out to be fleeting. The relationship began and ended in 2011. After the separation, Scarlett did not want to let Penn out of her life, she tried to return her lover, but he could not tolerate the tireless pressure from the beauty who was selflessly drowned in feelings for him.

17. Engagement

2014 was marked by... The relationship developed rapidly and rapidly, an engagement took place in the French capital, and there was talk of an upcoming wedding. Charlize was captivated by the emotional attitude of her “star” companion towards her son Jackson. However, the following year the lovers separated, depriving the public of the opportunity to contemplate the beautiful couple and gossip from the heart about the vicissitudes of their union.

Other facts

18. Weight and height

Constant surfing (his favorite hobby) allows the actor to maintain almost ideal shape: with a height of 173 cm, his weight is 77 kg.

19. Date and place of birth

He was born in the middle of the last summer month in 1960. According to the zodiac sign - a real Leo. Birth on August 17 led to a strong concentration of astrological characteristics characteristic of people born under this constellation: strength, generosity, desire to be a leader. Sean was born in a privileged area of ​​Los Angeles County. Santa Monica provided the ideal platform to realize inner potential.

20. Family tragedy

Sean's brother Christopher became a prominent member of the acting dynasty. The list of films with his participation is not inferior in volume to the works of his “star” older brother in Hollywood. However, Chris's life was cut short when he turned 40. He died suddenly of heart disease in his hometown of California.

21. Friends and idols

Sean's best friend. And he believes in Al, Sean Penn sees an example of acting in the legendary figure named Marlon Brando. Penn named his son after Jack Nicholson, and his daughter after the pseudonym of his favorite musician, Bob Dylan (by the way, his ancestors also came from the Jewish community).

22. Tattoos

Sean Penn does not “expose” permanent images on his body in front of the camera, but in the film “Mystic River” he was adorned with at least two tattoos, which, according to the storyline, acquire eloquent meaning. The first, located on the forearm, was made in the shape of a Celtic symbol, the sun, decorated with an orbital ornament. The second one was larger and was located on the back. It was a cross. What can this picture symbolize on the body of a hero who killed his best friend without confirmation of guilt, succumbing to a frenzied thirst for retribution? Most likely, this is not the ability to show mercy, as some fans are inclined to claim, but a moral burden, the consequences of trials that the hero will have to live with after the death of his daughter and the murder of a childhood comrade.

23. Lost my house and car

A rare Buick Grand National belonged to Sean until the exclusive 1987 model was stolen. In 1993, Penn's Malibu mansion was completely destroyed by fire. But there is hardly any need to worry about the well-being of the sought-after actor, whose net worth is $150 million.

Eloquent facts

24. Doesn't like paparazzi

Sean's dislike for photographers who want to capture the circumstances of his personal life could be the subject of a separate action-packed action movie. And yes, there would be bloody scenes, fights and “action” in a blockbuster format. Penn beat annoying reporters with his fists, for one such episode he even spent a month + 1 day in prison, for another he received 3 years probation. At the first wedding ceremony, he fired at a helicopter carrying journalists who recklessly decided to take pictures of the event from the air.

25. “You have a letter”

In the fall of 2002, Sean bought an entire page from the Washington Post newspaper and published an open message to President Bush on it. In it, he harshly criticized the policy of the head of state towards an independent country in the Middle East. A one-time rental of a “platform” for expressing an independent opinion cost the star $56,000.

26. Trips to Iraq

2 months after the provocative publication, Sean visited Iraq. During the trip, he visited the capital's hospital, where children who suffered from the actions of the Americans were treated, and also held several meetings with local leadership. Three years later, the actor repeated his travel route to the Middle Eastern region, only this time the guest met with Iranian cultural figures as an employee of a printed publication.

27. Sean vs Katrina

In the early fall of 2005 in Louisiana, named, as is customary in America, by a woman's name. Sean helped local residents deal with the consequences. This is not the only time Penn has provided assistance to victims of a natural disaster. When strong earthquakes destroyed part of the residential buildings in Haiti, Penn created a camp for the homeless people, where 55 thousand victims of the cataclysm were successfully temporarily housed.

28. Travel to North Africa

The end of 2010 was marked by a wave of protest in a number of Arab countries. Sean Penn visited Libya and Egypt, where he personally joined the ranks of those who loudly expressed demands for freedom and proclaimed manifestos. As a result, Penn expressed admiration for people who dared to boldly declare their dissatisfaction with the authorities and the desire for change.

29. Meeting with El Chapo

In October 2015, Sean managed to meet with a well-known Mexican criminal who was wanted at that time. Cartel chief Joaquin Guzman answered several of Penn's prepared questions. Three months later, the material was published, and the author received a hail of criticism from various sources.

The US government was perplexed by the extraordinary incident, the Mexican authorities were completely in shock, bordering on humiliation: the actor was able to discover the leader of the criminal group, and they had been doing this for a long time without success. Penn said he had a single goal: to draw attention to key aspects of the drug control system. The newly minted correspondent was very upset: his actions did not achieve the expected goal, and his action was interpreted in a way that distorted his real intentions.

Facts about Sean Penn paint a colorful picture of his activities outside the film set. He may not have succeeded in changing the world, but he did quite well in drawing attention to pressing issues and imperfections in US domestic policy. Temperament at various times forced the actor to solve problems with his fists, a baseball bat and a gun, but when Penn decides to arm himself with words, it hits the target no less accurately. Sometimes he simply carries sandbags, struggling with the consequences of the elements, sometimes he goes out to demonstrations, but when the bustle of the world and inescapable problems are covered with a veil of hopelessness and incessant circulation, he takes a board and goes out to the ocean. Then Fire tames Water.