The first professional artists of Chuvashia. Teacher of culture of the native land of the Chubaevskaya Oosh. Who are the best artists of Chuvashia? Chuvash artists and their paintings

Known for their achievements or influence on the course of history.

The selection took into account ethnicity, place of birth, length of period of life and work in the territory that is now part of the Chuvash Republic. Thus, the list includes Chuvash who were not born on the territory of Chuvashia, and representatives of other nationalities whose place of birth and/or life is connected with Chuvashia.


  • I. N. Antipov-Karataev (1888-1965) - soil scientist, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, laureate of the Dokuchaev and Dimitrov (Bulgaria) prizes.
  • N. I. Ashmarin (1870-1933) - Turkologist, founder of Chuvash scientific linguistics, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, author of the multi-volume “Dictionary of the Chuvash Language”.
  • Iakinf (Bichurin) (1777-1853) - orientalist and historiographer, one of the founders of sinology, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, full member of the Asian Society in Paris.
  • A. A. Izotov (1907-1988) - scientist, laureate of the USSR State Prize, clarified the shapes and sizes of the globe, developed a number of theoretical problems of higher geodesy, theory and methods for studying the movements of the earth's crust.
  • V.K. Magnitsky (1839-1901) - ethnographer, folklorist, supporter of public education in the Middle Volga region in the second half of the 19th century.
  • N.V. Nikolsky (1878-1961) - historian, ethnographer, creator of a multi-volume collection of ethnographic, historical and folklore material, first editor of the first newspaper in the Chuvash language “Khypar”.
  • V. V. Kozlov (11/29/1957) full member of the International Academy of Psychological Sciences, full member of the Russian Academy of Social Education, full member of the Baltic Pedagogical Academy Psychologist, full member of the International Academy of Human Factors, Honorary Professor of the International Humanitarian-Economic Institute (Belarus), Honorary Doctor of the International Institute of Practical Psychology (Latvia).
  • A. N. Krylov (1863-1945) - shipbuilder, mechanic, mathematician, founder of the “ship theory”, author of the most important works on the theory of magnetic and gyroscopic compasses, artillery, astronomy, academician, Hero of Socialist Labor.
  • S. N. Fedorov (1927-2000) - ophthalmologist, professor, winner of the international Oscar award, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, statesman and public figure, Hero of Socialist Labor.
  • N. I. Lobachevsky (1792-1856) - mathematician, creator of non-Euclidean geometry, professor, rector of Kazan University.
  • A. D. Pozdeev (1929-1998) - Doctor of Technical Sciences, academician, Honored Inventor of the Russian Federation and the Chuvash Republic, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation, founder of the scientific school of electric drives. Included in the hundred most outstanding scientists of the 20th century.


  • P. E. Egorov (1731-1789) - architect, author of the famous fence of the Summer Garden in St. Petersburg, one of the founders of early Russian classicism in architecture.


  • K. V. Ivanov (1890-1915) - classic of Chuvash literature, poet, translator, artist, author of the poem "Narspi".
  • E. I. Patmar is a writer.
  • M. K. Sespel (1899-1922) - Classic of Chuvash literature, reformer of versification, poet, prose writer, playwright, artist, public and statesman.
  • I. S. Tuktash (1907-1957) - poet and translator, folklorist, author of the poetic text of the National Anthem of the Chuvash Republic.
  • Y. G. Ukhsai (1911-1986) - people's poet of Chuvashia, laureate of the RSFSR M. Gorky Prize and the State Prize named after. K.V. Ivanova.
  • P. P. Khuzangai (1907-1970) - people's poet of Chuvashia, laureate of the State Prize named after K.V. Ivanov and the Komsomol Prize of Chuvashia named after M. Sespel, public figure.
  • G. N. Aigi (1934-2006) - Chuvash poet who wrote in the Chuvash and Russian languages ​​and made a huge contribution to the world propaganda of Chuvash poetry and Chuvash culture.


  • E. I. Efremova (1914-2000) - artist of national embroidery, Honored Artist of the RSFSR, People's Artist of Chuvashia.
  • A. A. Kokel (1880-1956) - artist and teacher who left a bright mark on the history of fine arts of Chuvashia and Russia. The first of the Chuvash artists to receive an academic education.
  • A. I. Mittov (1932-1971) - an original Chuvash graphic artist and painter, an innovator who had a unique artistic vision.
  • N.V. Ovchinnikov (1918-2004) - People's Artist of the RSFSR and Chuvashia.
  • E. M. Yuryev (1936-2001) - People's Artist of Chuvashia, laureate of the State Prize of the Chuvash Republic, honorary citizen of the city of Cheboksary, author of the coat of arms and flag of the Chuvash Republic, coat of arms of the capital of Chuvashia.
  • G. V. Kozlov (07/19/1962) - artist and teacher, director of the Chelyabinsk State Art Museum


  • G. S. Lebedev (1913-1980) - composer, conductor-choirmaster, author of the music of the National Anthem of the Chuvash Republic, Honored Artist of the RSFSR.


  • I. S. Maksimov-Koshkinsky (1893-1975) - founder of the Chuvash Drama Theater, creator of the first Chuvash films, actor and director, playwright, People's Artist of the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Honored Artist of the RSFSR.
  • N. V. Pavlova (1956) - ballerina, People's Artist of the USSR (1984) and the RSFSR, People's Artist of the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, laureate of the State Prize of the RSFSR, II International Ballet Competition.
  • N. D. Mordvinov (1901-1966) - Russian actor, wonderful master of cinema, People's Artist of the USSR (1949), three times laureate of the USSR State Prize, laureate of the Lenin Prize.
  • B. A. Alekseev (1911-1973) - actor, People's Artist of the USSR (1969).


  • M. D. Mikhailov (1893-1971) - opera singer, People's Artist of the USSR, twice laureate of the USSR State Prize.


  • A. G. Nikolaev (1929-2004) - pilot-cosmonaut, the third person in the world to conquer space, major general of aviation, twice

2012 has been declared the Year of Russian History. And, indeed, so many significant dates fall on this particular year: the 770th anniversary of the Battle of the Ice, the 400th anniversary of overcoming the Troubles of 1612 and the 200th anniversary of the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812, the 1150th anniversary of Russian statehood.

The Union of Artists of Chuvashia also has its own history. Created in 1935. In the 30s, the organizational foundations were laid for the unification of artists as like-minded masters in close unity with the life of the people. Names appeared that formed the basis of the professional fine arts of Chuvashia. The growth and formation of the creative team in the first and subsequent years was facilitated by the active participation of leading art masters in All-Russian and All-Union art exhibitions, the construction of creative workshops and a creative production base, professional training within the walls of the Cheboksary Art School and art and graphic faculty of the Chuvash State Pedagogical University named after. AND I. Yakovleva.

The 1950-60s were marked by a round of creative growth in the artistic life of the republic, which was directly facilitated by the arrival of a whole generation of young talents - graduates of academic universities: Leningrad (named after I.E. Repin), Moscow (named after V.I. Surikov), Kharkov State Art Institute institute and others.

In the early 60s, by decision of the secretariat of the Union of Artists of Russia, 10 regional zones of the Union were created in the country to carry out exhibition activities locally. Participation in the first regional exhibition “Big Volga” in 1964 in Kuibyshev (Samara), and then in Russian and all-Union exhibitions brought recognition to the artists of Chuvashia. “Big Volga” gave a “start” in life to many artists, making their works popular with viewers. These are M. Spiridonov, N. Ovchinnikov, N. Sverchkov, B. Belousov, Yu. Zaitsev, E. Efremova, S. Alatov, P. Sizov. The works of R. Fedorov, N. Karacharskov, V. Churakov, E. Yuryev sounded brightly and innovatively. The treasury of fine art included works by V. Ageev, V. Petrov (Praski Vitti), K. Vladimirov, N. Enilin, N Sadyukova, R. Teryukalova, V. Arapov. A noticeable phenomenon was the work of the middle generation of artists of the republic: M. Grigoryan, Y. Yuvenalyev, A. Fedoseev, N. Komarov, G. Fomiryakov, K. Dolgashev, V. Britvin, V. Ivanova, A. Fedorova. At the latest exhibitions, gifted youth boldly declared themselves, professing in their creativity the search for style in solving the problems of our time: O. Poldyaev, O. Kokorina, E. Tumanova, G. Kabilova, I. Ulangin. V. Nagornov, A. Bryndin, V. Nemtsev entered history with sculptural ensembles. In the 80s, a new generation of sculptors came to Chuvash art, presenting their works at regional and all-Russian exhibitions. This is the inspired plastic art of S. Kadikin and L. Tikhonov, the animalistic art of S. Pleshkov.

A unique component of the art of Chuvashia is decorative and applied art. The national embroidery of M. Simakova, T. Petrova, T. Sharkova, the highly professional jewelry creativity of V. Nikolaev, the glass work of O. Dunyak, and the ceramics of M. Mikhailova brought the republic well-deserved fame.

Today, in the fine arts of Chuvashia, new artistic traditions are taking shape, lively creative experiments are underway in search of form and content, imagery and style. The upcoming exhibition in St. Petersburg is dedicated to the Year of Russian History, people, natives of the Chuvash land (one of them is P. A. Kikin is a hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, the initiator of the creation and first chairman of the Society for the Encouragement of Artists) who made a huge contribution to the history of Russia. The exhibition will be held in the Exhibition Hall of the Union of Artists of St. Petersburg from August 7 to 19 and will undoubtedly become an examination and a vivid presentation of the creative potential of contemporary art in Russia. Artists of Chuvashia will present their works created in recent years to the discerning, sophisticated viewer of the Northern capital. Large-scale exhibition artists of Chuvashia, representing different genres and types of fine art of the republic in St. Petersburg, have not been for many years, and the upcoming event is all the more significant. Thematic paintings of the artists will be presented at this exhibition: Fedorov R. F. - People's Artist of Russia, full member of the Russian Academy of Arts , member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Arts: “And the angel swore to the living that there would be no more time,” “Prosperity”; Fedoseev A.M. Honored Artist of Russia “Emerging from the memory of the past. Portrait of P.A. Kikina”, Kokorina O.I.: “Preachers”; Dolgashev K.A. Honored Artist of Chuvashia: “Nostalgia of Philip Malyavin”; Honored Artists of Chuvashia: Anokhin A.P., Britvin V.G., Miloslavskaya V.G., Gainutdinova D.Sh.; Honored Artist of Russia M.G. Grigoryan; artists Lukiyanova V.A., Tumanova E.E., Kabilova G.S., Kozlova G.V. and others. Participants in this exhibition will be the Honored Artist of Chuvashia, sculptor V.D. Nemtsev, animal sculptor S.A. Pleshkov; Honored Artist of Russia, artist of decorative and applied arts, master of hand embroidery Simakova M.V.

Artists from Chuvashia living in St. Petersburg will also take part in this exhibition: Honored Artist of Russia, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts Rybkin A.P., Fedorov A.N., Makarov A.V., friends of the Union of Artists of Chuvashia: artist St. Petersburg Kozhevnikov V.M., Honored Architect of Russia, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts Rzhevsky V.N.

Ch?your en?ner?isem=Artists of Chuvashia: biographies: purn?? ?st? : [album-reference. / Sergey Zhuravlev; Z. M. Yuryeva ed.]. - Shupashkar: Chuvashia, 2007. - 94, p. : ill., color. ill., portrait; 30 cm. The book by photojournalist Sergei Vitalievich Zhuravlev is a “journey” into the magical world of fine arts - painting, graphics, sculpture, art glass and ceramics. The author has found an interesting form of presenting the material: laconic texts in the Chuvash and Russian languages ​​with bright moments of his creative biography are accompanied by a series of images - reproductions of the master’s works and his self-portrait. The publication includes biographies of 21 artists. In condensed articles, the author tries to give the most amazing and previously unknown facts from the lives of artists that influenced their further work. The book contains a dictionary of terms and an index of names. The publication uses reproductions of paintings from the funds of the Chuvash State Art Museum, private collections and artists' workshops.

There are many people who are considered by the public to be the best at what they do. All famous people of Chuvashia made great efforts to reach the pinnacle of excellence in one field or another, and then to stay there.

What do you need to do to gain fame, your own fans and admirers of your talent? The answer to this question is known to the famous people of Chuvashia, who have gone from obscurity to worldwide adoration. By studying their stories, one can reveal the secret of their popularity, realizing how outstanding people acquired all those qualities that raised them to a level of skill or knowledge unattainable for most, and also gave them strength for further development.
Famous people of Chuvashia - who are they?

Gennady Nikolaevich Aigi
August 2013 will mark the 78th anniversary of the birth of the famous poet Gennady Nikolaevich Aiga. Aigi was one of the leaders of Soviet avant-garde art of the 1960s and 1970s, as well as the creator of Russian poetic surrealism.

Yakov Gavrilovich Ukhsai - people's poet of Chuvashia, laureate of the RSFSR M. Gorky Prize and the State Prize named after. K.V. Ivanova.

Nadezhda Vasilievna Pavlova - ballerina, People's Artist of the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, People's Artist of the USSR and the RSFSR, laureate of the State Prize of the RSFSR, All-Union Ballet Competition, II International Ballet Competition.

Mikhail Sespel is a classic of Chuvash literature, reformer of versification, artist, poet, playwright, prose writer, translator.

Ilya Semenovich Tuktash is a lyric poet, master of prose, literary critic, folklorist, translator, author of the anthem of the Chuvash Republic, participant in the Great Patriotic War.

Svyatoslav Nikolaevich Fedorov - ophthalmologist, organizer of medicine, statesman and public figure, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Russian Federation, laureate of the international Oscar award, Hero of Socialist Labor, Honored Inventor of the USSR, Golden Laureate M.V. Lomonosov medal, A. Einstein gold medal, prize named after. Filatov, Lenin Komsomol, named after. M. I. Averbakh, V. G. Shukhov, Paleologus (USA), Parikla (Italy).

Petr Petrovich Khuzangai - people's poet of Chuvashia, laureate of the State Prize named after. K.V. Ivanov and the Komsomol Prize of Chuvashia named after. M. Sespelya, public figure.

Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev is a legendary hero of the Civil War, a talented organizer and commander, holder of four St. George Crosses and the St. George Medal.

Ivan Yakovlevich Yakovlev is an outstanding figure of culture and education of the Chuvash people, a democratic teacher, writer, translator, creator of didactics of bilingualism in primary schools in Russia, modern Chuvash writing, Honorary Member of the British and Foreign Bible Society in London.

Konstantin Vasilyevich Ivanov is a poet, translator, classic of Chuvash literature, author of the world-famous poem “Narspi”.

Alexey Nikolaevich Krylov - scientist-shipbuilder, mechanic, mathematician, academician, lieutenant general of the fleet, Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the USSR State Prize, holder of a diploma of Honorary Member of the English Society of Naval Engineers.

Nikolai Dmitrievich Mordvinov - theater and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR, Lenin Prize laureate, three times laureate of the USSR State Prize.

The first professional artists of Chuvashia

  • Culture teacher of the native region, Municipal Educational Institution "Chubaevskaya Secondary School"

  • Nikiforova Lyudmila Fedorovna

Petr Egorovich Egorov

  • “I was formerly a Chuvashe by birth, taken as a child by Mr. Artillery Major General Prince Dadianov to Russia and by him baptized in the Orthodox faith of the Greek confession...”


    In the prince's house, Pyotr Egorov received versatile knowledge, was taught mathematics, drawing and the basics of architecture. In the winter of 1755, according to a letter of recommendation from E.L. Dadiani, he submits a petition addressed to Empress Elizabeth Petrovna with a request to admit him to the school at the Chancellery of Buildings in St. Petersburg. Having successfully passed all the tests, Pyotr Egorov becomes a first-class student of the “architectural team.” From this time on, his whole life will be connected with creative work to improve the northern capital.

  • The diligence and hard work, curiosity and talent of the future architect were immediately noticed by the teachers of the Imperial Chancellery from buildings. From the first years of his studies, Peter Egorov was entrusted with responsible work: he participated in the filming of the general plan of Peterhof (1756), copied drawings of individual halls of the Winter Palace (1759).

The pinnacle of creativity of the talented architect is rightfully considered a masterpiece of world culture - the fence of the Summer Garden (1770-1786). Back in the 19th century, the scientist D. Sokolov wrote that “the embankments of St. Petersburg and the lattice of the Summer Garden can be ranked among the wonders of the world.”

  • I want to go to the roses, to that one and only garden, Where the best fence in the world stands...

  • Anna Akhmatova

  • Iron, submitting to the influence of fire, Here marvels with ease in the transparency of the fence, Behind which the garden of coolness hides and looks, This Poltava hand planted the garden!

  • Peter Vyazemsky

The remarkable architect devoted almost 15 years of his life to this wonderful creation, which simply, elegantly and harmoniously combined granite, marble and metal.

Marble Palace

  • In 1768, construction began on the fabulously beautiful ^ Marble Palace . It is distinguished by its unique decoration: it is lined with marble and granite of various colors, hence its name. Its authors are the Italian architect A. Rinaldi and P. Egorov, who also supervised its construction.

Monument to the architect Pyotr Egorovich Egorov

Moses Spiridonovich Spiridonov

    On August 24, 1890, a son, Moses, was born into a peasant family in the village of Yanshihovo-Norvashi, Tsivilsky district. At the age of 9 the boy went to the village school. And in 1903, having graduated from it, together with his cousin Nikita Sverchkov (also a future artist), he tried to enter the city school, and then in 1905 - to the teachers' seminary, but each time was unsuccessful. K. A. Baratynskaya-Alekseeva, the granddaughter of the poet Baratynsky, who opened a preparatory school for peasant children on her estate Shushary, near Kazan, helped fill in the missing knowledge. At this school, Moses received sufficient knowledge not only of the Russian language, but also the necessary skills in fine arts. And in 1906, Moses entered the Kazan Art School. Having successfully completed it, he continued his education at the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg.

^ Professional activity

    And since 1918, the entire life of one of the first professional artists of Chuvashia was devoted to the formation and development of fine art of his native land. During the most difficult years of famine and devastation, Moisei Spiridonovich worked both as an artist and as a public figure. He began by leading the isolation section at the public education department of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug in 1920. For the first time in the history of Chuvashia, the workers of the section not only designed scenes, painted posters, panels, made signs and drawings, but also tried in every possible way to organize the teaching of drawing in schools and the education of talented children. And when the Union of Artists was created in Chuvashia, M. S. Spiridonov led it for more than two decades. He trained many masters of the brush during his years of work at the art school. And besides this, Moses Spiridonovich spent almost his entire life collecting samples and sketching elements of Chuvash folk culture - embroidery, wood carving, ancient utensils, etc. He prepared a unique album “Chuvash Ornament”. But M. S. Spiridonov is especially famous as an artist. Many of his works: “In the Reading Hut”, “Bubble Man”, “Schoolgirl”, “Bride” and others were included in the treasury of Chuvash professional fine art. M. S. Spiridonov is an Honored Artist of the RSFSR and the Chechen Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, a People's Artist of the Chechen Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, and has been awarded orders and medals. His name is included in the Honorary Book of Labor Glory and Heroism of the Czech Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. On March 31, 1981, Moisei Spiridonovich passed away.


  • Starting his career in creativity, M.S. Spiridonov consciously devoted himself to serving his homeland. In his works, at all stages of creative life, there are entirely the Chuvash people, their way of life, customs, everything that makes up their national image, culture, something stable that allowed them to preserve themselves as a people for thousands of years.

Artist's works

Yuri Zaitsev

    Yuri Antonovich Zaitsev (1884-1972) is one of the most talented Chuvash artists. He was born and raised in the village of Irekh-Sirmy, Marposad district of the Chuvash Republic. He was 14 years old when he began working for an icon painter. In 1912 he went to Moscow and worked as an assistant to many Russian artists. Then he served in the army, and in 1920 he became the head of a club in one of the Red Army units. He became interested in photography and participated in many all-Union and international exhibitions with his works.

  • Yu. A. Zaitsev has been a member of the Union of Artists since 1934. 2 years after that, he went on a creative trip to Kazakhstan with Chuvash writers. Here he creates a wonderful series of pictures “Pribalkhashstroy”.

  • In 1968, Yu. A. Zaitsev was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Chuvash Republic. The artist's main works are "Cheboksary", "Collective farm girl Liza with her friend", "Collective farm girls", "Sisters", "Border crossing", "Hop", "Above Civil", "Songs of Chuvashia", "The Volga River Flows", " Akatui", "Girl in Khushpu" and others.

Artist's works

Nikita Kuzmich Sverchkov

    Nikita Kuzmich Sverchkov was born on February 9, 1891 into a peasant family in the village of Yanshikhovo - Norvashi, Yantikovsky district, Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Member of the Union of Artists of the USSR. Participant in the Civil War. From 1912 to 1917 he studied at the Higher Art School at the Academy of Arts in Petrograd, and in 1934 he graduated from the Omsk Institute of Railway Engineers.

^ Artist's creativity

    A multi-talented artist, N.K. Sverchkov created many portraits, landscapes, and graphic works. He was a participant in a number of republican, zonal, all-Russian and all-Union exhibitions. Many of his works were included in the treasury of Chuvash fine art. In 1980, Nikita Kuzmich donated 566 of his paintings and graphics to the art gallery of the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.