Children's disco name for the club. Scenario for children's entertainment disco

LEAD: — Good afternoon guys! I welcome you to a fun disco called “Dance Kaleidoscope”! As the title suggests, today’s final program is dedicated to our wonderful camp, and of course to you, dear guys!

Warm-up, game “Colors”

LEAD: — To warm up properly, we will hold a competition called “Colors.” To do this, stand in a circle and hold hands. While the music is playing, you move to the right. When the music stops, I name a color. Your task is to take on the item of one of the participants of this color as quickly as possible. Get ready, let's go!White! Red! Grey! Black! Green! Blue! Yellow! White! Orange!

Dance "Opa-Opa" (see video)

LEAD: - Dear guys, the last day has come when we are all together.

Camp is ending, summer is ending... But let's not be upset,

After all, you can meet together, have fun, and play all year round!

And today we will hold a fun disco to close the camp!

- And first, let's check how well you know the names of your friends.

Relay "Postmen"

Props: easel with written endings of names (-na, -za, -nil, -ra),

2 bags with cards on which the first parts of names are written (ali-, li-, dan-, flo-), tape or magnets.

Task: 2 teams - “postmen” who urgently need to deliver letters to the children who go to the camp. Each participant in turn runs with a bag to the easel common to the teams. His task is to take one card from the bag with the beginning of a name and find its ending on the easel by attaching the card to the easel. Who will deliver all the letters faster?

Dance “Charging” (see video)

LEAD: — Our game program continues, and now it’s the turn of the fastest and most attentive! Does anybody want? First two people please...

Pair relay "Elusive Cord"

(2 chairs placed with their backs facing each other, there is a rope under them)

LEAD: — Sit down... At my command, you run around the chairs 3 times, sit down on your chair again, and pull the rope faster. Run to the left. That's all, actually. Ready, march!

(thus, 4 pairs are called - 8 people).

Please reward our athletes.


Relay "Sweet outfit"

(clothespins, candies according to the number of players)

LEAD: - And now I want to ask the girls: do you like to dress up? Is it true? And who is the most? I will ask the 2 biggest fashionistas to come to me. You will be our mannequins. And your outfits will be unusual.

The rest of the guys stand in 2 columns. Your task is to attach as many candies as possible to your mannequin using clothespins. Each participant attaches one candy, they do this in turn.

Dance "Kentastish"(see video)

Break dance (boys)

Ditties (girls)

Pair relay "Housewives"

(4 headscarves, 4 aprons)

LEAD: - We continue to dress up. Now boys tie aprons on themselves, and girls wear scarves on their heads. The task of the participants: while the music is playing, while dancing, untie this item on themselves - a scarf or an apron - and tie it again on their dance partner. Get ready, music!

Loud applause to our participants!

LEAD: — During the time spent in the camp, we all became friends. And friendship is strong, as the song says, “it will not break, it will not fall apart from the rains and blizzards.” I suggest you check it out!

Train game

LEAD: — Now you need to stand firmly on your feet. Because you will all be passengers on the train. First numbers - you will be machinists. Your task: run quickly, often, and change direction unexpectedly. Go! Well done!

LEAD: — Our program has come to an end. But whoever still has strength left, you may well part with it during the final dance! Forward!

Dance "Crazy Frog"


Numbers prepared by children:

Dance of the little swans (boys)

Ditties (girls)

Break dance (boys)

Sketch “Superheroes” (boys)


The film “Lilac Panama Hat” in the comedy genre

The game disco scenario is suitable for primary and secondary schools. For holding a game disco for junior and middle ages school age a good one is needed music selection. The music should be the kind that children listen to and love, then the participants will be happy to dance and participate in competitions. The scenario of the game disco “King of the Party” includes music and dance competitions, as well as the “King of the Party” competition.

Host: Hello, guys! I am glad to welcome you to our party! Today you will find many surprises, dances, competitions and of course the main battle of our evening - the choice of the king and queen of the party! Who will get the crown? It's up to you to decide, since the winner will be chosen by a vote of everyone present, but for now we'll all warm up together and come up with a dance for your class. Let's all stand in a circle! Now, starting with me, we will take turns showing dance moves. I show the movement, you repeat it after me, then the person standing to my left shows the movement, we repeat everything and connect the two movements together. And so on in a circle until the movements of each of you form your own dance like a snowball.

Dance "Snowball"

Host: Excellent, you dance wonderfully. Can you dance not with your whole body, but only with the part that is sung about in the song? Let's see how you do it!

Competition "Body Parts". A musical selection from the songs “Legs,” Disco Crash,” Elbow Dance, “Curlers” by Ivan Dorn plays.

After the competition you can launch several musical compositions to give party guests a chance to just dance.

Host: our disco is gaining momentum and you and I are turning into molecules! Now, as soon as I shout a number, for example three molecules, you will need to dance in threes, four in fours, etc.

Dance "Molecules"

After the competition, you can play several musical compositions to let the party guests just dance.

Presenter: wow! You rock so hard that even my equipment can’t stand it and it’s malfunctioning, but it won’t be difficult for you to sing the chorus of the song if the sound turns off, right? So, let's sing songs and dance!

The game “Sing the Chorus”, the participants dance, when the song reaches the chorus the music decreases and everyone present sings. You can give a microphone to the most active participants.

After the competition, you can play several musical compositions to let the party guests just dance.

Presenter, now we’re having a blast, but if the music stops, you need to freeze and not move. Freeze in the position in which you danced as if time had stopped. I will count from ten to zero. As soon as I reach the number zero, the music will start playing again - we’ll have such a flash mob!

Flash mob "Freeze"

Host: And now I would like to know if we have anyone who wants to nominate themselves for the title of king of the party? Great! I see that we have people interested. Come to the center, I want to know your names and some details of your life.

Competition "Blitz Poll". The presenter introduces himself to each participant and asks him to answer one of the questions:

  1. Do you have a funny nickname?
  2. What do you do in your free time?
  3. Who is your favorite musical artist?
  4. Do you have a pet? If not, which one? your favorite animal?
  5. What sweets do you love most?

Presenter: we met the participants, and now your task, guys, is to show everything you are capable of. Go out to the center one by one and dance and everyone else will repeat the movements after you. Let's have a real dance battle.

Dance battle. The contenders for kings take turns going to the center and showing the movements the party guests repeat after them.

Host: time to choose the King of the party. And we will choose him based on your applause.

The presenter calls the names of the contenders and asks them to applaud. The one who received the most applause is the king of the party.

Host: The king of the party needs a queen. I have a hat to choose the queen of the party. Now, while the music is playing, you girls will need to dance in a circle, taking turns putting on a hat. As soon as the music ends, whoever is wearing the hat will leave the circle. The last one left in the circle is the queen of the party!

Competition "Hat"

Presenter: here is our queen, let's greet her with applause. And to friendly applause we will arrange a coronation. So, the queen of the party is...(name) and the king of the party is...(name)

The presenter puts crowns on the winners.

Host: and now the dance of the king and queen of the party!

A slow tune is playing, the king and queen of the party are dancing a slow dance. After a minute, the host invites the rest of the guests to join them..

List of props for the game disco “King of the Party”: crown 2 pcs. hat.

Disco script "Dance and have fun."

Host: Good afternoon, dear guys! We welcome you today to our hall at the “Dance and Have Fun” game disco.

Today we will relax, have fun, play and most importantly dance! So let's start the same! Are you ready to rock?

The answer is “Yes! "Well, then let's go!"

Game "Snake". All those present form a chain or are divided into several command chains. The first is the “head”, the last, respectively, is the “tail”. The music turns on and the caterpillar begins to move forward. At the same time, the “head” shows various dance movements as he wants - waves his arms, lunges, goose-steps, etc. Everyone else must repeat the movements after her. When the “head” gets tired, she turns to the next player, strokes his head and moves to the tail, after which everything continues with a new leader and new “gags”. The competition lasts as long as the music plays.

Presenter: Well done! This is how you should dance throughout our entire program. The one who is most active today will receive good prize! So it's worth the fight!

Our evening program:

First - dancing!

Second - fun dancing!

Third - fast dancing!

Fourth - slow dancing!

Fifth - dance until you drop! All in all:

Disco, disco!

This is fun, this is fun

Mountains of jokes, a lot of laughter!

That's what disco means!

I offer a gaming disco!

Dance game “Changing”. Everyone spins in pairs arm in arm, as soon as I say the word “Changing”, everyone immediately begins to look for another partner and also continues to spin arm in arm to the music, etc.

Game "Growing Dance". Turn on any music and choose two players who will start dancing with each other. Then stop the music. The dancers separate, and each of them chooses a different partner. Now 2 couples dance until the music stops. Then everyone chooses a new partner, and 8 people dance. This continues until everyone is dancing.

Game "Train". In this game, we all stand in a line behind each other, holding onto the belt or shoulders of the person in front. The head of the train – the “locomotive” – runs quickly and often and unexpectedly changes direction. You and I must follow him and at the same time not tear ourselves away from the train.

I will name the part of the body that you should grab during movement (stomach, shoulders, ears, head, belt, etc.). Ready? The answer is “Yes! "Then let's go!

Presenter: For the next competition, 8 people are needed.

All participants in this competition stand in a circle and put their hats on their heads.

Listen to me carefully and complete my tasks:

1 put right hand on the neighbor's head;

2 remove the hat from your neighbor with your right hand and put it on your head;

3 remove the hat from your head and shout “Hop”;

4 put both hands on your neighbor’s shoulders and close the circle;

5 take off your hat, bow and say "Mercy"

Ready? The answer is “Yes.” Well then, let's go!

Competition “Hats” (Props: 8 hats, 8 prizes)

Irga "Nesmeyana". Princess Nesmeyana is selected from the participants, then those who wish to participate in the competition are invited to the stage. They need to make Nesmeyana laugh with their dance without touching her.

Game "Dancing by name". During the disco, the host announces that now only those who hear their name will dance. For example: now all Sashas and all Elenas are dancing. You can call several names at the same time.

Game "Tapes". The presenter asks a group of girls and boys to stand separately. He takes several ribbons in his hand (in the middle of the ribbon). Girls take the ribbons from one end, and boys from the other. The presenter releases the tapes and moves away. Boys and girls wind up the ribbons and meet, forming pairs for a slow dance.

"Dance game" The children form a stream of boys and girls. coming normal game accompanied fast music(As soon as the music changes to slow, the resulting couples dance a slow dance)

Game "Object in a circle". Those who wish to participate in the game form in the hall big circle. One of the participants is given an object: a ball, balloon. A fast phonogram is turned on, and the object is passed from participant to participant in a circle. The melody suddenly stops, and the participant who is holding the object in his hands at that moment is eliminated from the game. Elimination occurs every time the tune stops until there are no more last participant, which becomes the winner.


- Lighting equipment

— Microphones

— Music for disco

— Water and plastic cups

— Prizes

— Details for competitions

Presenter 1: Good evening friends! We welcome you today in our hall at the game disco “Move More!”

Presenter 2: Today we will spend the whole evening relaxing, having fun, playing and most importantly dancing!

Presenter 1: So let's start the same!

Presenter 2: Are you ready to rock? The answer is “Yes!” Well then let's go!

"Dance warm-up" The presenters show the movements to the music, and the children repeat.

Dance break.

Presenter 1: Well done! This is how you should dance throughout our evening.

Presenter 2: The one who is the most active today will receive a good prize! So it's worth the fight!

“We are changing.” Everyone in pairs spins arm in arm, as soon as the leaders say the word “Changing”, everyone immediately begins to look for another partner and also continues to spin arm in arm to the music, etc.

Dance break.

Presenter 1: Thank you! All of you were incomparable in this dance. We were especially captivated by... (names). Here's our prize! But that is not all. Now you will be the “head” of the train - the “engine” in the very active game “Train”. In this game, we all stand in a line behind each other, holding onto the belt or shoulders of the person in front. The head of the train – the “locomotive” – runs quickly and often and unexpectedly changes direction. You and I must follow him and at the same time not tear ourselves away from the train.

Presenter 2: We will call that part of the body that you should grab during movement (stomach, knees, nose, heels, etc.). Ready? The answer is “Yes!” Then let's go!


Dance break.

Presenter 1: Our gaming disco continues, and I offer you very fun competition“Mom, I’m done!”

Presenter 2: To do this you need to split into two teams.

Presenter 1: The first person standing in the team puts a cap on his head, runs to the potty, sits on it and shouts “Mom, I’m done!”, then runs to the next participant, hands him the cap and he does the same, etc.

Presenter 2: Whose team arrives faster wins. On your marks! Attention! March!

Competition - “Mom, I’m done!” (Requisites: 2 caps, 2 pots)

Dance break.

Presenter 1: For the next competition, 8 people are needed.

Presenter 2: All participants in this competition stand in a circle and put their hats on their heads.

Presenter 1: You will be given 5 commands.

Presenter 2: 1st command: put your right hand on your neighbor’s head; 2nd command: take off the neighbor’s hat and put it on your own head; 3rd command: remove the hat from your head and shout “”; 4th command: put your hands on your neighbor’s shoulders and close the circle; 5th command: take off your hat, raise your hand up and shout loudly “Hurray!”

Presenter 1: We will name the teams at random, your task is not to get lost! Be careful!

Presenter 2: Ready? The answer is “Yes” Well then let's go!

Competition "Hats" (Props: 8 hats, 8 prizes)

Dance break

Presenter 1: Well done everyone! On this cheerful note our disco ended!

Presenter 2: Did you like it? Answer "…"

Presenter 1: Have a nice holiday!

Presenter 2: Goodbye!


All those present form a chain or are divided into several command chains. The first is the “head”, the last, respectively, is the “tail”. The music turns on and the caterpillar begins to move forward. At the same time, the “head” shows various dance movements as he wants - waves his arms, lunges, goose-steps, etc. Everyone else must repeat the movements after her. When the “head” gets tired, she turns to the next player, strokes his head and moves to the tail, after which everything continues with a new leader and new “gags”. The competition lasts as long as the music plays.

Chained by one chain

Teams of 3-7 people participate. Depending on the number of participants, hats or panama hats are sewn to the rope at intervals of 1 meter. Participants put them on their heads and dance to the music. The team whose cap falls off first loses. You cannot hold the hat with your hands.

Dance conveyor

Participants are divided into groups of 5-12 people. Several melodies are played for 1-2 minutes; the groups must quickly change formations and dance the appropriate movements. The most well-coordinated, fastest and most original team wins.


Several teams of 3 people participate. They are informed that now they will have to dance, and the jury will evaluate them, but by what criteria they will tell later, so they need to try very hard. As soon as the dance is over, each team counts the number of buttons on the participants' outerwear. The team whose jury finds the most buttons wins. Alternatively, in this competition you can ask teams to imitate a button dance.


Teams with equal amount Participants stand in a line and as soon as the music starts, they must pass a matchbox on their nose from participant to participant without using their hands. The team that manages to pass it on without dropping the box while the music is playing wins.


Princess Nesmeyana is selected from the participants, then those who wish to participate in the competition are invited to the stage. They need to make Nesmeyana laugh with their dance without touching her.

Dancing by name

During the disco, the host announces that now only those who hear their name will dance. For example: now everyone is dancing Sasha, and now Elena. You can call several names at the same time.

Bronze deer

This competition is best held at a summer camp. All boys who consider themselves the most tanned are invited from the audience. From these, a winner and runners-up are selected and awarded the title of “bronze deer”. They perform the victory "reindeer" dance.

Record weight

Weighing scales are installed in the discotheque premises. Couples are invited to participate in this competition. Throughout the evening, they can weigh themselves on scales, and the couple whose weight is greater than all other couples becomes the winner and is awarded a “heroic” prize.

Aerial dance

All participants are divided into pairs. Each pair is given 2-3 inflated balloons. In the 1st round of the dance, you need to squeeze them with your bodies and dance so that none of the balls fall. In the 2nd round - you need to burst the balls, and you cannot damage them with your hands, feet, teeth or sharp objects.

Parade of companies

All teams line up on the site and, at the leader’s signal, begin to move in an original way to the music.


The hall is divided into groups, which must perform synchronized dance movements to the music.

The "thinest" company"

You need to climb into a gymnastics hoop. Whichever company has the most people in the hoop wins.

Square – oval – triangle

Teams dance in a circle and, at the leader’s signal, change into a triangle, then into a square, etc.

Dancing together - strange dances

Two people from the team (a boy and a girl) dance to a slow composition, and the boy holds his partner in his arms throughout the dance.

In the animal world

Participants need to dance as elephants, snakes, centipedes, giraffes, etc. would do it.


One person from the company becomes a cabbage. The rest should decorate it in one minute using improvised means. The company that “grew” the largest cabbage head wins.

Lower and lower

At a certain height (human height), a crossbar is installed, under which all participants must pass in turn, while performing dance movements. Gradually the crossbar lowers. The game is played until one of the most flexible participants remains.

Expanding dance

Turn on any music and choose two players who will start dancing with each other. Then stop the music. The dancers separate, and each of them chooses a different partner. Now 2 couples dance until the music stops. Then everyone chooses a new partner, and 8 people dance. This continues until everyone is dancing.

For this icebreaker game you will need an even number of players. If one extra player appears, he can start and stop the music.

Musical falls

These "musical chairs" that don't require chairs. All you need is music, which the presenter either plays on the piano or uses CDs or tapes instead. He can even do without music at all and just clap his hands. The players move in time with the rhythm. When the leader stops, everyone should sit on the floor. The one who sits down last leaves the game and must step aside to the leader. To protect yourself from possible mistakes, you need to sit completely on the floor.

Vary the type of music or rhythm so that some music is loud, some is soft, and some has a jazz rhythm. Also vary the length of each piece of music so that players are completely unprepared when the sound cuts out. Use several very short fragments. They will make the game even more exciting.

When there are only two players left, they will be watching each other closely, and you will probably have several draws in a row as they touch the floor at the same time. If this happens, ask them to close their eyes and continue moving to the music. You will soon find out the winner.