How to draw a squirrel with golden nuts. How to draw a squirrel: step-by-step diagrams

Now you will learn how to draw a squirrel with a simple pencil. We will need at least one soft pencil, I use three: 4H, 2B and 6B. When I was looking for a photo on the Internet to draw a squirrel, I came across an albino squirrel. I was shocked, it was a copy of my white rat, only with a fluffy tail, red eyes, and the same paws. Don’t be lazy, just for fun, look for a white squirrel, here’s a rat and that’s it. It’s strange, although the gray one doesn’t look like a rat at all. I have a lesson on drawing a baby rat, if anyone wants -. Now we will draw a gray fluffy squirrel.

Step 1. We draw, barely pressing on the pencil (I initially draw with a hard pencil), draw the head of the squirrel. Click on the picture to enlarge.

Step 2. Draw the line of the back, paw and hip of the squirrel.

Step 3. Draw the squirrel's paws.

Step 4. Draw a huge tail and the protruding part of the front paw.

Step 5. Here is the base for our squirrel.

Step 6. Paint over the eye, leaving a large highlight of white. Paint over the fruit in the paws. We erase the outline of the back and where it was, draw protruding fur close to each other with lines. We also do the same with the thigh and tail. We draw very small lines on the squirrel's forehead. We draw lines on the body, as in the picture.

Step 7. Now take a soft pencil and draw new lines on top of the drawn ones. Look at the picture, you can see everything there.

Step 8. Take either your index or middle finger and smear the lines that you drew. Leave the areas around the eyes and nose untouched. Now with a soft pencil we go along the edges, making it more saturated. You can add a little small lines on the forehead, and barely noticeably paint over the area below the nose, where the mustache and mouth are. It might get darker near the ear, maybe somewhere else, it’s hard to write everything in words. Then we take the eraser and use the edge to make strokes, just like we were drawing fur now. We erase between the ears quite a bit, we didn’t touch the nose and eyes, then where the cheek is white, on the squirrel’s elbow, the white area on top of the thigh, a little on the belly and tail. We make all the eraser strokes in the direction of the wool. We slightly smear the boundaries of these lines with our finger so that it is more or less uniform.

Especially for children and adults - novice artists: drawing a squirrel, diagrams and tips.

The squirrel is a favorite animal for children, a character in many fairy tales and cartoons. She is often depicted on New Year's cards as a nimble assistant to Santa Claus. After a visit to the zoo or a walk in the forest, a child who sees a red-haired mischief on a tree, perhaps feeding her from his hands, will want to draw her. To help him and his parents - tips and step-by-step instructions.

How to draw a squirrel step by step with a pencil for children and beginners?

For those learning to draw and children, it is best to start drawings with geometric shapes that resemble individual parts of the future whole figure.

  1. So, for a squirrel, these shapes will be two ovals. One, resembling an egg, should be placed exactly, and the other, smaller one, should be placed, for example, on top, to the left of the large one.
  2. The smaller oval (where the head will be) should tilt to the left, located at a distance from the larger one (where the body will be).
  3. Now you can approach drawing the neck; to do this, you need to connect the head and body with smooth lines.
  4. The next stage - on a large oval, on the body, the thigh and hind leg are drawn, and she
    large and stable. The front foot is small, gently curved, and will have tiny toes.
  5. The front leg is curved in such a way as if the squirrel brought a nut to itself.
  6. You can already guess the animal in the drawing, but it lacks its distinctive and most noticeable detail - the tail!
    A squirrel's tail, as a rule, is higher than itself, higher than its head. It is fluffy, but for now these are just its outlines, so it’s worth drawing a smooth curved oval, from which the tail will later be detailed. The tail is detailed using zigzag strokes of different sizes. This will give it a fluffy appearance.
  7. Now you can move on to drawing the eyes, nose, and toes on the front paws. Even though they are very small, the squirrel holds the nut tightly in them, and such detailing will add life to the drawing.
  8. And don't forget about the ears! The squirrel's ears are erect, with tassels!

To make the drawing more lively, it is worth adding a stripe on the squirrel’s body, which seems to separate its back and tummy, because the fur there is different.

VIDEO: Pencil drawings, Squirrel

How to easily draw a squirrel by cells?

Drawings in cells are called graphic dictations, and, in fact, this is a very exciting activity.

  1. You can make calculations by cells to depict an animal figurine.
  2. You can try to move through the cells yourself, starting from the base, that is, from the squirrel’s hind legs, on which it sits. Next there will be an upward movement, adding volume to the body and tail, moving to the head and drawing out the ears.
  3. At the end, you must remember to put dots in the corner of the corresponding cells in place of the squirrel’s eyes and nose.

Squirrel by cell: graphic dictation.

How to draw a squirrel from the fairy tale about Tsar Saltan?

The squirrel in the tale of Tsar Saltan is not simple. As you know, she is an entertainer and an artist.

Drawing: a squirrel from the fairy tale about Tsar Saltan.

The image should show the squirrel in motion, in a good mood, perhaps dancing, because she sings songs and deals with precious nuts.

  1. And in the fairy tale, a squirrel lives in a mansion, and such houses have a domed roof, colored carved decorations on the walls and columns.
  2. It is important to draw nuts with golden shells and emerald kernels for such a squirrel. For example, octahedrons are quite suitable to depict emeralds.
  3. It is better to start drawing with a squirrel. This time the squirrel needs to draw both back and both front legs, as if it had turned half-turn.
  4. When it comes to detailing, you need to try to make the squirrel's eyes look sly and playful. You may have to try several times.
  5. After the squirrel is ready, you need to draw her a colorful house, a couple of bags - for gold shells and for precious stones.

A squirrel from the fairy tale about Tsar Saltan in the tower.

VIDEO: Squirrel pictures. HOW TO DRAW A SQUIRREL with a pencil step by step?

How to draw a squirrel on a tree?

First you need to decide how you want to draw a squirrel - sitting statically on a branch or in a jump, jumping from branch to branch, or climbing a trunk.

Depending on what the drawing will be, you can choose from the following options:

  1. First, a squirrel is drawn, as, for example, described above, and then a branch is drawn under its paws.
  2. If you want to draw a squirrel moving along a trunk, then you need to start drawing the proportions of its body a little differently, but, again, starting with the diagrams, which are several elongated circles. At the top there is a small one for the head, then the body and tail. After all the circles are turned into parts of the squirrel’s body, detailing is performed.
    It is better to make the tree trunk along which the squirrel climbs slightly inclined.
  3. At the end, the drawing needs to be given realism and volume by applying shading to indicate shaded areas.
Squirrel on a tree near a hollow: drawing for children.

VIDEO: How to draw a squirrel with a pine cone on a tree?

Beautiful pencil drawing of a squirrel.

VIDEO: How to draw a squirrel?

How to easily draw a squirrel with a pencil step by step for children and adults. Learn to draw a beautiful squirrel with a pencil step by step together with your child. Find out how to quickly and easily draw a beautiful squirrel. Every person in his life wants to learn how to draw beautifully, children especially love to draw and want to learn how to draw beautifully, they are interested in learning to draw not only nature, the sun, flowers, houses, people, but also various animals. Today we’ll see how you can easily and quickly learn to draw a squirrel. Take a sheet of paper and a pencil, look carefully at the picture where the squirrel is drawn. Look at the location of the squirrel, how and where its different body parts are located. In the center of the picture is a squirrel's body, on top is a squirrel's head, on the right is a squirrel's tail, on the left is a squirrel's paws, and at the bottom is a branch on which the squirrel is sitting. Now, in the same way, mentally, divide your sheet of paper for different parts of the squirrel’s body. First start drawing the squirrel from the head, draw the squirrel's head in the form of a circle. Draw a slightly curved line down from the circle - this will be the back of the squirrel. Now, under the squirrel’s head, first draw a small circle, then a larger circle - this will be the squirrel’s body. Divide the squirrel's head with a slightly curved line, leave less space to the curved line on the left, and more space on the right, because in the picture the squirrel's head is slightly rotated. Draw the squirrel’s eyes, they should be drawn in the form of ovals, and below draw the squirrel’s paw. Now draw the pupils of the squirrel in black. Draw ears on the squirrel’s head; they should be drawn in the form of small triangles; draw the muzzle in the form of a small oval. Draw the lower part of the squirrel's paw. On the right side, draw the squirrel a large and fluffy tail, the tip of the tail is slightly pointed. Draw the squirrel's eyebrows in the form of small arches, a nose in the form of a small circle, a mouth and a muzzle. Draw the squirrel's upper paw, it should be drawn from the second small circle downwards and slightly curved. On the lower paw, draw the squirrel’s toes. Now draw the antennae for the squirrel and complete the mouth. Draw the squirrel's tail, chest and muzzle with small strokes - this will give the squirrel fluffiness. Look what a beautiful squirrel you have made. The squirrel can be painted, or left in black and white. Now let's draw another squirrel with a mushroom. Take a sheet of paper and a pencil, look carefully at the picture where the squirrel is drawn. Look at the location of the squirrel, how and where its different body parts are located. In the center of the picture is a squirrel’s body, on top is a squirrel’s head and ears, on the right is a large, fluffy squirrel’s tail, on the left is a squirrel’s paws. Now, in the same way, mentally, divide your sheet of paper for different parts of the squirrel’s body. First start drawing the squirrel from the head, draw the squirrel's head in the form of a circle. Below the circle is the body of the squirrel, in the form of an oval, the oval is slightly curved and uneven. On the right is a large, fluffy tail of a squirrel, the tip of the tail is slightly pointed. Below, under the oval, draw another small oval, it is drawn horizontally - this is the squirrel’s lower paw. Draw the squirrel's upper paw in the form of an oval, slightly curved. Now draw the squirrel’s ears, they are erect, long and slightly pointed, draw the squirrel’s nose and paint it black. Draw the squirrel's upper paw, draw the toes on the paw and draw a mushroom that the squirrel is holding. Draw the bottom of the squirrel's paw and connect the upper paw and lower paw with a line. Draw tassels on the tips of the ears; in the picture they are drawn in the form of small circles. Draw the squirrel’s eyes in the form of a circle and a black pupil, below draw the squirrel’s mouth. Draw toes on the squirrel's lower paw. Apply a small stroke to the squirrel's tail and chest; it will give the squirrel fluffiness. Erase the extra lines and trace the outline of the squirrel. Look what a beautiful squirrel you have made. Color the squirrel orange, color the tummy and muzzle white, color the lower leg and mushroom brown, color the leg of the mushroom white. ##Courses for the development of intelligence We also have interesting courses that will perfectly pump up your brain and improve intelligence, memory, thinking, concentration: ###Development of memory and attention in a child 5-10 years old Purpose of the course: to develop memory and attention in child so that it is easier for him to study at school, so that he can remember better. After completing the course, the child will be able to: 1. Memorize texts, faces, numbers, words 2-5 times better 2. Learn to memorize for a longer period of time 3. 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Mental arithmetic also requires a lot of attention and concentration, which are actively trained when solving interesting problems. ##Conclusion Learn to draw yourself, teach your children to draw, to draw a squirrel step by step, it took you a little time, but now you know how to draw this magnificent animal. We wish you good luck in your future works.

Squirrels are not shy animals; they are not afraid of even the noise of a big city. Pictures for children with a squirrel give the opportunity to observe it in the wild or jumping from branch to branch in a public garden or city park. The photo shows how saffron milk caps carry cones and nuts into the hollow, storing them for the winter, or feast on rowan berries.

The child will be happy to guess the cartoon squirrels, watch how they are drawn, and try to draw the animal with a pencil using one of the step-by-step master classes. He will quickly and easily learn a nursery rhyme by watching an interesting cartoon.

Pictures and photos of squirrels for children. Interesting Facts

Squirrels are funny rodents with fluffy tails and tufts on their ears. They can be found on all continents except Australia and Antarctica.

The size of the animal varies, but usually does not exceed 30 cm. The fluffy tail of a squirrel, the length of which is equal to 2/3 of the length of the rodent’s body, is clearly visible in pictures for children on a white background. A long time ago they thought that it was just a decoration or even a sun umbrella. In fact, squirrels use their tail as a rudder when they jump through the trees. Even if a rodent falls from a height of several tens of meters, it will not break - the tail will act as a parachute.

An interesting fact that children probably don’t know: a squirrel’s teeth grow throughout its life. To keep them from being too long, the saffron milk cap constantly gnaws on something, grinding them down. In the photo you can see the sharp claws of the animal. They appear in rodents from birth.

Cool and funny photos. Squirrel on a tree, in the forest, with nuts, on a branch

Tailed animals are natural poison dart climbers. Thanks to their tenacious claws and movable joints, they move perfectly along tree trunks and branches. The funny squirrels in the pictures literally “hang” upside down, looking for food.

Seeing a squirrel in the park, a child will not mind feeding it nuts. But with the tailed fish’s diet, not everything is so simple! Cones, seeds and nuts are not all she prefers. The squirrel is omnivorous. It can even eat insects and small animals. But the peanuts, which kids often offer her, contain protein that a rodent’s stomach cannot digest. Therefore, if children want the squirrel to eat from their hands, as in the photo, it is better to offer it walnuts or sunflower seeds.

In addition to its love of nuts, the squirrel is famous for its ability to jump. She easily jumps from one branch to another over a distance of 5 m in length and 10 m downward.

The rodent also moves on the ground by jumping. The length of the “squirrel step” is 1 m.

If you ask a child what color a squirrel’s coat is, he will answer that it is red. This is true for most species, but not all. For example, Carpathian and Manchurian squirrels have a dark brown or black coat, while gray squirrels have gray or ash-blue coats.

Squirrel with squirrels, family. Squirrel in a hollow

Mother squirrels give birth to cubs 2-3 times a year. They are completely blind and helpless. Babies begin to develop hair only two weeks after birth, and only a month later. The squirrel spends 2-3 months with the squirrels, then, having matured, they begin to live their own lives.

Children know well that a squirrel's house is a hollow in a tree in the forest. They also build oval nests directly on a branch and do not disdain birdhouses.

Cute rodents are also quite smart. They have developed communication. Families of squirrels act as accomplices, looking for and stealing food, each individual having its own role.

Drawn squirrels, pencil drawings of squirrels for children

A painted squirrel with nuts or mushrooms evokes affection. In images she can often be seen as a housewife in an apron, stocking up for the winter. And how skillfully this animal is drawn with a pencil!

Squirrel tracks. Squirrel in winter, preparing supplies for the winter

In winter the squirrel does not sleep. If the frosts are too severe, the rodent can doze off in the hollow for several days.

There are legends about the thriftiness of squirrels. Children know that, in preparation for winter, she drags nuts, cones, berries and mushrooms into the hollow and hides them nearby. In the picture, a squirrel drags an acorn into a hollow. It’s interesting that a rodent can have a lot of hiding places, but over the winter he eats only a third of the goodies stored in them. And not because I’m not hungry, but because I’m forgetful. The squirrel simply doesn’t remember where or what she hid.

In the forest and in the reserve, during cold weather, animals prefer to move along the treetops, away from hungry predators. Therefore, squirrel tracks in the snow can more often be seen in a city park, where there are fewer dangers and more people want to feed them from their hands.

Pictures of cartoon squirrels. Game: guess the cartoon from the picture

Children love the funny squirrel from the cartoon “Ice Age.” What other cartoon squirrels do they know? In the photo with the guys’ answers, I’m waiting for my favorite characters.

How to draw a squirrel with a pencil for children and beginners

There are pictures and instructions on how to draw a squirrel for children of different ages. One shows a step-by-step image of a rodent for beginners, where everything is shown easily and schematically. On the other, the animal is more complex, funny, as if from a cartoon. A student can try to draw drawings of a squirrel with a pencil, in which it looks like it’s alive.

Pictures and videos for kindergarten and primary school children

In natural history classes for kindergarten and junior schoolchildren, I talk in detail about the squirrel, as an animal that lives next to humans, and they show thematic photos and pictures. The animal has also become the hero of children's rhymes and nursery rhymes; there are interesting educational and entertaining videos about it.

Children's short rhymes

Authors of nursery rhymes pay attention to both the appearance and habits of squirrels. They describe in detail her fluffy red coat and tell the children about how the little animal collects mushrooms, nuts and berries to survive the winter.

Video for children

The well-known nursery rhyme for kindergarten children, “A squirrel is sitting on a cart,” is taught to children in order to develop their memory, imagination and speech. And if you supplement it with finger exercises, you get a good workout for fine motor skills.

A good cartoon about squirrels, “Forest Travelers,” will tell you that the life of saffron milk caps in the forest is not at all carefree. But if you stick together, all difficulties can be overcome.

Drawing a squirrel step by step. “Squirrel on a Christmas tree” Master class with step-by-step photos. Drawing using paper tones.

“Squirrel on a Christmas tree” Master class with step-by-step photos.

Drawing using paper tones.

Sidorova Zoya Grigorievna, teacher of MBDOU "Kindergarten of a combined type No. 8 "Aistenok" Michurinsk
Description: This master class is intended for children from 6 years old, educators, additional education teachers, loving parents and creative people.
Purpose: for decorating a room, a gift, can serve as work for an exhibition, competition.
Target: performing a drawing using mixed painting techniques.
1. Introduce techniques for using paper tones in drawing.
2. Learn to draw spruce branches and squirrels in gouache on a sheet of colored paper, using different drawing techniques: creating a sketch with a simple pencil, printing, poking, printing with a foam pad, drawing with the tip of a brush.
3. Develop the ability to mix paints on a sheet of paper or on a palette.
4. To develop the ability to notice and reflect in a drawing the structural features of an animal and the beauty of nature.

Dear colleagues, today I want to continue the topic of drawing on colored cardboard. The beautiful squirrel lives in the greenery of the trees, so I decided to draw it on green cardboard.

Squirrel in a fur coat,
Jump, and from the Christmas tree to the alder,
Skilfully jumps through the trees,
And he hides nuts in the double.
A. Ganiev

Where does a squirrel live and what does it eat?
Squirrels are distributed almost all over the world (with the exception of Australia). The mobile mammal belongs to the rodent family.
This typical resident of Russian forests is a real beauty. Twice a year (spring and autumn) she changes her fur coat so that in the summer she can sport a bright red fur coat,

and in winter not be so noticeable in a gray, insulated outfit.

The common squirrel lives in a hollow. Many animals have several such houses. She lives in one and breeds, and uses the rest as storage rooms.

It does not hibernate in winter, and it is quite difficult to obtain acorns and nuts - the main food of this rodent - during cold weather. So the economic animal stores them for a rainy day, hiding them in nests.
The main food of the taiga beauty is pine nuts and acorns; its menu can be diluted with seeds of other cones, mushrooms, berries and even bird eggs.
Squirrels have one trait that is very useful for wildlife - their constant desire to stock up. Squirrels hide and bury seeds and nuts for the winter, and then... they forget where they hid them! What they forgot where they buried then germinates.
Sits on a branch, not a bird.
There is a red tail, not a fox...
Red little animal
Jump and jump through the trees.
He doesn't live on earth
And in a hollow tree.

Materials required for work:
green cardboard;
gouache, two brushes: pony or squirrel No. 1 and No. 2;
double sippy cup for water,
simple pencil, palette, foam swab

We lay the green cardboard horizontally.

We will need a foam swab. We wet it in water, squeeze out excess water, and add yellow gouache.

We paint the middle of the sheet with yellow gouache using a foam swab and dipping it.

Drawing a squirrel (simple pencil sketch)
Using a simple pencil, draw a tree branch at the bottom of the sheet.

On the branch, in the center of the leaf, draw an oval - the body.

We denote the head in a circle.

We outline the joints of the squirrel's front and hind legs in circles, and schematically draw the paws.

Paint over the squirrel.
We draw the ears and start coloring them.

We draw the paws, paint the head in orange, the chest and lower part of the head in yellow.

Paint over the back, paws, and upper part of the tail.

Make the lower part of the tail darker.

Paint the branch with brown gouache.

Using the end of a thin brush, draw fur with strokes on the ears, body, and tail.

Using black we draw the eyes, nose, and additional fur more clearly. Using dark brown paint we paint the bark on the branch.

Drawing spruce needles.
We put green paint on a foam swab and stamp it on the places where the needles are supposed to be.

To draw spruce needles using the printing technique, we will use a small piece of cardboard (2 cm wide) and dark green gouache poured into a gouache lid (can be spread on a palette)

To draw needles, dip the end of a cardboard rectangle in dark green gouache and often apply it to the sheet.

We put light green gouache on the cardboard and paint light needles on top of the dark needles with a stamp.

This is what spruce branches look like. You can draw a bump in the squirrel's paws.

On top of the light needles we draw dark green needles in the same way.

We got such a squirrel!

Let's frame it.