Research work "the image of the Snow Maiden on the pages of folklore and literature." Literary reading lesson Topic: Analysis of the Russian folk tale “The Snow Maiden” Reading the Russian folk tale “The Snow Maiden” goal

Literary reading lesson


Analysis of the Russian folk tale “The Snow Maiden”. The image of the Snow Maiden.


Develop and improve the ability to read expressively and analyze text.

Develop a holistic perception of artistic images created by means of different types of art.

To promote the development of speech, logical and creative thinking, the ability to determine the main idea of ​​a work.

Form primary research skills, develop cognitive activity.

Cultivate attentive relationships with each other in the family, feelings of empathy.





Individual cards (test),

Music by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov for the opera “The Snow Maiden”

Textbook Sviridova V.Yu., Churakova N.A. Literary reading, part I: Publishing House "Educational Literature" Publishing House "Fyodorov", Samara, 2003
During the classes

Epigraph:“Fairy tales are the wisdom of the people, the soul of the people, a textbook of life” N.M. Vedernikova (written on the board )
Org moment. ( slide 2

U.: Winter is on the street!

The snow is sparkling all around.

Believe in a good fairy tale, -

The magic will happen...

U.: Imagine that a snowflake fell on your palms, and another one. Let's blow them away lightly and let them fly on. You accidentally get hit in the face with a snowball, it’s unpleasant, but you don’t get upset, you just smile. Smile. I hope that with such a good mood you and I will do a great job in class.
Exercise to develop memory, attention, reading speed: (slide 3)

D.: Read the following expressions and try to remember them.

Lived once...

Not by days, but by hours

Sing - you will listen...

They didn't dote on souls...

A fairy tale is a lie, but in it...

(slide 4)

U.: Who remembers the expressions? (Children remember and name expressions. The teacher opens slide 5 to check answers)

Which expression is missing here? (All of them, except the last one, refer to the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden”. The last expression belongs to A.S. Pushkin.)
U.: Which fairy tale do all the other expressions belong to? Have you guessed what the topic of our lesson today is?( slide 6)

Today we continue our journey into a fairy tale. Let's listen to the Russian folk tale “The Snow Maiden”, familiar from childhood. And let's start with a speech warm-up.
Speech warm-up

Work on expressiveness of speech.

U.: Read, highlighting the highlighted words with logical emphasis: ( slide 7)

Cried Snow Maiden, saying goodbye to winter.

Cried Snow Maiden, saying goodbye to the winter.

The Snow Maiden cried, winter seeing off.

The Snow Maiden cried, winter seeing off.

Reading a fairy tale by role. ( slide 8)
Formulation of the problem.

U.: Who is the fairy tale about? What is it about?

U.: Folk tales are called the wisdom of the people, the soul of the people, a textbook of life. Is it really the wisdom of the people to teach us how to sculpt a snow woman? No, there is something else hidden in the fairy tale, and today we will try to reveal its secret.

Let's go back to the beginning of the fairy tale. Who can remind us of the beginning of the fairy tale? (1 student tells the beginning of the tale, others complement if necessary)

Everything was made from snow. Let's get on our feet and make snowmen too.

Come on my friend, be brave my friend, Children pretend to roll a snowball in the snow

Roll your snowball in the snow.

It will turn into a snowball Hands show a large circle in front of you

And the lump will become a snowman. Hands up

His smile is so bright! Smiling at each other

Two eyes, a hat, a nose, a broom. Fingers touch eyes, head, nose,

show how to sweep

But the sun will be a little hot, Hands up

Alas, there is no snowman. Shrug
Solving the problem using introductory dialogue.

U.: How was the Snow Maiden born? (selective reading) ( slide 9)Prove that you sculpted it with love. What diminutive words are used in the text? (Children find words in the text and name them) Do you think Ivan and Marya were happy before? Why?( D.: They were alone)

And when did happiness settle in their home? ( D.: When they got the Snow Maiden)
U.: This means that without children there is no happiness in the family. What kind of children do parents dream of? ( D.: about smart, obedient people who help their elders, diligent people, etc.) Is this what the Snow Maiden is like? Find and read the description of the Snow Maiden tenderly and soulfully.
U.: So this is the secret of the fairy tale. This fairy tale is about family happiness, which cannot happen without children. The meaning of life is raising children. Parents dream of children who are obedient, affectionate, intelligent, hardworking, and cheerful. They dream of mutual understanding.

U.: Close your eyes, remember your dads and moms. They dream of such children. Do you always act in such a way as to make your parents' dreams come true? What do you need to avoid upsetting your parents? ( D.: try to do everything well, listen carefully in class.)
U.: Did you listen well in class today and read the story carefully? Let's check it out.
Test followed by mutual verification on the screen.

(slide 10)

1.What did the old people make the Snow Maiden from?

A) From dough;

B) from snow;

B) From straw;

2. What was the Snow Maiden hiding from?

A) From the rain;

B) From the wind;

B) From the sun;

3. What was the Snow Maiden happy about?

A) Rain

In the snow;

4. Where did your friends invite Snow Maiden for a walk?

A) To the clearing;

B) Into the grove;

B) To the meadow;

5. What has the Snow Maiden turned into?

A) In a cloud;

B) In the dew;

B) In the fog.
(slide 11)

U.: What mood did the fairy tale make you feel? (Sad)

Read passages that make you feel sad? Why? What kind of fairy tale is this? (sad, sad) Can we say that this is a fairy tale? Why is she magical? Who came up with this magic in a fairy tale? (people, because it's a folk tale)
Creative task in groups(slide 12)

U.: Now I want to invite you to come up with something interesting too. The guys sitting in the first row should come up with a sequence for the image of the Snow Maiden, on the third, a sequence with the image of Ivan da Marya, and those sitting in the middle row should come up with another, joyful continuation of the fairy tale. (Children approach each other in groups to make it convenient to work and complete the task. At the end of the work, 1 student from the group reads out what they did)
U.: (slide 13) IN AND. Dahl also came up with his own fairy tale about the Snow Maiden based on the folk tale. (Read the excerpt) What then happened to the Snow Maiden - read for yourself.

(slide 14) Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky, a Russian writer, wrote the play “The Snow Maiden”. Based on the play by A.N. Ostrovsky Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov, composer and storyteller, composed wonderful music and opera. I would like to invite you to listen to how the composer created the image of the Snow Maiden through the language of music. (The teacher includes a musical fragment)

(slide 15) This is how the great Russian artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov presented it

The Snow Maiden is one of the favorite heroines of Russian fairy tales. The image of the Snow Maiden is purity, kindness, mystery, beauty.

(slide 16) Listen to what image of the Snow Maiden Timofey Belozerov created in his poem (the teacher reads the poem or one of the students can learn this poem in advance and read it in class)).

Timofey Belozerov “Snow Maiden”
The Snow Maiden cried,
Saying goodbye to winter.
Sad followed her,
Strange to everyone in the forest.
Where I walked and cried,
Touching birch trees
Snowdrops have grown -
Snow Maidens
U.: What does this poem and fairy tale have in common? (image of the Snow Maiden)

What other image does the poet paint? (image of a snowdrop flower)

There is also a legend about a flower in the fairy tale. Which one? (Ivan da Marya) ( slide 17)

Perhaps you will find other legends about flowers, or maybe you will come up with your own.
Lesson summary. Reflection. (slide 18)

U.: Today we revealed the secrets of the fairy tale. Which? What do you understand? The legend about which flower is found in a fairy tale. Who do you think did a really good job in class today? Who and what grades do you think can be given for the lesson? Why do you think so?
Homework.(slide 19)

Find or come up with a legend about a flower.

Odnoshovina Elena




MKOU "Brylinskaya secondary school"


The image of the Snow Maiden on the pages of folklore and literature

Completed by a 5th grade student

Odnoshovina Elena

Head: Sayutina S.V.,

teacher of Russian language and literature,

S. Brylino, 2014

Introduction..…………………………………………………………...…….. 2

Goals, objectives, methods……………………………………………………….. 2

Main part……………………………………………………. 3


List of used literature, sources…………..……..8

Appendix……………………………………………………..… 9


Every person has the first book that he read on his own. For many, such a book is a collection of fairy tales. Fairy tales are charming in content, because goodness, justice, and bright love reign in them. It's hard to decide on your favorite fairy-tale hero. For some it is Ivan Tsarevich or the goldfish, for others it is Little Red Riding Hood, for others it is re-read the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” or “The Snow Queen” more than once.

As I grew older, I learned that there are original fairy tales and folk tales. But whatever the fairy tale, the main idea is the victory of good over evil.

My favorite fairy-tale heroine is the Snow Maiden. For the first time I didn’t read about her, but saw her at the New Year’s party, when a charming girl in a beautiful dress came out with Santa Claus. Since then I want to be like the Snow Maiden. Later, my grandmother told my brother and me the fairy tale “Girl Snow Maiden”. Thus, it turns out that the Snow Maiden has an advantage over other fairy-tale characters: once a year she comes to our house, you can talk to her and even receive a gift from her.

Who is this girl - Snegurochka? When did you first appear on the pages of fiction? What is the story of its origin? These are the questions I want to answer in my research work.

In addition, a survey of children in the senior group of kindergarten and primary school students showed that children are well aware of the heroes of modern cartoons and fairy tales such as the spider, Batman, the little mermaid Ariel, etc. I would like to tell them about the Snow Maiden so that she remains in their memory forever. Maybe for some, she, and not the Barbie doll, will become an ideal to follow

Target - highlight the characteristic features of the fairy-tale character Snow Maiden


  1. Read and analyze original and folk tales with characters Snow Maiden.
  2. Based on a comparison of different fairy tales, identify the characteristic features of the Snow Maiden.
  3. Determine the themes of fairy tales, identify the paths used by the authors of fairy tales to describe the Snow Maiden.

Hypothesis - we assumedthat the name of the main character of works of folklore and literature, Snow Maiden, is closely connected with the story of her birth.

Research methods:

  • biographical
  • research
  • analytical
  • survey

To work on our goals, we read fairy tales where the main character is the Snow Maiden. IN AND. Dahl “Girl Snow Maiden”, Russian folk tale “Snow Maiden”, folk tale by A.N. Afanasyev "The Snow Maiden and the Fox". As can be seen from the names of the fairy tales, the name of the heroine sounds differently. In one version, clear pronunciation - chk - , in another (by A.N. Afanasyev) it is softer, where the letter h replaced by a letter w. This gives the name a more gentle sound.

Differences were found not only in the pronunciation of the name.

Episodes for comparison

IN AND. Dahl "Girl and the Snow Maiden"

Russian folk tale "The Snow Maiden"

A.N. Afanasiev "The Snow Maiden and the Fox".

Birth of the Snow Maiden

From a lump of snow in a pot (...I am a girl, Snow Maiden, rolled from spring snow, warmed and rouged by the spring sun)

They rolled a snowball, attached a head, fitted arms and legs, sculpted a nose, drew a mouth and eyes. The girl came to life and came out of the snowdrift

The old man and the old woman Snegurushka had a granddaughter

Appearance description

White as a snowball, round as a lump

Every day, she becomes more and more beautiful, she is as white as snow, her braid is brown to the waist, but there is no blush at all

No description

How it grows

Grows for the joy of old people

Not by day, but by hour

Character traits (attitude towards parents, towards work)

Smart, reasonable

Smart, smart, funny. He sings well, the work in his hands is going smoothly. Sad with the arrival of spring and summer, rejoices in rain and hail.

Hardworking, cowardly (afraid of bear, wolf)

Cries happily

When and where does misfortune happen to the Snow Maiden?

I went into the forest to pick berries with my friends and got lost...

Saves Bug

I went into the forest with my friends, they began to jump over the fire, and the Snow Maiden melted and turned into a white cloud (replied with an echo)

We called my friends into the forest, got lost, and climbed a tree. The fox saves.

Analysis of the table shows: the birth of the heroine is inextricably linked with snow. It was either rolled up from a ball of snow, or came to life from a snowball. Derivative analysis of the word shows the following: root snow - suffix - ur - and suffix - ochk - ending - a. That is, from a noun snow by adding suffixes a noun was formed, the ending- A – which indicates the feminine gender, a suffix to the diminutive meaning of the word.

As a result, we get a complete image of the Snow Maiden. Portrait: beautiful girl, bas small as a snowball, as round as a lump, has a brown braid down to the waist. But there is no blush at all. Apparently, her white color comes from snow, and snow cannot have a blush.

The girl is growing very quickly, not by the day, but by the hour, bringing only joy to her grandparents. It should be noted here that the Snow Maiden appears in the house as a granddaughter, she has neither father nor mother, only grandmother and grandfather. Perhaps she was given to older people to brighten up their loneliness, for this reason she is not capable of anything bad, she was born to do good. Old people call her a diminutive word of endearment granddaughter , and no one called her simply granddaughter . They sing lullabies to her. Here is one of them:

Sleep, our Snow Maiden, Sweet chicken,

Rolled from spring snow,

Warmed by the spring sun!

We will give you something to drink, we will feed you,

Dress up in a colored dress,

Teach mind - mind! (V.I. Dal “The Girl and the Snow Maiden”)

The Snow Maiden is hardworking(work in hands is going well) and obedient ( always asks to go for a walk). Smart, smart, funny. She sings well. She is cheerful by nature and only saddens the arrival of spring and summer. And this distinguishes her from ordinary girls and boys who love the sun. The Snow Maiden prefers winter with its cold wind and snowstorms.

In all three fairy tales, misfortune happens to the Snow Maiden, in two fairy tales (V.I. Dal “The Girl and the Snow Maiden”, A.N. Afanasyev “The Snow Maiden and the Fox”) she remains alive, in the folk tale she melted from the fire. Perhaps this tale is connected with the myth of nature spirits dying when the seasons change (a creature born from snow in winter melts when summer comes, turning into a cloud). Moreover, misfortune always happens to a girl in the forest. It seems to me that this is also connected with mythology: a goblin lives in the forest, ... But even when she finds herself in a difficult life situation and suffering, the Snow Maiden does not show a single negative trait.

When describing the Snow Maiden in fairy tales, various means of artistic representation are used: comparisons (white, like snow), hyperbole (growing by leaps and bounds),permanent epithet (red maiden). All this makes the image of the Snow Maiden more expressive, bright, and memorable.

All the tales about the Snow Maiden were collected and recorded by folklorist A.N. Afanasiev. The Snow Maiden became a literary character in 1873 in the play by A.N. Ostrovsky "Snow Maiden".

In 1937, Father Frost and Snow Maiden appeared together for the first time on the New Year's holiday. In earlier images, the Snow Maiden is presented in the form of a little girl; she began to be represented as a girl later.

Results of the work.

During the work, fairy tales with the character Snow Maiden were read. The history of her birth and the causes of misfortunes have been studied. The characteristic features of the Snow Maiden have been identified. Based on the analysis of works of folklore and literature, the paths used in the description of the Snow Maiden were identified. A word-formation analysis of the name was carried out, and an analogy with its birth was drawn.

Conclusions from the work.

  1. The material obtained as a result of the analysis of fairy tales shows that the Snow Maiden, as the main character of a fairy tale, is first found in oral folk art, and later in collections of fairy tales by Afanasyev and Dahl. In all fairy tales, this is a girl-granddaughter. She is surrounded by the care and affection of her family. The happy life of the Snow Maiden is overshadowed by misfortune, which always happens in the forest, more often in the summer.
  2. To give the image of the Snow Maiden expressiveness, the authors use various tropes, the most common ones being: comparison, hyperbole, epithet.
  3. If we consider that the theme of the work is determined by the question “About what?”, then the theme of the fairy tales read is the life story of the Snow Maiden
  4. The work carried out shows the correctness of our hypothesis. In all works, the Snow Maiden was born from snow. Just as snow melts under the rays of the spring sun, so the Snow Maiden disappears with the arrival of spring. Thus,the name of the main character of works of folklore and literature, Snow Maiden, is closely connected with the story of her birth.

List of used literature:

  1. Afanasyev, A.N. Russian folk tales / A.N. Afanasyev - L.: Lenizdat, 1983 - 446 p.
  2. Fairy tales of Russian writers / M.: Children's literature, 1983 – 687 p.
  3. Tales of the peoples of the world / Alma-Ata: Zhaltyn, 1985 – 352 p.

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Methodological development of a literary reading lesson in 2nd grade
according to the system of developmental education L.V. Zankova
Fedosyuk E.V., primary school teacher, MBOU Astrakhan “Gymnasium No. 3”

During my lesson, I strived to develop reading competence in students. The lesson was based not only on program material: students got acquainted with the biography of the writer V. Dahl, independently found his works, and learned about general cultural artistic values.

The purpose of teaching literary reading in elementary school is to develop the reading competence of a junior schoolchild, to become aware of himself as a literate reader capable of creative activity. Reading competence is determined by mastery of reading techniques, methods of understanding the work read and listened to, knowledge of books and the ability to choose them independently, the formation of a spiritual need for a book as a means of understanding the world and self-knowledge.

During my lesson, I strived to develop reading competence in students. The lesson was based not only on program material, students became acquainted with the biography of the writer V. Dahl, independently found his works, and learned about general cultural artistic values.

I tried to convey to their understanding the spiritual essence of the works. In the process of working with the work, students could master the basic moral and ethical values ​​of interaction with the outside world, master the skill of analyzing the positive and negative actions of characters and events. Understanding the significance of the emotional coloring of all the plot lines of the work, accessible to a junior schoolchild using the example of the life of ordinary Russian people, contributed to the development of one’s own behavior and good attitude towards others.

A comparative analysis of works helped to select and use figurative and expressive means of language to create one’s own oral statement, revealing the intent and main idea of ​​the text.

To develop the creative activity of students, live paintings, role-playing and dramatization took place in the lesson.

To cultivate interest in reading and books, to enrich the moral experience of students, to form an idea of ​​good and evil - this is the goal of my lessons in the future.

Subject:Comparative analysis of the Russian folk tale “The Snow Maiden” and the author’s fairy tale “The Snow Maiden Girl” by V. Dahl.
The purpose of the lesson:
1. Continue familiarization with fairy tales as a type of oral folk art, improve the ability to distinguish an author’s fairy tale from a folk tale.
2. Introduce a new work - the Russian folk tale “The Snow Maiden”. Compare the folk tale with the fairy tale by V.I. Dalia.
3. Improve reading skills, the ability to highlight the main idea of ​​a work, divide the text into logically complete parts, and convey what you read through retelling.
4. Develop speech, memory, thinking, and the ability to work independently.
5. Cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards people.

1. Computer, film - lesson presentation.
2. Drawings by students based on the fairy tales “The Old Man”, “The Snow Maiden”.
3. Exhibition of books (works by V.I. Dahl, Russian folk tales).

During the classes:
1. Organizational moment.

- Get ready for the reading lesson. Are all school supplies on the desk? (Textbook, notebook, diary, pen and pencils).

2. Articulation gymnastics.
- Let's prepare our tongue for work.
The Tale of a Merry Tongue.
Once upon a time there lived a Cheerful Tongue in his house. Guess what kind of house this is?
This house has red doors,
There are white animals next to the doors.
Animals love sweets and buns.
Did you guess it? This house is a mouth. The doors in the house open and close (we open and close our mouths). The tongue doesn't stay in place. He often runs out of the house (stick out his tongue). So he went out onto the porch (his tongue resting on his lower lip) and decided to bask in the sun. A light breeze blew. The tongue shivered (the tongue is an arrow), hid in the house and closed the door behind itself (remove the tongue, close the mouth).
And outside the sun hid behind the clouds, and the rain began to drum (the tongue knocks on the closed teeth, we pronounce “d-d-d”). The tongue was not bored at home. He decided to give his kitten a drink and poured him some milk. The kitten lapped milk like this (we show). Then he licked his mouth (we show) and yawned sweetly. The tongue looked at the clock, it was ticking: “Tick-tock!” (open your mouth and move your tongue from the corner of your lips to the other). The kitten curled up into a ball (curl your tongue, raise it to the roof of your mouth). “It’s time to sleep,” thought the tongue and fell asleep.

3. Checking homework.
- Guys, what fairy tale did you read at home? (Old Year Old)
- Who wrote this fairy tale? (V. Dahl)
- What do you know about this writer? (Answers from the guys)

A) Vladimir Ivanovich Dal was born on November 22, 1801 in Lugansk in the family of a doctor. Dahl's parents were from Denmark, his mother was German. They gave their son a good education at home. At the age of 17, Vladimir Dal graduated from the naval cadet corps, and then from the medical faculty of the university in Tartu. Dahl became a naval officer, he was a surgeon, but devoted his whole life to studying the Russian language.
In 1862 The collection “Proverbs of the Russian People” was published, which included more than 30,000 proverbs, sayings and jokes. To this day we use these sayings in our speech.
For 50 years, Dahl worked on the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian People” (1866), which consists of four volumes and contains 200,000 words. In this dictionary, Dahl not only shows the correct spelling of these words, but also explains their meaning and meaning.
V.I. has many fairy tales. Dalia. These are “The Snow Maiden Girl”, “The Old Man of the Year”, The Picky One”, “About the Toothed Mouse and About the Rich Sparrow” and many others. His tales are instructive and interesting.
V.I. died Dahl in 1872

B) - How you understood the content of the fairy tale, we will check by now conducting a test - a survey.

1. Who is the main character of Dahl’s fairy tale? ... Old man - one year old
2. Who is an old man - a year old... Year
3. What birds did the year produce? ... Months
4. How did the birds fly out? ... In threes
5. What were these triplets? … Seasons
6. In what order did the birds fly out? … Winter spring Summer Autumn
7. How many wings did each bird have? … 4
8. What were these wings? ... Weeks
9. How many feathers are there in the wing and what kind? … 7, Mon., Tues., Wed., Thursday, Friday, Sat., Sun.
10. What color were the feathers and why? ... Day, night, black half and white

4. Report the topic of the lesson.
- Today we will get acquainted with a new work. This is also a fairy tale, but a folk one. What other fairy tales are there? (Copyright)
- What is their difference?
Our new fairy tale is called “The Snow Maiden”.
-Who is the Snow Maiden?
Answers: - This is the granddaughter of Santa Claus.
- This is the daughter of Spring.
- Her grandfather and woman made her out of snow.
This is a folk tale. Many peoples have a fairy tale that tells about a girl made of snow. The Norwegians have such a fairy tale. Children make the Snow Maiden out of snow. In the library you can ask for the Norwegian fairy tale about the Snow Maiden and find out what it is about. And V.I. Dahl also has a fairy tale called “The Girl Snow Maiden”. To compare them, I asked our children to read this fairy tale. And now they will tell us Dahl’s fairy tale.

5. Work on the lesson material.
A) Retelling of a fairy tale by V.I. Dalia "Girl Snow Maiden".
B) Poll on the piece you listened to:
- Where did the Snow Maiden come from? ... from a lump
- How did the Snow Maiden grow up? ... very good
- Who brings trouble to grandma and grandpa? … fox
- Who suffered for the fox's tricks? ... Bug
- What happened to the Snow Maiden in the summer? ... got lost
- Who tried to help the Snow Maiden? ... bear, wolf, fox
- Why didn’t the Snow Maiden believe them? ...strangers
- Who rescued the Girl from trouble? ... Bug
- What is the end of the fairy tale? … happy
- What do you think is the main idea of ​​the fairy tale?
Conclusion: We must help those who find themselves in trouble, not trust strangers and strangers, be kind and reasonable.
- At the end of the fairy tale there is a proverb “Every cloud has a silver lining.” How do you understand the meaning of this proverb?
(If the dog had not been kicked out, the Snow Maiden could have disappeared. There would have been no one to help her. The fact that the Bug was kicked out is bad, bad. But it was a bad thing that did good - the Snow Maiden was saved.)

C) Acquaintance with a new work of Russian folk tale “The Snow Maiden”.

1. Reading by the teacher.
- Find the beginning of the fairy tale. (Highlighting parts of the work.)
- How was the Snow Maiden born to V. Dahl?
- Find in the text how the Snow Maiden appears in a folk tale, read it. (Selective reading.)
Conclusion: The Russian people are very hardworking. In the old days, work was very hard. Dahl believed that a fairy tale should bring joy, and decided to make the work of the grandmother and grandfather easier, even in a fairy tale.

2. Reading by students.
- Why was the Snow Maiden sad?
-What was she happy about?
- What do you think happened to the Snow Maiden in the forest?
- Read the end yourself and try to come up with your own ending to the fairy tale.

3. Comparative analysis of fairy tales.
- Open your notebooks and let's build a table, divide in half.

1. The main characters of the fairy tale?
2. How did the Snow Maiden appear?
3. How did the Snow Maiden grow up?
4. Who or what did the Snow Maiden regret?
5. Which creature is it most like?
6. What is the ending of the fairy tale?

IN AND. Dahl “Girl Snow Maiden” Russian folk tale “Snow Maiden”
Baba, grandfather, Snow Maiden, Bug Baba, grandfather, Snow Maiden
Made from a lump by grandma and grandpa
Smart, affectionate, reasonable Smart, affectionate, beautiful,
I felt sorry for the dog that winter had passed
For a simple girl who can live among people
To the magical, fabulous.
She finds it difficult to live among people
Dies, melts from the fire

Fairy tale by V.I. Dahl is about a kind girl who appeared in a fabulous way among lonely people, but she feels good with them. Both people and animals love the Snow Maiden and help her. It’s as if they want the miracle to stay with them forever.
Russian folk tale “The Snow Maiden” is about the magical Snow Maiden, a beauty and a smart girl. There is no such thing in the world, but people dreamed of a miracle. The Snow Maiden does not stay with people, just as there cannot be miracles in our lives. But the people wanted it so much.

5. Lesson summary.
- What did you hear in the lesson that was new and useful for you?
- What types of fairy tales do you know? What do you remember about the life of V. Dahl?
- What mood do you feel after reading these fairy tales?

6. Student assessment. Homework assignment.

Sample analysis of folk tales

"The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster"

(Russian folk tale for children 3 - 4 years old)

In a simple and entertaining form, the fairy tale conveys to the child the idea of ​​the triumph of justice.

The bunny, feeling sorry for the fox, let her into the hut to warm up. She warmed up and drove the bunny out of his own house. He walks through the forest and cries bitterly. The sympathies of the children are on the side of the offended bunny. The animals he meets along the way sympathize with him and strive to help - they make an attempt to drive out the fox.

The invader-fox intimidates the animals, they do not have the courage to resist her threats: the dogs and the bear run away. Only the cockerel does not give in to deceptive intimidation. He himself threatens to blow off the fox's head. The fox got scared and ran away, and the bunny began to live in his hut again.

In order for the idea of ​​a fairy tale to become understandable to children, the narrator must create a correct sound picture of all events and the actions of each character. The responsive bunny let the fox warm up. When the fox drove him out, “the bunny goes and cries bitterly.” The fairy tale depicts a weak, defenseless animal. The narrator, using appropriate intonations, must show both the character of the bunny and his grief. The bunny’s complaint to the animals he meets sounds bitterly: “How can I not cry?..”

When the bunny sees that neither the dogs nor the bear drove the fox out, he says to the cockerel: “No, you won’t drive him out. They chased the dogs but didn’t drive them out, the bear chased them but didn’t drive them out, and you won’t drive them out!” There is hopelessness in his words.

The image of a fox is negative: it is an invader, an insidious, cruel deceiver. At the very beginning, the fairy tale depicts her behavior. In the words of the narrator: “She warmed herself up, and then kicked him out of the hut” - there should already be a condemnation of her action. Then the fox’s cunning should be conveyed when she intimidates the animals: “As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, scraps will fly through the back streets!” She boldly and boldly scares animals. It is necessary to show this with intonation of voice. Her words at the end of the fairy tale sound completely different: “I’m getting dressed!.. I’m putting on a fur coat!” Here she herself is frightened by the rooster and, after the third insistent demand, quickly jumps out of the hut.

Dogs, a bear, a cockerel sympathize with the bunny. Each of them sympathetically asks: “What are you crying about, bunny?” The animals are different in appearance and character. To accurately convey their images, the narrator uses different timbres and tempos of voice: the abrupt, fast, ringing voice of a dog, the slow, low-pitched speech of a bear, the ringing, melodious voice of a cockerel. For greater persuasiveness, it is good to use onomatopoeia: dogs should bark, a cockerel should crow.

The general tone of the entire tale, despite the bunny’s grief, is cheerful and cheerful. A good beginning prevails in her, a desire to help a friend. Against this cheerful backdrop, the narrator paints the unfolding events.

The composition of the fairy tale is based on a favorite fairy-tale device - repetition of the action: three meetings of a bunny with animals. Each of them is a complete episode and must be separated from the others by a significant pause.

You should also pause at the end of the fairy tale to give the children the opportunity to feel its happy ending.

"Snow Maiden"

(Russian folk tale for children 5 - 6 years old)

The fairy tale “The Snow Maiden” is magical: in it there is a miraculous transformation of a snow girl into a living one. As in any fairy tale, its wonderful element is intertwined with an everyday realistic basis: the fairy tale depicts the life of childless old people, pictures of native nature at different times of the year, and the fun of children.

This tale is somewhat different from other Russian folk tales in the nature of its content. While most of our fairy tales are cheerful and cheerful, this fairy tale is lyrical, with a tinge of sadness caused by the death of the Snow Maiden.

Reading the tale carefully during the preparation process, the narrator notes that in composition it differs from others. It does not have the dynamism characteristic of fairy tales, nor does it have the usual technique of repeating the action three times. All attention is focused on the image of the Snow Maiden, her behavior, and experiences.

The image of the Snow Maiden was created with great love. Hardworking, smart, friendly. The Snow Maiden is also beautiful in appearance: “every day, it becomes more and more beautiful. She herself is as white as snow, her braid is brown to the waist, but there is no blush at all.”

An image created with such love also requires appropriate lyrical intonations from the narrator, which evokes sympathy in the listeners for the Snow Maiden. The narrator's voice should sound warm, loving, but without cooing, without excessive sentimentality.

The fairy tale wonderfully shows the contrast between the joyful spring awakening of nature and the growing sadness and melancholy of the Snow Maiden. “Winter has passed. The spring sun has begun to warm up. The grass in the thawed patches turned green, the larks began to sing.” The narrator’s voice contains cheerful, cheerful intonations, and then, after a short pause, he continues with a tinge of sadness: “And the Snow Maiden suddenly became sad.”

The end of the fairy tale is expressive - the death of the Snow Maiden. A miracle happens - the Snow Maiden melted and “turned into a white cloud.” The narrator must depict both the surprise and the alarm of her friends when they call her: “Ay, ay, Snow Maiden!”

We were read a book about a miracle that brightened up the long winter and disappeared in the spring in early childhood. Now it’s hard to remember what the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden” is about. There are three stories with the same title and similar plot. They all talk about a pure and bright girl who died and turned into a cloud or a puddle of water.

What is the fairy tale written about?

In the story of the American writer N. Hawthorne, a brother and sister went out for a walk after a snowfall and made a little sister for themselves. Their father does not believe that the baby is a snow figure come to life. He wants to warm her up, takes her into a hotly heated house, and thereby destroys her.

“The Snow Maiden” is a favorite winter fairy tale for children

In the collection of A.N. Afanasyev published a Russian fairy tale. In it, childless old people molded a daughter out of snow. In the spring she became sad and became sadder every day. Her grandfather and grandmother told her to go play with her friends, and they persuaded her to jump over the fire.

In the play by A.N. Ostrovsky's daughter Frost and Spring-Red appears on the land of the Berendeys and must melt from the sun's rays when she finds love. A stranger, not understood by anyone, she dies during the holiday. Those around her quickly forget about her, have fun and sing.

The essence of the tale

Fairy tales are based on ancient myths and customs. Previously, to bring spring closer, they burned an effigy of Maslenitsa - a symbol of the passing winter. In the play, the Snow Maiden becomes a victim who must get rid of bad weather and crop failure.

It's fun to say goodbye to the cold. In the folk tale, the friends are not too sad when parting with the snow girl.

Importance for children

A fairy tale is a way to explain that everything has its time. One season is always replaced by another. It happens that in late spring snow still lies in the shade and in forest ravines, and summer frosts occur. In ancient times, boys and girls burned fires and jumped over them. They believed that the warmth of the fire would finally drive away the cold. The Snow Maiden was able to survive the spring, but still melted in the middle of summer.

What does a fairy tale teach?

Today we find a different meaning in the magical story, and use it to explain the phenomena of our lives.

It is often difficult for parents to understand the difference of their child and to accept him. They forget that his birth is miraculous in itself. The old man and the old woman were happy to have a daughter, but now they need her to become like everyone else and play with other girls.

The Snow Maiden is a fragment of a fairy-tale world, a beautiful piece of ice. People want to explain the miracle, find a use for it, adapt it to life. They strive to make it close and understandable, to warm it up, to disenchant it. But by removing the spell, they destroy the magic itself. In N. Hawthorne's fairy tale, a girl, created by thin children's fingers for beauty and fun, dies in the rough hands of a practical and reasonable adult.

“The Snow Maiden” is a touching and sad story about the laws of time and the need to follow the laws of nature. She talks about the fragility of magic, about beauty that exists for no reason, and not to be useful.