Fortune telling at home: how to tell fortunes using tea. Fortune telling with tea - what the Higher powers have in store for you

Fortune telling by tea, which consists of deciphering patterns, signs and symbols from tea leaves, is not only interesting entertainment, but also an opportunity to find out your future. For tea fortune-telling, the drink is brewed directly in a cup, putting one spoon of large-leaf tea into it and pouring boiling water over it.

After this, cover the cup with a lid or saucer and let the tea brew for about 10 minutes. When the drink is ready, they first examine and interpret the position of the tea leaves on the surface - they tell about the near future. Then, when the tea is drunk, take the cup in your left hand, mix the remaining liquid with the tea leaves in a circular motion, turn the cup over, moving it away from you, and place it on the saucer. When the liquid has drained and dried a little, the cup is turned over again and the interpretation of the symbols obtained from the tea leaves begins.

Tea fortune telling its online version is already presented on the website - . Below we present another option free online tea fortune telling with decoding of symbols.

To start tea fortune telling online, click on the cup


On the surface, one tea leaf is on the left, the second is on the right. A wonderful sign. Portends success in your personal life and career advancement. Improved financial situation, increased well-being.

Two tea leaves on the surface, one in the depths of the cup. Conflict with loved ones or loved ones is likely. Some decline in the professional sphere. Do not give in to emotions, keep them under control, weigh all the pros and cons before making this or that decision. If you follow this advice, the situation will stabilize.

Two tea leaves joined together on the surface, two more on opposite sides. Things will not be as good as you would like. Short-term difficulties with money are possible. However, considerable success awaits you in the sphere of your personal life. A long-awaited meeting or acquaintance with a new person is coming up, who will play a very important role in your life in the future.

All the tea leaves are at the bottom, and a few tea leaves are in the depths of the drink. Both positive and negative developments are possible. Everything will depend only on you and your actions. Beware of ill-wishers; you should not be too frank with people you don’t know well. It’s also better not to talk about your plans and intentions.

Almost all the tea leaves float on the surface. To get what you want, you will have to put in more effort than you planned. There may be unexpected difficulties along the way.

One tea is on the surface, two are in the depths of the drink. A good omen. In all your affairs you will be accompanied by luck and success, and Fortune will turn to face you.


Bayonet- Danger, harm. Something has probably caused you distress.

Turtle- Indicates a secretive and timid character. You were probably too sensitive to criticism or some life circumstances and “hid” yourself and avoided solving the problem.

Digit 6- Problems in business or personal life. A strange coincidence of circumstances, confusion in business.

Scales— Controversial cases or litigation.

Rose with thorns— Excessive jealousy led to complications in life.

Knife- Excessive emotionality, impulsiveness, inability to restrain oneself. The machinations and conspiracies of enemies.

Square- Indicates limitations - both emotional and physical. Thoughtless words or actions could cause trouble.

Hammer— Hard work, a difficult task, a difficult period in life.

Cup- A reward, probably in the form of a monetary reward for work, project, or business performed.

Sun– Success, luck, a clear and bright period in life.

Rat– Unjustified hope for loved ones or friends. If the fortuneteller is a woman, the sign speaks of tears.

Swan– Self-esteem, respect. Stability and stability of position.

Boat– Easy, simple attitude to life, lack of fears and anxieties, communication with pleasant people.

Lines– The usual, smooth flow of affairs and everyday life.

Lunar crescent— New opportunities, increasing success. A successful marriage or a profitable, profitable partnership.

Bonfire— Discord in personal life, jealousy, anger, resentment.

Spider— A missed opportunity due to the machinations of enemies and ill-wishers, an unpleasant surprise.

Pentagon– Shopping, planned acquisition of necessary things.

Rocks- A period of problems, quarrels, discord. Breaking up with a partner or with like-minded people, friends.

Owl- Correct solution. Wisdom, self-confidence, successful overcoming of life's difficulties.


Car- Improvement in well-being awaits you. However, do not rush - the long way is often the most productive.

Angel— Good news from a person who has deep feelings for you. This is a particularly favorable sign if you are in love.

Antenna- Threat of scandal, quarrel, gossip. Don't open up to strangers, especially when it comes to your career or family.

Log- Laziness, lack of activity, stagnation in business.

Bottle— Health will require attention. You shouldn't allow yourself excesses.

Bull- Prosperity and excellent health. Business relations will improve, you will successfully overcome hidden confrontation.

Toad— Take a careful look at your acquaintances: one of your “friends” is lulling your vigilance with flattery. This person is trying to use you for his own purposes. You shouldn't have anything to do with him.

Star- Predicts health, happiness, wealth and success. Don't let these gifts of Fate go to waste.

Hare- Timidity and shyness can hinder you. Try to be more confident in yourself, otherwise you will not be lucky in business. Be clear about your own opinions. Treat others as equals, not as bosses.

Digit 3– Successful completion of negotiations, mutually beneficial cooperation, successful contacts, friendship between colleagues and like-minded people.

Butterfly– Waste of time, frivolous behavior, unused chances and opportunities.

House– Preservation and increase of material savings. A good sign for those involved in business, as it indicates favorable opportunities for commerce. You can start new projects - they will all be successful. For lovers, the sign means the fulfillment of hopes.

Number 8– A quarrel with one of your close relatives, friends or work colleagues is likely.

Arc– Not a very good sign, since it speaks of something unfinished. Perhaps there will be a suspension in business, some project or plan will remain unfinished.

Cornucopia– Peace, prosperity, abundance, love and happiness await you.

Coin– Unexpected monetary acquisition, profit, salary increase.

Ring– There is a high probability of new relationships, a new union. Wedding, marriage.

Eagle– You will achieve a high position, all your projects will be successful, and your plans will be successfully implemented.

Elephant– Unexpected good news or news. Very big luck, winning, surprise. It is likely that you will receive an inheritance or a large sum of money.

Fish– One of the happiest signs that can be obtained from tea fortune telling. It neutralizes all bad symbols and omens and portends prosperity, good luck and peace. All your endeavors will be crowned with success. Particular luck awaits you in financial matters.

To find out the future, it is not necessary to perform ancient magical rituals. It is enough just to believe in the magical power of the objects that surround us. You can use in fortune telling what everyone almost always has on hand. Such simple fortune telling is interesting because they can be used anywhere and at any time. The main thing is to properly tune in to receive information about the future. One of these fortune-telling is fortune-telling by tea leaves.

Fortune telling by tea is one of the most common methods of fortune telling. It is somewhat reminiscent of fortune telling on coffee grounds, but the interpretation of this fortune telling is very different. In order to find out the future from the tea leaves, you need to pour a spoonful of loose-leaf black tea into a white cup and brew it. You should choose small-leaf tea, since it is very difficult to guess by large tea leaves.

After this, you need to drink a cup of tea to the bottom, leaving only tea leaves and a little liquid. With your left hand you need to shake the cup a little and after that you can begin to interpret fortune telling. The shapes at the bottom of the cup are the key to your future. The interpretation of the signs is as follows: visually divide the bottom and walls of the cup into two parts: the part that is adjacent to the handle is what will happen to your loved ones, the other side is what will happen to you personally.

Seeing a cross is a harbinger of illness or death. It can also mean trouble and betrayal.

The ladder means success associated with professional activities. Most likely, you will be promoted or offered a more lucrative job.

An arrow means bad news. And the circle can be a sign of an imminent marriage or the appearance of a soulmate in your life.

A destroyed building foreshadows unrealistic dreams. Everything that you currently dream of most will not come true.

The road promises changes in relationships with relatives and loved ones. If the road is uneven, then this is a sign of difficulties that will come your way. A road that turns sharply to the side foreshadows unexpected changes that can take you by surprise.

The key is a sign of happiness and good luck. All your wishes will soon come true. This sign promises success in all areas of life: work, love and money.

The tree portends good health. If a sick person sees him, he will soon recover.

An ax is a sign of danger. Be careful in everything, do not trust strangers, avoid unnecessary waste of money and control your emotions.

The hand signifies strong support from your parents. This is what gives you the strength to move forward and achieve new victories.

If the tea leaves do not resemble a specific figure, then this can also be interpreted. If they are arranged in clusters, it means quick profit, financial gain and good luck. If the tea leaves are lined up in a row, this is a sign that your wish will soon come true.

19.07.2013 12:36

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Fragrant coffee you can start not only the morning, but also the New Year! And also - tell fortunes! Popular and creative divination on coffee brings the energy of romance to the process of eating natural black that has become largely routine coffee. After drinking coffee you can enjoy unraveling the fascinating patterns that form the remains coffee in a cup and become magical symbols that predict the future.


Popular and creative divination on coffee grounds brings the energy of romance to the process of drinking natural black that has become largely routine coffee. After drinking coffee you can enjoy solving the signs and symbols left on the saucer, by solving which you can find out your future. To save your time, we have developed online divination on coffee grounds. Try it now!


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Fortune telling with tea is an ancient tradition that came to us from Asia, the birthplace of this drink. However, it quickly took root in Slavic realities and acquired additional elements, since tea appeared in Rus' much earlier than in Europe.

In the article:

Asian tea fortune telling

In Asia, tea is not only a traditionally popular drink, a cure for all ailments and part of etiquette, but also a way to look into your future. Asian tea fortune telling is very simple and anyone can do it. This type of prediction allows fortune telling in the company of girlfriends; many will find it more interesting.

So, how to tell fortunes on tea in Asian style? Take a cup, put a spoonful of tea in it and brew it with boiling water. Everyone knows that this drink takes time so that it can brew and acquire a pleasant taste. Cover the cup with a lid and leave it for 10-15 minutes.

While your tea is steeping, you should focus on a question whose answer is of particular concern to you. When the drink is ready, remove the lid, which tea leaves floated to the surface, which ones remained on the surface, and how many of them are arranged in this way. Interpretations will help with this, which are very important when divining tea in Asian style.

Asian tea fortune telling - interpretation

Before interpreting the meaning of the tea leaves that float up while brewing tea, you should determine the position of the cup. Ideally, it should stand in relation to the interpreter as you originally placed it. You can also place the cup with the handle to the left if you don’t remember how it should have been. Some people spin the container with the drink before looking at the location of the tea leaves. Each method can be called correct in its own way, listen to your intuition and choose the cup position that you like best.

On the right are two tea leaves, on the left is one. This arrangement of the brew gives you a good prediction, but its detailed meaning depends on the situation you were thinking about while brewing the drink. Your wishes will come true, they will be strong and lasting, you will get a promotion at work, your income will increase. If the tea leaves surface this way, you can rest assured that success and good luck await you.

If there is one teacup on different sides of the cup, this is not very good. Problems are possible at work, there is a high probability of a quarrel with a loved one, personal life may suffer a little due to quarrels and lack of attention, troubles are also possible in relationships with friends. In general, this is a bad omen, which is in the matter that you were guessing about.

Two tea leaves on the right and left mean that you will not see any luck in business, at work or in any financial matters. With your personal life, not everything is so bad, joy and happiness await you. If you were guessing about relationships, the meaning is quite good, but in everything else you will not be lucky.

The tea leaves are only on the left - both good and bad events await you, regardless of the question asked of the tea.

If on the surface you see all the tea leaves that were in the cup, this means that you have no patience or the tea was brewed incorrectly. Perhaps this warns you against excessive haste in your matter, because it usually does not lead to anything good either in love or money matters.

If the tea leaves float somewhere in the middle of the cup without rising to the surface, it means that success awaits you both in your personal life and at work. It is possible to receive a large sum of money, a bonus or a gift. Most likely, you are going for a promotion. There will be love and passion in your relationship.

English fortune telling using tea leaves

It is believed that this fortune telling on tea leaves originated in England, although in fact fortune telling was done this way throughout Europe. The technique is similar to that used for tea fortune telling, and this tea fortune telling is no more difficult than Asian fortune telling.

To find out your future, brew tea in a cup. It is better to take a little more of it than is needed for the previous method, two spoons instead of one. You can also make such predictions in the company of friends.

After the drink has been used for its intended purpose, the cup is turned with the handle to the left, covered with a saucer and shaken three times. After this, they look at what figure appears on the bottom. And by its location they judge how soon what they have predicted will come true. The closer to the bottom, the more time will pass before the prophecy is fulfilled, but if what you are expecting soon turns out to be there, then this matter will have to be postponed.

English tea fortune telling - meaning of symbols

Some people prefer to find out the meaning of the symbols themselves. To do this, you need to understand what associations the figure you see on the bottom evokes. It is very rare for two different people to have the same interpretations. Today, this is a rather rare way to interpret the meaning of fortune telling on tea leaves.

  • Gemstone, diamond, crystal - happiness in your personal life.
  • Angel, bell - good news, surprise, joy.
  • Harp - success in creativity, the emergence of inspiration. Sometimes it means a new relationship.
  • Butterfly - problems due to carelessness and the wrong attitude towards entertainment.
  • Drum - problems due to pride and high self-esteem.

A ring, bracelet or circle - a new stage in a relationship, engagement or wedding. You may be able to see letters or numbers next to this figure. However, if you have already planned such an event, and the figure is visible at the very bottom of the cup, you should be prepared for the delay of the desired minute.

A bouquet of flowers, a heart - happiness in personal or family life. One flower means marriage or lasting friendship, but flowers at the bottom of the cup are unlucky in love.

Bottle, jug and other containers for liquids - you should be careful in everything that concerns excesses, and it doesn’t have to be alcohol.

A horned animal means danger because of your character, which you should not show in the near future. Possible problems due to stubbornness. Try not to get involved in quarrels and showdowns.

  • Fan, dancer - problems due to frivolity.

A bare branch means a quarrel, with leaves means a new friend or ally, perhaps a meeting with friends. Only the leaves tell you that you shouldn’t give up, it’s worth it.

  • Grapes - fidelity and happiness in love.
  • Mountains, hills - you have to work hard to get what you want.
  • Tree, bush, stars - money, happiness and health.

Female profile or figure - wishful thinking, perhaps this symbolizes passion or your hope of getting something. Perhaps this is a sign of meeting a woman. If this is a mask, then you should keep your desires secret.

  • A castle is some very good event, most often associated with money.
  • Snake - intrigues are being woven against you, most likely you have an ill-wisher.

Initials, letters and numbers - you should pay attention to them, remember them and try to understand what they mean to you.

Knife, dagger, scissors, sword, sword - quarrel, disagreement, misunderstanding. There may be difficulties with money. You should take care of your health.
  • A clover leaf, horseshoe, fountain, fruit or key is great luck.
  • A cage - or marriage, or problems, perhaps your plans will not come true.

Wheel, crown, shovel, hammer - thanks to hard work you will achieve success or great profit.

  • Comet - you are worried about what will not happen.

A compass, a ship, an airplane - either to a long journey, or to the need to change something in life, for example, work or place of residence.

  • The cat is a betrayal.
  • An armchair or stool - for guests in your home.
  • Cross - you will have to lose something to achieve your goal.
  • Bed, bedding and other places to rest - you need a break.
  • Light bulb - support.
  • Bat - jealousy, relationship problems, bad trip, troubles.

Smooth lines - either you will have guests, or you will become a guest. Wavy ones symbolize fear and indecision.

  • Planet - glory and honors.
  • Frog - we need to change the strategy.
  • A car, a chariot - good changes.
  • Bridge - you are making the right decision.
  • Bear - troubles that are better to wait out by staying at home.
  • Clouds are not for you, do something else.
  • Donkey - moderate your stubbornness.
  • Glasses are a surprise, most likely an unpleasant one.
  • A spider is a gift, good luck, a pleasant surprise.
  • Saw - someone will interfere in your business with the aim of harming you.

A bird, an arrow - news, but if it is an owl - it means illness. The clearer the figure of the arrow or bird, the better the news.

  • Firearms are a lot of everyday worries.
  • Hand, hands - help from relatives.
  • Fish - happiness, pleasant journey, good news.
  • Elephant - you need someone on whom you can rely, and then health and happiness await you.
  • Dog - your friend needs help.
  • An ax is a danger.
  • Dots - receiving money, possibly fulfilling a wish.
  • The triangle is fortunate, but you must think about every step you take.

Smoking pipe, flag - listen to the advice of others, think over your actions, beware of excessive self-confidence.

Asians are very concerned about prophecies and various fortune-telling. They believe that the future is predetermined and that there are no accidents or luck, as Europeans believe. Making tea and telling fortunes on tea leaves is a common thing for them.

The fortune telling method is quite simple. Place one spoon of Chinese tea in a cup and brew with freshly boiled water. Cover with a saucer and let sit for about 10 minutes. At this time, you need to calm down internally and talk about your problems to yourself. Once the specified time has passed, you can see what happened.

There are a total of 60 options for the position of the tea leaves, which can be found in the brochure. We will not list everything; we will note some of them.

Interpretation of tea leaves

  1. One tea leaf on the left and two on the right. This position of the tea leaves means good meaning in all respects. In work, it may portend growth up the career ladder. As for relationships with your loved one, love and trust in each other will only strengthen. Money matters will also go uphill.
  2. Two tea leaves emerged from two opposite sides. In love affairs, a cat may run between lovers. Quarrels and manifestations of dissatisfaction due to lack of attention are not excluded. Due to borrowing money, friendships with loved ones may worsen. Also foreshadows problems at work.
  3. On the right are the cups - two oblong tea leaves with their ends closed, on the left of the cup - two wide-sized tea leaves. It means things are bad. Whether at work or in money matters, nothing good shines. Only in love is there a glimpse of a little happiness that will bring joy.
  4. All the tea leaves lie at the bottom of the cup, only one or two of them surfaced on the left. Fortune telling foretells both good and bad.
  5. If all the tea leaves float to the surface, it means that the person who brewed the tea does not know how to prepare it. The water in the kettle did not boil, which is why the tea leaves all floated to the surface. This also means that the fortuneteller is a rather impatient person and does everything in a hurry. Nothing good is foreshadowed in love relationships and at work.
  6. One tea leaf has floated halfway, two or three are located a short distance above the rest of the tea. It portends that in a relationship with a loved one, passion and love will flare up again. Things at work can be rewarding and great success. As for money, it is possible to make a profit or a big jackpot.

English way of fortune telling with tea

Fortune telling with tea is known not only in Asian countries, but also in England. However, the principle of its fortune telling is very different and has much in common with fortune telling on coffee grounds.

It is advisable to carry out tea fortune telling in a new mug or in one that is not used for regular tea drinking. It can be either pure white or bright colors. The main thing is that the inside of the cup is white so that it is convenient to view the resulting pattern.

The choice of tea also needs to be taken seriously. It is better to take large-leaf tea, since small tea leaves do not settle well on the walls of the cup. Tea leaves are usually placed in a cup and steeped with boiling water.

The tea fortune telling ritual is as follows:

  1. Brew tea in a cup and let it brew for a while until the tea leaves are completely saturated.
  2. Then slowly drink tea, thinking about what you would like to find out with the help of this fortune telling. Not all of the tea is drunk; you need to leave some liquid at the end.
  3. After this, take the mug in your left hand and, after shaking 3 times, pour the contents of the cup onto the saucer.
  4. The amount of liquid left is determined experimentally. If you leave it too little, the tea leaves will fall out in a lump on the saucer. If there is a lot, then there will be no tea leaves left at the bottom of the cup to depict the design, because everything will flow out onto the saucer. Therefore, you need to find a middle ground.
  5. Next, the fortuneteller looks at the bottom of the cup and determines the resulting pattern. Each drawing has its own meaning and interpretation.

Interpretation of the resulting drawings

  1. Stork - pregnancy, well-being.
  2. Butterfly is a new hobby, activity.
  3. Wood – health, safety.
  4. Snake – wisdom and experience in life.
  5. Star - dreams and wishes will come true.
  6. Cat - cunning, flattery, betrayal.
  7. Cross - passing obstacles or difficulties.
  8. Horse - travel.
  9. A knife is a conflict.
  10. Dog – loyalty, reliability.
  11. Hand - acquaintance
  12. Heart is love.
  13. Triangle - talents that have not previously manifested themselves.
  14. Egg - new ideas and plans.
  15. Apple – knowledge, luck.