Football. Correct bets

Many people, having entered the world of betting, are looking for a way to maximize their results and reduce the risk of failure. They are looking for all possible information about “how to bet correctly in a bookmaker’s office”, “useful tips for beginners”, “successful game in bookmakers” and much more. The site's experts will help you avoid the most common mistakes and share a couple of tips.

Before you start betting at a bookmaker you need to firmly decide for yourself why you are doing this. This is just a hobby and additional adrenaline when watching sporting events, or a form of income. In both cases it is necessary always follow the main rule - do not bet more than your wallet can handle. Without accepting this truth, you can easily lose big one day. Thus, you must always keep in mind the cash bar, a kind of ceiling above which you should not set. Next, we will look at simple rules that should not be neglected if betting at a bookmaker is more than just a hobby for you:

  1. Never try to win back after a series of failures. In the language of professional players in bookmakers ("cappers"), this is called "tilt". (Tilt is an unwise or reckless gambling action under the influence of emotions. In most cases, “tilt” occurs after losing a large amount of money). This term is often used by poker players, but it is also perfect for betting in bookmakers. Remember, a bad streak can happen to anyone, even the most competent and savvy player, and the most important thing is to be able to survive it with minimal losses. To do this, you need to set your own loss limit, and once you reach it, stop. Most bookmaker clients “drain” their bank precisely in an impulse to win back their money, here and now, and in the end they suffer even greater failures.
  2. The second rule is partly related to the first. You should place bets with a fresh mind. You shouldn’t analyze sporting events when you’re tired or just thinking hard about something. Any such irritant can “cloud” your mind, which will lead to an incorrect forecast. If you feel like something is gnawing at you or you’re just having a bad day, then the best decision would be to hold off on betting at this point.
  3. Don’t bet on the team (athlete) you support. It’s not always possible to soberly assess the strengths of those you care about. A simple example is how a fan of Real Madrid can simply accept the idea that his team is weaker than Barcelona. It is best to exclude such matches for betting, and just enjoy the game and root for your favorite team.
  4. Do not rush to conclusions about this or that meeting. It is better to concentrate your attention on a small number of events than to chase the number of bets. A well-thought-out bet will bring more benefits than a hastily chosen option. Look through the line and do a primary analysis, selecting the event that you will analyze in more detail, sorting everything out. If you try to keep up with a large number of matches at once, you simply won’t be able to study them thoroughly due to lack of time. Also, you should not try to be an expert in many sports at once, because for a competent analysis you need to watch the matches themselves, which means dedicating time to it. It would be better to focus on only one sport for betting.
  5. It is very important to make a profit not in some specific time periods, but to be in the black over the long term. What period you choose is not so important; it could be a week, a decade, a month, etc. It is not just the results of one day that are important, but the results of bets over a long period of time.
  6. Be careful with “catch-ups” and simple rate increases. Even if you have solid financial capabilities, this does not at all guarantee you that by constantly increasing the bet amount you will definitely win, because, firstly, there may still not be enough money, and secondly, in the bookmaker there are limits on both the maximum bet, and for maximum winnings.
  7. Never consider that you have found a “sure thing”. Any team or athlete can lose. Of course, if you do not bet on a fixed match, but we will not touch on this topic for now. Even if absolutely everything speaks in favor of one of the opponents, this is far from a reason to go all-in and bet big on him. If you closely follow the world of sports and have extensive experience, you will probably be able to remember more than one game where an obvious underdog worked wonders, beating the favorite. Naturally, a “sure thing” can be seen in a match of approximately equal teams, but the principle is still the same, there should not be 100% confidence in anyone’s victory.
  8. Statistics are a friend of the BC player, but not the ultimate truth. Although statistical indicators shed light on many issues, they cannot be a guarantee of success. In addition to statistics, there are also factors such as: motivation, current playing form, player injuries, team atmosphere, etc. Don’t forget that it’s not numbers that play on the court, but real people, that is, the human factor will not go away. You should be especially careful with the results of head-to-head meetings, because from year to year there are replacements in teams, and individual athletes either gain or lose shape, which means that what happened a few years ago does not necessarily have to happen again.
  9. You should not rely entirely on paid forecasts, much less on the notorious “negotiations”. Of course, we will not say unfoundedly that all paid forecasts on the Internet are compiled by scammers and will definitely lead to your ruin, we will only say that the risk of getting into trouble is very high. Before “fishing in troubled waters,” you should consider free options. For example, on our website you can always find forecasts from professionals for various sports, and they are completely free. To “recoup” the costs of paid forecasts, you must have increased traffic and a solid bank, and not everyone can afford this, and it would be a good idea to think carefully before buying someone’s opinion. Particular mention should be made of fixed matches, or as they are also called “fixed matches”. On the Internet, most sites with such content simply prey on gullible people, offering them options that are not supported by any exclusive information.
  10. There are moments when everything goes like clockwork, a fountain of ideas and everything goes off with a bang. At such moments, you should not blindly follow luck and play all-in. Bet only until losses begin. For yourself, you can determine this line in advance by stopping betting after the first loss, or after 2-3. The main thing is not to forget about 1 rule- don’t give in to emotions. Ideally, it is best to calculate the desired profit and acceptable loss before the game segment, and stop as soon as the upper or lower bar is reached. It is the ability to stop betting in time and take a break that distinguishes a professional from an amateur.

Always try to remember that life is not limited to betting and you should not exchange playing at a bookmaker for communicating with family and friends. Don’t forget that betting and gambling go hand in hand, which means there is always a risk of becoming addicted to gambling.

In bookmakers, players most often bet on football events. With the right approach, this allows you to make good money. But at the same time, you should adhere to certain rules that will help reduce the risk of loss.

First of all, don't make big bets, which exceed 20 percent of the game bank. Any match, even if the winner is obvious, can end with an unexpected result. The risk of loss is always present, and you must adhere to the bank control rule, according to which you should bet on amounts no more than 5-7 percent of the bank.

In rates it is recommended stick to certain strategies. There are quite a lot of them now, and you can choose a few that are most suitable. At the same time, it is better to practice making forecasts on paper first, so as not to risk money. After valuable experience in forecasting has been acquired and any strategy has been tested in practice, you can move on to betting at bookmakers for money.

After a loss and during the forecasting process many players get emotional, which affects the correctness of decision-making. To make successful predictions, you should not try to win back after disappointing defeats or make thoughtless bets in a fit of despair. If emotions or excitement overwhelm you, then it is better to rest and return to playing at the bookmaker’s office when calm and composure returns.

It should always be remembered that making money on bets is very difficult and time-consuming process. To win over the long term, you need to constantly monitor the news, game form, injuries, etc. Before the match, when making a forecast, you should take into account all the details, including performance statistics, motivation, the possibility of replacing the main team players with substitutes, etc.

Before you place a bet, you need to first assess your chances teams to win or calculate the possible number of goals scored, and then compare them with the odds and values ​​given by bookmakers. It is advisable to have accounts in different offices in order to bet on the most favorable odds.

Sometimes it's better not to place a bet before the match, if it is possible to bet on a team in Live mode. The first minutes of a match can change a player’s decision and protect him from surprises. Also, betting during the match allows you to adjust your forecasts and minimize losses in case of loss.

You should not bet on all matches in a row. It is better to choose only those events in which there is confidence in a positive result. You should focus not on the odds, but on the possibility of winning from the bookmaker. It is not advisable to bet on friendly matches, since in them the coach can field a reserve squad and try experimental schemes, so the result may be unexpected.

Never buy fixed matches on websites and social networks, as this is a scam from scammers.

How to play squash correctly?

Each match includes 5 games. If a player is the winner of 3 out of 5 games, then he wins the match....

Every successful player has his own rules. Introducing 9 rules (or truths) that allow you to achieve the highest success in sports betting.

1.1. Understand the concept of value betting

If you are not guided by the concept of value, you can do something else. Yes, you can be sure that the team with odds of 1.30 will win. But does this rate reflect the real state of affairs?

Of course, there are often cases when one team or another is simply obliged to win. But at the same time, you need to figure out whether the odds offered by the bookmaker correspond to the real balance of power. You won’t overpay for something just because you really want to buy it. It is not right. The same goes for bets.

1.2. Master the basics of mathematics

If you want to play betting for a long time and successfully, you must be able to correctly calculate the value of bets and draw up a viable plan, a strategy for your game, which is always based on mathematical calculations, and navigate the odds.

In short, the bookmaker's game is a numbers game. At a minimum, you need to be comfortable with multiplication and division, calculating percentages, and simple formulas.

1.3. Know how bookmakers set odds

Bookmakers set odds for an event based primarily on how money will be distributed in bets on possible outcomes. And often the odds do not reflect the true probability of events, and are sometimes set in order to attract a large number of players to bet on both outcomes of the event, in order to play it safe and, as a result, calmly make a profit on their commission.

Experienced gamblers can find suitable betting options by choosing outcomes that the bookmaker has underestimated and bypassing bets that are given “on the cheap.” Often value bets can be found in popular events that attract a large number of players who do not think about the fact that the favorite's position is not so inviolable, and the odds on it do not reflect the real probability of winning. Such events include finals of various cups, World and European Championships, and so on.

1.4. Don't write off outsiders

The longer you play, the more likely you are to pay attention to teams that are not popular. For example, at one time one of the teams performed very well. But she had a series of four or five unsuccessful matches, which significantly increases the odds for this team to win in subsequent meetings.

Take a closer look at these teams. Failures cannot last forever.

1.5. Don't give up after failures

You must learn to accept bad streaks. Everyone has them. Don't let failure keep you out of the game. Throw all the negativity out of your head, continue to analyze. And know that sooner or later luck will turn to face you. At the same time, do not fall into euphoria after a successful series. Losing your head in such situations is unacceptable. Just stick to your game plan and stick to your line.

1.6. Don't rely on the jackpot

This applies primarily to express trains. You need to understand when it is worth making express bets and when not. Of course, such bets promise you a big jackpot. But before you bet, you must clearly analyze everything and understand whether the game is worth the candle.

For example, if you choose a parlay of six events, each of which has a “fair” odds of 2.00, you will receive a total odds of 64.00. But since bookmakers, instead of 2.00, will offer you at best a coefficient of 1.90 (that is, minus a 5% commission), then the overall coefficient from 64.00 will decrease to 47.00.

But there are also opposite examples.

If you find several value bets, you can easily put together a very good and profitable express bet. You should not waste your time on bets that do not reflect the real state of affairs. By doing this, you will only lower your chances of success and waste time.

1.7. Have patience

Of course, it's very cool to hit a big jackpot in a short period of time. But it is very unlikely that this will happen to you. Create a bank. And try to play so that it increases with each bet. And very soon you will see the first fruits of such a game.

1.8. Use your bank wisely

If you want to win, then first of all you must be able to organize your bank. If we translate into ruble equivalent, then if you plan to bet 50 rubles at a time, your bank should start with 2500 rubles. When playing, it is recommended to follow the fractional Kelly strategy, which we discussed in one of the first chapters.

If, over the long term, each of your bets brings an average of 5% profit, you can consider yourself a successful player. To achieve this, spend your bank wisely.

This article in no way claims to be the ultimate truth. But all the points laid out in it have been tested in practice. If at least one person makes one less mistake at the beginning of his journey into the world of betting, then the author of this article will consider his mission accomplished. So, 10 tips for a beginner. And may success accompany you.

1. Decide why you need bets? You must clearly understand your goal. Betting is a way for you to regularly earn money or sometimes receive “bonuses” while cheering for your favorite team on weekends. If the former, then you must treat it like a business. Namely: set your bank (the amount of money allocated for bets), choose a game strategy and follow it (maximum and average bet size, average number of bets, etc.), constantly monitor the events you bet on, read about bets and communicate with other players. If betting is just a weekend entertainment for you, then you don’t need to read this article any further. The only advice in this case is not to bet too much.

2. Bet only in large offices. Bookmakers are somewhat similar to banks. Here, in most cases, the principle also applies: the larger, the more reliable. Large bookmakers, as a rule, have a history and value their reputation. But it doesn’t cost anything to fly-by-night offices to close down one day and pocket your money. Therefore, do not invent a wheel, use the services of trusted companies (Bwin, Beffair, Expekt, etc.). Do not waste your money on dubious bookmakers that offer tempting odds. The history of post-Soviet bookmaking is replete with bankruptcies, so be careful.

3. Forget the word “sure”. Beginners often use the term “sure thing”. Thus, they mean: complete confidence in the victory of one of the teams or a bet on the obvious favorite. Both of these statements cannot be criticized. The most important thing is that in betting you can’t be 100% sure of anything, just like in life. It is a very big mistake when a person, when choosing a bet, relies only on the odds. Remember that they (coefficients), as a rule, reflect only the general balance of power. They are abstracted from your strategy, both financial and gaming. Think about whether you need such a rate? What is the coefficient/probability of outcome ratio? In addition, as a rule, this is a bet on the favorite for a meager odds, for example (1.1 1.4). Such bets will not lead to any good, more details in the next paragraph.

4. Forget about betting on favorites for meager odds. Sadly, the most popular bets at bookmakers are clear victories of the favorites. These same favorites, of course, win most often, but sometimes they have a habit of drawing or losing. For the player who bet on them (the favorites), such a loss is very expensive. For example, you are a beginner player. You love football and decided to bet on Barcelona’s victory over the middle peasant or outsider for the CF. 1.2. Barça draws and your bet blows. You bet 1000 rubles. And now, in order to win it back, you need to win at least FIVE bets in a row with the same odds. But if your revenge is interrupted in the third match, then you will go into a deep disadvantage. So betting on favorites is a dead end? Not at all, but you need to bet for a reasonable price. For example, try to play their minus handicap for a good odds, total or net in a match with a strong opponent.

5. Forget about “steam locomotives”. Even those who have just started playing in the office know the word express. It's a chain of events, btw. which are multiplied among themselves. But if at least one event fails, the entire bet will be lost. So, express trains are not an absolute evil. Bet an express bet of two events with odds. At 1.8 each it's not that bad. The risk is moderate, and the reward will be significant. But in order to correctly select such events, experience and knowledge are needed. As a rule, beginners go to the other extreme; they make “steam locomotives” express trains with odds. 50, 100 or 200. The player is attracted by the possible winnings, and he forgets about the probability of the outcome, turning the bookmaker's game into a lottery. As a result, such a player has a lot of express bets, the lion's share of the bank has been spent, and as luck would have it, only a few events did not take place in each “locomotive”))) Therefore, forget about large express bets. Bet in singles.

6. Never change your intended strategy. You must set your bank (the amount allocated for bets). Decide how much percentage of the bank one bet will take. It is better that this amount does not exceed 3% for one bet. Decide on a gaming strategy: the ratio of singles and reasonable express bets. Set for yourself at least an approximate number of bets that you can make per week. This amount must be adequate so that each bet is thoughtful and balanced. The day you deviate from your intended strategy without a good reason will be the beginning of your downfall. The main thing: never change the maximum pot percentage for a single bet by more than a few points. It's only in Hollywood movies that good guys win the jackpot by betting the entire bank.

7. Avoid tilt, feel lucky. Every player has a period when “everything goes.” A bet on any event ends in a win, and you feel like the king of the world. In this case, you need to continue installing in the current mode. As long as there is a “white” line, follow it. But as soon as you lose several bets in a row, then stop. Take a break, don’t bet for a few days, have fun and don’t think about bookmakers and odds. When you have rested, then you can resume the game, otherwise you will end up on tilt. Tilt is a poker term that reflects the negative psychological state of a player, simply called “zapara”. In this state, you act emotionally without realizing the possible consequences. In betting, this usually results in the bank losing in a short period of time. You lose one bet after another, try to win back, increase the amount and in the end you become bankrupt.

8. Bet only on what you understand. Don’t be a “gambler”, don’t bet on everything. Choose your specialization in sports and specific leagues and strictly follow it. By betting out of nothing on the Singapore Football Championship, you are playing on someone else’s territory and thereby feeding the bookmaker. To bet, you need to be familiar with the championship standings, statistics of the opponents’ latest matches, and the dynamics of their performance throughout the season. Be patient, wait for your matches that you are ready for and understand. Try to watch as many matches of the championship that you are leading as possible on TV or recorded via the Internet.

9. Avoid betting with a “psychological attitude”. This point can be called differently. Don't bet on your favorite and hated teams. Very often, inexperienced players forget that they came into the world of betting to make money, and not to root for or against. As a result, faith in the team you have been rooting for since childhood involuntarily forces you to make a rash bet on it. Very often, such a bet is a direct path to losing. The same goes for teams you hate. Don't bet against CSKA just because you support Spartak and vice versa. Betting has nothing to do with being sick.

10. Life doesn’t end with bets. Remember, bets are important, but they're just bets. No matter how much you lose or win, life will not end there. You have friends and family, spend more time with them. Don't sacrifice one for the other, combine wisely. Good luck to you!!!

Any activity has its secrets, that is, concepts that are known to experienced people. It takes time to realize these truths, and sometimes you have to lose money. The secrets of sports betting will help beginners understand the principle of a bookmaker's office and get rid of popular illusions. This matter must be approached seriously and responsibly. If betting is a hobby, forget about making money and just pay for entertainment.

Before we begin, it is important to understand one thing: there is no such thing as a win-win betting scheme or strategy. Sports are unpredictable. Even a seemingly obvious match can end with an unexpected result.

Secret #1: Most players lose

If you think that players mostly win, then you have never bet. Don't believe those who say that there are millions lying in the offices waiting to be taken away. In reality, the bookmaker is stronger. It sets traps, has a wide staff of analysts and is in a better position due to margins. Offices do not engage in charity, but earn money, otherwise what is the point of their existence?

Charity is what most bettors do. Someone consciously pays for the risk and to make watching broadcasts more interesting. Some people think that they are beating the bookmaker, because defeats are quickly forgotten, but wins are remembered for a long time. It is unlikely that among the beginners there will be those who keep betting statistics.

Secret No. 2: bookmakers are well-armed

Knowledge in betting decides almost everything. When analyzing events, bookmakers use special programs that are not publicly available. In addition, companies cooperate with Betradar, a service that provides complete event statistics and automatically “works” in live mode. It is difficult for a player to beat an “armed” opponent, especially when he is not alone. The analytical departments of the offices consist of the best specialists and analysts. Bookmakers often lure away successful clients and offer them high-paying jobs.

Secret No. 3: the bookmaker is always in an advantageous position

To understand why the bookmaker always has an advantage, you need to understand what bookmaker margin is. When creating odds, a commission is included in them so that the bookmaker makes a profit in any case. A reasonable bookmaker fee for risk is a margin of 2-3%, but most often the value increases to 7-10% or more. Low-margin offices include only “Marathon” and “1xBet”.

The bookmaker creates the most comfortable conditions for its activities, when the risk is reduced to zero, and the margin is guaranteed to bring profit. If players bet more actively on one outcome, the bookmaker increases quotes on the opposite market, luring inexperienced bettors to make a deal that will balance the amount of money bet on a specific event.

It turns out that even before the start of the match, the player has less chance of winning than the bookmaker, and when the margin exceeds 10%, the bookmaker is openly robbing his clients. It’s better not to bet in such bookmakers.

Secret #4: Decide on a Specialization

Choose a narrow niche to bet on. Don't be scattered among many sports disciplines. First, decide on a sport, and then concentrate on one or more tournaments. You need to understand the game and analyze events better than the bookmaker. In this case, you will be able to consistently play in the black.

Offices are not able to monitor every championship exclusively. There is usually a list of competitions that are added to the line to expand the offering. The company does not expect to make money and simply copies the odds from its competitors.

When a player follows an exotic championship for a long time and has unique knowledge gained from watching matches that bookmakers did not watch, he has an advantage over the office’s analysts. You can also take a closer look at the news related to the event. For example, there is little attention to the Algerian national football championship in the CIS.

It is not difficult to become an expert in the English Championship, but this will not give you any special privileges in the confrontation with bookmakers. But a thorough knowledge of the unpopular tournament will be useful due to the low competition.