Aset voice. Aset: “I am vulnerable, expressive, like an exposed nerve

Singer Aset, known to TV viewers from the show “The Voice” on Channel One and “Big Jazz” on “Culture”, performed accompanied by the Rybinsk group Dimetric Band - Dmitry Denisov (guitar), Stas Mainugin (saxophone, wind melody), Alexey Boyarintsev (keyboards), Evgeny Kharitonov (drums) on the stage of the OKC on October 2.

Aset Samrailova is a native Muscovite. She came to music at the age of four. She began studying at the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music, two years later she entered the Mayakovsky Music School in the piano class, and upon graduation, she entered the Ippolitov-Ivanov State Musical Pedagogical Institute. Aset's specialty was conducting an academic choir. She devoted a lot of time to mastering this art: she led choir clubs, studied classical vocals, and was involved in accompanist activities. However, over time, she increasingly felt the need to go beyond academic music - Aset began teaching at the GMPI, and at the same time, having created the ASET group, she began to move in the direction of popular music.

“They often write about me that I am a jazz singer,” says Aset. - However, it is not. My genre is most likely soul. It has something of a gospel feel to it. This is what is physically closest to me. The music I write is also not jazz at all. We can say that this is such a pop story.

However, Aset sings jazz. By her own admission, she even attended Irina Otieva’s master classes, but for the most part she learned to sing herself, focusing on the generally recognized masters of the genre, the pinnacle of which is the great Ella Fitzgerald. Since 2012, Aset has been officially considered a resident of the famous Jazz Parking project, in which many Russian and foreign vocalists participate. She performs a lot in concerts, both solo and with a group. Her enchanting singing, partly reminiscent of Lisa Gerard, can be heard in the famous television film by Vladimir Khotinenko “Pilgrimage to the Eternal City”. Her voice can be heard in a number of famous cartoons, including “The Princess and the Frog” and “Fairy”. The singer considers it an absolute achievement that three of her solo concerts have already taken place at the Moscow International House of Music. Aset became known to a wide Russian audience after the sensational TV shows: “Big Jazz” on the Kultura TV channel and especially “The Voice” (Alexander Gradsky’s team) on “Pervoy”.

“I decided to participate in the “Voice” project out of a desire to try it,” says Aset. “However, now I understand that such projects must be approached very thoughtfully, just as many of my colleagues did. As a result, they brought both themselves and their projects to another level. After all, this is not a competition about music, but a television show, which needs to be clearly understood. The more competently you approach this, the better you reveal yourself, the more you will win. Still, Channel One is a lot. Unfortunately, I quickly left there, but I don’t regret it, because, firstly, I gained tremendous experience, and secondly, I met wonderful people there. We became friends and went to each other’s concerts. In any case, my horizons have expanded.

- I think art is a subjective matter in any case... First, before the “blind” audition, there is a selection at Ostankino: twenty-five people listen to the participants: producers, creators of the show... I sang two songs. I think it was a plus that I could accompany myself on the piano: not everyone can do that. However, not only this is important, but also your appearance, your image as a whole... This does not mean that you should come with a “Mohawk”, you can wear jeans, but there should be something special about you that distinguishes you from others... I can’t, Unfortunately, this has to be explained: I'm just a musician. But I was lucky: they took me. This is great luck. Not everyone gets it. Moreover, there are people who are afraid to participate in the show. I can understand this: you have good vocal abilities, you work, collect solo concerts, but at the “blind” audition they don’t turn to you. It's offensive and can hurt. I observed this... If they had not turned to me, it would have been a blow for me.

— In other words, strength of character decides a lot?

- Undoubtedly. It is for this profession, for commercial history, that this is the first thing needed. I have an expression: “Fate helps the brave.” With its help, I stimulate myself: I’m always unsure of myself, I’m always looking, I’m always going to myself. After all, I started singing solo and giving concerts not at twenty, but at twenty-six. And in the show there are guys who have been doing this since they were eighteen - there is a difference, of course. Those who made it to the finals had a much longer road to realizing what they were carrying. However, where are many of them now? Therefore, in my opinion, the real indicator of an artist’s wealth is not the result of participation in a television project, but what he does in general. Well, you sang, and if you don’t do anything else, then in a year no one will be interested in you. Therefore, for me, “The Voice” is the past, we must strive for other heights. For example, I would gladly take part in some project of original music: I have a unique voice, and I cannot match myself to everything. Of course, I would sing this or that, but I would like to do something of my own.

— Did you receive any offers after “The Voice” and “Big Jazz”?

— I must say that the response to my participation in these shows was different. The morning after “The Voice” they sent me about a hundred messages on social networks. This didn’t happen after “Big Jazz”: unfortunately, very few people watch the TV channel “Culture”. That’s why everyone fights even for two minutes on Channel One...

Of course, there were offers. For example, since I played the piano for myself during the “blind” audition, I was often invited to perform in that capacity... Of course, the show expands the range of possibilities. Even on the radio you already come with your project, mentioning that you participated in “The Voice”: it works.

— Do you write albums?

— I started, but stopped... Firstly, we first wrote songs in English, but in the process of work we realized that we needed to do something in Russian. And secondly, now music management is such that no one is interested in the album. Everyone likes to write singles and make videos for them. This is easier, since recording an album requires both time and enormous money. The clip is shown on TV channels and on the Internet, the single must be on the radio. This is how show business is done now. I have one video - for the single “Wake Me Up”. The song is not entirely off-format, but it was played on the radio and on regional stations. The clip was shown on several TV channels. Now I’m preparing to release the single “Running to You.” This song is in the format of good pop music. We are planning to shoot our second video for it - let's see what happens... Of course, I plan to write an album. It will be in Russian, although perhaps a couple of singles in English will be added to it. But all this, unfortunately, is not so fast.

- Why in Russian?

— A song in English will not be played on the radio. If it's a hit, then maybe she'll be featured on a music channel. However, this very rarely happens. Of course, there are artists who sing only in English, for example Anton Belyaev. He's doing great. He gathers a lot of people. I also sing and write in English, but in Russian it somehow works out differently - I want to do more of it.

The concert of Aset and the Dimetric Band in Rybinsk showed that many people know the singer here: the audience in the large hall of the OKC was impressive. The program, which was presented to the residents of Uglich a little earlier and with some variations, was notable for its diversity: Aset sang her own compositions, jazz hits, “golden” creations of world pop music, and even Soviet songs. In the interpretation of the musicians, well-known melodies sounded unusual: light and transparent. An extremely romantic atmosphere was created in the hall, which turned out to be very timely in the context of autumn. At the end, the audience thanked the guests while standing.

Olga Simonova

Aset Samrailova (ASET) is a bright and charismatic singer, songwriter and composer, participant in the second season of the show “The Voice” on Channel One, the show “Main Stage” on the TV channel “Russia”, “Big Jazz” and “Romance of Romance” on the TV channel “ Culture". On October 13, ASET will release a new album, “While We Are Here,” the presentation of which will take place on October 17 at the Moscow International House of Music. The singer spoke about these important events to our website and shared what helps her in her creativity, gave her definition of the concept of “strong woman” and reflected on whether a soft and vulnerable creative person can make a career in show business.

About the new album and its presentation

Recording the album took about two years. And before that, songs, arrangements, etc. were still being invented. Therefore, a lot of work has been done, although at first glance this is probably not visible (laughs). Preparations for the concert itself, the presentation of the album, which will take place at the House of Music, began in the summer. Accordingly, my head is filled with only these problems. Creative people are people living in their own world. A world where, for example, flats, sharps, poetry... So everything is fine with us - carefree!
I am always lucky with odd numbers, they are somehow special in my life. For example, the album will be released on Friday the 13th, a great sign. And the concert will take place on October 17.
The very title of the album, “While We're Here,” also has a certain meaning. This album is about me and about you, about the transience of time and the value of every day we live, with all its emotions and feelings, victories and defeats, the people around you and the whole world around us.

How does the new album differ from the already released ones?

This album is a different side of me, it is very different from my previous work - the first album “Lonely Way”, which was released in 2016 and was written entirely in English. This also applies to the musical genre, the new songs are written in Russian in the style of light “intelligent pop music”, this is how I myself can characterize my songs.
As for the musical material itself, everything that was written has finally come together, and now there is integrity. New songs have also appeared, which will be included in a limited edition on CD, and will be published in electronic form later. They will be partially performed in the concert program.

About the concept of “strong woman”

In general, I associate the concept of a “strong person” with a plus sign. A strong person is, first of all, a person with a big and kind heart. Above all concepts (strong, confident, status, etc.) is the concept of feelings, something deep and real. First of all, you need to not lose the humanity in yourself. There are stereotypes and conventions in our society, but you need to live your own life.
For an intelligent, self-confident man, it is in order for a woman to be an individual, for her to do her own thing. Naturally, this should not interfere with the family and take up all the time. But if you wish, you can always reach an agreement.

About what helps in creativity

Of course, these are people, this is a musical group and my team. And also faith in myself, faith in what I do, and I do it from the heart. I just do my thing and try to be sincere. The ability to create music is a gift, life in general is a gift and I understand that. And, of course, you need to work, and then there will be results. In the good sense of the word, “you don’t need to look back,” but work.

About the new video

Filming took place in Bulgaria, in a wonderful atmosphere of summer, sea, and delicious food. Therefore, the video, like the song, turned out to be very warm, tender and romantic. There is always a place for love. She is always at the head, in the first place of honor. It’s like that for me, what about you?

About career

“Make a career” sounds very loud to me (laughs). I try to remain a normal, well-mannered person. Thanks to my family - I grew up with values, I had a very strict, but, in my opinion, correct upbringing. Somehow it all started in childhood and I’ve been like this ever since.

About fame and popularity

When popularity comes, a person closes down. A lot of attention is very difficult. And then everyone around decides that he is “arrogant.” I didn't feel such close attention. But I feel like it's a burden. You went out into the street, and everyone was pointing at you. Sometimes it's nice, but overall it's not easy. There is also the concept of “copper pipes”, if this ever concerns me, then I’ll tell you.

About star fever

A normal person can never get this disease. A normal person can always laugh at himself and not lose his adequacy.

About plans

I see myself as successful at work, in demand and, of course, as a wife and mother.

  • Aset Samrailova started singing and dancing before speaking. Music school, competitions, and choral performances became sacred, and because of them, tests at school were missed. After graduating from music school, she entered the GMPI School. Ippolitov-Ivanov to the department of “conducting an academic choir”.

She worked as a choir artist, traveled all over Europe, and performed as a soloist. Then the group Aset was created, concerts began, participation in competitions, performance of their songs.

Today Aset Samrailova teaches at GMPI named after. Ippolitova-Ivanova and at the same time works for Disney as a voice artist and sound producer. Aset worked on cartoons: " The Princess and the Frog", "Fairies", "Cars 2"over the movie" School Musical"Participated in the recording of film soundtracks" Pilgrimage to the Eternal City" And " Stone head".

She took part in the “Big Jazz” project on the “Culture” TV channel. Since 2012 he has been a resident of the Jazz Parking project. In project " Voice 2“Aset advanced to the next stage of the show by performing the song If I ain`t got you, getting into the team of Alexander Gradsky.

Participation in the competition “Main Stage Season 2” (September 2015) for Aset Samrailova is a test of itself. For her first performance she chose the composition “ You tell me", which in the original is performed by Vladimir Presnyakov. At the same time, Aset accompanied herself, playing the piano.

Aset Samrailova: “The show “Main Stage” is, of course, another step in creative and professional development. I’ll try, and then we’ll see how my participation in the project turns out! It’s a pleasure for me to meet and even more so to sing with Nikolai Noskov, what to hide is that I haven’t missed a single one of his big concerts in Moscow for about 15 years. Who knows will understand. Therefore, this is a doubly gift for me!!! Well, Vladimir Presnyakov... Needless to say)))"

ASET (Aset Samrailova)- a bright and charismatic singer and composer, participant in the 2nd season of the show “The Voice” on Channel One, the show “Main Stage”, as well as “Big Jazz” and “Romance of Romance” on the Culture TV channel, headliner of international festivals.
Working in the styles of pop, R&B, soul, jazz, blues and urban romance, the singer confidently conquers the musical Olympus. For her unique performance style, she was nicknamed “Russian Alicia Keys” - the unusual timbre of her voice and natural charm of ASET do not leave any viewer indifferent. The singer regularly performs at the best venues in Moscow and other cities in Russia and abroad.
She has already successfully held five solo concerts at MMDM, attracting a full hall of enthusiastic listeners. And in the spring of 2017, the singer held a solo concert at the Kremlin Palace. ASET also performed at the best music festivals in the country.
The singer released 2 albums - the first “Lonely Way” (2016) entirely in English in the style of soul, jazz, the second - “While We Are Here” (2017) entirely in Russian in the pop style.
In addition to his solo career, ASET is also a voice-over artist and sound producer. The artist worked on the soundtrack of many Russian and foreign films, including collaborating with Disney - the younger generation is familiar with ASET’s voice from the cartoons “The Princess and the Frog”, “Fairies”, “Cars 2 and 3”, and the film “High School Musical” "and others.

Now Aset is working on a new project “Asya” and is preparing to release a new video “Dance Beautifully”.

Author's compositions
Dance hits
Jazz standards (accompanied by your own band or orchestra)
Program in funk, soul and R&B style
Christmas program
Soviet songs

Compound: from 1 to 10 people.

(33) is a young singer whose name is already familiar to many Russian music lovers. The country saw for the first time Aset in the second season of the show Voice" The charming girl at the piano captivated everyone, and he himself Alexander Borisovich Gradsky(66) wished to become her mentor. Today Aset continues to perform successfully on the Russian stage, takes part in other musical projects and is constantly developing his skills. About her childhood, participation in projects “ Voice" And " Main stage", plans for the future and much more Aset told in an exclusive interview with PEOPLETALK.

My name is Aset− does not mean anything specific, just a beautiful and bright Chechen name (my dad is Chechen, and my mother is Russian). Mom dreamed all her life that if she had a daughter, she would name her Asya. In her youth she read Turgenev. (Laughs.) That’s how my name appeared, it seems Asya, but in the Chechen manner - Aset.

My whole life has been spent in Moscow, this is where I was born and raised. But Chechnya is also my native land. I have many relatives there, and every year before the war my brother and I were sent on vacation to Chechnya for a couple of weeks. Well, when the war started, travel, of course, decreased. Thank God, we didn’t have to worry so much about our relatives, because many moved to Moscow with us during the fighting. I remember that our house was full of relatives. Some lived in our apartment, some in the country. This was the case in both the first and second Chechen wars.

I was a very busy child, I constantly needed to sing or dance. They say I was very funny. I remember that I always loved to fool around and communicate. But at the same time, I had a strict upbringing, and when my friends at 16-17 years old went to clubs and discos, I sat at home, because my parents never let me go at night. I remember my dad constantly shouting: “No, no discos!” ( Laughs.) But I didn’t sob into my pillow, it didn’t seem necessary to me, because there was a lot of other things: trips, hikes, music, there was constant movement, I didn’t sit in the room looking bored.

Dress, showroom Red; Decorations, The June's Store

At one time I was a keyboard player in a rock band, we had a performance in a club " Dot" And I remember when my dad came to this festival, he decided, apparently, to control everything and, of course, did not warn me about it. He was shocked by what he saw - there were only rockers and punks around, there was smoke and alcohol everywhere. Of course, he was not happy to see where and to whom I was performing. After that, he and I had a long conversation, during which dad asked me to finish all these speeches and do something serious.

My childhood was painted in bright colors largely thanks to the music school, because there we had a very cool company. We made regular “cabbage parties” and became family friends.

I remember a very vivid impression when my mother and my brother brought very cool clothes! It was 1992, there was nothing in the country, and my mother returned from Sweden, where I was visiting a friend. She brought a bunch of fantastic clothes, we have never seen anything like this in our lives. These were shoes from Dr. Martens, cassette players, denim shirts, my brother and I were the coolest fashionistas on the block! ( Laughs.)

Dress-robe, IZBA rouge; Decorations, The June's Store

I have never encountered aggression on ethnic grounds. Although I am half Chechen, my appearance does not betray my mountain roots. Often mistaken for Russian or Tatar. I grew up among Russian culture, I was formed here, so my mentality is Russian. Although, of course, I know all the traditions and customs of my second homeland. But with the beginning of the war, I began to notice fear in the eyes of my friends when they found out that I was Chechen. They were really scared and tense. At some point, all Chechens became enemies of the people, and, of course, this could not but affect me. It was easier for me because I’m fair, but it was very difficult for my brother. It is immediately clear from him that he is of Caucasian blood. My brother was constantly stopped by the police in the subway, and his documents were checked at every step. My parents were afraid to let him go somewhere alone. A local police officer often came to our house because he was given a tip - “Chechens live there”. At that time, there were shell garages in every yard, and our garage was even searched, hoping to find weapons or explosives there. Of course, we had nothing like that; my family is very intelligent. It was a difficult time, but we made it through.

I am constantly searching for myself, so my formation as an artist will continue for a very long time. I imagine this will take a lifetime. My team and I are on our way to creating an album. The songs will be in Russian, but the most important thing for us now is to find our own sound and occupy some kind of niche of our own. It was difficult for my parents to accept my decision to make music my profession, especially for my dad. He is very worried that I am still not married, and considers my activity in music temporary. The profession of an artist is actually a very difficult and sacrificial one. Of course, there are cases when the personal life of an artist develops successfully and in a timely manner, but this is rather a rare exception that proves the existence of the rule. I have not yet met the person I would be willing to marry.. It is difficult to find a man who is willing to put up with a female artist. This means a lot of work at concerts and frequent trips on tour. For any man this will be a great stress and challenge. But when there are sincere feelings and a desire to be together, then all conventions fade into the background. I believe in fate and love.

Dress, showroom Red; Coat, 12storeez; Clutch, From Bee.With Love; Decorations, The June's Store

Mentor from « Vote» ( Alexander Gradsky. – Note edit.) definitely didn’t influence my life in any way, I was just formed much earlier. But no matter what amount of knowledge I have behind me, onto the stage " Vote“I came out completely unsure of myself. I remember that I was in disheveled feelings. For all participants " Voice“This is a big step and a whole story in life. Some people went there with a finished project and knew what they wanted to tell the viewer, while for others the project served as an impetus to start something. I rather belong to the second type. During the blind auditions, I was sick and didn’t sing very well, but Alexander Borisovich nevertheless, he turned around, and it was great! It was a tremendous experience for me! I believe that everything in our life comes on time, and I had to get to " Voice“It was during that period, then it was my time. Now I am taking part in another major project - “ Main stage" And now I’m in a completely different mood, I have something to say to the listeners.

We have excellent relations with Alexander Borisovich. I even invited him to my concert, but he didn’t come. ( Laughs.) We don’t lose touch, but he didn’t have any influence on me. We all got to know each other, we, the contestants, were given songs, we rehearsed a couple of times, and that was all. We didn’t have any super-busy days, there were only a couple of rehearsals a week, the rest of the time the contestants were left to their own devices. After all, many private owners were already established performers, and there was no need to deal with them. They give you a song, you learn it yourself and sing it to your mentor. Gradsky, of course, gave some recommendations during rehearsals, but nothing more..

All the contestants communicate well with each other; there are not even boundaries between seasons of the show. For example, with Rodion Gazmanov(34) we maintain warm friendly relations.

I try myself not only on stage. Recently voiced Charlotte La Buffprincess's girlfriend in the cartoon Disney « The Princess and the Frog" I am often invited to voice characters with a husky voice. Voice acting is always interesting, but I honestly admit that working in cinema is my dream. And I’m even thinking about getting a second degree in acting.

I never call myself something unambiguous, for example “singer”. No. I always write “musician and artist.” I plan to try myself in other areas. I dream of a negative role or a comedy one. I think some clown accents are creeping into me. Although I am a rather self-critical person, I still think that I should be good at it.

I would really like to sing a duet with Pink (36)And Adriano Celentano (77), I think that would be cool! In general, my favorite musician is Nikolay Noskov(59), and I was lucky enough to sing with my idol. In project " Main stage» with us Nikolai there was a duet, but no one suspected what this performance meant to me. Until recently I could not believe in such a gift of fate. And if we talk about cinematography, I would like to be in the same frame with Renata Litvinovo y (48), I love her very much. I still dream of playing with Evgeny Mironov (48), Mashkov (51), Khabensky(43) and Inna Churikova(72). Well, who doesn’t dream about this? ( Laughs.)

I've never been torn by envy. This is a very dangerous and destructive feeling. I do my job, try to improve and focus only on myself. Yes, I can notice something from my colleagues and I am sincerely happy for them, their achievements inspire me. However, what is mine will never leave me. In our profession, envy is a frequent guest, unfortunately, but I don’t give in to it.

I started working when I was 17 years old. She worked as an accompanist in Lefortovo, it was a glee club. My friend and I worked together, she was the leader - choirmaster, and I played songs for the children. My first salary was 600 rubles, good money at that time. Salary, work record - everything is serious. ( Laughs.) Mom said that I should buy something as a keepsake from my first paycheck. And I bought a small decorative teapot, it’s still lying somewhere.

If we talk about beauty secrets, I use Anna Lotan cosmetics. This is an Israeli line, they have very good creams. But in general, the secret of beauty for any woman is simple: sleep more, eat right and exercise. You need to drink more water, of course. Even now I have a bottle of water with me, I always carry it with me and drink about two liters a day. I try to be careful about my nutrition and workouts, because any wrong snack immediately affects my figure.

I try to work out at the fitness club every day. I love all kinds of massages, they are very helpful in losing weight. Of course, this pleasure is not cheap. As said Pierre Cardin, “any woman can be beautiful and well-groomed, just give her money.” Unfortunately, most women cannot afford salon care. In the summer I did an anti-cellulite massage course at the Pride club, where I go for training. There are very good massage therapists there. We all look up to (46) or (34), but we forget that they put in Herculean efforts in the gym every day, they have a whole team of trainers, nutritionists and other specialists working for them. To take care of yourself, to be well-groomed and fresh, you need a decent investment.

I rarely perform any cosmetic procedures at home. But I always have ice in the freezer (just frozen water or chamomile solution), and after my morning shower I rub my face with it. It is very beneficial for the skin. Every morning on an empty stomach I drink warm water with lemon.. And, of course, sleep. It is very important for me! I try to completely eliminate bread and sweets from my life, but sometimes it’s impossible to resist. (Laughs.) I also often buy rye flakes, which I eat in the evening with kefir. I can’t say that it is very tasty, but it is nutritious and healthy.

I'm sentimental and vulnerable. I think all artists are like that, like a raw nerve. But criticism doesn’t bother me; there are as many opinions as there are people. The only thing that can upset me is rudeness, I can’t stand it.

If I met myself as a child, I would say: “You are a beautiful, talented girl, you will succeed!” I didn’t hear these words from my parents, although sometimes I really wanted to. It’s just that my parents’ behavior model is very closed, and any obvious manifestations of love were never accepted in our home. Everyone loved each other, but they were silent about their love. I have never heard from my dad: “How beautiful you are!” Although I would really like to hear, I still hope.