What to play together. What games can adults play at home, in an apartment, without a computer? Winter outdoor games for two children

Many parents often wonder: what to do with their child in the evening? What can you play? And it seems that there are not so many games or that they have all already been played. In fact, there is always something to do. The main thing is to use your imagination and have fun.

Children love active games, so I suggest them to top the list:

  • Hide and seek . Children love to play this game. But it is better to play it if you have a large house or apartment. Although, if you wish, you can do it in a small one. Children often hide in plain sight; your task is to look for them as long as possible, preferably with comments. Everyone will laugh: both children and parents. It's always very funny what happens.
  • Balloon game . Place a chair at the end of the room (if there are many children, then two chairs). The child should hold a medium-sized balloon between his knees, walk to the chair, walk around it and return to the starting position. If there are several children, then you can arrange a competition to see who can complete the task faster. At a children's party, divide the children into teams and let them compete. If adults take part in such a game, children will simply be delighted.
  • Save your friends . Your favorite toys are suitable for this game. My boys have a set of Paw Patrol puppies and robocars Paulie, Amber, Roy and Helly. I hide them in different places, and the children’s task is to find and save them. Dolls, robots, cars are also suitable. In general, anything, the main thing is to hide it as much as possible. If there are several children, you can arrange a competition: whoever finds the most wins.
  • Piggy toy (turtle, lion cub, dog, etc.). We take any soft toy, turn on funny music and throw the toy to each other. Then we suddenly turn off the music, and whoever has the toy in his hands must reproduce the natural sound of this animal. This game is good to play with a large group of children, especially on birthdays. You can also include adults - it will be doubly interesting for children.
  • Home bowling . If you don't have a bowling kit, you can easily make one yourself. To do this, you will need plastic bottles, preferably of the same capacity and a medium-sized ball. I think there will definitely be a ball in a house where there are children. The game is active and interesting, and also helps develop accuracy.
  • Fashion show . Not only girls, but also boys love to play this game. Organize a day of “high fashion” without leaving home. You can invite friends or neighbors with children to visit so that there are more people and “models”, it will be much more fun.
  • Obstacle course . Create an obstacle course using available materials. For example, you can cut out “swamp hummocks” or “narrow bridge” from paper or cardboard. Stretch the rope, and the children must walk along it without tripping. Pile up pillows for them to climb over. In general, be smart and use items available around the house, but do not forget about safety.
  • “The sea is agitated once...” A fun game from my childhood. There should be a lot of children playing this game. The presenter says the following phrase: “The sea is worried once, the sea is worried twice, the sea is worried three times, a sea figure (sports, fairy tale, construction, any, etc.) figure, freeze in place.” Children must freeze in a certain position, depicting some kind of profession. The presenter must guess who is in front of him. If someone depicts an incorrect figure or a non-existent profession, then this child becomes the leader, and the leader takes his place.
  • guess who . Everyone sits on chairs or on the sofa, and one child goes to the center of the room and begins to imitate someone with gestures. Children must guess who is in front of them. Whoever guessed correctly goes to the center of the room and asks for the next task. For preschool children, you can write in advance on a sheet of paper who to show, so that it is easier for them, and they can show characters known to their age. Older children can easily cope on their own.
  • Pirate treasure . This game will require a little preparation. You need to draw a map on a piece of paper, marking the location of the treasure on it (leave candy or fruit for the children at the treasure location), cut it into several parts and hide it around the apartment. Then, using riddles or competitions (preferably both), children must assemble the entire map from the pieces and find the treasure. My six year old boys are ready to play this every day.
  • Hike . You can play camping without leaving your home. Pitch a tent in the center of the room, climb into the tent with your children and tell interesting stories. You can turn off the lights in the room and use a flashlight. Don't forget to bring food with you: fruit, cookies, drink or tea in a thermos. Children will simply be delighted with this trip.
  • Edible - not edible . For this game you only need a ball. Take turns throwing the ball to the children and calling out something edible or not. And the child must catch the edibles, and not fight off the edibles or simply not catch them.
  • Tasting . Arrange for children to taste drinks or foods. Pour different liquids into four or five glasses: tea, kefir, juice, milk, compote, just water. Blindfold your child and let him guess what he drank. Or cut the fruit into small pieces, stick it on skewers and let the child (blindfolded) try it, and he must name what it is.
  • Cooking . You can cook dinner with your children. For example, stick dumplings or dumplings. The main thing is that children take an active part in modeling. My kids (all of them!) love helping me in the kitchen, especially making dough. Together we make not only dumplings and dumplings, but also pies, pizza, even cakes.
  • Disco . If you don’t want to invent anything or don’t have enough time to organize something interesting, offer the children a disco. My children love to dance and we often have dances. But not just dancing, but, for example, with balloons or soap bubbles. Believe me, you will have an unforgettable evening by organizing a children's disco, and recharge yourself with positive energy for the next few days.

Educational and intellectual games

Active games are good, but you need to develop not only physically.

And the best way to do this is in the form of a game:

  1. We sculpt figures from plasticine or special modeling dough . By the way, you can make it yourself: half a glass of salt, half a glass of water and flour. You need to knead until the resulting mass does not stick. The dough figures can be left until completely dry, and then painted the next evening.
  2. We draw with paints, pencils, felt-tip pens . You can invite your child to draw a specific something, for example, a forest or a river. My children make their own cards. From white or colored cardboard, they first fold and cut out the shape of a postcard, and then paint it as you like.
  3. Offer children coloring books . Many children love to draw. You can participate in this by discussing with your child what to paint and what color.
  4. A game of shadows . Take a flashlight and turn off the light, using your hands to draw different shapes. Ask your child to repeat something you showed. If that doesn’t work, let him try to impersonate someone himself.
  5. Puzzles . Great game for the whole family. The larger the puzzle, the more interesting it is. We recently bought a 1500-piece puzzle and spent the whole evening putting it together with the whole family. Then the children had already gone to bed, and my husband and I could not calm down until we had completely assembled it.
  6. Children's crosswords.
  7. Find differences . A game of attentiveness. Buy a difference book that is appropriate for your child's age and have fun playing with it.
  8. Mosaics, constructors, wooden cubes – everything is suitable for realizing your fantasy. You can use a constructor to build a city or a farm, and customize many different buildings. If you don't have enough construction sets, cubes and other construction toys will help.
  9. Twenty sticks . Place 20 pencils or markers on the table. Two players take turns taking one, two or three sticks. The one who has to take the last pencil or felt-tip pen loses.
  10. This game is suitable for school age children : choose a long phrase, any one. For example, “building structure” or “sports competition”. Children should form short words from these words. The bigger, the better. Then the words are read out one by one. If any words match, they are crossed out and no points are awarded. For each non-repeating word - 2 points. The one who earns the most points wins.
  11. Field of Dreams . There are several options for the game: you can play according to the gallows principle, that is, we think of a word and write dashes or squares instead of it, and the children guess. The winner will receive a prize (candy, apple, etc.). You can make an improvised drum, like in “Field of Miracles”. But for this you will need: a spinning top, cardboard, paper, scissors, in general, a lot of things. You can’t play a game like this without prior preparation. Using the same principle, you can play the game “What? Where? When?”, having prepared questions in advance.
  12. Shop or library . Lay out books or toys, write “prices” on pieces of paper and let the child sell or buy the goods. If he sells it, then let him tell you what the book is about and count the money. If he buys it, then you tell the child what the book is about. Perhaps after such a game the child will want to read. If you play library, then let the child “advise” what you should take to read in the library and why, why this particular book is interesting. It would be nice if the child also names the author (for older children).
  13. Play hospital, kindergarten, school . Let the child be a teacher or a doctor, and you a student or a patient. In this game you will show your child an example of how to be a diligent student and an obedient patient who is not afraid of the doctor. Of course, it’s good if there are several children, but it’s also possible for two. Or involve your dad, grandma, and grandpa in the game.
  14. Great if you know the art of origami . If not, then you can simply cut out different figures from paper (let the child cut it out, and you just help), and make appliqués.
  15. Board games . We have a great board game that we play as a family. It's called "Erudite". 120 questions on various topics. For each correct answer (answers are attached) the player receives a letter. The first one to collect the word “Erudition” wins.

In addition to all of the above, there are also a huge number of different games: tic-tac-toe, sea battle, cities, children's dominoes and others. Any children's store has a lot of board games for every taste. There are really a lot of them. I offered you the most popular ones in our family. I hope they will help you spend more interesting time with your children. You can invent games yourself, just use your imagination and involve your children in inventing them . They are great inventors!

Home games for the entertainment and development of children, schoolchildren, and preschoolers on the children's website Your Child.ru!


Each of the players receives a pencil and a long strip of paper, on which he writes the name of someone present, folding the paper so as to cover what is written, and passes it to the neighbor sitting on his right hand, who describes someone’s appearance and passes the paper on. Then, in the same order, write the answers to the following questions: what nature?, what did you do?, when?, where?, what were the consequences? Of course, no one should know what was written before. When each of the pieces of paper has gone around the players, one loudly rereads everything written, which excites a lot of laughter, since there are a lot of incongruous things.. To make the compositions come out a little smoother, you can distribute paper in two colors; Leaves of one color will be used to describe boys, and the other color will be used to describe girls.


One of the players writes some short story, leaving a space before each noun: of course, the others should not know what he is writing. Then each of the players says some adjective, which, one after another, is written in order into the left places in the story; in this case, such incongruities result that reading the story usually causes a lot of laughter.


All players sit around the table, on which they place their index fingers. One begins to name different flying birds and insects, with everyone throwing their fingers up, and suddenly mentions the name of a thing that cannot fly. Those players who lift their fingers from the table pay a forfeit.


One of the participants quietly transmits some phrase into the ear of his neighbor sitting on the right; he repeats this phrase to the next, etc. The last phrase is proclaimed out loud and is usually distorted beyond recognition, partly, perhaps, because of this; that someone didn’t hear it properly, or maybe someone deliberately distorted it.


Everyone sits in a circle. One throws a handkerchief to one of the players and pronounces a syllable. The person catching the handkerchief must immediately add one or more syllables so that a word can be formed with the first one. For example, the first says “sa”, the second adds “zha”, etc. Then he, in turn, throws the handkerchief to the other, naming some new syllable, etc. Whoever thinks or says a syllable that is not the same as the first makes up a word, the forfeit pays.


A sheet is fixed on the wall, in front of which one of the players sits. At the other end of the room, a lamp is placed on the table. All players take turns passing between the lamp and the guesser, who must recognize the person passing by the shadow, and he has no right to look back. Those passing by, of course, try to change the shadow as much as possible by raising their shoulders, hunching, changing their hairstyle, etc. The one whom the guesser recognizes from the shadow sits in his place.

For most modern Russian children, the concept of playing at home is associated with computer games, the Dandy or PS4 console, built-in or downloaded to an Android phone or iPhone. Therefore, in such situations, they are interested in the question of what games can be played together on one computer. However, you should not limit yourself exclusively to this type of entertainment using an iPad, gamepad, tablet, playstation or xbox.

There are many other interesting entertainments for home conditions if the street is inaccessible for some reason. A child can play them independently, and also involve his grandmother, brother, friends, mother, classmates or sister. Let's look at the options for games that you can come up with and play at your dacha, in your apartment, and even in your car.

When asked what games you can play at home together with a preschooler, experts name the following options:

  • dominoes or lotto;
  • blind man's buff or hide and seek;
  • cubes or puzzles;
  • puppet show;
  • LEGO or simple construction kits;
  • modeling from clay or plasticine;
  • simple walking games;
  • coloring or drawing;
  • drawing;
  • role-playing games with special sets (a car enthusiast with garages, a doctor and a patient in a hospital, daughters and mothers in a house with dolls, a store, etc.);
  • creating paper applications, models or crafts.

Preschoolers will not refuse to play an exciting quest to find a surprise. Part of this game can be played outdoors. Clues-finding tasks should be used according to the child's age.

If parents are interested in what card games schoolchildren can play together, then you can also choose several exciting options. There are also interesting games for the whole family or a large company:

  • darts;
  • tic-tac-toe;
  • mafia (requires at least 7 people);
  • monopoly (3 participants are enough);
  • sea ​​battle;
  • table hockey or football;
  • backgammon;
  • chess or checkers.

The stores also sell special kits that help children learn about the world around them: “Young Naturalist” or “Young Chemist.” With adult guidance, children will be captivated by the opportunities they provide for a long time. You can also purchase creative kits, which, once mastered, will allow your child to learn burning, glass carving, sewing and other useful things.

There are practically no problems with what games you can play at home alone with a friend or company. There are a number of universal options for two or several friends:

  • believe - don't believe;
  • the sea is agitated once;
  • words;
  • truth or deed;
  • cold - hot.

If children prefer dynamic recreation, you can choose sports and entertainment games for the home. They do not require special equipment, but the child will be able to get rid of accumulated emotional stress and strengthen physically. Options for such entertainment can be found on the Internet. To make the games more fun, adults must show sincere enthusiasm and imagination.

What can you play with your child at home when it’s cold or raining outside?

Read our fun selection of the 5 best games for the home!

1. Running with “eggs”

What?!! What eggs?! – I can hear the exclamations of shocked mothers and fathers, who immediately vividly imagined scrambled eggs on the floor and ruined carpets. I also exclaimed like that, but my son calmed me down by letting me read the terms of the game:

We put ping pong balls in spoons and run with them throughout the apartment, trying not to miss the ball.

Oh, balls are a completely different matter!

We didn’t have any for ping-pong, but we did have bouncy balls, balls and apples. So we took turns with them and started a “run”. It's a lot of fun, try it! You involuntarily begin to laugh, and immediately your mood skyrockets! And you can imagine how delighted the children are!

When you practice running with something round in a tablespoon, you can complicate the task: take teaspoons or carry the spoon not in your hand, but in... your teeth!

First we ran with the balls, then we took the eggs (don’t be afraid, they were hard-boiled!) - we carried everything to the finish line! And then the fantasy took over, and the third stage of the competition was running not with balls in spoons, but with... oranges in scoops. The game is super, simple and exciting! Just what you need when you can’t go outside, but you need to spend your energy somewhere.

2. Associations

After active games you need to calm down. “Play quiet games with them!” For example, in an association. The first participant names any word, and the second quickly answers what came to his mind in connection with this word.

The game is simple, but it greatly develops imagination, intelligence, logic, and improves vocabulary. After all, everyone has their own associations! For example, I associate the word “stripe” with a rainbow, but my child associates it with a cat! What do you have?

3. “Guess the sound”

Another option is a more or less calm, moderately noisy game. The more people play, the more interesting it is! The principle is this: the presenter closes his eyes, and one of the participants laughs, or snores, or grunts... The presenter’s task is to guess whose voice it is.

4. Laughing is prohibited! 😀

Very fun game! The premise is simple and ingenious: one participant tells the funniest thing they can remember, and the others must refrain from laughing. Whoever smiled, giggled or laughed got in, now it’s his turn to tell!

5. Word game

We've been running, it's time to rest! A good old word game will help you get into a calm mood - well, who doesn’t remember it! We name any word - a noun, the next player names a word starting with the last letter of the named word, and so on, until the vocabulary is exhausted or someone names a word ending with a soft sign.

We chose these games from the chic, rich selection of “70 entertainments” found in the VK group for moms, and the equally chic book “We Play All Year Round.”

So there are many more interesting games for home in the pipeline! Subscribe to the latest news from the Children's Website and stay in touch!

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A lot of interesting entertainment awaits your child at home. If the baby is nimble and likes to move a lot, then his energy needs to be directed in the right direction. In addition to the famous “Hide and Seek” and “Zhmurok”, you can play “Twister” at home.

It doesn’t matter if you haven’t yet purchased the necessary attribute for this entertainment. It's easy to make it yourself. Take a plain white sheet that you don't mind donating to a good cause. Cut or sew an additional piece onto it to make a fabric 160x140 cm.

Attach to it in 4 rows of 6 circles, cut from fabric of different colors, in the following sequence:

- blue;
- yellow;
- green.

The roulette will decide which limb to stand on the circle of a particular color. It's also easy to make. To prevent the sheet from creasing under the energetic children's arms and legs, sew a solid base from an old rug or durable fabric to it from the inside.

The attributes for playing Clothespins are also easy to find at home. Have your child turn away and count to thirty. Attach clothespins in the room during this time. If the child is small, then you do not need to place them at a height, but amuse older children by attaching clothespins, for example, to a chandelier or wall hanging.

Several kids can play at once. The one who collects the most clothespins will win.

“Balls” is also fun to play at home with a large group. Blow up some balloons. They must be two colors. Give one type to one team, the second to another. Play some fun music. While it sounds, children throw balls of their own color to the opposing team. They try to beat them back and present their opponents with balls of their own colors. Turn off the music and count the number of balls for each team. Whoever has fewer of them wins.

Don’t forget to give prizes to the losers too, by coming up with a gift for which category is awarded to whom. If the child is alone, then an adult will keep him company.

Calm games

If children need to rest, then sit them at the table and offer them a quiet game. Place several objects on the surface (pen, small toys, keychain). The younger the girls and boys, the fewer the attributes, but they are larger. Let the driver remember the location of the objects and then turn away.

During this time, children will remove some of the things, and some of them will be turned over so that they are in a different position. The driver must say that she has changed. This calm home game perfectly trains your memory.

To stretch the little ones’ fingers and at the same time develop fine motor skills, give them sheets of cardboard and the same set consisting of large buttons, dry pasta, ribbons, glue, and a brush.

Let young artists create original paintings with glued pasta and buttons on them. The designer item can be framed with ribbons or tinsel.

Assembling puzzles, painting with paints, sculpting from dough or clay at home is also interesting.

At this age, children are already consciously learning about the world around them, showing independence, initiative and are able to bear some responsibility for their actions.


Let your child, with your help, assemble his own backpack, which will contain his favorite toys, books, and other necessary and interesting things. Let your child know that he will have to carry his own luggage and take care of it on the road.

Take snacks with you on the road. These can be crackers, crispbreads, breadsticks, homemade crackers or cookies. If there is a treat that you very rarely allow your child, take it too, but use it only for the most emergency cases, when, for example, you need to quickly calm a cranky little traveler.

If your trip involves being in crowded places, it is a good idea to get a baby walkie-talkie, baby monitor or GPS device. The latter is convenient because it is attached in the form of a clip to the child’s belt, and parents will always be able to find their child, even if he unexpectedly “goes away” somewhere. In addition, the device has a panic button. Teach your baby how to use it, and then he can press it himself if he loses sight of you.

Don't forget to take games on the road. It is best to give preference to games with magnets, drawing games, cardboard or finger portable theaters. And, of course, you can take your favorite books on the road.

Video on the topic

The role of pets in children's lives is very great. They are true friends for the baby: they relieve loneliness, help to overcome childhood grievances and by their mere existence bring joy and positivity.


If parents, having succumbed to the persuasion of the baby, decided to purchase an animal, then they are faced with the question of choice. Which animal is right for their baby, from the current variety. Psychologists advise focusing on the child’s temperament and personality in this matter. Phlegmatic people and introverts love small animals more. Hamsters, guinea pigs or cats are suitable for them. More active and playful children will be happy with a dog or bird. And for nervous, restless children, an aquarium will be a good calming remedy.