“Participation in “The Voice” is, of course, a daring act. Hieromonk Photius: participation in “The Voice” is, of course, a daring act. Father’s performance on the Voice

Hieromonk Photius is a monk, regent of the monastery choir, winner of a television show and the only Russian clergyman who gained popularity after participating in a music television show. The monk is meticulous about the selection of material for performance. Photius’s repertoire includes listeners’ favorite Russian romances, classic pop hits of the last century, arias from popular operas, rock classics and recognized foreign hits.

Childhood and youth

Vitaly Mochalov was born in Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod) on November 11, 1985 into a non-religious family. At school age he attended a local music school, where he studied vocals and piano. In addition, the boy sang in the school choir and often performed as a soloist. Since childhood, Mochalov dreamed of becoming a composer and writing music and songs. As a teenager, when his voice began to break, Vitaly attended church school, where he also sang in the choir.

On May 31, the monk spoke in Pskov. The musician performed old romances and pop hits. On June 7, 2017, the singer gave a solo concert in Moscow, at Crocus City Hall. Photius’s guests were his colleagues from “The Voice” - Renata Volkievich. Later in the interview, the hieromonk mentioned that it was the first time he spoke in front of such a large audience, which was exciting for him.

Hieromonk Photius was recognized as the winner of the 4th season of the Russian super-popular show “The Voice” - together with his mentor G. Leps, he interrupted the absolutely win-win streak of various students of A. Gradsky. It should be noted that the aforementioned show “The Voice,” which airs on Channel One, is a kind of Russian version of The Voice format and the most popular music competition on Russian television.

Thirty-year-old Father Photius (in the world this is Vitaly Mochalov) is a resident of the current St. Pafnutev Borovsky Monastery; he is the regent of the choir of monks, and before officially submitting his application to take part in the competition, he received the due blessing from his abbot. As the winner, he also signed a contract with Universal Music Russia and received a brand new Lada XRay SUV.

In total, only four musicians performed in the final of the 4th “Voice”. Photius was opposed here by O. Zadonskaya from Gagarina’s team, A. Gradsky was represented by M. Ozerov, and Basta was represented by a young student of Gnesinka E. Kann. As a result, Cannes took 4th place, Zadonskaya took 3rd, and only the singers reached the super final. Three-quarters of the show's viewers voted for Father Photius.

According to the producer of this show, Yu. Aksyuta, they received 940 thousand calls and SMS from viewers. All funds collected will be transferred to the Orthodox service “Mercy”, and some of them will be sent to the K. Khabensky charitable foundation.

Representatives of churches have already won similar competitions. Last year, the Italian version was won by nun Christina. The video of her performance gained incredible popularity on YouTube, she even recorded a cover of Madonna’s song “Like A Virgin”, and then released an album called “Sister Cristina”, which managed to reach 17th place in the Italian charts.

However, the main result of the 4th season was not the victory of G. Leps’ team, but the loss of Mr. Gradsky. The point here is that the previous 3 seasons on “The Voice” were won exclusively by his students. The producers of the show found the trend so alarming that they decided to update the entire coaching staff - in the hope that one of the newcomers would be able to compete with the master. Gradsky stayed, by his personal admission, to demonstrate the continuity of generations and pass on all the accumulated experience to them. But as a result, Gradsky’s company included G. Leps, P. Gagarin, who went to Eurovision, and rapper Basta.

This step by the channel’s producers looked controversial and immediately aroused sharp criticism. But one cannot help but admit: the participating students of all coaches without exception had a great chance of winning. And even though Ozerov and Fotiy were considered favorites before the final, they could not count on an inevitable victory. For example, the student of rapper Basta Era Kann showed herself very well in the previous rounds. And Olga Zadonskaya from Gagarina’s presented team turned out to be the only one to whom all the jury members turned at the “blind auditions” and who managed to reach the final.

Then only the chair in which Leps was turned towards Father Photius. Before the final, Leps admitted: “I can’t even call myself his mentor - I’m just a servant of God, and he’s a father.”

However, each finalist can feel like a winner. 150 performers were admitted to the “blind auditions,” but only 57 made it to the next round, who made up four teams of mentors. Well, then - through fights, those whom the coaches first selected from one hundred and fifty applicants, and only then from the personal team, reached the final.

The head of music broadcasting at Channel One, Yu. Aksyuta, after summing up the results of the fourth “Voice”, did not announce the 5th season of the show at all, as was the case one year ago, when it was announced live about the continuation of the show and the immediate change of mentors.

Prigogine: Hieromonk Photius must continue to speak.

Specialists from the publication "Stock Leader" inform that the famous producer I. Prigozhin believes that Hieromonk Photius must certainly continue to perform in front of the audience.

“To me personally, as a manager, the story with the young hieromonk Photius is completely clear. Actually, I see him as a real “musical pastor”, a person who today carries God’s word, sings some lyrical beautiful songs. Why not? God is God after all. created music and gave us all the opportunity to feel it. Photius can simply gather halls, go out and at the same time speak the right words to the audience, carry God’s word, can sing God’s word,” Prigozhin said in an interview with the media.

According to the eminent producer, he would personally record an album for the hieromonk, “where the songs would certainly have a meaning - a word.” “A man with pure thoughts and a pure look came and won, which means that this winning definitely came to him for some reason, he must use it correctly. It would be wrong to hide somewhere, God helped him here,” added Mr. Prigozhin. According to the producer, for Leps, who is the hieromonk’s mentor in the television program, in a sense, this was also God’s providence. “For Grisha, this is an incredibly serious victory within himself. Photius is too individual, he is not like others - and this is exactly the type of purification, you can sincerely believe in it, or you can not at all,” Prigogine said.

Hieromonk Photius (Vitaly Mochalov) from the team of Grigory Leps became the winner of the Voice-4 show.

(in the world - Vitaly Mochalov) was born in Gorky.

Since childhood, he loved singing, but they didn’t want to take him to music school because of his crooked fingers. As a result, he graduated from school with a degree in piano, but did not finish his studies at the music school due to moving to Germany.

At the age of 20, he decided to go to a monastery, for which he moved to Borovsk.

Sings in the church choir. Hobbies include learning languages ​​and photography.

Hieromonk Photius was blessed by the archimandrite to participate in the First Channel vocal competition.

Finale of the show "The Voice-4"

Before the final, it was from the team of Grigory Leps that was considered the main contender for victory.

Besides him, the top four were Mikhail Ozerov(team of Alexander Gradsky), Basta’s ward Cannes era(Irina Brucheeva), as well as a representative of Polina Gagarina’s team Olga Zadonskaya.

The first to perform were Era Cannes and Basta with the composition “Me or You”.

Olga Zadonskaya and Polina Gagarina - Cuckoo

After them, Ozerov and Gradsky performed Alexandra Pakhmutova’s hit song “How Young We Were.”

Mikhail Ozerov and Alexander Gradsky - How young we were

And Hieromonk Photius and Grigory Leps completed the first block with the song “Labyrinth”.

Hieromonk Photius and Gregory Leps - Labyrinth

The solo part of the final show was opened by the Cannes Era with a song from the Great Patriotic War, “Dark Night,” in a modern arrangement.

Zadonskaya performed Gloria Gaynor's hit "I Will Survive", Ozerov - "Unchained Melody", and Hieromonk Photius - "For You" in Italian.

After this, Era Cannes was eliminated from the finals.

Olga Zadonskaya’s final song was Konstantin Meladze’s composition “The Performance is Over.”

Olga Zadonskaya - The performance is over

Mikhail Ozerova performed "Pressing your face to the glass."

Mikhail Ozerov - Pressing your face to the glass

Hieromonk Photius concluded his performance on the project with Grigory Leps’ hit “Good night, gentlemen.”

Hieromonk Photius - Good night, gentlemen

As it turned out, it was the winner.

30-year-old Hieromonk Photius won very confidently - 76% of TV viewers voted for him!

“Both contestants showed their high human qualities in this show. This is even more important than professional skills,” Alexander Gradsky summed up the results of the competition.

Let us add that in the Italian analogue of the show last year the Sicilian nun Cristina Scuccia won, who participated in the show with the blessing of Pope Francis.

And one last thing. The income of Channel One and other partners, collected during the audience vote on December 25, will be transferred to the Orthodox help service "Mercy", which unites 25 projects to help children, adults, the elderly, the disabled, and the homeless.

Help for these people is provided by nurses, social workers, lawyers, doctors and other specialists from the Mercy service.

Hieromonk Photius (Mochalov) from the St. Paphnutyev Borovsky Monastery considers his participation in the popular Russian television project “The Voice” on Channel One to be a daring act, but says that he agreed on it and received the blessing of the Metropolitan. On the eve of the final of the competition, he spoke in an interview for the RIA Novosti project “Religion and Worldview” about the goals of the monk’s unprecedented and controversial participation in a secular show, about where and how he studied singing, what brought him to church, how modern monastic life works, Is Elder Vlasiy interested in Grigory Leps and what will happen after “The Voice”. Interviewed by Alexey Mikheev and Olga Lipich.

Father Photius, a question that you have probably been asked many times, but perhaps you are somehow rethinking the answer to it: what is the purpose for which you came to the TV show “The Voice”? Is this some kind of mission or a simple human desire to realize one’s inherent talents and win?

— Of course, I came to “The Voice” primarily as a simple person, in order to really realize myself somehow, to show the gift that the Lord gave me. This desire was not entirely mine - friends played a big role. And I wanted to get into the second season of the project, but then I couldn’t get a blessing.

- They just didn’t have time or they didn’t give it?

“At first I was simply afraid to turn to higher church authorities. And this time I have the blessing of the Metropolitan (Kaluga and Borovsky Clement, who is the ruling bishop of the Kaluga Metropolis, on whose territory the Borovsky Monastery is located - ed.). The patriarch already knows about this.

- Did the Patriarch find out about this after you started participating in the project?

- Yes, he actually found out and unofficially expressed his attitude after negotiations with the bishop that this could be done and that he would bless me for this competition.

- How long did it take you to decide to participate in the project? Did you have any doubts?

— When I applied for the second season of “The Voice,” I thought maybe this wasn’t quite right. And when I failed to organize this, I considered that this was a sign from God, that all this was not necessary, that maybe, indeed, this was not a monastic matter. Although in any case it is not monastic... Then I told myself that I would not do this, so as not to tempt anyone and not to harm my soul.

- And then what made you change your decision?

— My friends asked me: why didn’t you try? They said: write the application again! I thought that there would probably be no more “Voice” or that the acceptance of applications had ended, but I went to the Channel One website and it turned out that the acceptance of applications was in full swing. And I decided: it was or wasn’t, let’s write. The TV channel called me and asked if my desire to participate was still strong? I answered: yes, you just need to get the bishop’s blessing. And they offered to write him a letter themselves, from the channel. The Bishop blessed and said that he was not against it.

- Did your spiritual mentor, Schema-Archimandrite Blasius of Savtar, also bless you and support you?

- Supported. I asked him about this.

- This is probably the first person you asked?

- Yes, this is the shortest way to resolve all issues, because he is a confessor and still more important than the administrative authorities.

- And now he somehow helps you during the project?

- Of course, I tell him. And he even watches my performances - the cell attendant shows me. He asks me: “Yes, how is Leps? What did you do there, did you pass or not?”

- Even on the monastery’s website it is announced when your performance will take place. Do you feel the support of the brethren as a whole?

- Certainly. And even those who are ambivalent about this project try not to show it, so as not to upset me. They are simply silent about it, but, in principle, they are friendly to me.

I think those who support perceive your participation in “The Voice” as a mission. What benefits does this bring from a church point of view, in your opinion?

“People feel great joy when they see me on screen - for them it’s like a breath of fresh air. Everyone is used to seeing only painted, dressed-up faces on the screen. A show is a show. And even if someone sings an opera aria, it does not bring the same effect as the appearance of the priest. The most pleasant thing is that when people see me, they think about something spiritual.

- That is, you attract people to think about the spiritual?

- Yes, some kind of reminder about conscience, about the temple. I get comments that when people see me they want to go to church after not going to church for 10 years.

- More pilgrims began to come to the monastery - to listen to your singing on the choir?

- I don’t know how much more. We mostly go to Father Vlasiy. But pilgrims meet me, recognize me, and want to take pictures. And our regular parishioners, workers, even those who did not understand my step the first time, a month later, after listening to my other speeches, changed their attitude.

Was there any thought to participate in this competition incognito, under a worldly name, without a cassock, and then in the finals or at some stage announce that you are a monk? For greater effect?

“It’s unlikely that this would have brought any additional effect.” And I have no right to speak in secular clothes: I am already a monk and everywhere in public I must be in a monastic robe, in a cassock.

Is the fact that you got into the project and are successfully participating in it a sign that the Lord favors this endeavor? Or do you perceive what is happening as the fruits of a courageous act that can have different consequences?

- Naturally, it was a daring act. But I coordinated it, that is, it was not arbitrary. As a monk, I must ask for blessings on everything I do, especially when leaving the monastery somewhere. Until now, for every performance, for every rehearsal, I write a paper so that the abbot will let me go. I am not a free person, I cannot do everything I want. And, of course, I saw God’s providence in all this. Since everything turns out this way, Metropolitan Kliment gave his blessing and at the casting I had such a friendly attitude from the producers.

- Do the producers take into account your difference from other contestants, monasticism?

— Yes, both the channel’s management and music editors. And when I came to the blind audition, I saw the kind attitude of the mentors, Grigory Leps, towards me. For him, of course, it was a shock. Some wrote in the comments that Leps turned to him, it was his mistake, he would dump him in the coming battles. Now we understand that this is not Leps’ mistake. He turned to the voice: he liked this voice - and he decided to develop it. Subsequently, I saw that he was very interested in me and did not want to let me go from the project.

- But initially you wanted the more academic Gradsky as your mentor?

- Yes, I was counting on it. I had a superficial attitude towards Leps; I viewed him as a rock pop singer, which I don’t like and don’t listen to.

- He became your mentor, did it change something in you?

“I even thank God for becoming my mentor.” Because it’s unclear from Gradsky whether I could have gone further.

Aren’t you confused by the competitive aspect of this show, the ring, the arena? Christianity, due to history, has a special attitude towards this kind of thing...

— Of course, the rules in the competition are strict, 50 percent of participants leave. And sometimes it seems unfair to eliminate people when you first met them. But during the competition you don’t feel any competition. Little depends on you - it’s the mentor who decides, not you.

- What then? If you win, will it change your monastic life?

- If it turns out that I am chosen as a winner, this does not mean that I am a winner as a vocalist. Channel One, with the help of this competition, shows what is good in our society, what kind of singers there are who can be an example for others. Let’s say that previously Sergei Volchkov, Alexandra Vorobyova, Dina Garipova won in “The Voice” - these were not the kind of stars who create the show: that’s not what wins, you don’t need to be a shocking, super-cool artist right away. It is the audience's interest that wins, probably the demand for something soulful that touches hearts.

- I'll be back, of course. I already live in a monastery, I just make such forays periodically.

- How often, by the way?

- At first - every month, then just a week between performances. I don't think I'll be promoted as a pop star. There is no point in promoting me - I have already left the world. Sometimes they will invite me here or there, but in such a way that it doesn’t seem like I’m triumphantly walking on television, everywhere. So that it is as cultural and expedient as possible.

Are there now and do you foresee in the future restrictions in the repertoire, genres, vocabulary, programs, places where you are allowed to perform? Are the restrictions dictated by your inner censor or by the person who blesses you?

- Nobody ever told me about this. This is really an internal censor - it all depends on my taste, my understanding of decency. I don't sing rock music. I can sing some pop compositions, but mostly lyrical ones.

- Why don’t you sing rock?

— I don’t like it as a genre. Not because I'm a priest. I just don’t listen to it and, without liking it, I won’t be able to perform it correctly.

- What music appeals to you the most?

- I am a music lover. I love all kinds of music.

- What are your favorite genres?

- Crossover - a combination of classics and pop. Josh Groban and Andrea Bocelli sing in this style.

- And what about domestic music - pop or classic?

— I can sing to Pugachev if I like the song, like a ballad, with wise philosophical content, not pop.

- How many languages ​​do you have as a singer?

- A lot of. I only know German and English, a little Greek. And I sing in many languages ​​- Italian, English, Spanish, German, Latin, Greek, Serbian...

- Who helps you in this musical development? Is there a teacher with whom you regularly study?

— During this project, I sometimes ask my teacher, with whom I have been studying vocals for 10 years. As soon as I arrived at the monastery, I found myself with a good teacher. Here they found out that I sing, that I am a musician, and they immediately sent me to a teacher. He is from Moscow, and from time to time all the singers from the choir were sent to him for lessons. They saw a special talent in me, and I spent even more time in Moscow than I should have: everyone is usually given 10 lessons, but I was given 20. When I arrived after these lessons, there were noticeable changes in my voice, the sound became brighter, louder, It was as if my voice was breaking for the second time.

- Could you name this teacher?

— Viktor Vitalievich Tvardovsky, one of the descendants of our famous poet. He is from Vladimir, graduated from the Moscow Conservatory. He has a very interesting method; he teaches classical Italian bel canto. New overtones and high frequencies are added, and the singing apparatus acquires a completely new quality.

- And that’s what we’re doing. He now comes to our monastery and gives lessons, which are paid for by the monastery.

If we return to the repertoire, then why, when you go to a show with a missionary task, do you not sing spiritual songs on it?

- It is not necessary. If I came to such a secular competition, I need to sing secular songs.

- To a foreign monastery not with its own charter?

- That too, yes. I am a priest, they expect spiritual things from me - and this will not be interesting for the project. It’s a different matter when someone worldly sings a spiritual song, I think it will be more adequately perceived.

- Are there any taboos for you - in vocabulary, manner of performance? Will you sing “A glass of vodka on the table”?

- No, they won’t give it to me. They give me songs that suit my voice and that others won't sing.

- Do you think they are trying not to embarrass you?

— The producers, in particular Yuri Aksyuta, are trying their best to make sure that my reputation is not affected in any way.

-Are they that sensitive?

- Certainly.

- Doesn’t seem like a stereotypical opinion about show business...

- This is not show business. People enter show business not through competitions, but in completely different ways.

- What is this then for you - an educational project?

- No. This is just an honest people's competition, where the viewer chooses who he wants to listen to. It is not imposed on him, but he chooses.

- Naturally.

- Why did you choose this particular competition? Have you participated in any others?

— I participated, yes, but not in television ones. Participated in Obninsk. I took part in non-singing competitions - this is about the question of competitions.

- Not singing, but related to what?

- Related to composing music. In the composers' competition. There was also an amateur video film competition in Kaluga.

- Do you also make films?

— Yes, I make such small films.

- You are a very versatile person. Don’t you write poems or lyrics to your own music?

— I don’t have songs for my poems. Because I'm afraid to write poetry. I know how to do this - I know the laws of the genre, the rules of versification. But I understand that this is a huge responsibility and it’s better not to take on it if you haven’t dedicated your life to it. You can’t compose on a ball, you need to have a calling. If you have rhymes in your head all the time, if you think poetically, then yes. I am very critical of amateur poetry.

-Are you less critical of music than of poetry?

- No, and to music... I just compose more music.

- In what style? And how do you record your music?

— Symphonic, instrumental music, in the style of film music, soundtrack. I write, naturally, on a computer, with notes, using banks of virtual instruments.

- Will you continue to participate in competitions with your musical works?

- No. I have now given up composing music because I don’t see any prospects in it. When I came to the monastery, I stopped writing music.

- So they stopped writing for competitions 10 years ago? And for yourself?

- Yes. I play music for myself, of course, at home, in my cell. I have an instrument - digital keys, like a piano. Sometimes I write music for Sunday school songs.

There is one spiritual song, you can find it on the Internet - “How short is our age.” He wrote the music himself, accompanied himself, and took the poems from one author who actively writes on the Internet, Victor Speizer.

- Have you recorded and released discs with your own music or performances of works by other authors?

— I write everything down in private conditions. There are already two discs of cover songs. I've probably already given away half a thousand. But I don’t have the right to sell all this, since all these songs are not mine and I also buy negative soundtracks on the Internet.

Could the precedent you are setting now serve as an impetus for creativity among the black clergy? And to what extent is such self-realization acceptable for monks in other types of activities, for example, take “Ice Age” - what if someone wants to show off their skills in skating, skiing, or winning some other race?

- I didn’t think about it. In principle, we already have a talented clergy who do whatever they want in their free time, including skiing - everything is possible. The priest is the same person, and a person anointed by God. I think that if the Lord kissed a person, he rewarded him with other gifts.

- But can a person who has renounced the world develop them?

- It all depends on his desire. No one will interfere with him.

- Figuratively speaking, the church is not a prison?

- Certainly. The church is for man, not man for the church. On the contrary, it even encourages if a person who comes to church shows from the inside that there are adequate people here, not obscurantists, not marginalized. After all, there is a stereotype that spiritual people - no matter whether they are monks or white priests - are narrow-minded, stupid, and therefore they believed in God, like a sect. It is very important to show that people go to the monastery with talents: they love God so much that they even decided to sacrifice their career.

- Why did you personally choose the monastic path?

— Out of the desire to live with God, to live within the boundaries of the church, not to mix the church with worldly life, so that there could be such a simple, pure life in the church, service, singing. I thought that if I went to a monastery, I would be able to sing in the choir, I assumed that one of my obediences might be the choir - as a child I sang in the church choir. There are no other reasons.

- And yet you went to the monastery as a very young man... How old were you then?

— I cut my hair at the age of 24. But they don’t cut their hair right away—I came to the monastery at the age of 20. I had such a reassessment of life values. Nothing happened - I just decided to leave everything for God's sake. Just like there is a saying in the Gospel that a person who finds a field in which a treasure is buried leaves everything and buys this field. This field can be compared to a monastery. I leave everything for the sake of God’s grace, this invisible treasure that is in the monastery.

Do you have any regrets about leaving the world, especially during contact with a television project with its applause, audience sympathy, fame?

- I don’t have such a feeling. I have already somehow abstracted myself from the world, I feel that I do not belong to it.

- Is this project not a temptation for you, but a mission that you decided to fulfill?

- This is a temporary matter, I am always aware of that.

- And do you see your future exclusively within the monastery walls?

- Do you have a desire to rule, to become a bishop or patriarch in the future?

“I’m generally running away from this, let alone running, no one suggested it to me.” I am afraid and will never strive for leadership positions.

- Is striving bad?

- No, in general it’s good to strive, the Apostle Paul says that the desire to be a bishop is a good desire, from the point of view of...

- Services?

— Yes, running a church is a huge responsibility. I have no administrative skills. And the last thing I would like to do is deal with such things.

What problems do you see today in the church, in monasticism, and what are the ways to solve them? Are traditions, eldership preserved, why do most young people become monks? How do you generally see a monk in 50 years, in 100 years?

— We are actively restoring churches, building new ones...

- But is it only buildings that are needed today?

— Yes, inner life actually requires a lot of treatment. People from this complex world go to monasteries and come running. The priesthood and monasticism are still a reflection of the world. We have no right to demand holiness from priests. A monk is a person who has left this same world, with the same passions, he somehow fights with them. Nowadays there is a lot of penetration of the world into the monastery. As the saints prophesied, “it will be in the monastery as in the world, and in the world as in hell.” Of course, there is secularization, but this is not apostasy (not apostasy), this is an inevitable process - this is how it happened. And that doesn't mean everything is so bad. It’s just that, if we compare it with the ancient monasteries, about whose life we ​​read in books, then of course we see a discrepancy.

- Yes, many are confused, for example, by the arrival of technical innovations in monasteries - iPads and so on...

- Again, why are people surprised? Because they are well-read, they have some kind of ideal with which they compare all the time. It is not right.

- How will be correct?

— It’s right to live with God and think flexibly. Understand that the commandments can be fulfilled in the modern world. And it doesn’t matter whether you have a computer, iPad, smartphone or not. If you have them, it doesn't mean you're dead. These are details, the realities of our world. And in this world one can be saved. The most important thing is love, it can be in any conditions.

- In general, what is your main goal in life - salvation?

- This is a common goal. What does it mean to be saved? You can’t tell yourself that if you do something, it means you will be saved. And the very process of fulfilling the commandments does not exist for us to think that by doing this we are saved...

- Why are we gaining points?

- Well, yes, that’s some kind of bonus. This is not a bonus, this is a spiritual law. It’s just that if you don’t fulfill it, you move away from God, you draw yourself into destruction. And if you want to be saved, you simply run from the fire. The moth that flies towards the fire is stupid, it burns its wings. If we know that something is dangerous, we run away from it. In the commandments, the Lord simply warns us: don’t do this. Not because it is so strict, but because there are spiritual laws, and if you break them, you perish spiritually.

But this is if we take those ten commandments that contain a prohibition. What about the love for God and neighbor commanded by Christ in the Gospel - is it the basis?

- Yes, this is precisely why Jesus Christ came to earth, to bring this (love) to man. Because the old man never understood why and what the previous commandments were for. He thought that this was just a legal law: by fulfilling this, you will simply be a righteous person, such a good fellow. In fact: why not steal? Not because it is such a law, but because it is an act of love. If you steal, it is a crime against love and against a person.

- What came into your life first - faith or music? What key points would you highlight in your biography?

— I started studying music since childhood, when I was taken to a music school at the age of 7. Before that, I just sang along with my mother at home when she sang, she’s a musical student, she graduated from the same music school. I was baptized together with my mother, at the age of 7, for some reason I had such an irresistible desire.

- It wasn’t your mother who led you by the hand, but you decided for yourself?

“Yes, he took my mother and said: let’s go get baptized.” And she was baptized together with me and her brother. But already at the age of 12 - it turned out that I got into the church through music - my vocal teacher from a music school (I studied double majors, piano and vocals) wanted to take me into the church choir at a children's Orthodox camp. And at the age of 12 I went there. And after the camp, I entered Sunday school, studied there for three years, fell in love with the temple and everything connected with it, felt the grace that the Lord gave me then in advance. When I grew up, I went to church less, but still my mother reminded me to take communion, to read the prayer, she always told me: read the Jesus Prayer.

When I arrived from the Orthodox camp, I really surprised my mother with the global changes that had occurred in me. I wasn’t some kind of bully, but still my mother saw that something had changed. And she also became interested in spiritual literature and became a very deeply religious person.

- And then where did you study music?

— At the music school in Nizhny Novgorod, where he lived. I studied one course, but did not complete it, because my family emigrated to Germany, to Kaiserslautern. There I started practicing the organ to continue learning music. Every church there has an organ, and I worked part-time - playing the organ, sometimes even giving concerts.

At the same time, we went to church. One Orthodox parish of the Moscow Patriarchate was located in Saarbrücken, on the ground floor of a Catholic cathedral. Catholics allowed to build an Orthodox church there. This is a very noble gesture, we would never allow this in our country.

- Why?

- We are simply hostile towards Catholics, we know why - not only because there are some dogmatic differences, but there were also crusades...

And accusations of proselytism (poaching the flock - ed.), especially after the fall of the Iron Curtain in the 1990s...

— I am for peace with any religion. I do not call for the unification of Catholics and Orthodox Christians, I do not have any ecumenical ideas - I just want people to treat any Christian denomination as brothers in faith. These are the same Christians, and sometimes we can even learn something from them, sometimes a Catholic is much more pious than an Orthodox.

- How do you feel about other religions: Judaism, Islam, Buddhism?

— If I communicate with representatives of these religions, then, naturally, I try not to conflict, not to start arguments, not to talk about differences. I respect another person's faith. You need to understand that we are not some chosen people, we should not boast or be proud of this. We must thank God that he has vouchsafed us to be born in a country where there is an Orthodox faith, and to treat others condescendingly.

Let's get back to the music. If you compare singing and playing the organ or other instruments, are they equivalent for you? Is art generally graded in some way according to its importance and purity in the general church and in your personal understanding?

- No, there is simply art for art’s sake, when a person creates something, writes pictures, books and thereby becomes like God, uses his talent received from God for its intended purpose. It would be a sin to bury it and not implement it. It’s another matter when a person uses his gift for entertainment. By playing a musical instrument, you can create both art and entertainment.
The Lord accepted glorification through musical instruments. In the Old Testament we find references to playing the harp, tambourines, kettledrums, tambourines - there were all kinds of instruments on which God was praised. It’s just that the original nature of instruments - there is such a theory - is to please the ear. The organ in a Catholic church is a vivid example of the fact that we help ourselves more to kindle some spiritual movements, so that the heart is touched and comes into a state of repentance. This is why the organ exists. A person thinks that he is in tears because he has become imbued with it and realized all his sins - no, it was the organ that helped him.

- But, in principle, there is nothing sinful in this?

— Of course, there is nothing sinful. I meant very subtle spiritual processes. Spiritual life is very interesting, and if a person wants to make it as pure as possible, as sincere as possible, after all, an organ is not sincerity. This is called “prelest” in Russian, in spiritual language, when a person flatters himself that he is such a believer, so pious. Real spiritual life is not based on this; it is absolutely sober, without any pleasures and any auxiliary crutches.

- Isn’t singing a delight or a crutch?

“Here everything remains behind the voice that directly belongs to you, that is, you sing from your heart, from your being, you directly praise God with your voice, both with your speech and with your singing. Singing is its own kind of hypostasis, it cannot be compared with an instrument.

Why do you think the Lord allowed such diversity to exist in this world: different people, religions, arts, talents, passions, so many complexities?

- So that it doesn't get boring. In fact, there is a reason for everything, some starting point. People themselves are to blame for everything.

- Is the world generally perfect or not?

- What is he imperfect in?

- The fact that there are wars, violence, aggression...

“All this happens because of enmity, and enmity is the fruit of sin.”

But what about natural disasters or the fact that living beings, including humans, are forced to kill others in order to survive? Are these all consequences of the Fall?

“Of course, our world bears the mark of this destruction, which man himself caused. From the moment man was expelled from paradise, he was called to feed himself by his labor.

- If we bracket a person with his sins, what are other living creatures to blame for?

- So they were together...

- And the man dragged everyone into this cycle?

— Such a coarsening happened. Man has become more like an animal, and animals have become so aggressive. Why do mosquitoes bite? Not because the Lord came up with it this way. Well, why is there such a creature in heaven? After the Fall, nature changed. In general, they feed on nectar...

- What is the essence of original sin?

- Disobedience. The Lord gave man reason and freedom to choose between good and evil. And the evil lay in the fact that man did not want to obey God, his Creator, but wanted to do it his own way and therefore tried the forbidden fruit.

It is also important that Adam and Eve heard from the serpent what the motive was for committing this disobedience: that you would become like gods.

What conclusion can be drawn from this for modern everyday life? A person should not be driven by the desire to be proud, to rise above others, but the motivation for any action should be obedience and service to God?

— You don’t need to focus only on religion as a connection with God or constantly think about how to please and consider your every action from the point of view of benefit in the spiritual sense. You just need to understand at certain moments in your daily life that there is sin. Often we agree with sin and say, well, okay, we spit on our conscience, and this leads more and more to petrification - and then we can hardly hear our conscience. You need to listen to your conscience.