Which Slavs have yellow skin? What skin color do real Russians have?


Different people

On Midgard-Earth there live people with different skin colors and a certain territory of residence. This Earthly humanity has Ancestors who arrived on Midgard-Earth from various Heavenly Halls - Star Systems, namely: The Halls of the Great Race - white skin color; Hall of the Great Dragon - yellow skin color; Hall of the Fire Serpent - red skin color; Hall of the Gloomy Wasteland - black skin color; Hall of the Pekelny World - gray skin color, Aliens.

The White Race's ally in the battle with the Forces of Darkness were the People from the Hall of the Great Dragon. The Rasichi allowed them to settle on Earth, determining a place in the South-East, at the rise of the Yarilo-Sun. Modern China.

Another ally of the Clans of the Great Race is People with skin the color of the Sacred Fire (Redskins) from the Hall of the Fire Serpent. The Rasichi assigned them a place on lands in the Atlantic Ocean. With the arrival of the Clans of the Great Race, led by the Great Leader Ant, this Land began to be called Antlan, i.e. the Land of the Ants. The ancient Greeks called it Atlantis. On this Earth, the Great Leader built the Temple of the Trident of the God of the Seas and Oceans (God Niya), who sent them his countless gifts and protected their land from the Elements of Evil. After the death of Antlani, righteous people with the skin color of the Sacred Fire were transported by the Heavenly Power (Vaitmara) east to the boundless Lands, lying at the setting of Yarila the Sun... (American continent). Thus, People with skin the color of the Sacred Fire appeared on the American continent, bringing with them not only signs of mixing with the White Race, but also the Culture adopted from them.

People with skin the color of Darkness arrived from the Hall of the Gloomy Wasteland. In Ancient times, the possessions of the Great Country of Black People covered not only the African and South American continents, but also part of Hindustan. The Indian tribes of the Dravidians and Nagas belonged to the Negroid peoples and worshiped the Goddess Kali-Ma - the Goddess of the Black Mother. Our Ancestors gave them the Vedas - the Sacred Texts, now known as the Indian Vedas (Hinduism). Having learned about the eternal Heavenly Laws, such as the Law of Karma, Incarnation, Reincarnation and others, they abandoned obscene deeds - bloody human sacrifices to the Goddess Kali-Ma and the Black Dragons.

People with green skin color lived on Midgard-Earth - Green-skinned - Amphibians, Amphibian People. They lived in Alanka, Sri Lanka. Previously, there was the continent of Mu in the Maren (Indian) Ocean, which our Ancestors called Ramtha. This continent disappeared under water, like Antlan. They had a gill-like lung structure and could live on land and in water. They have been engaged in genetic engineering for a long time and conducted genetic experiments on crossing people and animals. This went on for a very long time. As a result of experiments, many hybrid species survived and are called Undead. The appearance of a person, but in fact the Undead (Chakotilo and other maniacs). They appear to be decent people, but their inner contents are Undead and at the same time Inhumans.

The enemy of the Great Race and other People on Midgard-Earth are representatives of the Pekel World, who secretly penetrated into Midgard-Earth, so the territory of residence is not defined. Representatives of the Dark Worlds were the last to arrive on Midgard-Earth from the Galactic East, from the Lands of Eden and Nod. They occupied vacant lands in Sri Lanka and other continents. The modern city of Eden is located in this area of ​​Midgard-Earth.

God Perun calls them Foreigners. They have gray skin, their eyes are the color of Darkness, and they are bisexual (initially), they could be a wife or a husband (hermaphrodites, whose sexual orientation changed depending on the phases of the Moon). They have a unified genetic system. Initially, they began to mix with People of Darkness skin color. They took women and gave birth to same-sex ones. The only people whose heredity is transmitted through the maternal line. Foreigners obey the Koshchei - the Princes of Darkness, who use them for their own purposes. They carry a different genotype and psychostructure. They can communicate with each other, between People and between animals. (To irnate - to connect, merge, mix not only on the physical and genetic level, but also on more subtle planes.) Mixing with other People, they acquire the appearance of a given people, but the psychostructure remains a hermaphrodite, without God’s Spirit and Conscience. They paint their faces with paints to look like the Children of Men... They never take off their clothes in public. They create all kinds of false religious cults and specifically try to destroy or denigrate the Cult of God Perun. They covet everything that belongs to others, that does not belong to them... All their thoughts are only about power.

The goal of the Aliens is to disrupt the Harmony reigning in the World of Light and destroy the Descendants of the Heavenly Family and the Great Race, for only they can give a worthy rebuff to the Forces of Hell... They want to destroy the Souls of White People, so that they do not end up in Heavenly Asgard, but are eternal wanderers in the Darkness uninterrupted...

Using lies and very flattering words, they gain the trust of the residents; as soon as they gain trust from the residents, they begin to comprehend their Ancient Heritage. Having learned everything that is possible in the Ancient Heritage, they begin to interpret it in their favor. They declare themselves to be God's messengers, but they only bring strife and war to the world. Using cunning and vicious deeds, they turn the young away from Wisdom, teach them to live in idle idleness, and to disobey their father’s Traditions. They do not know about Heavenly Honor and Truth, because there is no Conscience in their hearts...

With lies and unrighteous flattery they will capture many edges of Midgard-Earth, but they will be defeated and exiled to the country of the Man-Made Mountains (Egypt), where people with skin the color of Darkness and the Descendants of the Heavenly Family will live. And people will begin to teach them to work, so that they themselves can feed their children... But the lack of desire to work will unite the Aliens, and they will leave the country of the Man-Made Mountains and settle throughout all the edges of Midgard-Earth... Millions of lives will be carried away by senseless wars to please the desires of the Aliens, because the more there will be wars... and deaths, the more wealth the messengers of the World of Darkness will gain. The Dark Forces will even use Fire Mushrooms to achieve their goals, bringing death will rise above Midgard-Earth...
Three moons

The Holy Scriptures say that initially, in Ancient times, Midgard-Earth had two Moons. Small Moon - Lelya, with a period of revolution around the Earth of 7 days, and Big Moon - Month - 29.5 days. During the Great Assa, the border lands near Midgard-Earth were destroyed by Dark forces. Planet Deya - Earth Deya, the destroyed fifth planet of the Yarila-Sun system, now the remains of Earth Deya form the Asteroid Belt, between the orbits of the Earth Oreya (Mars) and the Earth of Perun (Jupiter).

153,368 years have passed since those times. The Heavenly Power (Whitemars) transferred part of the dying population with skin the color of Darkness to Midgard-Earth and placed them on the African and South American continents and parts of Hindustan, which corresponded to their climatic conditions on Deya Earth. For better acclimatization of People with skin the color of Darkness, the Heavenly Force moved Luna Fatta from the lost Earth to Midgard-Earth. Since then, Midgard-Earth has had three Moons. This happened 142992 years ago. Moon Fatta was determined between the paths of Lelya and the Moon, with a period of revolution around the Earth of 13 days.
Luna Lelya

The First Great Flood occurred as a result of the destruction of the Moon Lelya - one of the three Moons revolving around Midgard-Earth, on which the Koshchei - the Princes of Darkness - concentrated their forces to invade Midgard-Earth. This is how ancient sources say about this event: “You are My children! Know that the Earth walks past the Sun, but My words will not pass you by! And about ancient times, people, remember! About the Great Flood that destroyed people, about the fall of fire on Mother Earth! » – Russian Vedas “Songs of the bird Gamayun”.

“You, on Midgard, have been living peacefully since ancient times, when the world was established... Remembering from the Vedas about the deeds of Dazhdbog, how he destroyed the strongholds of the Koschei, who were on the nearest Moon... Tarkh did not allow the insidious Koschei to destroy Midgard, as they destroyed Deya... These Koschei, the rulers of the Grays, disappeared along with the Moon in half... But Midgard paid for freedom with Daariya, hidden by the Great Flood... The waters of the Moon created that Flood, they fell to the Earth from heaven like a rainbow, for the Moon split into pieces, and the army of Svarozhichi descended to Midgard..." - "Santiy Vedas of Perun".

After the waters of 50 seas and fragments of the destroyed Moon Lelya fell on Midgard-Earth, the axis of Midgard-Earth began pendulum-like movements, not only the appearance of the Earth changed, but also the temperature regime on its surface.

In memory of this event, a unique ritual with deep meaning appeared for the Great Spring Slavic-Aryan Holiday - Easter. This Rite is well known to everyone. On Paskhet (Easter) colored eggs are struck against each other to see whose egg is stronger. The broken egg was called the Egg of Koshcheev, i.e. the destroyed Moon Lelya, and the whole egg was called the Power of Tarkh Dazhdbog.
Relocation of the clans of the Great Race

Salvation from the Great Flood occurred 111,808 years ago (109,808 BC) through the final resettlement of the Clans of the Great Race from Daariya to Russenia. Dispersal was the name given to the territory of the Eurasian continent, on which the Great Race gradually settled after the exodus from Daariya. Fifteen deportations from Daariya were organized. Easter is a great holiday in honor of the salvation of the Clans of the Great Race from the Flood. Easter is the path along which the Gods walked.

With the final resettlement of the Clans of the Great Race to the Eurasian continent, the second period of life on Midgard-Earth began. The territory occupied by the descendants of the Clans of the Great Race and the Heavenly Clans was called Holy Russenia or the later name Great Russeniya. The development of the Holy Land occurred in pre-biblical times. Then the Clans of the Great Race moved from the Northern ancestral home, the continent on the northern top of the Earth, now called differently: Arctida, Hyperborea, Severia, etc. The peoples were warned by the Great Priest Savior about the impending death of Daariya as a result of the Great Flood. They moved along the Stone Isthmus between the Eastern and Western Seas. These are the now known names: Stone, Stone Belt, Ripean or Ural Mountains. They populated the territory of what is now the Southern Urals. This happened 111,808 years ago.

From here began the settlement of the Holy Race to the nine cardinal directions. The fertile land of Asia or the Land of the Holy Race is the territory of modern Western and Eastern Siberia from the Riphean Mountains (Ural) to the X-Aryan Sea (Lake Baikal). This territory was called Belorechye, Pyatirechye, Semirechye, etc.

The Runic Chronicles of this blessed Holy Land are preserved not only in the Old Russian Inglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Believers-Inglings, but also in the Holy Mahabharata: “The country where bliss is tasted rises above Evil; She is ascended by the power (of the Spirit), and therefore is called the Ascended... This is the road of the Ascended Golden Ladle; It is believed that it is in the middle between East and West... In this vast Northern Region... No cruel, insensitive and lawless person lives... Here is the Constellation of Swati, here they remember its greatness; Here they descend to the victim, Tara was strengthened by the Great Ancestor,” - Book of “Efforts.”
Settlement of Belorechye

First of all, the Great Ancestors settled a large island in the Eastern Sea, called Buyan, now the territory of Western and Eastern Siberia. After the retreat of the Western and Eastern Seas, the Clans of the Great Race populated the Lands that were previously the seabed. Since then, the Slavs and Aryans had a Sacred Land and it began to be called Belovodye. It also had another name - Pyatireche. Based on the ancient Runic Chronicles of the Old Russian Inglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Believers-Inglings, the main conclusion can be drawn: Pyatirechye and Belovodye are synonyms pointing to the same territory. Pyatirechye is a land washed by the Iriy (Irtysh: Iriy Taishayshiy, Ir-tish), Ob, Yenisei, Angara and Lena Rivers. The name Belovodye comes from the ancient name of the Irtysh River - Belaya Voda.

Belovodye was called the Sacred Land of the Clans of the Great Race and the Heavenly Clans. “Holy Russeniya”, “Great Russeniya”, “Country of Light Spirits”, “Country of Living Fire”, “Country of Living Gods”, “Country of Holy Race” - these are the various sacred names of Belovodye. The abbreviation RACE is revealed as KINDS OF ACERS COUNTRY OF ACERS.

Later, when the glacier retreated, the Clans of the Great Race settled along the Ishim and Tobol rivers. Thus, Pyatirechye turned into Semirechye. Pyatirechye, Belovodye, Semirechye also had another, more ancient name - the land of the Holy Race. The land of the Holy Race extended from the Urals to the Great Ocean in the East and from the Northern Ocean to the Irian Mountains (Mongolian Altai) and India.
Destroying Fatta's Moon

Antlan turned into a prosperous land. The Ants mastered the secrets of preserving solar energy and the elements of Midgard-Earth. They grew a huge crystal, with the help of which the energy of Yarila the Sun was preserved, multiplied and used.

Great wealth clouded the heads of the Leaders and Priests of Antlani. Laziness and desire for what belongs to others overshadowed their minds. And they began to lie to Gods and people, began to live according to their own laws, violating the Testaments of the Wise First Ancestors and the Laws of the One Creator God. And they began to use the Power of the Elements of Midgard-Earth to achieve their goals. In the battle between the people of the White Race and the priests of Antlani, Luna Fatta was destroyed. When Fatta was destroyed, a huge fragment crashed into the Earth (now the continent of Australia), as a result of which the tilt of the earth's axis changed by 30 degrees and the continental outlines. Yarilo-Sun began to pass through other Heavenly Palaces on the Svarog Circle (Constellations in the sky). A giant wave circled the earth three times, which led to the destruction of Antlan and other islands. Increased volcanic activity led to atmospheric pollution, which was one of the causes of the Great Cooling and glaciation 13,010 years ago. The pole of cold has moved from West to East, beyond the Urals. Many centuries passed before the atmosphere began to clear and the glaciers retreated to the poles. A new chronology from the Great Cooling and the expression “Fatal outcome” appeared.

After the death of Antlan, the righteous people of the Race of Pure Light were transferred by the Heavenly Force to the territory of the Great Country of Ta-Kemi, which was located in the east of Antlan and in the south of Great Venya. There lived tribes with skin the color of Darkness and tribes with skin the color of the Setting Sun - the ancestors of certain Semitic peoples, in particular the Arabs. Ta-Kemi was the name of an ancient country that existed in the north of the African continent, on the territory of modern Egypt. From Ancient Egyptian legends it is known that this country was founded by nine White Gods who came from the North. Under the White Gods in this case are hidden white-skinned Priests - initiated into Ancient Knowledge, undoubtedly, they were Gods for the Negroid population of Ancient Egypt. The Greeks called them Cimmerians. The White Gods created the state of Egypt and passed on sixteen secrets to the local population: the ability to build housing and temples, mastery of farming techniques, animal husbandry, irrigation, crafts, navigation, military art, music, astronomy, poetry, medicine, the secrets of embalming, secret sciences, the institution of priesthood , Pharaoh's Institute, use of minerals. The Egyptians acquired all these skills from the first dynasties. The Four Clans of the Great Race, replacing each other, taught the Ancient Wisdom to new Priests. Their knowledge was so extensive that it allowed them to quickly organize into a powerful civilization. The period of formation of the state of Egypt is known - 12-13 thousand years ago. How the White Priests ended up in Egypt, now we know their route: Belovodye (Rassenia) - Antlan (Atlantis) - Ancient Egypt.

Subsequently, part of the Clans of the Great Race moved to the lower reaches of the Danube River due to severe droughts. Their modern name is Little Russians or Ukrainians (Slavs living at the edge of the earth).

Full version http://naturalworld.ru/article_slavyanskie-vedyi-rozhdenie.htm

The Slavs call the Heavenly inhabitants -, and those Gods who live on Earth are called Asami (hence the image - As and Earth, i.e. God living on Earth). Until now, the best in their field are called Asami: ace pilot, ace driver, i.e. flies and drives like God.

Our country was called ASIA - Country of the Ases, and since our Ancestors lived, the abbreviation " RACE» – Clans of Ases of the Country of Ases. Therefore, the name “RACE” refers only to people with white skin color, there cannot be “black race”, “yellow race”, other peoples had their own names. When the Clans of the Aesir multiplied many times over, multiplied throughout the Earth, they became the Great Race, i.e. a large numerous people (great = large).

Relocation to Midgard-Earth

The Aesir flew to Midgard-Earth from space. During the Second Great Assa (the battle between the Light and Dark Forces), a large intergalactic ship of the type was damaged and stopped for repairs in, two Earths (planets) were already inhabited here: Oreya (Mars) and Deya (an asteroid belt remained), on them space navigation and communications stations were located. But closer to Whitemara was the unexplored Midgard-Earth, samples taken of air, land and water showed its suitability for life, and part of the crew landed on Midgard.

After the repairs, Vaitmara continued on her way (“The Gods returned to Heaven”), and some of the settlers remained to settle and ennoble Midgard-Earth, on which at that time there were no people, but only plants and animals. The continent on which our Ancestors settled was located at the North Pole and was divided into 4 parts by rivers. They named the continent DAARIA, i.e. "Gift to the Aryans", now better known under the Greek name Hyperborea. That is our Ancestors were the first to colonize Midgard-Earth, and people with different skin colors (red, yellow, black, green) appeared here much later, only about 40,000 years ago.

da'Aryans, x'Aryans, Rasen, Svyatorus

The crew of the Vaitmara consisted of representatives of the four Clans of the allied Lands: Da'Aryans, Kh'Aryans, Rasens, Svyatorus - these are people with white skin color, pure thoughts and pure Soul. The only difference between them is the color of their eyes (iris), since initially they lived in other star systems, and depending on what spectrum the Sun had, this iris color was deposited in the DNA.

Another feature is the blood type, initially white people had only blood groups 1 and 2 (this is like “northern”). Later, when moving to the south (RASA increased and a new territory was needed), due to changes in nutrition, climate, the Earth’s magnetic field, gravitational conditions, a gradual change in the composition of the blood occurred, i.e. Thus, Mother Nature improved and increased the immune system and protective functions of the body. Therefore, 3 and 4 blood groups appeared. But we will deal with blood later, do not think that everything is simple (see), because blood is the “energy of life”. Those. when they arrived on Midgard, each Clan had only the 1st blood group, and as they settled and adapted, some people's blood changed to the 2nd group, then 3 and 4. But let's say the Da'Aryans have immunity, energy potential so high that no matter where they move, they will still have the 1st group. Therefore, one cannot judge by one people. Now there are more than 500 types of blood groups in the world, and the 1st group of a white person is completely different from the 1st group of a yellow or gray, black, red person. Other blood groups are also different; for example, a person with blood group 1 cannot be given a second one, but the 1st group of a white person suits everyone.

The crew of Vaitmara. The pilots were representatives of the Da'Aryans, the X'Aryans were responsible for space navigation calculations, the Rasen were responsible for the service systems on the ship, and the Svyatorus were involved in the life support systems of the ship and carried out repair and restoration work.

Differences between the Aesir Clans (at the moment):
Da'Aryans– height 175-190 cm, in ancient times they lived more than 300 years, eye color is silver (gray, steel), hair color is light (brown, almost whitish), blood type 1.
x'Aryans– height 180-260 cm, green eye color, light brown hair color, 1st blood group predominates, 2nd is rare.
Rasen(Latin Etruscans; Greek Tyrrhenians) – height 165-185 cm, fiery eye color (k’Aryan and light k’Aryan), dark brown hair, blood group 2 predominates, blood type 1 is rare.
Svyatorus– height 155-195 cm, sometimes up to 220 cm, eye color heavenly (blue, lake, cornflower blue, black, etc.), hair color from white to dark brown, blood type can be 1 or 2.

This is, as it were, modern data, and before the Ice Age the growth was higher. The tallest are the Kh'Aryans, their height is up to 360 cm (although archaeologists found a skeleton and 4 meters), and in the time of Daariya the growth of the Race was even higher, this is due to the fact that before there was a different ecology, the air was more dense, ours There was Earth, which means the gravitational component was somewhat different. Let’s say that if dinosaurs appeared now, with the current gravity and pressure of the air column, they would not be able to move, and would only feel normal in water where there is softening. Therefore, it should not be surprising that people were so tall.

Race Symbol

There is Rune Inglia (in the picture there is a central “swastika”), which means the Primary Fire of Creation. There is a symbol of preserving Wisdom - it is a sword with the tip down. So, the symbol of the Race was depicted as the superposition of Primary Fire on Wisdom- preservation of Wisdom. And here four peoples are encrypted: Da’Aryans (gray eyes), Kh’Aryans (green eyes), Svyatorus (heavenly eyes), Rasen (fiery eyes). And note that in the figure there are two colors in each of the rays: red-green, gray-green, sky-green, green-red, i.e. like two colors.

Faith of the Race

No matter what Earth white people live on, they have one, and according to this Faith, having lived in the Manifest World, a person goes to the World of Glory (Light), then to the World of Rule, and so on - constant improvement, development, creation. The goal of the Ases is to pass on Wisdom from generation to generation. All foundations are built on, the highest degree of which is creative potential. The Aces are Creators, they instill in their descendants Hard work, namely hard work, and not the ability to work, for work is a soulless mechanical process; The aces work, i.e. put their Soul into the fruits of their labor.

The Great Migration from Daariya

According to ancient records, 300,000 years ago the appearance of Midgard was completely different, Daariya was connected with the Eurasian continent by a mountain isthmus, which on the Eurasian continent passed into the Riphean Mountains (Ural Mountains). The Sahara Desert was a sea. The Indian Ocean is land, there was a continent there. On the Russian Plain, where Moscow is now located, there was a sea. On the territory of Western Siberia there was a large island, Buyan, washed by the Eastern and Western seas. The river Iriy Quiet (Irtysh) flowed through Buyan Island. The peninsulas of Sakhalin and Korea, as well as the Japanese islands, did not exist, because they were a continuation of the Eurasian continent.

The life of the Clans of the Great Race and the Descendants of the Heavenly Clans on Midgard-Earth changed radically as a result of catastrophes on a cosmic scale, which in turn were often the result of the struggle of the Light Gods with the Dark Forces.

The First Great Flood on Midgard-Earth occurred as a result of the destruction of the Moon Leli, on which representatives of the Pekel World - Koshchei - concentrated their forces to invade Midgard. The Light One, who arrived from Ingard-Earth, did not allow the Koshchei to attack Midgard-Earth. He struck Lelya and destroyed the Forces of Darkness, but at the same time Lelya collapsed, and since there were 50 seas on it, salty waters and fragments of the destroyed Moon fell on Midgard, Daaria disappeared under the waters of the Great Flood. The impacts of the fragments shifted the axis of Midgard-Earth, which began pendulum-like movements, Daaria either sank into the ocean or rose from the ocean, but, in the end, the Sacred Ancestral Home of the Slavic-Aryan peoples sank under the waters of the Arctic Ocean. Some high-mountainous parts of Daariya remained on the surface - these are modern Greenland, Franz Josef Land and other islands.

However, the descendants of the Clans of the Great Race did not die along with Daariya; people were warned by the Great Priest named Spas about the upcoming Heavenly Battle and the death of Daariya. They began resettlement to the Eurasian continent in advance. 15 deportations from Daariya were organized. For 15 years, our Ancestors moved along the mountain isthmus (Ural Mountains) between the Eastern and Western seas to the Eurasian continent. 111,820 years ago there was a complete migration from Daaria. Some of the Rasichs were saved by ascending to low-Earth orbit on the Vaitmanakh. Others moved through the Hall of the Bear into the domain of the Da'Aryans. The main part of our Ancestors remained to settle in the new territory of Midgard-Earth (Ural and Siberia), where a subtropical climate existed at that time.
* Our First Ancestors recorded the events that took place during the period of their life in Daaria, and counted time from these events. Thus, the connection between times and events was preserved for many, many hundreds of thousands of years. And after these events they began a new one - from the Great Migration from Daariya.

In honor of salvation from the Great Flood, Leto was established on the 16th Easter holiday, which translated from means: “The Way AS Walked ETim” - i.e. The path along which the Gods walked. Our ancestors glorified the Heavenly Family for salvation from the Flood, and in memory of this event there appeared ritual - hitting colored eggs against each other on the great spring Slavic-Aryan holiday Paskhet. This ritual reminds us of the victory of Dazhdbog Tarakh over Koshchei. The broken egg is called the Egg of the Koshchei, which is reminiscent of the destroyed Moon Lele, and the whole egg is called the Power of Tarkh Dazhdbog.

After the resettlement from Daariya, RASA lived in the territory from the Ural Mountains (Ripei) to Lake Baikal (H'Aryan Sea) - the Country of the Ases (Asia); settled the territory of what is now the Southern Urals, then the large island of Buyan in the Eastern Sea, now the territory of Western and Eastern Siberia. Both Aryan peoples (da'Aryans and Kh'Aryans) and Slavic peoples (Rasen and Svyatorus) lived together on the same territory. They lived in peace, improving the land, planting gardens and forests, creating together Majestic Temples () and. The clans of the Great Race helped each other in a brotherly manner, this is where the concept “ White Brotherhood“, for in all creative acts Conscience and pure thoughts were the measure of everything. This Brotherhood had not only pure thoughts, but also white skin, and this is a philosophical unity of form and content.

RACE settled throughout the now so-called “Eurasian” space, and our Ancestors called this space DISCLOSURES- the territory where RACE settled. The Latins wrote Russenia as Ruthenia, and then they came into use: Silver Rus' (Serbia), Red Rus', Pomeranian Rus' (Prussia), God's Russia (Borus), but when Chervonnaya Russia divided it through the swamps, eastern Borus is now called Belarus , and the western one is called Borussia (see).

* The word “Children” is written with a capital letter when talking about all our Ancestors. And when it comes to the birth of children - from a small “birth”.

Zoology(from ancient Greek ζῷον - animal + λόγος - teaching) - the science of representatives of the animal kingdom, including humans.
Anthropology(from ancient Greek ἄνθρωπος - man; λόγος - science) - a set of scientific disciplines involved in the study of man, his origin, development, existence in the natural (natural) and cultural (artificial) environments. Anthropology studies the physical differences between people that have historically developed during their development in different natural and geographical environments.
Race studies- one of the main branches of anthropology devoted to the study of human races (problems of classification of modern races, their geographical distribution, history of formation, etc.).

Today, there are constant debates between historians on the topic of who were, by their racial and tribal origin, those people whom we call the ancient Romans, ancient Greeks (Hellenes), Etruscans, Galileans..., whose images have come to us in the form of sculptures and mosaic floors paintings?

Look at this portrait of a woman with makeup like today's Russian beauties, dating back to the 3rd century. It is the main attraction of the ancient Galilean city of Tzipori. According to historians, the population of ancient Galilee consisted mainly of Hellenes (Greeks) with a small inclusion of Syrian Arameans. Therefore, the Hellenes are Greeks, and they lived most of all in ancient Galilee. And therefore, the Greek woman is looking at us from the portrait?

Who were those people, very similar to modern Russians, who posed for the ancient sculptor? Were they Greeks?

It is known for sure that they called themselves Hellenes, which can be translated into Russian as “children of the gods.” The root "ell" is well known to us from the Hebrew word "elohim" - gods and the Arabic word "Allah" - the Most High. Here "all" and "ell" are synonyms. From this follows a simple conclusion that the self-name “Hellenes” did not mean nationality. It reflected only the worldview of the so-called “ancient Greeks.”

The theory of the origin of races and nationalities is still so confused that solving this mystery of who is represented in these portraits is extremely problematic if you go the usual way.

“Today, questions of the origin of races are for the most part the prerogative of two sciences - anthropology and genetics. The first, based on human bone remains, reveals the diversity of anthropological forms, and the second tries to understand the connections between the totality of racial characteristics and the corresponding set of genes.

However, there is no agreement among geneticists either. Some adhere to the theory of uniformity of the entire human gene pool, others argue that each race has a unique combination of genes. However, recent studies rather indicate that the latter are right. The study of haplotypes confirmed the connection between racial characteristics and genetic characteristics. It has been proven that certain haplogroups are always associated with specific races, and other races cannot obtain them except through the process of racial mixing.

Modern science relies on two hypotheses of the origin of human races - polycentric and monocentric.

According to the theory of polycentrism, humanity is the result of a long and independent evolution of several phyletic lineages.

Thus, the Caucasoid race formed in Western Eurasia, the Negroid race in Africa, and the Mongoloid race in Central and East Asia.

Polycentrism involves the crossing of representatives of proto-races at the borders of their areas, which led to the emergence of small or intermediate races: for example, such as the South Siberian (a mixture of Caucasoid and Mongoloid races) or the Ethiopian (a mixture of Caucasoid and Negroid races).

From the standpoint of monocentrism, modern races emerged from one area of ​​the globe in the process of settlement of neoanthropes, which subsequently spread across the planet, displacing more primitive paleoanthropes.

The traditional version of the settlement of primitive people insists that the human ancestor came out of Southeast Africa. However, the Soviet scientist Yakov Roginsky expanded the concept of monocentrism, suggesting that the habitat of the ancestors of Homo sapiens extended beyond the African continent.

Recent research by scientists from the Australian National University in Canberra has completely cast doubt on the theory of a common African ancestor of humans.

Thus, DNA tests on an ancient fossilized skeleton, about 60 thousand years old, found near Lake Mungo in New South Wales, showed that the Australian aborigine has no relation to the African hominid.

Theory multi-regional origin races, according to Australian scientists, is much closer to the truth."

It is in this direction that I now invite the reader to think. But I propose to approach this topic from an unusual angle - moving from zoology, studying the life of all animals, including humans.

Imagine now that a brown bear is like a Negro or a Mongoloid, then its closest relative, the polar bear, will be like a European.

In this interpretation of zoology, it is interesting to look at the distribution area of ​​the brown bear, at least within the Russian Federation. Here's the map. Everything shaded brown is the habitat of the brown bear.

And here is the polar bear's distribution area. He is rightly called the ruler of the Arctic. It is perfectly adapted to life in the harshest conditions of the Far North.

With such a zoological comparison and with such a distribution area of ​​the polar bear, it turns out that he is not just a “European”, he is a “Hyperborean”, since his main habitat is the Arctic, the Far North!

The color of its fur coat (white) is adapted to the color of the snow, the color of the fur coat of its southern relative (brown) is adapted to the color of the soil.

A person does not have a fur coat, he has smooth skin, but it also comes in different colors and shades. What is it adapted for? Why are there people with white skin, people with black skin, and several other options in between?

Scientists say that human skin is adapted to the intensity of solar radiation, which can be considered as thermal radiation in the infrared range, as light radiation in the visible range and as ultraviolet radiation.

“For example, dark pigmentation of the skin protects people living in the equatorial belt from excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays, and the elongated proportions of their body increase the ratio of body surface to its volume, thereby facilitating thermoregulation in hot conditions. In contrast to the inhabitants of low latitudes, the population of the northern regions of the planet has predominantly light skin and hair color, which allows them to receive more sunlight through the skin and meet the body's need for vitamin D." .

It’s the same with human eyes! The brightest eyes are those whose ancestors were Hyperboreans - natives of the Far North, that is, a territory deprived of sunlight.

The darkest eyes, respectively, are those whose first ancestors were Africans or were born near the equatorial zone of the planet.

"Eye color indicates geographic heredity. People with blue eyes are most often found in the northern regions, with brown eyes - in places with a temperate climate, people with black eyes live in the equator region. Most people with blue eyes live in the Baltic countries. Interesting fact: in Estonia, almost 99% of the inhabitants have blue eyes.".

What conclusion is asked from this?

If you look now at the world map and find Greece on it, it will be clear why today the white-skinned and light-eyed inhabitants of the Far North love to fly like migratory birds to the places of military and cultural glory of their ancestors!

And if we now look into the works of the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, we will find that Herodotus mentions a certain northern country of Hyperborea and emphasizes that "the sages who taught the Greeks the sciences and arts were considered to have come from the country of the Hyperboreans". (Herodot. IV 13-15; Himer. Orat. XXV 5).

And where the “country of the Hyperboreans” was located can be clearly seen if we look at the map of Ptolemy, a late Hellenistic astronomer, astrologer, mathematician, mechanic, optician, music theorist and geographer. He lived and worked in Alexandria, Egypt, where he conducted astronomical observations.

Ptolemy compiled this map of the world around 140 AD.

Yellow is one of the most controversial colors in the palette of meanings. But it has many shades, from dirty yellow to gold. Of course, this changes the meaning of color. Our task is to talk about the use and interpretation of this color in Slavic-Russian mythology and culture.

Dirty yellow is the color of betrayal, theft, a repulsive color. Many researchers interpret this color with the semantics of death and bad omens. The most key point in such reasoning is the coloring of funeral eggs in yellow on a red hill; more precisely, after the red hill, the Rodnovers remembered the people who had left us. And eggs were painted yellow for those who committed suicide. It was believed that the color yellow was related to the soul separated from the body. So, there were beliefs about yellow insects and animals - that these were reincarnations of departed people. There is even a legend about winding sorcerers who could turn into animals of this color. The Slavs had a ban on hunting animals with a yellow color. The most interesting moment is yellow autumn. The leaves turn yellow before they end their life. Yellow autumn is beautiful, no doubt. But this colorfully shows why yellow is considered the color of decay and death. Nature itself tells us so.

The yellow color itself is considered a sacred, even powerful color. Since this is the natural color of the sun. Therefore, in this vein, the color yellow has always been perceived with favor and understanding. The color yellow was often used in the military paraphernalia of the princely squad, as if hinting at a connection with the Gods. After all, the sun was directly identified with the Slavic Gods. Yellow, like red, was perceived as a princely color, and they could often be found on coats of arms and banners.

Yellow is bordered by another shade of it – gold. In Slavic culture it is also a key solar color. Only august persons could afford gold, and therefore it was always a princely metal. And he was also associated with the solar cult. Still yellow-golden honey. And this is a traditional Russian craft that has been known since ancient times. In this regard, the bees themselves have always been synonymous with a sweet, healthy, sunny clot of medicinal mass - honey.

The sunflower is also considered a solar plant, and its semantics is always solar.

Yellow is also a warm color of wood, and wood was perceived as a building material and as the main source of heating. And the sacredness of a wooden house and the source of heat in winter is difficult to underestimate culturally and emotionally.

In clothing and embroidery, yellow was worn mainly by married women. In everyday life and in rituals, they used other colors. In ritual activities, the color yellow could only be used in combination with red and was available only to the priestly class, of course with many reservations and explanations.

Light brown hair color, the color of straw, is considered a dominant sign of the Russian ethnic group. This is a strong marker that in ancient times said without words who was standing in front of you.

This color is multifaceted, interesting, and complex. Much about him is not clear today. But bit by bit knowledge appears in the public domain. Our articles are one of the few that can tell an interested reader about the meaning of various colors in Slavic mythology and culture.

On Midgard-Earth there live people with different skin colors and a certain territory of residence. This Earthly humanity has ancestors who arrived on Midgard-Earth from various Heavenly Halls - Star Systems, namely: the Great Race - white skin color;
Great Dragon - yellow skin color;
Fire Snake - red skin color;
Gloomy Wasteland - black skin color;
Pekelnogo Mir - gray skin color, foreigners.
The allies of the White Race in the battle with the Forces of Darkness were the People from the Hall of the Great Dragon. They were allowed to settle on Earth, having determined a place in the South-East, at the rise of the Yarilo-Sun. Modern China.

Another ally, the people from the Hall of the Fire Serpent, was assigned a place on the lands in the Atlantic Ocean. Subsequently, with the arrival of the Clans of the Great Race to them, this Land began to be called Antlan, i.e. The land of the Ants, the ancient Greeks called it Atlantis.

After the death of Antlani, righteous people with the skin color of the Sacred Fire, the Heavenly Power (Vaitmara) transferred them east to the boundless Lands at the sunset of Yarila-Sun lying... (American continent).

In ancient times, the possessions of the Country of Black People covered not only the African continent, but also part of Hindustan. The Indian tribes of the Dravidians and Nagas belonged to the Negroid peoples and worshiped the Goddess Kali-Ma - the Goddess of the Black Mother.

Our Ancestors gave them the Vedas - Sacred Texts, now known as the Indian Vedas (Hinduism).

Having learned about the eternal Heavenly Laws, such as the Law of Karma, Incarnation and Reincarnation, and others, they abandoned obscene deeds, bloody human sacrifices to the Goddess Kali-Ma and the Black Dragons.

The enemy of the Great Race and other Races on Midgard-Earth are representatives of the Pekel World, who secretly penetrated onto Midgard-Earth, so the territory of residence is not defined.

God Perun calls them Foreigners (Jews). They have gray skin, their eyes are the color of Darkness, and they are bisexual (initially), they could be a wife or a husband (hermaphrodites, whose sexual orientation changed depending on the phases of the Moon).

They paint their faces with paints to look like the Children of Men... They never take off their clothes in public.

They create all kinds of false religious cults and specifically try to destroy or denigrate the Cult of God Perun, for he warned:

“They covet everything that belongs to others, that does not belong to them... All their thoughts are only about power. The goal of the Aliens is to disrupt the harmony reigning in the World of Light and destroy the Descendants of the Heavenly Family and the Great Race, for only they can give a worthy rebuff to the Forces of the Inferno...

Using lies and very flattering words, they gain the trust of the residents; as soon as they gain trust from the residents, they begin to comprehend their Ancient Heritage. Having learned everything that is possible in the Ancient Heritage, they begin to interpret it in their favor.

They declare themselves to be God's messengers, but they only bring strife and war to the world. Using cunning and vicious deeds, they turn the young away from Wisdom, and teach them to live in idle idleness, to disobey their father’s traditions. They do not know about Heavenly Honor and Truth, because there is no Conscience in their hearts...

With lies and unrighteous flattery they will capture many edges of Midgard-Earth, but they will be defeated and exiled to the country of the Man-Made Mountains (Egypt), where people with skin the color of Darkness and the Descendants of the Heavenly Family will live. And people will begin to teach them to work, so that they themselves can feed their children...

But the lack of desire to work will unite the Aliens and they will leave the country of the Man-Made Mountains and settle throughout all the edges of Midgard-Earth...

Millions of lives will be taken by senseless wars to please the desires of the Aliens, for the more wars and deaths there are, the more wealth the messengers of the World of Darkness will gain.

To achieve their goals, the Dark Forces will even use Fire Mushrooms, bringing death, which will rise above Midgard-Earth.”