Profession director description of the profession for children. What does the director do? Most famous universities

The head of the creative team works on the production of a film, play or show.


50,000–90,000 rub. (

Place of work

Can work in cinema, television, theater, circus, etc.


A production director is, first of all, a creative leader! He is responsible for the artistic component of a project in cinema, television or theater. Actors, cameramen, sound engineers, production designers and others work under the direction of the production director.

The production director himself may be the author of the literary basis (script or play), or he may take into account the works of other authors. The main thing is that it is he who is ultimately responsible for what the viewer sees. Success or failure will forever be associated with the name of the director.

Specializations: feature films or documentaries, theatrical performances, circus programs, musical shows, public events. The production director selects the actors, works with them on their roles, together with the sound engineer and stage designer thinks through the design of the performance, etc.

Important qualities

The profession requires artistry, charisma, imaginative thinking, a high level of intelligence, a broad outlook, imagination, self-discipline and high ability to work.

Reviews about the profession

“The director not only has to stage the event, but also come up with it himself, and in order to write this very script, you need to find an idea, a concept. And here the ability to observe is important; firstly, all ideas should be taken from life. You can take an idea from life through observation. After all, if you look closely, you can find many topics. But how can you become observant? Don’t worry, over time it will come to you.”

Editor of the portal.

Stereotypes, humor

Dear, what should I give you on March 8? Choose what you want - a diamond necklace, a mink coat, a villa on the French Riviera?.. - Darling, give me only tonight and your love. - Removed! - the director announced.


To work as a stage director, you must obtain a higher specialized education.

Studying in St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University, Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen, St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television.

Studying in Moscow: Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University, Theater Institute named after Boris Shchukin at the State Academic Theater named after Evgeniy Vakhtangov.

Profession director

The director is the most important person on the stage or film set. He is an organizer, manager, creative director and inspiration for the entire acting group. If it were not for the art and high professionalism of directors, the world would not have seen talented feature films or theatrical productions. The directing profession is quite complex and difficult, because mastering it requires not only talent and creativity, but also a lot of work, first of all, on yourself.

The time when the profession of director was born is considered to be the second half of the 19th century. Before this, there was no single leader on the theater stage. Stage productions could be staged by the actors themselves or by playwrights. Over time, the skill and professionalism of directors grew, the principles and skills of the profession were developed, and today directors appear before us not only as directors of theatrical scenes, but also of film sets, various entertainment and social events.…

Art is an integral and important part of the life of society, because man is a spiritual being. We watch such elements of art as films and theatrical performances not only with great pleasure, but also learn something from them, understand something that was previously inaccessible to us. And what contribution to a child’s soul occurs thanks to children’s entertaining and educational programs and films. A talented director who knows how to skillfully influence the sensitive strings of the human soul will be able to put into these souls the concepts of good and evil, truth and lies, the beautiful and the monstrous. The great power of art makes us kinder, clearer, a little more sentimental, we empathize with the heroes, cry and rejoice with them. To become better, a person must see and surround himself with beauty, because it is not for nothing that they say that beauty will save the world. Therefore, directorial work is extremely important for the moral and spiritual development of society.

The profession of director is quite popular and prestigious, especially now that domestic cinema is experiencing a revival. Many young people dream of creating a super film that will cause an explosion of audience delight, positive reviews from critics and will bring awards and fame. However, this profession, like no other, is not widespread. There are quite a lot of people who graduate from directing courses, but not all graduates become directors, and only a few acquire fame and name. Only real talent can make it to the top of the director's Olympus. A talent that is based on tremendous work, perseverance and perseverance. For a future director, such qualities as imagination, imaginative thinking, the ability to work and find a common language with people are also important. In addition, the director must know the basics of acting in order to properly coordinate the work of the actors.

This profession has many positive aspects, because it is associated with creation and creativity. You will have to work with many interesting people, travel to different cities, countries and exotic places. In addition, directing work is paid quite well and is prestigious.
The negative aspects of this work include irregular working hours, often round-the-clock employment. And it can be very difficult for a novice director to break through and make a name for himself.

This profession is acquired at cultural institutes, theater academies, and cinematography institutes. Today you can study to become a director not only in state universities, but also in commercial ones, on a paid basis. Competition, as a rule, is very high in educational institutions, so you need to show remarkable talent and creativity.

The director's profession belongs to the category of creative ones, and its essence lies in directing the creative process of creating a work - a film, a play, a circus performance, a variety show, etc.

A representative of this profession is responsible only for the creative side of creating a work. This distinguishes the director from the producer, who raises money for the project and resolves financial, technical, and organizational issues. However, there are masters who combine both roles and avoid possible conflicts of interest (commerce and creativity).

What types of directors are there?

Stage director

The production director is the main person who is responsible for everything that happens on the set or on stage. Actors, cameramen, sound engineers, screenwriters, decorators and other specialists report to him - he organizes them and is responsible for the final result. Therefore, the word “director” is not always used in relation to him.

Theater director

The tasks of the theater director include organizing and conducting all activities for staging the play - from working on the text of the play, selecting performers and scenery to staging the work, synchronizing the actions of the actors and their compliance with both the storyline and the artistic concept (both the author of the play and his own ).

Film editor

The profession of editing director (or film editing) hides an ordinary editor who brings together pieces of filming into one work (film, TV show, commercial, clip). Of course, this is not an ordinary technician who presses buttons on a computer, but a specialist who works side by side with the director, who knows all the subtleties and nuances of the future film and, in addition, knows how to perform all the technical functions.

The main task of the editing director is to make the output what the chief director expects.

Places of work

The position of director is provided for in many organizations producing entertainment and entertainment products:

  • in film companies and film studios;
  • in theaters and circuses;
  • in large advertising agencies.

And some other organizations.

History of the profession

Before the advent of cinema, the profession of a director belonged to the theatrical field. At all times, there have been people who staged plays, performances and various shows. These could be playwrights, actors or someone else, but they were the progenitors of future directors.

The popularity of the theater and more complex productions around the second half of the 19th century gave birth to the profession of director. The Meiningen Theater, directed by Ludwig Kroneck, can be considered her birthplace.

Directors appeared in cinema almost immediately with its emergence: in the documentary genre - the inventors of cinema themselves, the Lumière brothers, in the fiction genre - Georges Méliès, in the animation - Emile Reynaud.

Over time, this activity became more diverse; not only film and theater directors appeared, but also circus directors, organizers of large public events, etc.

Director's responsibilities

The list and scope of specific tasks and responsibilities of the director can vary significantly depending on the direction and specifics of the activity. For example, a film director does the following things:

  • writes or selects a script;
  • determines the overall artistic style of the painting;
  • selects actors and directs them;
  • supervises the work of decorators, costume designers, screenwriters, cameramen, editors, assistants and other specialists;
  • manages the installation procedure (sometimes participates in it).

For comparison, we will describe some of the functions of a television director who creates programs and broadcasts:

  • creates scripts;
  • accepts ready-made stories and programs;
  • participates in editing television programs and advertising videos;
  • works live.

Requirements for the director

The basic requirements for the director are simple:

  • higher specialized education;
  • experience in a certain field of directing: film, theater, television, etc.

At the same time, “profile” specialists (editing directors, sound engineers, etc.) are sometimes required to know the relevant equipment and software.

How to become a director

Becoming a director, especially a high-level one, is not so easy. To do this, you need to obtain a higher education in the specialty “director” - for example, graduate from the directing department of VGIK, a theater academy, a cultural institute, or another specialized university.

Moreover, it is advisable to choose an educational institution immediately according to the desired specialty: very few manage to retrain, for example, from a theater director to a film director during the course of their career.

Director's salary

How much a director earns is a big question. Famous artists make millions, but they always risk that their next creation will fail and they will end up in the red.

In addition to famous directors, there are also a lot of unnamed specialists. Their incomes are usually not very high. A director's salary can range from 30 to 250 thousand rubles per month (depending on the employer and the level of projects).

The director is the most important person on the stage or film set. He is an organizer, manager, creative director and inspiration for the entire acting group. If it were not for the art and high professionalism of directors, the world would not have seen talented feature films or theatrical productions. The directing profession is quite complex and difficult, because mastering it requires not only talent and creativity, but also a lot of work, first of all, on yourself.

History of the profession: (emergence of the profession, history of the development of the profession) The second half of the 19th century is considered to be the time when the profession of director was born. Before this, there was no single leader on the theater stage. Stage productions could be staged by the actors themselves or by playwrights. Over time, the skill and professionalism of directors grew, the principles and skills of the profession were developed, and today directors appear before us not only as directors of theatrical scenes, but also of film sets, various entertainment and social events.…

The social significance of the profession in society: (the importance of the profession, the importance of the profession, the need for the profession, the demand for the profession) Art is an integral and important part of the life of society, because man is a spiritual being. We watch such elements of art as films and theatrical performances not only with great pleasure, but also learn something from them, understand something that was previously inaccessible to us. And what contribution to a child’s soul occurs thanks to children’s entertaining and educational programs and films. A talented director who knows how to skillfully influence the sensitive strings of the human soul will be able to put into these souls the concepts of good and evil, truth and lies, the beautiful and the monstrous. The great power of art makes us kinder, clearer, a little more sentimental, we empathize with the heroes, cry and rejoice with them. To become better, a person must see and surround himself with beauty, because it is not for nothing that they say that beauty will save the world. Therefore, directorial work is extremely important for the moral and spiritual development of society.

The popularity and uniqueness of the profession: (requirements for the profession, prospects) The profession of director is quite popular and prestigious, especially now that domestic cinema is experiencing a revival. Many young people dream of creating a super film that will cause an explosion of audience delight, positive reviews from critics and will bring awards and fame. However, this profession, like no other, is not widespread. There are quite a lot of people who graduate from directing courses, but not all graduates become directors, and only a few acquire fame and name. Only real talent can make it to the top of the director's Olympus. A talent that is based on tremendous work, perseverance and perseverance. For a future director, such qualities as imagination, imaginative thinking, the ability to work and find a common language with people are also important. In addition, the director must know the basics of acting in order to properly coordinate the work of the actors.

Risks of the profession: (pros and cons of the profession, features of the profession, difficulties of the profession) This profession has many positive aspects, because it is associated with creation and creativity. You will have to work with many interesting people, travel to different cities, countries and exotic places. In addition, directing work is paid quite well and is prestigious.

The negative aspects of this work include irregular working hours, often round-the-clock employment. And it can be very difficult for a novice director to break through and make a name for himself.

Where to get a profession: (training for a profession) This profession is acquired at cultural institutes, theater academies, and cinematography institutes. Today you can study to become a director not only in state universities, but also in commercial ones, on a paid basis. Competition, as a rule, is very high in educational institutions, so you need to show remarkable talent and creativity.