Reading project 2. Literature project.docx - Literature project "I am a storyteller"

In the second quarter of the 2014 academic year, on the basis of the Ivanovo Secondary School, we developed and implemented a project on literary reading in grade 2 on the topic: “Creating a collection book on oral folk art.”

Topic: "Creation of a collection book on oral folk art"

Academic subject: Literary reading.

Project goals:

Expand students' horizons in folk art;

Instill a love of folk culture;

Enlarge your vocabulary;

Learn to correctly retrieve the necessary information, use reference books and surveys;

Develop creative abilities, logical thinking;

Teach children to work in a team, to be responsible for the assigned work;

Estimated product of the project: A book-collection of oral folk art.

The relevance of this project lies in the need to introduce students to folk art, culture, and history. Oral folk art fully reflects the life, traditions, customs and morals of our ancestors. Since ancient times, oral folk art has been one of the means of education; the younger generation has drawn from it knowledge about morality, relationships between people, and spirituality. With the development of new information technologies, oral folk art faded into the background and lost its role in the life of society for some time. Currently, in connection with the problems of education that have arisen, society has realized the need to return to cultural folk traditions that contribute to the harmonious development of the individual.

In the Literary Reading program, very few hours are devoted to the study of small genres of folklore. The developmental and educational potential of these genres is very great, so there is a need for a deeper study of them, especially since primary schoolchildren enjoy reading, memorizing, and analyzing works of oral folk art. The project method helps make up for the lack of allocated hours.

Project abstract:

The project is designed for 3 months. Second grade students are invited to create their own book-collection on oral folk art. The first stage of the project is created in the second half of the year; it represents the first chapter of the book, which is called proverbs and sayings. The second stage is implemented by the same students upon transition to 3rd grade. Students create chapter 2 of a book of nursery rhymes, jokes, and riddles. The third stage is fairy tales and epics. One month is allotted for each stage. In total, over the course of three months, students must create and design a book. Upon completion of each stage, students report in the form of a presentation of the results obtained.

Students are divided into 3 groups. Each group receives its own topic, for which they must choose proverbs and sayings at the first stage. To find the necessary materials, they must visit the library, conduct a survey of parents, then systematize the material received and colorfully arrange it in the form of pages for a future book. Summing up the work, each group must present a report to the class in the form of designed pages on their topic, and then, together with the teacher, combine all the created pages into one common book.

Project description:

1. Preparatory stage. Introductory lesson. The project begins with a discussion with students about the topic of the project, its significance and relevance. Then the students, together with the teacher, discuss the final results of the work and ways to achieve them, develop a work plan, and choose research methods. Also, before starting work, students are discussed how to find sources of information on the topic. The teacher recommends a list of resources (school library, educational literature, survey of the older generation, and others).

2. Organization of activities. Second lesson. At this stage, students, with the help of the teacher, are divided into 3 groups. Then each group gets a theme: 1. Laziness and hard work, 2 - Friendship, 3 - Greed and generosity. After this, the teacher discusses specific goals with each group and outlines a plan (sequence of work). If necessary, within each group, each student is given certain responsibilities: two are responsible for searching for literature in the library, two are collecting a survey (of teachers, parents), one is responsible for registration. But at the same time, each member of the group can take part in any type of work.

3. Main stage. Completing of the work. (3 weeks) This stage is characterized by the implementation of the project, independent work of students to find information, systematize it and design it. During the work, the teacher controls and corrects the activities of the students, but the main responsibility for the work and initiative lies with the students. They can only turn to the teacher for advice.

This stage is performed sequentially in 2 steps:

1. Search for materials (2 weeks)

2. Page design (1 week)

4. Reflective-evaluative stage. Presentation of group work. (1 day)

At this stage, the results are presented. Each group illustrates its pages for the book, telling the class about its topic, reading proverbs and sayings, and showing ways to format the work. Each group also shares their impressions, talks about how they looked for materials for work, and what the difficulties were. Together with the teacher, the results of the first part of the project are summed up. Grades are given. After the presentation, all 3 groups, together with the teacher, combine the created pages into one book. The result is a finished product - the first chapter of a book-collection on Oral Folk Art, which contains proverbs and sayings on current topics.

The work is assessed according to the following criteria:

1) the quality of work on the topic;

2) independence of work on the project;

3) ability to answer questions;

4) the number of collected and learned proverbs and sayings;

5) originality of page design for the book;

Analysis of the results obtained.

During the project implementation, the first stage of work was completed. Students visited the school library, where they searched for literature on oral folk art, interviewed parents and teachers, and designed the pages of the book. Thus, over the course of one month, the students created the first chapter of a book-collection on oral folk art, entitled “Proverbs and Sayings,” which includes 3 topics: Laziness and hard work, Friendship, Greed and generosity. (Appendix No. 1).

During the defense of the project, students received the following grades:

The groups were awarded the following titles:

1 gr. - the most hardworking;

2 gr. - the most creative;

3 gr. - the most friendly;

This work evoked an emotional response from the students: at the reflection stage, 100% of the children gave a positive assessment of their work (Appendix No. 2). Further implementation of the project is planned for the next academic year.

Chapter Conclusions

Based on the research, we can conclude that project activities really have a positive effect on students’ work. During the implementation of the project, all children actively and with interest took part in the work. Even those students who are usually passive in class strived to carefully complete the tasks assigned to them. It was noticeable that in order to achieve a common goal, the class rallied and did the work collectively. When completing the project, children sometimes had quarrels and disagreements that had to be resolved together with the teacher.

The technology of project activities decorates and brings variety to the learning process, in addition to the fact that this work allows children to more successfully master the material, thanks to its rich and interesting content, it also facilitates the work of the teacher, who finds it easier and more interesting to work with children who are interested and passionate about the activity . In addition, thanks to the use of this method, the teacher gains experience, consolidates and expands his knowledge due to the fact that he does not act as a speaker in the educational process, but as a listener or an equal figure in a team of students.

During the implementation of the project, the set goals were achieved. This work united the students, interested them in searching for new information, expanded the students’ horizons, laid the foundation for the formation of research skills and cognitive interest, contributed to the development of teamwork skills, the ability to find and jointly correct errors, the ability to defend their point of view and find compromises.

The difficulty of the work was that children in 2nd grade do not yet know how to memorize a task for a long time. With them we had to periodically repeat the meaning of proverbs and sayings and their distinctive features. Despite the positive response and demonstrated interest in the proposed work, the children systematically had to be monitored, directed and corrected in their activities, because Independent work is still difficult for them.

MKOU "Raisinskaya Secondary School"


Asenkrit Primary School


“What can a school library tell you?”

(literary reading)

2nd grade

COMPLETED: Zhuravkova Nina,

Peshkov Daniil, Sokolov Timofey


Natalya Nikolaevna

2018-2019 academic year

Objective of the project:

Participate in the collective project “What a school library can tell you about.”

Find the necessary information about the library in various sources.

Find the right and interesting book from the thematic catalog in the library

Find information about ancient books from a textbook.

Project work plan:

    Collecting information about ancient books.

    Visit to the village library.

    Exchange of views about the library.

    Prepare a speech about what you learned in the library.

    Design and present the project.

“A book is the greatest miracle of all the miracles created by man”

A.M. Bitter

The word "library" of Greek origin. “Byblos” means “book”, “teke” means “warehouse, storage”.

Libraries appeared a long time ago . They were created in order to collect and store books.

Libraries first appeared in the Ancient East. The first library is considered to be a collection of clay tablets. A box of papyri can also be considered one of the oldest collections of books that have reached us. The largest library is the Library of Alexandria. It was created in the 3rd century BC. Ptolemy 1. In the Middle Ages, the centers of book learning were monastery libraries.

"Literary reading". Textbook for 2nd grade.

Antique books

Librarian - This Human , which He knows a lot; knows the names of books, new literature; smart, creative, educatedHuman ; interesting, will always come to the aid of the reader. The librarian will help if you suddenly have difficulties finding the book you need.

We're in the library

We all came to the library as a class. Librarian Elena Alexandrovna had a conversation with us.

What is a library?

This is the place where books are kept.

For this purpose, there is a separate room in which there are racks and shelves, where books are lined up in even rows. This is a book house.
Moreover, each book should occupy strictly its place so that it can be easily found. The library has a specialalphabetical catalogue, in which each student quickly and easily finds the literature he needs, the main thing is to know the author and the title of the book.


Completed by 2nd grade students

Gubareva Maria

Ostrovskaya Alexandra

Shinkevich Evgenia

Head: Rebrova E. V.

  • To promote the development of artistic, creative and cognitive abilities of students,
  • Instill an interest in reading and books,
  • shape the reader's horizons,
  • To promote the acquisition of experience in independent reading and creative activity.


In the library you can find the necessary information and prepare a speech on a given topic.

  • Teacher – project manager (models and sets the project plan)
  • 2nd grade students – project implementers (together with adults)
  • Adults – teachers, parents (actively participate in the implementation of the project, but do not replace children)

Project product .

  • oral journal,
  • wall newspaper,
  • album,
  • escort message,
  • compiling the excursion text.

From the outside you look - the house is like a home,

But there are no ordinary residents in it.

There are interesting books in it,

They stand in close rows.

On long shelves along the wall

Old tales included:

And Chernomor and Prince Guidon,

And good grandfather Mazai...

What is this house called?





- an institution that collects and stores printed and written works for public use, as well as carries out reference and bibliographic work.

(Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by S.I. Ozhegov)

  • Public libraries provide readers with the most popular publications.
  • Special libraries They collect publications of a certain type (music books, books for the blind) or on a certain subject.
  • Scientific libraries- These are libraries that ensure the development of science.
  • School libraries are aimed mainly at providing students with the literature necessary for the educational process.



She speaks silently And it’s understandable and not boring. You talk to her more often - You will become four times smarter.






May you soon be in library

Were you able to find the book?

It happens in it card index,

Special catalog .

What is an alphabetical catalog for?

It contains cards arranged

alphabet. On every card


We learned to navigate the school library, find the right and interesting book from the thematic catalogue.


Subject: “Russian folk tale “The Crane and the Heron”

School: MBOU "Secondary School s. Krasnoarmeyskoe

Kalininsky district, Saratov region"

2015/2016 academic year


    Methodological passport of the project

    Project Description




All people in the world love fairy tales. And this love begins in childhood. Magical, everyday, about animals - they can be funny, scary, funny, but always interesting. But fairy tales contain not only interest, not only entertainment. “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows,” wrote A.S. Pushkin. Indeed, there is always a lesson in a fairy tale, but the lesson is very gentle, kind, and most often it is friendly advice. The fairy tale teaches us to distinguish good from evil, good from bad. Eternal fairy tales are folk tales, they contain magical power.

    Methodological passport of the project

    Project name- “Russian folk tale “The Crane and the Heron”

    Project developer– Tupikova Tatyana Vladimirovna

Name of educational institution– School: MBOU “Secondary School with. Krasnoarmeyskoe"

    Year of development of the educational project–2015/2016 academic year

    Experience of use– intended to be used in educational activities during a literary reading lesson

    Problem situation– learn to distinguish an author’s fairy tale from a folk tale and learn the literary heritage of Russian folklore.

    Project problem– the project is based on the desire of the students

    • deepen your knowledge by getting acquainted with folk tales

      get acquainted with different ways of learning new things

      master the primary skills of search and research activities

    Target– present your research in a variety of forms (fairy tale model, cover model, dramatization), allowing you to use these results in educational activities

    Tasks-stages-methods of solution

    Study literary material from the perspective of the goal

    Connect the material read to students’ social experiences and life observations.

    Analyze the collected material and systematize it

    Present the results of the work in the form of a presentation, dramatization, models of a fairy tale and a book cover.

    Present the prepared material in front of the class, during a literary reading lesson

    Children's organization form– individual and group work

    Leading activity– search – research

    Scope of application of the results–study of Russian folklore

    Technologies used– creation of printed and electronic versions of the work

    Project activity presentation form– multimedia presentation, group report from designers, dramatization.

    How to combine results in a presentation-report

    Types of presentation– computer-demonstrating

    Class and age of children– 2nd grade (8 years old)

    Number of participants– 4 students

    Subject area– literature

    List of participants– classmate

    Nature of coordination– explicit

21. Topics of the curriculum- Folklore

22Operating time–2 lessons

23The purpose of training, development, education:

    Instilling search skills

    Gaining new knowledge on the features of literary fairy tales

    Application of information technologies for presentation of the results obtained

    Development of students' speech and observation skills

    Formation of communication skills in groups

    Fostering love for the culture of the Russian people

    1. Starting level of training and development of knowledge and specific skills

    Knowledge of theoretical material about the features of folk tales

    Skill in reading and primary analysis of a literary work

25.Increase in knowledge and specific skills

    Expand students' horizons

    Summarize students' knowledge about oral folk art

    Develop students' speech and interest in reading

    Develop critical thinking and creative imagination

    Develop the ability to work in groups

    Develop the ability to accurately answer questions asked

    Develop high moral principles: honesty, decency, compassion, hard work.

    Expand students' vocabulary

    To instill love and respect for the cultural heritage of our people.

26Operating mode– lesson

27.Technical equipment

    Computer for material processing

    Video camera, camera for recording work stages

28. Educational and methodological equipment

    Educational and reference materials

29.Staffing- classroom teacher

    Description of the project.

1.The project is based on the Russian folk tale “The Crane and the Heron”

Work on the project was based on the following plan:

    Formulation of the problem

    Distribution of work on a fairy tale

    Designation of goals and objectives for each

    Primary collection of information on topics

    Processing of collected material, systematization

    Progress report

    Carrying out project defense

    Design of printed works, computer presentations

    Project protection

Each of the guys chose a topic for their work based on their interests and capabilities. Each was given a goal and research tasks were determined.

1st student – ​​Drogachenko Sasha

Work theme : Illustration on fairy tale cover models

Target : Convey with the picture on the cover what this fairy tale is about

Tasks-stages-methods of solution :

    View the illustrations presented


2 students - Tsikaeva Seda

Topic: “Model of a fairy tale cover”

Target : Create a fairy tale model

Tasks-stages-methods of solution :

    What geometric figure represents fairy tales?

    What color do we paint it with?

    Where is the name written?

5 The end result is a model of a fairy tale

3 students – Nurmanova Dinara, Ryabokonenko Vlada

Topic: “Staging a Fairy Tale”

Target : Show knowledge of the fairy tale, convey the voice and intonation of the heroes of the fairy tale.

Tasks-stages-methods of solution :

    Write down those words and phrases that are necessary when dramatizing

    Systematize the selected material.


4. Conclusion.

Student activities while working on the project:

    We read the fairy tale and made a conclusion.

2. Learned to defend the project

5. Applications

1. student work

Project evaluation criteria (score sheet) Sasha Drogachenko



Did you accomplish what you set out to do?

Did you have sufficient knowledge and skills or did you have to learn something?


What were the stages of the project?

formulation of the problem,

distribution of work, progress report, project defense.

What was easy to do and what did you have difficulty with?

when drawing birds

What comments did you receive regarding the completed project?

Everyone worked very actively and fruitfully

How can the project be improved?