Sample of a collective complaint against neighbors. Application to the district police officer: sample

Every resident of a high-rise building has at least once encountered a situation where strong extraneous sounds from other people's apartments interfere with their rest. The main factors creating disturbances in silence in apartment buildings:

You can complain about noise based on the requirements of the law “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population” and regional legislative acts. There is no general law with time periods prohibiting noise.

REFERENCE: Before you find out where to complain about noise from your neighbors' renovations, check out the rules and restrictions. Perhaps the sounds that irritate you occur at the permitted time.

For each region, territory, republic, the requirements are individual, but similar - you can complain if:

  • any loud sounds (speech, stomping, laughter, music) in the period from 22-00 to 8-00 (from 23-00 to 7-00 for the Moscow region);
  • work related to repairs or construction carried out earlier than 9-00 and later than 19-00, as well as in the period from 13-00 to 15-00 (for the Moscow region);
  • carrying out repairs on weekends and holidays earlier than 10-00 and later than 22-00.

There is a list of actions that fall under the definition of noisy:

These are the rules that must be observed when living in an apartment building, Let’s take a closer look at where to complain about noisy upstairs neighbors.

Where to contact?

Where can I complain about noisy neighbors who keep me from sleeping at night? There are several options for dealing with troublemakers in apartment buildings:

  1. appeal to the district police officer- the most common way to influence neighbors. To do this, you need to draw up a legally competent application and submit it to the district police officer, who will be obliged to conduct an explanatory conversation with the violators.
  2. Contacting the police- an effective method of influence for neighbors who often organize parties and feasts. The called police squad will quickly arrive at the scene and conduct a conversation with the neighbors, issuing a warning.
  3. Going to court- an extreme measure, used in situations where troublemakers are disturbing the entire house, and calling the police does not help.

REFERENCE: In some situations, you can influence noisy tenants by contacting the housing maintenance service (housing maintenance service) or the HOA (homeowners' association), in order to organize explanatory conversations about maintaining order.

Now you have information about where to complain if your neighbors are noisy at night. You can find out how to write a statement to the police about noisy neighbors using the following example.

How to write a complaint about noisy neighbors to a local police officer - sample filling

A complaint to the local police officer is the first step in the fight against noisy residents.

It can be expressed orally when addressing an official in person, but provided that all information expressed is recorded.

Another option is to file a report against the troublemakers. A sample complaint letter to the police about noisy neighbors can be found below. When drawing up, it is necessary to state in detail and reliably the essence of the situation, and ask to accept the recommended methods of influence.

Compilation rules:

  1. In the upper right corner you should write the full name of the official, indicating the position and place of work, including the city code. Next, information about the applicant is indicated - full name, place of residence and contact telephone number.
  2. After writing the “header”, the main part is written, after the word “Statement” - in it it is important to specifically describe the date and exact time of violation of order and silence, how the noise was created, with reference to those legislative acts whose requirements were violated.

    You can refer to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (Article 17), the Federal Law “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” dated November 25, 2013, local laws and codes for each region.

  3. It is necessary to indicate the measures by which you can influence a person (conversation, warning, fine).
  4. Conclusion - confirmation that the applicant is familiar with the responsibility for false denunciation; date of preparation and submission of the application, personal signature with transcript.

A statement against neighbors disturbing the peace and quiet of citizens must contain clear demands, stated logically, in accordance with the requirements of the law, for example: “I ask that citizen Koshkina be held accountable and explain to her the requirements of clause 3, art. 17 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. If you refuse to resolve the situation, I ask you to provide an official response with a clear explanation of the impossibility of influencing the illegal actions of citizen Koshkina.”

Arguments and speculation should be avoided unless they are based on reliable information, for example: “On August 15, 2015, my neighbor Petrov, who lives in apartment 35, began to make a lot of noise after midnight, the noise was similar to the knocking of a hammer, or from moving chairs and furniture. Perhaps Petrov was drunk and hit the floor loudly on purpose.” Such facts have not been verified, are indicated vaguely, and the document will probably be rejected.

Here is a sample application for noisy neighbors to the police:

IMPORTANT: Knowing how to correctly write a statement to the police about noisy neighbors, you can already go to complain, but remember the need for evidence.

Evidence base

To prove to the authorities that the peace was violated at the wrong time, it is important to provide evidence. If complaints about noise from neighbors at night (sample above) are written to the district police officer, you can ask other citizens living in your building to confirm that they are right.

If other residents heard the noise, it will be enough for them to sign a document confirming the violation of silence, indicating their full name, residential address, date and signature.

Some may write their own personal statement.

A collective complaint is a good way to influence those who like to make noise.

Measurements of noise levels recorded by the SES authorities are indisputable evidence if the general level in a residential area is exceeded.

Where and how to submit the document?

The completed document should be submitted to the district police officer. The address of the police department where a police officer can be found usually hangs in the entrance of a residential building in the form of an information mini-stand.

ATTENTION! You can submit an application (sample above) regarding noise from neighbors at night not only to an authorized person personally, but by sending it by registered mail with notification.

Where can you complain about neighbors who are noisy if the local police officer is unable to solve the problem? A more effective method is to file a complaint directly with the court. It can be submitted in person or by registered mail.

When filing a complaint with the court, you need to take care of the availability of evidence in the form of conclusions of the SES, testimony of other residents.

Actions from authorities

If a citizen filed a complaint with the district police officer about noisy neighbors according to the example above and it was accepted for consideration, The following options for action from authorities against violators are possible:

The complaint did not help - what to do next?

There are situations when numerous statements and personal appeals to troublemakers do not help. Such malicious silence breakers are rare, but it is difficult to fight them. There is a way out - by filing a collective complaint to the police about noisy neighbors according to the model given in the article, go to court with a claim for eviction. To do this you need:

  • draw up the text of a collective statement;
  • attach copies of all complaints written previously;
  • attach evidence of repeated calls to the police;
  • if possible, a conclusion from the SES.

Of course, people cannot always be evicted for systematically violating peace and order. For example, the offender has only one home, or there are minor children. But the very fact of initiating an eviction court case can seriously frighten a person and make it clear that the matter has reached an extreme measure.

Noisy neighbors are a nuisance that greatly darkens life. Unfortunately, most residents ignore contacting law enforcement agencies, preferring to resign themselves. However, it is possible to influence violators; with a competent approach to the matter, you can achieve the imposition of significant penalties, including eviction. Now you know how to write a complaint against neighbors who are making noise according to the example given above.

Every citizen can submit a statement to the local inspector if he believes that his rights and interests, provided for by the Basic Law, are being violated by other persons, and especially neighbors. In this case, you should provide only accurate information that will help the police officer react faster to the received document. It is best to write the application in two copies, one of which is registered in the office of the police department or with the local police officer himself, indicating the date and time it was received by the latter. This will guarantee that the adopted document will not remain without movement.

How to proceed

It happens that a person is doing well and has a comfortable apartment with all the amenities, but nevertheless he doesn’t really want to be at home, because the noisy neighbors behind the wall are disturbing. But this represents a big problem, because it is not possible for a normal citizen to rest. Therefore, many here are wondering how to influence noisy neighbors who do not accept verbal complaints and continue to break the law?

In this case, you can simply try to talk to the people who live in the next apartment and explain the situation to them. In this case, you can be guided by SanPinov standards. If this does not help, then you should write a statement to the district police officer about noisy neighbors. A sample document can be obtained from the district police department or drawn up in any form. The main thing is to describe the main problem that prevents you from living in your own home. There should be no emotion in the statement. You must always remember that this is a document and adhere to certain standards of decency.

An application to the district police officer regarding noisy neighbors, a sample of which can be viewed below or taken from the police department, must be submitted in two copies so that on one of them he puts his stamp of receipt with a date and signature.

In what case will there be a violation of the law?

Before you start getting nervous about the extra noise, you need to think about where it comes from, are the neighbors really disturbing the peace, or is it something else? Because there are often cases when noise comes from a cafe located nearby, or from construction and repair work that is carried out next to the house. In addition, it is not possible to talk about violation of the law in all cases.

Therefore, before writing a statement to the district police officer about noisy neighbors, a sample of which can be written by hand, you need to be sure that it is they who are really disturbing the citizen’s peace. In accordance with the current law, silence must be at night, from 11 pm to 7 am. If loud music starts playing after the specified period, then there is no particular violation.

Nevertheless, its volume during the daytime should not exceed 40, and at night - 30 decibels. The same applies to loud conversations and swearing behind the wall, endless and drunken quarrels. If the specified level is not met, then there is already a violation of legal norms, which will be a good reason to write a statement to the district police officer about noisy neighbors, a sample of which is common for most cases.


In most cases, excess noise from neighbors causes only two reactions - inaction and dissatisfaction. Because no one really wants to call the department and call the police, and therefore many decide to cover their ears with a pillow, which is ineffective. Therefore, the best option in this case would be a direct conversation with neighbors, who do not even always suspect that they may be disturbing or causing inconvenience to someone. At the same time, you need to explain to them that they violate not only the peace of other people, but also the law. And it is possible that after such a conversation, you will not have to submit a statement to the district police officer about noisy neighbors, the form of which can be either oral or written (see below).


To the district police officer against the neighbors? This question is asked by almost every citizen who cannot resist the noise constantly emanating from the apartment nearby. The most important thing to remember when writing such a document is that there should be no unnecessary words and emotions in it, only those circumstances and facts that, in a person’s opinion, disturb his peace and quiet.

An application to the district police officer regarding noisy neighbors, examples of which can be filled out from the police officer in the department, is drawn up in writing by the citizen himself or communicated orally, but under the protocol. In this case, it is better to compile it yourself.

This document is completed as follows:

"To the district commissioner

District Department of Internal Affairs ______________


from citizen ______________ (full name)

resident _______________________



00.00.00, my neighbor, who lives in apartment No. ____, located next to mine, turned on the music at a very high volume while my family and I were relaxing. After that, I rang his doorbell and tried to explain that he couldn’t do this because he was violating our interests. To this, the latter explained to me that he was not doing anything illegal and had the right to turn on and listen to rock from early morning until late at night. I tried to object to him and pointed out the norms of the Constitution, but he did not listen to me anymore, swore obscenely and closed the door.

According to Art. 20.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, the actions of my neighbor from apartment No. ___ are those that cause obvious disrespect for other people, supplemented by obscene expressions in Therefore, his actions can be qualified as petty hooliganism.

Based on the above, I ask that citizen _______ (full name) be held accountable and the provisions of the Constitution explained to him. In the event that you refuse to intervene in the conflict situation that has arisen, I demand that you give me a written response to my appeal.

Date ___________

Signature___________ (transcript)"

It is also worth noting here that the application must be drawn up in two copies. One of them is handed over to the police department or directly to the inspector himself at the station. Here it is also necessary to ensure that the second copy is stamped with a receipt indicating the date and signature. Such an application can be considered within three days to a month. Everything will depend on the specific circumstances set out in it.

Calling law enforcement officials

If there is constant noise from neighbors and it is not possible for a person to influence them on his own, the best way is to call the police. Although this option is also not very simple, because after the arrival of the authorities, the citizen will have to prove the fact that he tried to negotiate with his neighbors peacefully. A good confirmation here would be a written statement addressed to the district police officer, who has already had time to talk with the silence breakers and warn about responsibility.


In addition, it is best to call the police at the very moment of what is happening, when the neighbors are having regular feasts and listening to music loudly, swearing obscene words that can be heard through the wall. In this case, the servants of the law will draw up a report on violators and issue a fine, but may limit themselves to only a warning. As a rule, after such incidents, citizens begin to behave more quietly because they are afraid of responsibility.

Nevertheless, it is better not to spoil relations with neighbors. Moreover, if these people do not throw regular parties, and this happened for the first time. Therefore, before thinking about the question of how to write a statement about noisy neighbors, a sample of which can be printed on a computer, you need to talk to people and try to explain your position.

Required items

If a citizen decides to file a complaint against neighbors who are disturbing the peace on his own, he must competently and clearly, without unnecessary emotions, describe all the circumstances that forced him to make such a decision. It should be addressed to the district police officer himself or to the head of the unit, who will send him the document after consideration.

The application must indicate:

  • The full name and position of the person to whom it is addressed can simply be written to the police department;
  • details of the citizen who applied, his address;
  • points of the law that a person considers to be violated, or simply describe the situation;
  • State your requirements in as much detail and without unnecessary words as possible and ask for a response after consideration.

File a lawsuit

Unfortunately, this body is the last resort where you should contact if the noise from your neighbors has become unbearable. In this case, everything is decided in civil proceedings. In practice, there were even such cases when residents were punished simply because they could not let other people live in peace, because they constantly turned on the TV loudly, swore obscene language and invited large companies.

Before going to court, you need to obtain witnesses and other evidence that would confirm the applicant’s words. In this case, it would not be amiss to provide a complaint against neighbors filed with the district police officer.

Collective statement

If the noise and loud sounds do not stop, there is constant chaos in the entrance, and swearing and obscene language are always heard from the neighboring apartment, which interfere with the normal life and rest of other citizens, this is an excellent reason to file a complaint addressed to the district police officer. Moreover, this document must be signed by several persons who believe that their rights have been violated. The form for noisy neighbors can be arbitrary, but must contain truthful information about the behavior of these people.

Therefore, you just need to describe the entire current situation at the entrance, find out the name of your inspector and take the compiled document to the police. In this case, the application must be signed by several persons, because only in this case will there be any result.

Another option

If the first appeal to the district police officer remains without progress, then you can try to write a statement again. At the same time, describe the violation of legal norms in more detail. You can also contact this or the city administration. This is especially effective if the unruly citizen occupies public housing. A sample of how to write a statement against neighbors who are disturbing the peace can be taken at the reception or at the police department. Although it is better to write it yourself, simply describing the situation in more detail. The document should look like this:

"To the district commissioner __________________

Department of Internal Affairs of a city or region __________________________


from citizen ______________________________


contact number __________________________


I, __________ (full name) am the owner of the apartment, which is located at the address: ___________________________. There is a young woman living next door to me who plays music and TV very loudly every day at five o'clock in the morning. She does not respond to my requests not to disturb the peace of the residents.

In accordance with the SanPinov table, the sound level during the day should not exceed 40, and at night 30 dB.

Law dated 00.00.00 No. ________ states that those who disturb the silence of other persons may be subject to a warning or a fine in the amount of 1000 to 2500 rubles.

In accordance with the above and guided by Law No. ____ of 00.00.00, I ask:

Consider this application and take appropriate action.

Date ________


As can be seen from the above example, it is not difficult to draw up such a statement; you just need to indicate the legal norms. Therefore, persons who believe that their rights have been violated and are thinking about how to write a complaint against a neighbor to the district police officer should follow only the established rules and regulations.

Andrey | 05/21/2013

Hello. My sister lives in our apartment with her common-law husband. I am against him living with us, because he has his own apartment. Tell me how to write the application correctly and where...

Victor | 07/29/2013

Thank you for the article! Now, with the help of your sample, I understand how to correctly write a statement to a district police officer.

Ignat | 07/29/2013

I would also like to express my gratitude! Just yesterday I used your form when I wrote a statement to the local police officer about the threat.

Leo | 07/29/2013

How to submit an application to a local police officer, can you do it online?

Sergey | 07/29/2013

Just! You write a statement following the example in the name of the district police officer and go to the district inspector with the statement. In my opinion, you can’t apply online, you have to come yourself.

Igor | 08/23/2013

My neighbors with small families periodically shout and call me uncensored names in the presence of underage children. They humiliate my and my wife’s human dignity. What should I do in this situation?

Andrey | 09/17/2013

Hello. My wife and I live in a shared ownership apartment, I am registered and our neighbor both have property. He has been renting out a room to a girl and a guy since 2011. Everything was fine at the beginning, we agreed to clean every week, they agreed since this is the regime of many communal apartments. Then they stopped taking care of themselves, we reprimanded them as owners, they began to contradict us and snap back because they were simply tenants at that time. I recently made a remark in the evening at 10 pm to my ex-husband, that is, the tenant’s guest, that please do not bring friends into our apartment in the common kitchen since you don’t have the right to bring as a guest! he began to get angry and said that we set our own rules. Then he began to threaten to throw me and my cat out of the 20th floor. The next day he began to threaten my wife to set his own rules for cleaning the apartment and household! I called the police at night at about 11:30 pm, the police on duty arrived and checked the documents, but he did not have a passport and he was in the apartment as a guest after 11 pm. Please tell me how can I correctly draw up a document for the accommodation of people who do not listen to the general rules of behavior and their rudeness and threats?

Azat | 10/29/2013

Become rich (ouch) and live in your own small house. Or rather, record these moments on video, collect more and write to the police department, attaching copies of the video recording.

Vladimir | 11/10/2013

Neighbors on the top floor (migrants) make noise every day from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. (jumping, jumping, dropping something, feeling like the ceiling is going to collapse). I contacted them several times. There is only one answer - “well, these are children.” Maybe we should change our place of residence?

Elena | 01/07/2014

Hello. I have a problem in my family. A classmate of my daughter is bullying my daughter in every possible way. He spreads rot and calls names. Beats. A classmate insults me and my family. Calls my daughter a drug addict and other words. Where can I apply to have my classmate’s family come to check. I understand that these are children. But my daughter kept to herself. Afraid to go outside. Tell me what to do. Thank you.

Olga | 01/17/2014

Hello. Neighbors upstairs allow children to jump until 24 hours, sometimes later. They don't negotiate. What to do?

Anastasia | 01/18/2014

Hello, please tell me, we have a noisy neighbor, he really likes to listen to music when he’s drunk. The wife and three children leave immediately. What should we do? He can listen from the very morning until the evening. And we also have a small child. Even during the day we cannot sleep peacefully. Our neighbors have already contacted the local police officer and nothing happened. He screams, until 23:00 I have the right, we tell him to turn down the volume, of course he turns it down, but after a while the same thing starts again. My husband can’t sleep at night. And he gets away with everything. Please tell me.

Irina | 01/27/2014

How to calm down noisy neighbors (with what)

Irina | 01/27/2014

SHAFT | 02/22/2014

how to write an application for an educational institution. about the return of funds after deduction at your own request.?

Kalinina Nadezhda Fedooana | 02/28/2014

I paid a fine of 500 rubles and was also withdrawn from my pension. How to write a sample return application

Liliya Rizaeva | 03/14/2014

Hello! To whom should I write a statement “Violation of the rules for the protection and use of parks, gardens, squares, boulevards, children’s and sports grounds” Art. 31. Can I write a statement to the district police officer to take action?

Liliya Rizaeva | 03/14/2014

Complaint to dog owners. The garden is 3 months old and already covered in dog feces. Who should I complain to?

Svetlana | 04/04/2014

A beer bar has opened under my apartment, they also want to open a cafe - they are currently doing renovations - many walls have been demolished - is it possible to complain to the local police officer about this?

Love | 04/17/2014

How can you calm your neighbors down? In fact, not one good night. The neighbors don’t want to sign the statement, apparently they’re afraid. I have already applied twice. Only the police never came. And I didn’t even have any conversations with them.

Kazimirskaya Natalya Anatolyevna | 05/22/2014

The prosecutor's office still has not figured out the situation of Natalya Anatolyevna Kazamirskaya regarding the bailiffs of the Sinarsky district of GyuKamensk Uralsky
why can't I still tell my children

give them their money

Julia | 10/18/2014

How to calm down noisy neighbors or what???

Nina | 11/12/2014

I live in a communal apartment, my neighbor put a homeless person in his room, it’s simply unbearable to live. Where to go to evict such a neighbor, the district police officer did not help.

MARINA | 11/12/2014

Who to write a complaint to if, without the permission of the neighbors, a room is rented in a communal apartment. As a result, a number of troubles arise in paying for utilities for permanent residents

Raisa | 09.15.2015

How to write a complaint about noisy neighbors.

Yaroslav | 09.28.2015

The neighbors from above were also fed up. constant roar, sometimes screams. up to 11 pm, sometimes longer. we already contacted them in writing and tried to talk to them after they once managed to hammer with a hammer drill after 10 pm. everything is useless. what to do with the freaks?

Natalia | 05/04/2016

Hello! The yard children are playing and hitting the emergency (there was already a gust) gas pipe with a ball. In addition, they destroy the plaster layer of the basement of the house and damage the property of the owners (they broke the air conditioner). They do not respond to comments; parents indulge their actions. Can I contact the local police officer or somewhere?

Ekaterina Mikhailovna. | 06/28/2017

Hello! I am a group 2 disabled person and I cannot go to the authorities. I have a question, should the district police officer go to his station and get to know the residents? Personally, I haven’t even seen our local police officer... My upstairs neighbor is already annoying me. She may turn on the vacuum cleaner at 3 o’clock in the morning, and at 5-6 o’clock it’s her habit. And today she outdid herself, at 5 in the morning she started hammering on the botare, maybe there’s something wrong with her head? I once tried to talk to her, I should have heard her calling me names, the women from the market are resting. The police officer is never on site. In general, if you don’t take measures against my neighbor, West 11-101, I will take these measures... I’ll take a hammer and go visit her... I warned you...

Yana | 07/28/2017

Hello! A person with a certificate of mental disability lives in our building. The residents of the entire entrance were simply tormented with him. Then he throws a rag into the toilet, constantly leaves the water on, sets newspapers on fire in the entrance, etc. How to correctly write an appeal for measures to be taken, as residents are worried about their health and property.

First of all, write the header of the application in the upper right corner, which indicates to whom exactly the complaint is being sent, the department and the full name of the authorized person; it is also necessary to indicate the full details of the applicant:

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  • passport details;
  • residential address;
  • contacts;

After, in the middle of the sheet, the word “Statement” is written on a new line, and then, from the paragraph, it is necessary to clearly and essentially state the complaint, detailing the problem, i.e. indicate the place of the incident, time, frequency, data of the person against whom the complaint is made compiled.

Provided that there are eyewitnesses, witnesses or citizens who can confirm what is happening, their details must also be provided so that contact can be made.

After all the facts and thoughts have been presented, you need to add:“I ask you to influence the citizen” or “to take measures on the issue...”, and be sure to “inform me afterwards about the measures taken.”

Upon completion, you will need to add in the lower right corner the date of the document, the signature and initials of the originator. When everything is done and the letter is sent, after some time has passed, it is recommended to inquire whether it has been properly registered and what the fate of the issue is.

Address and full name of the compiler

Address and full name for whom it is

Information about whom exactly the complaint is being made is indicated inside the application itself, in the process of explaining the essence of the complaints. All information, if possible, should be as detailed as possible so that law enforcement agencies or special government services can accurately determine the location of the problem.

Description of the problem

There is no approved form for writing a specific problem, but nevertheless it is necessary to adhere to the standard rules for writing a business, official document.


The main thing is to correctly indicate the information in the application header, and be sure to indicate your own data. It is worth noting that unsigned letters and anonymous denunciations will not be considered.

Application rules

The rules for filing a complaint to law enforcement agencies exactly correspond to the business style, both in terms of figures of speech and in terms of the general style of writing.


When writing, you should adhere to a formal business style; in addition, it is advisable to avoid grammatical errors. All necessary information must be briefly and clearly presented, with a description of the exact data: time, place of the situations that actually occurred.

Lack of emotions

Such a statement of facts is an official document, in the text of which it is not advisable to use any embellishments or give vent to emotions. And, of course, insults or obscene language are strictly prohibited.

Arguments and Facts

Any evidence provided of a violation of law and order must be real, actual events, and in no case gossip or speculation. The ideal option would be to record on a photo or video camera supporting the arguments, so that the neighbor can no longer “get out” of responsibility.

Effective volume

Despite the overwhelming anger and resentment, you should not describe everything that comes to mind in a statement to law enforcement agencies. The most effective amount of text should be 2 pages and no more. Write sentences short and concise, keep paragraphs short for better perception of information.


After presenting all the facts and arguments, it is necessary to set out specific demands, for example, to impose penalties, resettle, pay expenses. Thus, law enforcement agencies will understand the ultimate goal of this statement and conflict.

Links to laws

The law on the basis of which relations between neighbors are regulated is the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses. Knowing and explaining the law in the application will greatly simplify the process of processing the complaint and provide a concrete picture of what exactly the complainant wants to achieve.

No errors

Firstly, the presence of errors in itself humiliates an adult, and secondly, grammatical errors can be regarded as an incorrectly formulated application and are not accepted for consideration.

Where to write an application?

The application is written according to the approved template, to those authorities that are dealing with the problem that has arisen. The most common option is to file a written complaint with your local police department. Where exactly complaints should be addressed directly depends on the nature of the conflict and how quickly local law enforcement agencies respond.

To the district police officer

If generally accepted rules of living in a multi-storey building are violated, every citizen has the legal right to report the conflict to the police.

To the prosecutor's office

If, after repeated appeals, there is no proper response from the local authorities, you can send a complaint to the prosecutor’s office and outline the entire situation, explaining that the local police officer did not respond to the signals. But first, if the district police officer refused to help, it is necessary to require a written notification from him in order to send it as an attachment to the prosecutor's office.

To the housing inspection

Perhaps the neighbors have become so insolent that they installed an entrance door that creates discomfort for the other residents, or they have a lot of pets and do not create the proper sanitary condition of the entrance. In such cases, it is necessary to immediately contact the housing inspectorate or a representative of the management company. It is their responsibility to monitor the maintenance of animals in houses and the condition of the fixed assets of the building.


The sanitary-ecological station is fundamentally concerned with residents who create a breeding ground for germs and bacteria from their apartments. Therefore, at the first sign of such actions, you should immediately file a complaint. Service inspectors will immediately respond to the call, and if the complaint is confirmed, they will carry out appropriate processing.

To the administration

A complaint can be sent to the administration, however, as practice shows, most often this does not give effective results.

To the fire department

If the common staircase area has not been cleared of old furniture, window frames and other renovation debris for a long time, you can complain to the fire department. Such negligence can be decisive in saving lives and evacuating people in case of fire.

To the Chairman

Provided that we are talking about living in the private sector, if conflict situations arise that cannot be resolved “amicably”, you can contact the chairman of the village council or dacha association. In such a position, a citizen does not have legitimate legal options, but can take measures to eliminate the conflict.

To Rospotrebnadzor

There are citizens who create a dump of unnecessary things from their apartment, which simply litter the space, and over time begin to cause inconvenience to others. In such a situation, the best decision would be to seek help from the Rospotrebnadzor service.

According to the Housing Code, every citizen must keep his home in proper condition, this is due to the development of epidemiological and environmentally dangerous bacteria.

Drawing up a collective complaint: main nuances

There is no specific sample for writing a collective complaint; when drawing up, it is necessary to adhere to the office work standards according to which all documentation is drawn up:

  1. An address is required, full name, name of the railway vehicle.
  2. Brief statement of the problem.
  3. A few sentences at the end of the letter indicating a specific request.

It is worth knowing that when contacting a local police officer, he is obliged to respond to the application within 10 working days. If the first instance did not respond to the request, you can “reach the top” and ultimately achieve the desired result.

Main reasons

Few people know, but there can be a huge number of reasons for writing a statement to law enforcement agencies with complaints about neighbors. It is precisely because of the ignorance of the population that many suffer, living next to drunkards, in the vicinity of brothels and brothels.

List of main reasons for writing an application:

  1. Uncleanliness. According to the law, every citizen must comply with indoor living standards. Including rules of sanitary hygiene. Otherwise, this may serve as a basis for filing a complaint with the relevant authorities.
  2. Smoking. Not so long ago, there was no point in fighting the problem of smoking in hallways, but everything changed dramatically with the adoption of a law prohibiting smoking in public places.
  3. Volume. Cheerful neighbors are, of course, good, but loud music at night is unlikely to make anyone happy. Also, the basis for a complaint may be screams, scandals, or the sound of an electric instrument at night. But it is worth knowing that in such a situation it is quite difficult to prove the existence of an offense.
  4. Animals. Everyone loves our little brothers, but nevertheless, animals in apartment buildings can cause a lot of inconvenience and discomfort: dogs barking at night, whining, feces in the entrance. These reasons will be quite enough to draw up a statement of complaint against the owners. An important role in a quiet life at home is played by the goodwill of the dog, as well as issues of walking the animal.
  5. Unauthorized redevelopment. Everyone sooner or later faces repairs, cosmetic or major, but the incessant sound of a drill, hammer and unplanned outages of light, water, electricity is too much, especially if this continues for more than a few months. In this case, neighbors have every right to submit an application to the relevant authorities to carry out unscheduled redevelopment work.
  6. Flooding. Repeated occurrence is a reason for a formal complaint, especially if there is a refusal to provide material compensation for the damage caused.
  7. Den. If there are arguments in favor of the fact that a brothel or brothel is located in the neighborhood, you should immediately contact law enforcement agencies. This means that all occupants of the house and especially the immediate neighbors are at risk.
  8. Drunk neighbors. Unworthy, immoral behavior of citizens carries with it not only unpleasant sensations and discomfort, but also a real threat, especially for women, children, and adolescents. By writing a statement and arguing your claims, you can even achieve the relocation of such neighbors.

What does the law say?

According to the legislation in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, every citizen, if necessary, can submit to the local inspector a statement of violation of the rights and freedoms that are given to the Russian citizen by the Constitution.

Such an application must be made in writing, strictly following the approved form, with the obligatory presence of the personal signature of the applicant. You can make your claim directly at the police department, or you can do it yourself, at home, thinking through every little detail so as not to miss anything.

The application is addressed (at the top in the header) to the local inspector or, when written again, directly to the head of the municipal service. For that? so that the “author” is confident that his complaint will be considered, the letter can be sent “registered”; if there is time, it is recommended to hand it over in person, in the prescribed manner. Afterwards, you can relax and wait 2-3 days for a response from law enforcement agencies.

If you are faced with such a problem as restless and noisy neighbors, then you are probably already aware that sometimes only a local police officer can calm them down. It is recommended to apply for them only as a last resort, when the problem cannot be solved in other ways.

Holding neighbors accountable

Every person has the rights provided by law. Lawyers say that the rights of one citizen end where the opportunities of another begin. This precisely determines the subjective right, limited by the framework of behavior and legislative norms.

Violation of laws is the reason for contacting law enforcement agencies. One of the categories of complaints received are statements against neighbors, and the reasons for their preparation may be different. All of them are explained by the fact that some citizens forget not only about the culture of behavior, but also about the law.

Thus, the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and a number of Federal Laws accompanying the code set living conditions in apartment buildings. Violation of them is grounds for prosecution.

Neighbors who violate the rules established by the Federal Law “On Silence” will be punished with property fines. A bill was submitted to the State Duma for consideration, according to which violators were additionally punished with arrest - from 15 to 40 days. It was approved and adopted, but with an amendment - in this way citizens who make noise in public places are punished; the norm does not yet apply to apartment owners.

According to citizens, the most effective measure to combat violators is arrest or compulsory labor, a large fine comes in second place, followed by “revenge in return” and peaceful negotiations.

Reporting neighbors to the police

It is recommended to file a police report against troublesome neighbors only after a preliminary attempt to resolve the situation. To do this, you need to contact your neighbors and ask them to behave calmer. Ignoring comments is a reason to contact law enforcement agencies.

Noisy neighbors

One of the most common reasons why citizens of apartment buildings contact the police is the noisy behavior of neighbors. Almost everyone has encountered loud music, screams, noise from repairs - if this is repeated constantly, then the sounds begin to interfere with resting or doing housework.

In such cases, it is recommended to pay attention to legal acts stipulating the noise level allowed at a specific time. From 23:00 to 7:00 you must adhere to the sound volume limits - 30 decibels. Night is the time to sleep, so every person should have respect for their neighbors.

Many people have a question - how to determine how strong the noise is? For these purposes, various devices can be used, the task of which is to determine the noise level. Not everyone has them at hand, so you can record a violation in another way.

For example, neighbors are constantly making noise at night - listening to music, shouting, etc., in such a situation it is necessary to contact the police. Screams and music echoing throughout the house are strong evidence. In such a situation, a statement is drawn up addressed to the local police officer.

However, do not forget about a few important points:

Try to come to an agreement with your neighbors on your own; if, after the comments, they do not change their behavior, then you can safely contact the law enforcement agencies and report an offense.

If such situations occur constantly, and neighbors do not take into account the requests of other residents, then a collective complaint can be filed. Practice shows that group treatment gives the desired results in 90-92% of cases.

Other grounds for reporting neighbors to the police

A complaint against neighbors is filed not only because of loud noise, but also for other reasons. These include:

  • unsanitary conditions;
  • loud and constant knocking;
  • many other factors.

Police report form for non-parental neighbors

When writing an application, you must: decide on the form of the document:

  • individual or group;
  • find out who the addressee will be - the local police officer (in case of systematic violations - the police authority);
  • clearly and understandably state the essence of the problem that has arisen.

When drawing up an application and describing a specific problem, it is recommended to make references to the current legislation - this makes the document more “weighty”, and also emphasizes the high level of legal awareness of the applicant.

Example: Each violation of a housing nature falls under one of the norms provided for by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. If there is no specific article that exactly falls under the situation that has arisen, or the compiler is not aware of it, then there is no need to refer to it - just point to the Housing Code. Searching for an article is the job of law enforcement officers.

  • it is advisable to indicate in the document all the information about troublesome neighbors;
  • if their full name is not known, then the full and exact address is indicated;
  • in the text of the application you can write down the names, addresses and telephone numbers of citizens who are witnesses to a conflict situation; if the paper is drawn up not for one, but for several reasons at once (for example, the conflict began a long time ago, but the applicants tried to resolve everything on their own), then they are listed in chronological order - mentioning what date the first violation of the law took place, when it reached the stage that there was no other choice but to file a complaint;
  • at the end, be sure to highlight the request to consider the applications and take specific measures;
  • indicate the place of its preparation, full name and signature.

There is no clear algorithm for how to write a report against your neighbors to the police. The main recommendation is to draw up the paper in accordance with generally accepted practice rules of office work.

They are directly related to the content of the document:

  • an indication of who the recipient of the paper is;
  • Full name of the citizen submitting the application;
  • formulation of the essence of the problem - the text of the statement;
  • asking for her decision;
  • an indication of the need to notify the applicant of the decision made.

How and where to apply

The application is submitted to the local police station located at the location where the conflict situation occurred. The document is drawn up in two copies - the first must be given to the district police officer, the second must be kept for yourself. On the application, which remains with the applicant, the district police officer who accepted the other copy must sign. The same official notifies the applicant of the measures that have been taken to resolve the situation.

Sample complaint to the police about noisy neighbors