You will be allowed to come to the exam with your mother. You will be allowed to come to the Unified State Exam with your mother. Talented young sculptors made the monument.

Russia has always had many monuments. But only a few became the most famous, the most iconic works of art. So, our 10 most famous monuments in Russia:

1. Monument to Peter I - Moscow

The official name is the Monument “In Commemoration of the 300th Anniversary of the Russian Fleet.” The author of the monument was Zurab Tsereteli. The grandiose sculptural composition was installed on an artificial island on the spit, at the confluence of the Moscow River and the Obvodny Canal, not far from the famous Red October confectionery factory. The opening of the monument was timed to coincide with the celebration of the 850th anniversary of Moscow. The total height of the monument is 98 meters, it is the tallest monument in Russia, and one of the tallest in the whole world.


2. Monument “Worker and Collective Farm Woman” - Moscow

“Worker and Collective Farm Woman” is an outstanding monument of monumental art, “an ideal and symbol of the Soviet era,” representing a dynamic sculptural group of two figures with a hammer and sickle raised above their heads. Author - Vera Mukhina; concept and compositional plan of the architect Boris Iofan. The monument is made of stainless chromium-nickel steel. The height is about 25 m. It is located on Prospekt Mira, near the Northern entrance of VDNKh.

Initially, the monument to a worker and a collective farmer was developed for an exhibition in Paris, but the resulting result stunned everyone. After all, not only fundamentally new materials were used for the monument (stainless steel had not been used before), but also new principles of construction. After all, before this, it was also not necessary to enlarge it 15 times from life; it was a grand experiment.

Remarkable facts of the monument to the worker and the collective farmer:

· The monument to a worker and a collective farmer was delivered to Paris in 28 railway cars, but even this separation was not enough, because some parts did not fit into the tunnels and had to be cut further.

· Before the opening of the monument in Paris, sabotage was noticed in time, someone sawed off the cables of the crane that was assembling the monument at the exhibition, after which round-the-clock security was posted from volunteers and employees who came to assemble the monument.

· Initially, the monument to a worker and a collective farmer was assembled within 1 month; people worked in three shifts, sleeping only for three hours in a nearby barn, where a large fire was always burning in the center.

· In Paris, the monument was assembled in 11 days, although 25 days were planned.

· It is a symbol of the Mosfilm film studio.

· Dismantling, storage and restoration of the legendary sculptural composition cost the budget 2.9 billion rubles

3. Monument Motherland Calls - Volgograd

The sculpture “The Motherland Calls” in Volgograd is the compositional center of the monument-ensemble “To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad”, located on. This statue is one of the tallest in the world, occupying 11th place in the Guinness Book of Records. At night, the monument is illuminated by spotlights. The total height of the monument is 85-87 meters.

Its military name is “Height 102”. During the Battle of Stalingrad, the most fierce battles took place here. And here they later buried the dead defenders of the city. Their feat is immortalized in the unique monument-ensemble “To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad,” erected in 1967 according to the design of the famous Soviet sculptor Yevgeny Vuchetich.

4. Monument-obelisk “To the Conquerors of Space” - Moscow

The monument to the “Conquerors of Space” was erected in Moscow in 1964 to commemorate the achievements of the Soviet people in space exploration. This is a 107 m high obelisk lined with titanium panels, depicting the trail left behind by a rocket located at the top of the obelisk. The poetic lines of Nikolai Gribachev are laid out in metal letters on the façade:

And our efforts are rewarded,
What, having overcome lawlessness and darkness,
We forged fiery wings
To your country and your age!

Initially, the option of placing the monument on the Lenin Hills (today Vorobyov Hills) between the building of Moscow State University was considered. M.V. Lomonosov and an observation deck overlooking Luzhniki. It was supposed to be made of smoky translucent glass with night lighting from the inside. The height of the monument was supposed to be 50 m. At the personal suggestion of S.P. Korolev, it was decided to cover the monument with a coating of “space” metal - titanium. The height of the grandiose monument doubled and amounted to 100 m, and the total weight of the entire structure was 250 tons. The final site for the construction of the monument was a vacant lot near the entrance to VDNKh and the metro station of the same name.

The monument became a symbol of a qualitative technological leap of its time: on October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union launched the first Artificial Earth Satellite, on April 12, 1961, the cosmos spoke the language of man - and this language was Russian.

Along with the obelisk, a new type of building structure was born - the inclined tower. History preserves in its tablets only one such structure - the famous “Leaning Tower”.

5. Monument “Millennium of Russia” - Veliky Novgorod

The Monument “Millennium of Russia” is a monument erected in Veliky Novgorod in 1862 in honor of the thousandth anniversary of the founding of the Russian state. The monument resembles a bell. Its upper part is a ball symbolizing power - the emblem of royal power. The total height of the monument is 15 meters. This is one of the most iconic monuments in Russia, more about it.

6. Monument to Sunken Ships - Sevastopol

The Monument to the Sunken Ships is the most famous military monument of Sevastopol, was depicted on the Soviet coat of arms of the city and is considered one of the main city symbols. The monument is located in Sevastopol Bay, near the embankment of Primorsky Boulevard. The majestic and proud monument to sunken ships is one of the most beloved by residents and guests of the city. It is a symbol and calling card of Sevastopol. Height - 16.7 meters.

There is another monument that is significant for Sevastopol - the brig "Mercury" and Captain Kazarsky. This was the first monument in the then young city. About it .

7. Monument to St. George the Victorious - Moscow

The statue of St. George the Victorious is located on the territory of Moscow’s Victory Park and is part of the memorial complex on Poklonnaya Hill. Located at the foot of the obelisk dedicated to the 1418 days and nights of the Great Patriotic War. Saint George the Victorious strikes a snake, which is a symbol of evil, with a spear. The statue of St. George the Victorious is one of the central compositions of the memorial complex.

8. Monument “Bronze Horseman” - St. Petersburg

The Bronze Horseman is a monument to Peter I on Senate Square in St. Petersburg. The opening of the monument took place in August 1782. It is the very first monument in St. Petersburg. Later it got its name thanks to the famous poem of the same name by A. S. Pushkin, although in fact it was made of bronze.

9. Monument to mammoths in Khanty-Mansiysk

The sculptural composition “Mammoths” appeared in Khanty-Mansiysk in 2007. The creation of this monument was timed to coincide with the 425th anniversary of the capital of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. The sculpture is located on the territory of the famous Archeopark. The sculptural composition consists of 11 bronze monuments. The total weight of these monuments exceeds 70 tons. All monuments are set in life size. The height of the tallest mammoth exceeds 8 meters, and the smallest mammoth is only 3 meters in height.

10. Monument “Alyosha”

Memorial “To the Defenders of the Soviet Arctic during the Great Patriotic War” (“Alyosha”) is a memorial complex in the Leninsky district of the city of Murmansk. The main figure in the memorial is the figure of a soldier in a raincoat, with a machine gun over his shoulder. The height of the monument's pedestal is 7 meters. The height of the monument itself is 35.5 meters, the weight of the hollow sculpture inside is more than 5 thousand tons. “In its height” “Alyosha” is second only to the Volgograd statue “Motherland”. Nevertheless, it is among the highest monuments in Russia.

1. Write down the term in question. Participants in the mass propaganda movement of innovators and production leaders in the USSR for increasing labor productivity and better use of technology. The name is derived from the name of a miner from Donbass, who began the struggle to exceed production plans in 1935. Answer: ______________________ Stakhanovites

Read an excerpt from the historian’s essay and complete tasks 2–4. “After reviewing Hitler’s plan for encircling Moscow, Halder wrote in his diary: “The Fuhrer’s decision to raze Moscow and Leningrad to the ground is unshakable...” And in light of this, it is strange to hear the reasoning of some historians and writers today that in order to reduce losses it would be better not to defend Leningrad, but to surrender it. But then the entire population of this city would be destroyed. In the event of the surrender of Leningrad, there would have been a union of German and Finnish troops, the forces of Army Group North would have been transferred to Moscow and then, apparently, it would have been impossible to hold the capital and its entire population would have died. As a result, our total losses would increase even more. When assessing the results of the Great Patriotic War, the question of the cost of victory and our sacrifices during the war is especially acute. Due to the large losses, the overall significance of the achieved victory is called into question, since we allegedly won solely due to the fact that we overwhelmed the enemy with our corpses. But the results of the war, the price of victory, are, first of all, the defeat of the enemy, the defense of the Motherland, the liberation of one’s own and other peoples from fascist enslavement. If we could not win and were defeated, our country would lose everything, and the total losses would be immeasurably greater. There are no words, the losses and losses of this war are immensely difficult, but still they are not the same as is often portrayed. Thus, in one of the works, which analyzed various post-war publications on losses, as in many other books and articles, data on losses is derived not from reliable sources, but through various kinds of arithmetic calculations. Sometimes irretrievable and sanitary losses are mixed (i.e., the wounded, who for the most part returned to the front).”

2. Indicate the year when the war mentioned in the passage began. Name the leader of the USSR during this period. Answer: __________________ _ 1) year – 1941; 2) leader of the USSR - J.V. Stalin

3. What opinions regarding the history of this war does the author consider incorrect and refutes? Please indicate any two opinions. Answer: ____________ 1) that in order to reduce losses it would be better not to defend Leningrad, but to surrender it; 2) that the huge losses of the USSR in the war negated the significance of the victory achieved; 3) that the losses of the USSR during the war were significantly higher than real ones

4. Indicate one military event (phenomenon, process) in the history of our country, when the enemies managed to take Moscow, but in the course of further military operations they were defeated. Answer: __________ 1) Polish-Lithuanian intervention during the Time of Troubles, when the Seven Boyars opened the gates of Moscow to the Poles 2) Patriotic War of 1812, when Kutuzov decided to surrender Moscow to the French

5. Fill in the empty cells of the table using the list of missing elements below: for each gap indicated by a letter, select and write down the number of the required element in the table. Century Event (process) Participant in the event (process) ______(A)______(B) Vladimir the Holy. XX century _____(B)________(D) XVII century. Time of Troubles ________(D)_______(F) Introduction of the oprichnina ______(F)______(G)_____(I) Alexander II Missing elements: 1) XVI century. 2) baptism of Rus' 3) J.V. Stalin 4) XIX century. 5) Ivan IV the Terrible 6) X century. 7) abolition of serfdom in Russia 8) Yaroslav the Wise 9) V. I. Shuisky 10) industrialization in the USSR 11) P. S. Nakhimov 12) XIV century. 6 (A) 2 (B) 10 (C) 3 (D) 9 (E) 1 (F) 5 (G) 4 (G) 7 (I)

Review the diagram and complete tasks 6 and 7. 6. Indicate the name of the battle indicated on the diagram. Battle of Kulikovo 7. Indicate the name of the city indicated on the diagram by the number “2”. Moscow

Look at the image and complete tasks 8–10. 8. Indicate the century when this monument was created and the city in which it is located. 1) century – XIX century. ; 2) city – Novgorod 9. Indicate the event to whose anniversary this monument is dedicated. the beginning of statehood in Rus' (the calling of the Varangians to Rus') or the millennium of Russia.

10. Indicate the name of any one cultural monument located in your region. Using knowledge of the history of your region, tell us about this monument. Your story must contain at least two historical facts. If the monument depicted in the photograph is located in your region, then it should not be indicated; another monument must be indicated. Raifa Monastery A monument erected in Veliky Novgorod in 1862 in honor of the thousandth anniversary of the legendary calling of the Varangians to Rus'. The authors of the city of Bolgar monument project are sculptors Mikhail Mikeshin, Ivan Schroeder and the island-city of Sviyazhsk, architect Viktor Hartman. The monument is located in the Novgorod Detinets, opposite the St. Sophia Cathedral and the former building of the Government Places. Syuyumbike Tower in Kazan

Read the list of events (processes) and complete tasks 11 and 12. 1) the struggle of the Old Russian state with the Pechenegs in the 11th century. ; 2) Battle of Poltava; 3) uprising on Senate Square; 4) carrying out the policy of “perestroika” in the USSR. Select any one event (process) from this list and complete tasks 11 and 12, considering the selected event (process) in each task. Indicate the number that indicates the event (process) you have chosen.

11. Name any one participant in the event (process) you have chosen. Indicate any one of his actions (actions) during participation in this event. 1) the struggle of the Old Russian state with the Pechenegs in the 11th century. ; Participant – Yaroslav the Wise. His act (action) during participation in this event was the defeat of the Pechenegs in 1036, where in 1037 he built the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv on the same place. 2) Battle of Poltava; Participant - Peter I. His act (action) during participation in this event is the largest general battle of the Northern War, the defeat of the Swedish army. 3) uprising on Senate Square; Participant – P. G. Kakhovsky. His act (action) during participation in this event mortally wounded General M. A Miloradovich. 4) carrying out the policy of “perestroika” in the USSR. Participant – M. S. Gorbachev. His act (action) during participation in this event was the introduction of openness and state acceptance.

12. What was the influence of the event (process) you chose on the further history of Russia and/or world history? Be sure to use your knowledge of historical facts when answering.

What's new at school in 2017? In which classes will the All-Russian testing be held? When will the oral part appear in school exams?

This year, schoolchildren will write tests and tests more often and prepare for the oral part of the exams. Rosobrnadzor will continue the National Study of the Quality of Education. As part of this study, in April, 6th and 8th grade students will write a paper on life safety, and in October, tenth graders will write a paper on chemistry and biology. All-Russian testing will continue in schools. Most are planned for April for students in 4th, 5th, 10th and 11th grades. And in May, schoolchildren will have tests in biology and history. All demo versions are available on the Internet.

“All-Russian tests are ordinary tests designed to diagnose the level of training of students, identify problem areas, and self-assess schools,” emphasized the head of Rosobrnadzor, Sergei Kravtsov.

The demo version of the history test consists of 12 questions. For example, such as: “Indicate one military event (phenomenon, process) in the history of our country, when the enemies managed to take Moscow, but in the course of further military operations they were defeated.” Or: “Indicate the name of any one cultural monument located in your region. Using knowledge of the history of your region, tell us about this monument. Your story must indicate at least two historical facts.”

The demo version of the biology test consists of 16 tasks. Among them is this: “Distribute the organisms according to their position in the food chain. In each cell, write the name of one of the proposed organisms. List of organisms: grasshoppers, plants, snakes, frogs, eagle.”

Oral language is making a comeback in humanities subjects. For the first time, there will be a trial test of the State Examination Test for 9th graders in the Russian language with an oral part. For now it is voluntary, but in the future the oral part will be mandatory for everyone. Two options for passing the oral part are being considered - using a computer, as in the Unified State Examination in Foreign Languages, or directly to a group of examiners, as was the case before. Both options have pros and cons.

This year, ninth-graders will take four subjects—Russian language, mathematics, and two electives. But only those who successfully complete the exams will receive a certificate. However, they will be allowed to retake the D grade. But only once. If you fail again, you will be allowed to retake it after September 1st. But starting from the next academic year, not two, but three subjects may no longer be compulsory.

In order for students and parents to worry less about the Unified State Exam, Rosobrnadzor will hold the Unified State Exam Day with parents, where moms and dads will be able to go through the entire procedure of the Unified State Exam themselves and try to pass it. Sergei Kravtsov is confident that this will help relieve tension around the unified state exam.

Astronomy lessons may appear in the school curriculum from September. The Ministry of Education and Science has already prepared amendments to the federal educational standard, where astronomy is singled out as a separate subject and divided into two levels. The draft standard is currently under discussion. But not all teachers are not sure that astronomy should be made a separate compulsory subject.

— Astronomy as a subject differs from physics. Today there is no training in astronomy in pedagogical universities. There are no methodological literature, textbooks, and schoolchildren have no incentive to study astronomy and take the Unified State Exam in this subject. Teachers’ workload will greatly increase if they have to prepare students for the Unified State Exam in astronomy,” Boris Eskin, the head of the international astronomy Olympiad team, a teacher at St. Petersburg University, expressed his opinion.

For the first time, there will be a trial test of the State Examination Test for 9th graders in the Russian language with an oral part. For now - voluntary
Labor education will return to school, the necessary amendments to the legislation are now being made. Another school news is that psychological services will appear in all educational institutions and the issue of remuneration for specialists will be resolved in the near future.

It is now much easier for disabled children to get an education. This year, one in four colleges and universities will be prepared to teach students with special needs. In the near future, it is planned to open at least 30 educational and methodological centers on the basis of leading colleges and universities for training people with disabilities and people with disabilities and to create an infrastructure in 15 regions for psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents with children from 0 to 3 years old.

The number of colleges that will offer specialties from the list of the most in-demand professions will increase.

VPR All-Russian Test Work - History, grade 11

Explanations for the sample of the All-Russian test work

When familiarizing yourself with a sample test work, you should keep in mind that the tasks included in the sample do not reflect all the skills and content issues that will be tested as part of the all-Russian test work. A complete list of content elements and skills that can be tested in the work is given in the codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of training of graduates for the development of an all-Russian history test. The purpose of the sample test work is to give an idea of ​​the structure of the All-Russian test
work, the number and form of tasks, their level of complexity.

Instructions for performing the work

The test includes 12 tasks. 1 hour 30 minutes (90 minutes) is allotted to complete the history work.
Write down answers to assignments in the space provided for this in your work. If you write down an incorrect answer, cross it out and write a new one next to it.
When completing assignments, you can use a draft. Entries in draft will not be reviewed or graded.
We advise you to complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. To save time, skip a task that you cannot complete immediately and move on to the next one. If you have time left after completing all the work, you can return to the missed tasks.
The points you receive for completed tasks are summed up. Try to complete as many tasks as possible and score the most points.
We wish you success!

1. Write down the term in question.
Participants in the mass propaganda movement of innovators and production leaders in the USSR for increasing labor productivity and better use of technology. The name is derived from the name of a miner from Donbass, who began the struggle to exceed production plans in 1935.


Read an excerpt from a historian’s essay and complete tasks 2–4.

“After considering Hitler’s plan for encircling Moscow, Halder wrote in his diary: “The Fuhrer’s decision to raze Moscow and Leningrad to the ground is unshakable...” And in light of this, it is strange to hear today’s reasoning from some historians and writers that in order to reduce losses it would be better not to defend Leningrad , and hand it over. But then the entire population of this city would be destroyed. In the event of the surrender of Leningrad, there would have been a unification of German and Finnish troops, the forces of Army Group North would have been transferred to Moscow and then, apparently, it would not have been possible to hold the capital and its entire population would have died.
As a result, our total losses would increase even more.

When assessing the results of the Great Patriotic War, the question of the cost of victory and our sacrifices during the war is especially acute. Due to the large losses, the overall significance of the achieved victory is called into question, since we allegedly won solely due to the fact that we overwhelmed the enemy with our corpses. But the results of the war, the price of victory, are, first of all, the defeat of the enemy, the defense of the Motherland, the liberation of one’s own and other peoples from fascist enslavement. If we couldn't win
and were defeated, our country would have lost everything, and the total losses would have been immeasurably greater. There are no words, the losses and losses of this war are immensely difficult, but still they are not the same as is often portrayed. Thus, in one of the works, which analyzed various post-war publications on losses, as in many other books and articles, data on losses is derived not from reliable sources, but through various kinds of arithmetic calculations. Sometimes irretrievable and sanitary losses are mixed (i.e., the wounded, who for the most part returned to the front).”

2. Indicate the year when the war mentioned in the passage began. Name the leader of the USSR during this period.

Answer: ____________________________________________________________

This excerpt from the historian’s essay talks about the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), therefore -

1) year – 1941;
2) leader of the USSR - I.V. Stalin

3. What opinions regarding the history of this war does the author consider incorrect and refutes?

Please indicate any two opinions.


The following opinions may be indicated:
1) that in order to reduce losses it would be better not to defend Leningrad, but to surrender it;
2) that the huge losses of the USSR in the war negated the significance of the victory achieved;
3) that the losses of the USSR during the war were significantly higher than real ones

4. Indicate one military event (phenomenon, process) in the history of our country, when the enemies
managed to take Moscow, but in the course of further military operations they were defeated.

Answer: __________________________________________________________________________

The correct answer should indicate the event, for example:
1) Polish-Lithuanian intervention during the Time of Troubles, when the Seven Boyars opened the gates of Moscow to the Poles
2) Patriotic War of 1812, when Kutuzov decided to surrender Moscow to the French

5. Fill in the blank cells of the table using the list of missing elements below: for each gap indicated by a letter, select and write down the number of the required element in the table.

Century Event (process) Event (process) participant
_____________(A) _______________(B) Vladimir Saint
XX century _______________(IN) _______________(G)
XVII century Time of Troubles _______________(D)
_____________(E) Introduction of the oprichnina _______________(AND)
______________(W) _______________(AND) Alexander II

Missing elements:
1) XVI century
2) baptism of Rus'
3) I.V. Stalin
4) XIX century
5) Ivan IV the Terrible
6) X century
7) abolition of serfdom in Russia
8) Yaroslav the Wise
9) V.I. Shuisky
10) industrialization in the USSR
11) P.S. Nakhimov
12) XIV century.

Century Event (process) Event (process) participant
6 (A) 2 (B) Vladimir Saint
XX century 10 (V) 3 (G)
XVII century Time of Troubles 9 (D)
1 (E) Introduction of the oprichnina 5 (W)
4 (W) 7 (I) Alexander II

Look at the diagram and complete tasks 6 and 7.

6. Indicate the name of the battle indicated on the diagram.

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________

Battle of Kulikovo

7. Indicate the name of the city indicated on the diagram by the number “2”.

Answer: _____________________________________________________________________

Look at the image and complete tasks 8–10.

8. Indicate the century when this monument was created and the city in which it is located.

Answer: __________________________________________________________________________

This monument is the “Millennium of Russia”, therefore -

The correct answer must contain the following elements:
1) century – XIX century;
2) city – Novgorod

9. Indicate the event to which this monument is dedicated.

Answer: __________________________________________________________________________

The event must be indicated: the beginning of statehood in Rus'
(calling of the Varangians to Rus') or the millennium of Russia.

10. Indicate the name of any one cultural monument located in your region. Using knowledge of the history of your region, tell us about this monument. Your story must contain at least two historical facts.

If the monument depicted in the photograph is located in your region, then it should not be indicated; another monument must be indicated.

Answer: __________________________________________________________________________

Residents of Tatarstan can indicate the following cultural monuments:

  • Raifa Monastery
  • Bolgar city
  • island town of Sviyazhsk
  • Syuyumbike Tower in Kazan

Other cultural monuments of the region may be indicated

Read the list of events (processes) and complete tasks 11 and 12.
1) the struggle of the Old Russian state with the Pechenegs in the 11th century;
2) Battle of Poltava;
3) uprising on Senate Square;
4) carrying out the policy of “perestroika” in the USSR.

Select any one event (process) from this list and complete tasks 11 and 12, considering the selected event (process) in each task.

Indicate the number that indicates the event (process) you have chosen.

11. Name any one participant in the event (process) you have chosen. Please indicate one
any of his actions (actions) during participation in this event.

Answer: __________________________________________________________________________

1) the struggle of the Old Russian state with the Pechenegs in the 11th century;

Participant: Yaroslav the Wise. His act (action) during participation in this event was the defeat of the Pechenegs in 1036, where in 1037 he built the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv on the same place.

2) Battle of Poltava;

Participant - Peter I. His act (action) during participation in this event is the largest general battle of the Northern War, the defeat of the Swedish army.

3) uprising on Senate Square;

Participant - P.G. Kakhovsky. His act (action) during participation in this event mortally wounded General M.A. Miloradovich.

All-Russian Test Work VPR History 11th grade Option 2 – All-Russian Test Work

Explanations for the sample of the All-Russian test work

When familiarizing yourself with a sample test work, you should keep in mind that the tasks included in the sample do not reflect all the skills and content issues that will be tested as part of the all-Russian test work. A complete list of content elements and skills that can be tested in the work is given in the codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of training of graduates for the development of an all-Russian history test. The purpose of the sample test work is to give an idea of ​​the structure of the All-Russian test
work, the number and form of tasks, their level of complexity.

Instructions for performing the work

The test includes 12 tasks. 1 hour 30 minutes (90 minutes) is allotted to complete the history work.
Write down answers to assignments in the space provided for this in your work. If you write down an incorrect answer, cross it out and write a new one next to it.
When completing assignments, you can use a draft. Entries in draft will not be reviewed or graded.
We advise you to complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. To save time, skip a task that you cannot complete immediately and move on to the next one. If you have time left after completing all the work, you can return to the missed tasks.
The points you receive for completed tasks are summed up. Try to complete as many tasks as possible and score the most points.
We wish you success!

1. Write down the term in question.

The process of overcoming the cult of personality and eliminating the political and ideological system created in the USSR during the reign of I.V. Stalin is called ____________.


2. In what year was the manifesto referred to in the text adopted? Name the emperor who issued this manifesto.

“D.N. Shipov presided...
D. N. Shipov found out that the idea of ​​a joint meeting arose simultaneously in both the St. Petersburg and Moscow branches of the central committee under the impression of reports that appeared in Novoye Vremya about statements allegedly made by Count Witte that the manifesto of October 17 did not make any changes the basis of our political system and that the Emperor remains an unlimited ruler. Such messages created a need for the “Union of October 17th” to discuss and clarify the situation created for it, since in its program the “Union” expressed its readiness to support the government, based on the confidence that the government intends to sincerely and in due completeness implement the beginning of the constitutional constitutional order proclaimed on October 17th. monarchy. Although an official explanation has now been published regarding the reports that appeared in the newspapers, the question of the Union’s attitude to the government’s tactics must nevertheless be discussed at this meeting. Next in line are questions about the general congress of delegates from all departments of the “Union” and about the organization of interaction between the “Union” and other parties close to it in their programs during the upcoming elections to the State Duma.

The Committee agreed with the program of issues proposed by D. N. Shipov"

Answer: ____________________________________________________________

The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) year – 1705;
2) Emperor – Nicholas II.

3. What questions for discussion did the chairman of the meeting propose? Specify any two questions.

Answer: ____________________________________________________________

  1. about the attitude of the “Union of October 17” to the government’s tactics;
  2. about the general congress of delegates of the “Union” departments.

Other correct options may be indicated.

4. Name any other party that was formed in Russia at the time of the meeting of the central committee of the party, from whose journal an excerpt is given.

Constitutional Democratic Party (Cadets)

5. Fill in the blank cells of the table using the list of missing elements below: for each gap indicated by a letter, select and write down the number of the required element in the table.

Missing elements:
1) Tukhachevsky
2) December 1944-January 1945.
3) G.K. Zhukov, K.K. Rokossovsky, I.S. Konev, N.F. Vatutin

4) Battle of Kursk
5) battle for the Dnieper
6) January-February 1943.
7) July-August 1943
8) Runstedt, Model
9) May 1942

Answer: ____________________________________________________________

Look at the diagram and complete tasks 6 and 7.

6. Name the city indicated on the diagram by the number “2”

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________


7. In what year did the battle indicated in the diagram begin?

Answer: _____________________________________________________________________

Look at the image and complete tasks 8–10.

8. To what century did the construction of this cathedral date back to and in what city is it located?

Answer: __________________________________________________________________________

  1. 19th century
  2. Saint Petersburg

9. The burial place of which great Russian commander is located in this cathedral?

Answer: __________________________________________________________________________

M. I. Kutuzov

10. Indicate the name of any one cultural monument located in your region. Using knowledge of the history of your region, tell us about this monument. Your story must contain at least two historical facts.

If the monument depicted in the photograph is located in your region, then it should not be indicated; another monument must be indicated.

Answer: __________________________________________________________________________

Residents of Tatarstan can indicate the following cultural monuments:

  • Raifa Monastery
  • Bolgar city
  • island town of Sviyazhsk
  • Syuyumbike Tower in Kazan

Other cultural monuments of the region may be indicated

Read the list of events (processes) and complete tasks 11 and 12.
1) Battle of Kulikovo;
2) the policy of enlightened absolutism;
3) abolition of serfdom;
4) Launch of the world's first spacecraft with a person on board.

Select any one event (process) from this list and complete tasks 11 and 12, considering the selected event (process) in each task.

Indicate the number that indicates the event (process) you have chosen.

11. Name any one participant in the event (process) you have chosen. Please indicate one
any of his actions (actions) during participation in this event.

Answer: __________________________________________________________________________

1) Battle of Kulikovo; This victory marked the beginning of the liberation of Rus' from foreign yoke
2) the policy of enlightened absolutism; an attempt to improve the life of society, familiarization with European culture.
3) abolition of serfdom; The liberation of the peasants led to the gradual restoration of the economy, the completion of the industrial revolution, and the establishment of capitalism in the country.
4) Launch of the world's first spacecraft with a person on board. Its significance is extremely great both for the further exploration of near-Earth space and for the development of interplanetary communications. The success of Soviet science and technology was a stimulus for the moral unification of all sectors of society.