Maslyakov was born. Svetlana Maslyakova, wife of Alexander Maslyakov: biography and interesting facts

The permanent host of KVN, familiar to all Russian television viewers. But there is one fact in the biography of Alexander Vasilyevich, which he himself stubbornly denies. However, there are persistent rumors that Maslyakov had to serve a prison sentence for currency fraud.

From engineers to TV presenters

Alexander Maslyakov was born on November 24, 1941. His father Vasily Maslyakov was a military pilot by profession. After graduating from school, Sasha entered the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers (MIIT), and after graduating in 1966 he began working in his specialty. But then he realized that he was more interested in television journalism and entered the Higher Courses for Television Workers. After receiving his diploma, from 1969 to 1976 he worked as a senior editor in the Main Editorial Office of Programs for Youth, then as a special correspondent. [C-BLOCK]

Since 1981, he worked as a commentator at the Experiment television studio. He ended up on television completely by accident. Back in 1964, in his fourth year, the captain of the institute KVN team, Pavel Kantor, asked Maslyakov to become one of the five presenters of a humorous program, which was to be filmed by the team that won the last game. The winner that time was the MIIT team.

History of KVN The television show “Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful” was born in 1961. The name KVN could be deciphered in two ways: in those years the TV brand KVN-49 was produced. The first host of the program was Albert Axelrod. Three years later, he was replaced by Alexander Maslyakov, who hosted the program in tandem with the then experienced announcer Svetlana Zhiltsova. For the first seven years, the program was broadcast live. However, since the jokes of the team players sometimes criticized Soviet reality, they began to transfer it into recordings, removing “objectionable” passages. KVN was subject to strict censorship, not only from television, but also from the KGB. Thus, state security demanded that participants not wear beards, seeing this as... a mockery of the communist ideologist Karl Marx!

"Currency" article

At the end of 1971 the program was closed. This closure gave rise to many rumors. In particular, they said that Maslyakov ended up in prison. The article is “illegal transactions with currency.” It is interesting that very often representatives of bohemia and show business were imprisoned under this article, since they had access to foreign banknotes or had relevant connections. They say that Maslyakov allegedly served his sentence in the Rybinsk colony YN 83/2. There was no official information about this anywhere. Although, when the KVN presenter allegedly arrived in the colony, rumors about it immediately spread throughout the city. They also say that in the colony Maslyakov behaved quietly and was in good standing with his superiors. He was released early after serving several months. Allegedly, they tried to hush up the case and not draw attention to it, so as not to discredit Soviet television.

Does the TV idol have a secret?

According to one version, Maslyakov went to prison not in 1971, but in 1974. Returning to television, he hosted the program “What? Where? When?”, “Hello, we are looking for talents”, “Come on, girls”, “Addresses of the young”, “Sprint for everyone”, “Turn”, “Jolly guys”, “12th floor”, reports from World festivals youth and students, international song festivals in Sochi, the “Song of the Year” program, “Alexander Show” and many others. In 1986, with the beginning of perestroika, KVN was resumed. Moreover, with Alexander Maslyakov, who now led it in the singular!4 In 1990, Maslyakov founded the creative association “Alexander Maslyakov and Company” (“AmiK”), which has since been the official organizer of KVN games and accompanying programs. For his work on television, Alexander Maslyakov received many titles and awards. Thus, in 1994 he became an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation and laureate of the Ovation Prize, in 2002 - laureate of the Academy of Russian Television TEFI. And in 2006 he was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland. An asteroid (5245 Maslyakov), discovered by the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, was even named after him. When, during an interview, Alexander Vasilyevich is asked whether he was really convicted, Maslyakov answers in the negative. He claims that with a criminal record, he would not have been allowed to work on television - at least in the Soviet era. Which is really true.

Name: Alexander Maslyakov
Birthday: November 24, 1941 (age 75)
Place of Birth: Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg)
Weight: 86 kg
Height: 170 cm
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Eastern horoscope: Snake
Activity: KVN TV presenter

Biography of Alexander Maslyakov

The father of the future celebrity, Vasily Maslyakov, was from the Novgorod region and connected his life with aviation. He worked as a military pilot, navigator and, naturally, fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. And after that he served in the General Staff of the Air Force. Alexander’s mother Zinaida Maslyakova devoted herself to her family and raising her son.

In 1966, the future TV presenter graduated from the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers, and two years later received a diploma from the Higher Courses for Television Workers.
Immediately after graduation, Alexander Maslyakov went to work as an engineer. However, after completing additional courses for television workers, he went to work in the Main Editorial Office of Programs for Youth. There, from 1969 to 1976, he was listed as a senior editor, after which, until 1980, the entry in his work book was as a special correspondent. Next year, Alexander Vasilyevich is already working as a commentator. After that, Maslyakov concentrated specifically on commentary activities and until 1995 he worked in the television studio “Experiment”, and then in the studio of artistic, journalistic and mass programs of TO “Experiment”.
It is worth noting that Maslyakov was the first presenter of the TV show “What? Where? When?". True, in 1975 he devoted only the first two issues. After this, the creator of the program, Vladimir Voroshilov, understood in which direction the program should be developed, and so the voice-over appeared. The need for a TV presenter disappeared by itself.

Cheerful and charming

In 1990, Alexander Maslyakov created the television creative association “AMiK” and was the general director there until 1998, and then he became the president of the association.
Alexander Maslyakov appears in the most popular TV show on Channel One “Minute of Glory” as the chairman of the jury.
Alexander Maslyakov appeared on television in 1964, at which time he was still a student. During his studies, he loved to engage in amateur performances, and was also an active fan of the institute’s KVN team.
As Maslyakov himself recalls, he became a TV presenter by accident. One day one of the students, Pasha Kantor, approached him and asked him to join the team. He explained that the youth editorial office of central television was planning to film a fun program. Its host should be five students from the institute that won the last KVN game. This is how Maslyakov first appeared on television, and so accurately that he has been working there for more than 40 years.
After the first filming of the program, the youth editors invited student Maslyakov to host the games of the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. Until the moment the show “Cheerful and Resourceful” was taken off the air, Alexander Vasilyevich was the permanent presenter. And this is before 1972. This was followed by the programs “Hello, we are looking for talents”, “Come on, girls”, as well as “Addresses of the Young” and “Virage”.
Alexander Maslyakov reported from various world festivals of students and youth, for example, from Sofia, Havana, Berlin, Pyongyang and, of course, Moscow. For several years in a row, he alone hosted the international song festival in Sochi, and also under his leadership the programs “Alexander Show”, “Song of the Year” and others were held.

Already as President of the International KVN Union, Alexander Maslyakov became the leader of a mass informal movement. Tens of thousands of Russians are involved there, as well as residents of the CIS countries and non-CIS countries. Under his leadership, a huge number of “Kaveen” tournaments were also created. Most of them already have international status and are broadcast by leading TV channels, while constantly showing good ratings.

With my beloved wife

For his work on television, Alexander Maslyakov received more than one award. Thus, in 1994 he became an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, in the same year he became a laureate of the Ovation Prize, and in 2002 he became a laureate of the Academy of Russian Television TEFI. He was awarded this honor “For his personal contribution to the development of domestic television.” Among other things, the TV presenter is an Academician of the Academy of Russian Television.
In the year of the 45th anniversary of KVN and the 65th anniversary of the presenter himself, in 2006, Maslyakov was awarded a lot of awards, including the Russian Order of Merit for the Fatherland, the Ukrainian Order of Merit and the Chechen Medal for Merit to the Chechen People.
Prison term
In 1974, Alexander Maslyakov ended up in the Rybinsk colony YN 83/2. He received a sentence for illegal transactions with currency. However, the term was short, and the TV presenter was released ahead of schedule a few months later.
The conclusion coincided with the closure of the KVN program. At first, Alexander hosted the program with co-host Svetlana Zhiltsova. One of the versions of stopping KVN broadcasts was a ban on appearing on air with a mustache and beard. However, Maslyakov never observed either of these. As the TV presenter himself explains, they closed the program without explaining anything. Perhaps the student jokes bothered someone. Initially, KVN was conceived as an entertainment program, but when a student opens his mouth, you can expect anything from him. And not only jokes about college life, but also political remarks.

Maslyakov Alexander on video

However, most Russians sincerely believed that KVN was closed because Alexander Maslyakov was sent to prison. The TV presenter recalls that after the program disappeared, the taxi driver who drove him to Ostankino asked worriedly, “Is Shurik really sitting there?” Maslyakov was stumped by such a question; he only muttered something inarticulate in response.
One way or another, after 14 years, Alexander Maslyakov returned to the post of host of the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. His co-host Svetlana Zhiltsova refused to return to the air. Since then, Maslyakov has been running the program alone.
It is worth noting that KVN fans believed that Svetlana Zhiltsova was in the life of her husband Alexander Maslyakov. Allegedly, the comedy program is a kind of family program. However, the TV presenter denies the fact of an affair with a colleague.
By the way, Maslyakov himself says that he did not break the law. And if he had seriously “fined himself” and was actually imprisoned, he would not have been allowed back on television at all. This simply could not happen in the Soviet Union.
Personal life of Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov
Alexander Maslyakov has family ties with Svetlana Maslyakova. After school, in 1966, the woman went to work on television as an assistant director of the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. In 1971, Svetlana married Alexander Maslyakov. For many years she has been a KVN director and the wife of the club president.

Family tea party

In 1980, an heir was born into the Maslyakov family, Alexander Maslyakov, Jr. He followed in the footsteps of his parents and, after graduating from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, hosts the “Planet KVN” and “Priemier League” programs.
Interesting Facts
In honor of the permanent presenter of KVN, the asteroid “5245 Maslyakov” was named. It was opened by the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory.

Personal life

Alexander Vasilyevich does not drink alcoholic beverages at all. At least, he said this during one of the KVN games in 2010.
In the book “The Beatles of Perestroika” it is written that Maslyakov once hosted the “Vzglyad” program.

Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov (November 24, 1941, Sverdlovsk) - Russian TV presenter, founder and owner of AMiK - the organizer of KVN.

Life and career

Alexander's father was a military pilot, and his mother was a housewife. Maslyakov studied first at the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers, and then at the Higher Courses for Television Workers. It is worth noting that the team of his university managed to shine throughout the USSR. This team won one of the games, after which it was decided that the next episode would be led by players from the MIIT KVN team. The captain of the MIIT team offered Maslyakov the role of presenter. After his debut, an ordinary student woke up famous.

1964 – began working on television. Any program with his participation instantly became popular.

In 1971, KVN was closed, but Maslyakov did not disappear from television screens. He managed to become a good presenter of youth programs thanks to his ironic humor, rare composure on the air, good timbre of his voice and clean, correct speech without a touch of academicism.

Maslyakov was the host of such programs as:

  • “Come on, girls”;
  • “Hello, we are looking for talents”;
  • “Addresses of the Young”;
  • "12th floor";
  • “Come on, guys”;
  • "Alexander Show";
  • "Funny boys".

In addition, Alexander Maslyakov reported from youth festivals held in Havana, Sofia, Berlin, Moscow and Pyongyang. He was also a regular presenter at Sochi international song festivals. 1976-1979 hosted “Song of the Year”.

1986 - Maslyakov again becomes the host of KVN.

1990 – Alexander Vasilyevich created the creative union “AMiK”.

Maslyakov has been a permanent presenter, director and leader of KVN for many years, president of the International KVN Union and the creative association AMiK. He served as a jury member twice: the 1994 final and the 1996 Summer Champions Cup.

Alexander Vasilyevich is also the chairman of the jury of the TV show “Minute of Glory”.

Maslyakov turned KVN into a profitable business. He became the main ideologist and censor of this movement. The role of KVN in the development of television is characterized by the following joke: “One gets on TV either through bed or through KVN.” And indeed, many VIPs of modern Russian TV have gone through the school of being “cheerful and resourceful.”

According to some reports, in 1974 Maslyakov went to prison for illegal currency transactions. But after a few months he was released. However, Alexander Vasilyevich himself denies that he has a criminal record.

Alexander Maslyakov was the first presenter of “What? Where? When?". In 1975, he conducted the first 2 editions of the game. Once he even hosted the “Vzglyad” program (broadcast on April 1, 1988)

In 2012, Maslyakov was a member of the “People’s Headquarters” of presidential candidate V. Putin.

Asteroid 5245 Maslyakov was named in honor of Alexander Vasilyevich.

In 1971, Maslyakov married Svetlana Anatolyevna Smirnova, who was an assistant director of KVN. From this marriage a son was born, Alexander (1980), general director of AMiK, presenter of KVN.

Four generations of Maslyakovs bore the name Vasily.

Maslyakov does not drink alcohol.

In 2011, Alexander Vasilievich and his son starred in a digital television commercial.

KVN is the only entertainment program attended by all Russian presidents.

Thoughts of Alexander Maslyakov:

  • I never take a break from work because it brings me pleasure.
  • I never wanted to become a boss. My favorite word is “professional”. That's what I consider myself to be.
  • I am not a businessman or a theorist. I am a practitioner who, together with my colleagues, makes a television program.
  • You can't make evil jokes about a person. Jokes should not only be funny, but also “environmentally friendly.”

Alexander Maslyakov is one of the most famous TV presenters, producer, chief KVN player of Russia, born on November 24, 1941 in Sverdlovsk.


Maslyakov’s childhood was during the difficult war years. His father, an air force officer, went to the front from the very first days of the war. All worries about the baby fell on the shoulders of the mother, who had a very difficult time. Fortunately, my father survived the fighting and returned home. A few years later, he was appointed to the country’s General Staff and moved his family to Moscow.

The mother devoted her entire life to her husband and son, trying to give the child a good education and all-round development. In high school, Alexander became interested in journalism, tried to write himself, and dreamed of working as a reporter. But at the insistence of his father, he chose a serious profession and entered the Transport Institute.

He graduated from the institute, but worked in his specialty for only a short time - a little more than a year. Already in his senior year, he simultaneously studied at the school of State Television workers and at the same time became interested in playing KVN. This determined the future fate of the future showman.

The KVN team game first appeared on Soviet television in 1961. According to the director's plan, it was supposed to be an analogue of the Czech comedy program. However, after the third episode it was closed, since the jokes of the participants touched on Soviet ideology.

But gradually it changed a little, and in this format three years later it returned to the screens and won the hearts of millions of television viewers.

Maslyakov began playing in his fourth year, immediately joining the main team of MIIT, which quickly became popular and often took first place in KVN tournaments. Once, as the winning team, they were asked to film a short program, and the captain gave the role of its host to Maslyakov. This work captured him so much that he decided to devote his life to television and KVN.

After completing the courses, Maslyakov left his job in his specialty and received a position in the Main Editorial Board of youth programs. At first he worked as a senior editor, then as a special correspondent, and later moved to the Experiment television studio, where he hosted a number of programs.

Maslyakov first appeared on the KVN stage as a presenter in 1964. Then his partner in the program was the already well-known television announcer Svetlana Zhiltsova. But she soon left the program, and since then Maslyakov has been the only and permanent host of the popularly beloved television program.

At first, KVN was filmed only on live broadcasts. But after several unsuccessful jokes from the participants, the program came under the close attention of State Security Service employees. Soon, live broadcasts were banned, and only the version of the program that was passed by strict Soviet censorship began to appear on screens. Naturally, greatly abbreviated. In 1971 the program was banned altogether.


The program was revived during perestroika, when official censorship disappeared, and participants could say whatever they wanted from the stage. Veteran KVN player Maslyakov again became the guest host of the updated version of the program. After the first release of the program, everyone started talking about it again.

With my wife

Literally a year later, the KVN movement covered the entire country. What is noteworthy is that even after the collapse of the USSR, in an era of total crisis and shortage, the program continued to be published and only gained more popularity. She even saved some from depression - a nation that knows how to laugh at itself will never die.

Delighted by such interest in the program, Maslyakov decided to devote himself entirely to his favorite activity. He created the author's creative center "AMiK", which developed scripts and created new KVN programs. Now the participants not only performed on television, but also gave numerous concerts throughout the country, organized by Maslyakov’s company.

With son

Already in 1992, the program went beyond the CIS and acquired an international format. The first international game took place between the CIS and Israel teams. Later, teams from other countries joined the movement: the USA, Germany, and the former socialist camp. A little later, the annual Voting KIVIN festivals began to take place, gathering thousands of armies of KVN fans.

With pleasure

The entire Maslyakov family is involved in the development of KVN. His wife, Maslyakov’s former assistant in the program, is his right hand in the company. The son recently replaced his father as General Director, the daughter-in-law is the director of the KVN House. Maslyakov’s grandson is also growing up, also a future KVN player.

Alexander Maslyakov is a television journalist, permanent host of the humorous and entertainment program “KVN”, founder of the creative association “AMiK”.

The childhood of a future journalist

Alexander Vasilievich was born in the fall of 1941 in the Urals. He was brought up in a strict, intelligent family. The boy's father was a military man, his mother was a housewife. At school, Maslyakov studied well and was distinguished by diligent behavior. Since childhood, Alexander dreamed of becoming famous, but having received a matriculation certificate, he took a package of documents to MIIT.

Alexander Maslyakov in his youth

After graduating from college, Maslyakov worked in his profession for several years, but at some point he realized that this was not his path. In 1969, Alexander got a job at the Main Editorial Office of Programs for Youth, where he took the place of senior editor, and remained there for 7 years. Then he was transferred to another department to the position of special correspondent. In 1981, the young man moved to the Expert television studio.

Maslyakov came to television by accident, at the request of his friend, he became one of the 5 presenters of the KVN student program. Alexander liked the new image, he even thought about the author’s program. The first program of the modern version of the club of cheerful and resourceful people aired in 1961, but for a number of reasons it was closed after the second episode. The return of the project to television screens took place in 1965, Albert Axelrod became the host of the project, but 3 years later his place went to Maslyakov.

A messy start to work at KVN

For the first 7 years, the KVN program was broadcast exclusively live, but due to Soviet ideology and strict principles, this idea had to be abandoned. Subsequently, all episodes were strictly censored before being broadcast. Ultimately, it came to the point of absurdity: participants in the show were strictly forbidden to wear a beard, because it desecrated the image of Karl Marx. As a result of such ups and downs, the broadcast of KVN was completely stopped.

Alexander Maslyakov at the beginning of his career

In 1986, thanks to the captain of the MISI-60 team, the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful returned to TV screens. Alexander Maslyakov continued to lead the project. In the new format, the program has become even more popular. It was played in schools, colleges, universities, and not only in the Soviet Union, but also abroad.

Alexander Maslyakov and Svetlana Zhiltsova

In 1990, Alexander decided to open his own project, which was called “AMiK”. It was this creative association that became a permanent sponsor of KVN games at various levels. Various entertainment programs began to be released under this label. Modern editions of the humorous battle are significantly different from Soviet editions, where participants could criticize the current government to smithereens.

Alexander Maslyakov managed the AMiK company

Maslyakov’s brainchild supports the policies of the current president, who has been repeatedly invited to the KVN finals. At the same time, Vladimir Putin did not refuse invitations, and made several return visits. In 2013, Alexander Vasilyevich handed over the reins of the AMiK company to his only son, whom the participants call San Sanych.

Alexander Maslyakov on the KVN stage

In addition to the KVN TV show, Maslyakov led such projects as: “Hello, we are looking for talents!”, “Come on guys!”, “12th Floor”, “Sense of Humor”. His work has been highly recognized by numerous prestigious awards.

Alexander Maslyakov and Vladimir Putin

Happy family man

Alexander met his wife Svetlana in 1966. She worked as an assistant director of the KVN program. For about 5 years, the young people met and got to know each other better. Then Maslyakov proposed marriage to his beloved girl, and they registered their marriage.

Alexander Maslyakov with his wife

In 1980, the Maslyakov family was replenished with the birth of their first child, son Alexander. The guy followed in the footsteps of his parents and graduated from MGIMO. In 2006, the son of the eminent presenter had a daughter, Taya, who also keeps up with her creative relatives. The girl has already tried herself as the host of a charity project dedicated to Children's Day.

Son of Alexander Maslyakov with his wife and daughter

In December 2017, Maslyakov Sr. found himself at the center of a scandal; he was accused of numerous frauds while working in the KVN project. This was the reason for the dismissal of Alexander Vasilyevich from the position of State Unitary Enterprise. The investigation was conducted by independent experts who forwarded the existing facts about corruption to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation.

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