Varvina's car. Marriage of Natalia Varvina

Varvina and Andrey Cherkasov

Natalya’s relationship on the show did not work out, however, being active and purposeful, she quickly moved up the career ladder. First, Varvina and she create the group “Istra Witches”. Then the girl begins a solo career, and also tries herself as a concert director.

In 2009, Natasha took second place in the annual “Person of the Year” competition Dom-2, losing only to , but in 2010 she still won this title.

In 2011, the girl tried herself in the acting field and starred in the film “Dot Doc The Ten Last Days,” but the film’s ratings turned out to be a failure.

After Natasha left the project, it became known that the girl began a serious relationship with the main producer of Dom-2. At first they did not advertise their romance, but soon everything became clear. Mikhailovsky began to promote Natasha in every possible way, he even wanted to make her the third host of a reality show, but was refused. After some time, he divorced his wife, co-producer

Natalya Varvina is a participant in the most popular project “House 2”. Before the project, the girl lived in Volgograd and studied at the State Technical University with a degree in finance and credit.

Natalya Varvina

But after graduation, the girl did not want to go to work in her specialty. He always dreamed of conquering show business and strived for this goal. “House 2” is not the first television project in which she took part. Before this, Natalya managed to work as a TV presenter in her city.

Natalia Varvina's husband - Alexey Mikhailovsky

In 2007, she went to the casting and successfully made it into the project. But she was unlucky; the girl never found her love. She only had short affairs.

In 2011, Varvina left the show. This is where all the fun began. She fell in love with the show's producer, married Alexei Mikhailovsky. They hid their relationship for a long time. Alexey did not want to spoil his reputation and unnecessary scandals.

Wedding of Natalia Varvina and Alexei Mikhailovsky

Their first joint appearance took place at the birthday party of the presenter and former participant of the “House 2” project, Olga Buzova. From that moment on, everyone started talking about the mysterious couple.

Natalya, having such connections, stopped acting modestly and began to get into scandals.

Wedding of Natalia Varvina and Alexei Mikhailovsky

After6 the girl left the project, she was hired as concert director. Their relationship with Alexei began to develop even more rapidly. Mikhailovsky’s marital status and the presence of children did not in the least bother the ambitious Natasha. Soon he left the family completely.

Their wedding was quiet; they did not want journalists to participate. According to the stories, the celebration went great.

Now Natalya and Alexei’s ex-wife, Vaselina, are working on the same project and it’s not easy for them.

Media personalities attract a lot of attention, especially when it comes to family information. The life of the popular television project, broadcast on the TNT channel for 12 years, is watched by an audience of millions. Naturally, fans of the show are interested in the personal lives of the creators of the brainchild and its presenters. Vasilina Mikhailovskaya, photo, whose biography will be provided to your attention later in the article, just a few years ago left the post of producer of “House-2”, but has already managed to radically change her life.

Biography of Vasilina Mikhailovskaya: the beginning

The personal life of the former director of the show remained a secret for a long time, but there is a lot of information about it on the Internet. It is known that Vasilina Mikhailovskaya was born on May 28, 1970 in Yekaterinburg. Graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy of Theater Arts. In addition, it is worth noting that at 46 years old she looks great and is an example for many.


Vasilina Mikhailovskaya, whose biography is replete with participation in various projects as a director and producer, appeared on popular talk shows. Among them: “5 minutes before divorce” (broadcast on the REN-TV channel), “Dom-2” (TNT), “Star Factory” (Channel One), “Team” (Russia 1), “Thieves in Law” ( "Pepper").

After graduating from St. Petersburg, Vasilina worked for 7 years in her native Yekaterinburg on television. She moved to Moscow when she managed to earn enough money and was confident in her own experience. And I was invited to the Star Factory project as a co-producer.

Together with Alexei Nikishin, she organized an exhibition of nude photos of Dom-2 participants.

How she managed to launch the grandiose project "Dom-2"

Initially, the reality show was conceived as a seasonal project "House", in which real married couples built a luxurious mansion, which in the finale was played out between the participants. This decision was made by audience voting.

Vasilina Mikhailovskaya and her husband chose the right tactics, so the first season was a phenomenal success. It ended with the onset of cold weather, and the built house actually went to the married couple. Therefore, the next year a new season of the Dom-2 project was launched, which began in a similar way to the first. But the participants were no longer recruited by families, but by individual young people.

At first, they built a house, love, and went to construction sites in overalls. And seeing the show’s ratings, Vasilina Mikhailovskaya decided to extend filming indefinitely. For 12 years now, the project has been thriving and finding new fans. "Dom-2" helps people not only build relationships, but also realize their potential in their professions. Many of the participants become presenters and bloggers. Vasilina herself modestly says that the project will exist as long as it is of interest to someone. This is the most significant work of director and producer Mikhailovskaya.


Until 2011, Vasilina Mikhailovskaya (we offer her photo in the article) lived in a happy marriage with the co-producer of “House-2” Alexei Mikhailovsky in a legal marriage. The couple has a common child, Maxim, who is 16 years old. But the family idyll was disrupted by Natalya Varvina. She was a participant in a television project for a long time and was unable to build a full-fledged relationship that could develop into something serious. At that time, the top participant and fan favorite of the reality show had no idea that her happiness was so close.

Participant of "House-2" Natalya Varvina stole her husband from Vasilina Mikhailovskaya

Desperate to build relationships within the perimeter of the project, Natalya Varvina decided to set her sights on the producer. Of course, it was a worthy match for the girl, despite the age difference. Attempts to start an affair were crowned with success, and already in 2013 Natalya and Alexei got married, and later even got married.

Rumors about the woman’s pregnancy were not confirmed; all guesses remained unconfirmed. The couple has no children together.

Initially, they carefully hid all the details of their life together. But today Alexey Mikhailovsky is actively promoting his wife on the television project “Dom-2”. According to the new concept of the show, now all participants are trained in acting and dancing. Mikhailovsky recommended his beloved wife to replace the former dance teacher Natalya Bichan.

Reasons for leaving the post of director of "Dom-2"

Vasilina Mikhailovskaya, photo, biography, whose personal life is presented to your attention, has long established herself as a creative “ideological brain”. Therefore, her decision to vacate the position she had held for 10 years came as a big surprise to many. Nothing is known about the real reasons. Vasilina herself says that she has grown out of this format and wants to develop further. There is an opinion that Mikhailovsky’s new wife simply left her place.

After leaving Dom-2, Mikhailovskaya traveled a lot and came up with new programs for future implementation. Vasilina’s latest project is to find an assistant to the head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov. She serves as the creative producer of the program.

Wedding of Vasilina Mikhailovskaya and Dmitry Novokshonov

The heroine's new chosen one was the documentary director of the Pride television company Dmitry Novokshonov. Photos from the celebration appeared on the Internet thanks to active friends, and they show the happy bride Vasilina Mikhailovskaya. The wedding (a photo of it can be seen in the article) took place in Moscow in the fall of 2016, and the lover proposed on July 8 of the same year during his summer vacation. The woman agreed and began to select the date of the celebration.

Dress with 2,000 Swarovski crystals

The chic wedding dress for the ceremony was purchased from the Firdaws store, the founder of which is Medni (Ramzan Kadyrov’s wife). The designer was Aishat (Kadyrov’s eldest daughter). The choice of this particular brand is not accidental, because Mikhailovskaya works closely with the head of the Chechen Republic, thanks to their joint work on the Rossiya channel.

Vasilina did not choose a dress for long. The first impression cannot be fooled, and it was the sparkling model that attracted the star at first sight. After trying it on, there was no longer any doubt, and the future bride decided that she would only get married in a dress from this model.

A new marriage will bring happiness

Vasilina’s fans were in awe of the turns in the personal life of their favorite. However, all fears turned out to be in vain. According to most family friends and fans, Dmitry is the most suitable party for Mikhailovskaya. He is a respectable person with a good education and job, suitable for Vasilina in age and type. Many consider her first husband to be frivolous and are happy that a worthy woman has finally found family happiness. The photographs are further confirmation of a successful marriage, because in all the photographs the newly-made wife looks great, enjoying her new social status.

Former participant and host of a reality show on TNT, Natalya Varvina, has always readily admitted that she does not like to use cosmetics, preferring to take care of herself and look good without makeup. Recently, Mikhailovsky’s wife published a post where she emphasized that she follows new products in the field of cosmetology and tests many products, but very rarely wears makeup. At the same time, Natalya posted a photo from which her fans suspected that she was expecting a child. Fans of Natalya Varvina are seriously discussing the pregnancy of the Home 2 star, although there are no prerequisites for this. Well, the face changed and brightened, a light shadow fell on the eyelids.

It just seemed to someone that she looked like she was pregnant and looked very prettier. And away we go... It must be said that the issue of children is quite painful for Varvina. There are all kinds of gossip about her on social networks, to the point that she agreed not to have children when she married Mikhailovsky, who already has an heir. Allegedly, this was the main condition of her future husband. Haters especially laugh at how Natasha calls her dog “son,” as if she is the only childless person on earth.

Is Varvina afraid of project fame?

In general, everything is complicated, it is not surprising that many stars hide the news of their pregnancy so much. Ksenia Sobchak waited until the last minute to admit that she would have a second child, anticipating an avalanche of negative comments. I can imagine what a fuss there will be if it turns out that . Well, this probably won’t happen with Varvina.

Well, a married woman is pregnant, it’s high time. Much more interesting is that she has practically abandoned public life and travels all the time. Is Natasha really that afraid of the consequences of the fame she earned from the project?

She is one of the brightest former participants in the TNT channel project, who won the hearts of TV viewers with her beauty and prudence. The whole country watched the girl’s life for almost four years. And even after leaving the TV set, they don’t stop discussing it. It is known that after the project, Natalya Varvina broke up the family of the famous producer of the TV show in which she participated.

short biography

Natalya was born on November 23, 1982 in Volgograd. After the death of her mother, the girl was raised by her father. Natalya has an older brother and a younger sister. From a very young age, the girl was fond of dancing and active sports. After receiving her education at a technical university, she worked as a presenter on local television. Even then, the girl realized that she wanted to start a career as an actress, and went to castings in Moscow.

Life on the TV set

Natalya appeared on the reality show in 2007, trying her luck to build a relationship with the most popular participant at that time. But no matter how hard the girl tried to attract the man’s attention, she never succeeded. Natalya stayed on the project to look for her love. But many novels ended in tragic breakups.

Varvina was somewhat cold-blooded towards men, so she spent more than one year on the project as a single person until she decided to leave the television set of her own free will. This came as a real shock to fans of the show. After the project, Natalya Varvina said that she did not regret her decision at all and “House 2” was an important step in her life.

Love affair at work

After the project, Natalya Varvina (photos of her could often be seen on the Internet) was not lonely for long. Fans noticed how much everything had changed in her life. Natalya Varvina has changed a lot after the project. Stylish hairstyle and makeup, as well as the girl’s noticeably slimmer body, indicated that Varvina was not at all alone. As it turned out, the girl left the project for a reason, but at the suggestion of a young man. It turned out to be the producer of the reality show himself. The lovers hid their relationship for a long time, this is not surprising, because the producer was married at that time.

The girl often mentioned in interviews that she had finally met the man of her dreams, but did not disclose his name or details. After the project, Natalya Varvina began working behind the scenes of the famous show. At work, she often crossed paths with the show's producer and colleagues began to notice that their communication was growing into something more every day. When the affair with Natalya was discovered, the man immediately divorced his wife. It should be noted that this novel caused a storm of indignation and condemnation from fans. TV viewers accused Natalya of the fact that the girl, knowing that the man was married, without a twinge of conscience, destroyed the family.


Friends and acquaintances of the famous couple even made bets on how long this whirlwind romance would last. To everyone’s surprise, Mikhailovsky proposed marriage to the girl. Natalya happily agreed. The girl had long dreamed of a beloved man and strong family ties. Being religious, Natalya insisted on the wedding, to which her husband readily agreed. It is worth noting that Mikhailovsky did not take such a step with his ex-wife.

After the wedding, the life of the young became closed to the prying eyes of fans, but they often appear together at various events and post photos on social networks. The couple are not yet thinking about children, and rumors that Natalya Varvina gave birth after the project remain rumors.

Despite the fact that the girl enjoys a happy family life, she does not stop there. The desire to make her dream come true and become an actress comes first for the girl. She is already actively participating in auditions for various roles. She starred in several films. After the project, Natalya Varvina is actively interested in the lives of the show participants. After all, now she is no longer a participant in the famous television production, but with the creator of the show.