Short dialogues about modern life. Monologues from a woman's life

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Interesting, thoughtful dialogue coupled with brilliant acting will make even the most high-budget film a box office success. Therefore we are in website We decided to collect several excellent films of different genres that are interesting to watch and listen to.

Seven long-time friends got together for dinner and decided to play a game as a joke: read all the messages received during the evening out loud, and answer calls on speakerphone. Then the fun begins. This film will give you a whole fountain of emotions and will make you look at those around you and at yourself with completely different eyes.

The plot of the film is simple: the heroes of 11 short stories argue, joke, talk, philosophize and tell endless stories, drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes. Well-chosen actors, precision in every detail and many, many thoughts that will be interesting to digest for a long time.

The main character is a talented gymnast who has everything: awards, friends, girls and crazy parties. But at some point everything turns upside down, and then he realizes how much he still has to learn. This story is a parable with great dialogue and bright scenes teaches one incredibly important thing: to appreciate every day, every moment of life.

The main character has fallen into the trap of a maniac sniper: having picked up the phone in a telephone booth, he cannot interrupt the conversation under threat of death. How to get out of this terrible game alive? The script is quite unpredictable, and the whole film keeps you in constant suspense - it turned out great crime drama with philosophical overtones.

Two brother robbers, fleeing from the police, take a priest and his children hostage, and then hide in a roadside bar. This is where all the fun begins. This cult movie with brilliant dialogues and cool plot Robert Rodriguez directed it from a script by Quentin Tarantino, and every film he has, has great conversations in it.

Four short stories connected by one hero - the bellhop Ted, who manages to attend the witches' Sabbath and almost die from jealous husband, escape from the bandit's naughty children and take part in an eccentric bet. There is a place for jokes, colorful dialogues, and non-trivial plot twists- lovers of dark humor will definitely like it.

Joe and Kathleen met on the Internet, but they don’t even know what each of them looks like - they write letters to each other, pouring out their souls day after day. But soon they meet in life, not suspecting that they have known each other for a long time. virtual reality. A very cozy movie with well-written characters, which proves that among romantic comedies there are many decent films that leave a pleasant aftertaste.

Brendan is young, but not nearly as successful as he would like. One day appears in his life and then suddenly disappears ex-girlfriend- and then, together with his friend, the guy plunges into a difficult investigation. It has everything: an intriguing plot, a good detective story, which keeps you in suspense until the very end, with thoughtful dialogues.

Thriller-detective about a maniac, based on real events, from David Fincher himself - this in itself sounds interesting. The action is leisurely, there are many details, but gradually the plot becomes more and more exciting and intriguing. Fans of daringly twisted plots will certainly appreciate this picture.

Melvin is an eccentric writer with complex character, who hates literally everyone. But his life and routine begin to change when he meets the charming waitress Carol. The actors managed to masterfully reveal their characters, and every dialogue is just in place. It turned out extraordinary funny picture, which will make you think about a lot after watching it.

Instead of an epilogue

How to make yourself understood?
- We must be heard!
- But how? Nobody wants to listen to anything!
- We need to talk briefly.

Little life

Summer is a small life. So winter is a big death?
- No, winter is a big wait for a small life!

Well, it’s hot, not only the asphalt is melting, but also your brains. So all the gray matter from the skull will evaporate!
- No problem, there will be some space to fill the void in winter!

Horse in a coat

Who are you?
- Who, who, a horse in a coat!
- Why a horse?
- Because “man” sounds proud!

good and evil

Why does evil come on its own, but you always have to fight or pay for good?
- We live in the era of the market. Demand creates supply, so goodness is always in short supply.
- Maybe then you can give out the goods according to cards or prescriptions?

Where does this custom of stealing the bride come from?
- For the groom, the bride is a peach, nectar, in short, honey. And honey is always stolen...

Love and hate

Why do we love some and hate others?
- We love for their shortcomings, are indifferent to those who do not have them, and do not tolerate people for their perfection.


They say that money doesn't buy happiness.
- That's right.
- This is all demagoguery, it cannot be proven. Give people money, then we'll see.
- As easy as pie. If you give everyone as much money as he wants, then the banknotes will depreciate, turn into pieces of paper, and happiness will still not come

Greece has everything

Does Greece really have everything?
- Now everything, even problems.


Look, now this lady will park next to your car.
- What to watch, call the traffic police!

Listen, life is in Lately I'm sick of it!
- What, were you hiding from her before that?


Have you noticed that if there is a shortage of something in a country, it is declared harmful and they begin to fight it.
- That's right, they declared a fight for universal purity!
- What are you talking about?
- Well, money is trash!


You've settled in well: you drink, you eat, and you get money for it!
- So we are tasters!
- So what? I am a demagogue, but no one is going to pay me!


Darling, you are my only, little, poor ray of sunshine in this evil kingdom of fat cats.
- Darling, I am not a ray of light, my poverty is like a whole luminary!

I dreamed of the sound of rain!
- Sounds of the rain? What's the point? It would be better if I dreamed of a piece of gold!
- So what would be the point then?

Yes, he is a real leader! He leads people!
-Where does it lead?
- Where? Where they say...

Do you think the crisis is over?
- Naturally, no!
- Why?
- Yes, because a car is again not a means of transportation, but a luxury!

Man, do you know me?
- Well, of course, you just asked me if I knew you.
- Well, I see a familiar face! Let's drink to meeting old friends!

Hot people

Do you hear where you got burns all over your body?
- Yes, a man with a warm heart and burning eyes ran into me. So I fell under his hot hand.

I'll give you some advice, my friend: think before you do something.
- Yeah, if I think first, I won’t do anything!

Capital punishment

You face the highest, highest punishment! It's clear?
- It’s clear that now, God is my judge...

Why is this heat needed, this summer?
-Summer is necessary to warm our souls and bodies, everyone gets their portion of the sun.
- Is winter meant to freeze us?
- Winter is for us to appreciate summer...

Life is the most beautiful thing a person has, it is a wealth that should be treasured. We present to your attention a couple beautiful monologues about life, which will be useful for each of us.

Monologue about life.

Life seems strange to me board game, the goal of which is to go from the “start” to the “finish”.

The speed of progress (effectiveness, so to speak) in this game depends entirely on the luck of the player and on how the “cubes” fall.

If you're lucky, the right numbers will appear and the player will immediately jump over several cells and be closer to the final goal. If you're unlucky, the chip will come back, moving away from the final goal.

That is, nothing depends on the efforts that the “trick” itself will make.

Another thing is that this is just “luck” - it may not even be luck at all. After all, it is unknown what actually lies behind the event that is designated as the “finish line”.

I'm afraid this can only be found out when the "trick" reaches the "finish line".

Perhaps this is why humanity so stubbornly strives to reach the finale, because the unknown not only frightens, but also gives hope - it promises something different (whether it is good or bad does not matter).

Who needs this game then? And who plays it? And for what?

Max Fry once felt sorry for the computer characters that come to life only when the user starts the game. To which he was told that, perhaps, for “bots” playing with a user is just a boring chore, and the most interesting thing in their life happens just when the user finally closes the game.

What are you waiting for?

But you shouldn't wait for anything. Who knows - maybe true meaning is to never reach the finish line.

In one of Loginov’s stories, a strange road appears in the world, along one lane of which cars are constantly moving. Daredevils voting on the road got into cars going nowhere and disappeared forever. The other lane was always empty. Therefore, it did not arouse any interest among people. Only one person thought that it might be worth trying to vote on this empty lane.

There is a version that this is our life - a kind of natural selection. By what principle are applicants selected? Perhaps the gods decided to bring out the luckiest Living being?

Why do they need this?

In their endless eternity there is time for any task. Even for something completely meaningless.

What if there is still meaning?

This means that those who follow this attitude will ultimately be right.

However, I would not like to while away eternity in the company of those who were rushing headlong to the finish line. I am so fed up with them that even in complete solitude I will be much more comfortable.

It's better to disappear, dissolve in endless space.

But what’s really interesting is what will happen if you suddenly return to the “start” one day?

For example, what would you do if one day suddenly computer character would I throw away my cards and not play with you?

Hey, buddy, he would exclaim, there are plenty of much more interesting things to do.

Monologues from a woman's life...

8 days
Do you really want me to suck THIS??? You adults reasonable people, do you really think that I would exchange my mother’s warm breast, full of sweet milk, for this ridiculous product of the domestic light industry? Never!
8 months
So what, after five months you still haven’t realized that I DON’T PEE-SA-YU in the basin! And don’t tempt me with a pot.
But I guess I'll take this. Pencil... Stick, stick, cucumber. Mom, why are you swearing, it turned out beautifully. Where from? small child Do you know that they don’t draw on doors?
8 years
So her name is Masha? What can she do? Except for yelling and pissing. Nothing? And what should I do with her in this case? No, you gave birth yourself - raise them yourself.
18 years
“And with the song of the north wind along the highway...” Andrey, do you like Chizh? Me too. In general, thank you for taking me with you, I’ve never hitchhiked before. So what if it rains, it’s still cool.
You have no idea what my life is like. I hardly even had a childhood: play with Masha, take a walk with Masha, iron my panties and T-shirts for kindergarten. And now too: after lectures, run home and cook Mashenka’s lunch. No, of course I love her. But sometimes you just want to run away somewhere far away...
28 years
Svetka, who are you like? A monster, not a child. You don’t want to eat anything, just suck your tits all day, you ignore the pacifier. You don't want to go potty. I painted the wallpaper again. On a walk, all the children are like children, sitting in the sandbox, but you always have to run somewhere. It’s good that Aunt Masha is helping us.
Maybe I can give birth to a sister for you? You will play with her, teach her everything. And when you grow up, she will help you and take care of your nephews. It's decided!


One day, in 5 years, we will meet in one of our favorite coffee shops. And I will look into your eyes, as I looked many times once... It will not be like any look from the past. Rather, it’s an echo of it. I will not feel any trepidation or trembling... but something warm, hidden behind the 7 locks...

You'll order...a double espresso. You know, it’s strange, I don’t remember the sound of your voice, I don’t remember the touch of your hands, but I remember that you like a double espresso and half a spoon of sugar.

We will be silent, not knowing what to talk about. After all, the people closest to you in the past become the strangers. Or maybe you will talk and I will listen. I LISTEN often. And I only speak with people very close to me.

To the question “what will you drink?”, you will order... double espresso, and I will smile. It's nice that even after years, there are little things that don't change. You know... I stopped loving espresso 5 years ago, and now I only drink Americano...

We are sitting at OUR table, still in the same cafe... as if these five years had not happened. And the seasons, faces, thoughts, feelings and emotions did not change. It’s as if all these moments of joy and sadness – yours and mine – didn’t exist. As if YOU and I didn’t laugh and cry, didn’t get drunk, didn’t walk around the city at night... along different streets, listening on headphones different music. It was as if we hadn’t seen off summer and welcomed spring. You. ME. Not WE. Namely YOU and ME.

But they were. Many months, even more days, and simply an incalculable number of seconds. Breaths. Steps. Exhale. Sounds. Dreams... so many things happened. And I know nothing about your inhalations and exhalations, feelings, meetings and people in your life, and you know nothing about mine. And what's the difference? Now there is only the smell of coffee and pleasant twilight. And also this strange look... not like one of THOSE... past ones. Unlike anything else. It contains nostalgia for the unlived.

We are still silent, and this is for the better. I don’t want to know about how you live, how you are doing, the names of your children, your wife’s favorite flowers and the color of the wallpaper in your apartment. I don't want to know anything about how you met New Year, went to the sea, or maybe to the mountains, or maybe went crazy in a stuffy city... or maybe... I DON’T want to. KNOW.

I look into your eyes and try to understand what I saw in them THEN, 5 years ago. It's like echoes... and silence. Be quiet. If you speak, I will hear your voice. And I will remember. I'll remember everything. But I don’t want this... it takes too long to FORGET.

I just want to drink my coffee, drink my hot Americano. And leave, leaving a rose on the table... on a long stem. And a trail of your perfume. The same ones. It's great that there are things that don't change. And people... people change. They forget the language in which they understood each other. And this is forever. You cannot step into the same river twice, just as you cannot experience the same exact emotion twice. You shouldn't offer yourself a replacement. And all I will remember are your eyes, the silent question... and the answer. I have fallen out of love with ellipses in my life.


I'm waiting for Autumn.

With such impatience that she is ready to sacrifice all other seasons to her. And I won’t regret what I did at all. I need Autumn.

Very very.

She will bring into the light those who are driven into the dark corner of survival. She will not force you to repeat the cruel but true words: “If we are all alone, then in loneliness we are all together.”

Autumn is called the season of sadness. I don’t agree: real sadness comes with summer, when there is no one to share the generosity of the sun with...

Let this Autumn there be a little more warmth, understanding of yourself and those who are dear to you, a little more attention and support - to you and from you!


Each of us is looking for a PERSON.

Everything we do, everything we think, everything we want is to find our Person. And we call it differently, and we have very different illusions, and methods, and methods...

We wake up in the morning, drink coffee or tea. We go to work, to school... or we don’t go anywhere at all.

We stand in lines, talk on the phone, deal with hundreds... no...thousands of things every day... and all this time we are SEARCHING.

We are different. Yes. And we all have different goals.

Someone wants to advance in their career.
Someone dreams of a new car.
Some people drink, party and waste their lives...
Someone found a family, gave birth to a child.

And we are all talking about different things, for different reasons and in different ways... but this is what unites us... we are all looking for a Person.

A person who will give a special and unique important meaning everything that happens - not just every day, but every moment of this day.

A person who can not only give us a reason to smile, but also fill us with that unique light, warmth and peace.

A person who will be needed like air. And you...he will need you.

A person whose steps, inhalations and exhalations, touches, laughter and voice we recognize from a million. Whose presence will become as necessary as LIFE itself. And perhaps even more...

A person next to whom you won’t want to think about the transience of life, about its terrible meaninglessness...

The one that will become the most important motive to LIVE, to be... to love.

A person with whom you don't need light. Because there is light between you. ALWAYS.

We search and search... SEEK... and often... we don’t find it. And we convince ourselves that we don’t need anyone. Or we take the first one we come across and fantasize that this is it. But time is inexorable, all illusions will one day collapse.

“A person who is afraid to dream convinces himself that he does not dream at all...”

But even after convincing ourselves and others that EVERYTHING is in place in our lives, we continue to look for... the one. Human. Not even believing, forgetting why... and one day is like another. And the years go by, counted in moments, hours, days and nights...

We are looking for our Man. So that one day life will find meaning.