Summary of educational activities for speech development in the middle group “Sound culture of speech. Sound

Name:"The tricks of Shapoklyak." Sound culture of speech: the sound Sh.
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, ECD, sound culture of speech, Preparatory group for school

Position: teacher of the highest qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten No. 6
Location: Zadonsk, Lipetsk region

"The tricks of Shapoklyak." Sound culture of speech: the sound Sh.

1. Automation of the sound [w] in syllables, words, sentences.

2. Development of phonemic perception and hearing.

3. The ability to find words with the sound [w].

4. Developing the ability to listen to others.

  1. Organizing time.

1) greeting:

- Guys, look, guests have come to us. Let's turn to the guests and say hello.

2) psycho-gymnastics:

Good morning. The day has begun

First of all, we drive away laziness.

Let's smile at our friends

We will smile at our guests.

Don't yawn while you're busy,

Answer all questions.

  1. Report the topic of the lesson.

Guys! I brought a surprise box to the group and put it on the shelf, but it’s not here.

Where did she go?

(an SMS message (sound) comes to the tablet)

Sorry, I got an email, I should definitely read it.

Guys, Shapoklyak writes to us, do you know her? What cartoon is she from?

Letter: I decided to play a little joke on you, I hid the game, and you will find out where by completing my tasks.

Guys, but I won’t read all the tasks to you right away, these are the conditions of Shapoklyak, as soon as the 1st task is completed, the second one will open.

1st task from Shapoklyak:

Shapoklyak wants to find out if you know:

- What sounds are there? (vowels and consonants)

— How do vowels differ from consonants?

A vowel sound can be drawn out for a long time, but a consonant sound cannot be drawn out.

We can't see the sound

And we can’t take it in our hands.

We can only hear the sound

And also to say it.

- The first task is completed, we can proceed to the second.

Articulation gymnastics.

In order to complete the second task, we need to clearly pronounce sounds, articulatory gymnastics will help us with this.

  1. "Pet the cat." (we run our tongue forward along the palate, the mouth is slightly open back)
  2. “Horses” (clack)

Go to the chairs and listen to the tasks:

2nd task from Shapoklyak:

What sound does the name Shapoklyak begin with? [w].

How loud is the sea? How does the forest rustle? How does a snake hiss? (Shhhh).

What sound does these words have in common? (sound [sh]).

Characteristics of sound.

What sound do you think this is?

- The sound [w] is consonant, because there is a barrier in the mouth, deaf, because the neck is silent.

Guys, the sound [w] is unusual, this sound has a peculiarity, it is never soft, it is always hard.

Choose words that begin with the sound [Ш].

Well done, you completed this task, now we can read the letter further.

Guys, please go to the easel (clean with magnets, next to the chair on which the pictures lie).

3rd task “We play with the sound Ш.”

- You chose the words correctly, and now find the location of the sound [Ш] in the words from Shapoklyak.

- Take one picture each and determine the place of the sound [Ш] in the word.

We play with the sound Ш

And we select pictures:

Pencil, car, bump,

Hat, grandma, baby,

Lily of the valley, grandfather, pillow,

Teddy bear, shorts and frog.

(we analyze the words). Children determine the correctness of the completed task.

Purely speaking - a physical education minute.

Now let's play a little. I will speak, and you will listen carefully, repeat and perform the movements.

Sha-sha-sha - no pencil. (“I don’t know”)

Sho-sho-sho-it’s good for us to walk. (marching)

Shu-shu-shu - I sit and don’t rustle. (squat, clasping their knees)

Shi-shi-shi- the kids became quiet. (We shake our fingers and show our short stature).

Guys, in our game you heard the sound [w].

Who remembers and can name words with the sound [w].

4th task: game: “Lay out the pictures.”

Guys, now let's go to the table and read the letter further.

Sit up straight, back straight.

There are trays in front of you, look what’s there... (they name it)

What is the difference between houses? (one-story and two-story)

(On the table for each child there are pictures and two houses.

5th task: “Settle the tenants.” In a one-story house you must put pictures in which there is a sound [w], in a two-story house - pictures in which there is no sound [w]. But first, let's do some finger exercises.

finger gymnastics:

The cat didn't catch the mouse

The mouse ran into the hole

And there he trembles with fear,

The cat is guarding the mouse.

Pictures: cat, hat, fur coat, fox, sunflower, umbrella. (1 child completes the task at the board)

What word sound did you place in a one-story house? (sound [sh])

In a two-story?

6th task: Game “Name the picture”.

Guys, now come to me. I will pronounce the sentence, but I will not finish the last word; you can find it in the picture, which is on the board.

Pictures are displayed: (I read the sentences, children find the picture - continuation).

- they grow on a pine tree - ... (cones), (repeat the sentence)

- on a hazel tree - ... (nuts).

We inflated a beautiful... (balloon)

- Oh, we forgot about the letter! Let's read it further.

7th task: “poetry”

Shapoklyak offers us the last task, we must come up with the ending of the poem.

The magician wears a hat with a secret.

Look, the hat is empty.

How from there, tell me at the same time


(Can the magician get the rabbit? Will the magician get flowers? Will the magician get scarves?)

— What did the magician wear? (hat)

What sound does it start with? (w).

- Guys, I think I guessed where Shapoklyak hid the box with the secret.

We'll play a little later.

6.Result of the lesson.

What new did you learn today?

—Which of the tasks did you like best?

- What's your mood? And those who have done a great job are always in a good mood.

Subject: “Sound culture of speech: sound sh”

Target: Introduce the sound sh, teach how to pronounce it, find words that contain the sound sh.

educational: Exercise children in pronunciation of the sound sh, in syllables and words; distinguish words with this sound.
developing: Develop phonemic awareness: learn to distinguish by ear and name words that begin with a given sound and contain this sound, develop speech attention. Improve intonation expressiveness.
educational: cultivate sound culture of speech; enrich and activate the child’s vocabulary; cultivate a culture of communication.

Material, equipment: pictures of winter clothes, toy puppy, goose masks.

GCD structure:
1. Introductory part

Creating interest, emotional mood for GCD, a surprise moment.
1. Exercises to develop speech exhalation

2 . Main part
Methodical techniques
Articulation gymnastics
Speech therapy chant
Guessing riddles
Introducing the sound Ш
Didactic game “Identify the word with the given sound”
Working from pictures
Pronouncing phrases

3 . Final part. Summing up the GCD

I. Introductory part
Guys, what time of year is it now? (Winter)
What signs of winter do you know?) (Children’s answers)
Telling a riddle about a snowflake.
They fall from the sky in winter and circle above the earth,
Light fluffs, white….(snowflakes)

1. Breathing exercises “Let’s blow away a snowflake”
A strong wind suddenly blew
And he blew away our snowflake.
I.p. – o.s. Exhale completely through your nose, drawing in your stomach and chest.
1 – take a full breath, protruding the stomach and ribs of the chest;
2 – hold your breath for 3-4 seconds;
3 – make the lips a tube, release the air.

2. A surprise moment - the appearance of a puppy. (Puppy Sharmik asks the children to teach him to hiss like a bird, whose name he has forgotten, but remembers a riddle about them and asks to name items of clothing whose name begins with the sound Ш)

Telling a riddle about a goose:
He hisses and stretches his neck... no, probably the birds are bolder.
But I'm not afraid of him. Who is this, children? (goose).

II.Main part
Educator. Guys, today we will learn to pronounce the sound Ш and teach Sharmik to hiss like a geese. But first, let's do articulation gymnastics

1.Articulation gymnastics
Smile and keep your lips smiling. In this case, the front teeth are exposed and clearly visible.
tube . Pulling the lips forward with a tube. With this movement, only the lips move!
Alternation: smile - tube.
Lifting the tongue by the upper teeth, by the lower teeth...

2. Introducing the sound Ш
. Guys, let's remember how our leaves rustled in the wind in the fall. (SH-SH-SH). That's how geese hiss. Children put on goose masks, divide into 2 teams and play out the hissing of an angry goose in chorus and individually, competing to see which team “hisses” better and more correctly.

3.Working from pictures
. There are a lot of words with the sound Ш, but we have a task to remember clothes with the sound Ш (fur coat, hat, scarf, pants, shorts...) - work from pictures

4.D/game “Identify the word with the given sound”
(Hearing a word with the sound Ш, children clap their hands)

5. Pronouncing pure sayings:
Our Masha is good.
They gave the baby porridge.
The kids ate the porridge.
It's good after porridge.

III.Summing up
Guys, tell me, what sound did we learn to pronounce today? (W)
Where do we hear these sounds? (The hiss of a goose, the rustling of leaves).
I think we can now help our puppy Sharmik.

Title: Summary of educational activities for speech development in the middle group “Sound culture of speech: sound sh”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, speech development, Middle group

Position: teacher of 1st qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU Khrushchev kindergarten “Yagodka”
Location: Khrushchevo village, Starozhilovsky district, Ryazan region

Notes on speech development in the senior group. Sound culture of speech: differentiation of sounds from S to Sh.

Target. Introduce the sounds S-Sh.

Educational objectives: to consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sounds S-SH; differentiate them by ear; clearly and distinctly pronounce words rich in these sounds; exercise children in selecting words with the sounds S and Sh; expand the vocabulary of words denoting the names of objects, improve children’s auditory perception with the help of exercises to distinguish between the sounds S and Sh, to determine the position of a sound in a word.

Developmental tasks: develop phonemic awareness, breathing.

Educational tasks: to cultivate friendly relationships, the ability to listen to a friend, answer questions.

Demonstration material: pictures (dog, horse, lily of the valley). Card with three windows, chip. A poster depicting different pictures, the names of which contain the sounds “S” and “Sh”. Chips are blue and red.

Handout: cards with three windows, chip. Cards with images of pictures whose names contain the sounds “S” and “Sh”. Pencils are red and blue.

1. Organizational moment.

Good morning! The day has begun, the first thing we do is drive away laziness!

We will smile at each other, we will smile at our guests!

During class, don’t yawn and answer all the questions!

2. Main part.

Guys, now we will have an interesting lesson: we will learn to distinguish sounds, and I won’t tell you which ones, but I’ll tell you a story about them. Listen to me carefully.

"Autumn has come. Sasha and Nastya rode a bicycle into the forest to pick mushrooms. In the forest, the children saw a snake. She hissed menacingly: Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh. Sasha got scared and stepped aside, but thought to himself: “Wow, what an angry snake!” The children decided not to touch the snake and went to the stream. Then Nastya had trouble with her bicycle - the tire went flat. He took the pump and began pumping: S-S-S-S. The cheerful pump whistled. Sasha helped his sister pump up the tire, and together they went on to collect mushrooms.

So, guys, what sound did you hear when the snake hissed menacingly at Sasha and Nastya? (SH-SH-SH).

What sound did you hear when the pump whistled? (S-S-S).

Today we will learn to distinguish the sounds S-Sh.

Guys, let's play, if you hear the sound “S”, then you need to show it as if you are pumping a pump, and if you hear the sound “W”, make a zigzag movement with your hand, away from you, as if a snake is crawling away. (I pronounce the sounds Si Sh: sometimes one by one, sometimes the same sound several times in a row).

And now guys, the task is more difficult, I will name words with the sounds S Sh, and when you hear the given sound, perform the movements: owl, donkey, rough, satin, herring, schnitzel.

Sound culture of speech: working with sounds zh – sh

Target. Exercise children in clearly pronouncing words with the sounds w and w; develop phonemic hearing: practice distinguishing (by ear) a familiar sound, the ability to differentiate the sounds zh - sh in words; learn to find words with the sounds zh-w in rhymes and poems; improve intonation expressiveness of speech; practice speech breathing.

Progress of the lesson.

Guys, we talked about our country for a whole month. Tell me please, what country do we live in? (children in Russia) that's right, guys in Russia means we (Russians). What is our Russia like (big, beautiful, majestic, beloved, rich). Guys, let's repeat it with youwe live in Russia,our country Russia.

Children are in the play area.

The teacher approaches them, holding a beautiful box in his hands. Guys, guess the riddles.

Who's longer than a stocking?

Who has no arms or legs?

Skin like scales.

Crawling along the ground... (snake)(takes out a snake from the box)

What's the snake's song? That's right, Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh... How does this song sound? Deaf... Yes? Let's label it with this movement (the teacher shows a zigzag movement with his hand away from himself (a snake crawls).

Now guess another riddle:

Someone is flying in the dark

Making a loud sound.

Who's arguing with the plane?

Well, of course May... (bug)(takes out a beetle from the box)

What does a beetle's song sound like? Firmly? And loud! If we put our hand to the throat, we can feel how our vocal cords work with this sound. Let's try. Our movements will be as follows: put our hands in front of our chests, cross our hands and move them up and down (a beetle flies).

Now let's try not to get confused... (The teacher helps children master the relationship between sound and the corresponding movement.)

I will name the sounds, and you try to discern what movement needs to be made. (The sounds are pronounced sh, sh, zh, sh, zh, zh, sh, zh, zh, sh, zh)

Well done. Let's sit down at the tables and continue playing, and we'll put our heroes in houses... (the teacher puts the snake in the left house, and the beetle in the right).

Now I will name words with the sounds Ш and Ж, and you must show what sound is heard in the word: (toad, pear, sting, mouse)

3. Now we will play the game “Be careful.”

I will name the words, and if you hear the sound Z, raise the blue circle, if you hear the sound W in the word, raise the blue circle with green inside.

Words: car, scarf, toad, wardrobe, clothes, cherries, flag, mouse, knives, cuckoo, beetle, pear, puddle, bag, pencil.

Physical minute.

4. Well done! Let's warm up a little!

I am a cheerful cockchafer, (Point to yourself)

I don't sit idle! (Wag your finger)

I’m circling and circling above the ground, (Spread your arms, imitation of flight)

And I buzz, buzz, buzz...

I rise on my toes, (make movements according to the text)

I squat and straighten up.

Hands in the belt, legs apart

Legs straight, legs at random!

My song is a buzzer (spread your arms, raise your shoulders)

Everyone is tired of it. What a pity!

5. And now a new game. It's called "Settled in the House." On your tables there are pictures with images of objects whose names contain the sound Ш or Ж. In the left house there lives the sound Ш, and in the right one - Ж. The one I call will come up to the board, show the picture to everyone and call it out loud. If the word contains the sound Ш, then it must be placed in the house, which is located on the left side. And if the word contains the sound Zh, then the picture must be placed in the house on the right. (The teacher puts the first two pictures himself, then the children are called one by one).

6. The teacher asks if anyone knows why donkeys have such long ears. The teacher reports that now the children will hear a fairy tale poem. (“If this is a fairy tale, then there may be something in it that is not the same as in life, but it is very entertaining.”) Reads the poem “About a Donkey” by R. H. Farhadi:

At the donkey's

It was a birthday.

And he accepted congratulations.

Barbos brought him some hay,

The goat gave oats.

The lambs came in hastily.

They brought two daisies.

They pulled the donkey's ears

Horses, sheep and pigs.

And the ears grew and grew

And by evening they became long.

Then the teacher repeats the lines: “They pulled the donkey by the ears of the horse, the sheep and the pig.” The teacher assures that there are three words with the sound sh.

The teacher places three pyramids of the same color and one of a different color on his table. The teacher asks to name words with the sound sh. (Ears, horses, pigs.) As the words are named, remove three pyramids one after another. Then he draws the children’s attention to the remaining pyramid and says that in the poem there is a word with the sound zh. Reads the first three lines. Children say the word birth.

“Since the donkey is about to be born, we need to sing him a song about a loaf,” the teacher continues the conversation. – You will sing the beginning of the song in chorus, and the rest of the song – with the words “This is the width, this is the dinner” – will be performed by the soloist. Do you know who the lead singer is?”

The teacher places a donkey (toy, picture) in front of the child. The children sing in chorus: “Like we baked a loaf for a donkey’s birthday!” Then the child soloist continues the song. He chooses the next soloist by handing him a toy (picture). The exercise is repeated 2-3 times. At the end of it, the teacher asks what sounds are heard in the words width, suppers.

Summary of the lesson.

Guys, what sounds did we learn to distinguish in today's lesson?

How are they different from each other?

Well done, everyone tried to be attentive, picked up the cards correctly, tried to remember the poems.

Exercise children in clearly pronouncing words with sounds and And w; develop phonemic awareness: practice distinguishing (by ear) a familiar sound, the ability to differentiate sounds andw in words; learn to find words with sounds in rhymes and poems andw; improve intonation expressiveness of speech; practice speech breathing.



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten “Alyonushka”, Mariinsky Posad


open speech development class

Lesson topic: Sound culture of speech: working with the sounds zh – sh.



Ivanova E.V.

Mariinsky Posad 2015

Program content: Exercise children in clearly pronouncing words with sounds f and w ; develop phonemic awareness: practice distinguishing (by ear) a familiar sound, the ability to differentiate sounds f – w in words; learn to find words with sounds in rhymes and poems f – w ; improve intonation expressiveness of speech; practice speech breathing.


subject pictures for differentiating the sounds [zh] and [sh] in words, handouts (circles, flowers, beetles), a donkey toy.

Progress of the lesson

Organizational moment (creating positive motivation for the lesson).

Today we have guests, let's say hello to them.

The teacher asks riddles.

I caught it on a flower

He held it tightly in his hand.

He buzzes: “I’ll ask without hands,

I’m not made of iron, I’m… (BEETLE)”

That's right, it's a beetle, what sound does the word beetle begin with? ...That's right, with the sound [zh].

Listen to another riddle:

The door opened quietly,

And a mustachioed beast entered.

Sat by the stove, squinting sweetly

And he washed himself with his gray paw.

Who is this? Cat. What sound do I make in the word cat? That's right, the sound [w].

What sounds do you think we will play with today?

Yes, we will play with the sounds [zh] and [w].

- and now let’s stretch our fingers a little and play the game “Cat” with you

Finger gymnastics “Cat”

Look at the cat softly, unclenching its claws,

(The child clenches and unclenches his fists)

And she squeezes them quietly, she scares the mouse so much.

(Clench our fists)

The cat walks so quietly that you can’t even hear a creak,

(Fingers alternately “say hello”)

Only the mouse doesn’t yawn, it instantly runs away from the cat.

(Fingers bounce off each other)

Educator: Well done, our fingers have worked hard, and now our tongue will work hard.

Preparation articulatory apparatus. Show

Show . How does a bee or bumblebee buzz? (W-w-w...)

How does a snake hiss? (Shhh...)

Articulation gymnastics.

Exercise “Smile”

Smile widely so that your teeth are not visible. Keep your smile up.

2. Exercise “Whose teeth are cleaner?”

Open your mouth wide, hide your tongue behind your upper teeth and brush them with the tip of your tongue from the inside, moving your tongue from side to side.

3. Exercise “Horse”

Open your mouth and click your tongue loudly and vigorously. Try to keep only the tongue jumping, the lower jaw motionless.

Educator: Now let's go to the chairs.

Educator: reminds children that sound w is the song of a snake, and the sound and - beetle song. Then he formulates the task: having heard this or that sound, the children must perform the corresponding movement: to the sound w – zigzag movement of the hand away from you (a snake crawls), towards the sound and – put your hands in front of your chest and move your hands up and down (a beetle flies). The teacher helps children master the relationship between sound and the corresponding movement. Then he pronounces the sounds:w, w, w, w, w, w, w, w, w, w, w.

For children who made mistakes, the teacher asks them to complete the task again.

You have circles on your tables, what color are they (yellow, green).

Next, the teacher names words with sounds w and f . Children, as in the previous task, show (yellow and green circles) what sound is heard in the word. (The teacher pronounces the words with a slight intonation of sound.) First the girls do the exercise, then the boys.Suggested words for the game:

Giraffe, ball, crane, cat, beetle, cone, frog, daisy, mouse, foal, car, hat, garage, snowflake, hedgehogs, bucket, Cinderella.

Educator proposes to learn and pronounce pure phrases using the sounds “Zh”, “Sh”.

Explains what the word means - pure words are folklore jokes that are needed for correct pronunciation.

1. Ash-ash-ash Masha has a pencil. - slowly

2. Shu-shu-shu, quiet in the forest in autumn. - faster

3. Sha-sha-sha, our Dasha is good. - fast

4. Zha-zha-zha, I caught a snake. - quietly

5. Ju-ju-ju, I caught a bee yesterday. - slowly

6. Zhi-zhi-zhi, books and fairy tales are good. - quiet

Educator: Now we will play with you a game called

"The Fourth Wheel"

There are four pictures in front of you, sounds are hidden in the names of these pictures, one of the pictures is extra. You must name each picture, find the extra one and say why it is extra.

So, let's start:

1. Pictures: snowdrop, beetle, jacket, horse. Which picture is the odd one out, and why?

In the word horse, is the [sh] sound at the beginning, middle or end of the word?

2. Pictures: acorns, hat, lilies of the valley, rose hips. Which picture is the odd one out, and why?

In the word acorns, is the [zh] sound at the beginning, middle or end of the word?

3. Pictures: pillow, car, scissors, wardrobe. Which picture is the odd one out, and why?

In the word scissors, is the [zh] sound at the beginning, middle or end of the word?

They completed the task well and found all the unnecessary items.

Physical education minute:

A beetle flew into our group while standing, arms to the sides

Buzzed and sang “zh-zh-zh” down buzzing

Here he flew to the right, turning his body to the right

Here he flew to the left, turning his body to the left

The beetle wants to sit on your nose and show

We won’t let him sit down and wave his hand away

Our beetle has landed, we sat down and stood up

Buzzed and spun


The beetle flew up hands up

And sat down on the ceiling

We stood up on our toes, on our toes

But we didn't get the beetle,

Let's clap together

Clap-clap-clap clap your hands

So that he could fly away.

Educator asks if anyone knows why donkeys have such long ears. The teacher informs that now the children will hear a fairy tale poem. (“If this is a fairy tale, then there may be something in it that is not the same as in life, but it is very entertaining.”) Reads the poem “About a Donkey” by R. H. Farhadi:

It was the donkey's birthday.
And he accepted congratulations.
Barbos brought him some hay,
The goat gave oats.
The lambs came in hastily.
They brought two daisies.
They pulled the donkey's ears
Horses, sheep and pigs.
And the ears grew and grew
And by evening they became long.

Educator asks the children to repeat the last line so that they can immediately feel how long the donkey’s ears have become: “They have become long-and-in-long” (choral and individual repetitions).

Then the teacher repeats the lines: “They pulled the donkey by the ears of the horse, the sheep and the pig.” The teacher assures that there are three words with sound w.

The teacher places three cylinders of the same color and one of a different color on his desk. The teacher asks to name words with soundsw. (Ears, horses, pigs.)As the words are named, he removes three cylinders one after another. Then he draws the children’s attention to the remaining cylinder and says that there is a word with a sound in the poem and . Reads the first three lines. Children say the word birth

“Since the donkey is about to be born, we need to sing him a song about a loaf,” the teacher continues the conversation. – You will sing the beginning of the song in chorus, and the rest of the song – with the words “This is the width, this is the dinner” – will be performed by the soloist. Do you know who the lead singer is?”

The teacher places a donkey (toy, picture) in front of the child. The children sing in chorus: “Like we baked a loaf for a donkey’s birthday!” Then the child soloist continues the song. He chooses the next soloist by handing him a toy (picture). The exercise is repeated 2-3 times. At the end of it, the teacher asks what sounds are heard in the words widths, suppers.

Exercises to develop fine motor skills.I have stencils of acorns and hats in my hands. I would really like your fingers to work now (children trace the stencils and shade). Joint review of work.

Reflection. Bottom line.

- If it was difficult for you in class today, put your beetle on a blue flower, if it was easy - on a red one.

– What sounds did we work with today? What do we learn in speech development classes? I am very glad that you completed almost all the tasks and were able to correctly choose words with the sounds Ш and Ж. Well done!