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Around Alexey Uchitel's film about famous ballerina and her relationship with the future Emperor Nicholas II continues to be controversial. Woman’s Day looks into what is true and what is fiction in the film.

To the cinema

Father of Nicholas II Emperor Alexander III was against his son's marriage to Princess Alice of Hesse.

In life

Indeed, at first Russian Emperor My wife and I were not delighted with this marriage. Alice may have been the granddaughter of Queen Victoria of England, but at that time she was a poor princess from a provincial German duchy. Her mother suffered from a nervous disorder, but, worst of all, she was a carrier of hemophilia, which is transmitted through the female line to sons, but the carriers themselves do not get sick. (As a result, Nikolai’s son, Tsarevich Alexei, suffered from hemophilia). Alexander counted on the marriage of the heir to Helen Louise Henrietta, daughter of Louis Philippe, Count of Paris. But then politics, as well as the serious illness of the emperor (and he wanted to marry his son before his death) accelerated the marriage of Nicholas and Alice, who became Alexandra Fedorovna in baptism.

To the cinema

Alexander III himself introduced his son to Matilda Kshesinskaya.

In life

This happened in 1890 immediately after the graduation performance at the Imperial theater school, which traditionally was visited by the monarch and his family. Alexander III unexpectedly singled out Matilda Kshesinskaya among all the dancers and declared to the 17-year-old graduate: “Be the decoration and glory of our ballet!” After the performance, without taking off theatrical costumes, all the students gathered in a large rehearsal hall to present themselves to the royalty.

The action was carefully rehearsed, the candidates for the best graduates were pre-selected from among the first students, among whom Kshesinskaya could not be included simply because she was listed as attending. And then the first surprise happened - in violation of all the rules, the sovereign asked: “Where is Kshesinskaya?” I had to call her. After the presentation of the graduates there was a gala dinner, and at the common table Malechka also did not have permanent place. And the sovereign again ordered in his own way - he seated Kshesinskaya between himself and the heir, playfully threatening both: “Just be careful, don’t flirt too much!” At the same time, Nikolai and Kshesinskaya began to communicate closely only two years later. But Alexander could not show his son on the train, who some time later had an accident, a photograph of the young ballerina. After all, the crash of the train, in which the emperor was injured, because of which he later fell ill and died early, happened two years before Nicholas met Kshesinskaya.

To the cinema

Nicholas II cannot forget his beloved, planning to give up the throne for Kshesinskaya and run away with her.

In life

Many critics of the film argue that the relationship between Nikolai and Matilda was only platonic. It is unlikely. But after his parents’ decision to marry him to Alice Gessenskaya, he decides to end his affair with Kshesinskaya - for sure. And Niki had no intention of running anywhere. This is how the ballerina herself recalls this in her memoirs: “On April 7, 1894, the engagement of the heir to the throne to Alice, Princess of Hesse-Darmstadt was announced. I knew for a long time that sooner or later this would happen, but still my grief was boundless...

After returning from Coburg and the engagement, the heir to the throne asked me for a farewell meeting. We agreed to meet on Volkonsky Highway, at a barn with hay standing on the side of the road.

I came from the city in my carriage, and he came on horseback, straight from the training ground. And, as always happens in such cases, when you need to say a lot to each other, a lump came to our throats, and we said something completely different from what we wanted. There is a lot left unsaid. And what can you talk about at parting, if you know that nothing can be changed...

When Niki left for the training ground, I stood by the barn for a long time and looked after him until he disappeared from sight. And he kept looking around and looking back... I didn’t cry, but my heart was breaking with grief, and as he moved away, my soul became heavier.

I returned to the city, to my empty and orphaned house. It seemed to me that life was over and there would be nothing ahead but pain and bitterness.”

According to rumors, Kshesinskaya received 100 thousand rubles and a house as final payment for her relationship with her august lover. In the future, they most likely never met again. But Nikolai periodically helped his ex-girlfriend in absentia in her theatrical affairs. Nothing is known about at least one personal meeting between Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and Kshesinskaya.

To the cinema

Nikolai had a competitor - Lieutenant Vorontsov (played by Danila Kozlovsky). He is in love with Matilda Kshesinskaya so much that he is trying to stop his main rival. For example, he wants to beat him with a crown. Future Emperor Nicholas II shows mercy to the unlucky criminal - replaces death penalty forced treatment.

In life

There is no known fan of Kshesinskaya named Vorontsov. The ballerina preferred members of the imperial family: after breaking up with Niki, she was the mistress of the Grand Dukes Sergei Mikhailovich and Andrei Vladimirovich Romanov. And it’s unlikely that a Russian officer would be able to raise his hand against the Tsarevich because of a ballerina - this does not fit into the code of noble honor. So in in this case This is purely artistic fiction.

To the cinema

Kshesinskaya is present at the coronation of Nicholas I in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin, during which the emperor faints and the crown falls from his head.

In life

The ballerina was not present at the coronation of the emperor and, of course, could not run up any stairs in the cathedral. In her memoirs, she writes that she wanted to look at the electric illumination of the Grand Kremlin Palace during the holiday celebrations, but “I had to abandon my idea because of the crowds of people crowding the streets. And yet I managed to see the most beautiful patterns on the facade of the Kremlin Palace.” There is also no documentary evidence that Nicholas became ill during the coronation ceremony. According to rumors, the chain of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called only fell from the emperor’s chest.

To somehow correct this, the filmmakers invited representatives of VKontakte to a private screening of the film. Representatives of the social network, surprisingly, appreciated the film and are ready to promote it.

I would like to express my gratitude to the team working on the film “Matilda” for the opportunity to familiarize myself with the material at the post-production stage.

Despite the fact that the film is in the process of production, even according to its working version You can appreciate the seriousness of the attitude and scrupulous approach of the creators to their own work.

Our platform has always been open to dialogue and opinions, so we decided to support the film, giving VKontakte users the opportunity to form their own idea of ​​Matilda.

Let's also collect opinions about the upcoming film. Here are some facts for you to think about:

Fact 1

The main roles were played by famous Russian (and not only) actors - Michalina Olshanska (Anatomy of Evil), Danila Kozlovsky (Legend #17), Ingeborga Dapkunaite (Burnt by the Sun).

Fact 2

Orthodox activists, historians and State Duma deputy Natalya Poklonskaya accused the filmmakers of violating ethical standards. It is stated that historical role there is no film in history, but the picture itself is “terrible, vulgar and insults the memory of Nicholas II.”

Fact 3

Over the course of a year and a half, about 7,000 unique costumes, shoes, hats, jewelry and accessories were created for the film. More than 12 tons of silk, wool, velvet, cloth, leather and other materials were spent on production.

Fact 4

Filming took place in historical places: Catherine, Elaginoostrovsky, Yusupov and Alexander palaces, Grand Theatre, Mariinskii Opera House and others.

Fact 5

You should not expect clear historical accuracy; the authors took liberties in their presentation. But the main story is conveyed accurately.

Fact 6

This is the most scandalous film not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Discussions of this picture are already brighter and richer than those of the same “50 shades of gray”.

They tried to ban it twice within a year, but to no avail.

Fact 7

Thousands of people all over Russia came to a prayer stand against the film “Matilda”. They were also supported in Moldova, Austria and Serbia.

Fact 8

Director Sergei Aliyev plans to show his documentary answer to “Matilda” - the film “Matilda’s Lie”. Duma deputy Vitaly Milonov even starred in it.

Fact 9

Archpriest Chaplin accused Putin of a “huge mistake” because the President did not ban the release of the film Matilda.

Fact 10

Representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church (Russian Orthodox Church) declined to make any comments. They don't care much about the fate of the film. Poklonskaya is indignant.

And here, as we promised, is the trailer for the scandalous film “Matilda”:

There are certainly islands of truth. For example, the Russian Orthodox Church. But how many people can fit on the island? The majority are simply drowning in the surrounding sea of ​​lies, to which there is no end in sight.


Why can’t you see it, dear Alyosha?

You correctly noted about the island, in the context of today’s Russian Orthodox Church, here as a public institution, which with the destruction Soviet ideology, without having another, they were banned, and ideology and religion are not the same thing, with the destruction of the socialist economic system, I think that there is no need to dissemble and lie, the Russian Orthodox Church is one of the material beneficiaries - the beneficiaries.

For some reason, I remembered the lessons of history, social science and economic geography in our Soviet schools, which compared industrial and agricultural, in the real economy, achievements of the socialist system, achievements in education, science, culture, sports, healthcare in the USSR with the indicators of the capitalist and by the beginning of the 20 -th century bourgeois R.I. with the last peaceful year – 1913.

I don’t know how these subjects were taught in Stalin’s times, but in Brezhnev’s times, I realized not so long ago, the term was intensively instilled - in Tsarist Russia.
Not in the capitalist and bourgeois one, but precisely in the tsarist one.

I think that this was done intentionally, since capitalism, like any system, must be studied in order to understand and understand its “mechanisms.”

Even based on this, we taught, to put it mildly, not quite true story Russia, which was intensively copied at the request of interested authorities starting after the Time of Troubles, that is, with the penetration of theologians from the Kiev-Mohyla Academy (Kievo-Brotherly Collegium) into the Muscovite Kingdom and the Russian Church, so, dear Alyosha, this is, Let us consider the “end” to be the tip of the “tangle” of history, which, starting from the Time of Troubles, must be grasped in order to unwind the entire “tangle” and see the “edge”, so as not to fall into the sea of ​​lies, since God did not create the sea lies, but a sea of ​​life

“The sea is also a prayer book, it testifies to God. » Jean Paul Sartre.

Genesis chapter one:

1. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

2. The earth was formless and empty, and darkness was over the deep, and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters.

10. And God called the dry land earth, and the gathering of waters he called seas. And God saw that it was good.

P.S. The transformation from Saul to Paul.

Second Epistle to the Corinthians of the Holy Apostle Paul:

“9 For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that although He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that through His poverty you might become rich.”

Of course, our Lord Jesus Christ is not of this world, said to Saul (the Jew Saul):

“As he walked and approached Damascus, suddenly a light from heaven shone around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him: Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me? He said: Who are you, Lord? The Lord said: I Jesus, whom you persecute. It is difficult for you to go against the pricks...."

Yes, it's hard to go against the grain earthly world, in which the “rozhon” can represent things-values ​​necessary for material wealth and earthly power, and therefore, in order not to go against the roar, they slyly “preach” Paul, turning into Saul.

A conversation between the monk of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, Abel the Seer of Mysteries, and Emperor Paul I in 1800 is presented, who asked who would be given the throne by his great-grandson Alexander III.

“Abel answered: Nicholas II, the holy king... He will have the mind of Christ, long-suffering and dove-like purity. Scripture testifies to him: Psalms 90, 10 and 20 revealed his fate to me.”

2 2. Didn't save myself

“You can leave and save your lives, but Russia will perish. If you stay, they will kill you and your family, but Russia will survive,” said Blessed Pasha of Sarov in 1903.

“If a sacrifice is needed, let me be that victim,” replied the emperor.

3 3. Was not a weak person

“How could a weak-willed person ascend his Golgotha ​​with such dignity? - asks the chief researcher of the Institute Russian history RAS Vladimir Lavrov and answers: “No way.”

Test cosmonaut Sergei Ryzhikov: “This year we returned from orbit, and since our expedition coincided with the centenary tragic events and in view of my personal veneration of the holy king, I took his small icon into orbit.”

4 4. Denigrate Nicholas

Artist Nikolai Burlyaev: “In Soviet time we schoolchildren were told that this bloody king, we remembered Khodynka, but then, when our lives changed and we began to live in new Russia, we began to think... Life shows that those who overthrow and continue to overthrow the image, place and role of Nicholas II in the life of Russia, they do it maliciously.”

5 5. When it comes to his holiness

“He is on a par with all the saints, we should not take the past: when he was born, lived, served, ruled the empire. He is a saint, his death proved to us his holiness, and his death gives us goosebumps. “He not only died himself, but his entire family,” says traveler and archpriest Fyodor Konyukhov.

6 6. Wasn't bloody

And again, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Lavrov: “The communists say that he is bloody, but whoever should remain silent is the communists. In the entire Russian history there were no more bloody rulers than their rulers Lenin and Stalin... What is he to blame for? The fact that they began to storm the tents where there were food and drinks for the coronation celebration? This is an accident, it should be treated as an accident.”

7 7. He didn’t start the First World War either.

Political observer Yegor Kholmogorov: “It’s ridiculous to say that the royal Russia, it began to be tolerated by the Provisional Government, which, by its own order, destroyed the army, and it was completed by the Bolshevik government, which was programmed to ensure that Russia admitted its defeat. Thus, we're talking about not about Russia’s defeat in the First World War, but about the victory stolen from us.”

8 8. Loved Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. And no one else

At the 23rd minute, the thing for which everything was intended finally begins: the story of the tsar’s personal life. Acquaintance with Alice of Hesse-Darmstadt, the future wife of the Tsar Alexandra Feodorovna, whom Nicholas fell in love with at first sight and “lived with one thought that Alix would become his wife.” But that's all, actually. Not a word about the ballerina Matilda.

9 9. And what is this story about?

The first part of the film “Matilda's Lie” took 2 months to film. Ural director Sergei Aliev paid for all the work from his own pocket. The premiere took place on the Internet: on October 9, Aliyev posted the picture on his own website “The First Positive international portal", V in social networks and on Youtube. Channel One and Rossiya-1 refused to broadcast it; the director believes that television gave preference to the film by Alexei Uchitel, released on October 26 and telling the love story of the heir to the throne and the ballerina. The second series, entitled “Royal Golgotha,” is almost ready for release and should be published on Sunday, October 15. According to the director, she will be key. We will talk, in particular, about how Nicholas II felt during his abdication and how his family died. Aliyev believes that official version does not tell the whole truth about those events.