Why do you dream about a skinny animal? Different parts of the animal's body

Animals are frequent guests in dreams. Moreover, it can be either an ordinary cat or an incomprehensible magical beast that can talk. When interpreting such dreams, it is very important to take into account the emotions that you experienced from meeting the animal.

Large aggressive animals are a symbol of emotional outburst and intensity of passions. Wild animals reflect your hidden emotions. If in a dream an animal attacks you, it means that in real life you should be careful, as there is a possibility of physical harm. Dreams about animals may simply be a hint from the subconscious that in reality you should pay attention to your feelings and start trusting your intuition.

Why do you dream about pets?

Such dreams can often be seen by women who want to get pregnant and dream of procreation. Domestic farm animals are a symbol of improving your financial situation.

Why do you dream about dead animals?

In this case, the dream advises you to change the path you have chosen in life; you should not be stubborn, as this will lead to nowhere. A dream about a dead pet will show you where to look for the cause of your troubles.

Why do you dream about many animals?

If you are looking at a large number of animals from the outside, it means that in the near future you should expect significant profits. Such night vision can also portend pleasant events and a happy period in life.

Why do you dream about animal blood?

When in a dream you look from the side at the blood of an animal, perhaps your cherished wish will soon come true. If you drink the blood of an animal, it is a sign that in reality you will take great risks.

Why do you dream of feeding animals?

If you feed farm animals, this is a sign that you are able to calculate events several steps ahead, which helps you in solving many problems. The dream book says that you always have several trump cards up your sleeve.

Why did animals dream?

Very often in night visions animals come as guests.

Some of them may be familiar to humans, for example, a dog or an elephant. And others are seen as incomprehensible creatures with whom a person talks or sees certain events in a dream. Why do we dream about animals? It all depends on the circumstances of the dream and the feelings that the dreamer experienced.

Dreams about wild animals

When you dream of animals that are in an aggressive state, such a vision foreshadows significant life changes.

  • For example, entering into a fight with a beast and defeating it is a sign that a person in real life will receive help from loved ones.
  • If the angry beast itself defeated the sleeping one, then this vision can be interpreted as a harbinger of imminent problems or difficulties.
  • Many angry, aggressive animals are a sign of numerous gossipers and envious people.

Seeing many animals grazing in a meadow or field is a harbinger of imminent calm and fulfillment of desires. Small herds, such as deer or sheep, are a sign of small joys that will bring positivity into a person’s life.

  • Feeding animals is a sign of success in business and good luck.
  • Aggressive herds wanting to attack a sleeping person foreshadow problems or lack of self-confidence.
  • A dream in which animals are caressed is a sign of imminent adventures or unusual life situations.

Sheltering a wild animal is a sign of victory over difficult life problems. When a wild tamed animal behaves aggressively, then in real life it is necessary to be wary of unusual situations; a dream warns of danger or unjustified risk.

If you dream that an animal bites, then such a vision portends deception. Feeding an animal, and then feeling a threat from it - the appearance of ill-wishers or gossips. The roar of a wild animal is a harbinger of bad news.

Who exactly did you dream about?

Why do you dream about wild animals? This can also be determined by what kind of animal you dreamed about.

  • Mole - a warning about deception.
  • Bats foretell failure or misfortune. If you feed bats meat, then such a dream may foretell the arrival of bad news, which will subsequently not bring anything good to the person.
  • Fox - cunning, deception on the part of loved ones.
  • A bear is a harbinger of courage or a admirer; feeding and caressing a bear is a sign of family life.
  • Deer - events in life will develop rapidly.
  • Eagle – self-confidence, determination, purposefulness.
  • A donkey is a sign of stubbornness.
  • A tiger is dreamed of when a secret enemy appears in a person’s life.
  • The ferret indicates a large number of ill-wishers surrounded by the sleeping person.
  • The turtle portends a slow flow of life, calmness, solitude.

Dreams about pets

Pets are a harbinger of good luck and joy. When domestic animals leave a person, this is a bad sign, especially if the animal was in a complacent mood before its departure.

Hungry pets portend financial problems. If you dreamed of feeding a hungry animal, then after all the problems the person will experience relief from the situation with material resources.

In a dream, you need to pay attention to the color shade of the animal:

  • Pets of a black hue mean sorrows and problems.
  • White - to joy, success.
  • Black and white are a sign of impermanence and unusual situations.
  • Red animals indicate the love sphere of life; often a red animal foreshadows the appearance of a fan or lover.
  • When you dream of pets of unusual colors, this is a sign of inexplicable life circumstances.

Unusual visions involving animals

If you dreamed about animals talking to a person, this is news that can significantly change a person’s fate. You should remember the words that were spoken in a dream; often these phrases become prophetic.

Feeding an unusual animal is a sign of good luck in career matters, a harbinger of a promotion or salary increase.

Strange animals that are never encountered in real life foreshadow the onset of unusual situations. Depending on how the mythical creature behaves, the dream can be interpreted.

  • For example, aggression on his part foreshadows slander and gossip.
  • The joy emanating from an animal promises a person good luck and success in his plans.
  • Feeding an incomprehensible creature and seeing kindness in its eyes is a sign of joy and family happiness.
  • To offend or scold a creature means the onset of difficulties or problems in life, a manifestation of aggression on the part of colleagues or close friends.

A dream when animals transform from one species to another is a harbinger of anxiety and excitement. White unusual animals are a sign of friendship. Black - the appearance of enemies or envious people. Dead unusual animals portend confusing situations in life.

Dreaming of a zoo

Depending on what types of animals you dream about the zoo, you can interpret the night vision. A zoo, in which the inhabitants are unusual images of animals, foreshadows the arrival of interesting life events that were completely unexpected by man. Visiting an unusual zoo means a meeting with the past, a return to mistakes made and their successful resolution.

If you dream of an ordinary zoo with its most natural inhabitants, then such a vision foreshadows a meeting with relatives. A zoo with few animals means that the family connection has been lost; you need to remember your relatives and try to improve relationships. A zoo where you saw dead animals foreshadows sadness or anxiety in life.

Dreams about dead animals

How will a dream book interpret a vision in which the animals are dead? Depending on what images the dead animals appear to be in, the dream can be interpreted.

1. Dead dogs portend separation from a loved one. These could be relatives or friends.

2. Dead cats are seen when the sleeping person will soon have a quarrel or disagreement with his lover. Other dream books interpret the vision of dead cats as revealing the appearance of a secret enemy.

When dead cats come to life or come torn to pieces, such a vision means that a person has many enemies and ill-wishers.

3. Black dead animals indicate that a person’s friend is to blame for a quarrel that occurred in the near future in real life.

4. White dead animals indicate that the sleeping person is to blame for the quarrel.

5. Dead birds are not a harbinger of bad events; rather, they foretell a quick deliverance from troubles, anxieties and life problems.

The bones of dead animals indicate that a person has recently experienced mental trauma. If the bones in a dream are white, then the dream means prosperity and good luck. Bones smell or look unpleasant - failures in love affairs.

Stepping over bones or pushing them aside is a harbinger of solving all pressing problems. Burying the bones of animals is a good sign; it foretells farewell to past grievances and the beginning of a new, happy life.

Dream Interpretation Wild animals, why do you dream about seeing wild animals in a dream?

Dream book of psychologist D. Loff Why do you dream about Wild animals according to the dream book:

Wild Animals – Wild animals can represent areas of our lives that are out of control. Many animals have a symbolic meaning, which largely explains their presence in dreams. Think about what this wild animal is associated with in real life to understand the reason for its presence in your dream. Why do you dream about wild animals - Dreams about taming wild animals are most likely dreams not about animals, but about interpersonal success or self-discipline. In many cases, the fact of peaceful coexistence with animals is a sign of harmony and hope for smooth interpersonal relationships in our lives. Is the wild animal a threat to you or is it submissive to you?

Dream Interpretation Wild animals – See - beware of an ambush; to be in danger from them - danger of loss of life (mortal danger); feed - you will be disappointed.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Wild animals in a dream

Wild animals - See - beware of ambush; to be in danger from them - danger of loss of life (mortal danger); feed - you will be disappointed.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing Wild Animals in a Dream

In a dream, why do you dream Why do you dream about Wild animals - To see - beware of an ambush - to be in danger from them - mortal danger - to feed - you will be disappointed

Why do you dream of Wild animals - To see - beware of an ambush - to be in danger from them - mortal danger - to feed - you will be disappointed

Lunar dream book If you dream about Wild animals:

Why do you dream of a Wild Boar - Trouble; to see someone running - to avoid danger; shoot - a dangerous situation awaits you; catching is a joy.

Seeing wild animals - Meeting with the enemy.

An ancient dream book Why do you dream about Wild animals according to the dream book:

Why do you dream about Small animals - Small animals, naked and blind cubs - can portend pregnancy for a woman if they dream about them repeatedly.

Why do you dream about a Pet, dream book What does it mean to see a Pet in a dream?

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a Pet in a dream?

According to the dream book, to see Pets - Dreams about pets are not uncommon: pets are sometimes perceived by us as family members (and sometimes we treat them with more sympathy than family members!). Images of pets should be considered in parallel with other dream events, although such dreams may be particularly significant or disturbing. Buying a pet that you do not have in real life may be a reflection of your desire to have an animal, however, such a dream can be figurative when owning a pet symbolizes some kind of personal relationship that you already have in real life. The death of an animal can symbolize your anxiety if in real life the pet is still alive. However, if he died, such a dream may symbolize the transition from one stage of your life to another. The third plot of such dreams is the participation in them of animals that you have never had and did not want to have in real life. For example, in a dream your pet may be a snake, but in real life you are terribly afraid of snakes. Such a dream may reflect a desire to win or gain control over a certain area of ​​life, depending on what kind of animal you are dealing with. Refer to the description of the dream symbols of the corresponding animals; many dream books interpret such a dream this way.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

What does a pet mean in a dream:

According to the dream book, Seeing a Pet means - Pets - Pets seen in a dream foreshadow close friendships or love relationships. White pets mean heartfelt affection, a date with friends; black - you will make enemies for yourself; unusual appearance - to anxiety and unrest. Caressing pets means acquiring your own property. Seeing angry people means struggling with difficulties. Skinny and shabby - to a change of job; well-fed and well-groomed - you will find happiness with your life partner. Hearing the roar of domestic animals in a dream means you will receive bad news. Bleating or mooing - new, unpleasant responsibilities and worries may fall on you. Wild animals - a difficult conversation ahead. Seeing animals in a knacker or slaughterhouse in a dream means you will witness an ugly scene

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Pet, what does the dream mean:

Seeing Pets in a Dream - Dreams about pets occur quite often. After all, these are our favorites and full-fledged family members. Often these dreams seem especially significant or disturbing to us. At the very least, images of pets should be considered in parallel with other dream events. A dream in which you acquire a pet that you do not have in real life may reflect your desire to have a pet. However, such a dream can be figurative if owning a pet symbolizes some kind of personal relationship that you already have in real life. A dream in which you lose a pet can symbolize your anxiety if in real life the pet is still alive. If he really died, such a dream can serve as a symbol of the transition from one stage of your life to another. Or maybe you had a dream in which there was some kind of pet that you never had and did not intend to have? Such a dream may symbolize your desire to gain victory over someone or establish control over a certain area of ​​life. Much depends on what kind of animal you dreamed about. What role did it play in your dream? Did you enjoy his presence? Analyze everything thoroughly - then it will be easier for you to understand your dream.

Autumn dream book

If you dream about a Pet, what is it for:

Tenacious animals (kitten, dog, puppy). - Seeing tenacious kittens, puppies or other animals in a dream means unkind rumors.

Pet - To see a pet fawning over you in a dream means they are fawning over you for specific purposes.

Dream Interpretation wounded Animal

Why do you dream of a wounded Animal in a dream according to the dream book?

A dream where wounded animals appear often signals the need for choice. Often circumstances develop in such a way that you have to decide what to give preference to: work or family.

A predatory wounded animal can also mean victory over adverse circumstances. You will be able to successfully realize your ambitions and get truly stunning results.

Lots of pets

Dream Interpretation Many pets dreamed of why you dream about a lot of pets? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a lot of pets in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Pets

Dreams about pets are not uncommon: in our lives, pets are sometimes perceived as members of the FAMILY (and sometimes we treat them with more sympathy than family members!). Images of pets should be considered in parallel with other dream events, although such dreams may be particularly significant or disturbing.

Buying a pet that you don’t have in real life can serve as a reflection of your desire to have an ANIMAL, however, such a dream can be figurative if owning a pet symbolizes some kind of personal relationship that you already have in real life. The death of an animal is another type of dream of this kind. Such a dream can symbolize your ANXIETY if in real life your pet is still alive. However, if he died, such a dream can serve as a symbol of the transition from one stage of your life to another. As you move forward, this symbol may pop up in your memory or remind you of yourself in preparation for a new similar transition.

The third type of pet dream is a dream involving animals that you have never had or wanted to have in real life. For example, in a dream your pet may be a snake, but in real life you are terribly afraid of snakes. Such a dream may symbolize a desire to win or gain control over a certain area of ​​life, depending on what kind of animal you are dealing with.

What role does a pet play? Was it present in the dream as a companion, was it trying to impress someone, or was it adding an element of novelty to an established relationship?

Dream Interpretation - Pets

Seeing pets in a dream foretells friendships or love affairs. White pets mean joy of the heart, a date with friends; black - you will make enemies for yourself; unusual appearance - to anxiety and unrest.

Petting pets means purchasing your own home. Seeing angry people means removing obstacles in your path. Grazing pets - to have faithful friends, running animals - your career is under threat, skinny and shabby - to a change of job, well-fed and well-groomed - you will find happiness with your life partner.

Hearing the roar of domestic animals in a dream means receiving bad news in reality. The squealing of pigs is grief over someone's death or an underappreciated job that you did well. Bleating or mooing - new unpleasant responsibilities and worries may fall on you.

Seeing pets in a slaughterhouse means that your lover will fear you rather than love you.

Dream Interpretation - Pets

Dreams about pets occur quite often. After all, these are our favorites and full-fledged family members. Often these dreams seem especially significant or disturbing to us. At the very least, images of pets should be considered in parallel with other dream events.

A dream in which you acquire a pet that you do not have in real life may reflect your desire to have a pet. However, such a dream can be figurative if owning a pet symbolizes some kind of personal relationship that you already have in real life.

A dream in which you lose a pet can symbolize your anxiety if in real life the pet is still alive.

If he really died, such a dream can serve as a symbol of the transition from one stage of your life to another.

Or maybe you had a dream in which there was some kind of pet that you never had and did not intend to have? Such a dream may symbolize your desire to defeat someone or gain control over a certain area of ​​your life.

Much depends on what kind of animal you dreamed about. What role did it play in your dream? Did you enjoy his presence? Analyze everything thoroughly - then it will be easier for you to understand your dream.

Dream Interpretation - Pets

Dreams about pets often indicate a strong desire to have children.

If in a dream you get a pet out of loneliness, then you are not satisfied with your sex life: you do not enjoy sex in general or from your partner. Such a dream speaks of a highly developed maternal instinct in a woman. She is ready to have a child at any cost, often without even getting married. The same dream for a man speaks of his desire to start a family, wife and children.

Pet illnesses are a reflection of your fears for the health of your children.

Killing a pet symbolizes your disappointment in family life.

Dream Interpretation - Pets

You will make new friends.

You catch pets - you will soon have a new friend.

If you dreamed that you killed a pet, you may be in trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Pets

Modern people rarely dream of wild animals.

But the appearance of a pet in a dream is a common occurrence.

Dogs are especially frequent guests in our dreams.

They are dreamed not only by those who keep them at home, but also by people who do not have everyday experience with these animals.

Dream Interpretation - Pet

To see a pet fawning over you in a dream means that they are fawning over you for specific purposes.

Dream Interpretation - Useful, pets

(centaur, ichthyocentaur, mermaid).

The beginning of the humanization of animal instincts.

Dream Interpretation - Pets

That animal part of the personality that is curbed is under control. In general, they reflect the progress of affairs, wealth, and material well-being.

Dream Interpretation - Animals

Bull: hardworking - stupid.

Many dying animals

Dream Interpretation Many dying animals dreamed of why there are many dying animals in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see many dying animals in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dying

Seeing a dying person in a dream is a harbinger of misfortune approaching from the direction from which you least expected it.

If you dream that you are dying - a warning to you: neglecting your business responsibilities. You are harming the cause and yourself. In addition, illness awaits you.

Wild animals that die before your eyes in a dream promise you a happy deliverance from the adverse influence on you.

A dream in which you see the death throes of domestic animals is unfavorable.

The image of a dying creature is the most vivid impression for our awakening consciousness: returning from this dream to our life duties, we will with great force feel the joy or sorrow of the event ahead of us and see it from a different, new side for us. This new point of view, inspired by a bad dream, will help us to gather ourselves and face the inevitable with calm determination.

Dream Interpretation - Dying

You see a dying person in a dream - misfortune will appear from a direction where you do not expect it; if you lock all the doors, it will break into a locked door, it is inevitable.

It’s as if you yourself are dying - this dream says that in the hope of the notorious “maybe” you are neglecting your direct responsibilities; for the time being you got away with some things; now the luck has run out; look for the causes of all troubles in your attitude to business; another interpretation of the dream: you will get sick soon.

You dream that a pet is dying - the dream foreshadows some unfavorable circumstances for you.

You see a dying wild animal - unfavorable circumstances after such a dream will disappear; a ray of hope will lead you on a straight path to success.

Dream Interpretation - Animals

Animals can play any role in a dream. As history shows, it was dreams about animals that proved the true value of dreams in general. They reveal the essence of personal problems and relationships and indicate the significance of circumstances. Animals can help us, talk to us, or they can chase us, even eat us, or simply be present in our dreams, causing calm or, on the contrary, anxiety. Animals often appear in dreams under the influence of individual life experiences.

To interpret a dream, it is important to compare your attitude towards any animal in real life and in a dream. At the same time, pay attention to the behavior of the animal in a dream and compare it with your stereotype of perceiving the animal in reality. This is significant, since perceptions in a dream and in reality can be diametrically opposed.

Let's take a dog for example. A dog is an unchanging symbol of a devoted friend. However, in the depths of the subconscious, many people have an insurmountable fear of dogs. These animals are also associated with essentially opposite social stereotypes (compare: “man’s best friend” and “angry as a dog”). People who are very afraid of dogs may have a dream in which this fear is justified, and the next night a dream with the opposite direction.

One of the fundamental points of interpretation is the actions of the dog. Is the animal chasing you? Does it bite you? Or are you talking to him?

Pets are frequent guests in dreams, but they are not as attached to modern man as in the days of subsistence farming. Pets in the pasture usually symbolize prosperity. Previously, dreams with such animals were considered as a sign of prosperity and well-being of the earth.

Killing animals is a rare event in dreams. It can be caused by two reasons: necessity or ordinary desire. Killing an animal out of necessity is a breadwinner archetype or a survival dream. Such dreams often convey a sense of responsibility for others or the need to assert oneself. Unmotivated killing of an animal can be a simple realization of your desire, a projection of anger or dissatisfaction with some social taboo. The realization of desire or the projection of anger has a lot to do with how you perceive the animal being killed.

Does this animal represent a person for you, or perhaps are you comparing a person from your environment with a specific animal?

The social taboo imposed by society on the unmotivated injuring or killing of animals has become the criterion by which people's antisocial behavior is assessed. It is therefore not surprising that in dreams it can symbolize breaking a taboo. But, again, it is important how you perceive this animal.

The starving animal is of interest in agricultural societies, such as American Indian communities. The appearance of such animals in a dream conveys feelings or thoughts about the inconsistency (or inadequacy) of the requirements of reality. In the past, starving animals were considered an omen of great famine and pestilence. Starving animals can also symbolize interpersonal relationships with others.

Here is a list of some stereotypical associations directly related to images of animals and their inherent metaphorical symbolism (in contrast “good - bad”). This symbolism is often used as the most characteristic features of a person:

Cat/cat: calm, independent - aloof, irresponsible.

Cow: breadwinner, noble, soft - timid.

Dog: loyal, friendly - destructive, aggressive.

Horse: hardworking, helpful - stubborn, independent.

Mouse: calm, tiny - indecisive.

Bull: hardworking - stupid.

Pig: smart - gluttonous, dirty.

Rabbit: fast, kind, productive - timid.


Dream Interpretation - Animals

Seeing animals (animals) of an unusual type in a dream means experiencing anxiety and excitement in reality.

White animals portend a date with friends.

Seeing angry animals means removing obstacles.

Wild animals mean that you will have to have an unpleasant conversation with a good friend about his unworthy behavior. Seeing them at the zoo is a sign of worry without a serious reason. Tame, completely harmless animals are a harbinger of a joyful meeting with a friend.

Pets - enter into a friendly or loving relationship with a charming man.

Catching wild animals in a dream means quarreling with someone close to you. To be in danger from them means you risk losing your life. If they attack you, beware of the trap in reality. Feeding wild animals means experiencing disappointment in reality. Seeing them running means avoiding serious danger. Hunt them - a joyful message awaits you. Shoot and kill - beware of an accident. Running away from wild animals means disrepute, slander and slander. Caress them - you will encounter difficulties in a new endeavor.

Herding livestock in a dream means making dubious profits. Milking or cleaning up after her means the opportunity to have your own home. Shelter homeless animals - in reality you are in danger.

Seeing herds of animals wandering through the streets of the city means making true friends. Seeing animals in a menagerie means a lot of troubles at once; in a circus - a variety of entertainment.

Seeing animals caught in traps or snares foretells evil intentions and troubles from relatives. To free them and set them free is to fail due to your own negligence. Putting traps or snares on animals means no changes in life and no prospects ahead.

Seeing mating games and mating of animals in a dream means that you are experiencing increased attention and interest in sex.

Seeing an animal's head in a dream warns you to be more selective in choosing friends and activities.

Stuffed animals mean that someone will provide you with generous support.

If in a dream you look in the mirror and see some kind of animal there, it means that in reality you will experience disappointment and suffer losses. Seeing animals languishing sadly in cages means your victory over unfavorable circumstances. Seeing yourself in a cage with wild animals portends disasters, accidents, accidents.

If in a dream it seems to you that there is some scary-looking absolutely fantastic animal from a horror movie in bed next to you, then in reality you will face failures with no end in sight.

If you dream that you are having sexual intercourse with animals, this is a sign of sexual dissatisfaction, although you yourself may not think so.

Seeing animals in a knacker or slaughterhouse in a dream means that in reality you will witness an ugly scene that is offensive to your refined taste. Seeing animal brains is a harbinger of mental suffering from everyday hardships.

Dream Interpretation - Dying

Seeing a dying person means hope; good news will bring comfort and give strength.

Seeing the death of your children means their prosperity and family happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Animals

Hearing the victorious cries of animals in a dream is a sign of imminent success in business. If you dream that you defeated an angry beast, then in reality you will help a person who will later help you make a good career and gain the respect of others. A dream in which you saw that a beast has overcome you, then be afraid of false friends and their false promises. Seeing a herd of animals in a dream is a sign of prosperity and success in business. Seeing a herd peacefully grazing in a meadow in a dream means that you will soon achieve what you want, and this will bring you peace. If the herd is angry, then be afraid of cataclysms and political unrest in the country. Feeding animals in a dream is a sign of good hope and good luck. Talking to animals in a dream is a harbinger of an unusual event. Remember what the animal tells you - it can give you a hint for the future. Strange animals in a dream foreshadow unusual events or news that will excite you to the same extent as the sight of these animals in a dream. Caressing wild animals in a dream means that you will soon have an unusual and difficult undertaking or adventure. Stroking pets means peace and tranquility. Pay attention to the color of the animals. The black color of an animal in a dream is a bad sign. Black and white color means that the animal is close to you, but you can expect anything from it. White color is a sign of purity, purity and joy. White animals in a dream, in general, predict good news for you, a pleasant date with a friend. It's bad if they leave you in your sleep. A red animal means a devoted partner or lover. An animal shimmering with different mysterious colors is a sign of the unusualness of the incident that awaits you.

Adopting homeless animals is a warning that needs to be taken carefully. If you dream that you were bitten by a rabid animal, then you should be wary of deception. Hearing the roar of animals in a dream is bad news. In general, all animals have certain qualities, thanks to which people perceived them differently. See interpretation: animals.

We dream about moles to warn us about deception.

Bats in a dream are harbingers of misfortune.

A fox in a dream means deception, the cunning of ill-wishers.

We dream of bears to warn us of an imminent encounter with brute force or courageous action.

Deer is a symbol of the rapid development of events.

An eagle in a dream means speed and fortitude.

A donkey in a dream means patience and stubbornness.

An elephant is dreamed of to predict the importance of an event.

A tiger in a dream symbolizes a tyrannical, merciless government or a dangerous enemy.

The seal is a symbol of slowness and clumsiness.

A ferret in a dream symbolizes enmity, the deceit of spiteful critics, and the machinations of envious people.

A turtle in a dream is a symbol of patience, the slow development of events.

See interpretation: sheep, cattle, etc. by name.

Dream Interpretation - Animal

This is what D. Loff said about dreams in which animals appear: “Animals can play any role in a dream. As history shows, it was dreams about animals that proved the true value of dreams in general. They reveal the essence of personal problems and relationships and indicate the significance of circumstances. Animals can help us, talk to us, or they can chase us, even eat us, or simply be present in our dreams, causing calm or, on the contrary, anxiety. Animals often appear in dreams under the influence of individual life experiences. To interpret a dream, it is important to compare your attitude towards any animal in real life and in a dream. At the same time, pay attention to the behavior of the animal in a dream and compare it with your stereotype of perceiving the animal in reality. This is significant, since perceptions in a dream and in reality can be diametrically opposed.”

A dog, according to D. Loff, “is an unchanging symbol of a devoted friend. However, in the depths of the subconscious, many people have an insurmountable fear of dogs. These animals are also associated with essentially opposite social stereotypes (compare: “man’s best friend” and “angry as a dog”). People who are very afraid of dogs may have a dream in which this fear is justified, and the next night a dream with the opposite direction.”

D. Loff suggested, before interpreting a dream about a dog, to answer the following questions: what did the dog do in the dream? Was she chasing you? Did she bite you? Or you talked to her.

Loff provides a list of some stereotypical associations directly related to images of animals and their inherent metaphorical symbolism (as opposed to “good-bad”).

This symbolism is often used as the most characteristic features of a person.

Cat/cat: calm, independent – ​​aloof, irresponsible.

Cow: breadwinner, noble, soft - timid.

Dog: loyal, friendly – ​​destructive, aggressive.

Horse: hardworking, helpful – stubborn, independent.

Mouse: calm, tiny – indecisive.

Ox: hardworking – stupid.

Pig: smart – gluttonous, dirty.

Rabbit: fast, kind, productive – timid.

Dream Interpretation - Animals

For a dream interpreter, it makes no significant difference whether these characters are human or animal.

But the appearance of animals in a dream enhances the manifestation of the dreamer’s internal sensory problems. Man is a dual being. On the one hand, he has a spiritual, conscious beginning. On the other hand, it has a biological nature. Even in the appearance of some people, animal features are visible.

A girl may subtly resemble a squirrel or a cat.

We compare a broad-shouldered, strong man to a bull, and a refined but sensual man to a thoroughbred horse.

But much more often than in external appearance, animal traits manifest themselves in our instincts and direct behavior.

In dreams, these instincts are separated from the dreamer's conscious self and embodied in animal images.

These animals can reflect fear, rage, hunger or defenselessness and abandonment.

Understanding the meaning for the dreamer of an animal is similar to understanding the signs of nature.

Remember, a gloomy landscape, rain, clouds, cold, snow, ice in a dream accompany unfavorable circumstances in reality.

A beautiful sunny day, bright blue sky, clean clear water - these signs foretell positive changes in your life.

Dreamed animals are also viewed from the same perspective.

Dirty, skinny, hungry animals bring a bad forecast for the seer.

Evil, aggressive, scary creatures in your dream are also unfavorable for the future.

The appearance of clean, kind, affectionate animals is a completely different matter.

They portend peace and happiness in your real life.

Animals in fairy tales are always humanized. But in some stories there is a direct reference to the transformation of people into animals. And only when the spell is lifted from them do the animals become human again.

“frog princess”, “scarlet flower”.

Animals are the main helpers of humans. “Tsarevich Ivan and the Gray Wolf”, “The Little Humpbacked Horse”, “Puss in Boots”. These fairy-tale characters have already entered the unconscious of people as archetypes and can come into our dreams as advisers.

Ordinary animals reflect our basic private instincts: sexuality, hunger, impetuosity, aggression, and the like.

Their appearance in dreams predicts some process in our lives that has a beginning and an end.

Dream Interpretation - Animals

Animals in a dream are, first of all, your emotions, your mood. Everything, of course, depends on what kind of animals you dreamed about. For example, animals in a dream such as rats, cockroaches, worms are a completely different hypostasis. And they mean something completely different!

We will be primarily interested in ordinary animals in dreams, such as cats, dogs, monkeys, etc. (mammals).

If the animals in your dream are quiet, calm, do not pay any attention to you, or even friendly, then this promises you a good mood.

If, on the contrary, animals growl at you in a dream, hiss, attack, bite, or eat you, then your mood and tone will be at zero or so.

The larger (larger) the animal itself is in a dream, and the more aggressive it is in its behavior towards you in a dream, the worse your mood will be when you wake up.

Dream Interpretation - Animals

They represent the instincts of the human body or the forces of nature and signify the potential for action for the subject, appearing in a dream either as value or as danger, depending on the subject's perception of the behavior and character of the individual animal. If a person feels superior to a dreaming animal, then these forces are functional for him, otherwise they indicate a danger threatening him. However, the image of an animal in itself is never negative.

I dream about talking animals...


Maria Ivanova

You will observe from the side of two persons leading an idle lifestyle.


when a person dreams of a talking animal, it means that the person wants to talk to you, but not directly.

Victory Vicci

It's not bad. You just have a conversation with someone you haven’t talked to for a long time. :)


When you dream about animals, it means getting settled in your life.
If animals begin to speak, this is help from God.
It is important that you ask for everything you need.
Good luck in life.

Victoria Blednova

Animals: Animals in a dream symbolize the state of your feelings. Pets most often reflect feelings and premonitions associated with the household and personal well-being. Their appearance and behavior indicate the state of your affairs and what you should be wary of in the near future. In general, if pets look well-groomed and healthy in a dream, this is a sign that your affairs are going well. Such a dream says that nothing threatens you in the near future. See also "Beasts" and animal names.
Animals: all animals of a strange, unusual appearance mean anxiety, difficulties. For example, a very unusual appearance (two heads, etc.) means very unusual interference or too much anxiety.
Animals: Large, wild - to unbridled passions. They attack, tear - you can become a victim of a rapist, a maniac. They caress, feed - get help from the forces of nature, be closer to it. Extraordinary, fabulous - spirits of nature; if they are friendly - wait for help, if they are aggressive - you have offended them, in this case a fire or leaks may occur in your house.
To interpret a dream, it is important to compare your attitude towards any animal in real life and in a dream. At the same time, pay attention to the behavior of the animal in a dream and compare it with your stereotype of perceiving the animal in reality. This is significant, since perceptions in a dream and in reality can be diametrically opposed. Let's take a dog for example. A dog is an unchanging symbol of a devoted friend. However, in the depths of the subconscious, many people have an insurmountable fear of dogs. These animals are also associated with essentially opposite social stereotypes (compare: “man’s best friend” and “angry as a dog”). People who are very afraid of dogs may have a dream in which this fear is justified, and the next night a dream with the opposite direction. One of the fundamental points of interpretation is the actions of the dog. Is the animal chasing you? Does it bite you? Or are you talking to him? Pets are frequent guests in dreams, but they are not as attached to modern man as in the days of subsistence farming. Pets in the pasture usually symbolize prosperity. Previously, dreams with such animals were considered as a sign of prosperity and well-being of the earth. Killing animals is a rare event in dreams. It can be caused by two reasons: necessity or ordinary desire. Killing an animal out of necessity is a breadwinner archetype or a survival dream. Such dreams often convey a sense of responsibility for others or the need to assert oneself.
Animals: Petting animals means dubious profits; wild - have your own home; kicked out - in danger; grazing - to have true friends.



In my house from somewhere there are a lot of hungry domestic animals: chickens, piglets or dogs and cats, and most often fish that either died or are dying because I didn’t feed them. A feeling of shame and endless pity for them. Thank you!


I saw in a dream how I was in a car and there were cows on the road and they began to behave strangely, they burst into the interior of the car, they began to jump, they were lying around, they were mad, I could not understand, I woke up from fright. If you can interpret it, please help me.


our cat ran into the house and gave birth to kittens, then, in addition to these kittens, two more kittens and 2 more cats or dogs appeared, I eat them and take them out of the house, they run back into the house, one cat shit.




I dreamed of an incomprehensible animal. It was like a dog, only it walked either on two or on four legs. Long arms with 3 fingers on each and very long, probably half a meter long. When it crawled out of the booth in my dream, all the dogs suddenly fell silent and they perceived it as mine. I followed him, then lost sight of him, and then I saw him again, and so on until he disappeared completely. And suddenly all the dogs started barking and I found myself in some house with people to whom I explained how long his fingers or nails were. as if all this was happening in some village. I ended up in it by accident due to the fault of a friend because he was driving the bus very hard and it broke down right next to this village.


I had a dream that my friend and I were skiing in the forest in winter, and suddenly animals came out of the forest to meet us: wolves, bears, moose. and my friend got scared and ran around... I heard a loud cry and realized that animals had killed him. I decided to turn into a nearby area, but two bears were waiting for me there, one in front, the other behind, and they had sticks with fire in their paws. Suddenly I hear the tramp of horses and the cry of people (I saw the Tatar-Mangol yoke galloping, led by a man in a golden hat) and he gives me a huge elk, I sit astride it, and ride it ahead of everyone else on wild animals. The animals get scared and run away... I woke up


Hello!!! Today I saw a black cat and a donkey walking next to me. I don’t like cats, but in my dream she didn’t bother me, I was even happy about her. I dreamed about it during the day. Why such a dream?


I was minding my own business in the forest in a crappy house and I was watching a movie about animals, I heard the rustling of leaves; there was a bear in the street


I dreamed that animals appeared in the house and even seemed to take over the house. Under the ceiling there are 3 large black birds, unusual (like turkeys). The animals are all unusual and I am hiding from them and trying to escape.


I ended up in one village where there were a lot of wild animals; the most important thing I remember was that a brown bear was chasing me and I was able to escape from it.


Hello! Today I had a dream that I was sailing on a boat on the river. the water was muddy, muddy, animals of unknown origin were jumping from the shore into the water, there are definitely no such animals in nature, they were closer to shaggy dinosaurs. swam up to them, they were harmless, frolicking in the water. Having gone down to the shore, I found a nest in which there were small eggs. I collected them, and chickens began to hatch in my hand. While I was building a poultry house for them, two of them were either kittens or rat pups, I didn’t understand, but I fought off the rest.


I dreamed of a big ferocious lion who played with a toy horseshoe like a kitten, but when the toy was taken away, he became angry


Hello, Tatyana! My sister had a dream on April 15-16. In this dream, it was as if I gave birth to two seals. They were all against it, and I said that I would leave them because they were mine, then they both died. Why this dream?


Hello! In a dream I saw a wall with a lot of pictures (photos) in frames.
Among these photos (pictures) there was a photograph of a man with whom I was in love. And what I remember most was that we were wearing hats in the photo. And at the same time, I dreamed of the birth of some unknown animals in nature (at the beginning it looked (approximately) like a chestnut + a cactus with whitish-pink fibers, where the core is burgundy. Then these unknown objects turned into penguins...


my brother and I were riding our bicycles to our grandmother’s... what was there is unknown, but we rode when it was already dark, and walked back, and now we walked at night, and all the way... wherever I looked, lanterns were shining and everywhere there were many animals. I especially remember the tri-colored lemur (red, black and gray). And there were also cats... a lot (mostly gray), 2 gray wolves and one black, and foxes (red with black spots) I had a dream on the night from 05/03/14 to 04/05 .14


Hello Tatiana. This morning I dreamed of a black, large bull with very long horns. He wants to attack me. But one man holds the bull by the rope and does not let the bull come to me. Then I turned around and saw the windows, which were closed with nails. Surprisingly, it seemed to me that I couldn’t open the windows, but I opened the windows, it opened with ease and ran away. This is the dream I had. thanks in advance.


I dreamed of an impending fire and burnt deer and roe deer were running from the forest and then a crowd of people ran in panic the dream was very bright and colorful it happened in the summer

Irina Saparova:

I dreamed of a giant white half leopard, half wolf and he said that he was my guardian, while killing my classmate, now I constantly see this leopard.


I dreamed of a hangar with caged pets. pigs, rabbits, horses, for some reason deer and fish (which have needles and swell up). black and brown predominated


Hello Tatiana! I dreamed that I was walking, as if in some kind of zoo, where different animals, both predatory and domestic, walked. Nobody touches anyone, but in my dream I felt afraid that they might tear me apart.


I dreamed that I needed to pacify wild animals - a bear, a walrus, there were some others, very large ones, and at the end there was a huge wolf. I stroked them all, and they were kind to me and obeyed me. as if no one could do this except me.


Hello, I had a dream as if it was winter and at the same moment not winter, I had a dream from Saturday to Sunday, as if near the entrance I don’t know this place, there was a small fawn and an adult or adult deer but not very tall but with beautiful horns, and they were so beautiful, I touched them, stroked them and their fur was so pleasantly soft and smooth, the essence later came up exactly the same light, as if white, and with a few black spots, the hare was also just as fluffy and pleasant, in a word, paws and not animals)) I’m just wondering what this dream is for, I haven’t dreamed of anything pleasant for a long time. Thank you))


I recently dreamed of a dead cat. My Alice, a cat whom I love madly, I was with her for about 2 years, she came to me tortured and in terrible condition, although the cat was a British ChC, winner of many awards. I put it into my soul, I always tried to do something to help her open up. The other day I dreamed that she came to me, while I was clearly aware that my cat was no longer there and a ghost was next to me. But I was calm about the fact that there was a ghost next to me, it was important for me that she was nearby, and no matter in what form. I feel very calm throughout my sleep. This ghost of my cat seems to be benevolent, I’m not afraid of it. But the cat often purrs and repeats the words verlieren and verloren, I understand that this is in German, I am fascinated by this language, but I don’t know the meaning of these words. I understand that the most important thing is to remember these words, which is what I try to do throughout the dream. That's it, nothing more. I would also like to say that I often have the feeling of the presence of a cat or someone else in the room, while with a cat I feel very comfortable and calm, but in other cases it’s terribly scary. I understand that this dream is of great importance for my life and I cannot ignore the signs of my soul, since the cat was really a part of it. Please help me explain all this, I need it.


I remember how there were a lot of cages and there were mostly rodents, I don’t remember what animal killed the Djungarian hamster and I also bought myself a Djungarian hamster, brought it to the hostel and poured cereal into its jar, and then all the time I was afraid that the commandant would find out about the hamster


I saw chaos in a dream. Something happened and many dead animals were thrown out of the ocean. They lay in heaps. Wild boars were running nearby. Two of them were having sex. I and some other people with me tried to escape. We ran through water that looked like a small river and there I saw two snakes. They didn’t attack, they just looked. I’m scared because of this dream.




the creature was sitting in a cage, it was small and white (like a hamster), and when I released it, it became larger and blue, but very cute, with black eyes, somewhat reminiscent of the alien Stitch from the cartoon, and when I came out with When he walked outside he turned into a big black Rottweiler, we ran and then ran away from the police, he turned into a small one again and hid in my bag, when the police approached they asked about the little blue animal, I said that I had never seen him


Early on Thursday morning I had a dream with an unknown animal.
I’m walking along the road, crossing a pedestrian crossing and suddenly an acquaintance of mine stops in front of me (in real life he’s my friend’s ex-boyfriend, I never had any sympathy for him, and on the contrary, I didn’t like him at all) and offers to take me.
Suddenly, in a dream, we find ourselves at his house, where this animal actually was. It was predatory, strong and embittered. The animal stood on two legs and looked roughly like a fox mixed with a raccoon, dark ashen in color. This animal tried to attack me, but in the dream I had the ability to fly, and every time the animal tried to attack me, I flew up and looked down at it and saw how it grinned at me.
The next moment in my dream is that I close the door to the room (I don’t remember the room itself) in which the animal is located, and hold it, and thereby the animal runs into the door, trying to open it, but I hold the door tightly and I don’t let it in, and at the same time I see through the crack how it grins again and I feel its strong blows against the closed door.
Then the animal manages to stick out its paw, I see its claws and hit its paw, but at the same time I hold the door.
This is where my dream ended.
I would really like to understand the interpretation of the dream, what exactly the animal symbolizes, and why I took off in the dream.
thanks in advance
Nana Kvaratskhelia


The dream was like this, I’m sleeping. I hear an eerie sound, a bright light, then the noise of the helicopter blades, and the cry of fear from a frightened child. Then in the morning I see everything around is sunny, the child was running in circles and ran up to some people. I’m holding someone in my hands, but I assume that it’s a child’s chimpanzee, on the left is an adult chimpanzee, a small dog ran by, in the form of a sharpei, it began to bark something, then I began to understand the animals, I said something to the dog and she understood and was in shock, the monkey said: “Get used to it, it will always be like this.” Then I woke up


Hello. I dreamed that we arrived at the dacha, I wanted to pick cherries from the tree, and there were dead cats and dogs everywhere, hanging from the windows and nailed to the trees. I go into the house, and on the wall in the hallway there is a picture of one person killing another with a knife while he is lying. I run away from the dacha with fear.


I go down to the sea, and there are a lot of frolicking animals both in the sea and on land, I smile, stroke them and rejoice


I dreamed that on the road I picked up one brown puppy, two kittens, 1 gray girl and the second red boy, and two yellow parrots


in a dream I saw children whom I wanted to take to their park and a fluffy little animal quietly appeared and disappeared back, but in the dream I felt very pleasant


I'm home. For what I don’t undertake, water is spilled. The house is a mess. For some reason, strange animals are running around all the rooms. Three dogs are attached to each other, but they run up and run away from me of different colors. I'm at a loss. It’s as if I feel like a cat has run under the sofa and there’s a commotion there. Then again these three dogs. I feel like something is wrong, but the biggest dog has a beautiful collar on his neck. I looked at it, and there was a phone number. I want to call it, but the dogs are breaking out. And I’m still running around the house and can’t find my phone. And then a steel-colored cat jumps out from under the sofa and runs out the door, and the further it runs, the better I see that it is a small lion with only a steel-colored mane and also a bitten off tail. then I hear a rustling in the bedroom; there are two beds facing each other. On one, my mother wakes up, and on the other, a huge bear, my adult son and second cousin. Everyone wakes up in surprise, and instead of the bear it turns out to be mom. I hear noise in the other room. Suddenly my son is running around, he is still a child, I hold him and don’t let him in and try to close the window, and there are huge lions and other animals. Although for some reason the handle on the window is on the other side, I still close the window and see that our train is leaving this pier. And he and I look out the window from the train at the animals leaving. on the street


I often dream of a bull killing sheep. The sheep always dies, gushing blood. And at this time I am hiding somewhere and watching, the bull sees me, but cannot touch me, since I am behind some kind of partition. Today I saw how a bull ate the internal organs of sheep, managed to kill two, then my parents calmed him down and locked him in a cage. when I came out, I saw that he had also killed a pig, my parents said that it was a boar...


A raging tiger was running down the street, my little son (he is now 35 years old) and I hid from him in a building. The tiger broke the door and I was very afraid that he would tear us apart, but he walked in calmly. And then I don’t remember,


Hello. I had a very strange dream that supposedly I and my family - I, my husband, two children live in a house (although we live in an apartment), a flock of bears come, big, wild ones, our family manages to run away to another room, they We didn’t touch them, we sat for a while, it was summer, the snow suddenly began to fall in flakes, when the snow stopped, everything melted, we decided to leave the room, there were no bears, but after them some mosquitoes remained, biting ones, I saw a tree, for some reason shaggy, when I walked around it, I saw moss torn off on the other side, I also said that the bears were itching against the tree when they were bitten by mosquitoes. I also saw a huge black horse the height of a 5-story building. For some reason, it destroyed houses in the area, but did not touch ours , and didn’t touch us. When I looked into her eyes, it seemed to me that she was very intelligent, not like a wild animal, like a tamed one. At this point my dream was interrupted. Answer, what could it be?


hello, I saw in a dream how I was just sitting calmly with my relatives at home and every minute some kind of animal like a goat with horns, a pig, etc. came out. And they all attacked me, and I could not defend myself from them


I have a couple of chipmunks living at home. And then I dreamed that one of them, a boy, chewed the cage and ran away, I caught him already on the threshold of the apartment. After which other animals began to appear in my house (6 kittens, 3 domestic snakes, 3 parrots) and they were all in cages, what could this mean?


I dreamed of many different animals running in different directions from some kind of bag or box. I remember one kind - they were small green crocodiles, similar to dragons, but they jumped!!! And before the events with the animals began, we (I don’t remember with someone - either a friend or strangers) had dinner at some restaurant located in some boarding house. And I remember that for some reason, we did not pay for dinner - or rather, something happened at the table and the service staff did not bill us. But I definitely remember that I was worried that if they asked for money, I wouldn’t have the entire amount (I had to pay approximately 600 rubles). And so all the people in this restaurant began to catch these dragon crocodiles. And I took the newspaper from the table - I don’t remember why, and found in it a lot of paper 1000-ruble money. Then I ran with them to look for help at the zoo to help people identify the caught animals... That was the dream.


I dreamed about my guinea pig.. which by the way died.. about four years ago.. I was very worried and then moved.. but today I saw in a dream that I came back on business and found her.. for some reason she was running around street and was wet.. then I found her old cage... there were already two kids in it.. but she didn’t return to it... then my boyfriend came and she ran away and the kids remained.. that’s when I woke up


Hello. I dream that I go with someone close to me and look at sea life (snails, some kind of long creatures), then the dream continues with the water approaching the house where I was, panic begins, everyone runs. the water is muddy, and I’m running away from someone and hiding behind a tree. then I see how I’m riding on the bus and I see my friend, I give her a seat to sit, while holding my stomach and saying that my lower abdomen hurts very much. and I wake up.


I dreamed that I was lying on the bed and a creature that looked like a fish, a striped catfish, was approaching me, but in the dream I called it a scalapendra. This thing bit me on the legs, the bites looked like purulent spots.


In a dream, I was lying on the water and there were pieces of meat around me and dolphins swam up to them and ate them, then there was nonsense


I was with my classmates, we were relaxing, and suddenly we were taken to a huge area, there were a lot of animals, they didn’t do anything to us, they moved away from us and we ran to our homes.


I dreamed of a pen, and in it there were little animals, a piglet, a goat and a sheep, among these animals there was a lion, he was playing with these animals, he would strangle them and let them go. I tried to fight off these animals with a stick, and the lion began to speak to me in a human voice.


I dreamed of 2 very fluffy rabbits, 1 white and the other red, and I dreamed of a guinea pig, very fluffy and white, they basked in my hands, and I stroked them... at the end of the dream I lost them and never found them... when I woke up, tears were streaming down my face.


Today I dreamed about the souls of animals: a white horse, a fawn - Bambi from the cartoon, and another animal that I don’t remember. The horse was white and glowing, and it seemed to shake its head, as if it gave its consent. And Bambi licked my hand. Before I met these animals, I was running away from someone with my mother. And then we ran further. There was also something like a bombing from above us.


I saw wild animals near my fence while I was washing my hair and it felt like my hair was falling out in clumps


I went into some entrance and walked up the stairs. Right opposite the stairs, near one door, sat a cute funny animal, like a rodent, but larger than a simple rat, a little smaller than a newborn baby, he seemed lost. I took him in my arms, he opened his still toothless mouth and smiled. I started asking whose it was, but couldn’t find the owner. I hid it on my chest and buttoned it into my jacket; it crawled into my sleeve, then crawled to my chest. I brought it to my home, but I have two dogs at home - that’s really mine are actually living with me now. and I know that they didn’t see this and I was worried that they would harm him, I put him on the refrigerator and since I had to leave, I started looking for a cage and put him in a cage, but it was too small and not reliable , he already had teeth. Then I put him in a large and spacious room. My dogs came up and began to sniff the animal through the cage in surprise. I was convinced that they would not harm him and left. During my absence, the animal tried to get out by chewing the bars (he thought how man, like a cartoon) I came on time and bent the damaged bars, because I knew that he was safe there and he was better there. I remember that I was not going to keep him in a cage all the time, but only during my absence. When he got teeth, I I was afraid that he would bite me, he bit me but did not cause pain and there was no mark left - he was safe for me and we had mutual affection.


hello, I dreamed that a person I knew was killing innocent animals, and I was trying to stop it. can you tell me the meaning?

[email protected]:

They slaughtered our cow, 2 calves came out of the belly, when I arrived they were headless, but they were alive, I fed them from a bottle and they drank it all, and then they started slaughtering the sheep


I dreamed that animals were running along the road and then my family and my things were leaving the house, something was wrong in the city


Good afternoon, Tatyana!
I would like to know the interpretation of my dream. I dreamed about dead pets. The dog died a long time ago and lived with my parents. In the dream, I seemed to be stroking her. And the chinchilla died almost a year ago. I saw her in a dream, someone was holding her in his arms, but not me, stroking her, and her back seemed to be a little frayed (that is, there was no fur in one place)


I went to some interesting park, it was beautiful and huge, there was thick grass and trees everywhere, and then I saw a beautiful moose, I began to stroke him and he began to lick my nose. Then I took a photo with him. Then there were more moose standing nearby, and I went up to one and started hugging him tightly.


Hello Tatiana. In life, I am afraid of water, therefore, in my dreams I am often in water (on or near the water). This time the action took place in a huge pool. I had to fall into the water, but I successfully swam to each shore. On each of the banks there were newborns with their parents (mothers), but there were more different animals, dogs, cats with cubs. I saw one particular person (mother) with a child, all the children were sleeping peacefully, there was no fuss. It seemed to me that my task was to place them all comfortably and comfortably. In one of the cribs, I allocated a place for cats and a red dog with a beautiful puppy, I directly tried to separate them from the cats so that there would be no quarrels between them... Endlessly falling into the water and fearing it, I still managed to get to the right place without any effort. It seemed like everything was like a dream.


I was in a very large beautiful expensive house, then a car drove up and my husband and friends got out and they went to the second part of the house, I followed them, in the second half of the house there were many rooms, and in one there were goats, rabbits and a house worker


I dreamed of a cat that was supposedly taken into the forest or poisoned by neighbors about 20 years ago; I had never dreamed of it before. In a dream, the cat followed me everywhere, I asked him to leave, saying that he had died a long time ago and was not alive and he needed to leave. But every time I ran away, he was already where I came. I dreamed about it for the first time. I also often dream about a cat who lived with us for 16 years and died of old age. Very often I clearly dream about her and she is healthy in a dream and does not scare me, actions with her are not remembered, I only remember her clear image.


Hello Tatiana. I answered question 3 by accident, without having time to read it. I dreamed that I had a heavy bear cub in my arms, which I looked after as if it were my own child, feeding, singing, and carrying on the toilet. The bear cub is brown, calm, he trusts me. But because he is very large and heavy and not smart enough, I understand that while he is not used to me, any careless act of mine, which he is afraid of or does not understand, can provoke him into aggression, and with his strength it is very easy for him to kill me. While I was caring for him in a dream, I did everything extremely carefully, he trusted me and was Basque with me. But the feeling of caution did not leave me. I was also worried about how I would live with him when he grew up and became an even greater risk for me. Thanks in advance for your interpretation. My address [email protected]


there was intercourse with a bull. unpleasant feelings in a dream. and then I run away and hide from him, and he follows me everywhere, because... wants more sex.


a herd of wild animals that my sister and I were driving somewhere... and every time a ram, a buffalo, or a bear would grab me on its horns...


Hello! in a dream they wanted to enter my house - a white rat (cute), a blue rabbit (or kitten), followed by an unattractive shaggy dog ​​- I didn’t let them in when I went out into the yard - a pig (outwardly cute, plump) joined this company - and for some reason this pig really didn’t like that I didn’t start a strange company….


I dreamed of our old apartment and in the kitchen, on the window, in glass terrariums, chinchillas, guinea pigs, next to everyone, a small green crocodile, as if lifeless, but then he suddenly moved slightly and I realized that he was alive


I dreamed of a beautiful, clean, plump penguin to whom I threw cookies, then a clean, plump bear with light red fur appeared. And at that time I grabbed some kind of grate with one hand and was hanging. But I touched the bear’s fur with my hand, it was very soft and warm...


I dreamed of a dog mixed with a rat, it didn’t threaten me, but it aroused antipathy in me... and I was afraid in this dream to see its rat relatives


At first we watched wild animals from the apartment window, they were running from the forest through the city... then they began to attack the residents... and also us, we hid from them in every possible way. I tried to make barricades, but I felt that they would not save me if they attacked...


Today I had a dream in which I had two little dragons, the size of a cat. They are cheerful, chatty, playful, and I am their owner. One called himself Raphael, I don’t remember the second. They only obey me, but unquestioningly. What is this for?


Recently I dreamed of some mythical creature. Not a dragon, a unicorn... but something completely unknown. A red mouse, similar to a cockroach, with 2 ears on the sides and raised antennae. It was very disgusting. They were crawling along our corridor, and things were scattered around. I myself live in the city, and sometimes I come to the village, and in a dream I dreamed that I went there, although I myself was in the city at the moment and had no intention of leaving. And as I entered the house, in that very dream, there was this picture. Explain what this strange dream is? I didn’t watch horror films at night.) As usual I dreamed...


in a dream I dreamed that such a big elk wanted to kill me. followed and looked for me everywhere. and wanted to break in through the window and said in a whisper: you will die, I will kill you anyway. and then when I wanted to go to him so that he wouldn’t harm anyone else. and he wooed my husband and disappeared.


Hello. I see that there is some kind of holiday on the street. there were a lot of people and Putin arrived with security. and then I see forest animals walking one after another along the road. deer, wild boars, etc.


Hello. From the dream I only remember a large animal, a dog or a cat, similar to a cartoon, and that this animal, although it scared me, did not cause harm


I dreamed of my black cat giving birth to kittens in a dream, I didn’t see the birth, but only her and the kittens. and the dream was colorful

Guzal Makhkamova:

I dreamed of three fat and large pigs and three large turkeys in my house, I drove them into the barn, all the animals were very large and fat, the pig had not two fangs, but one like a unicorn


I dreamed of many pets, cats and dogs, at the same time, I was in some house and suddenly cats and dogs came in, someone lay down on the bed, someone lay under the bed and they were all different colors, and someone was just running around the house


My daughter and I are sitting and looking down from the mountain at a show with huge animals. And I'm holding my daughter and I'm afraid that we'll slide down


Hello! There was a dog in the dream, or not... Something between a dog and a bear. She was black, very, very black. And fluffy, the fur is smooth and soft. I stroked her, kissed her and cried. For some reason I felt sorry for her, so much so that my heart was breaking. I hugged her and wanted to protect her from the whole world. And again she stroked, kissed and cried. I remember her... The dream left a heavy leaden aftertaste. I would call it nightmare. Can you guess what this means? Sincerely, [email protected]


A building with old wooden doors, floors, antique furniture, big old windows... And it’s like I live here. And there are many, many kittens everywhere. And there are more and more of them. And all because we take kittens into our house from the street because we feel sorry for them. And now there are already adult cats and cats in the room. They don’t shit, they don’t scream, there are just a lot of them and they get underfoot and interfere with walking. And among them I cannot find my beloved cat Sema. I start looking for him, and I get scared. I pick up the cats and look at their faces, but Syoma is not among them.


I dreamed of some kind of dirty water, it seemed like it was healing, it was dark outside. The water in some places had funnels and was bubbling, there was some woman there who was sick with something, and when she went into the water, everything went away. And when I went into this water, there was a funnel near me and something incomprehensible began to happen, like some kind of eruption or something, I still didn’t understand. But I immediately found myself in the bathroom and at my feet there was a drowned little piglet, and the water became clear .


I’m standing on a hill where there are dead sheep lying around (without blood, untortured), it feels like they’re frozen or poisoned. Cold. My husband and daughter are next to me, and my daughter falls into a cliff, and we are trying to save her.


a man came to my house from some service to fix something, while he was doing the work, I saw a cat, beautiful, well-groomed. stroked it and asked if it was his cat. and then I noticed another animal. gradually I discovered 5-7-10-15 different cats, cats, kittens, dogs, hamsters, who were hiding from me under the sofa, refrigerator, under the table. I pulled them out from everywhere. many had some kind of ailment that was not noticeable at first glance. One dog was cut, shaved and dyed so that it had a political map of the world on it. Children appeared who were somehow connected with this male repairman, who by this time was already a woman for some reason. They all took turns inviting me to adopt a pet. I refused and suggested that they take their zoo and leave. They collected their pets around the apartment and put them in a bag. And they were just about to leave, when I wondered if they might have forgotten someone. And I say - did you even count them? they are silent. Yes, I say. I’m a kind person, but if you don’t take every single one of us, and after you leave I find at least one animal here, I’ll throw it out into the street without a twinge of conscience. It’s autumn now, and then they’ll find somewhere to live. So either take everyone or you will know that there will definitely not be a single one left here. They had to pull out and find everyone hiding and leave.


a man with whom we had a quarrel threw a cat and a small kitten into my garden. The cat was dirty and neglected. I wanted to throw it away, but then I washed it and left it at home.


there are many small pets in the rooms, hamsters, rabbits, guinea pigs, cockroaches, each type in their own boxes - some on the sofa, others on the windowsills without boxes, under the bed somewhere else, I go to each place in turn and don’t know what to do with them


I dreamed of wild cats, a lion, a panther, a leopard, they were kind, played with me, licked me and I stroked them, but at the same time I was afraid.




On my balcony, a bee got entangled in things and was trying to get out. I heard her say that she wanted to commit suicide, she talked something about life, but she still tried to get out... and I felt fear for her


I dreamed of birds with the wings of butterflies and roosters and chickens, pigeons with multi-colored golden-silver bright colors, very beautiful, unusual, fantastic, they were in the courtyard of the house, but nearby there was a trash can with garbage and there was also a man I knew with me... I had a dream from January 6 to 7 I had a dream about my father who was dying but we called a doctor and he came to life...


I dreamed that I was leading a Donkey on a leash and we were climbing an ice slide, the Donkey was very kind and beautiful.


I dreamed that my mother and I were in the forest, there were large animals there, some were angry, they all walked in different directions and did not touch anyone, it seemed that they were like people, but rather they were mythical animals, I was scared, but my mother told me to behave naturally, these animals did not touch anyone, as if they did not see our presence.


Sunny day and warm sea. I stand on the shore and watch a lion frolic in the sea with a lioness on the right side, and an elephant and a she-elephant play on the left. Then the elephant and female elephants began to jump very high and turn over in the air like gymnasts in a circus.


I have a cat. She's 7. He loves his mother very much. Mom worries that she is getting old. The cat is thin, the fur is not shiny. We worried, we treated. Now it's getting better. I didn’t worry much and didn’t think about her at all. Went to bed during the day at 16.00, woke up at 19.00

I dreamed: a cat caught her claws on the jeans in the butt area in order to climb onto her back, onto her shoulders - in the dream I was surprised by this find of hers. She climbed onto my shoulders so that I would send her to the roof of the closet (she likes to sit on the closet in real life. She couldn’t jump from her shoulders onto the closet, so she told me in human language (but inaudible, and as is typical for animals - similar sounds) “I can’t. I wet." She lets me know that she wants to go to the toilet, she can’t hold back and urinates on my back. I lowered her and said: don’t be afraid, the pussy is on the floor, I’ll wash it (in real life she goes outside to go to the toilet). Then she felt she felt bad, she vomited, I started pulling food out of my throat. I saw worms in the food. She still said something, she was still worried that I would scold her.
In a dream, I told my parents: she understands us, she speaks like a human being, it’s bad, but she speaks!


I dreamed that the city was attacked by wild African animals (lions, rhinoceroses, giraffes). We were at home and hiding from them, and they looked into the windows as if they were about to break through the glass. It was very scary.


Hello Tatiana. I dreamed that in one part of the dream I was hitting a cow in the left side (belly) with some strange long object like an iron strip, hitting it several times until the cow fell with its belly torn open. There is a cat to my left, I hit the cat on the ridge with the same object, injuring it. She goes and hides under the cow's muzzle, I hit again, and the cow tries to shield the cat with her head from my blows, I hit several times until I am convinced that the cat will no longer survive. I'm sure I killed them both, although they still have signs of life on their faces.


I dreamed that I was standing in an apartment looking out the window and in the house opposite in the open window a fire was blazing, no smoke, a very strong fire, huge boards were sticking out from there, as if they had been thrown in to make it burn better, a man appeared on fire, he climbed onto the windowsill and climbed into the apartment window from above, almost falls off, but still escapes, then immediately he returns to the fire again and helps another man get out, and at some point jumps down from the window, and on the 7th floor, falls to the ground, seemingly to death . At this moment I am with a cat, she is affectionate, kind, jumping on the window, I want to take her off, and she jumps down outside the window, I am afraid to look, but when I look, she is sitting on the windowsill, I open the window and throw her into the apartment . All.


My black cat died a month ago. And I keep dreaming that I am getting black kittens, but my dead cat immediately appears. And in a dream I know that he won't be long, just to say goodbye to me


I dreamed that I lived in the forest, and past our house, up the hollow, various animals were wandering one after another: a domestic bull and a cow, a wild lion, a bear, a hyena, a healthy and well-groomed wild boar, an elk and some others. And what is strange is that the lion, the hyena bear and the incomprehensible animal are so terrible, emaciated, powerless and ugly shabby that it is difficult to recognize them. After some time, someone I know all of them. He drove past our home. I saw that the boar wanted to tear it apart, I was afraid that it would attack him, but somehow everything resolved itself. I woke up with a vague feeling of anxiety and fear.


I very often have a dream that I have a lot of pets, mostly fish, parrots and hamsters living in cages and aquariums. Who died or are dying because I forget to feed them. What is this for? Thank you in advance.


I dreamed that I was watching animals from a window in a clean, beautiful swamp with reeds and photographing them. A lizard with an owl, some birds. When I photograph them, the pictures turn out to be very colorful. But suddenly the animals notice me and begin to fly and crawl towards me, very aggressive. I try to close the window, but the birds (owl and crows) sneak in and hit me with their beaks. I look down and see that in the room under the window there are dead baby hedgehogs and several heads of crows. The dream occurred from Thursday to Friday.


Like I was visiting relatives, they went somewhere, and animals lived in their apartment - turkeys, goats, a young pig and a kitten. I walked them in the yard, took them home, back to the apartment.


in a dream, I injured a cat at home, I thought it was a rat and released it into the yard. And then I caught a rat, covered it with a bucket and was preparing to throw it out into the street, but I woke up


I saw a lot of animals, they were chasing me and wanted to kill me and other people


Hello, today I dreamed that I killed my cat, cut off its head, they also killed cows there, I cried a lot because I didn’t understand how I could do this.


I found myself in a park where it was like a competition was taking place. People had to approach the animal and tell it “Let's be friends?” those animals that were asked this question became softer and did not kick anymore. Today I dreamed of a completely black bull, or rather a calf but with horns. I told him this phrase, he calmed down and walked on with a calm step. I had such a dream before, but in it I said this to a squirrel.


I thought that I would go to another city, I already had a ticket and bought food, then I changed my mind and came to school, we sat in the dining room and they told us that a commission was coming and we hid somewhere, and a little tiger cub appeared there, he came up to me, I I threw some bread to him but he didn’t take it, then I threw a pie with potatoes, he didn’t look at him, we were all sitting on top, not on the floor, I ended up on the floor and jumped on top and he came up and told me “Zhesir” and the dream ended


The war began, all the people rushed into the forest, I didn’t see the military operations themselves, I saw a lot of people. We all found ourselves in a forest, an autumn forest, there was a lake. Suddenly gypsies began to pass by, they were all dressed in blue clothes, they sang and danced, but at the same time they carried funeral wreaths and a coffin past us, also sky blue. They passed, and suddenly animals appeared, they were large and they began to surround us, there were wolves, bears, foxes, raccoons. I don’t remember the rest of the dream, only at the end I dreamed that I was by the lake, in charge of the kitchen, and arguing with someone... This whole dream has been tormenting me all day, please help me understand...


I dreamed of 2 hamsters, one a handsome young one, the second older, slightly disheveled. The older one could see the future, the younger one interpreted the visions of the older one to me. Mostly the conversation was with the young hamster, although the older one could talk. They mostly ran around the apartment, but on their own They returned to the cage. And I constantly lost them, and they shouted to me from the cage, saying, “We’re here,” and waved their paws.


I dreamed of the skin of a guinea pig, then in a basin I saw them alive and with a shiny skin, I also saw unknown fairy-tale animals hiding someone and talking to each other, they were hiding in the guise of very small hippopotamuses, I also dreamed of a calm, clear sea


I dreamed that “there are a lot of dogs and cats in my house and they started disappearing somewhere. My mother (who actually died recently) tells me that there is nothing terrible, they are gone and gone. But I’m still very worried about it.”


I dreamed of something soft, or a cat, and from the front it looked like Chris or something else; it was towards me without aggression, but I puffed it away, and it approached me, I pushed again, I wanted to scream but I couldn’t scream until I woke up.


Hello! I’m 13 years old. Last night I had a dream, as if I and my family were running in the desert. Some kind of creepy animals were chasing us (they want to eat us). And we found a small town and hastily visited an apartment for the night. And these animals already eaten by other people. We tried to escape and I woke up. What does this mean???


Hello! I dreamed that in my apartment I had a huge, beautiful cage, (larger than human height), full, with many different animals in it - a hamster, small parrots, one large parrot, a snake, a chinchilla, a rabbit, only he was running around the apartment and more some, I don’t remember them. Thank you…)


I remember the beginning of the dream (which surprised me). At the beginning of the dream, I tell someone that I can easily write a book. Then I begin to tell him how to start: “He was 19-20 years old (I don’t remember the exact date), before going to bed he liked to think about life. At his age, he understood the meaning of life, but every time a dream appeared in his head, he forgot everything...” Then I wake up... then I fall asleep again and dream about the following picture: I’m standing on the shore of a lake, maybe I was saving someone, or I saved myself from crocodiles... I don’t remember. So, then I began to cross the lake and run away from these crocodiles. While I was running away from the crocodiles, they told me something (I can’t remember what they said). I remember holding a strange turtle in my hand, which also spoke to me. I was jumping on some wooden ledges above the lake. Then I somehow end up in a public toilet with some stranger and brushing my teeth. When I started rinsing my mouth, blood dripped from my mouth, I just spat out a lot. There was blood on my hands. As soon as I started to wash my hands, I immediately told the stranger that my gums were bleeding. How then he also starts brushing his teeth and the same thing happens to him. Then I find myself in some old barn or stable (I was invited there by some strange and wise lion), where all the walls are covered in cobwebs (it was so thick that it was impossible to even see the wall and ceiling itself). There were a lot of spiders in this web and I was afraid of them. The lion and I were having some kind of conversation, but I couldn’t take my eyes off the spiders. I was afraid that they would fall on me. Afterwards the raccoon said something to me. After the raccoon, I began to crush a black spider on the ceiling with a broom... I don’t remember anything else.


Hello! I dreamed of many animals nearby, a lioness, a lynx, a bear, and other large animals. It was like being in a zoo, I was afraid of some of them. and I'm also pregnant.


Hello. I dreamed about my cat Alice who died 2 years ago (due to illness, she was 18). She was resurrected in some kind of laboratory, and we were very happy. When they brought her home, they bathed her, and I noticed that her eyes were like human blue. I started talking to her, and she answered me that she is no longer afraid of water and eats only healthy food, that now she will not get sick, then I woke up


hello) I dreamed that I was talking to a fox) that she asked to stay for a while. and immediately falls asleep on a chair in the courtyard of our private house)


Hello, I dreamed that my mother and I were going to the sea. In our city there is a beach called “Green Stairs” and I thought that we were going to it, although now I realize that we are not! Well, the point is that along the way we saw dismembered dogs. Sometimes half the body, sometimes only the leg. And all the way to the sea! I remember the dogs were grayish in color, and we thought that this was done by those who relax and drink at night by the sea!


An intense dream, at first I was raped by 7 or 10 people, brutally mocked, tried to run, hid, they found everything continued, tried to kill, but I pretended to die, there was a lot of blood, I was all tormented, but they saw that I was alive and began to finish off, then I see that 2 or 3 teeth fell out without blood, molars, without pain, and then, I was in anxiety all my sleep, either running or hiding, I went into some house, and there were so many animals there, I began to run away and the whole animals and elephants and a giraffe began to run to the zoo, there were a lot of them and they were all different, then again I was running, they noticed that I was alive, they began to catch up to kill me, and I flew away, rose above them and began to fly, but there were no wings, I waved my arms and get up, and then wake up


Hello. I don’t know why, but the last few days, every time I sleep I have dreams. about vampires, etc., but today I saw in my dreams animals such as chickens and giraffes and many other relatives. I don’t remember anymore and in my sleep I can control myself, but then when I get up. I often forget about this and what I want to see or do in a dream, I can see and do. and those things that I want to do in real life, they certainly happen in the same way.




why did I have a dream when there were forests and moose all around, wild boars, foxes, birds and I wanted to kill the fox with my hands, I killed it but was afraid that it would bite, but it bit me many times


An apartment, people I haven’t seen for a long time. They gave me a cat, and then the fox was so beautiful. And then I thought that I was pregnant and I needed to do a test?!?!


Hello, I dreamed of creatures of animal origin and I dreamed of my mother and a friend and his mother, so in the dream we supposedly went to nature and when we arrived there everyone left somewhere at once and I was left alone, so I looked for them and saw these creatures of animal origin they were still disgusting, they looked like something like a mixture of snakes and slugs, but the strange thing is that they were dead, when I saw these creatures, I was scared and did not understand what it was, but I understood that they did not pose a danger to me, then I continued my search and went somewhere thicket of the forest and very strangely I saw a bread bakery there, there I found my mother and friend and his mother, then in the dream it seemed to me that I needed to find my friend’s nephews and they were found quickly. The dream ended with us all going home together together.


I dreamed about a lot of small animals. I especially remember the pig and her little pink piglets.


I dreamed of many small animals, a monkey, hamsters, hedgehogs, and in the dream I sold them. then in the same dream I dreamed of huge scalapendras and I killed them


I dreamed that it was as if I was at my relatives’ house and they got a tame leopard kitten, well, I played with it, stroked it, and so on. Then it turned out that they also had a tiger kitten. Then I found myself as if at some kind of exhibition of exotic animals, where they were different. I had a large lizard that could not sit normally in my hands. My whole family was there. and towards the end of the dream I was walking somewhere, the lizard was in my hands all this time, I decided to put it on the table and began to stroke it, it lay down on its back and I began to scratch its tummy. This is where the dream ends, but I’m not sure, and I wake up from shots, then someone comes out of the next room, I ask, did you hear that too? (I thought it was my mother) no one answered me, I lay there for another 5 minutes, went out into the corridor and saw that everything was closed, turned off and everyone was sleeping.


In my dream I had my own house, I opened the door and an unknown, orange, tame, calm animal came in. We took my sister in our arms and decided to find the owner. I went looking in the neighboring apartments and in each they said that they didn’t have them, but they showed their animals. One showed that she had snakes. I saw how she let them go on the roof for a walk. They were huge. They played either in a ball or crawling. Then I found the owner of that orange animal. The dream gave way to the fact that I was walking somewhere with someone. He said that we have a good area.


I went out into the yard, and the yard is full of wild animals, predators and herbivores. But I’m not afraid of them, I control them. They sit and wait for my order, I start screaming gutturally, I screamed three times and pointed in some direction. All animals They rushed to where I showed. It was very unusual.


Small animals held the palm. A seal, a shark, a bear. Not evil, well, they are all white.. and two ladybugs. And they, on the other hand, are very bright. Brighter than on Eve. They sat on the palm and did not fly away.


a bear came into the room where I was with my husband, cat and dog. I got up and opened the door to the street, the bear came out. Then I went outside and found the doors to the basement open, from which I concluded that the bear entered the room through the basement. I began to close the door, and the bear immediately came up, saw that the doors were closed and left. Thank you in advance


I got up in the morning and it turned out that door locks were stolen all over the street, and I was somehow able to close my door, well, my mom has a lot of friends and they have cats and dogs, so they all came to my house, there were dogs ( Dogue de Bordeaux, Rottweiler, small dog and mine)


I saw dogs intercourse in a dream. One is large and the other is much smaller. The small one is black, and the larger one is black and white


Good evening Tatyana! Here’s a dream: as if a whole herd of different animals were running from the forest, it seemed like there was a bear and many many different ones, many horses and very small ones, I was running in front of the stairs, it was hard and scary and they were scared, they were also on the stairs, small horses were lying, can't go anymore... I got to the door, and a dog and a cat and I were sitting in front of the door, they opened the door for me, and they allowed me, the dog and the cat to enter…..and that’s all)


Hello Tatiana. I had a dream that my CAT (not a cat but a CAT) gave birth to 10 little kittens. 5 kittens were girls. And the remaining 5 kittens were boys. Everything would be fine, but after my CAT gave birth to them, he began to eat his kittens. He managed to eat all the boys and I managed to hide the girls.


I dreamed of an orange fox, or it wasn’t a fox, but something similar, I didn’t let her go, I hugged her, reproached her...


I dreamed that I was picking up a child from kindergarten and started talking to the teacher and it was already dark, I asked for the key to open the door to the group and turn on the street lighting, when suddenly something big touched me, and then he climbed into his arms and lay down, I didn’t see but very big. Then they somehow ran into the garden and all went to bed.


Hello Tatiana! I myself have learned to interpret my dreams a little, but sometimes it can also carry different meanings, and in general it can be interpreted differently for everyone. But I often have prophetic dreams, about loved ones, and I even dreamed about the war a year before it started, just as it was, only then I thought it was some kind of nonsense. Today I dreamed that all my poultry allegedly ran away (the geese were much larger than mine, beautiful, large, white, three of them took their wings and flew over the fence) and I went to collect them, and my dog ​​tore a couple of geese apart (I didn’t see the process, they were just neck, feathers, no blood, I scolded him), and at the end of the dream I was supposedly visiting my father’s graves in the cemetery, it was evening and the beginning of winter, a little dusted with snow, I visited and crossed myself when leaving, thanked him and left. This is something I still can’t put together into one puzzle, Thank you in advance!


Hello, I want to share with you my dream, which greatly disturbed me. In general, I dreamed of such a picture that I was arguing with my boyfriend, and I decided to go take a rest, and I took my younger sister for a walk, in my dream I was barefoot and wearing only a silk robe , we take the keys from Father and go to the garage to sit there and barbecue, on the way there I step on the glass and cut my leg, at that moment an incomprehensible animal, something like a Cat, comes up and begins to lick the blood from the glass, This scares me, I take my sister by the hand and we begin to leave at a fast pace, although we seem to want to run, but we can’t. We get to the place, get excited and a bird looks like a goose but with red eyes and is scary, rushes at the sister, I grabbed what then a stick and started to drive it out, a few more flew up, but we kicked them out, everything seemed fine, and then we saw a big dog and realized that it was a wolf, he starts running towards us, we slam the garage doors in front of him, I start to go hysterical and want to scream, but again it doesn’t work out, we don’t see them there in the garage, it’s dark, we only hear the howl of wolves and the roar of a bear. And then I woke up, this dream really scared me, I woke up all wet, although the house was quite cool, and with tears in my eyes, what could this do? means? please tell me, I will be very grateful to you.


I am in the village. I go out into the street because the dog is barking very much, I see that something is attacking him. Something similar to a snake, but larger. I’m trying to approach him to help, but I can’t approach him because I’m wearing a collar. I take it off, take an ax and chop this snake. I burn it. I smell it, very strange. And the play somehow says that this smell is the approach of chaos.


I dreamed that I started having sex with my ex-boyfriend, but his mother was also in my apartment. In her room there were many cages with different rodents and she asked to walk a hamster and a rabbit outside at night. We took a break. He took the hamster and went outside, and I took the rabbit and went after him.


I dreamed of a porch on which I was standing with my deceased aunt and I saw a wolf on the right side, and a bear in front, both approaching us, I understand that they will attack and I grab a bottle of some kind of acid and splash it in their eyes, they close their eyes, but they continue to walk, the bear is already on the first step, and the wolf climbs over the railing on the right side and then I wake up, intentionally from fear


I dream that I have curled up animals. I decided to pet one and it was a wild dog. But she approached in a friendly manner so that I could tame her. She did not resist. Then somehow she turned into a big purple hippopotamus and I stroked and caressed him. He also behaved friendly.


hello...I dreamed that my sister and I were lying on the bed, and the window in the room overlooked some ocean, and there was an ice floe, and on it was a white copper...and a female...then this bear ended up in our bed and I was scared that she will devour us. but instead of gobbling us up, she sniffed and licked us………………………..and in the same dream I saw an elephant….and also a female


I dreamed about circus animals. A small dog, like a dachshund, jumped into my arms and played. The monkey is also small.


I dreamed that in my mother’s house, under the bed, in a transparent drawer for things, there was a rustling sound, we saw something like a mouse there, we opened the drawer and let it out, there was a rat, a dark brown back, a white belly and paws, we opened the doors for it and let it out into the street. Another moment, on the same street, I am riding a bicycle with an old friend and a young lion cub or something similar to it, of an unusual light brown color, is running behind us. The animal is not aggressive, it is simply lost or wants our company.


I dreamed of a fox, but she acted like a faithful house dog and walked next to me, I played with her. How to interpret this dream?


Large vegetable garden, lots of greenery, trees all around. All the men of my family are standing and a horned animal runs out, similar to a roe deer, but with the antlers of a deer only thinner. Everyone starts catching her, then throwing stones, I shout, catch her, catch her. Then a smoke shot kills the animal and two hunters appear.


I’ve been dreaming about animals for 2-3 nights already, for the first time I dreamed about talking animals and different ones, mostly dogs. The second time I dreamed about the cat from whom I delivered the baby and her kittens. I don't remember the third time


Good afternoon Tatyana! I had a dream that I opened the door to the apartment, and there were huge toads, lynxes, small monkeys sitting there and they all ran away from the apartment, only the toads smiled, and the little lynx tried to play with me like a kitten, clung to my neck, but then I left She was freed and she also ran away.


I caught chickens, pigs and a young black foal with a white star on its forehead that had scattered across all the neighboring yards and who, while running away, hit my son in the face with his hoof. In the end, everyone was caught, but what a strange feeling remained.


I dreamed of two black cockroaches larger than their size, in the dream I was scared of them, and then when I leaned towards them, the cockroaches behaved like pets, one cockroach wanted to climb on my knees, the other gave its paw


an animal in the form of a large fluffy hamster, warm, soft - like a toy. Playful, responds immediately and runs after me even when visiting. He ran around me, almost never left my side, asking to be held, rubbing himself in.


there were a lot of animals in the yard, different species and I liked it, I was at home with a catfish, I looked through the window in the yard there were big animals and small ones were at my house, but then they just started leaving and it seemed normal to me, and I stayed at home but in the end a small spider started biting my ferret when I picked up the ferret in my arms, it immediately attacked me and started biting another black spider and then I woke up what does this mean


Hello Tatiana! I had a dream that gigantic ducks and turkeys and hunters were swimming across the sky. Then they sit down on the river and begin to wade. And I see people walking along the river, along some path, some of them stumble and fall into the water. These birds and hunters follow them. Then I come to some audience (class), where a lot of people are sitting, I tell them that I saw giant ducks, but no one believes me.


I went up to buy raw meat, and on the counter a small crocodile, a bear cub, a short-haired rabbit, and a colored parrot came to life. I fed all the animals with seeds and held them in my arms. The rabbit immediately disappeared somewhere. And the rest of the animals were very good-natured and hung around me...


Hello Tatiana!
I dreamed that I wanted to climb over a wooden fence, but there were domestic animals behind it (geese, kids, dogs, kittens) and did not allow me to climb through...
Thanks in advance. Olga


I dreamed about wild animals, a lynx, a cheetah and a lion. And they hunted me. The cheetah attacked me. I ran away


I dreamed that I was in some apartment, I was not alone, there were some people unfamiliar to me. And suddenly we realized that there were animals in the apartment with us. A tiger approached me and I closed the door from him, and immediately hid in the toilet, like, then I came out and saw a bear. There were a lot of different animals, birds in the apartment...
I also dreamed of a hurricane, I was walking down the street when suddenly a very strong wind began, I tried to hide in some room, the hurricane was approaching me, it was very difficult to open the door, but I opened it and watched things, people, trees fly in the window and so on.


I had a dream where I was near a lake with a friend, I didn’t see my friend’s face, but I felt that someone was with me. Then a shot from above is shown and I see a huge lake, a cliff and me below, suddenly they catch me on the cheek with a fishing rod, and they start to pull me, I rush across the lake quickly and almost without touching the water, then suddenly sea animals such as a seal want to kill me, a whale, a dolphin, and it seems an octopus, at the end a fisherman pulled me in and, without any vulnerability, roughly tore the hook from my cheek, then threw me back and I began to stick to 2 fingers, the index and middle, there was blood on my fingers, that’s where my dream ended .


Hello!!! First, I wandered through some city streets with private houses, then unknown animals appeared, taller than me, and similar to horses. After that I woke up, then I dreamed of a village and in the distance a huge black bear was walking along a country road. I ran to some house and saw that my daughter was playing with a teddy bear. I quickly brought it home and chased the bear away. I turned around and saw that my sister had come to play with him, but she was little, about 10 years old (now she’s 22). I manage to drive them home and a bear runs towards me. He starts to fight me. started biting my fingers and I woke up, please help me explain [email protected] I believe in a good outcome, but if you want to send spam (sorry in advance if this is not the case), then the computer will not allow you to open it and I’m not a lamer Thank you


I drove him away, or rather even saved him from death. it was an arctic fox. for some reason I was sure that if I didn’t save him right away, someone would definitely want to catch him. it was a soft peach color. I chased him away several times, but he didn’t want to leave me. and it seemed like I managed to drive him away from people, but then I understand that he came back to me... but only in the form of a young man. he told me something... but I already woke up... what did that mean?


I dreamed that I was walking with some girl and suddenly a boa constrictor appeared out of nowhere and began to strangle me and eat me at the same time. Then a wolf also appeared and killed the boa constrictor, but also began to bite me and swallow pieces of my meat


I dreamed of living medium-sized crocodiles with baby crocodiles in the refrigerator. As soon as I opened the refrigerator in a dream, a bag of food fell out and behind the bag were crocodiles. Even today they are before my eyes.


My parents and I went somewhere and bought 4 Dolmotinsky dogs, 2 girls and 2 boys. It wasn’t me, but my mother who chose the dogs, and there was also a white kitten. I was very much afraid that the cat would eat my real parrot, but he still crawled out of the cage, then my mother took us to some expensive one. home but there were quite a lot of people and I didn’t know them


In a dream I caught and put in a cage a lot of small hamsters, white with spots...


I dreamed that I saw a cat or kitten dressed up in a robe, boots on its feet and a hat on its head in the form of a hussar’s cap, a cat in such an outfit walks in a cage, then after some time I approach the same cage, there are already two cats screaming furiously and Both of them have their heads pierced through over their eyes with some kind of pencil-shaped object, their heads are pierced by these pencils and they walk like that and scream in pain. When I saw this picture, I felt so sorry and hurt for them that my heart ached and I woke up. The cats were, in my opinion, gray and yellow.


In my house, suddenly, as if by chance, hamsters, cats, dogs appeared from the neighbors... they are kind, domestic. All are purebred and well-groomed. colorful...


In a dream I saw a car: Which looked like 6 brands of cars at once: It was as if they took one car and changed it so that it became mystical: In my dream, the strangers around me looked at this car and counted 6 brands of cars that this car looked like and I also saw a beetle in a dream, I took it out of the hole, it was on my hand, I don’t like beetles, I got scared and took it off my hand, this beetle was also unusual, it had a yellow hood on its back.


I’m walking through the forest. I see a camouflaged hole. Nearby on the ground (under a tree in the grass) I see dug holes in which small living animals lie (rabbits, minks, and other furry and fluffy animals) they lie as if in families, huddling very close to each other -from fear or cold. I understand that they are afraid of something. animals with white and black fur.
baby, if it’s not too much trouble, write me a few lines about my dream. I rarely have dreams. I’ll be grateful.


I dreamed of a cow, a dog, a pig and everyone was killed, it was clear that the skin was generally unpleasant


Good afternoon. I dreamed of a kid hanging by the neck and under the stomach, but still barely alive. In the dream, everything was in shades of gray, and the grass underfoot was dry, parched and gray. The kid's neck was thin, he was almost motionless, and there was a deep scratch on his body. I examined the animal and walked away from it


Hello! I often dream about huge animals. 2 days ago I dreamed of a dog and a sheep, the size of an almost 9-story building, near our house. I was with the children, we managed to run and go into the house. After which they ran past our house. I woke up with my heart beating, although in the dream I did not feel fear or danger.


Good afternoon. We were traveling by car with my sister, nephew and mother. Along the way we stopped at some apartment to rest. Unexpectedly, my ex-girlfriend (my sister’s friend) came to us. Then I lay in the room and wild cats (a black jaguar, small tigers, etc.) crawled out from under the bed and playfully bit me. My dogs were in the dream. There were also monkeys (macaques, etc.) in this apartment; they were hostile. I ended up with scratches and swelling on my face after playing with wild cats. They bit my hands, but playfully). Then I woke up.


I constantly dream that I forgot to feed an animal that I don’t have, supposedly I go to feed the dog and then I open some kind of barn and I have poultry and a pig there and I understand that I haven’t fed them for a long time, but they are alive and I let them eat and leave , sometimes I have this dream several times a night!

[email protected]:

I fly with several passengers on a WOODEN airplane, like a corn plane, then I smoothly descend by parachute and end up in a forest or large park, where I see huge animals. There was definitely a mouse and a rabbit the size of a large koinata both in height and in volume. The animals were light beige in color


I buy rabbits and parrots, but I don’t give money, and when I have parrots I can’t continue, but I see a lot of different rabbits and I caught them and put them in a cage


I walk along the orange wire fence along the sidewalk. Sunny, fence on my left. I pay attention to movement to the left and behind me. This is a bearded man who follows the horse and tries to stop it. The horse wears a golden collar with a red border, from which comes a golden-red leash. The horse is pulled by the leash of the dachshund, it turns out that the dachshund is “lucky” the horse. I turn away and move on, after a moment I look back again. The man is upset that he cannot stop the animals, waves his hand and disappears. Now I see that it is not a horse that is walking, but a pony, and it is being led by four dachshunds, all of light colors and seemingly cheerful and cheerful, like ordinary dogs on a walk. The animals walk next to me and I bend over to pet the dachshund, she caresses and wags her tail, the rest of the dogs run towards me, and despite the leash, they follow the fence, although they pull the pony walking on the other side. When the pony comes up to me, I distract myself from the dogs and slap her on the back of the neck, to which the horse does not respond. The pony stands on the building with its paws and tries to either push through the fence or climb over it. I stroke the pony, she looks at me and, reassured, falls at my feet and puts her belly down, so I stroke it, just like a cat. I understand that my friend is passing nearby, I get up and turn my back to the animals to greet him. The pony gets up on four legs and goes about its business, out of the corner of my eye I see that the dogs have fled. I don’t have time to see my friend, I just get up and start turning towards him when I wake up.
Neither ponies nor dogs, even very cute ones, evoke emotions in me, both in this dream and in life in general. The last time I saw a pony was about 15 years ago. Despite the fact that the dream was very realistic, to the point that I felt like I was stroking animals, I didn’t experience any emotions other than mild surprise, I just went about my business.
The dogs really pulled the pony like a cart. A very strange sight :)


I’m a guy, I had the following dream: I’m standing somewhere in the yard, someone is cutting up domestic animals, I can’t see what kind of animals are there, maybe a chicken, a rooster, or other small domestic animals. The animals were or are in a net. What does this mean, please help me, I’ve been dreaming about it for two days in a row?!


I came to visit, there were a lot of kittens or puppies, still very small, but already moving independently, fluffy black lumps. Then they disappeared, and when I opened the closet, they fell out. Then I saw them on the street. as if they were thrown out. but some passer-by collected them in a wicker basket and took them away in his vehicle. And I seemed relieved that everything was okay with them.


Good morning! I dreamed of being in an open cage, but with large cells through which you can escape without problems, rabbits warming hamsters... and large dark gray rats. They were all well-groomed and clean. The rat tried to escape, but some hedgehog from the hole that appeared scared it and returned it to the cage... that's all it was in the apartment before renovation where the late grandmother lived....


there are many different wild animals, whole packs of wolves, for example, bison and other different wild big animals... the whole dream the feeling of fear did not leave me. My friends and I hid in my grandmother’s entrance, and she came out and started swearing and speaking badly about my boyfriend. I was offended by her, but I couldn’t leave because... Animals roam around the city looking for food - people. At first it was light in the dream and the actions began in some forest, later it became dark and the actions moved to a populated area.


In a dream, I lived the same day, all the time I came to study at the sports complex and constantly, every time a woman killed me, as soon as she saw me, she immediately forbidden, became like a lion and scattered at me, every time it was different women, but they killed in the same way.. The last time, I went back to study, to the sports complex, and a woman noticed me, as usual, she attacked me, and when she killed, she said that I had a choice: either to stay in this world, but a sign, or to find peace in paradise, but I was silent and thinking, and suddenly, when I walked past the mirrors (and ghosts are usually not reflected in the mirror), I passed all the mirrors normally, without being reflected, but I stopped near one, it was literally in 30 cm from my face and looked in the mirror, I saw myself!! I was very pale and scared, it was the very expression on my face that scared me and the cold colors of the dream, after that I woke up, but this dream haunts me..!!! What could it mean?


I saw my parents' house. There are animals sitting in cages in the house, I remember that I saw monkeys, long and large snakes, and a black panther that was watching me. I was with my two children and there was some kind of bathhouse. and my mother, an old woman, came and threw our things at us, pulling them out of her bag. and my eldest daughter got lost at home and I’m looking for her. it seemed that the ponter had taken her somewhere.


I had a dream that I was in my parents’ room, and in cages there was one bird (bright red), so beautiful, like a hummingbird, in another cage there was a black rat (large), in another the same one, only a little smaller in size. In the third cage there is a small white rat, in another cage there are small rats (just born) and there are a lot of them, and in another cage there is a hamster. During my life I had one white rat, then a small (gray) hamster, and now I have two rats, black and white. And then the rats started jumping on me from the cage, biting me a little, and the hamster too, and the bird. Then I woke up.


My family and I were driving to Vologda at night, a deer and a hare kept bothering us, they ran out and threw themselves under the car. In general, they interfered with our passage to Vologda! What does this mean? Maybe this is a sign?


I dreamed that my husband and I were at the dacha, which was next to the forest. Many small animals began to come out of the forest towards us: hedgehogs, raccoons, mustelids, and at the end of sleep, a baby elephant. All the animals were very playful and no aggression was felt. One hedgehog at first wanted to bite, but then changed his mind and began to caress.


Hello Tatiana.
I dreamed that my wealthy friends left for a while, and I stayed with them to look after the house and take care of their animals. I looked after the house, did the necessary work, but did not feed the dog, I gave it hot soup before the owners arrived. I told the owner of the house that I didn’t know what to feed the dog, so I fed it what I ate myself. She said that the dog was very purebred and she had to be fed only with tenderloin, which was in the freezer, but they say it’s not scary, because they were leaving for a short time. But the whole point is that I was too lazy to feed her. I often have dreams that I don’t feed her. .animals, especially dogs. Sometimes I forget, sometimes I’m busy, sometimes I’m lazy. And then I worry whether they are alive. I would like to know what to pay attention to in real life. I would be grateful if you help me. Thank you in advance.


Hello, I dreamed that black animals came into the window of the apartment where I live, they seemed to be homeless abandoned small animals, a rabbit, a mouse, a crow, etc., there were several of them, it was raining and they were looking for shelter. I let them in. Then I looked for medicines and potential owners for them. The fact is that shortly before this, in real life, I adopted 2 cats from the basement with the help of a local animal protection society, and in general I have recently been interested in homeless animals. It was not easy for me to adopt 2 cats at once, considering that I have 2 children and my own cat. I adopted one cat. But the desire to help other animals does not leave me, in particular, the tri-colored cat from the entrance has sunk into my soul... but this dream scares me... please help me understand whether it carries a negative meaning associated with animals... thank you.


I saw baby rabbits in a dream. they were white, 5-6 heads, and they urgently needed to be fed because they had been lying wrapped in someone’s jacket for several days. I found them like that and to feed them, I looked for carrots at the market, but I couldn’t find them. I think I gave them some water and they remained alive.


I am in a private house. I see a large black bear through the window..... Immediately I understand that I am no longer in the house but on the street and I see it very close, I feel fear, I panic.. The bear growls and rages very loudly, he destroys everything in its path, while I understand in a dream that it won’t touch me, but I’m still scared. The bear comes across domestic animals (ram, pig) on ​​the way, he quickly deals with them - simply tearing off their heads. At the same time, I bleed I don’t see. Then a large wall falls on the bear and he cannot get out. This calms me very much. Immediately I see a man and a child I don’t know - he tells me - come with us and he emanates such calmness. And without answering I wake up.


Hello! The room in it runs very fast like the wind. and jumps out into the street and I throw something at him (and it looks somewhat like a chupocabra, in general, I haven’t seen anything like that before), so that he would run away and I shout at him the strange word “bandesai” several times. And he just looks and stands still. And at that moment I wake up from a knock.


I dreamed that some woman brought two deer into my yard, tall, gray with large antlers


A friend gave me a pet (red chinchilla). Before this, my friend kissed me three times and confessed her love (I’m a girl).


The dream is about small animals and birds. Am I being played?
Wall. Tall and long. First you can see that someone is on the other side
melts or softens the wall. The next night, a bird appears through the hole, black in color, which dives into the ashes and then emerges and performs a dance. Repeatedly. The next night, two small animals (fairy-like, with soft pipe noses) appear and seal the hole with their noses. Animals are very funny. And the hole
sealed on the other side. This goes on several times. But who will appear next is not obvious. It could be anyone, but funny... Thanks for the answer.


Hello! Today I dreamed that I was walking in the forest (riding a bicycle), saw a bear, rode past him, then a hare and a fox, saw a wolf in the distance and got scared, went back, but he didn’t run after me, then the bicycle disappeared and I was immediately in I found myself in the city.


I dreamed of small Andaras that looked like several foxes and they wanted to bite and I fought back




Hello! I had a strange dream. The animal was incomprehensible! Like a turtle or a big lizard. It spoke to me. In general, in a dream I tamed him, we were very friends! It was at the dacha. We were walking when suddenly the wall of our house began to collapse and my pet began to run away! I stopped him and took him to me, but his right paw was torn off! And he tried to convince me in a human voice that the hand was in place! (in our conversation with him there was a hand, not a paw!) And I took the severed paw and said that here it is, it was torn off! Then my pet, not believing me, simply crawled on his remaining three limbs, convincing me with a human voice that everything was fine and everything was in place for him! There was no blood! We both cried heavily in our sleep! Thank you


I dreamed that I picked up pets from the street: a black cat and her kitten and a golden poodle and his puppy


I found little puppies, tiger cubs, rabbits, kittens under the bushes and I took them all home, but I went after them several times because there were a lot of them.


I had two hamsters, but now they are gone. So, I was sitting on a chair and saw one of the hamsters, I went to take it, and there, in their cage, was something like a sandy tubercle (grave). In a dream they told me that it’s time for them...


I dreamed that I was lying in my room, and the window was ventilated, and birds began to fly in, kittens appeared, dogs and puppies


At the house of a deceased friend, they are preparing for a wake and have invited people with wild animals. I am holding a wild cat in my arms.


In my kitchen I see flying birds slaughtering under the table, when I entered one of them, which was larger and more cheerful in color, grabbed my leg and began to hold on tightly; a guinea pig ran up to me from somewhere and began to rub against my leg.


I showed my friend animals that looked like dinosaurs. They were in the garden. I told her that no one sees them except me and only I feed them. I called them all by name and I remember calling one an angel.


I dreamed of a family, my daughter wanted to get a dog. It was given as a gift. Then her mother had a desire to get a dog, but her father was against it. And then one day he dreamed that a dog was lying next to his wife and he began to scream. Tell me what this means.


HELLO. I saw a deer and ran from it, for some reason I was scared of it at first. Then she stopped and turned around (I was no longer scared) he stood 10-20 meters from me, and more wild animals appeared, they were also looking at me. That's all. I was awaken.


I dreamed of 2 white rats with red eyes,
2 rabbits, a dog and other animals.
Ira and Sasha released white rats, they scared me, they had very red eyes and they wanted to bite me.
1 of them had painted nails, they were a boy and a girl


Hello Tatiana! At about 5-6 o'clock I had a dream, as if I and someone else had not seen their faces... we were standing and looking at the rams and owls!)) for some reason they were wandering together with a herd of rams or lambs... and I was looking at us)))


Hello Tatiana! Today I had a very strange dream: I approached my apartment and saw an open door, and it was opened in a very strange way, as if the can had been opened from the bottom left edge on the side of the hinges. This circumstance greatly surprised me, but when I entered the room I understood why . My apartment was all disheveled by animals, namely in the room, two white fluffy rabbits were sleeping on scraps of wallpaper. In the kitchen, a small dog was jumping, biting, tearing off some of the furniture, but at the same time it was not aggressive, but on the contrary evoked a feeling of tenderness. And in general, my dream did not cause any negativity at all, but only strong surprise at what was happening and tenderness. Yes, also, in the common corridor I came across a large dog, like a Great Dane, light brown in color, which, also, not paying attention to anyone, was minding its own business. It was as if I was looking at her from the outside. I'm not sure she saw me. I had such a strange dream today.


Hello, I dreamed that I saw an unknown animal on the shore of a lake (very similar to a small fox) and I tried to catch it to get a better look, in response it hissed and struggled, I had to let it go, and in the end I felt that it bit me from behind .


I dreamed of a strange animal that looked like a skunk, but with two faces, but then this animal gradually turned into a person who attracts failures and troubles


The bear cub walked past me playfully, and his mother followed, and it was as if she was half an arctic fox and half a bear, but they didn’t do anything to me, she just looked in my direction with a kind look and left.


My parrot (wavy) recently died, his name was Kesha, he was bright green and yellow. He died from panos. We treated him and gave him medicine. And in a dream I dreamed that we were treating him and he was dying
Why this is I don’t know. Maybe he visited me in a dream or maybe it was a prophetic dream


I dreamed that either a lynx or a tiger was attacking me, blocking my path, it jumped on me, I fought it off and I was scared and I understood that I could not cope with the attacker. So I fought back, just with my hand and contrary to my expectations, my blows repulsed her jumps, I thought that perhaps this was all, the end and it would bite me now, but somehow I fought back and it flew to the side and ran away.


I dreamed of many animals in the apartment, dogs, mice, rats, cats, hamsters. I kicked them out through the door, threw them out the window, I wanted to throw the hamster out the window, but it didn’t work, he resisted, I threw him on the floor, he broke into 2 parts.


I first dreamed of an accident, where I remained alive and the rest died or were injured. then immediately I watch a man mate with a pig.. ugh


Hello, in a dream I saw cats, dogs, woodpeckers, all the animals were not aggressive. I saw children in a dream


My dog ​​without a chain near the yard rushed at me, I waved it off, hid, he found it, took the cat to distract him, and left. And I immediately end up in the cellar, hiding from someone, don’t understand, and I see a rat, I feed it and look at it, it’s not afraid


Hello! I dreamed of a late grandmother.. It was as if she was pulled out of the grave by two dogs, among which one was a puppy, and the second was older.. There were also two gray geese.. And I know that now everything is fine with grandma, she is at home and I want call her to visit her a little later..


He ran after a pet (cat), and beat it with all his might, with aggression and anger, and wanted to kill it. I remember saying the phrase “why aren’t you dying,” and at the end, I looked at him, he was all lame, with a sad look, and I realized that I was beating him just like that. I couldn’t stop, I was hitting not alone, but with 2 other people (I don’t remember them), or rather I was catching, but I was hitting alone. We ran after him. This dream took place in the country, on the street. I love this cat very much and he is the cutest, I can’t understand why I had this dream and why I beat him. There was a bit of shock after sleeping.


I was driving a car (but I don’t drive in real life; I’m 16) in the dream I wasn’t older, but I drove very well and calmly. The road was full of potholes, but I drove confidently and did not shake, I calmly reached a large beautiful house (it was not mine), there were two adult dogs of an unusual color, they wagged their tails in front of me, and I stroked them. Then in the same house I noticed two white cats, one adult and a kitten, the kitten was closer to me, I extended my hand to stroke it, but at first it was scared, and then began to caress, in the dream there was a feeling that this snow-white kitten had let me in only me for yourself.


many small animals - a rabbit, a beaver, some other rodents, a limur, a monkey - began to attack, run over me, saw the food and pounced on it, as if they had never seen it. They almost bit off my fingers.


Hello! I had a dream that I was in some kind of basement and I had to pass by some furry animals. And in the middle of these fluffy balls sit HUGE toads and bite these fluffies. But I never made it through


I woke up in a dream from a noise, and saw a rat running from the window along the edge of the bed, at first I thought it was a rat, but then I saw that it was some kind of soft fluffy animal, somewhat reminiscent of a weasel, then it ran up and climbed into my arms


I dreamed of non-existent animals and fish, very bright and beautiful


I dreamed about my lost pet 2-3 weeks ago, that he was covered in sores, but I don’t remember how I found him, I just remember that he was already sitting in my arms and I fed him, he was sitting in my arms and purring and I took him to the veterinarian to treat him.


Hello! Today I dreamed of some strange animals: one looked like a mixture of a fox and a wolf, small in size and even in color, then some aliens. supposedly a man, but large in size and with a head shaped like a UFO, and he seemed to have just been born.


I was traveling on the train, a large animal came... a bear or a wolfhound... I scratched his withers, he was dirty


I dreamed of animals: a lion, a turtle, a dog, which I stroked, but at first I was afraid of the lion, but then I realized that he was not dangerous and I also began to stroke


I was walking with my dog, and various animals began to surround us, getting closer and closer. I picked up the stick and twirled it, incl. and in a circle to scare away. then, I don’t remember. Apparently, I woke up.


I was in the basement of our house, and there were a lot of different animals there, I remember poultry, chickens, ducks, geese, and for some reason I was scared, even though in my dream the light was on in the basement...


different animals come to my apartment, including my dog ​​and animals that I have never seen, maybe they don’t even exist in the natural world, I’m already dreaming for the second day


I dreamed about our cat that got lost. We took her to the village, although she had lived in the city for a long time. And then after a while she disappeared. And I dreamed that she was already in our city apartment.


in a five-story building, in the entrance on the stairs, I saw a wild animal that looked like a serval, he was furious and someone tried to grab him, and I decided to try to go up and take him to the apartment where my mother lived before her death


I bought a small old beautiful house on the shore of a lake or sea, yellow sand. Then chickens, a cow, a dog, a cat came to me, the neighbors said they lived with the old owners. The chicken laid an egg for me, I took it and was very happy.

Animals can play any role in a dream. As history shows, it was dreams about animals that proved the true value of dreams in general. They reveal the essence of personal problems and relationships and indicate the significance of circumstances. Animals can help us, talk to us, or they can chase us, even eat us, or simply be present in our dreams, causing calm or, on the contrary, anxiety. Animals often appear in dreams under the influence of individual life experiences.

To interpret a dream, it is important to compare your attitude towards any animal in real life and in a dream. At the same time, pay attention to the behavior of the animal in a dream and compare it with your stereotype of perceiving the animal in reality. This is significant, since perceptions in a dream and in reality can be diametrically opposed.

Let's take a dog for example. A dog is an unchanging symbol of a devoted friend. However, in the depths of the subconscious, many people have an insurmountable fear of dogs. These animals are also associated with essentially opposite social stereotypes (compare: “man’s best friend” and “angry as a dog”). People who are very afraid of dogs may have a dream in which this fear is justified, and the next night a dream with the opposite direction.

One of the fundamental points of interpretation is the actions of the dog. Is the animal chasing you? Does it bite you? Or are you talking to him?

Pets are frequent guests in dreams, but they are not as attached to modern man as in the days of subsistence farming. Pets in the pasture usually symbolize prosperity. Previously, dreams with such animals were considered as a sign of prosperity and well-being of the earth.

Killing animals is a rare event in dreams. It can be caused by two reasons: necessity or ordinary desire. Killing an animal out of necessity is a breadwinner archetype or a survival dream. Such dreams often convey a sense of responsibility for others or the need to assert oneself. Unmotivated killing of an animal can be a simple realization of your desire, a projection of anger or dissatisfaction with some social taboo. The realization of desire or the projection of anger has a lot to do with how you perceive the animal being killed.

Does this animal represent a person for you, or perhaps are you comparing a person from your environment with a specific animal?

The social taboo imposed by society on the unmotivated injuring or killing of animals has become the criterion by which people's antisocial behavior is assessed. It is therefore not surprising that in dreams it can symbolize breaking a taboo. But, again, it is important how you perceive this animal.

The starving animal is of interest in agricultural societies, such as American Indian communities. The appearance of such animals in a dream conveys feelings or thoughts about the inconsistency (or inadequacy) of the requirements of reality. In the past, starving animals were considered an omen of great famine and pestilence. Starving animals can also symbolize interpersonal relationships with others.

Here is a list of some stereotypical associations directly related to images of animals and their inherent metaphorical symbolism (in contrast “good - bad”). This symbolism is often used as the most characteristic features of a person:

Cat/cat: calm, independent - aloof, irresponsible.

Cow: breadwinner, noble, soft - timid.

Dog: loyal, friendly - destructive, aggressive.

Horse: hardworking, helpful - stubborn, independent.

Mouse: calm, tiny - indecisive.

Bull: hardworking - stupid.

Pig: smart - gluttonous, dirty.

Rabbit: fast, kind, productive - timid.


Interpretation of dreams from Loff's Dream Book

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Seeing Animals in a dream

They represent the instincts of the human body or the forces of nature and signify the potential for action for the subject, appearing in a dream either as value or as danger, depending on the subject's perception of the behavior and character of the individual animal. If a person feels superior to a dreaming animal, then these forces are functional for him, otherwise they indicate a danger threatening him. However, the image of an animal in itself is never negative.

Interpretation of dreams from the Free Dream Book

What does the dream mean Animals

Hearing the victorious cries of animals in a dream is a sign of imminent success in business.

If you dream that you defeated an angry beast, then in reality you will help a person who will later help you make a good career and gain the respect of others.

A dream in which you saw that a beast has overcome you, then be afraid of false friends and their false promises.

Seeing a herd of animals in a dream is a sign of prosperity and success in business.

Seeing a herd peacefully grazing in a meadow in a dream means that you will soon achieve what you want, and this will bring you peace. If the herd is angry, then be afraid of cataclysms and political unrest in the country.

Feeding animals in a dream is a sign of good hope and good luck.

Talking to animals in a dream is a harbinger of an unusual event. Remember what the animal tells you - it can give you a hint for the future.

Strange animals in a dream foreshadow unusual events or news that will excite you to the same extent as the sight of these animals in a dream.

Caressing wild animals in a dream means that you will soon have an unusual and difficult undertaking or adventure.

Stroking pets means peace and tranquility. Pay attention to the color of the animals.

The black color of an animal in a dream is a bad sign. Black and white color means that the animal is close to you, but you can expect anything from it. White color is a sign of purity, purity and joy.

White animals in a dream, in general, predict good news for you, a pleasant date with a friend. It's bad if they leave you in your sleep.

A red animal means a devoted partner or lover. An animal shimmering with different mysterious colors is a sign of the unusualness of the incident that awaits you.

Adopting homeless animals is a warning that needs to be taken carefully.

If you dream that you were bitten by a rabid animal, then you should be wary of deception.

Hearing the roar of animals in a dream is bad news.

In general, all animals have certain qualities, thanks to which people perceived them differently.

See interpretation: animals.

We dream about moles to warn us about deception.

Bats in a dream are harbingers of misfortune.

A fox in a dream means deception, the cunning of ill-wishers.

We dream of bears to warn us of an imminent encounter with brute force or courageous action.

Deer is a symbol of the rapid development of events.

An eagle in a dream means speed and fortitude.

A donkey in a dream means patience and stubbornness.

An elephant is dreamed of to predict the importance of an event.

A tiger in a dream symbolizes a tyrannical, merciless government or a dangerous enemy.

The seal is a symbol of slowness and clumsiness.

A ferret in a dream symbolizes enmity, the deceit of spiteful critics, and the machinations of envious people.

A turtle in a dream is a symbol of patience, the slow development of events.

See interpretation: sheep, cattle, etc. by name.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

See Animals in a dream

Seeing animals (animals) of an unusual type in a dream means experiencing anxiety and excitement in reality.

White animals portend a date with friends.

Seeing angry animals means removing obstacles.

Wild animals mean that you will have to have an unpleasant conversation with a good friend about his unworthy behavior. Seeing them at the zoo is a sign of worry without a serious reason. Tame, completely harmless animals are a harbinger of a joyful meeting with a friend.

Pets - enter into a friendly or loving relationship with a charming man.

Catching wild animals in a dream means quarreling with someone close to you. To be in danger from them means you risk losing your life. If they attack you, beware of the trap in reality. Feeding wild animals means experiencing disappointment in reality. Seeing them running means avoiding serious danger. Hunt them - a joyful message awaits you. Shoot and kill - beware of an accident. Running away from wild animals means disrepute, slander and slander. Caress them - you will encounter difficulties in a new endeavor.

Herding livestock in a dream means making dubious profits. Milking or cleaning up after her means the opportunity to have your own home. Shelter homeless animals - in reality you are in danger.

Seeing herds of animals wandering through the streets of the city means making true friends. Seeing animals in a menagerie means a lot of troubles at once; in a circus - a variety of entertainment.

Seeing animals caught in traps or snares foretells evil intentions and troubles from relatives. To free them and set them free is to fail due to your own negligence. Putting traps or snares on animals means no changes in life and no prospects ahead.

Seeing mating games and mating of animals in a dream means that you are experiencing increased attention and interest in sex.

Seeing an animal's head in a dream warns you to be more selective in choosing friends and activities.

Stuffed animals mean that someone will provide you with generous support.

If in a dream you look in the mirror and see some kind of animal there, it means that in reality you will experience disappointment and suffer losses. Seeing animals languishing sadly in cages means your victory over unfavorable circumstances. Seeing yourself in a cage with wild animals portends disasters, accidents, accidents.

If in a dream it seems to you that there is some scary-looking absolutely fantastic animal from a horror movie in bed next to you, then in reality you will face failures with no end in sight.

If you dream that you are having sexual intercourse with animals, this is a sign of sexual dissatisfaction, although you yourself may not think so.

Seeing animals in a knacker or slaughterhouse in a dream means that in reality you will witness an ugly scene that is offensive to your refined taste. Seeing animal brains is a harbinger of mental suffering from everyday hardships.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

What do Animal dreams mean?

Pets - expect changes in the family: catching - a new acquaintance will lead to a strong and long-term relationship, possibly to marriage; ironing - you will make amends for all the consequences of the last quarrel, and life will flow as usual; put in a stall - a change in financial situation; cattle - you will be able to repel ill-wishers seeking to destroy your marriage; use as a vehicle - you will find a wise advisor among your loved ones.

See Farm.

Imagine how you care for your pets, care for them and cherish them, and they respond to you with their devotion and love.

See Wild animals.

Aggressive behavior - danger: bares teeth - secret enemy; sneaks up on you - gossip is woven around you; attacks - they are trying to drag you into a conflict that can lead to irreparable consequences; hurts you - an incurable disease; kills its victim - to a dangerous illness or even to the death of a person close to you (see also Bite).

Imagine watching a show where a handler handled a difficult situation without difficulty. Everyone who was in danger was saved by him (see Saving someone).

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Dream about Animals

They symbolize the state of your feelings.

Pets: most often reflect feelings and apprehensions associated with the household and personal well-being. Their appearance and behavior indicate the state of your affairs and what you should be wary of in the near future. In general, if pets look well-groomed and healthy: this is a sign that your affairs are going well.

Such dreams mean that nothing threatens you in the near future.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

What does Animals mean in a dream?

Driving cattle in a dream means joy.

Beating cattle is bad luck.

Seeing livestock slaughter is a danger to life.

Seeing the lair of the beast means loss.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

What does Animals mean in a dream?

For a dream interpreter, it makes no significant difference whether these characters are human or animal.

But the appearance of animals in a dream enhances the manifestation of the dreamer’s internal sensory problems. Man is a dual being. On the one hand, he has a spiritual, conscious beginning. On the other hand, it has a biological nature. Even in the appearance of some people, animal features are visible.

A girl may subtly resemble a squirrel or a cat.

We compare a broad-shouldered, strong man to a bull, and a refined but sensual man to a thoroughbred horse.

But much more often than in external appearance, animal traits manifest themselves in our instincts and direct behavior.

In dreams, these instincts are separated from the dreamer's conscious self and embodied in animal images.

These animals can reflect fear, rage, hunger or defenselessness and abandonment.

Understanding the meaning for the dreamer of an animal is similar to understanding the signs of nature.

Remember, a gloomy landscape, rain, clouds, cold, snow, ice in a dream accompany unfavorable circumstances in reality.

A beautiful sunny day, bright blue sky, clean clear water - these signs foretell positive changes in your life.

Dreamed animals are also viewed from the same perspective.

Dirty, skinny, hungry animals bring a bad forecast for the seer.

Evil, aggressive, scary creatures in your dream are also unfavorable for the future.

The appearance of clean, kind, affectionate animals is a completely different matter.

They portend peace and happiness in your real life.

Animals in fairy tales are always humanized. But in some stories there is a direct reference to the transformation of people into animals. And only when the spell is lifted from them do the animals become human again.

“frog princess”, “scarlet flower”.

Animals are the main helpers of humans. “Tsarevich Ivan and the Gray Wolf”, “The Little Humpbacked Horse”, “Puss in Boots”. These fairy-tale characters have already entered the unconscious of people as archetypes and can come into our dreams as advisers.

Ordinary animals reflect our basic private instincts: sexuality, hunger, impetuosity, aggression, and the like.

Their appearance in dreams predicts some process in our lives that has a beginning and an end.

Interpretation of dreams from

Representatives of the fauna that appear in night visions are often associated with people endowed with similar traits and habits. However, the interpretation of such a dream may be another option - the dreamer secretly dreams of developing in himself, for example, the royalty of a lion, the cunning of a fox, or becoming graceful like a deer or an antelope. Let's take a closer look at what animals mean in dreams.

Miller's opinion

Miller believed that almost every animal in a dream has its own characteristics. Analogies with their behavior in life are also appropriate when interpreting dreams.

  • Dreamed about, the personification of a strong, confident, domineering character.
  • , goat, donkey are associated with hardworking, but rather stubborn people.
  • famous for their gloominess and strength.
  • , they suggest that the hour is uncertain, you will have to communicate with a cunning and swindler.
  • or in a dream warns that attacks from predatory, ruthless individuals cannot be avoided.
  • - a symbol of deceit.
  • , these are messengers of peace, goodness, humility.

Wild and domestic animals

Predators living in the wild, as a rule, personify freedom and strength. But we must not forget that these representatives of the fauna are also famous for their wild, ignorant behavior. Therefore, if you dreamed of such animals, then in reality the dreamer will have to show all the main features of wild predators in order to win any dispute or competition.

According to the Autumn Dream Book of Birthday People, if you see reptiles, exotic mammals, and their other wild counterparts in a dream, then in reality many plans will easily come true. Why do we dream of animals of different species huddled together in one flock? If both predators and their prey are grazing amicably and peacefully, then take such a dream as advice that the time has come to get rid of stereotypes and habitual methods of work. It will be useful to learn to accept all innovations with ease.

Consider a dream in which a herd of domestic animals was seen as a good sign that in the near future everything will be safe and stable in your life.

Explanations of what animals from the category of marine mammals, for example, whales, seals, dream about can be found in the Large Universal Dream Book. This plot involves a meeting with a rather interesting person who is famous for his integrity. You can safely rely on it, but remember that it is not at all as simple as it seems at first glance.

In the dream book you can find an interpretation of visions about white animals. Light skin or wool is not always a good sign, but if the animal was large and quiet, then pleasant events will follow the dream.

Dead animals

If you open the esoteric dream book about animals, you will find out what it means to see a dead animal. The main meaning of such a symbol is sadness, grief, or, oddly enough, new opportunities.

When interpreting, pay attention to the type, size and breed of the dreamed representative of the fauna. For example, if you remember that in a dream you killed a large wild animal that was attacking you, then in reality you will very soon be able to overcome your fears and begin to act in a direction that you were previously afraid to even think about.

A dream in which you stumbled upon a predator who died of natural causes promises that your ill-wishers will finally leave you alone, and this will not require any effort on your part.

Freud, as usual, has a very unusual interpretation of what killed animals can mean in dreams. The Austrian psychiatrist was convinced that such a dream was evidence of the suppression of his hunting instinct by a civilized person. Developing this topic, he came to the conclusion: the murder of a living creature, which did not pose an immediate threat to a person’s life in a dream, in reality manifests itself as unmotivated aggression towards people or even inanimate objects.

In other dream books, the death of animals is interpreted not as a threshold of upcoming events, but as a reflection or rethinking by the dreamer of what happened some time before the dream. You can also find interpretations according to which noticing the corpse of an animal in a dream means that in his behavior the dreamer makes mistakes that lead to bad consequences for him.

What could happen if you wandered into an animal cemetery in a dream? You shouldn't expect anything particularly terrible in reality. But keep in mind that this animal graveyard symbolizes the dreamer's buried dreams. Such a plot may push him to take active action to revive his old plans. Who knows, maybe all is not lost yet?

A person who dreams of a dying animal can be blamed for disorganization, lack of discipline and the inability to determine priority tasks. He should take such a dream as invaluable advice and make adjustments to his own behavior.

According to the dream book, quite often, dead animals can symbolize a person’s natural fear of the mystery of death.

Horns and hooves

Why do you dream of dead animals, gnawed down to the skeleton? If you believe the esoteric dream book, then such a plot, in which there are many bones and they are scattered around, promises a rich harvest of fruit. Moreover, this interpretation has been tested repeatedly and always comes true. Seeing the heart of an animal in a dream is, of course, scary, but nothing terrible will actually happen. On the contrary, you will have good luck in love.

If the sleeper shudders in his sleep from the terrible sight of the insides of an animal, for example, he notices the intestines, then upon waking up he should undergo a preventive examination by a doctor. There are high risks of health problems that have not yet manifested themselves. Timely treatment will help you quickly improve your health. However, if you dreamed of an animal’s liver, then wonderful events are coming that will be more fun to experience in the company of family and friends.

Dreams in which you see or even drink the blood of an animal cannot be considered horror films. Velesov's dream book considers this a good omen. And a person who has tasted blood, according to this dream book, is expected to win. Because he will become famous for his persistence and resourcefulness. It is no coincidence that since ancient times the fleece has been considered gold, that is, a sign of wealth. A dream in which the skin of an animal appeared promises prosperity and material well-being. If, while stroking the skin, the dreamer felt its silkiness, then he will be lucky in matters of the heart.

An animal skull seen in a dream should be taken as a warning that a person must carefully weigh his every step in reality. He should not give in to emotions and lose control of himself. The Mayan Indians believed that if you dreamed of the eyes of an animal peeping through the foliage, then the sleeping person was protected by the Forest Spirit. In other words, everything will be very good.

Another dream book about animals simply and accurately explains why one dreams of a tongue. Despite the fact that animals are dumb creatures, a person who has had such a dream may soon discover his talent as a speaker. Do not wrinkle your nose if you dreamed of manure or excrement of other animals. This is an excellent sign, foreshadowing wealth, fame and success!

Who is free and who is in the stall

To correctly interpret a dream, you need to remember where the dreamed animal was located. According to Veles’s dream book, a nimble, silky mink flashing in a dream is a harbinger of risky, but not always justified from a material point of view, adventurous undertakings. However, sometimes this charming predator can portend a very big win.

A dream in which a weasel was spinning warns that in reality you need to be a little more vigilant and not succumb to the charms and flattering speeches of some people pursuing selfish goals or weaving intrigues.

In South America, the image of a popular animal called a llama is endowed with a sacred meaning. Therefore, in the dream books of the Indians there, this animal symbolizes prosperity and protection from evil forces. For people born in the summer months, bad consequences are predicted by dreams during which they had to stay in a barn for livestock. Most likely, in reality, summer birthday people will be forced to reduce daily expenses and lead a more modest lifestyle.

Noticing a cage with a songbird in your night dreams means that your opponent will be defeated, defeated. If you dream of an animal in the house, this is a signal that the dreamer is concerned about his own safety. The dream book in the “animals” section also explains the dream during which it is as if you are feeding the inhabitants of a farm. Such a plot is observed by people who are accustomed to planning and thinking through their every step, confident in the future. In a dream, did you repeat the feat of the famous Grandfather Mazai, saving animals? Then you will have a chance to commit some crazy act that will be appreciated by members of the public.

The appearance of the cubs

Few people in their lives have been able to see a female give birth in the wild, so dream books explain that such events, seen in a dream, will bring good luck and luck. And if the sleeper observed how the descendants of domestic animals were born, then he can rejoice at the upcoming growth in income and improvement in his financial situation.

In a dream, keeping an eye on baby mammals, blindly floundering helplessly in the first minutes of their lives, is often given to people who in reality dream of some kind of superiority or power. For what? Maybe people respect you for your modesty and delicacy?

A strange dream, in which the dreamer himself suddenly gives birth to a baby animal, is interpreted by dream books as a sign that a grand surprise is just around the corner. However, it may not please the dreamer at all, so you need to be extremely careful and attentive.

Manifestation of predatory nature

Why do you dream about animals attacking people? Freud looks for the answer to such dreams in sexual experiences. He suggests that such a dream is seen by people whose partner behaves extremely selfishly and cynically. In other dream books there are explanations for dreams in which the dreamer watches, as if from the outside, how someone is attacked by predators. In this case, a person in a dream shows his thirst for power, or out of habit takes a leading position.

A bite in a dream symbolizes both possible health problems and other kinds of bad surprises. When waking up after a dream with such a plot, you need to be as careful as possible. In this case, everything will be fine. After all, you received a warning in a dream, which means you are armed!

Fairytale animals and birds

Anyone who was amazed and frightened by an unprecedented animal in a dream will most likely experience a similar emotion almost immediately after waking up.

Miller suggests that a dream about a fantastic, outlandish animal should be considered a rare success. In his opinion, after such a sleepy plot, you can make a single wish that will soon come true. If during your sleep you were struck by a whole herd of exotic creatures that do not actually exist in nature, then when you wake up, rejoice that a white stripe awaits you in life - luck accompanies you.

Having met a talking bird or animal in a dream, you can be proud of yourself. People around you value and respect you. For wisdom and worldly experience. A strange dream in which a certain creature appears, resembling both an animal and a man, something like a centaur, indicates that the sleeper is in search of his own style, image.

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Wild animals that you happened to see in a dream are a symbol of internal contradictions. Perhaps you are not entirely happy with the way you are living. Dream books recommend remembering how the meeting took place in a dream, and what you experienced at the same time, then you can get accurate explanations of why such images appear in dreams.

Miller's Dream Book

When interpreting what wild animals mean in dreams, Miller’s dream book recommends paying attention to their mood. So, for example, an animal growling at you, but not attacking, symbolizes the offense of a friend. But if you meet a predator in a menagerie, then this means your worries are groundless.

Have you seen tamed animals? Guests will come to you soon. It is especially good if the living creature was white, this means that the joy from the meeting will be sincere.

Who are you, “brother”?

If in a dream you encountered a wild animal, take a closer look at who it was. The interpretation of the dream may depend on this. Here, for example, is what dreams mean:

  • bears - to a strong patron;
  • fox - to cunning and tricks;
  • zebra - fun will be replaced by sadness;
  • monkeys - a waste of time;
  • hippos - to laziness and doing nothing;
  • horses - to endurance.

“Big cats” of the savannah as the personification of bright emotions

If you dreamed of lions, then rest assured that you will be able to achieve everything you have in mind, the Eastern Dream Book pleases with its interpretation. Please note that if in a dream a lion roared loudly, then you will come to your dream through a series of difficulties and conflicts, but if the lions were peacefully basking in the sun, this is a symbol of the unhindered implementation of your cherished goals.

Dreamed of a tiger? Take a look at the White Magician's dream book, his interpretations will be as follows: an unexpected fright awaits you. If the tiger is calm, then fear will be replaced by pleasant surprise, but an angry tiger symbolizes troubles that will make you worry.

To the free - will, or the Lightness of Being

When interpreting dreams about wild animals, it is also necessary to take into account the habitat. For example, an animal in the wild is a sign of inner openness and satisfaction with life. Did you dream that, while walking in the forest, you see many wild animals of this habitat? A good omen, predicts Pastor Loff’s dream book, symbolizing joy.

I dreamed of many wild animals living freely in the forest, but coming to your home to eat - a sign that you will be able to win over even the most unsociable types. This is especially true if you have managed to tame many different animals.

A zoo is a sign of a painful existence

Things are somewhat different in cases where in a dream you see wild animals in cages. Dreams about a zoo personify the dreamer’s inner lack of freedom, dream books explain.

An animal seen in a dream can evoke various emotions in the dreamer, from tenderness and joy to feelings of anxiety and fear. We learn from the article about what our four-legged friends want to tell us when they appear in a dream.

Seeing an animal in a dream

If in a dream you simply watch an animal, then this means your psychological similarity with the four-legged animal that appeared in this night vision. A lion, for example, can mean power and strength, a fox - cunning and deceit, a hare - fear and timidity, a wolf - danger, a horse - stubbornness, independence, etc.

Why do you dream about animals of unusual appearance? This means that in the near future you will experience worries and anxieties, possibly related to your family and friends.

If the kingdom of Morpheus provided you with a vision in which you met white, calm animals, then expect a pleasant time with good and loyal friends.

Why do we dream about animals (a lot)? If you see entire herds in your night vision, then expect to meet people who will become loyal friends for you in the future.

If in a dream you saw angry and enraged animals, then there will be an improvement in your life. All obstacles on the way to the goal will be completely destroyed.

If you are watching fluffy, beautiful and completely harmless four-legged animals, then expect to meet a devoted friend in the near future.

Do you look in a dream at a sad and unhappy four-legged animal that evokes nothing but pity? Stop feeling sorry for yourself, it's time to become strong!

Looking at animals wandering and prowling in search of food means your desire to improve living conditions. For example, you want to increase your earnings or find a new job. Or maybe you liked the position of a boss? In this situation, you should pay attention to the little things, the situation, etc. If the animals were angry and hungry, then it will be quite difficult for you. Are the animals beautiful and friendly? Then expect good news.

Why do you dream of animals in the reflection of the mirror you look into? This suggests that in reality you will suffer significant losses and also experience serious disappointment.

Animals behind the fence

In your dream, did you watch animals at the zoo? Then you will soon experience worries that will be completely in vain.

What if you see animals in a menagerie? This is not a good sign. You will be overcome by troubles from all sides.

Looking at an animal awaiting its fate in a slaughterhouse means that you will witness an ugly and disgusting scene that does not correspond to your moral views on life.

What if in night vision you are watching animals in a circus? This means that soon you will have fun in a fun company.

If you see in your dream how animals are languishing in cages, then in the future you are guaranteed victory over all enemies and competitors.

Wild animals

Why do you dream about wild animals? This means that in reality some areas of your life are out of control. In this case, you should think about what you can associate the dreamed animal with. Whether it has power over you or serves you, whether it is angry or harmless, etc.

If in a dream you are simply observing the life of wild animals, then this means that traps have been placed for you everywhere, so be careful.

What if in a dream you dreamed that you were feeding wild four-legged animals? This indicates serious disappointment.

If in a dream you feel danger (you are at a short distance from an angry animal), then in real life an incident awaits you that could end in death.

If in your vision you lock eyes with an animal, it means that you will soon meet one-on-one with your sworn enemy.

Why do you dream about wild animals running? This suggests that the danger will pass by.

What if you're into a wild animal? Serious danger awaits you.

How to interpret a dream in which you catch a wild animal? This speaks of upcoming joy.

How to interpret a dream in which a porcupine appeared? This beast means that many people are angry with you and want revenge.


Why do you dream about pets? White means love or friendship, pleasant dates. Black - a large number of enemies.

What if in a dream you stroke and caress pets? This suggests that you will soon buy yourself a house.

If the kingdom of Morpheus provided you with a vision that your pets are roaring, then bad news will soon come to you. If a pig squeals, someone's death will greatly upset you. Also, this dream may mean a bad assessment of your work, which was done conscientiously.

Why do you dream of animals in the house that rush at you? This suggests that all obstacles to the goal will soon be removed.

Do you watch grazing pets in your dreams? This means that you are surrounded by good and faithful friends.

Do you hear a goat bleating or a cow mooing? This means that a lot of worries and problems will fall on you.

Why do you dream about animals (a lot) running away from you? This means your career is at risk.

How to explain a dream in which you see an animal that has never been in the house? Perhaps it reflects your irresistible desire to have this or that animal.

The opposite interpretation is given to a dream where you acquired a pet that you never wanted or were even afraid of. Such a dream may mean your desire to defeat the enemy and move to a new stage in life.

Dead animals

This suggests that someone from your close circle is lying to you or is not telling you the real truth. Perhaps this person does this not out of bad intentions, but to warn you against unnecessary worries.

If in your dream you watch dead animals lying around, then expect attacks from a person you know. He may try to make fun of you or offend you.

What if you saw a dead horse in your dream? This means that you will soon receive bad news. This may also indicate the dreamer’s inability to deal with the difficulties and problems that have befallen him.

Killed animals

Why dream of killing animals? If you have such a dream, then expect an accident to happen to you or your loved ones.

Why do you dream about dead animals that you killed yourself? This means you regret what you did in real life.

If in a dream you killed an animal unintentionally, then this means upcoming news about the death of a person who died under random circumstances.

Animal? If you see a dead animal and its blood spatters your clothes, expect profits or a significant improvement in your financial situation soon.

If in a dream you beat a defenseless animal and at the same time experience enormous pleasure, it means that in real life you are prone to sadism.


Why do you dream about animals that you yourself killed and eat their meat? This means that in the near future you will face confiscation of property.

If you carry meat in your hands, then illness will soon break you.

If someone gives you the meat of a killed animal, then this means that you will fall under the influence of evil spells.

If you find a killed animal and begin to eat its meat, then your situation may improve over time.

Dreaming about animals: meaning for relationships

If a girl saw blind small wild animals in a night vision, then this predicts an early pregnancy for her.

If you dreamed that a person was killing a quadruple, this means that your significant other will soon leave you for another person. For family people, this vision suggests that a person who calls himself a friend of the husband (wife) is secretly in love with you.

Why do you dream about a dead black animal? This suggests that you will soon quarrel with a loved one. Your opponent will be to blame for the quarrel. If the animal is white, you are yourself.

If you observe how pets are placed in a slaughterhouse, then this means that your significant other will not love you, but will be afraid of you.

Did you dream that your pets were well-groomed and well-fed? This is a good sign. Your marriage will be happy. Night vision is interpreted in the opposite way, in which domestic animals are shabby and ugly.


In general, as mentioned earlier, it all depends on what little things surrounded you in your dream. If the vision was bright, with kind and affectionate animals, then in this case it is easy to guess that nothing bad is expected. The main thing is that you need to set yourself up for the positive, and only then will the kingdom of Morpheus delight you with wonderful and vivid dreams.