Irakli is in contact. Irakli Makatsaria

At the beginning of 2017, the Internet was rocked by shocking news: the hero of “Bachelor 6” Irakli Makatsaria and his chosen one Alena Lesyk broke up! With this statement, the girl shocked subscribers on her social network page.

Relationship history

Irakli Makatsaria and Alena Lesyk became the first couple of the “Bachelor” project whose relationship lasted longer than several months. Almost immediately after the end of the show, they went to Georgia, where they communicated more closely with the man’s parents and friends. And then we flew to Turkey to celebrate the New Year. Alena noted that it was the most fun and unforgettable New Year's Eve in her life.

For a whole year, viewers could watch joint photos of lovers on social networks. The model exhibited pictures from Georgia, praised her boyfriend’s parents and tried on a wedding dress. The Georgian producer said that he was surprised how quickly their relationship became serious and that they had already discussed the topic of future children.

More recently, on November 6, the couple celebrated the anniversary of their relationship. It was on this day a year earlier that the television hero made a choice in favor of a charming girl. Happy Alena then admitted that the holiday was a success and compared it to a honeymoon.

Fans of the couple have already begun to make plans for their former wedding. But what happened after shocked everyone who watched the development of the relationship between the young people.

Alena's statement

The news of the couple’s separation was publicly announced by Alena Lesyk on her Instagram page.

“I decided to tell you what is already clear. I thought that Irakli and I were supposed to announce this news together! But apparently, I, the “little princess,” will have to do everything myself. We're not a couple anymore!

The girl emphasized that she was the one who made this decision and considers it correct. She explained that she was not guided by the surge of new feelings or the cooling of old ones. She just needed more attention, she wanted “to be understood and loved.”

It is worth noting that in the latest frames on the networks, Alena increasingly appears in the image of a luxurious diva. Fans vying with each other to comment on her pictures, saying that “Irakli will regret it” and “he has lost a lot.”

Public response from Irakli

After Lesyk’s statement, Makatsaria did not remain in debt and published his response to the ex-girlfriend and all fans.

“After Alena’s statement, almost everyone is aware of the end of our relationship. I sincerely did not want to write anything about my personal life on social networks, but I understand that the viewers of the project, who were rooting for us, want to hear my position. Although I do not agree with Alena’s style of presentation, I think that this is her right.”

Irakli Makatsaria - the main character of Bachelor season 6

Handsome, tanned, with the figure of a young god, with shining eyes and a disarming smile. A person with charisma and charm that captivates from the first minute of meeting... Poor girls! There are many of them, but he is alone. A handsome Georgian who knows exactly what he wants from life and from his companion. Who she is, this lucky girl, is still unknown. Well, it’s all the more interesting to follow the twists and turns of the romantic show and understand for yourself who he is?

- Irakli, have you watched the previous seasons of “The Bachelor”?

Literally a couple of episodes from some seasons. Moreover, he paid special attention to the rose ceremony. It was interesting for me to look at the guys who had already gone through this. I thought, and still think so, that the hardest part of the project is the moment of farewell. When you are forced to say “goodbye” to a girl, realizing that she is not too pleased to hear it. At least I haven’t seen a single girl who was left without a rose and was happy at the same time.

Based on my experience and character, I can say: it is very difficult for me to commit an act that will cause discomfort to someone, especially a girl. So I wanted to see how it happened with my predecessors. And looking at them, I was worried in advance. And when I started watching the broadcasts with my participation, I heard the girls’ faces, saw their tears, I experienced excitement again. - Who did you watch the first broadcast with?

I specially flew to Kyiv and watched it together with the film crew of “The Bachelor,” with whom I became very friendly during the project. Although at the beginning of the show, when on the eve of the first day of shooting I came to the location, I saw a huge number of people, equipment, I understood the full scale of what was happening, and, to be honest, I was a little confused.

- But you work in the film industry. For you, as a producer, the filming process should be your natural element.

All this is true. But then I felt a huge responsibility, because I am the main character here. Of course, I came to Ukraine to build a personal life, but it’s not like going to the movies with a girl: if something works out, that’s good; if it doesn’t work out, that’s also not a problem. Here the whole story is built around you: you need to pull yourself together, be absolutely natural, don’t lose yourself, don’t lose your head. After all, a “bachelor” feels colossal psychological pressure - he is surrounded by unfamiliar people, among whom he needs to somehow get comfortable and not get lost.

But by the end of the project, the entire team, from the driver to the manager, became a family for me, with whom we went through both good and difficult moments.

- So, were you satisfied with the picture, with yourself on the screen?

I was very worried, I hope the audience won’t notice. But it was more interesting for me to watch not myself, but the girls. After all, in front of me they were always white and fluffy, but when they played blitzes or communicated with each other, it was a completely different picture.

I can’t say that I was shocked or made any discovery when I learned something radically new to myself. Rather, I became convinced that my intuition basically did not let me down. I saw someone on the good side and only confirmed my feelings, and I began to respect someone even more. And I can say with confidence that the decisions I made were correct, I am happy with them. I wouldn't change anything after watching the broadcasts.

- You speak so delicately about the project participants. But there were, to put it mildly, not angels...

Indeed, there were moments in the behavior of the girls that I did not like - excessive aggressiveness, rudeness, and vulgarity. Things like this always turn me off. It is also unacceptable for me when a woman takes the initiative into her own hands and does what a man should do.

- Well, in my opinion, it’s in the blood of Ukrainian women - to take the initiative into their own hands.

I don't know, I wouldn't generalize. Many of my friends live here in Ukraine. They are married to Ukrainian women, and I have not noticed that they perform men's duties.

- In the entire history of the “Bachelor” project, there has not been a single happy ending in the “And they lived happily ever after” style...

Some people's relationships ended a few months after the end of filming, others chose one girl, and then realized that they were mistaken and started a relationship with another, but they did not end with anything. Did you find what you were looking for?

I don’t want to judge my predecessors - we are all human and we all tend to make mistakes. As for me, I confess: I am absolutely happy, I found the one I was looking for. And I can say that this is a mutual decision. During the project, I often repeated: “Girls, I don’t choose you - you’re not the car or TV that I came to the store for. You yourself should understand how compatible we are, feel whether there is mutual chemistry.”

Now you are based on the feelings that arose during the filming and after it. But you’re just starting to watch broadcasts that can bring you surprises. Is it possible that after watching the programs to the finals, you will change your opinion about your chosen one?

Irakli Makatsaria: Photo Instagram

I accept that I may learn something new or that there will be moments that I probably won't like very much. But I believe that, on the contrary, I will see confirmation of the correctness of my choice. In general, our relationship is still in the process of formation. After all, in the project we were within certain circumstances. Now we cannot openly appear together, which means we do not have the opportunity to observe each other in a natural environment, in our usual social circle. The evolutionary path that couples usually go through will begin after the finale of “The Bachelor.”

- Well, yes, you are forced to play spies in your homeland, both for yourself and for your girlfriend.

That’s the point - “The Bachelor” is watched both in Ukraine and Georgia. We have a great desire to spend as much time as possible together, but we have to restrain it. We can’t go out into the city like normal people, sit in a cafe, go to the cinema, theater, meet friends, but once we couldn’t hide and we are in a vacuum. And it's stressful. But people don’t want to understand this. They just see a beautiful picture on TV, and if then something doesn’t work out for the characters, the viewers are disappointed. Let them go through it all themselves and then talk. There is no need to make the “bachelor” and his chosen one ideal people. Everyone can make mistakes.

In general, the word “ideal” was invented to simply fantasize. There is nothing ideal in this world - there is what is acceptable to us and what is unacceptable. Ideal is a very subjective concept. - Irakli, you introduced your chosen one to your parents?

Of course, this happened during the project. Meeting the parents was part of the “mandatory program” (smiles). In general, I am very grateful to my parents for coping with their anxiety. After all, I put them in a difficult position by bringing not only the girls, but the entire film crew into the house. The only camera they had looked at before was my phone when I was filming them. And here is a large-scale shooting! At first, mom and dad were confused, didn’t know how to behave and kept asking: “Can I say this?”

Meeting the project participants with their parents is a completely new experience for me. Because before, I had never officially introduced my girls to them like this, I never said: “I have plans for the future, and I’m interested in knowing your opinion about my chosen one.”

-And what did mom say?

Maternal instinct prevailed over embarrassment, and my mother, completely forgetting about the presence of cameras, began to communicate with the girls and ask them questions. She understood that a very important moment was happening and she could not make a mistake. Mom openly shared her thoughts: what she likes about this or that girl, and what worries her. She is a straightforward person, so all the participants knew what my mother and my sister thought about themselves. -After talking with your mother and sister, did the girls draw conclusions and try to change something in their behavior? Perhaps change tactics?

Fortunately, I didn't feel it. Otherwise, this would not indicate the sincerity of their feelings, but a clearly developed strategy of behavior. If I noticed that some changes were happening, I would be very unhappy about it.

- Is your parents’ opinion important to you?

Of course, because family is the closest and dearest thing a person has. But it’s still me who makes the choice, not my family. And even if my family didn’t like something, I tried to be the girls’ advocate and explain that one day of communication is not enough for final conclusions, that they don’t know many of the nuances. -You said that you never introduced your girlfriends to your parents. Does this mean that you weren’t serious about your previous lovers?

Of course not! My mother and sister knew my ex-girlfriend. But so that at a set table, officially: “Mom, dad, I’m getting married, bless me” - no, that didn’t happen. You might be asking why? The point is in my character, I am a rather reserved person, and I try not to really dedicate anyone, even my family, to the details of my personal life.

By the way, this also applies to work: when I have any questions, I try to solve them myself. Everyone has their own problems - both friends and family - why put your own on them? Yes, they can listen to you, but it won't change anything. If you want to change something, you need to start with yourself, you need to think and find ways out of the current situation. There was no official introduction of the girls to the family, because I did not think that the time had come for this. - Irakli, you had a serious relationship with a girl for two years, and you didn’t consider it necessary to tell your parents about these “problems”?

We were 25 years old, we were young, we had a stable relationship, and we felt good together. We walked through life together, but didn’t make concrete plans to start a family: we’ll get married in a year, get married in two... You can never plan anything - you don’t know what will happen in a couple of minutes. That's right: if you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans... - Your relationship ended tragically. Your friend's ectopic pregnancy ultimately led to your breakup.

This is wrong. That's not why our relationship ended. After that tragedy, we were together for another six months, but gradually our relationship began to decline, omissions, suspicions on her part, and jealousy began. At some point we realized that we stopped understanding each other and decided to break up.

Irakli Makatsaria: Instagram photo

You experienced the loss of your child very painfully - you went to a monastery, it took you a year to come to your senses. To be honest, a strange reaction for a 25-year-old guy.

Does age somehow affect the significance of what happened? I think that even at 8 years old, some event can be very difficult to bear, at 15, and at 65. We are all different: someone can forget a certain tragic incident in a week and enjoy life, never remembering it. And there are people who need time and some effort to cope with pain. Apparently I belong to the second category. I'm not a fan of sitting depressed and deliberately giving up the joys of life, but this happens regardless of me. Of course, I said: “Pull yourself together, go forward, think about the good, concentrate on the positive” - but I realized: until everything calms down on its own, it is impossible to speed up the healing process.

I have many friends who became parents at the age of 20. So what happens if some tragedy happens, they will be told: “Come on, you’re not yet at that age to perceive everything so painfully”?

- Irakli, how do you feel about children?

I love children! I have six godchildren. And it is a great happiness for me to communicate with them. Children are the main incentive in life. Everything we do: get a higher education, look for a decent job, achieve success in our careers, buy a car, a house - ultimately we do it for the sake of children, to whom we want to give the best in the world. There is nothing more important than children. For me at least. I think that the desire to have a soul mate and a stable, strong relationship should lead to the appearance of heirs.

- So why did you come to the project?

I came to find my soulmate, and children are a logical extension of this (smiles).

Ukrainian and Georgian blood

- the children will be beautiful. Irakli, is the “Bachelor” project possible in Georgia?

I think that in the Georgian “Bachelor”, with each of the 25 girls, two or three more brothers, dad and uncle would participate (laughs).

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In the sixth season of the Ukrainian reality show “The Bachelor,” viewers watched the passionate and unpredictable relationships between the main character and 17 contenders for his heart. However, did the couple manage to maintain love and tenderness behind the project? Irakli Makatsaria and Alena Lesik – latest news, rumors of pregnancy and separation.

Fairytale story for Alena Lesik

In the first episode we saw beautiful girls, one of them, a brunette in a chic red dress, was remembered by the audience for her spontaneity, dreaminess and belief in fairy-tale love. This was Alena Lesik - 20 years old, a student, studying in Kharkov to become a Chinese translator. In addition to studying, the girl participates in modeling shoots.

Her parents are an example of a real, strong family. The father is a businessman, and the mother is a caring housewife. Alena Lesik– the eldest daughter, she also has a brother and sister.

When Alena came to the project, she did not yet know who would be the Bachelor. It turned out to be Irakli Makatsaria – thirty-year-old Georgian businessman. He studied business both in America and in Tbilisi. Having tried himself in various fields, Irakli decided to found his own production company, Maq Entertainment, which mainly deals with filming advertising and cinema.

Alena Lesik and Irakli Makatsaria – life after filming

The finale of the sixth season came as a surprise to many. Many believed that Kharkov resident Alena Lesik had no chance of winning; the bright and charismatic Anetti was more suitable for the wayward and courageous Georgian. Someone saw in the final decision not the will of the groom himself, but the desire of the organizers to arrange a beautiful finale. There were also rumors that during the project Alena managed to get pregnant and this is what influenced the final show. That's why fans are so interested in the couple's life Irakli Makatsaria and Alena Lesik, and the latest news about their relationship.

After filming, the couple posted tender pictures together for a long time. It was clear from them that the guys had very tender feelings, they clearly enjoyed each other. Like many “Bachelor” couples, they had to live in two countries, constantly experiencing flights and long periods of separation.

After filming ended, Alena Lesik decided to take advantage of the resulting popularity and try herself on television. Soon, those around her began to notice that the girl appeared without her engagement ring, which looked gorgeous in the final episode. As it turned out, the fans’ worries were not in vain - the guys broke up.

You can read about the breakup on Instagram Alena Lesik. There she mentions constantly taking initiative, which the “little princess” is tired of. The girl was ready to move to her lover’s Georgian house, become an ideal wife and a wonderful mother, but Irakli Makatsaria , Looks like he hasn't gotten enough yet.

Latest news about other bachelors of the Ukrainian project

By the way, for fans of the couple Irakli Makatsaria and Alena Lesik, latest news their breakup did not come as a surprise. After all, this show knows few successful couples that have formed on the television set.

Maksim Chmerkovskiy and Alexandra Shulgina, the first couple, broke up pretty quickly. Soon followed by news of the engagement of the former bachelor to an Australian dancer, and they had a son.

Francis Matthew and Elena Ryasnova broke up, because their feelings cooled down, and the foreigner left back to his homeland. He is single and works as a photographer.

Andrey Iskornev and Anyuta Kozyr were unable to maintain the fire at a distance, although for a long time they seemed to be a harmonious couple. For a long time he dated another participant, Irina Skorikova.

Konstantin Yevtushenko went to the project for PR - he already had a fiancee. Therefore, the unapproachable Anna Selyukova could not get into his heart. Now the businessman is married and has a son.

Well, and a football player Sergey Melnik left the beautiful Marina Kishchuk and continues to do what he loves.

How the Georgian bachelor came to this choice, what he thinks about the criticism of the public and, most importantly, whether there will be a wedding - Irakli Makatsaria spoke about this and more in an interview with Sputnik.

- Irakli, good afternoon! Tell us, when was the project filmed and what were you forbidden to do under the reality show contract?

- Kind! We started filming it on August 24, 2015 and finished filming on November 3 of the same year. According to the agreement, during the recording of the show it was prohibited to disclose any information about who the participants were, who won, where and to what countries we went. This was in the contract of all participants, including me. All this could not be talked about until the project went on air.

Photo: courtesy of Irakli Makatsaria

Irakli Makatsaria, participant in the show “Bachelor” on Ukrainian TV

- How difficult was it for you to keep your relationship with Alena confidential all this time?

— After filming ended, of course, it was difficult. It was not possible to openly walk around the city either in Ukraine or here in Georgia. Because the risk that someone would notice us was great.

- And how did you act?

- Very hidden. I came to Kyiv very often, where I either had a rented apartment or a hotel. And with the help of friends, Alena was darkly brought to me, wearing glasses, a hat, a scarf, in general, secretly. During this period, we did not appear on the streets of Ukraine, only if in some closed establishments, either with friends or with me.

- And in Georgia?

— In Georgia they also tried to walk less. But Georgia is a small country, everyone knows each other more or less. And they knew me before the show. It’s just that here, since there was no channel, and until all the PR started, we felt more free. And we went with our family. But I was still careful. And at some moments, Alena, for example, walked more with my sister, and I stood aside, so that it would not be too noticeable. Because everyone would immediately know that I was participating in the project if they saw a non-Georgian girl next to me. Of course, I didn't take any risks.

- Well, have you exhaled now?

- Well, of course! Although for the New Year, my friends and Alenka still flew to Turkey, since there was less risk that someone would recognize us. And now, of course, there is complete freedom.

- What is your relationship with Alena now?

- We are together. We have been together since the end of the project. When it was all over, Alena stayed in Batumi for a while, then we went to Tbilisi. She stayed here for quite a long time, before she started having exams and all that.

- She studies?

- Yes, but in principle it’s finishing soon. So we didn't have any big breaks in our relationship. I saw her almost every month. Either she was here, then I flew to her.

Personal archive of Irakli Makatsaria

- In the end, are you planning to transfer Alena to Georgia permanently?

- No. So far we have not talked about this so globally. Because she studies, there is work there too. At the same time, I have my own projects here. We are not talking about moving at the moment, we are not discussing this option. Because it’s not very difficult to fly there or fly here anyway. And now it’s more interesting. We're driving around. And in the summer we are going to go somewhere together.

Irakli, let's go back to the Bachelor finale. In fact, for most of the audience, your choice was unknown until the very end. Personally, until the last moment I could not predict which of the girls you would choose. Did you know it yourself?

- No. I made the decision on the day of the final. In the morning. So the same situation happened to me. I was not completely certain about my choice.

- Why?

- Well, why? It's not easy (smiles). You spend the same amount of time with the finalists. By that time, three months had almost passed—attachment, some feelings, you were going through some experiences together. I had a lot in common with both girls. And, accordingly, it’s not as simple as choosing, for example, some thing. There are a million thoughts in your head, so as not to make mistakes, to understand how compatible you are in a relationship, how you will continue to move forward. There was an attachment to both girls, some feelings arose during all this time. And, if I had understood earlier, and if I had been absolutely sure, then I would have said so right away, and the project would have ended much earlier.

Personal archive of Irakli Makatsaria

- Was there any key moment in your final decision?

- No, there was no key moment, because everything was building up, these emotions and experiences. And until the last moment, until the morning of the final, the project manager asked me: “Well, how? What did you decide?” Because this was important even for technical issues: how to organize the car, who should enter first, how the camera should display him. But until the morning of the final, I couldn’t tell her anything. And half an hour before handing over the ring, I decided who to choose.

- Irakli, did you have an understanding that you were offending the second finalist Anetti with your refusal?

- I had this feeling, starting from the first party - the rose ceremony, when I let the girls go. Of course, I was offended by the fact that I did not give a rose and in the end I did not give a ring. It's impossible not to be offended. I understood that refusing girls would not be a pleasant process. But, coming to the project, I already understood that the format is such that you cannot remain good for all the girls, right? Even when I didn’t give roses at the first party, when I watched it on air, they had tears in their eyes. And this despite the fact that we spent only 24 hours together during the shooting. But it's still a shame. And when you spend three months with a girl, and you have a lot of dates, a lot of different situations... It's just like life. Of course, I understood that this would not be pleasant for either girl.

- Now, looking back at the show, was there anything in the project that you would change?

- There's no such thing. In principle, after viewing the project from the TV screen, I realized that I did not make such mistakes. The feelings that I had, what I felt at that moment, they were absolutely right for me.

Personal archive of Irakli Makatsaria

- Were there any moments that were not aired?

- (laughs) Well, of course. The broadcast lasted only two hours. And my date with each girl lasted 10 hours. Therefore, what was broadcast was not enough for people to understand all my words and decisions. This is very difficult to convey to the viewer in 15 minutes of cut-up footage of communication with each girl on air. And what didn’t get into the frame ended up in my head, in my heart. Accordingly, that’s why I’m talking about this: people, after watching 15 minutes of my communication with a girl every Friday, they draw some conclusions, but I spent hours with them. And not only in individual communications, but also when I came to visit them, when there were some joint discussions. There are a million nuances that a person notices, and that the viewer cannot notice, you know.

- That is, the viewer could not see the full picture of what was happening?

- Certainly. This is the same installation. And, if this entire program had been broadcast during all the hours that we talked with the girls, then I am absolutely sure that the criticism and negativity that sound in my direction would have been a hundred times less.

Personal archive of Irakli Makatsaria

- What kind of criticism do you find offensive?

- Yes, I’m not offended. I have become accustomed in life to the fact that there was always enough attention around me. Maybe not on such a scale as now, of course. But I understand that there are always people around you, even those whom you consider close or who want good for you, or smile when communicating with you, and then very often you hear from them maybe some kind of gossip, some things that are unpleasant. But I say: I know that people are like that, I understand, no matter who I choose - Anetti, Natasha, Snezhana, third, tenth, it doesn’t matter - at all stages people will discuss you, they will always say something bad. Because people like to express their opinions without any obligations. My friends and my sister, who are more active on social networks, told me that a huge number of some negative responses, for example, on Instagram, were written from closed accounts, or from fake ones.

- What would you tell these people?

- Well, I do not know. I wish all these people well in life. Because people who sit 24 hours a day and write some nasty things that they don’t even understand, and live someone else’s life, then, first of all, they make things worse for themselves, because they waste their own lives. But personally, I don’t have any problems: I didn’t come to the project to become good or bad for someone. I'm not running for mayor or any other public office; it doesn't matter to me that the whole country supports me. I came to build a relationship and find a person who will be close to me. And I don’t plan to jump on ratings: who is loved more, who is loved less. No one saw better than me how and what happened there. Therefore, I will always go forward in my decisions, and all the people who are discussing all this, I think that they will remain where they are now.

Personal archive of Irakli Makatsaria

Irakli, was there anything on the project that shocked you? We saw a fight in which girls pulled out each other's hair because of you. What else?

“The fight was the most shocking thing for me.” I believe that nothing worse happened on the project, because it really went beyond all limits.

- So the fight was not according to the script?

- What are you talking about? No no. In general, the word script did not exist in the project. No matter how many times someone asks me: well, tell me honestly, and so on. I am not an actor and these girls are not actresses.

But you understand, this is first and foremost a reality show. If everything about it were smooth, it would simply not be interesting!

- The only thing I can recommend to those who believe that in such projects everything works according to the script: you go to this reality show and see everything for yourself. Take 30 different girls, put them in one setting and give them one guy they have to fight over. And you'll see what happens! Believe me, it won't be smooth sailing.

- Irakli, did the girls who went to the project know that they were going to a Georgian?

- No. They didn't know who would be the bachelor. And they saw me only at the first party.

Personal archive of Irakli Makatsaria

- Listen, did you really drink so much alcohol in one of the episodes of the project that you lost control?

- Oops! Well, it’s good that I didn’t lose control there and didn’t feel bad. It’s just that on the project, after each tête-à-tête or meeting, a quick interview was recorded. Accordingly, during the tequila party, the editors recorded every drink on every topic. But that day I got so drunk that I don’t remember how I got to the hotel. I woke up in the morning - I was dying, hungover, just shaking. I called a psychologist and said I urgently need help, pills. And then he asked the editors: tell me what was there? And my editor said that she only managed to write down 39 questions in relation to me. That means I drank at least 39 tequila shots.

- Was there even a snack?

- Those were lemons. But the thing was that the previous day I had a date with Alena, when we jumped from paragliders. And I felt very physically ill when I landed. And I didn't eat anything for the whole day.

Irakli, Alena, coming to the project, said that she dreams of a fairy tale with a good ending. Tell me, can her fairy tale end with a wedding with you?

- Anything can happen. Yes, I believe that when I came to the project, even I did not think that everything could happen so deeply and so seriously. Because, yes, I believed that a person can find love anywhere, it doesn’t matter whether you’re being filmed on a project or you’re out there, walking somewhere. I believe that most of this fairy tale that Alena dreamed about is very close to what she imagined. For me, if you look at the experience of my relationship with her, almost 8 months have already passed - and everything is fine with us.

- Has Alena already learned how to cook Adjarian khachapuri?

— Well, Adjarian khachapuri is still a bit difficult. But there are some other dishes that she is learning to cook with my mother. Accordingly, there is progress!

Handsome, tanned, with the figure of a young god, with shining eyes and a disarming smile. A person with charisma and charm that captivates from the first minute of meeting... Poor girls! There are many of them, but he is alone. A handsome Georgian who knows exactly what he wants from life and from his companion. Who she is, this lucky girl, is still unknown. Well, it’s all the more interesting to follow the twists and turns of the romantic show and understand for yourself who he is, Irakli Makatsaria?

- Irakli, have you watched the previous seasons of “The Bachelor”?

Literally a couple of episodes from some seasons. Moreover, he paid special attention to the rose ceremony. It was interesting for me to look at the guys who had already gone through this. I thought, and still think so, that the hardest part of the project is the moment of saying goodbye. When you are forced to say “goodbye” to a girl, realizing that she is not too pleased to hear it. At least I didn’t see a single girl who was left without a rose and was happy.

Based on my experience and character, I can say: it is very difficult for me to commit an act that will cause discomfort to someone, especially a girl. So I wanted to see how it happened with my predecessors. And looking at them, I was worried in advance. And when I started watching the broadcasts with my participation, I heard the girls’ faces, saw their tears, I experienced excitement again.

- Who did you watch the first broadcast with?

I specially flew to Kyiv and watched it together with the film crew of “The Bachelor,” with whom I became very friendly during the project. Although at the beginning of the show, when on the eve of the first day of shooting I came to the location, I saw a huge number of people, equipment, I understood the full scale of what was happening, and, to be honest, I was a little confused.

- But you work in the film industry. For you, as a producer, the filming process should be your natural element.

All this is true. But then I felt a huge responsibility, because I am the main character here. Of course, I came to Ukraine to build a personal life, but it’s not like going to the movies with a girl: if something works out, that’s good; if it doesn’t work out, that’s also not a problem. Here the whole story is built around you: you need to pull yourself together, be absolutely natural, don’t lose yourself, don’t lose your head. After all, a “bachelor” feels colossal psychological pressure - he is surrounded by unfamiliar people, among whom he needs to somehow get comfortable and not get lost.

But by the end of the project, the entire team, from the driver to the manager, became a family for me, with whom we went through both good and difficult moments.

- So, were you satisfied with the picture, with yourself on the screen?

I was very worried, I hope the audience won’t notice. But it was more interesting for me to watch not myself, but the girls. After all, in front of me they were always white and fluffy, but when they played blitzes or communicated with each other, it was a completely different picture.

I can’t say that I was shocked or made any discovery when I learned something radically new to myself. Rather, I became convinced that my intuition basically did not let me down. I saw someone on the good side and only confirmed my feelings, and I began to respect someone even more. And I can say with confidence that the decisions I made were correct, I am happy with them. I wouldn't change anything after watching the broadcasts.

- You speak so delicately about the project participants. But there were, to put it mildly, not angels...

Indeed, there were moments in the behavior of the girls that I did not like - excessive aggressiveness, rudeness, and vulgarity. Things like this always turn me off. It is also unacceptable for me when a woman takes the initiative into her own hands and does what a man should do.

- Well, in my opinion, it’s in the blood of Ukrainian women - to take the initiative into their own hands.

I don't know, I wouldn't generalize. Many of my friends live here in Ukraine. They are married to Ukrainian women, and I have not noticed that they perform men's duties.

In the entire history of the “Bachelor” project, there was not a single happy ending “And they lived happily ever after”... Someone’s relationship ended a few months after the end of filming, someone chose one girl, and then realized that I made a mistake and started a relationship with someone else, but it didn’t end with anything. Did you find what you were looking for?

I don’t want to judge my predecessors - we are all human and we all tend to make mistakes. As for me, I confess: I am absolutely happy, I found the one I was looking for. And I can say that this is not only my decision. During the project, I often repeated: “Girls, I don’t choose you - you’re not the car or TV that I came to the store for. You yourself should understand how compatible we are, feel whether there is mutual chemistry.”

Now you are based on the feelings that arose during the filming and after it. But you’re just starting to watch broadcasts that can bring you surprises. Is it possible that after watching the programs to the finals, you will change your opinion about your chosen one?

I accept that I may learn something new and that there will be parts that I probably won't like very much. But I believe that, on the contrary, I will see confirmation of the correctness of my choice. In general, our relationship is still in the process of formation. After all, in the project we were within certain circumstances. Now we cannot openly appear together, which means we do not have the opportunity to observe each other in a natural environment, in our usual social circle. The evolutionary path that couples usually go through will begin after the finale of “The Bachelor.”

- Well, yes, you are forced to play spies both in your homeland and in your girlfriend’s.

That’s the point - “The Bachelor” is watched both in Ukraine and Georgia. We have a great desire to spend as much time as possible together, but we have to restrain it. We cannot, like normal people, go out into the city, sit in a cafe, go to the cinema, theater, or meet with friends. We are in a vacuum. And it's stressful. But people don’t want to understand this. They just see a beautiful picture on TV, and if then something doesn’t work out for the characters, the viewers are disappointed. Let them go through it all themselves and then talk. There is no need to make the “bachelor” and his chosen one ideal people. Everyone can make mistakes.

In general, the word “ideal” was invented to simply fantasize. There is nothing ideal in this world - there is what is acceptable to us and what is unacceptable. Ideal is a very subjective concept.

- Irakli, you introduced your chosen one to your parents?

Of course, this happened during the project. Meeting the parents was part of the “mandatory program” ( smiling). In general, I am very grateful to my parents for coping with their anxiety. After all, I put them in a difficult position by bringing not only the girls, but the entire film crew into the house. The only camera they had looked at before was my phone when I was filming them. And here is a large-scale shooting! At first, mom and dad were confused, didn’t know how to behave and kept asking: “Can I say this?”

Meeting the project participants with their parents is a completely new experience for me. Because before, I had never officially introduced my girls to them like this, I never said: “I have plans for the future, and I’m interested in knowing your opinion about my chosen one.”

- And what did mom say?

Maternal instinct prevailed over embarrassment, and my mother, completely forgetting about the presence of cameras, began to communicate with the girls and ask them questions. She understood that a very important moment was happening and she could not make a mistake. Mom openly shared her thoughts: what she likes about this or that girl, and what worries her. She is a straightforward person, so all the participants knew what my mother and my sister thought about themselves.

After talking with your mother and sister, did the girls draw conclusions and try to change something in their behavior? Perhaps change tactics?

Fortunately, I didn't feel it. Otherwise, this would not indicate the sincerity of their feelings, but a clearly developed strategy of behavior. If I noticed that some changes were happening, I would be very unhappy about it.

- Is your parents’ opinion important to you?

Of course, because family is the closest and dearest thing a person has. But it’s still me who makes the choice, not my family. And even if my family didn’t like something, I tried to be the girls’ advocate and explain that one day of communication is not enough for final conclusions, that they don’t know many of the nuances.

You said you never introduced your girlfriends to your parents. Does this mean that you weren’t serious about your previous lovers?

Of course not! My mother and sister knew my ex-girlfriend. But so that at a set table, officially: “Mom, dad, I’m getting married, bless me” - no, that didn’t happen. You might be asking why? The point is in my character, I am a rather reserved person, and I try not to really dedicate anyone, even my family, to the details of my personal life.

By the way, this also applies to work: when I have any questions, I try to solve them myself. Everyone has their own problems - both friends and family - why put your own on them? Yes, they can listen to you, but it won't change anything. If you want to change something, you need to start with yourself, you need to think and find ways out of the current situation. There was no official acquaintance of the girls with their parents, because I did not think that the time had come for this.

Irakli, you had a serious relationship with a girl for two years, and you don’t think it’s necessary to tell your parents about these “problems”?

We were 25 years old, we were young, we had a stable relationship, and we felt good together. We walked through life together, but didn’t make concrete plans to start a family: we’ll get married in a year, get married in two... You can never plan anything - you don’t know what will happen in a couple of minutes. That’s right: if you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans...

Your relationship ended tragically. Your friend's ectopic pregnancy ultimately led to your breakup.

This is wrong. That's not why our relationship ended. After that tragedy, we were together for another six months, but gradually our relationship began to decline, omissions, suspicions on her part, and jealousy began. At some point we realized that we stopped understanding each other and decided to break up.

- You went through this situation very painfully, you went to a monastery, it took you a year to come to your senses. To be honest, a strange reaction for a 25-year-old guy.

Does age somehow affect the significance of what happened? I think that even at the age of 18, some event can be very difficult to bear, and at 15, and at 65. We are all different: someone can forget a certain tragic incident in a week and enjoy life, never remembering it. And there are people who need time and some effort to cope with pain. Apparently I belong to the second category. I'm not a fan of sitting depressed and deliberately giving up the joys of life, but this happens regardless of me. Of course, I said: “Pull yourself together, go forward, think about the good, concentrate on the positive” - but I realized: until everything calms down on its own, it is impossible to speed up the healing process.

I have many friends who became parents at the age of 20. So it turns out that if some tragedy happens, they will be told: “Come on, you’re not yet at that age to perceive everything so painfully?”

- Irakli, how do you feel about children?

I love children! I have six godchildren. And it is a great happiness for me to communicate with them. Children are the main incentive in life. Everything we do: get a higher education, look for a decent job, achieve success in our careers, buy a car, a house - ultimately we do it for the sake of children, to whom we want to give the best in the world. There is nothing more important than children. For me at least. I think that the desire to have a soul mate and a stable, strong relationship should lead to the appearance of heirs.

- So why did you come to the project?

I came to find my soulmate, and children are a logical extension of this ( smiling).

- Ukrainian and Georgian blood - the children will be beautiful. Irakli, is the “Bachelor” project possible in Georgia?

I think that in the Georgian “Bachelor”, with each of the 25 girls, two or three more brothers, dad and uncle would participate ( laughs).