“Bachelor” Alexey Vorobyov made a decisive choice. Alexey Vorobyov admitted why the bachelor didn’t choose anyone on the show Why didn’t Vorobyov choose Alla Verber

Wow, the finale of “The Bachelor” simply captivated me, of course, no one expected this. And the whole point is that the show “The Bachelor” with Alexei Vorobyov ended the other day - who won? And no one, he sent the two girls who managed to reach the finals home, saying that they were completely unsuitable for him. Yes, I can imagine what a shock this was for many fans, for those who watched every season, waited, followed the girls and the bachelor himself.

The final was on June 4, Saturday. In the final episode, Alexey Vorobyov had to choose one girl with whom he would then try to build a relationship, outside the project. But everything turned out differently, and no one expected this.

Show "Bachelor" with Alexey Vorobyov - who won? And no one!

Natasha Gorozhanova and Yana Anosova were able to reach the finals. And in the last episode, the girls had a final date with the hero, after which he had to finally choose one of them. The dates went according to the participants’ scenarios, each of them prepared their own surprise for the Bachelor.

Show "Bachelor" with Alexey Vorobyov - who won? And no one!

In general, on a date with Natalya Gorozhanova, Vorobyov said “I don’t love you!”, and with Yana Anosova it turned out even worse - he just came on a date with her with an icy heart, he took it out of the box and gave it to the girl.

Well, then he said that he did not feel from the finalists the sympathy and loyalty for which he came to “The Bachelor.”

Published 06.06.16 16:44

Why the “bachelor” didn’t choose anyone: Alexey Vorobyov answered family relations psychologist Mila Levchuk.

“The Bachelor,” season 4, why Alexey Vorobyov didn’t choose anyone: the artist told a psychologist about this on Instagram

Last weekend, the 4th season of the popular show “Bachelor” ended on TNT with Alexei Vorobyov, who shocked the viewers of the show by choosing to remain in the role of a free man and not one of the finalists of the project.

Natalia Gorozhanova PHOTO

Yana Anosova PHOTO

What happened in the finale of the show “The Bachelor,” season 4, did not leave teacher and expert on family relationships Mila Levchuk indifferent. The specialist dedicated this event intkbbach your publication in .

"This project is a cruel experiment, where 25 girls are put in front of you so that they do what they should not do - what men want. So that some of them humiliate themselves out of self-interest to get on television, and the other part leaves with a broken heart, into which 1000 would spit online trolls, a million gossip in the kitchen and a lot of phrases thrown after. And all this pain will not be redeemed by the ring that one receives and which, from experience, means nothing. A bachelor does not find love, girls can get a career, but at what cost! All this must have a meaning! Otherwise, you are eating your bread in vain, you are not Parsley at the market, Alexey, you are an artist. It is important that something remains in the hearts of the audience! And with this entire column #ml_bachelor I tried to find the meaning! Explain on your examples, what is the role of a girl in a man’s heart and in love and how to get closer to happiness! We looked at you and wanted to see someone who would inspire us, you work for this, Alexey? We wanted to see someone who spoke to us from the screen in the first episodes: a man, a man with a firm word, who does not allow decisions to be made for himself. A man for whom you don’t have to fight, who can’t be fooled, who knows who he should be with. But what happened in the end destroyed everything! Do you understand? The girl, struggling in agony, screams: “I don’t love you!” She does not care? Hell no! She literally says: “Create my love.” This is a challenge and what are you doing, Alexey? You give up and cry on the steps: “What can I do?” And I'll tell you what! DECIDE AS A MAN FOR YOURSELF! I need this woman and it doesn’t matter that she doesn’t feel love now, I will achieve it! Like a knight, like a hero, like a stubborn ram, I will break her gates and she will love me, because I WILL DO EVERYTHING FOR THIS! Women have been conquered in all centuries, but you SURRENDER! There was no point. 25 hearts are broken so that we understand: men are weak? Women should fight for them and be unhappy with those who are not truly needed? Because a man cannot confirm his decision and is not ready to fight for his love. Think about it," she wrote.

The hero of the show “Bachelor 4” Alexei Vorobyov himself could not resist and answered Mila in the comments to the post.

"Bachelor 4" Alexey Vorobyov PHOTO

“I am for mutual love, and not games in which you need to woo someone, it always ends the same and you can guess how. You are a smart woman and should understand that it is very easy to make a woman be with you, but to convince her that that she should love you is impossible. Can you answer your own phrase “Create my love"? Do you really think that if a person does not feel for you what you feel, then you need to artificially “create” this in a person feeling? It seems to me that this is funny. I am honest with myself and with each of the girls, but your psychoanalysis only tells me that someone seriously hurt you in your life, as a result of which you decided to delve headlong into an analysis of how this happened and what to do to prevent this from happening to you again.

And now a couple of details that you should have thought about long ago when thinking about the actions of the people you see on the screen:

1st - out of a whole week of life, you see only an hour, 20 minutes of which is occupied by the rose ceremony, out of 4-5 hour dialogues, you see only 10 minutes, respectively, you have such a meager amount of information that your analysis, With all due respect to your work, it is simply pointless.

2nd - what feelings can you talk about using your analytical mind? Love is a mental disorder, that is, you, sitting in front of the TV, try to reason logically about people whose actions may completely defy logic, due to what they feel.

I am sure that the man who will be with you will be happy, because you will do everything right and will “create his love” and perhaps for some time you will even succeed. But I wish you to truly love, so that you stop analyzing, figuring out how to do the “right” thing and just be happy, because mistakes do not exist. There is a path and it is different for everyone.

And I’d rather, as you said, “cry while sitting on the steps,” feeling real pain, than smile insincerely to please you with some beautiful and unreal fairy tale that will never happen in my and your life if we go all the way “We’ll lie to ourselves and others and we’ll simply artificially “create someone’s love” for our own selfish reasons,” the “bachelor” answered the psychologist in detail.

Only recently Alexey Vorobyov presented his new video, where he showed an ideal picture of the relationship between a man and a woman. He wanted everything in his life to be just as romantic and sincere.

“One of the happiest scenes I’ve ever filmed...” said Alexey about the filming of the video “Happy today and here.”

To find his love and bring the plot of the video to life, Vorobiev went to the “Bachelor” project, but luck did not smile on him there. For the first time in the history of the show, the eligible bachelor did not choose any of the finalists. The editors of Woman’s Day were able to contact the artist and get his first comment about the unexpected ending of the reality show.

“I, no less than those who followed my personal life for thirteen weeks, dreamed of a fairy tale with a happy ending... But I cannot deceive myself or others. I have never been one to give a word, a promise, and then after a couple of months decide that I was too hasty. And if someone wanted to see something like this, then I am sincerely sorry that in this period of my life, a fairy tale with a happy ending did not work out,” said Alexey. I became convinced that love cannot be created, built or artificially grown in a relationship. Everyone has a different path, someone chooses the right person for themselves, someone doesn’t know what they want and is ready for irresponsible experiments, and there is another type of people that I belong to. These are people who know exactly what they want, know what it looks like, and are ready to be responsible for every word spoken and promise made,” said Alexey.

Photo archives of press services

Alexey admitted that such a ending was a surprise for himself, because he came to the project not just for the sake of the show, but really wanted to find love. Despite the fact that the young ladies who reached the finals were unable to convince the “bachelor” that their feelings for him were real and sincere. It seemed to Alexey that, unlike him, the girl had just come to the project for the sake of the show. Nevertheless, Vorobiev has not given up on love and relationships and intends to continue searching for the one and only one.

“Family is a huge support, and it cannot interfere with a career, it can only help, because in addition to goals, there will also be those in life for whom you need to achieve these goals; I'm talking about my wife and children.

I was and remain a romantic, so I will also believe that if now I have not met the woman who was destined for me, then it is not time yet. But it will definitely happen. This means that the amount of pain experienced will then be equivalent to the happiness that I will find when falling asleep and waking up, hugging the woman I love, the one for whom life is worth living.”

Photo archives of press services

Until the very end, the producers of the show maintained the intrigue, and Alexey himself did not admit which of the beautiful young ladies he liked more.

Last week, the artist admitted to a Woman’s Day correspondent that from the very beginning he did not listen to the show’s producers, because he wanted to be himself, and not put on a mask and pretend. And although Alexey sometimes behaved harshly, he was as honest as possible with the audience and with himself.

It must be said that most of Alexey’s fans were confident that Natalya Gorozhanova would win. By the way, Alexei singled her out from the very first seconds of communication.

“When I saw Natasha for the first time, I immediately realized that in the finale I would see her in a white dress. I knew this from the very beginning, and I did not need to look further or communicate with her to receive confirmation of my inexplicable sensations. I told Natasha this on our first date. Such things cannot be explained, all that remains is to lay down your arms and obey your feelings. It may seem like something illogical, stupid, whatever, but this is what you felt and nothing can be done,” Alexey admitted to Woman’s Day.

Natalya admitted even before the final that she had sincere feelings for Lesha; during the project he became a close person to her. Gorozhanova even charmed the groom’s parents. It seemed that the outcome was obvious. But... when Alexey asked the girl to tell the truth about her feelings, she suddenly said that she did not feel love. Either Vorobyov put too much pressure, or the explanation in front of the cameras took its toll, or maybe Natasha really doubted her feelings. But what happened happened.

Photos of Instagram heroes of the publication

For Yana Anosova, what happened also came as a surprise. She met Alexey four years ago. The young people met during a festival in Khanty-Mansiysk, talked for only a couple of hours and never saw each other again until the 21-year-old actress appeared before Alexey in the show “The Bachelor.” Vorobiev was impressed by this turn and even wondered: was this fate? Yana seemed to have it much easier than the other girls: she was not shy, she freely communicated with the artist. But in the finale she failed the task - she tried to melt the ice that symbolized the bachelor’s heart. But Vorobyov suddenly did not appreciate the gesture, dryly noting that sometimes the ice should just be left as it is, and not try to change it.

“It was very surprising that we met. How so? For four years I saw her photo on VKontakte and did not pay any attention. When I met Yana on the project, I realized that I had missed something somewhere. It's a very strange accident and I've never been disappointed. This accident brought us both a lot of joy, it’s even difficult to describe. And this is already wonderful,” Alexey told us.

Published 06/04/16 21:11

Who did Alexey Vorobyov choose in the show “The Bachelor”: the final on 06/04/2016 aired on the TNT channel.

“The Bachelor”, season 4, final 2016: who did Alexey Vorobyov choose?

On June 4, 2016, the TNT channel aired the finale of the show “The Bachelor,” season 4 with Alexey Vorobyov. In the final episode of the project, two girls fought for the heart of the main character - 26-year-old Natalya Gorozhanova from the city of Leninsk-Kuznetsky, Kemerovo region and 21-year-old actress Yana Anosova from Yakutsk.

In the first part of the 13th episode of the show “The Bachelor,” each of the participants invited Alexei Vorobyov to a independently prepared romantic date.

Natalya Gorozhanova took Alexey to the Swallow's Nest, then took him for a ride in a racing car intkbbach and had a romantic dinner. During dinner, a frank conversation took place between the main character of the show and his participant, during which Natalya admitted to Alexei that she did not love him, but wanted her to have this feeling for him. The girl is sure that love needs to be created, while Alexey Vorobyov holds the opposite point of view.

"The Bachelor", season 4: Alexey Vorobyov and Natalya Gorozhanova PHOTO

Yana Anosova visited the mountains with Alexey Vorobyov and rode ATVs. At dinner, she decided to ask the bachelor questions prepared in advance, but in the end the main character asked her the same questions, and the girl did not have an answer to many of them.

"Bachelor 4" Alexey Vorobyov and Yana Anosova PHOTO

In the finale of the 13th episode of the show “The Bachelor,” Yana Anosova was the first to approach Alexei in a wedding dress. However, the girl did not receive an engagement ring, and Alexey said goodbye to her, walking her to the car.

Then, to the general surprise and disappointment of fans of the show, Natalya Gorozhanova, who was predicted to win almost from the very beginning of the project, also did not receive a ring. Despite the fact that the girl asked Alexey Vorobyov not to let her go, he made his final decision and said goodbye to her.

The finale of "The Bachelor" with Vorobyov PHOTO

The finale of “Bachelor 4” with Alexey Vorobyov was the first time when the main character was left alone, having refused all participants.