Fonvizin ignorant characterization of the images of the main characters. Characteristics of the main characters “Minor


Speechand personalcharacteristics of heroescomedy

DI. Fonvizin "Minor"

Recently read comedy by D.I. Fonvizin’s “Minor” made me think about the question: “Is it possible to recognize a person’s character, his moral principles just by name and speech; and whether the name and the words spoken by her are connected at all in her personality.” Let's conduct research on this topic.

First of all, we note that a The second quite aptly selects the names of the main characters. It is unlikely that this fact can be attributed solely to the author’s desire to give a “challenge” V catchy and memorable names for the heroes. Rather, it should be assumed that Fonvizin is trying in this way to enhance the impression he receives from the play.A deep connoisseur of human souls, Fonvizin understands that the names of heroes are precisely what the common man most often pays attention to. Thus, being an excellent satirist, the author initially sets the reader in a comical mood.Now let's come closer to the comedy itself.

So, the names of the heroes:

Mitrofan. According to the directory of male names - name of Greek origin, translated from Latin stands for “revealed by the mother.” It should be assumed that the name can be deciphered, How "Sissy", those. Human, everything is possible warded by mother, loving and respectful her more than her father. This name couldn't be betterconveys the whole nature hero.

What about speech features, then in words Mitrofan is clearly visible exactly love for your mother.He tries in every possible way to highlight his mother inthe society in which it is located, And it doesn’t matter if the people are close he is surrounded or strangers. Undoubtedly One should also highlight such a characteristic of the hero as a complete inability for various kinds of sciences and learning in general. Maybe that’s why after the comedy was published, the name Mitrofan became a common noun, denoting people who are narrow-minded and simple in their inner world.Let's look from the text:

Mitrofan. This? Adjective.

Pravdin. Why?

Mitrofan. Because it is attached to its place. Over there by the pole closet

week the door has not been hung yet: so for now that is a noun.

Or here, again:

Mitrofan (softened up). So I felt sorry.

Mrs. Prostakova (with annoyance). Who, Mitrofanushka?

Mitrofan. You, mother: you are so tired, beating your father.

Mrs. Prostakova. Surround me, my dear friend! Here's my son, one of mine


Sophia. Just like Mitrofan, the name has ancient Greek roots. Means "wisdom". We can also assume that the author gives this name to his heroine, in connection with the short form of the name - Sonya. The name Sonya is popularly associated with the quality of sleepiness. In the comedy, Sophia is a young girl who has not yet shown her nature, her character, who has not fully “awakened” after childhood. We don't know what it will be like in the future. Will she accept the qualities of Starodum, her uncle, or will she be the exact opposite, like Mrs. Prostakova.

Sophia's speech shows that the heroine is polite, loves and is grateful to her uncle. She never allows herself to scold a person, take offense at him or hate him. Sophia is quite sweet; her speech reveals the tenderness characteristic of every well-bred girl. Just one phrase:

« I have now received good news. Uncle, about whom so much for a long time we knew nothing, whom I love and honor as my father, I came to Moscow these days » ,

reveals to us the whole essence of this charming girl.

Milo. The name comes from Western languages. Denotes dear, beloved. It can be argued that Fonvizin gave the name to the hero not by chance, since Sophia loves Milon, hence the “beloved”. One should also not discount the possibility, although not great, that the author had some kind of association between Milo and melon (Melon (English) - melon), since his speeches are very sweet.

Based on Milo’s speech style, it is noticeable that the hero is a kind, sympathetic, brave person.

“I will tell you the secret of my heart, dear friend! I am in love and have the happiness of being loved. For more than six months I have been separated from the one who is dearer to me than anything else in the world, and what is even sadder is that I have not heard anything about her during all this time... Maybe she is now in the hands of some self-interested people who, taking advantage of her orphanhood, her, they keep her in tyranny. From this one thought I'm beside myself »

ABOUT the bottom is just a phrase, but how it reveals all Milon's feelings for Sophia.

Mrs. Prostakova and Mr. Prostakov are Mitrofan's parents. Their surname speaks of a very important quality - simplicity. As for the type of this simplicity, it is obvious that first of all one should assume spiritual simplicity. From which also follows the poor spiritual world of the heroes. Is it possible to find confirmation of these thoughts? Undoubtedly, but first let’s say a few words about Mitrofan’s mother. Prostakova comes from a family of nobles named Skotinin. Her father was ignorant, which is why she and her brother (Skotinin) are ignoramuses. Prostakova is a very wayward person, looking for benefit everywhere. Her whole essence is reflected in her last name. It can be assumed that her father or grandfather got the title of nobleman not by inheritance, but by length of service or in some other way. The validity of this assumption is confirmed by the complete lack of manners instilled in childhood; she was probably raised by people not accustomed to the nobility, who were unable to give her the proper noble education and upbringing.

Prostakova's speech is very original and interesting. She never allows herself to address her husband kindly and with respect, but she treats her son so reverently and with such love that everyone can only silently envy. She often calls the servants brutes, apparently because she herself was once Skotinina.

Mrs. Prostakova (Trishke). And you, brute, come closer. Didn't you say

I tell you, you thieving mug, to make your caftan wider. Child, first,

growing up, another, a child without a narrow caftan of delicate build.

Tell me, idiot, what is your excuse?

Prostakov is the complete opposite of his wife. Prostakov pleases his wife in everything and has no word of his own. It is very difficult to call him a person, rather an individual.

Prostakov. Yes, I thought, mother, that it seemed so to you.

Mrs. Prostakova. Are you blind yourself?

Prostakov. With your eyes, mine see nothing.

Mrs. Prostakova. This is the kind of hubby God gave me: he doesn’t understand

figure out for yourself what is wide and what is narrow.

The following characters: Starodum, Pravdin, Skotinin, Kuteikin, Tsyfirkin and Vralman have corresponding “speaking” surnames that characterize the characters even more than their speech patterns.

Starodum is Sophia's uncle. He always speaks in aphorisms. For example:

“Ranks begin, Sincerity ceases”


“Without a soul, the most enlightened, clever woman is a pitiful creature.”

This characterizes him as a wise man who knows life and has seen a lot in his life.

Pravdin is an official. An old friend of Starodum, maybe that’s why he’s trying to get the truth everywhere, speaks only the truthand at the same time believes that everyone also acts in the truth.

Pravdin. But those worthy people who serve the state at the court...

Skotinin. Isn't a nobleman free to beat a servant whenever he wants?

Kuteikin, Tsyfirkin, Vralman - the so-called teachers of Mitrofan. TO Uteikin is a seminarian. Teaches vocabulary ease for my son Simplicity and the kovs . Tsyfirkin is a retired sergeant.Without proper education, he teaches Mitrofan mathematics. Vralman - German, sand that they actually hire him as a teacher Mitrofanushka. In fact, it turns out that Vralman is a simple coachman, but a German for that!

Kuteikin. What a devilry! You won't achieve much in the morning. Here

every morning will flourish and perish.

Tsyfirkin. And our brother lives like this forever. Don't do things, don't run away from things.

That's the trouble for our brother, how bad the food is, like today for lunch here

there were no provisions...

At the same time, the whole trio(Kuteikin, Tsyfirkin, Vralman) She has settled quite tightly in the Prostakovs’ house, although occasionally disagreements and squabbles arise between them.

Tsyfirkin. And we will give them the honor. I'll finish the board...

Kuteikin. And I am a book of hours.

Vralman. I'm going to play pranks on my mistress.

Eremeevna - Mitrofan's nanny, a simple Russian woman, lovinghis pupillike her own son and always ready to defend him.

Mitrofan. Mommy! shield me.

Eremeevna (shielding Mitrofan, becoming furious and raising her fists). I'll die

on the spot, but I won’t give up the child. Show up, sir, just kindly show up. I

I’ll scratch out those thorns.

Total, 13 heroes, 13 different names, 13 different images. But what they all have in common is that DI. Fonvizin gave them names similar to their characters, which once again emphasizes author's skill. The names of the characters become the highlight of the work. And now we come to the conclusion that name and characterheroes in the work inalienably connected to each other.How reasonable was it (to give such names to the characters)? I think that this is the right step of the author, since I personally remembered these names, and perhaps for the rest of my life, even before finishing reading the play.

Untitled Speech and nominal characteristics of the heroes of the comedy D.I. Fonvizin “Undergrown” A recently read comedy by D.I. Fonvizin’s “Minor” made me think about the question: “Is it possible to recognize the character just by name and speech?

Pushkin highly valued the work of Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin, who wrote under Catherine II. He saw Gogol as his successor. Fonvizin's main character, the undergrown Mitrofanushka, delighted Alexander Sergeevich.

Herzen and Belinsky spoke highly of the artistic and social style of this comedian. Gogol immortalized the image of his teacher, Fonvizin (though without specifying his name), in the story “The Night Before Christmas.” Remember, when the blacksmith Vakula turned to the empress, she turned the conversation to a middle-aged man with a plump, pale face and invited him to reflect “this folk innocence” in his next essay. The man was wearing a poor caftan with mother-of-pearl buttons. This is what Fonvizin looked like.

So, a comedy created according to classical canons (Fonvizin, “The Minor”). The characterization of the heroes, however, turned out to be innovative for the 18th century. This article is dedicated to the characters of the play.

Negative images

Undoubtedly, the characterization of the heroes presented by Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin lays down the traditions of Russian national comedy. “The Minor” boldly and openly castigates the tyranny of the feudal landowners. The most negative image of comedy is Mrs. Prostakova. She rules her serfs with a firm hand, rather even cruelly. The heroine does not disdain to be ignorant and vindictive. And talking in a raised voice with the servants is a common thing for her. The landowner habitually addresses her serf Trishka: “cattle”, “thief’s mug”, “blockhead”, “swindler”. To her son’s nanny, Eremeevna, who is in this idiot, the “grateful” mother says “scumbag,” “dog’s daughter,” “beast.” And this is for the closest people, the “yard” people! Her conversation with the others is even shorter. Prostakova threatens to “flog them to death.” She is confident in herself because the laws are always on the side of the landowners.

True, this vixen has an outlet in her soul: she loves her 16-year-old son. True, this feeling is blind, for which Mrs. Prostakova paid at the end of the comedy. The author’s, “Fonvizin’s”, characterization of the heroes is truly original. “Minor” is a comedy where each hero uses his own unique vocabulary and a certain vocabulary.

Mr. Prostakov is a quiet, calm henpecked man. He submits to his wife in everything; not having his own, follows her opinion. However, he is not cruel, he loves his son. But in fact, it doesn’t affect anything in the house, including raising a child.

Fonvizin created the characterization of the heroes in an original and interesting way, respecting individual vocabulary. It is not by chance that the undergrowth wears it. After all, in Greek it sounds like “like a mother.” By the way, regarding the name of the comedy. In Rus', young nobles who did not have a written certificate of education were called ignoramuses.

Mitrofanushka avoids studying, he is rude to people who treat him kindly. Eremeevna says: “Old Khrychovka.” To teacher Tsifirkin - “garrison rat.” The catchphrase of the young dunce - that he does not want to study, but wants to get married - is undoubtedly Fonvizin’s creative find; it really has become popular. The minor is narrow-minded, rude and ignorant. His laziness is indulged by everyone in the house.

Prostakova's brother, Mr. Skotinin, is caricatured in the comedy. He treats the lower class with contempt, but for him it is a real passion and purpose in life. His entire horizons are limited to the problems of the pigsty. He never tires of talking about these animals. On top of that, he wants to marry Sophia.

Good Comedy Heroes

However, there are no less positive images in the comedy. The government official Pravdin, sent to check the Prostakova estate, is the embodiment of justice, legality and reason. He is outraged when people who “have power” over serfs use it “evilly and inhumanely.” He strives to help “worthy people” and promote proper upbringing. As a result of his inspection, Prostakova’s property is requisitioned by the state.

Starodum is also positive, having imbibed an honest attitude to service since the time of Peter I. Service in the army, and then his bureaucratic share not only brought him a fortune, but also molded him into an honest, decent person. He equally considers unacceptable both pleasing those in power and violating the human rights of the disadvantaged.

His niece Sophia is honest and educated. She has a discerning mind, so she is going to build her life in such a way as to earn the trust of “worthy people.” Sophia's fiancé, the young officer Milon, is honest, modest and open. He showed his courage in combat. The young man has a truly knightly upbringing. The war did not turn him into a martinet. He considers his love for Sophia his greatest wealth.

Among the secondary characters there are also positive ones - the decent and straightforward Tsyfirkin, a former soldier; and negative ones - the cunning and greedy Kuteikin, the seminarian - a dropout, Adam Adamovich Vralman - with a vile lackey essence, praising Mitrofan in order to earn mercy from Prostakova.


Fonvizin was undoubtedly a wise and observant person. In the comedy they are given a devastatingly accusatory description of the heroes. “Undergrowth” makes you think about the need to stop bullying of serfs. Therefore, Fonvizin’s comedy is not abstract, not for the amusement of Catherine’s nobles and favorites, but sharply satirical, socially oriented. For the comedian himself, working on such works was thankless and required nerves. Denis Ivanovich resigned due to a serious illness - paralysis. Even Empress Catherine II, a progressive woman, did not like Fonvizin’s caustic satire and did not always meet the classic’s requests.

Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor” was written in the best traditions of Russian classicism. In accordance with the classic canons, the characters in the work are clearly divided into positive and negative, and their names and surnames succinctly characterize and reveal the main features of the characters. However, in contrast to the traditional images of classic plays, the heroes of “The Minor” are devoid of stereotypes, which is what attracts modern readers and viewers.

Positive actors include Pravdin, Sophia, Starodum And Milo. Each of them supports the ideas of the Enlightenment, considering virtue, honesty, love of country, high morality and education to be the main human values. The negative heroes are depicted as their complete opposite - Prostakovs, Skotinin And Mitrofan. They are representatives of the “old” nobility, which with all its might clings to outdated ideas of serfdom and feudalism. Their core values ​​are money, position in the social hierarchy and physical strength.

In Fonvizin’s play “The Minor,” the main characters are divided into peculiar dual pairs, in which the author portrays people with similar social roles, but depicting them in a mirror distortion. So, in addition to a couple of “children” - Sophia and Mitrofan, we can distinguish “educators” - Starodum and Prostakov, “suitors” - Milon and Skotinin, as well as “owners” - Prostakov and Pravdin.

Mitrofan- a teenager and the main character of the comedy - a spoiled, stupid young man of sixteen, for whom his mother, nanny or servants always did everything. Having adopted from his mother a love of money, rudeness and disrespect for his family (Prostakova is ready to deceive her brother in order to arrange a marriage that is profitable for her), and from his father complete lack of will, he behaves like a small child - he does not want to study, while he finds marriage fun fun. The complete opposite of Mitrofan is Sophia. This is an educated, smart and serious girl with a difficult fate. Having lost her parents at an early age and living in the care of the Prostakovs, Sophia does not adopt their values, but, in fact, becomes a “black sheep” in their society (Prostakova is even indignant that the girl can read).

Prostakova appears before readers, on the one hand, as an uneducated, cunning woman who is ready to do almost anything for the sake of profit, and on the other hand, as a practical housewife and loving mother, for whom the happiness and carefree future of her son comes above all else. Prostakova raised Mitrofan the way she was raised, and therefore was able to convey and show by her own example outdated, long-exhausted ideas and values.

U Staroduma a completely different approach to education - he does not treat Sophia like a small child, talking with her as an equal, instructing her and advising her based on his own experience. In the matter of marriage, a man does not undertake to make final decisions for a girl, because he does not know whether her heart is free. In the image of Starodum, Fonvizin portrays his ideal of a parent and educator - an authoritative, strong personality who herself has walked a worthy path. However, analyzing the system of characters in “The Minor” from the point of view of a modern reader, it is worth noting that the image of Starodum as a teacher is also not ideal. The entire time he was away, Sophia was deprived of parental care and left to her own devices. The fact that the girl learned to read, values ​​morality and virtue is most likely the merit of her parents, who instilled this in her at a young age.

In general, the theme of kinship is important both for the positive characters of the play “The Minor” and for the negative ones. Sophia- daughter of worthy people, Milo- the son of a good friend Starodum. Prostakova received this surname only after marriage; in fact, she is Skotinina. Brother and sister are very similar, they are both driven by a thirst for profit and cunning, they are uneducated and cruel. Mitrofan is depicted as the real son of his parents and his uncle’s pupil, who inherited all their negative traits, including his love for pigs.

Characters whose relationship is not mentioned in the play - Prostakov and Pravdin. Prostakov is radically different from his wife; compared to the active and active Prostakova, he looks weak-willed and passive. In a situation where he must show himself as the owner of the village, the man is lost against the background of his wife. This leads to the fact that the more active Pravdin, who was able to pacify Prostakova, becomes the owner of the estate. In addition, Prostakov and Pravdin act as some kind of “auditors” of what is happening. Pravdin is the voice of the law, while Prostakov is the opinion of the simple (remember the “talking” names of the play) people who do not like how the “old” nobility behave in the person of his wife and brother-in-law, but is afraid of their anger, therefore he speaks only aside and not negotiating.

The last couple of characters are Skotinin and Milon. Men represent outdated and new ideas about marriage and family life. Milon has known Sophia since childhood, they love each other, and therefore their relationship is built on mutual respect and friendship. Skotinin does not even try to get to know the girl better, he is only concerned about his dowry, and he is not even going to arrange good conditions for her after marriage.

In addition to the main characters, the play contains secondary characters - teachers and educators of Mitrofan the underage. Characteristics of the supporting characters – Eremeevna, Tsyfirkina, Kuteikina And Vralman– is connected with their social role in the play. The nanny is an example of a serf who faithfully serves his mistress all his life, enduring beatings and injustice. Using the example of images of teachers, the author exposes all the problems of education in Russia in the 18th century, when children were taught by retired military men who had not graduated from the seminary or even grooms.

For the 18th century, Fonvizin’s innovation was that the author depicted the characters in “The Minor” without excessive pathos and stereotypes inherent in many works of classicism. Each comedy hero is undoubtedly a composite image, but created not according to a ready-made “stencil”, but with its own individual traits. That is why the characters in the work “The Minor”, ​​even today, remain the brightest images of Russian literature.

Work test

Mitrofan is one of the main characters of the comedy, and the title is dedicated to him. He considers himself already very mature, although he is still quite a child, but not sweet and naive, but capricious and cruel. Narcissistic, because everyone surrounded him with love, but in such a limiting way.

Of course he laughs at the teachers. It is clear that he wants to marry the beautiful Sophia. He is not afraid of anything, but he is very cowardly. That is, he is afraid of everything, is always ready to call his nanny and mommy for help, but he behaves very arrogantly and defiantly with everyone...

And everything would be fine! But only his mother supports him in everything and does not limit him in any way.

We meet Mitrofan when he shows off in a new caftan, and his mother scolds the tailor. Mitrofan has already grown up - a tall, rather dense guy. His face is not very smart, nor are his actions. He laughs a little at everyone, plays, fools around. He is definitely well fed, he doesn’t even know how to stop, so his stomach often hurts. He grew physically, but his heart and soul were not cared for. And the fact that his brain simply doesn’t want to remember information (he’s been learning the alphabet for three years) is also Mitrofan’s whims. It seems to him that even without science he will be able to do everything through his mother’s efforts. She almost married him to the rich heiress Sophia, who is also very beautiful and kind.

Mitrofan often does what he is told. Not the teacher, of course, but the mother. She said, “Kiss a stranger’s hand,” and that’s what he does. But only for profit. Mitrofanushka has no courtesy, kindness, or respect for others.

In general, Mitrofan may not be so bad, but he is very spoiled. The undergrowth believes in its exclusivity “without effort.” He sees himself as a successful landowner, he sees himself. In his heart there is no love even for his adoring mother, for his faithful nanny, for anyone. Of course, he only loves himself, but not enough. Otherwise, he would at least learn and develop!

The image and characteristics of Mitrofanushka with quotes and examples from the text

Mitrofan Prostakov - the hero of the play by D.I. Fonvizin "Undergrown", a young man, the only son of the Prostakov nobles. In the 19th century, minors were called young men from noble families who, due to their laziness and ignorance, could not complete their studies, and, as a result, enter the service and get married.

Fonvizin in his play makes fun of such young people, embodying their features in the image of one of the main characters of the play - the Prostakovs' son Mitrofan.

Father and mother love their only son very much and do not notice his shortcomings, moreover, they worry about their son and take care of him as if he were a small child, protect him from all misfortunes, they are afraid that he may become overtired from work: "... while Mitrofanushka still in the undergrowth, sweat and pamper him; and then in ten years, when he enters, God forbid, into service, he will suffer everything...”

Mitrofanushka is not averse to having a tasty dinner: “...And I, uncle, almost didn’t have dinner at all [...] Three slices of corned beef, and hearth, I don’t remember, five, I don’t remember...” “...Yes, apparently, brother, you had a hearty dinner..." "...You deigned to eat a whole jug of kvass...".

Mitrofan is a very rude and cruel young man: he tortures serfs, mocks his teachers, and does not hesitate to raise his hand even against his father. This is the fault of the mother, who took the household into her own hands and does not value her husband at all. Neither the peasants nor her relatives like her, because she swears and beats everyone in vain.

Mrs. Prostakova is also responsible for the upbringing and training of Mitrofanushka, but without interfering much with these processes. Therefore, the young man is cruel and rude, but cannot stand up for himself, but hides behind his mother’s skirt. Things are also no better with studies. Not only is Mitrofan stupid and lazy, he is not interested in anything, he is not curious, and he is very bored in class. In addition, his teachers are useless - the former sexton Kuteikin, the retired sergeant Tsyfirkin and the former coachman Vralman are ignorant and poorly educated people: "... Well, what can come of Mitrofanushka for the fatherland, for whom ignorant parents also pay money to ignoramuses - teachers?.." In addition, Vralman is a French teacher, although he himself is German and does not know French, but manages to teach it to the boy.

The image of Mitrofan reflected the type of representative of the younger generation of that time: lazy, ignorant, rude; he does not strive to grow spiritually, mentally and culturally; he has no ideals or aspirations.

Option 3

Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin is a great Russian writer. In his work “The Minor,” he showed readers a generalized image of the younger generation from the noble class of the 19th century using the example of the main character Mitrofan. The name Mitrofan translated from Greek means “mother-like.” The hero is brought up in a family in which relationships are built on lies, flattery, and rudeness. The mother raised her son to be an unlucky, uneducated man. Mitrofan has no goals or aspirations in life, they are too small and insignificant. He is spoiled and treats rudely not only the servants, but also his parents. Fonvizin did not come up with this image. In fact, at that time in noble circles there were often teenagers like Mitrofan, who studied poorly, did nothing, and lived their days like that.

Mitrofan had home teachers who, in principle, did not give him any knowledge. But the hero has no desire to study at all. He is stupid, naive, his speech is undeveloped and rude. This person is not adapted to the life around him, he cannot do anything without his mother and without servants. His main activities during the day are to eat, rest and chase pigeons. What made Mitrofan exactly like this? Of course, this is the education system that came from Prostakova, the hero’s mother. She indulged his whims too much, encouraged all his mistakes, and thus, in the end, this was the result of his upbringing. This is the blind love of a mother for her child.

Growing up in such conditions, Mitrofan was accustomed to having a say in the family and the right to treat others rudely. It will be very difficult for a person like Mitrofan in life if he is left alone with his problems. At the end of the work, Prostakova loses her estate and along with it loses her own son. This is the fruit of her upbringing. This result of the comedy shows the level of this system of upbringing and education.

Using the example of the image of Mitrofan, Fonvizin showed one of the main problems in family education. This problem is still relevant today. In modern society, there are also such spoiled children who grow up in similar conditions. Everyone should think about how to eradicate such undergrowth that is dragging our society back. I think that people like Mitrofan do not know what real life is and do not understand its meaning due to their ignorance. I feel sorry for these children and their parents. I hope that all parents, after reading this comedy, will understand their mistakes and be able to raise a worthy citizen of their country.

Essay 4

The play "The Minor" was written by Fonvizin in 1781. A year later it was staged. The performance created a sensation. But the work displeased Catherine the Second and Denis Ivanovich was forbidden to publish his works, and the theater on whose stage the premiere took place was closed.

In the eighteenth century, noble children under the age of sixteen were called minors. It was believed that they had not yet “grown up” to independent, adult life.

One of the main characters of the comedy, Mitrofanushka, was such an undergrowth. Nowadays, this name has become a household name, synonymous with a stupid and lazy mama's boy.

Mitrofan is almost 16 years old. And it's time for him to serve in the army. But his mother, Mrs. Prostakova, blindly loves her son and is not ready to let him go for anything in the world. She spoils him and indulges him in everything. Indulges him in idleness. Such upbringing led to the fact that the boy grew up and turned into a rude, lazy ignorant teenager.

They hired teachers for Mitrofanushka, but they didn’t teach him anything, because he didn’t want to study: “I don’t want to study, I want to get married.” However, the mother does not insist on classes: “Go and frolic, Mitrofanushka.” However, such teachers are unlikely to teach the child intelligence. Their surnames indicate this - Tsyfirkin, a retired soldier, Kuteikin, a half-educated seminarian and the German Vralman, who turned out to be a coachman.

The Prostakovs' son does not love or respect anyone. He treats his father with disdain. This is very clearly shown in the scene where a mama’s boy feels sorry for his parent because she is “... so tired, beating his father.” Mitrofan is rude to the servants and snaps at them. He calls his nanny or mother “old bastard.” He mocks teachers and serfs. Our hero and his own mother do not consider anything. No worries touch his heart. He shamelessly takes advantage of Prostakova's blind love. And he even blackmails her: “The river is close here. I’ll dive in, remember my name.” And to the question about what bad things he dreamed about at night, he answers: “Yes, either you, mother, or father.”

To all the listed bad qualities of Mitrofan, one can add cowardice and servility before a strong enemy. He humbly asks for mercy when an attempt to forcibly take Sophia down the aisle fails, and on Starodum’s orders he meekly agrees to go serve.

Thus, in Mitrafanushka, Fonvizin embodied all the shortcomings and vices inherent in the nobility of that time. This is ignorance and stupidity, greed and laziness. Simultaneously the habits of a tyrant and servility. This image was not invented by the author, but taken from life. History knows many examples of undersized, illiterate, soulless people who take advantage of their power and lead an idle lifestyle.

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    Sholokhov managed to write many different interesting works throughout his life. But one of the popular and famous is “Family Man”. Events take place during the Civil War.

", is one of the first-class works of Russian literature. The playwright depicted in it, firstly, the ignorant ancient education of noble children; secondly, the gross arbitrariness of the landowners, their inhumane treatment of the serfs.

About the main characters of the play, Mrs. Prostakova , and her son, Mitrofanushka , you can read in the articles especially dedicated to them on our website: Characteristics of Mrs. Prostakova in “The Minor” by Fonvizin and Characteristics of Mitrofan in “The Minor” by Fonvizin. Next we will outline the other characters in the play.

Heroes of Fonvizin's "Undergrowth"

Prostakova's husband , Mitrofan's father, is a timid and weak-willed man, so downtrodden and intimidated by his wife that he has neither his own desires nor his own opinions. “Before your eyes,” he says to his wife, “mine see nothing.”

Skotinin, Prostakova's brother , is a comic face. He is depicted a little caricaturedly with his exaggerated passion for pigs, which he himself innocently explains as follows: “People in front of me are smart, but among the pigs I myself am smarter than everyone else.” He received the same upbringing as his sister, and is just as rude as she: he treats pigs “infinitely better than people”; but in his whole figure there is some kind of comic good nature, which, however, stems from extraordinary stupidity. His name, as well as the names of other characters, were selected by Fonvizin in accordance with the properties of their characters or occupations.

Fonvizin. Minor. Maly Theater performance

In a few strokes, but very vividly, Mitrofan’s teachers, retired sergeant Tsyfirkin and seminarian Kuteikin are depicted. Tsyfirkin teaches Mitrofan arithmetic, as his name hints at; this is an honest old soldier. Kuteikin says that he left the seminary without completing the course: “fearing the abyss of wisdom.” He is a completely ignorant person; the only thing that remained with him from his stay in the seminary was his manner of often using Church Slavonic expressions; Moreover, Kuteikin is greedy and selfish, an “insatiable soul,” as Prostakova characterizes him.

The name of another teacher is German Vralman– very successfully composed of the Russian word “liar” and the German “mann” (man). In the person of Vralman, Fonvizin shows what kind of foreign teachers in those days taught noble children “all sciences.” Vralman was a coachman for a long time: having lost his job, he became a teacher, only in order not to die of hunger. In the Prostakovs' house, he, as a foreigner, is given special honor and preference over other teachers. He receives a salary of three hundred rubles a year, while honest Tsyfirkin should receive only ten. Prostakova lists all the benefits that Vralman receives in their house: “we seat you at the table with us; Our women wash his linen; where needed - a horse; at the table - a glass of wine; at night - a tallow candle." Prostakova is happy with the German: “he doesn’t force the child.” The cunning Vralman found a wonderful way to please his mistress, while at the same time hiding his ignorance: not only does he not teach Mitrofanushka anything, but he also prevents other teachers from studying with him, indulging Mitrofan’s laziness, praising him in every possible way before his adoring mother.

In the face Eremeevna, “mother” of Mitrofan, Fonvizin for the first time depicted the type of infinitely devoted, selfless serf servant, which in Russian literature was reflected in several images, male and female. Savelich, in “The Captain’s Daughter” by Pushkin, Evseich, in “Childhood of Bagrov the Grandson” by Aksakov, Natalya Savishna - in “Childhood and Adolescence” by Leo Tolstoy. In life, this type is known to everyone in the person of Pushkin’s nanny, Arina Rodionovna. Yes, how many of us have a dear, beloved face associated with the name “nanny”... It’s amazing that this very type is found only in Russian literature, among the Russian people!

But unlike other heroes and heroines of Russian writers similar to her, Eremeevna is a completely unhappy creature, not appreciated by anyone: it’s not for nothing that she serves in the Prostakovs’ house! For her faithful forty years of service and love, she receives only insults, abuse and beatings. “Am I not zealous for you, mother?” in tears she says to Prostakova, “you don’t know how to serve anymore... I would be glad not only that... you don’t regret your stomach... but everything is undesirable.” Tsyfirkin and Kuteikin ask her how much she receives for her service? “Five rubles a year, and five slaps a day,” Eremeevna answers sadly. Even her pet, Mitrofanushka, is rude to her and insults her.