Fedor Bondarchuk. Here and now

On Victory Day, May 9, one of the most sought-after, talented, bright and commercially successful directors, Fyodor Bondarchuk, celebrated his 50th birthday. For this event, Channel One prepared a documentary about Fyodor Bondarchuk, one of the ten world-famous contemporary Russian artists according to Forbes. Happy. Here and now". The project will air on Saturday, May 13th.

In 17 years Fedor went to enroll in MGIMO. And I probably would have done so. However, in life, one short “but” often changes everything. The father came straight to the exam, took his son by the hand and - VGIK. Ten days later Fedor Bondarchuk I could no longer imagine my life without cinema.

“I hear: he has it all on a plate, it’s easy for him. Why is it easy for me? I have a burden of responsibility - a surname. This is a reinforced concrete slab for life . There are a huge number of children of filmmakers whose destinies are distorted, who have sunk into the abyss precisely from the weight of the responsibility that fell on them. Therefore, based on the result, I can only thank and constantly think about my father. He guides me, he is my guardian angel,” admits Fyodor Bondarchuk.

Life turned upside down. Forever. This is happiness - studying and doing what you love - cinema. But!.. Fedor left the family. From his mother and father, who personally set him on this path. Reconciliation will come much later. In an unexpected place and under unexpected circumstances. In the meantime, study and filming. Fedor lived with his fellow student Tigran Keosayan. A lot of people gathered - students, actors, musicians. They planned to shoot music videos there. Nobody knew how to do it, but they did it. In 1993, Fedor was awarded the “ Ovation" His father suddenly appeared on stage. Creator of the Oscar-winning film epic " War and Peace" presented the award. For video clips.

His father’s name is the same reinforced concrete slab that Bondarchuk did not allow himself to be crushed. It will take him a long time to get to his directorial debut. Before the final credits of the film 9 Rota"There are two words in the frame: " I dedicate it to my father" After the “9th Company,” a seemingly difficult and overwhelming “ Inhabited island", was already in the plans " Stalingrad“Life was picking up speed, but...

Back in 2012, when journalists “ Channel One"We recorded an interview with Fyodor Bondarchuk for the anniversary film about his mother, Irina Skobtseva, he could not answer the question about his sister Alena, which disappeared in 2009. Silently stood up and left. The interview is over. But today he was able to say. But this does not mean that it has become easier.

Bondarchuk is a fighter. This is what people say about him, who works with him, who knows him closely. Konstantin Kryukov, his nephew, answering the question of how he is like his uncle, says that this is less important than what he wants to be like him in: the ability to take a blow and move forward...

Don't miss the premiere of the documentary " Fedor Bondarchuk. Happy. Here and now"on Channel One on Saturday, May 13, at 10:15 .

Photo: vk.com/fedor_bondar4uk, Channel One

Fyodor Bondarchuk: “I hear: he has it all on a platter, it’s easy for him. Why is it easy for me? I have a burden of responsibility - my last name. This is a reinforced concrete slab for life. A huge number of children of filmmakers whose destinies are distorted, who have sunk into the abyss precisely because of the weight of the responsibility that fell on them. Therefore, based on the result, I can only thank and constantly think about my father. He guides me, he is my guardian angel."

At the age of 17, Fedor went to enter MGIMO. And I probably would have done so. However, in life, everything often changes with one short “but”. The father came straight to the exam, took his son by the hand and headed to VGIK. Ten days later, Fyodor Bondarchuk could no longer imagine his life without cinema. Life turned upside down. Forever. This is happiness - studying and doing what you love - cinema. But! Fedor left the family. From his mother and father, who personally set him on this path.

Reconciliation will come much later. In an unexpected place and under unexpected circumstances. In the meantime, study and filming. Fedor lived with his fellow student Tigran Keosayan. A lot of people gathered - students, actors, musicians. They planned to shoot music videos there. Nobody knew how to do it, but they did it. In 1993, Fedor was awarded the Ovation Prize. His father suddenly appeared on stage. The creator of the Oscar-winning epic "War and Peace" presented the award. For video clips.

His father’s name is the same reinforced concrete slab that Bondarchuk did not allow himself to be crushed. It will take him a long time to make his directorial debut. Before the final credits of the film "9th Company" there are two words in the frame: "Dedicated to my father." After “9th Company”, the seemingly difficult and overwhelming “Inhabited Island” took place, “Stalingrad” was already in the plans - life picked up speed, but...

Back in 2012, when Fyodor Bondarchuk and I recorded an interview for the anniversary film about his mother, Irina Skobtseva, he simply did not answer the question about his sister Alena, who died in 2009. Silently stood up and left. The interview is over. But today he was able to say. But this does not mean that it has become easier. Fyodor Bondarchuk: “It’s difficult for me to cope, so it’s somehow arranged for me that sometimes this, sometimes these toggle switches don’t work and it becomes very difficult. Because it’s like your heart was ripped out of you. We are 5 years apart. She left. She’s 46 "It was 46 years old. It burned down within a year."

Bondarchuk is a fighter. This is what people say about him, who works with him, who knows him closely. Konstantin Kryukov, his nephew, Alena’s son, answering the question of how he is like his uncle, says that this is less important than what you want to be like him in: the ability to take a blow and move forward.

“9th Company”, “Inhabited Island”, “Stalingrad” - he made all these films with the same team, with people whom he trusted unconditionally. But! He once said that he would not make the new movie “Attraction” with them. And with a new team that will unite around him. And it will work like clockwork. This is a challenge to yourself. Again. Just like many years ago, when he left his parents’ house to prove that “I am me.” Breaking away from templates, from the beaten path, from other people's opinions and advice, Bondarchuk draws strength from this. And that means happiness. The same thing about which he says: “There is no permanent happiness. It is so short! In the morning I ride a bicycle, I feel time, the city, myself in this world - and this is happiness. It is fleeting, fleeting, but it is mine!

We wrote a long interview with Bondarchuk in two parts. He talked about everything - creativity, mistakes, success, losses, family, children, love and, of course, happiness. But I couldn’t sit still for more than an hour. And he ran away. And there is a lot of work ahead. And they are waiting for him. People are waiting who unite around this person, charging and becoming infected with his energy to be happy here and now.

Taking part in the film: Irina Skobtseva, Sergei Bondarchuk, Tata Bondarchuk, Margarita and Vera Bondarchuk, Nikita Mikhalkov, Oleg Menshikov, Alexander Rodnyansky, Olga Slutsker, Valery Todorovsky, Philip Yankovsky, Oksana Fandera, Avdotya Smirnova, Sergei Garmash, Anna Mikhalkova, Konstantin Kryukov, Ivan Okhlobystin, Tigran Keosayan.

At the age of 17, Fedor went to enter MGIMO. And I probably would have, but in life everything often changes with one short “but.” The father came straight to the exam, took his son by the hand and took him to VGIK. Ten days later, Fyodor Bondarchuk could no longer imagine his life without cinema.

Life turned upside down. Forever. This is happiness - studying and doing what you love - cinema. But!.. Fedor left the family. From his mother and father, who personally set him on this path.

Reconciliation will come much later. In an unexpected place and under unexpected circumstances. In the meantime, study and filming. Fedor lived with his fellow student Tigran Keosayan. A lot of people gathered - students, actors, musicians. They planned to shoot music videos there. Nobody knew how to do it, but they did it. In 1993, Fedor was awarded the Ovation Prize. His father suddenly appeared on stage. The creator of the Oscar-winning epic “War and Peace” presented his son with an award. For video clips.

His father’s name is the same reinforced concrete slab that Bondarchuk did not allow himself to be crushed. It will take him a long time to get to his directorial debut. Before the final credits of the film “9th Company” there are two words in the frame: “Dedicated to my father.” After the “9th Company”, the seemingly difficult and overwhelming “Inhabited Island” took place, “Stalingrad” was already in the plans - life picked up speed, but...

Back in 2012, when Fyodor Bondarchuk and I recorded an interview for the anniversary film about his mother, Irina Skobtseva, he simply did not answer the question about his sister Alena, who died in 2009. Silently stood up and left. The interview is over. But today he was able to say. But this does not mean that it has become easier. Fyodor Bondarchuk: “It’s difficult for me to cope, so it’s somehow arranged for me that sometimes this, sometimes these toggle switches don’t work and it becomes very difficult. Because it was like your heart was ripped out of you. We have a difference... 5 years. She left, she was 46 years old. It burned down within a year.”

Bondarchuk is a fighter. Those who work with him, who know him closely, say this about him. Konstantin Kryukov, his nephew, Alena’s son, answering the question of how he is like his uncle, says that this is less important than what you want to be like him in: the ability to take a punch and move forward.

“9th Company”, “Inhabited Island”, “Stalingrad” - he made all these films with the same team, with people whom he trusted unconditionally. But!.. He once said that he would make the new movie “Attraction” not with them, but with a new team that would unite around him and work like clockwork. This is a challenge to yourself. Again. Just like many years ago, when he left his parents’ house to prove that “I am me.” Breaking away from templates, from the beaten path, from other people's opinions and advice, Bondarchuk draws strength from this. And that means happiness. The same thing about which he says: “There is no permanent happiness. It is so short!.. In the morning I ride a bicycle, I feel the time, the city, myself in this world - and this is happiness. It is fleeting, fleeting, but it is mine!..”

We wrote a long interview with Bondarchuk in two parts. He talked about everything - creativity, mistakes, success, losses, family, children, love, and, of course, happiness. But I couldn’t sit still for more than an hour. And he ran away. And there is a lot of work ahead. And they are waiting for him. People are waiting who unite around this person, charging and becoming infected with his energy to be happy here and now.

Taking part in the film:

Irina Skobtseva, Sergei Bondarchuk, Tata Bondarchuk, Margarita and Vera Bondarchuk, Nikita Mikhalkov, Oleg Menshikov, Alexander Rodnyansky, Olga Slutsker, Valery Todorovsky, Philip Yankovsky, Oksana Fandera, Avdotya Smirnova, Sergei Garmash, Anna Mikhalkova, Konstantin Kryukov, Ivan Okhlobystin, Tigran Keosayan.

Producer Ilya Krivitsky.

Fyodor Bondarchuk: “I hear: he has it all on a plate, it’s easy for him. Why is it easy for me? I have the burden of responsibility - the last name. This is a reinforced concrete slab for life. There are a huge number of children of filmmakers whose destinies are distorted, who have sunk into the abyss precisely from the weight of the responsibility that fell on them. Therefore, based on the result, I can only thank and constantly think about my father. He guides me, he is my guardian angel.”
At the age of 17, Fedor went to enter MGIMO. And I probably would have done so. However, in life, one short “but” often changes everything. The father came straight to the exam, took his son by the hand and headed to VGIK. Ten days later, Fyodor Bondarchuk could no longer imagine his life without cinema. Life turned upside down. Forever. This is happiness - studying and doing what you love - cinema. But! Fedor left the family. From his mother and father, who personally set him on this path.

Fedor Bondarchuk. Happy. Here and now. Documentary (2017)

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At the age of 17, Fedor went to enter MGIMO. And I probably would have, but in life everything often changes with one short “but.” The father came straight to the exam, took his son by the hand and took him to VGIK. Ten days later, Fyodor Bondarchuk could no longer imagine his life without cinema.

Life turned upside down. Forever. This is happiness - studying and doing what you love - cinema. But!.. Fedor left the family. From his mother and father, who personally set him on this path.

Reconciliation will come much later. In an unexpected place and under unexpected circumstances. In the meantime, study and filming. Fedor lived with his fellow student Tigran Keosayan. A lot of people gathered - students, actors, musicians. They planned to shoot music videos there. Nobody knew how to do it, but they did it. In 1993, Fedor was awarded the Ovation Prize. His father suddenly appeared on stage. The creator of the Oscar-winning epic “War and Peace” presented his son with an award. For video clips.

His father’s name is the same reinforced concrete slab that Bondarchuk did not allow himself to be crushed. It will take him a long time to get to his directorial debut. Before the final credits of the film “9th Company” there are two words in the frame: “Dedicated to my father.” After the “9th Company”, the seemingly difficult and overwhelming “Inhabited Island” took place, “Stalingrad” was already in the plans - life picked up speed, but...

Back in 2012, when Fyodor Bondarchuk and I recorded an interview for the anniversary film about his mother, Irina Skobtseva, he simply did not answer the question about his sister Alena, who died in 2009. Silently stood up and left. The interview is over. But today he was able to say. But this does not mean that it has become easier. Fyodor Bondarchuk: “It’s difficult for me to cope, so it’s somehow arranged for me that sometimes this, sometimes these toggle switches don’t work and it becomes very difficult. Because it was like your heart was ripped out of you. We have a difference... 5 years. She left, she was 46 years old. It burned down within a year.”

Bondarchuk is a fighter. Those who work with him, who know him closely, say this about him. Konstantin Kryukov, his nephew, Alena’s son, answering the question of how he is like his uncle, says that this is less important than what you want to be like him in: the ability to take a punch and move forward.

“9th Company”, “Inhabited Island”, “Stalingrad” - he made all these films with the same team, with people whom he trusted unconditionally. But!.. He once said that he would make the new movie “Attraction” not with them, but with a new team that would unite around him and work like clockwork. This is a challenge to yourself. Again. Just like many years ago, when he left his parents’ house to prove that “I am me.” Breaking away from templates, from the beaten path, from other people's opinions and advice, Bondarchuk draws strength from this. And that means happiness. The same thing about which he says: “There is no permanent happiness. It is so short!.. In the morning I ride a bicycle, I feel the time, the city, myself in this world - and this is happiness. It is fleeting, fleeting, but it is mine!..”

We wrote a long interview with Bondarchuk in two parts. He talked about everything - creativity, mistakes, success, losses, family, children, love, and, of course, happiness. But I couldn’t sit still for more than an hour. And he ran away. And there is a lot of work ahead. And they are waiting for him. People are waiting who unite around this person, charging and becoming infected with his energy to be happy here and now.