Heartfelt wishes for a good autumn morning in pictures! The most beautiful good morning pictures.

It has long been known that how you start your day, with what emotions you charge yourself with in the morning, is how it will pass. Therefore, it is very important to create a great mood from the very morning so that the day is successful, productive, and joyful!

If you want to pamper your friends, family and loved ones, and at the same time give them a charge of positive emotions in the morning, there is no better way to do this, especially from a distance, than to send a beautiful good morning picture! Such an electronic gift, without a doubt, will not only lift your spirits, but also fill you with confidence that someone loves this person, pleases you with attention, thinks about him, which is very important in order to feel happy.

On our website you can find a wide variety of good morning wishes, which can give a charge of vivacity and good emotions with just their appearance from the very morning. A morning that starts with a good mood is the key to a successful day!

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This world is full of wonderful, kind artists. Almost wizards who create naive fairy tales and mystical worlds. There are so many of them that even we did not expect. Imagine, these people who know how to create beauty live among us and walk down the street. They buy bread. They are traveling on a tram. They squint in the sun.

In preparing this article, the most difficult thing for website there were a few names to choose from. We asked the artists a question about happiness, creativity and dreams. And you can admire the answers like paintings, drawing wisdom and sunshine from them.

Supplier of happiness No. 1 - Evgenia Gapchinskaya

Evgenia Gapchinskaya has a classical art education. But at some point she realized that she “didn’t have a director in painting,” completely trusted herself and began to paint what she wanted. Now she is one of the most sought-after artists. Evgenia creates soft, kind works. Her worlds are inhabited by incredibly cute little dolls.

Evgenia Gapchinskaya about happiness:

« I am completely happy always. I don’t have any kind of frenzy or feeling that if only I could do this, I’ll achieve all my dreams. I am happy that I have eyes, I melt from the sight of the sky, the smell of the earth, even from earthworms. I'm happy a little differently. I perceive this world a little differently. Either like children, or vice versa, as if I’ve already lived a long life, I’m already old, I understand the value of something else, more. » .


Children's dreams of Natalia Derevyanko

Natalya Derevyanko is the creator of children's dreams that bring kindness and peace of mind. One day, her little fairy-tale characters, who lived in different paintings, came together in a book for children. Now Natalya also writes fairy tales.

Natalia Derevyanko about creativity and dreams:

« I have been drawing since childhood. I often joke: “I just don’t know how to do anything else))).” In fact, I illustrate children's books, teach and draw fairy tales for adults under the motto “A piece of joy for your home.” I'm lucky, my creativity is my work, my pleasure, my freedom » .

Warm tales by Viktor Nizovtsev

Artist Viktor Nizovtsev writes his works using the technique of oil painting. Creates warm, beautiful fairy tales. About childhood, about grandparents who are a little bit wizards, about mermaids and dreams. The world of his paintings is a world through the eyes of a child, full of secrets and wonders.

Victor Nizovtsev:

“I hope that my paintings will give people a taste of their childhood and inspire them to tell their own stories - stories that may not be like mine. My paintings do not have strict rules - reality can be bent, and real characters can interact with imaginary ones. This is truly a world where everything is possible and everything is intriguing.”


Good world of Tatyana Berekhtina

Tatyana Berekhtina is an illustrator of children's books, creates graphic works and examples of arts and crafts. The artist found herself in a childish cartoon style. Often, from her works, cute, pretty angels and fairies look mischievously at the viewer. Tatyana is an art school teacher, and for more than 10 years she has been passing on the kindness of creativity to her students.

Tatyana Berekhtina about creativity and dreams:

« What do creativity and drawing mean to me? A way to live in harmony with yourself. It's like breathing deeply. This is the whole spectrum of emotions - from joy to sadness. And now, when you hold a book with your own illustrations in your hands, you feel such excitement as on a first date. Very pleasant feeling. And if someone is warmed by my drawings, that’s also happiness. » .

The mischievous joy of Lisa Sukhno

Lisa Sukhno is a children's illustrator. Draws lively and funny pictures for children's magazines and books. Kind and bright, with the smell of childhood. She likes to fill them with details and bright emotions. Mischievous babies and cheerful animals inhabit her fairy-tale worlds.

Lisa Sukhno about creativity and dreams:

« Creativity is always a way to create your own worlds, so first of all it is a feeling of magic. It is important to me that my worlds are filled with living and emotional characters, so that all sorts of them can be almost physically heard mutterings and laughter, so that blades of grass rustled and smelled, cups of cocoa clinked, ants, and also of course - caramels and berries. That's why I pay special attention details. When you devote yourself wholeheartedly to your work, creativity is also happiness and a way to brighten the mood of others».

Sunny childhood of Ekaterina Babok

Ekaterina Babok is an artist who glorifies childhood and the sun. Her bright drawings decorate postcards and souvenirs, and she illustrates books. Katya wants to speak to the viewer in a language that will be understandable regardless of age - the language of kindness.

Katya Babok about creativity and dreams:

" Drawing is the language I find easiest to speak. Talk about that. what I think, how I see the world and... how I would like to see it. It is a language understandable to everyone, regardless of age or country.

Nikolai Tyulin's feeling of freedom

Nikolay Tyulin - illustrator. Creates parallel worlds and adventure stories. Nikolay develops characters for the gaming industry and dreams of creating big, fabulous cartoons. In many of his works, the wind is almost physically tangible.

Nikolay Tyulin:

“Sometimes the image of a character or the plot of a picture pops up involuntarily. Perhaps under the accumulated impressions of watching cartoons or something like that. I watched a Miyazaki cartoon, and then, after some time, I watched a Pixar cartoon. And after some time, after mixing these impressions for a long time, something of your own is born. The idea appeared - then you just work with it, develop it.”


Bright sadness by Galya Zinko

Galya Zinko is a fairy tale illustrator. Her works are more likely for adult children. They are filled with deep love and light sadness. They evoke excitement and awe. Galya works using the linocut technique, and then completes very small details on the computer.

If it’s raining outside, the weather is gloomy, and the sun is in no hurry to come out from behind the clouds, send our cool and funny pictures with captions to your friend or girlfriend on this rainy, cloudy day. We are sure that they will be able to warm any heart even from a distance.

And the sweet dreamer, thoughtful, a little sad, autumn will cry with a little rain, but will soon smile along with the sun appearing from behind a cloud. A fresh morning washed by rain will shine with golden hues. The sun's rays will weave an elegant shining crown, and nature will place it on the head of the beautiful queen.

Every morning will be worthy of a queen with luxurious cards and wishes from our collection. After all, happiness, like a mosaic, consists of many individual moments. By choosing a worthy card with the most tender wishes for your beloved girl, you yourself become happier.

Autumn has the image of a poetess who rhymes lines easily and beautifully. Written poems run along the golden branches, yellow foliage, over the admiring faces of all the lovers. How great it is on such a morning for a guy to receive a lovely card with wishes of all the brightest and most joyful things from a friend or friend!

Autumn, especially late autumn, can be too sad and sentimental. Cries in cold rains, reflected in dark, frozen puddles of coffee or cognac color. The beloved is not around, but her thoughts and feelings are conveyed in a touching greeting picture.

You can choose absolutely any card: passionate and tender, serious and funny, luxurious and modest, funny and stylish. There are few words in these beautiful autumn pictures with Good Morning, but they come from the depths of the heart and with all my soul. Therefore, they are easy to remember. Kind words are enough to send postcards from Monday to Friday and on Saturday and Sunday too.

A cute artist paints autumn pictures with good morning with golden oil paints. Her masterpieces can be downloaded for free. Here's one of them. It's called "Friday Morning". A gentle kiss before a short parting and warm good morning wishes for the woman who is dearest to everyone.

Autumn is talented. Her works, classic and creative, voluminous and laconic, strict and humorous, are ideal for both men and women. The artist masterfully wields a brush. Orange and yellow leaves give way to images of cute kittens and funny puppies.

The mood of everyday paintings differs from Sunday paintings. Good autumn morning pictures are permeated with sun rays. How nice and positive it feels to be thought and remembered about you! They choose the most beautiful, most unusual picture or photo for you. A tart, spicy floral aroma permeated postcards with images of a cozy tea party. Lovers drink fragrant tea, covered with a checkered blanket. They are smiling.

Great happiness consists of tiny unique moments...