Artykova Tatyana drawing lessons. Master class on painting by Tatyana Artykova

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And YOU can do this!!!
With video course
"Training in Crimea with Tatyana Artykova"

The course is based on real events

(October plein air 2012 in Crimea)

All heroes are real!

A video recording from the training will not only allow you to find out
how and with what to draw, but also CREATE YOUR OWN PORTRAITS
and do it at a pace convenient for you, with maximum pleasure!

Benefits of the course:

Three portrait "techniques" in one course,

opportunity to learn to draw:

  • dry brush;
  • pastel;


Opportunity to observe and draw with training participants;

The effect of your personal presence is preserved!

The author's technique allows even absolute beginners to create a beautiful portrait from the very first steps;

A detailed explanation of each step (which is repeated several times, but already at the students’ work) makes it possible to do everything correctly even for those who find everything “hard” or who have a slower pace;

It gives you the opportunity to select materials as economically and efficiently as possible so that you can draw easily and with passion;

Little tricks are revealed that allow you to achieve faster and better results.

What's included in this training?

Two days of practical dry brush training

Two days are allocated for the pastel technique:

Discussed in detail:

We devote two days to oil painting techniques.

Discussed in detail:

What's the end result?

You get the opportunity to create your portraits in the technique that turned out to be the most interesting and inspiring for you;

You learned the advantages and capabilities of each technique. Now you have the opportunity to choose!

Each image has its own specific technique. This allows you to reveal the image in the most complete and interesting way!

The opportunity to express yourself through visual creativity is in your hands;

You can always give a gift to your loved ones and your gift will be unforgettable and the most original!

You don’t have to go anywhere, just turn on your computer and start creating;

Now it is in your power to preserve the energy of love and warmth of your loved ones for many years.

Listen to feedback from the students themselves:

"Training in Crimea with Tatyana Artykova"

And that is not all!

For those who want even more,
Who feels the need to know and be able to do even more,
We've added MORE...

Additional disk for the Standard kit

How often do you hear that you can’t draw eyes (or a nose, an ear, etc.): “Everything seems to be fine, but the eyes are not alive!”
Yes, every detail of a person’s face can tell a lot! And each one needs to be given special attention. Because the task is not only to show the shape, to convey the volume, but most importantly - to convey the expression of the gaze, the mood of the lips, even the “condition” of the nose. And here, of course, the knowledge of both the artist and the psychologist comes to the rescue.

It's not an easy task.
On the one hand - Creating a form:

On the other hand - Psychologism:

It is necessary to “breathe” life!
Fill every detail with mood, feelings, emotions.
There is a lot of educational material on Form Creation.
But how to convey a person’s character, his mood - there are practically no manuals on this. Of course, this is a very deep question and requires a lot of time and deep study.

In the additional disc of the Silver set “Detailed drawing. Dry Brush" You will learn about each of the sides, which are closely intertwined, and the main secrets are presented in an accessible form:

So, what's included in the extra disc? Silver:

How to draw basic facial details:

By studying this disc, you will learn:

Disk Silver is a natural continuation of the main Standard course.

It serves as a good help in a deeper study of the art of portraiture.
Useful for those who are determined to continue to discover new facets of their talent!

Learn the secrets of finer detailing

And that is not all!
For the most "Advanced"

So, what's included in the Gold disc:

The disc includes lessons on drawing facial details in color:

“Dry brush. Color version"

You will learn:

As well as a large full-fledged Master Class

“Dry brush for sepia”!

Over an hour of training video
This material is published for the first time!

At first glance it may seem that this is the same technique "dry brush",
which was discussed above. But ….!
Working in a brown tone requires special skill. It is important not only to choose the right paint, but also to know how to work with it. There are some nuances here, which, in principle, are not complicated, but without knowing them, it is unlikely that it will work out.
In fine arts, sepia is a brown-colored artistic material with a structure reminiscent of pastel chalk...
But on this disc you will see how to work oil paint on paper in brown tones. You will feel what new possibilities (not known to everyone) this technique conceals.
The beauty of this technique is its tonality. Thanks to which one gets the impression of warmth and sunshine.
Sepia very suitable for creating a “light” image. This applies not only to people with light hair tone, but also to their state of mind.

We draw a portrait of a girl in golden ocher tones

We'll look at:

You will discover new possibilities for revealing your artistic image!

The participants of the plein air are ordinary people, of the same professions as you:

doctors, accountants, pharmacists, teachers; pensioners and housewives;

And many were introduced to portrait drawing for the FIRST TIME!!!

And they were able to draw their favorite people THEMSELVES!


Choose your set!

And let it serve as your guide to

The World of Portrait Creation!

She believes that almost every person has hidden artistic talent, you just need to help him open up. Having more than 20 years of experience in portrait work, she often heard the audience’s assessment: “You draw more beautiful than you really are.”

Analyzing this, Tatyana Artykova realized that it is impossible to introduce art only through books, museums, etc. Being just a passive observer goes a long way towards discovering artistic vision within yourself. This is rather a way of turning yourself into a walking encyclopedia, a set of someone’s opinions, but nothing more. By creating, a person is more likely to become familiar with art. It is through the practice of one’s own creativity! Having mastered drawing skills, under the guidance of an experienced mentor, an understanding of beauty will come and artistic vision will open!

The idea of ​​creating training courses came to Tatyana quite recently. On the one hand, she saw how the eyes of those watching the artist’s creative process lit up. They are filled with energy and it overflows from how much they want to create something too. But as in any business, drawing requires a special approach and it is not always possible to take it “offhand”.

On the other hand, I have often heard from artists, when they are asked about the possibility of learning to draw, that this is a special state of mind, and one must be born an artist. But Tatyana Artykova is deeply convinced that the privilege of “the ability to draw” can be enjoyed not only by artists, but also by any creative person, no matter what field of activity he is in.

Tatyana Artykova - video courses and trainings:

Free video lessons:

Tatyana Artykova believes that the ability to see, feel and convey is a wonderful human ability. She believes that any person who has a creative streak should definitely learn to draw in order to discover a completely different world and be able to express themselves.

But learning to draw portraits and landscapes on your own is impossible, and even if you have great talent, it can take years of hard work. That is why, in order for people to have the opportunity to reveal their talents, Tatyana Artykova began to produce educational materials, which contain not only well-known manuals, but also the artist’s own methods.

Tatyana Artykova - video materials for learning to draw:

  • “The magic of pastel is in your hands. Learning from the greats,” the author assures that drawing with pastels is the easiest way to draw portraits. It is this technique that allows you to convey portraits that cannot be depicted in other ways. In addition, drawing with pastels can significantly reduce the time it takes to create a drawing.
  • “How to draw a portrait in a dry brush” course materials will allow you to understand why it is best to start painting using the “dry brush” technique and how to apply a picture using this technology.
  • “How to draw a portrait in pastels”, here there is all the information about working with pastels when creating portraits, starting from the choice of material, right down to drawing individual details.
  • “How to draw a portrait in oil” - oil painting is perhaps the most difficult, but at the same time the most interesting method, which has many features. In her course, Tatyana clearly explains all her secrets.
  • “Detailed drawing of a “dry brush” in black and white” Tatyana herself is fluent in this skill, and on the pages of her course she gives detailed knowledge on how best to perform this or that stroke.

Portrait art

Portrait to order

When you draw “for yourself” it’s one thing. Another thing is when you are asked to “draw to order”! Increasing responsibility, and with it fear- “suddenly nothing will work out”! To gain confidence, and with it a guarantee of success, you need a mentor who will show and tell you everything step by step!

Tatyana Artykova- portrait artist with more than 25 years of experience, has created over 1000 paintings and graphic works. Works are kept in private collections around the world. Tatyana draws both from life and from photographs, using the following technique:

  • dry brush;
  • pastel;
  • oil painting

Now you have a great chance to believe in yourself and learn new things under the guidance of a professional!

To create custom Portraits, the best way is to directly learn from the artist. But, if it is not possible to receive lessons live, the best option is a video recording! Such a recording could be for you a lesson recorded from a two-day On-line Master Class. We present to your attention the first part of the seminar “Creating a Portrait from a photograph using the dry brush technique, in black and white. Minimum materials, time, energy costs. And as a result - maximum expressiveness and effectiveness of the drawing!

Two detailed videos from a two-day master class and PRESENT: video lesson "Portrait in Sepia"!

Tatyana Artykova

Artist by education, profession and state of mind. She loves her work and especially loves painting portraits. Particular attention is paid to discovering the artistic talent of others and developing their drawing abilities. If you want to learn how to draw beautifully and correctly, you are in the right place!

Work examples

Colors of Summer. Online seminar

Do you want to study with an artist, but do not have the opportunity to visit a studio? XXI century - technology works for you and me! You don't have to go anywhere - study at home! Tatiana invites you to exciting online seminar which will take place from 7 to 9 August.

The event will include the following program

Day I

About materials and advantages of the pastel technique;
how to “build a picture” as quickly as possible;
how to work in “spots” and not lose the drawing;
how to get the required color, shade, if the “palette” of the set is small?

Day II

Checking and analyzing student work;
identifying common errors;
Continued work; drawing details;
working with the background, etc.
relationships between tones and colors;


Completing the picture;
focal solution;
conveying your own vision of the summer image;
how to “make” colors sound brighter;
how to get and keep a job for many years;
questions - answers

How will it go

2) You will have the opportunity to ask questions live and get answers, chat with other participants

3) You will have access to a closed group where you can show your work to the teacher and receive comments on it

4) If suddenly you can follow the event live, you will have the opportunity to download the recording or watch it in a closed group!

So, 3 live master classes, manual on the sequence of work, joint work with the teacher over mistakes and BONUS! Lesson "Drawing a landscape with pastels"!

All this is available to you at an unprecedentedly low price!

And one more pleasant moment

Among the participants of the event, Tatyana will act out a wonderful picture “Red Summer”!

It will be sent to the winner by mail

Order your participation, create and learn new things, and also receive wonderful gifts!

Get more, pay less!

Do you want to get the most and save money at the same time? A great opportunity!

Learn the art of portraiture from an established artist - take part in all presented master classes with an unprecedented discount!

Creativity should have no barriers!

Live master class!

Do you like to get the most out of life, communicate with like-minded people live and attend classes with talented artists in person? It's great! And Tatyana is ready to offer you a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in an unforgettable creative atmosphere for several days.

Live master class in a village near Moscow!

This event will take place from August 14 to 16, and the three-day master class program includes:

Day 1:

  • Black and white dry brush portrait
  • Color portrait with dry brush

Day 2:

  • Portrait canvas/oil, stage 1
  • Portrait canvas/oil, stage 2

Day 3:

  • Portrait, pastel
  • Test on the topic "Portrait"

As a result of studying three techniques for painting a portrait, you will be able to paint such pictures yourself in the future, and also gain the necessary skills and unique knowledge first-hand!

You may ask why these three techniques. It's simple: dry brush allows you to paint a portrait quickly, working out details and conveying volume. The author's techniques will make the portrait effective, convey the character, and achieve the artistry of the image.

Technique " pastel" will allow beginners to quickly reveal their creative potential! This will be facilitated by the richness of the palette, the ability to quickly select shades, wide possibilities for using different techniques, working with large planes, small and large strokes.

Working with a portrait oil consists of two stages: creating the underpainting and working out the details. You can do all this under the guidance of an experienced artist!

Don't miss this unique opportunity to immerse yourself in an atmosphere of creativity, learn new things and hone your portraiture skills!

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